Grey Talon

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Revision as of 16:30, 8 September 2024 by Abbegg (talk | contribs) (Added missing Update history among other minor fixes)
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Grey Talon
Initial Stats
"The Mourning Comes"


Bullet Damage




Bullets per sec

2.5 (Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx0.00625)

Light Melee


Heavy Melee


Falloff Range

22m → 58m



Health Regen


Bullet Resist


Spirit Resist


Move Speed

6 (Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx0.04) m/s

Sprint Speed

0 m/s



Power Increases
+1.46 Base Bullet Damage
+3.4 Base Melee Damage
+27 Base Health

Delivers long range skill-shots
A cunning predator, Grey Talon uses a combination of deadly accuracy, traps, and clever positioning to bring down the toughest of opponents.

Grey Talon is a playable hero in Deadlock, available since the start of the Early Development Build.


Charged Shot

Charge up a powerful shot that pierces through enemies. Hold [Ability 1] or [Fire] to hold the shot.

Damage: 100 (Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx1.6)
Ability Point 1+1 Charges
Ability Point 2+65 Damage
Ability Point 5Improved damage scaling and -3s Charge Delay

Rain of Arrows

Launches you high in the air, allowing you to glide slowly. While airborne, you gain Weapon Damage and multishot on your weapon. Press [Jump/Mantle] to cancel the glide.

Weapon Multishot: 5
Weapon Damage: +7
Ability Point 1-15s Cooldown
Ability Point 2 • While airborne, +7 Weapon Damage and weapon damage applies 40% movement slow for 1.5s
Ability Point 5 • While airborne, +50% Bullet Lifesteal and +50% Spirit Lifesteal

Immobilizing Trap

Throw out a trap that begins to arm itself. Once armed, the trap will trigger when an enemy enters its radius, immobilizing and then slowing them.

Lifetime: 20s
Damage: 30
Immobilize Duration: 1.25s
Arm Time: 2s
Movement Slow: 50%
Slow Duration: 1s
Ability Point 1-20s Cooldown
Ability Point 2+2s Slow Duration
Ability Point 5 • Grey Talon deals +30% more Bullet Damage to enemies hit by Immobilizing Trap for 10s

Guided Owl

After 1.5s cast time, launch a spirit owl that you control and which explodes on impact, damaging and stunning enemies. Hold [Fire] to accelerate the owl. Press [Jump/Mantle] to release control. Gain permanent Spirit Power for each enemy hero killed with Guided Owl.

Damage: 250 (Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx1)
Explosion Radius: 12m
Stun Duration: 0.75s
Spirit Power Per Kill: 5
Ability Point 1+100 Damage
Ability Point 2-50s Cooldown
Ability Point 5 • After hit, kills enemies that are below 22% Health



A founding member of "The Baxter Society", Wesley Grey Talon spent close to 40 years hunting monsters that preyed on man before finally deciding to find a replacement and lay down his bow. Grey Talon’s duties had meant that he never spent much time with his wife and kid, and now that his son had started a family of his own he realized that this was his last chance to reconnect with the people he loved.

Retirement suited Wesley. He made up for lost time with his wife. He doted on his grandkids. He cooked dinner for the whole family every Wednesday. He was happy.

Then he got the call.

The authorities claimed that it was a freak accident... that the fire consumed his son’s house before anyone got a chance to escape. But Wesley knew better. His son’s wife was Ixian... she could snuff out flame with a thought. If their bodies were found burned they had to be dead long before there was a fire.

And so Grey Talon has picked up his bow once more, and when he finds who’s responsible there will be a bloody reckoning.

Update history

Patch Changes
Update 08-29-2024 - Fire rate now scales with spirit (Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx0.25)

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Charged Shot Collision size Reduced by 8%.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Charged Shot Base damage Reduced: 105 → 100.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Charged Shot T2 damage Reduced: +70 → +65.

- Can now use multiple air dashes during File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Rain of Arrows.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Immobilizing Trap Root duration Reduced: 2s → 1.25s.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Immobilizing Trap Now applies a 50% movement slow for 1s after the root.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Immobilizing Trap T2 Changed: 1s Root → 2s Slow.

Update 08-15-2024 - File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Charged Slot Collision Size Reduced by 10%.

- Fixed File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Guided Owl T3 Not triggering correctly sometimes when the target has spirit armor.

Update 08-01-2024 - File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Charged Shot Collision Size Reduced by 10%.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Guided Owl Explosion radius Increased: 10m → 12m.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Guided Owl Cooldown Reduced: 120s → 110s.

Update 07-18-2024 - File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Charged Shot Damage Reduced: 115 → 105.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Charged Shot Spirit scaling Increased: (Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx1.3)(Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx1.6).

Update 07-11-2024 - File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Rain of Arrows Flight duration Reduced: 8s → 7s.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Guided Owl Spirit Gain per kill Increased: 4 → 5.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Guided Owl Now stuns for 0.75s.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Guided Owl Base damage Reduced: 300 → 250.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Guided Owl T1 Is now +100 Damage.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Guided Owl Collision size Reduced.

Update 07-04-2024 - Fixed File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Charged Shot Not piercing if it collides with a File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Mini Turret.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Guided Owl Now grants +4 permanent spirit power on hero kill.

Update 06-20-2024 - Fixed File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Charged Shot Being evaded by File:MM.png [[|]]Haze's File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Bullet Dance.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Rain of Arrows Cooldown Increased: 30s → 33s.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Guided Owl Can now explode in the air by pressing the release key.

Update 06-13-2024 - File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Guided Owl Cooldown Reduced: 130s → 120s.
Update 05-30-2024 - File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Charged Shot Spirit scaling Increased: (Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx1)(Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx1.3).

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Guided Owl Duration Increased: 13s → 14s.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Guided Owl T3 execute Increased: 20% → 22%.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Guided Owl Player collision size Increased to regular sizes.

05-23-2024 - File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Guided Owl Spirit scaling Reduced: (Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx2.2)(Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx1.2).

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Guided Owl T3 Changed: +200 Damage → Kill enemy heroes below 20% Health.

05-16-2024 - File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Charged Shot Cooldown Reduced: 18s → 16s.
05-10-2024 - File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Charged Shot Damage Increased: 105 → 115.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Rain of Arrows Multishot Increased: 3 → 5.

05-03-2024 - File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Charged Shot Damage Increased: 95 → 105.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Charged Shot T2 Damage Reduced: 80 → 70.

- File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Guided Owl Damage Increased: 200 → 300.


  • Grey Talon's current design is temporary and is based on a model from when the game was still called Neon Prime.
  • Grey Talon during Deadlock Pre-Alpha (Neon Prime) was named Orion.
  • Grey Talon weapon is called "The Mourning Comes".