Point Blank
Souls 3,500
Weapon Damage
Close Quarters
+15% Bullet Resist
+1 Stamina

Passive NA
When in close range to your target, gain Weapon Damage and your bullets apply a Movement Slow
Conditional: +45% Weapon Damage
Conditional: 25% Movement Slow
2s Slow Duration
15m Close Range

Point Blank is a Tier 3 Weapon Item that grants increased Bullet Resist and Stamina. Its passive increases the user's Weapon Damage while close to their target, and causes their bullets to apply Movement Slow.

It can be purchased from the Shop for Souls 3,500 Souls.

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Point Blank can be built out of the Tier 1 item,   Close Quarters. While a player is in possession of Close Quarters, Point Blank's price is reduced to   3,000 Souls.

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