Update: August 15, 2024

From Deadlock Wiki
Revision as of 07:13, 7 September 2024 by QuinnBinn (talk | contribs) (Created with most of the general changes, but this is unfinished (Had to stop for something, I'll finish up later if no one else does))
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“Let's get started, shall we?”
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Introducing the new Hero, Shiv!

General Changes


  • Added localization for Simplified Chinese, Russian, Brazilian Portugese, Spanish (Spain), Spanish (Latin America), Turkish, Ukrainian, Czech and French. These are currently a work in progress.
  • Language can be selected from the settings menu.


  • Matchmaking windows are now open 1 hour earlier in all regions.
  • You can now prioritize your roster into three groups to indicate your preference ordering to the matchmaker: Selected, Priority and High Priority.
  • Games can now be watched by an unlimited number of spectators.
  • Spectator games now have a 1 minute delay.
  • Improved smoothing of spectator camera position and angles.


  • You can now author a suggested ordering of ability upgrades.
  • You can now add per-item author comments by right clicking on items while editing builds that will show up in the item tooltip for users of the build.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed published build data to overwrite local changes to a published build.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the last used hero build from loading when it was not a favored build.
  • Hovering items in the shop will now highlight their components, or which item they are components of.

Shop Changes

  • Reworked the Hero Stats UI in the Shop.
  • Hero Stats in the shop have been expanded and are now broken up by Weapon, Vitality and Spirit. Various additional stats that were previously hidden have been added here.
  • Individual stats can now be hovered over to see a breakdown of all the bonuses contributing to a value, including things like golden statues.
  • Added descriptive gun information to each hero.
  • Added Spirit Power Impact panel that displays the effect of spirit power on your abilities and items.
  • Using an active item or ability now removes the undo option for the item/ability.


  • Added Outgoing Damage as a UI display mode that you can toggle through.
  • Added a setting to let you customize the ability cancel hotkey (Default is spacebar)
  • Added a "Friends Only" checkbox to filter the watch tab.
  • Added an option to control zoom sensitivity.
  • Added customization options for your crosshair.
  • Added a video setting to reduce some flashing effects.

Visual Changes

  • Improved visual clarity of File:MM.png [[|]] Grey Talon's File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Immobilizing Trap armed state.
  • Replaced the Soul Urn drop parachute with new effects.
  • Improved File:MM.png [[|]] Abrams' File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Siphon Life and File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Seismic Impact effects to not obstruct player view as much.
  • Various visual adjustments on highlight and strobe effects being too loud in some cases.
  • Updated bullet whizby sounds for nearly all characters.
  • Updated File:MM.png [[|]] Haze's File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Sleep Dagger cast, projectile loop and whizby.
  • Updated File:MM.png [[|]] Haze's File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Smoke Bomb sound.
    • Additionally removed Smoke Bomb voice line for everyone except the casting player and spectators.
  • Fixed some spectator/replay sound and music bugs.
  • Various sound related performance improvements.
  • More impactful damage indication sound for attackers.
  • Remastered File:MM.png [[|]] Abrams, File:MM.png [[|]] Pocket and File:MM.png [[|]] Dynamo weapon fire sounds.
  • Improved lighting performance around the shop.
  • Improved File:MM.png [[|]] Wraith's tracers to feel more connected with their bullet.
  • Improved visibility of AOE around File:MM.png [[|]] Bebop while casting File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Hyper Beam.
  • Improved effects around File:MM.png [[|]] Lady Geist's File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Soul Exchange to help with clarity.
  • Updated File:MM.png [[|]] Infernus' tracer, muzzle and impact fx revisions for better performance.
  • Added a sound for movement being restricted by Slowing Hex.png: Deadlock image of Slowing Hex Slowing Hex and Vindicta's File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Stake.
  • Revised sounds for File:MM.png [[|]] Pocket's File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Flying Cloak duration and warp.
  • Added Refresher.png: Deadlock image of Refresher Refresher cast sound.
  • Unpause hotkey is now displayed when the game is paused.
  • Added new Silence status effect sound.

Miscellaneous Fixes

  • Pause cooldown per player increased from 10 minutes to 15 minutes.
  • Fixed some abuse cases with undoing AP cooldown reductions.
  • Fixed Candle Troopers sometimes instantly disappearing on death rather than going into their flash state.
  • Fixed some cases where comeback souls would be higher than intended in the early game.
  • Fixed being unable to ping while dead.
  • Fixed File:MM.png [[|]] Bebop's File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Sticky Bomb sometimes misfiring.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed teleporters to be used while carrying the Soul Urn.
  • Fixed targeting previews that draw a model (like File:MM.png [[|]] McGinnis' turrets) to update every frame, instead of being fixed at 60hz.
  • Fixed stuns resetting their duration if you were on the ground and became airborne.
  • Fixed some cases where File:MM.png [[|]] Lash's File:.png [[#Abilities|]] Ground Strike would cause your hero to be stuck.
  • Fixed Ricochet.png: Deadlock image of Ricochet Ricochet sometimes shooting the extra bullet from your gun rather than the target.
  • Fixed ESC not working to close settings popup sometimes.