Update: August 15, 2024: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 23:04, 19 September 2024

The 08-15-2024 Update is an update for Deadlock, released on the 15th of August 2024. Among a series of general, hero and item changes, it also marks the introduction of the hero .

Sections[edit | edit source]

Previous Update: 08-06-2024 Update | Next Update: 08-16-2024 Update

New Hero[edit | edit source]

Bleeds out enemies, then goes in for a kill
Shiv has zero interest in playing fair, which is why he relies on hit and run tactics to weaken enemies before he dives in for the kill.

General Changes[edit | edit source]

Gameplay Changes[edit | edit source]

  • Games can now be watched by an unlimited number of spectators.
  • Spectator games now have a 1 minute delay.
  • Improved smoothing of spectator camera position and angles.
  • Pause cooldown per player increased from 10 minutes to 15 minutes.
  • You can now use the melee hotkey while zoomed to exit zoom and perform a melee attack.

Localization[edit | edit source]

  • Added localization for Simplified Chinese, Russian, Brazilian Portugese, Spanish (Spain), Spanish (Latin America), Turkish, Ukrainian, Czech and French. These are currently a work in progress.
  • Language can be selected from the settings menu.

Matchmaking[edit | edit source]

  • Matchmaking windows are now open 1 hour earlier in all regions.
  • You can now prioritize your roster into three groups to indicate your preference ordering to the matchmaker: Selected, Priority and High Priority.

Builds[edit | edit source]

  • You can now author a suggested ordering of ability upgrades.
  • You can now add per-item author comments by right clicking on items while editing builds that will show up in the item tooltip for users of the build.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed published build data to overwrite local changes to a published build.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the last used hero build from loading when it was not a favored build.
  • Hovering items in the shop will now highlight their components, or which item they are components of.

Shop Changes[edit | edit source]

  • Reworked the Hero Stats UI in the Shop.
  • Hero Stats in the shop have been expanded and are now broken up by Weapon, Vitality and Spirit. Various additional stats that were previously hidden have been added here.
  • Individual stats can now be hovered over to see a breakdown of all the bonuses contributing to a value, including things like golden statues.
  • Added descriptive gun information to each hero.
  • Added Spirit Power Impact panel that displays the effect of spirit power on your abilities and items.
  • Using an active item or ability now removes the undo option for the item/ability.

Settings[edit | edit source]

  • Added Outgoing Damage as a UI display mode that you can toggle through.
  • Added a setting to let you customize the ability cancel hotkey (Default is spacebar)
  • Added a "Friends Only" checkbox to filter the watch tab.
  • Added an option to control zoom sensitivity.
  • Added customization options for your crosshair.
  • Added a video setting to reduce some flashing effects.

Visual Changes[edit | edit source]

  • Improved visual clarity of Grey Talon's Immobilizing Trap armed state.
  • Replaced the Soul Urn drop parachute with new effects.
  • Improved Abrams' Siphon Life and Seismic Impacteffects to not obstruct player view as much.
  • Various visual adjustments on highlight and strobe effects being too loud in some cases.
  • Updated bullet whizby sounds for nearly all characters.
  • Updated Haze 's Sleep Dagger cast, projectile loop and whizby.
  • Updated Haze's Smoke Bomb sound.
    • Additionally removed Smoke Bomb voice line for everyone except the casting player and spectators.
  • Fixed some spectator/replay sound and music bugs.
  • Various sound related performance improvements.
  • More impactful damage indication sound for attackers.
  • Remastered Abrams , Pocket and Dynamo weapon fire sounds.
  • Improved lighting performance around the shop.
  • Improved Wraith's tracers to feel more connected with their bullet.
  • Improved visibility of AOE around Bebop while casting Hyper Beam.
  • Improved effects around Lady Geist's Soul Exchange to help with clarity.
  • Updated Infernus' tracer, muzzle and impact fx revisions for better performance.
  • Added a sound for movement being restricted by Slowing Hex.png: Deadlock image of Slowing Hex Slowing Hex and Stake.
  • Revised sounds for Pocket's Flying Cloak duration and warp.
  • Added Refresher.png: Deadlock image of Refresher Refresher cast sound.
  • Unpause hotkey is now displayed when the game is paused.
  • Added new Silence status effect sound.

