Your bullets build up a Bleed on enemies, causing them to lose a percentage of their Max Health over time. Also applies Healing Reduction on the bleeding target.
X% Buildup Per Shot (Conditional based on which Hero is applying the bleed)
Toxic Bullets is a Tier 3 Weapon item that causes bullets fired to build up a bleed on enemies, and applies healing reduction to the target. It also increases max health.
Bleed does not afflict any structures, such as Guardians and Walkers.
The buildup per shot is also affected by weapon falloff, requiring more shots for the bleed to occur at further distances. Once applied, the bleed damage itself is unaffected by distance.
Headshots do not affect the buildup per shot.
Light and Heavy Melee attacks count as 1 shot each.
The extra bullet from Lucky Shot applies the full buildup % and ignores range falloff.
Buildup Per Shot
The item has a different buildup per shot depending on which hero purchased the item. The bleed only triggers on an enemy once the buildup reaches 100%, and the buildup decays back to 0 over time if the enemy has not been shot recently. Subsequent shots on a bleeding enemy (bullets or melee) refreshes the duration of the bleed.