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Revision as of 19:19, 16 September 2024 by DuskFyre (talk | contribs)
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Initial Stats
"Deep Sea Interpreter"


Bullet Damage




Bullets per sec


Light Melee


Heavy Melee


Falloff Range

22 → 58m



Health Regen


Bullet Resist


Spirit Resist


Move Speed

7 m/s

Sprint Speed

0 m/s



Power Increases
+1.10 Base Bullet Damage
+3.4 Base Melee Damage
+38 Base Health

Rolls around deflecting bullets
Viscous vexes his opponents through clever evasion and strategic uses of healing, enabling him to withstand the most brutal of enemy attacks.

A psychic sea anemone with an ectoplasmic goo body, Viscous is a vexing opponent with versatile goo abilities. He can Splatter his foes with a large ball of goo and Puddle Punch both allies and enemies to knock them around, while encasing himself or allies in a Cube of goo for protection. For maximum disruption, Viscous can morph into a large Goo Ball and bounce off of walls and enemies alike.

Viscous is a vigilante sea anemone that fears a dark, dangerous predator that prowls the depths under the Bermuda Triangle. He reached the surface in a body built from ectoplasmic goo; his mission to summon the Patrons to protect his home in the Deep.



Throw a ball of goo that deals damage and leaves puddles of goo behind that apply movement slow to enemies in the radius.

Damage: 100 (Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx1.5)
Movement Slow: 35%
Ability Point 1-5.75s Cooldown
Ability Point 2+70 Damage and +1m Radius
Ability Point 5 • Bounces 2 times

The Cube

Encase the target in a cube of restorative goo that purges debuffs, protects from damage, and increases health regen. Target is unable to take any new actions while cubed. Can be used on self. Press [Jump] to escape early.

Health Regen: 40
Ability Point 1 • Increases Movement Speed and Stamina Recovery
Ability Point 2-21s Cooldown
Ability Point 5+60 Health Regen

Puddle Punch

Materialize a fist in the world that punches units in the area and send them flying. Enemies will be dealt damage, have their dash distance reduced for a brief moment, and have their movement slowed. This is considered a Light Melee attack.

Ability width:
Charges: 1
Charge Cooldown: 1.5s
Movement Slow: 20%
Slow Duration: 4s
Ability Point 1+1 Charges
Ability Point 2+35 Damage and +20% Movement Slow
Ability Point 5-11.5s Cooldown

Goo Ball

Morph into a large goo ball that deals damage and stuns enemies on impact. The ball grants large amounts of Bullet and Spirit resist, bounces off walls and can double jump.

Damage: 140 (Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx1.3)
Stun Duration: 1s
Spirit Resist: +70%
Bullet Resist: +60%
Ability Point 1+5s Duration
Ability Point 2+120 Damage
Ability Point 5 • Can cast abilities and use items while rolling.



The Bermuda Triangle was never a myth, it was a shadowline nexus deep underneath the Atlantic Ocean. For the most part, the things that escaped this astral gate were benign (like Nessie), but now something dark and predatory hunts the seas... and its denizens are scared to death.

One of those inhabitants, a psychic sea anemone, wants to do something about it. Psychically building itself an ectoplasmic goo body so it can survive on the surface, Viscous desperately is trying to summon The Patrons to keep The Deep safe from the adversary that lurks below.

Update history

Patch Changes
Update: September 12, 2024 - File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Puddle Punch Now correctly knocks people in File:.png [[#Abilities|]] The Cube Up in the air.

- Improved various issues with the camera.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Puddle Punch Now telegraphs an effect before it forms.

- Base bullet damage Reduced: 14 → 13.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Splatter Damage Reduced: 110 → 100.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Goo Ball Turn rate improved a bit.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Goo Ball Frequency cooldown Improved: 1.5s → 1.25s.

- Fixed File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Puddle Punch Piercing Unstoppable;

Update: September 1, 2024 - Primary fire base clip Reduced: 24 → 20.

- Alt fire ammo usage Decreased: 6 → 5.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Puddle Punch Cooldown Increased: 24s → 28s.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Puddle Punch T2 Changed: +50 Damage & +20% Movement Slow → +35 Damage & +20% Movement Slow.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Puddle Punch Knockback Reduced.

Update: August 29, 2024 - Primary fire redesigned to be more usable, with improved damage and scaling.

- Now has a limited range area of effect Alt fire.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Splatter Spirit scaling Increased: (Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx1.4)(Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx1.5).

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Splatter T3 Bounce damage Increased: 66%/33% → 70%/50%.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Puddle Punch Damage Increased: 100% of Light Melee → 110% of Light Melee.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Puddle Punch T2 Changed: -10s Cooldown → +50 Damage & +20% Movement Slow.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Puddle Punch T3 Changed: +80 Damage & +20% Movement Slow → -12s Cooldown.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Puddle Punch Punch delay Increased: 0.25s → 0.35s.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Goo Ball Spirit scaling Increased: (Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx1.05)(Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx1.3).

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Goo Ball Acceleration Increased.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Goo Ball Base turn radius after bouncing Increased.

- Fixed a bug where File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Goo Ball Would have the direction and trail particle stuck on.

Update: August 15, 2024 - Fixed File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Splatter Direct hits counting as the second hit.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] The Cube Cast range Increased: 25m → 30m.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] The Cube T2 cooldown Reduced: -25s → -22s.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Puddle Punch Now deals light melee damage and is effected by melee items.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Puddle Punch Charge delay Increased: 0.5s → 1.5s.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Goo Ball Duration Reduced: 12s → 10s.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Goo Ball T1 Duration Reduced: +6s → +5s.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Goo Ball Cooldown Increased: 80s → 90s.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Goo Ball Now deals 50% damage to Bosses.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Goo Ball Spirit resist Reduced: 80% → 70%.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Goo Ball Bullet resist Reduced: 70% → 60%.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Goo Ball Stun & damage Cooldown: 1s → 1.5s.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Goo Ball Acceleration slightly Reduced.

- Being stunned or immobilized while in File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Goo Ball Now prevents Viscous from moving, stunning and dealing damage.

Update: August 06, 2024 - File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Splatter Base damage Reduced: 120 → 110.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Splatter Cooldown Increased: 18s → 20s.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Splatter Now deals less damage if it hits the same target multiple times.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Puddle Punch Range Reduced: 70m → 60m.

- Fixed File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Puddle Punch Having twice the range of the tooltip.

- Fixed File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Puddle Punch Being able to target behind puddle.

- Fixed File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Puddle Punch Using Guardians as a surface to punch from.

- Fixed hit detection on File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Puddle Punch and File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Goo Ball.

Update: August 01, 2024 - Introduced


  • Viscous current model is temporary. It is linked to the game's early development, when it was still called Neon Prime. His upcoming model is in the files, named "Viscous_v2".