Miscellaneous Fixes[edit | edit source]

  • Fixed some abuse cases with undoing AP cooldown reductions.
  • Fixed Candle Troopers sometimes instantly disappearing on death rather than going into their flash state.
  • Fixed some cases where comeback souls would be higher than intended in the early game.
  • Fixed being unable to ping while dead.
  • Fixed Bebop's Sticky Bomb Sticky Bomb sometimes misfiring.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed teleporters to be used while carrying the Soul Urn.
  • Fixed targeting previews that draw a model (like McGinnis McGinnis' turrets) to update every frame, instead of being fixed at 60hz.
  • Fixed stuns resetting their duration if you were on the ground and became airborne.
  • Fixed some cases where Lash Lash's Ground Strike Ground Strike would cause your hero to be stuck.
  • Fixed Ricochet.png: Deadlock image of Ricochet Ricochet sometimes shooting the extra bullet from your gun rather than the target.
  • Fixed ESC not working to close settings popup sometimes.

Map Changes[edit | edit source]

Objective Changes[edit | edit source]

  • Base Guardian Health increased by 20%.
  • Walkers now require you to be within 30m to deal damage to them.
  • Walker Health increased by 15%.
  • Patron damage increased by 30% while vulnerable.
  • Weakened Patron Health increased by 15%.
  • Weakened Patron now has a Torment Pulse.png: Deadlock image of Torment Pulse Torment Pulse style effect, hitting up to 2 enemies in the pit for 75 damage per second.

Interactable Changes[edit | edit source]

  • Teleporter activation no longer gets canceled on incoming damage.
  • Teleporter channel time increased: 4s → 5s.
  • Added Bounce Pads in various areas of the map that launch you in a defined direction.
  • Added one-way defender exits beside each outer lane entrance.
  • Added Speed Boost Volumes in the defender passages on the outsides of the base.

Map Layout Changes[edit | edit source]

  • Firehouse (building next to Sapphire Yellow Guardian) has been reworked to match the layout of the Chapel.
  • Low roof buildings beside Amber Purple Guardian and Sapphire Yellow Guardian are now valid play spaces.
    • Removed zap triggers.
    • Added truck on the back side of those buildings to allow climbing up.
    • Removed rooftop props for those buildings.
    • Added billboards to the edge closest to the lane.
  • Low roof buildings between inner lane Walker arenas are now valid play spaces.
    • Removed zap triggers
    • Expanded rooftop size
    • Added fire escape stairs to allow access from the upper level from the Mid.
  • Walker Arena: Amber Yellow/Sapphire Purple:
    • Added catwalks from high ground defender area to building across the street.
    • Added passage through building and stairs up to a peek spot towards the Guardian.
    • Replaced upper floor juke spot with a connection through building across from new peek spot.
  • Walker Arena: Amber Orange/Sapphire Blue:
    • Added catwalk from the low roof building to the building across the street.
    • Replaced juke spot in the courtyard with a passage connecting to the new catwalk.
    • Widened hallway above Underground Shop.
    • Removed railing and added stairs in the passage towards the Guardian.
    • Courtyard floor opening to the Underground Shop moved closer to above the shop.
    • Bounce Pad added to allow easier navigation from the Underground Shop to the upper courtyard. Replaces a juke spot.
  • Walker Arena: Amber Blue/Sapphire Orange:
    • Added an interior shaft with a Bounce Pad to an upper level balcony from defender side to face the Guardian.
    • Added a Bounce Pad on the ground floor of the Police Station/Garment Building to the upper floor.
    • Added a juke spot inside the Police Station/Garment Building.
    • Added a juke spot down the stairs from the Guardian to the left.
  • Walker Arena: Amber Purple/Sapphire Yellow:
    • Added an interior corridor through the building between base and the Walker.
    • Added a balcony that borders the arena on the back side of the Walker.

