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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:HeroData/doc

local p = {};
local heroes_data = mw.loadJsonData("Data:HeroData.json")
local attributes_data = mw.loadJsonData("Data:AttributeData.json")
local util_module = require('Module:Utilities')
local attribute_module = require('Module:AttributeData')

-- returns the table of a specific item, used by external modules
function p.get_json_item(name)
	for i,v in pairs(heroes_data) do
		if (v["Name"] == name) then
			return v
	return nil

p.get_hero_stat = function(frame)
	local hero_name = frame.args[1]
	local hero_stat_key = frame.args[2]
	local hero = p.get_json_item(hero_name)
	if(hero == nil) then return "Hero Not Found" end
	local var_value = hero[hero_stat_key]
	if(var_value == nil) then return 0 end

	return var_value

--If the hero scales with the stat, it returns {{Ss|value}} or {{Ls|value}}, else blank string
p.get_hero_scalar_str_invoke = function(frame)
	local hero_name = frame.args[1]
	local hero_stat_key = frame.args[2]
	local hero_data = p.get_json_item(hero_name)
	if(hero_data == nil) then return "Hero Not Found" end
	return p.get_hero_scalar_str(hero_data, hero_stat_key) --surely theres a better way

function p.get_hero_scalar_str(hero, hero_stat_key)
	local scaling_type_full
	local scaling_data
	local scaling_value
	local scaling_types = {"Spirit", "Level"}
	local scaling_abbrevs = {"Ss", "Ls"}
	for index, scaling_type in ipairs(scaling_types) do
		scaling_type_full = scaling_type .. "Scaling"
		scaling_data = hero[scaling_type_full]
		--If the scaling data exists
		if (scaling_data ~= nil) then 
			scaling_value = scaling_data[hero_stat_key]
			--If the stat scales
			if (scaling_value ~= nil) then
				scaling_value = util_module.round_to_sig_fig(scaling_value, 3)
				--The hero has a scaling value with this stat
				local template_title = "Template:" .. scaling_abbrevs[index] --scaling type's abbreviation
				local template_args = {}
				template_args["1"] = scaling_value --store in 1st arg for {{{1}}} to grab it from {{SS}} or {{LS}} template
				local template_call = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = template_title, args = template_args }
				return template_call
	-- Otherwise return empty string
	return ""

p.write_hero_infobox = function(frame)
    hero_name = frame.args[1]
    hero = p.get_json_item(hero_name)
    if(hero == nil) then return "Hero Not Found" end
    -- Prepare the arguments for the template
    local templateArgs = {}
    for stat_name, stat_value in pairs(hero) do
        if (type(stat_value) ~= "table") then  -- skips complex nested tables
            templateArgs[stat_name] = stat_value
    -- Use expandTemplate to evaluate the Infobox_hero template
    local templateTitle ="Template:Infobox_hero")
    local expandedTemplate = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = templateTitle, args = templateArgs }
    return expandedTemplate

--Creates {{StatBox}}'s' for the 3 categories Weapon, Vitality, Spirit
p.write_stat_boxes = function(frame)
	local hero_name = frame.args[1]
	if(hero_name == nil) then return "Hero parameter missing" end
	-- Use expandTemplate to evaluate the Infobox_hero template
    local template_title ="Template:StatBox") --name of the template
    local template_calls = "" --all template calls concatenated
    local template_call --current template call
	local template_args = {} --current template arguments
	local cell_values --current cell values
	local cell_value --current cell value
	local label --current stat's label
	local postfix --current stat's postfix
	local alternate_name --current stat's alternate name, used to locate the stat in hero data
	local stat_value --current stat's numerical value in the hero data
	local hero_data = p.get_json_item(hero_name)
	local stats --stats of the current category
	local image_file_name --name of the image_file to check
	local image_file --mw returned image file
	local extra_blank_cell --add a blank cell after certain stats
	local stats_to_add_blank_after = {BulletLifesteal = true, CritDamageReceivedScale = true}
	if (hero_data == nil) then return "Hero Not Found in AttrData" end
	local category_data = attribute_module.get_category_data()
	for _, category in ipairs(attributes_data["_category_order"]) do
		stats = attributes_data[category]
		local category_values = category_data[category]
		template_args["box_name"] = category_values.unlocalized_name
		template_args["box_rgb"] = category_values.rgb
		template_args["num_cols"] = 2
		cell_values = ""
		-- Determine cell values
		for _, stat_name in ipairs(stats["_attribute_order"]) do
			stat_data = stats[stat_name]
			alternate_name = stat_data["alternate_name"]
			-- gets the stat's value if its under either its alternate name or real name
			stat_value = hero_data[alternate_name]
			if (stat_value == nil) then 
				stat_value = hero_data[stat_name]
				if (stat_value == nil) then
					stat_value = 0 --default to 0 if not present
			--Round value to 3 significant figures
			stat_value = util_module.round_to_sig_fig(stat_value, 3)
			-- get label and postfix
			label = util_module.call_lang(stat_data["label"])
			postfix = stat_data["postfix"]
			if (postfix == nil) then 
				postfix = ""
				postfix = util_module.call_lang(postfix)
			-- Check if icon file exists, and if not, don't use any image
			image_file_name = 'File:AttributeIcon' .. stat_name .. '.png'
			image_file_name = util_module.get_image_file(image_file_name)
			-- Add an empty cell following some stats to align them correctly as seen in game
			if (stats_to_add_blank_after[stat_name]) then
				extra_blank_cell = " ," --prefixed space is needed
				extra_blank_cell = ""
			-- Add the scaling str if it scales
			local scalar_str = p.get_hero_scalar_str(hero_data, stat_name)
			-- Set cell value as "Icon StatvaluePostfix Statname Scaling,"
			-- If icon file already exists, set it to #REDIRECT to the duplicate file page
			cell_value = image_file_name .. " " .. stat_value  .. postfix .. " " .. label .. " " .. scalar_str .. "," .. extra_blank_cell
			cell_values = cell_values .. cell_value --add value to values list
		template_args["cell_values"] = cell_values
		-- Write current call
		template_call = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = template_title, args = template_args }
		-- Add call to the set of calls
		template_calls = template_calls .. "\n" .. template_call
	-- Add a few newlines below the template calls to give space for the hover box
	template_calls = template_calls .. "\n\n"
	return template_calls


return p