Grey Talon

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Grey Talon
Initial Stats


Bullet Damage




Bullets per sec

2.5 (Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx0.006)

Light Melee


Heavy Melee


Falloff Range




Health Regen


Bullet Resist


Spirit Resist


Move Speed

6 (Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx0.04) m/s

Sprint Speed

0 m/s



Power Increases
+0.90 Base Bullet Damage
+1.46 Base Melee Damage
+3.4 Base Health
+27 {{{increase4_stat}}}

Delivers long range skill-shots
A cunning predator, Grey Talon uses a combination of deadly accuracy, traps, and clever positioning to bring down the toughest of opponents.

Grey Talon is a playable hero in Deadlock, available since the start of the Early Development Build.


Charged Shot

Charge up a powerful shot that pierces through enemies. Hold [Ability 1] or [Fire] to hold the shot

Damage: 100 (Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx1.6)
Ability Point 1+1 Charges
Ability Point 2+65 Damage
Ability Point 5Improved damage scaling and -3s Charge Delay

Rain of Arrows

Launches you high in the air, allowing you to glide slowly. While airborne, you gain Weapon Damage and multishot on your weapon. Press [Jump/Mantle] to cancel the glide.

Weapon Multishot: 5
Weapon Damage: +7
Ability Point 1-15s Cooldown
Ability Point 2 • While airborne, +7 Weapon Damage and weapon damage applies 40% movement slow for 1.5s
Ability Point 5 • While airborne, +50% Bullet Lifesteal and +50% Spirit Lifesteal

Immobilizing Trap

Throw out a trap that begins to arm itself. Once armed, the trap will trigger when an enemy enters its radius, immobilizing and then slowing them.

Lifetime: 20s
Damage: 30
Immobilize Duration: 1.25s
Arm Time: 2s
Movement Slow: 50%
Slow Duration: 1s
Ability Point 1-20s Cooldown
Ability Point 2+2s Slow Duration
Ability Point 5 • Grey Talon deals +30% more Bullet Damage to enemies hit by Immobilizing Trap for 10s

Guided Owl

After 1.5s cast time, launch a spirit owl that you control and which explodes on impact, damaging and stunning enemies. Hold [Fire] to accelerate the owl. Press [Jump/Mantle] to release control. Gain permanent Spirit Power for each enemy hero killed with Guided Owl.

Damage: 250 (Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx1)
Explosion Radius: 12m
Stun Duration: 0.75s
Spirit Power Per Kill: 5
Ability Point 1+100 Damage
Ability Point 2-50s Cooldown
Ability Point 5 • After hit, kills enemies that are below 22% Health


The Legend of Grey Talon:

From a young age, Wesley had always been captivated by the beauty of birds. Among them, a lone raven with shimmering, dark feathers stood out. He found it one fateful evening, lying injured beneath a tree in his favorite park. With gentle hands and a caring heart, he nursed the bird back to health, forging an unspoken bond that went beyond the ordinary. He named it Shadow.

For years, Shadow became his closest companion, a symbol of hope and resilience in a world often filled with shadows. Wesley and his raven would wander the park daily, their souls intertwined in a dance of trust and affection. Yet, the world, cruel and unforgiving, had other plans.

One cold, misty evening, as they strolled through the park, a masked figure emerged from the darkness. His voice was laced with venom as he demanded money, eyes gleaming with malevolence. Wesley's heart pounded as he realized he had nothing of value to give. In a fit of rage, the masked man seized Shadow, holding a blade to the bird's fragile chest.

"Give me what I want, or the bird dies," he snarled.

Wesley's eyes filled with tears as he pleaded with him, but his pleas fell on deaf ears. With a swift motion, the blade plunged into Shadow's heart, and the raven's lifeless body crumpled to the ground.

"No!" Wesley's scream echoed through the night, a cry of pure anguish that tore through his very soul.

Days turned into weeks, and Wesley was consumed by grief. The world seemed a darker place without Shadow by his side. But in the depths of his despair, on a stormy night, something extraordinary happened. As he knelt in prayer, seeking solace in the emptiness of his room, a book—ancient and mysterious—descended from the sky, landing gently before him. Its cover was marked by a single, ominous eye.

Drawn to the book, Wesley opened it with trembling hands. Inside, he found arcane texts written in a language older than time itself. The words spoke of an ancient power, one that could grant dominion over life and death, but at a cost. The soul was the key, and those who mastered this power could call back the dead—if they were willing to sacrifice their own humanity.

Years passed, and Wesley, now known as Grey Talon, became the book's chosen one. He delved deeper into its secrets, unlocking powers that no mortal had wielded for centuries. His heart hardened as he mastered the art of soul manipulation, his once gentle spirit consumed by a thirst for vengeance.

The day finally came when he attempted to bring Shadow back to life. But the ritual had an unforeseen consequence. Shadow's body remained lifeless, but its soul returned, trapped between the realms of the living and the dead. The bird's ethereal form followed him, a constant reminder of what he had lost—and what he had become.

With his newfound powers, Grey Talon hunted down the masked murderer, his eyes burning with a cold, unyielding fury. When he found him, he unleashed the full extent of his dark magic. His soul was torn from his body, leaving him a hollow shell, an echo of the pain he had caused.

But vengeance did not bring him peace. Instead, it deepened the darkness within him. The world soon whispered his name in fear, the legend of Grey Talon spreading like wildfire. He was no longer the kind-hearted boy who had once loved a raven. He was something else entirely—an embodiment of grief, power, and unending sorrow, forever marked by the loss that had shaped his destiny.

And so, Grey Talon roamed the world, a shadow of his former self, with his raven's soul by his side, eternally bound to the darkness he had embraced.

Update history

Patch Changes

▲ Fire Rate now scales with Spirit (0.25)

▼ Charged Shot collision size reduced by 8%

▼ Charged Shot base damage reduced from 105 to 100

▼ Charged Shot T2 reduced from +70 to +65

▼ Immobilizing Trap root duration reduced from 2s to 1.25s

► Can now use multiple air dashes while using Rain of Fire

► Immobilizing Trap now applies a 50% movement slow for 1 seconds after the root

► Immobilizing Trap T2 changed from +1s Root to +2s Slow


Grey Talon's current design is temporary and is based on a model from when the game was still called Neon Prime.