Weapon Changes[edit | edit source]

Weapon Items[edit | edit source]

New Items[edit | edit source]

High-Velocity Mag.png: Deadlock image of High-Velocity Mag High-Velocity Mag

Headshot Booster.png: Deadlock image of Headshot Booster Headshot Booster[edit | edit source]

  • No longer grants +40 Bonus Health.
  • Now grants a +40 Bullet Shield.

Monster Rounds.png: Deadlock image of Monster Rounds Monster Rounds[edit | edit source]

  • Health reduced: +65 > +50.
  • Now grants +30% Bullet Resistance against NPCs.

Restorative Shot.png: Deadlock image of Restorative Shot Restorative Shot[edit | edit source]

  • Weapon Damage increased: 6% > 8%.

Active Reload.png: Deadlock image of Active Reload Active Reload[edit | edit source]

  • Lifesteal reduced: 40% > 30%.
  • Fire Rate reduced: 24% > 20%.

Kinetic Dash.png: Deadlock image of Kinetic Dash Kinetic Dash[edit | edit source]

  • HP Regen increased: 1 > 1.5.

Long Range.png: Deadlock image of Long Range Long Range[edit | edit source]

  • Min Distance reduced: 18m > 15m.

Mystic Shot.png: Deadlock image of Mystic Shot Mystic Shot[edit | edit source]

  • Cooldown increased: 5s > 6s.

Slowing Bullets.png: Deadlock image of Slowing Bullets Slowing Bullets[edit | edit source]

  • Now grants +5 Spirit.

Soul Shredder Bullets.png: Deadlock image of Soul Shredder Bullets Soul Shredder Bullets[edit | edit source]

  • Now grants +6% Weapon Damage.
  • Debuff Duration increased: 5s > 6s.

Berserker.png: Deadlock image of Berserker Berserker[edit | edit source]

  • Fixed gaining stacks much faster than intended when taking damage from Troopers.

Warp Stone.png: Deadlock image of Warp Stone Warp Stone[edit | edit source]

  • Active Bullet Resist reduced: 60% > 40%.
  • No longer grants +2 Sprint.
  • No longer grants +8 Spirit.

Point Blank.png: Deadlock image of Point Blank Point Blank[edit | edit source]

  • No longer grants +300 Bullet Shield.
  • Now grants +15% Bullet Resist.

Escalating Resilience.png: Deadlock image of Escalating Resilience Escalating Resilience[edit | edit source]

  • Max Bullet Resist increased: 30% > 36%.

Heroic Aura.png: Deadlock image of Heroic Aura Heroic Aura[edit | edit source]

  • Lifesteal increased: 18% > 20%.

Alchemical Fire.png: Deadlock image of Alchemical Fire Alchemical Fire[edit | edit source]

  • Bullet Shield increased: 175 > 225.

Sharpshooter.png: Deadlock image of Sharpshooter Sharpshooter[edit | edit source]

  • Min. Distance reduced: 18m > 15m.

Titanic Magazine.png: Deadlock image of Titanic Magazine Titanic Magazine[edit | edit source]

  • Weapon Damage increased: 16% > 18%.
  • Bullet Resist increased: 8% > 10%.

Intensifying Magazine.png: Deadlock image of Intensifying Magazine Intensifying Magazine[edit | edit source]

  • Time to reach Max Damage reduced: 3.5s > 3s.

Ricochet.png: Deadlock image of Ricochet Ricochet[edit | edit source]

  • Fire Rate increased: 8% > 12%.
  • Health increased: +125 > +150.

Siphon Bullets.png: Deadlock image of Siphon Bullets Siphon Bullets[edit | edit source]

  • You permanently steal 1 stack (45HP) from the enemy if they die under the debuff. If an enemy you stole a stack from kills you, they regain 1 stack back.

Silencer.png: Deadlock image of Silencer Silencer[edit | edit source]

  • Reduced Active Duration: 6s > 4s.

Vitality Items[edit | edit source]

Melee Lifesteal.png: Deadlock image of Melee Lifesteal Melee Lifesteal[edit | edit source]

  • Heal effectiveness vs non-heroes increased: 25% > 35%.
  • Health increased: 70 > 75.

