I am bad at the game so I edit the wiki

What's a sandbox Yamato

Hero Base Health Stats
Hero Starting Added per PI At Max PI
Ivy 550 +35 1040
Pocket 550 +31 984
Mo & Krill 700 +44 1316
Dynamo 650 +44 1266
Abrams 570 +34 1046
Vindicta 550 +20 830
Haze 500 +27 878
Grey Talon 550 +27 928
Warden 550 +45 1180
Paradox 550 +40 1110
Lash 550 +42 1138
Seven 550 +31 984
Shiv 600 +35 1090
Infernus 600 +33 1062
Kelvin 600 +50 1300
McGinnis 550 +41 1124
Viscous 550 +38 1082
Bebop 650 +41 1224
Lady Geist 650 +41 1224
Mirage 550 +37 1068
Wraith 550 +31 984
Yamato 500 +31 934

Item Cost +X% Bullet Lifesteal
Active Reload Souls1250 +20%
Heroic Aura Souls3000 +20%
Crippling Headshot Souls6200 +10%
Bullet Lifesteal Souls1250 +28%
Leech Souls6200 +35%

Use this for the debug console when testing the ItemsByStat page: =p.tablefy( mw.getCurrentFrame():newChild{ title="Module:ItemsByStat", args={"BulletLifestealPercent", "+X% Bullet Lifesteal", "%"} })