Toxic Bullets

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Toxic Bullets
Souls 3000
Weapon Damage
+100 Bonus Health

Your bullets build up a Bleed on enemies, causing them to lose a percentage of their current health over time. Also applies Healing Reduction on the bleeding target.
5%/sec Bleed Damage
-65% Healing Reduction
3s Duration
10.3% Buildup Per Shot

Toxic Bullets is a Tier 3 Weapon Item in Deadlock. It grants Bonus Health. Its passive causes bullets fired to build up a Bleed on enemies, and applies Healing Reduction to the target.

It can be purchased from the Shop for Souls 3,000 Souls.


  • The % Buildup per shot will scale based on the hero selected. Wraith has 10% buildup per shot while Vindicta has 19.95% buildup per shot (Tooltip says 20%).
  • The buildup per shot is also affected by weapon falloff, requiring more shots for the bleed to occur at further distances. The bleed damage itself is unaffected by distance.

Recommended heroes

Update history

Patch Changes
Update: August 29, 2024

- Passive Healing Reduction Increased: -55% > -65%

- Passive Bleed Damage Reduced: 6% > 5%

- New: Now grants +100 Health