Extra Regen.png: Deadlock image of Extra Regen Extra Regen[edit | edit source]

  • Heath Regen increased: 2.7 > 2.8.

Healing Rite.png: Deadlock image of Healing Rite Healing Rite[edit | edit source]

  • Cooldown reduced: 75s > 65s.
  • Cast Range increased: 20m > 30m.

Healing Booster.png: Deadlock image of Healing Booster Healing Booster[edit | edit source]

  • Spirit Resist reduced: 7% > 6%.
  • Bullet Resist reduced: 7% > 6%.

Divine Barrier.png: Deadlock image of Divine Barrier Divine Barrier[edit | edit source]

  • Duration increased: 4s > 5s.
  • Cooldown reduced: 30s > 28s.

Restorative Locket.png: Deadlock image of Restorative Locket Restorative Locket[edit | edit source]

  • Max Stacks reduced: 20 > 15.
  • Heal per stack increased: 30 > 40.

Health Nova.png: Deadlock image of Health Nova Health Nova[edit | edit source]

  • Health increased: 75 > 100.

Combat Barrier.png: Deadlock image of Combat Barrier Combat Barrier[edit | edit source]

  • Weapon Damage while Shielded increased: 24% > 28%.

Enchanter's Barrier.png: Deadlock image of Enchanter's Barrier Enchanter's Barrier[edit | edit source]

  • Spirit Power while Shielded increased: +17 > +20.

Bullet Lifesteal.png: Deadlock image of Bullet Lifesteal Bullet Lifesteal[edit | edit source]

  • Lifesteal increased: 26% > 28%.

Superior Stamina.png: Deadlock image of Superior Stamina Superior Stamina[edit | edit source]

  • Air Jump/Dash Distance reduced: 50% > 40%.
  • Fire Rate reduced: 10% > 7%.

Debuff Remover.png: Deadlock image of Debuff Remover Debuff Remover[edit | edit source]

  • Debuff resistance reduced: 40% > 35%.

Lifestrike.png: Deadlock image of Lifestrike Lifestrike[edit | edit source]

  • Heal effectiveness vs non-heroes increased: 25% > 35%.
  • Heal Percentage from Melee Damage increased: 45% > 55%.

Majestic Leap.png: Deadlock image of Majestic Leap Majestic Leap[edit | edit source]

  • Health increased: 100 > 125.
  • Spirit Power increased: 8 > 10.

Metal Skin.png: Deadlock image of Metal Skin Metal Skin[edit | edit source]

  • Cooldown reduced: 30s > 25s.

Fortitude.png: Deadlock image of Fortitude Fortitude[edit | edit source]

  • Out of Combat regen timer reduced: 13s > 12s.

Rescue Beam.png: Deadlock image of Rescue Beam Rescue Beam[edit | edit source]

  • Cooldown reduced: 30s > 25s.

Soul Rebirth.png: Deadlock image of Soul Rebirth Soul Rebirth[edit | edit source]

  • Rebirth Health increased: 40% > 50%.
  • Cooldown reduced: 240s > 200s.

Inhibitor.png: Deadlock image of Inhibitor Inhibitor[edit | edit source]

  • Weapon Damage increased: 20% > 25%.

Colossus.png: Deadlock image of Colossus Colossus[edit | edit source]

  • Slow increased: 20% > 25%.
  • Slow now affects stamina distances.

Phantom Strike.png: Deadlock image of Phantom Strike Phantom Strike[edit | edit source]

  • Cast Range reduced: 35m > 30m.

Spirit Items[edit | edit source]

New Items[edit | edit source]

Magic Carpet.png: Deadlock image of Magic Carpet Magic Carpet

Infuser.png: Deadlock image of Infuser Infuser[edit | edit source]

  • No longer grants +7% Spirit Resist.
  • Now gives +50 Health.

Spirit Strike.png: Deadlock image of Spirit Strike Spirit Strike[edit | edit source]

  • Spirit Damage increased: 40 > 50.
  • Spirit Resist Debuff increased: -10% > -12%.

