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Initial Stats
"Incendiary Remarks"


Bullet Damage




Bullets per sec


Light Melee


Heavy Melee


Falloff Range

22m → 58m



Health Regen


Bullet Resist


Spirit Resist


Move Speed

6.5 m/s

Sprint Speed

0 m/s



Power Increases
+0.36 Base Bullet Damage
+3.4 Base Melee Damage
+33 Base Health

Lights up enemies and watches them burn
Infernus has many ways to deal damage over time, burning foes before swooping in for the kill. Due to Infernus’s blazing speed, his enemies won’t be able to escape the flames.

Infernus is an Ixian with a powerful control of flame that he uses to enhance his speed and ignite his enemies. Combining his Flame Dash with the ability to spew a napalm Catalyst, Infernus can chase down and ignite his foes with a deadly Afterburn. Any targets left standing will be subject to his explosive Concussive Combustion, knocking them out and leaving them vulnerable to further immolation.

As a creature from Ixia, Infernus had a troubled and intense youth while he was raised in the United States. Despite a rash of deadly crime as a teenager, he found himself tending a bar in his adulthood and learning to calm his intense emotions. With quality music and interesting people to talk to, Infernus rarely has a need these days to call up his dangerous supernatural abilities.

Abilities[edit | edit source]


Spew napalm that slows enemy movement and amplifies the damage Infernus does to them

Damage Amplification: 30%
Damage: 50 (Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx0.3)
Movement Slow: 40%
Debuff Duration: 8s
Slow Duration: 4s
Ability Point 1+1 Charge
Ability Point 2 • Infernus gains 20% Lifesteal against victims
Ability Point 5+10% Damage Amplification and -40% Heal/Regen

Flame Dash

Move forward at high speed and leave a flame trail that burns enemies. Hold [Fire] to dash faster.

Max Dash Speed: 20m/s
DPS: 40 (Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx0.7)
Dash Time: 3s
Dash Speed: 12m/s
Trail Duration: 4s
Slow resistance: 50%
Ability Point 1+30% Fire Rate Slow for 7s
Ability Point 2+45 DPS
Ability Point 5-19s Cooldown


Your bullets build up to apply a burning effect on enemies. Infernus' bullets and abilities will refresh the duration

DPS: 15 (Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx0.5)
Burn Duration: 3s
Buildup per bullet: 10%
Headshot Buildup: 16%
Buildup Decay Time: 15s
Ability Point 1 • Victims deal -30% Spirit Damage
Ability Point 2+1s Burn Duration
Ability Point 5+30 DPS

Concussive Combustion

Turns you into a living bomb that explodes after a short delay, stunning all enemies in its radius

Stun Duration: 1.25s
DPS: 160 (Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx1)
Explosion Delay: 3s
Ability Point 1-38s Cooldown
Ability Point 2+0.5s Stun Duration and +4m Radius
Ability Point 5+115 Damage and 100% lifesteal from enemy heroes hit

Background[edit | edit source]


Like most teenagers; Infernus was wild, rebellious, and impetuous. Unlike most teenagers, Infernus was a creature from another plane and had a supernatural mastery over fire. Needless to say: his youth was filled with no small amount of arson, murder, and evidence disposal. But that was then. Now an adult, Infernus has mellowed out considerably. He’s happy working at a bar with good live music, and talking to interesting people. That being said when someone at the bar gets belligerent or violent, he’s not afraid to dust off the skills he once honed.

Update history[edit | edit source]

Patch Changes
Update: September 12, 2024 - Base health Reduced: 625 → 600.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Flame Dash Slow resistance Increased: 30% → 50%.

Update: September 1, 2024 - File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Flame Dash Now has 30% Slow resistance.
Update: August 29, 2024 - Reduced File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Flame Dash Vertical reach.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Flame Dash Speed is now affected by slows.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Flame Dash Trail width now Increases with ability range.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Flame Dash T1 Duration Reduced: 7s → 6s.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Catalyst Damage amp Reduced: 30% → 25%.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Catalyst T3 Damage amp Increased: +10% → +15%.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Catalyst T2 Lifesteal Reduced: +20% → +15%.

Update: August 15, 2024 - Updated Infernus tracer, muzzle, and impact FX revisions for better performance.
Update: August 01, 2024 - Fixed various bugs with Infernus that caused significant lag.

- Fixed Infernus being unable to slide out of File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Flame Dash.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Afterburn T1 and T2 Swapped.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Afterburn Base DPS Reduced: 18 → 15.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Afterburn T3 DPS Reduced: 33 → 30.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Afterburn Spirit scaling Increased: (Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx0.4)(Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx0.5).

Update: July 18, 2024 - Fixed a bug where Infernus could get stuck in his File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Flame Dash Pose.

- Fixed a speed exploit with Infernus File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Flame Dash.

Update: July 04, 2024 - Added a sound for when Infernus's File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Afterburn Procs.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Flame Dash Linger duration Increased: 0.4s → 1s.

Update: June 27, 2024 - File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Afterburn Base DPS Reduced: 20 → 18.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Afterburn T3 DPS Reduced: 35 → 33.

Update: June 20, 2024 - Fixed File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Flame Dash Duration not being effected by duration extender.
Update: June 06, 2024 - File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Afterburn Now shows portraits of enemies that are burning for the full duration.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Flame Dash Cooldown Increased: 30s → 38s.

Update: May 30, 2024 - File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Afterburn T3 Reduced: 40 → 35.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Flame Dash T1 Duration Reduced: 8s → 7s.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Flame Dash T1 Fire rate slow Increased: 30% → 35%.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Flame Dash T2 DPS Increased: 40 → 45.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Flame Dash T3 Cooldown reduction Increased: -15s → -20s.

Update: May 16, 2024 - File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Afterburn T2 Now reduces enemy spirit damage by 30%.
Update: May 10, 2024 - Fixed File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Afterburn Refreshing from item damage.
Update: May 03, 2024 - File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Catalyst No longer self slows while casting.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Concussive Combustion Damage Increased: 130 → 160.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • During Deadlock's Pre-Alpha (Neon Prime), Infernus was named Inferno.
Infernus's appearance in the "Lady Geist" Novel. Working as a bartender under his co-worker/boss Hank.