Siphon Bullets
Souls 6200
Weapon Damage
+28% Weapon Damage

Your bullets temporarily steal Max HP from enemies. Enemies regain their stolen health when the debuff expires. Permanently steal one stack of health if a siphoned target dies and lose 2 stacks if you die.
45 Max HP Steal Per Bullet
20s Steal Duration
0.8s Max Frequency

Notes edit

  • The stolen Max HP buffs/debuffs refresh when a new stack is applied which makes them very difficult to remove once inflicted and very easy to maintain as long as there are more heroes to steal from.
  • The Max HP stolen is also dealt as "pure" damage that can't be mitigated. Assuming the best case scenario of hitting as soon as the .8s cooldown is finished, this amounts to an additional 56.25 DPS of "pure" damage.
  • When used with the Ricochet item, only the Max HP steal effect is only applied to the initial target

Recommended heroes edit

Update history edit

08-29-2024 Update

  • Weapon Damage Reduced: 40% > 28%