Mystic Reach.png: Deadlock image of Mystic Reach Mystic Reach[edit | edit source]

  • Now grants +5% Spirit Resist.

Ammo Scavenger.png: Deadlock image of Ammo Scavenger Ammo Scavenger[edit | edit source]

  • Spirit Power Duration increased: 24s > 35s.

Cold Front.png: Deadlock image of Cold Front Cold Front[edit | edit source]

  • Damage reduced: 100 > 75.
  • Damage Spirit Power Scaling increased: (Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx1.25) > (Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx1.5).

Decay.png: Deadlock image of Decay Decay[edit | edit source]

  • Healing Reduction reduced: -70% > -50%.
  • Bleed increased: 2.8% > 3.1%.
  • Cooldown increased: 25s > 30s.

Slowing Hex.png: Deadlock image of Slowing Hex Slowing Hex[edit | edit source]

  • Debuff no longer cancels active mobility spells, only preventing them from being cast.
  • Damage reduced: 100 > 70.
  • Cast Range reduced: 35m > 25m.
  • Now also reduces stamina distance by 30%.
  • Projectile Speed increased: 1200 > 1350.

Withering Whip.png: Deadlock image of Withering Whip Withering Whip[edit | edit source]

  • Now applies -40% Fire Rate instead of Disarm.
  • Duration increased: 3s > 4.5s.
  • Cast Range increased: 18m > 24m.

Quicksilver Reload.png: Deadlock image of Quicksilver Reload Quicksilver Reload[edit | edit source]

  • Infused Ability Bonus Damage increased: 30 > 50.

Improved Cooldown.png: Deadlock image of Improved Cooldown Improved Cooldown[edit | edit source]

  • Cooldown Reduction increased: 14% > 15%.

Ethereal Shift.png: Deadlock image of Ethereal Shift Ethereal Shift[edit | edit source]

  • No longer provides +10% Fire Rate.
  • Cooldown increased: 25s > 30s.

Improved Burst.png: Deadlock image of Improved Burst Improved Burst[edit | edit source]

  • Weapon Damage reduced: 12% > 8%.

Surge of Power.png: Deadlock image of Surge of Power Surge of Power[edit | edit source]

  • Movement Speed Duration increased: 5s > 6s.
  • Imbued Spirit increased: 26 > 28.
  • Now grants +75 Health.

Improved Reach.png: Deadlock image of Improved Reach Improved Reach[edit | edit source]

  • Now grants +10% Spirit Resist.

Superior Duration.png: Deadlock image of Superior Duration Superior Duration[edit | edit source]

  • Now provides +15% Weapon Damage.

Mystic Slow.png: Deadlock image of Mystic Slow Mystic Slow[edit | edit source]

  • Fire Rate Reduction increased: -30% > -40%.

Silence Glyph.png: Deadlock image of Silence Glyph Silence Glyph[edit | edit source]

  • No longer reduces Spirit Resist.
  • Now deals +150 damage on impact.

Superior Cooldown.png: Deadlock image of Superior Cooldown Superior Cooldown[edit | edit source]

  • Non-imbued ability Cooldown Reduction increased: 22% > 24%.

Escalating Exposure.png: Deadlock image of Escalating Exposure Escalating Exposure[edit | edit source]

  • Max Interval reduced: 1s > 0.7s.

Diviner's Kevlar.png: Deadlock image of Diviner's Kevlar Diviner's Kevlar[edit | edit source]

  • Cooldown increased: 30s > 60s.

Refresher.png: Deadlock image of Refresher Refresher[edit | edit source]

  • Spirit Resist increased: 14% > 16%.

Curse.png: Deadlock image of Curse Curse[edit | edit source]

  • Cooldown increased: 40s > 50s.

Hero Changes[edit | edit source]

Abrams[edit | edit source]

Shoulder Charge[edit | edit source]

  • Fixed Shoulder Charge not always placing enemies in front of you.

Seismic Impact[edit | edit source]

  • Damage reduced: 175 > 150.
  • Fixed Seismic Impact often not dragging enemies in the air along with you when you are slamming down.

