Update: August 22, 2024

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General Changes

  • Parrying a Guardian now causes it to stop trying to repeatedly melee (and get parried over and over), and instead causes the boss to start shooting shortly thereafter.


Item Changes

Weapon Items

High-Velocity Mag.png: Deadlock image of High-Velocity Mag High-Velocity Mag

  • Fixed affecting some abilities

Siphon Bullets.png: Deadlock image of Siphon Bullets Siphon Bullets

  • Dying with Siphon Bullets stacks will now cause you to lose 2 stacks no matter who killed you (Rather than returning 1 if the victim killed you back)
  • Fixed Siphon Bullets acting as spirit damage for ability and item procs.

Vitality Items

Reactive Barrier.png: Deadlock image of Reactive Barrier Reactive Barrier

  • Cooldown increased: 20s → 30s.

Return Fire.png: Deadlock image of Return Fire Return Fire

  • Bullet Damage Reflected reduced: 80% → 70%.

Spirit Items

Silence Glyph.png: Deadlock image of Silence Glyph Silence Glyph

  • Damage reduced: 150 → 100.
  • Spirit Damage Scaling reduced: (Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx1.5)(Spirit Power#Spirit Power Scalingx1.0).
  • Cast Range reduced: 40m → 25m.
  • Sprint Speed reduced: 2m/s → 1m/s.
  • Spirit Shield reduced: +225 → +200.

Hero Changes


Air Drop

  • Air Drop now silences the ally being carried until they are released.



  • Incoming Damage Deferred reduced: 40% → 30%.