Update:July 11, 2024

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Revision as of 00:27, 23 September 2024 by Mgpt (talk | contribs) (july 11)
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July 4, 2024 July 11, 2024 July 18, 2024

Source: 07-11-2024 Update

Patch notes

General Changes

  • Testing schedule now starts 1 hour earlier for all regions
  • EU matchmaking region is now split up into two regions based on language
  • Shop search now highlights the relevant sections of the item tooltip that match the search string you've put in
  • Fixed the Shop search not finding all the types of bonuses an item has
  • Various adjustments to the Damage Report feature
  • Damage Report now shows up by default when dead or spectating
  • Added HUD Notifications on Soul Urn drop off to let depositor know they gained +25% Souls and +1 AP
  • Reworked how cycling through spectators works. Space bar now cycles between all the players.
  • You can now click on the top bar hero icons to jump to a specific hero while spectating
  • You no longer automatically switch to other players when the player you are watching dies
  • Fixed not being able to click on the portrait of a dead hero while spectating
  • Reduced the flash damage effect on heroes to reduce visual noise
  • Added in-world confirmation text when an enemy denies your soul orbs
  • Affliction now has an AoE indicator buildup during cast
  • Affliction now has more toxic elements in the cast and linger
  • Updated Restorative Shot impact and heal effects
  • Updated Phantom Strike effects
  • Updated Restorative Locket effects when casting on an ally
  • Added Grey Talon Charged Shot sound effects
  • Added currency sound effects for receiving small and large amount of souls
  • Added new sound effects to picking up powerups and breakable drops
  • Added a UI sound when entering hero select screen
  • Fixed Vindicta's Stake sometimes moving units that aren't supposed to be moved
  • Fixed Majestic Leap buff sticking around after attaching to zipline (caused audio bugs as well)
  • Fixed Soul Urn walking back while the game is paused
  • Fixed bugs with Guided Owl and pause
  • Fixed the following abilities changing their launch direction if the player snapped their camera quickly during the cast time: Ivy's Kudzu Bomb, Paradox's Pulse Grenade, Warden's Alchemical Flask, Vindicta's Stake, Alchemical Fire (T3 Weapon item)
  • Fixed some instances of heroes being called by the wrong name
  • Get Started tutorial VO has been replaced and some text has been updated
  • Newsstand now has a lot more world lore news callouts
  • Enabled support for FSR 2 by default
  • Widened the street on the outer side of the factory/mansion
  • Added street curb models around factory and mansion
  • Added street curb overlay around factory and mansion
  • Replaced temp arrows with street sign markings coming out of the mid temple
  • Removed some fake doors to not confuse with juke closets
  • Replaced older stone wall material with newer one in uptown areas
  • Replaced item signs with new poster style and removed item signs on Yellow and Blue lanes
  • Added rooftop smart prop trim where it was missing

Misc Gameplay

  • Reworked the core base area where the Weakened Patron goes. It is now in a low terrain pit and requires attackers be inside the pit to do damage to it.
  • Redesigned exit from the base's regeneration area to the rest of the base
  • Increased Weakened Patron's out of combat (30s) regeneration from 40 to 80
  • Removed platform blocking line of sight from regeneration area exit to the center
  • Added window in fountain barrier beside exit
  • Added two drop down chutes from fountain to the center
  • Base respawn time increased from 8s to 12s (peak values unchanged)
  • Guardian health increased by 10%
  • Base Guardian health increased by 10%
  • Zipline Boost duration increased from 25s to 32s
  • Urn now grants the Urn Runner +1 AP
  • Urn Runner now gains +2 sprint and is disarmed while carrying the Urn
  • Urn bounty increased from 900 + 200/min to 1500 + 200/min (10 min spawn goes from 2900 to 3500)
  • Urn display on the minimap is now pulsing a green rectangle showing where the destination is if an ally is carrying the urn, and a red rectangle at the destination if an enemy is carrying it
  • Powerup Bonus duration increased from 100s to 130s
  • Movement powerup now grants +20% stamina regeneration
  • Fixed Movement powerup not replenishing stamina on pickup
  • Golden Statues level 2 bonuses spawn time reduced from 25 minutes to 20 minutes
  • Golden Statues Weapon Damage bonus increased from 2% to 3% (level 2 from 3% to 4%)
  • Golden Statues Ammo bonus increased from 3% to 4% (level 2 from 5% to 6%)
  • Capture radius for breakable drops increased very slightly
  • Added an indicator near the reticle when Parry is on cooldown
  • Added a visual effect when the Rejuvenator is attackable
  • Global base Ammo increased by 5% (except for Wraith and Haze)
  • The spawn area's regeneration buff now lingers for 1s
  • Bullet falloff damage now starts at 22m instead of 25m
  • Base Guardian and Shrines bullet resist per nearby hero increased from 40/20/0/0% (for 0/1/2/3 people) to 60/40/20/0%
  • Trooper gold sharing radius from the location of the soul orb increased from 50m to 60m
  • Fixed ability-based lifesteals not granting life from damage caused to shields (affects things like Hyperbeam[sic] T3, Siphon[sic], Scorn, Life Drain, Flog and Concussive Combustion T3)
  • Fixed dropping unsecured souls not lowering your net worth
  • Fixed a bug that caused denies during the laning phase to sometimes be shared with allies and sometimes not
  • Some tweaks to how the comeback formula works have been done over the past couple days and we'll continue iterating on it over the coming days
  • Added several upper level juke closets from balconies/awnings and two on rooftops
  • Shortened connection to the underground tunnel from the shop side
  • Adjusted pathing in the underground tunnel to be a little less zig zagging
  • Added more signage to the underground tunnel
  • Redesigned interior of new stairwells beside inner lane Walkers

Weapon Items

Vitality Items

  • Extra Regen: Health regen increased from 2 to 2.3
  • Healing Rite: Bonus health increased from 35 to 45
  • Melee Lifesteal: Cooldown reduced from 8s to 7s
  • Bullet Lifesteal: Lifesteal increased from 24% to 26%
  • Health Nova: Now grants +10% weapon damage
  • Debuff Reducer: Now a T2 Vitality item. Grants +30% debuff resist, +75 health and +10% weapon damage. No longer has an active.
  • Debuff Remover: T3 Vitality Item that upgrades from Debuff Reducer. Removes debuffs fully on cast again. Grants +3 m/s for 3s if any debuff is removed. Grants +40% debuff resist, +125 health, +20% weapon damage. Cooldown: 45
  • Fortitude: Health increased from 225 to 250
  • Majestic Leap: Added a brief period before you can press the hotkey again to prevent accidental uses of drop down
  • Lifestrike: Now grants +6% bullet resist
  • Phantom Strike: Fixed it sometimes malfunctioning and not teleporting to the target
  • Leech: Spirit Lifesteal increased from 33% to 35%
  • Leech: Bullet Lifesteal increased from 30% to 35%
  • Unstoppable: Duration reduced from 9s to 6s
  • Unstoppable: No longer grants +20% spirit resist in the active
  • Unstoppable: Now grants +15% spirit resist innately
  • Unstoppable: Now grants +12 spirit power
  • Unstoppable: Now grants +1 m/s

Spirit Items

Hero Gameplay