Bebop[edit | edit source]

General[edit | edit source]

  • Gun Range reduced: 50m > 30m + 2.5m/boon (Max of 58m).
  • Movement Speed while Shooting increased: 55% > 70%.
  • Base Health Regen increased: 2.5 > 3.
  • Base Bullet Resist increased: 0% > 10%.
  • Bullet Resist per Boon reduced: 2.5% > 1.6%. (Same amount overall at max)

Exploding Uppercut[edit | edit source]

  • Radius increased: 10m > 14m.
  • T1 Increased: -10s Cooldown > -11s Cooldown.
  • Exploding Uppercut now has a slight angle limitation to prevent straight-up direction.

Sticky Bomb[edit | edit source]

  • Radius increased: 10m > 12m.
  • Can now be self-cast by using alt cast.

Hook[edit | edit source]

  • Range reduced: 40m > 35m.
  • T2 Increased: +25m > +30m.
  • Fixed hooking through veils sometimes not working.

Hyper Beam[edit | edit source]

  • Spirit Scaling increased: (Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx2.4) > (Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx3.0).
  • Turn Rate improved by 10%.
  • Nearby Radius increased: 4.5m > 5m.
  • Nearby damage now deals 25% less than the full amount.
  • T2 Reduced from +140 > +100.

Dynamo[edit | edit source]

Kinetic Pulse[edit | edit source]

  • Width increased: 4.5m > 5m.
  • T3 Damage increased: +115 > +125.
  • Fixed Kinetic Pulse sometimes getting caught on stairs.

Rejuvenating Aurora[edit | edit source]

  • Can now be canceled by using stamina instead of needing to manually exit first (pre-T3).

Singularity[edit | edit source]

  • Now has a 0.1s Cast Point.

Grey Talon[edit | edit source]

Charged Shot[edit | edit source]

  • Collision Radius reduced by 10%.

Guided Owl[edit | edit source]

  • Fixed T3 Guided Owl not triggering correctly sometimes when the target has Spirit Armor.

Haze[edit | edit source]

Sleep Dagger[edit | edit source]

  • Now places targets into a brief drowsy state for 0.25s where they move slowly before falling asleep.

Fixation[edit | edit source]

  • T2 Duration reduced: +6s > +5s.
  • T3 Damage per Stack reduced: 0.25 > 0.2.

Bullet Dance[edit | edit source]

  • T1 Weapon Damage increased: 6 > 7.

Ivy[edit | edit source]

Watcher's Covenant[edit | edit source]

  • T1 Fire Rate reduced: +15% > +10%.

Stone Form[edit | edit source]

  • T2 Stun reduced: 0.75s > 0.5s.
  • Fixed melee still going through when casting Stone Form after initiating a melee attack.

Air Drop(New!)[edit | edit source]

  • Now has a new ultimate ability, Air Drop. Take flight with an Ally (or self-cast to carry a bomb). You fly and drop the ally or bomb onto an area, dealing damage, slowing, and silencing enemies. Ivy and the ally gain a bullet shield when they are dropped. Allies can drop by themselves at any time. When using the ability without an ally (carrying a bomb), it has a 1 second cast time.

Kelvin[edit | edit source]

Arctic Beam[edit | edit source]

  • No longer applies a Disarm.
  • Now slows Fire Rate (same values as Slow)
  • Max Slow reduced: 90% > 60%.
  • Time to reach Max Slow increased: 1.2s > 2s.

Frozen Shelter[edit | edit source]

  • Can now be cast while using Arctic Beam.

Lash[edit | edit source]

General[edit | edit source]

  • Health per Boon increased: 37 > 42.
  • Base Spirit Resist increased: 8% > 15%.

Flog[edit | edit source]

  • Cooldown reduced: 30s > 25s.
  • T3 now reduced Fire Rate by 35%.

McGinnis[edit | edit source]

General[edit | edit source]

  • Speed while shooting increased: 55% > 70%.

Mini Turret[edit | edit source]

  • Turrets now prioritize any heroes McGinnis is shooting at.

