Base Health
+40% Melee Damage
+125 Bonus Health
+8% Bullet Resist
Passive |
Your Melee Attack applies Movement Slow and heals you for 55% of the Melee Damage dealt plus 110. This heal is 40% effective vs non-heroes.
60% Movement Slow
2.5s Slow Duration
Lifestrike is a Tier 3 Vitality Item that makes your melee attacks heal a significant amount of health on hit, as well as slowing the enemy. Lifestrike also grants increased melee damage, bonus health, and a slight bullet resist.
Melee Lifesteal is a component of this item.
It can be purchased from the Shop for 3,500.
September 26, 2024
- Cooldown reduced from 5.25s to 5s
- Fixed proccing heal more than once when hitting multiple targets
August 29, 2024
- Effectiveness against non-heroes Increased: 35% > 40%