Magic Carpet
Souls 6200
Spirit Power
+10% Ability Duration
+15 Spirit Power
+150 Bonus Health

Active 30s
Summon a Magic Carpet that will fly you away and gain Bullet and Spirit Shields. Cannot use abilities while the carpet is being summoned. While flying you are immune to slows and doing any action will dismiss the carpet.
+400 Bullet & Spirit Shield Health
7.7s Duration
1.3s Summon Duration
+6m/s Bonus Fly Speed
17.6s Shield Duration

Recommended heroes edit

Bebop, Grey Talon, Lady Geist, Mo & Krill, Seven, Vindicta, Yamato

Update history edit

08-29-2024 Update

  • Active Cooldown Reduced: 40s > 30s.
  • New: Bonus Shields now last 16s.
  • New: Players are now unslowable while riding the Magic Carpet.