Medicinal Specter[edit | edit source]

  • Duration Spirit Power Scaling increased: (Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx0.09) > (Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx0.12).

Heavy Barrage[edit | edit source]

  • T1 Changed: Rockets now apply 35% Slow.

Mo & Krill[edit | edit source]

Scorn[edit | edit source]

  • T3 now affects all damage types.

Paradox[edit | edit source]

General[edit | edit source]

  • Base Ammo reduced: 45 > 40.

Time Wall[edit | edit source]

  • T3 Silence Duration reduced: 3.5s > 3s.

Kinetic Carbine[edit | edit source]

  • Projectile Size reduced by 10%.
  • Cooldown increased: 24s > 28s.
  • Speed Duration reduced: 4s > 3.5s.
  • T1 Max Stop Duration reduced: 0.75s > 0.5s.
  • T2 Cooldown Reduction increased: -8s > -10s.
  • No longer affects channels, cast times or abilities like Lash's Death Slam.

Paradoxical Swap[edit | edit source]

  • Projectile Size reduced by 10%.

Pocket[edit | edit source]

General[edit | edit source]

  • Base Bullet Resist increased: -15% > 0%.
  • Base Spirit Resist reduced: 0% > -15%.

Barrage[edit | edit source]

  • Damage Amp per stack reduced: 10% > 8%.
  • T3 Changed to +5% Amp per Stack.
  • Now respects line of sight.
  • Amp effects now show on Pocket.

Flying Cloak[edit | edit source]

  • Fixed the camera moving too slowly after teleporting.

Seven[edit | edit source]

Lightning Ball[edit | edit source]

  • Duration increased: 4s > 5s.

Static Charge[edit | edit source]

  • Stun Delay reduced: 4s > 3.5s.
  • Fixed multiple instances of Static Charge not working correctly.

Vindicta[edit | edit source]

Stake[edit | edit source]

  • Base Duration reduced: 2.5s > 2.25s.
  • T1 Duration reduced: 1s > 0.75s.

Viscous[edit | edit source]

Splatter[edit | edit source]

  • Fixed Splatter direct hits counting as the second hit.

The Cube[edit | edit source]

  • Cast Range increased: 25m > 30m.
  • T2 Cooldown reduced: -25s > -22s.

Puddle Punch[edit | edit source]

  • Charge Delay increased: 0.5s > 1.5s.
  • Now deals light melee damage and is affected by melee items.

Goo Ball[edit | edit source]

  • Duration reduced: 12s > 10s.
  • T1 Duration reduced: +6s > +5s.
  • Cooldown increased: 80s > 90s.
  • Now deals 50% damage to bosses.
  • Spirit Resist reduced: 80% > 70%.
  • Bullet Resist reduced: 70% > 60%.
  • Can now only stun and damage a target once every 1.5s, up from 1s.
  • Acceleration lowered a bit.
  • Stunning or immobilizing Viscous now stops the ball from moving.

Warden[edit | edit source]

Alchemical Flask[edit | edit source]

  • Cooldown reduced: 16s > 13s.
  • T2 Changed: -10s Cooldown > Drains 1 Stamina.
  • T3 now also reduces cooldown by -7s.

Binding Word[edit | edit source]

  • Immobilize Duration reduced: 2s > 1.75s.
  • No longer drains 1 stamina.
  • Now has quick cast behaviour (Same as Static Charge).

Wraith[edit | edit source]

Card Trick[edit | edit source]

  • Now has 0.5s Cooldown per cast.

Full Auto[edit | edit source]

  • T2 Changed: Now Imbues bullets with +5 Spirit Damage (Only affects Wraith).

Telekinesis[edit | edit source]

  • T2 Duration reduced: +0.75s > +0.5s.
  • Fixed being able to melee and parry while stunned by Telekinesis.


General[edit | edit source]

  • Base Melee Damage increased by 10%.

Flying Strike[edit | edit source]

  • T3 now procs after the ability ends, rather than when connecting with the target.

Previous Update: 08-06-2024 Update | Next Update: 08-16-2024 Update