Description | "<h4>General Changes</h4>" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Reworked how friend invites work inside the client. You must now be Steam friends with a person to invite them. This has a friend recency requirement as well as your friend needing to not be a limited steam user. Previous requests do not need to be resubmitted." |
Tags | |
Description | "* Replaced the {{PageRef|Denizen|alt_name=neutral}} {{PageRef|Sinner's Sacrifice|alt_name=vaults}} with a new model, the {{PageRef|Sinner's Sacrifice}}" |
Tags | "Souls" |
"Sinner's Sacrifice" |
"NPC" |
"Creep" |
"Denizen" |
Description | "* Added the ability to change builds while in-game" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Build descriptions can now be seen in-game via a tooltip" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Added {{PageRef|Denizen|alt_name=neutrals}} to Hero {{PageRef|Sandbox}} (the small room in the back on the right)" |
Tags | "Sandbox" |
"NPC" |
"Creep" |
"Denizen" |
Description | "* Added new objective health bars for {{PageRef|Guardian}}s and {{PageRef|Walker}}s" |
Tags | "Objective" |
"Guardian" |
"Walker" |
Description | "* Added Match History link to the top right" |
Tags | |
Description | "* You can now move active item slots on the HUD while holding alt/tab" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Improved visibility of the voice icon indicating who is talking" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Hero icons on the {{PageRef|Map|alt_name=minimap}} are scaled up a little when holding alt" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Removed {{PageRef|Pause}} cooldown in private bot matches and tutorial/sandbox" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Improved networking when there is packet loss or jitter" |
Tags | |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Souls|alt_name=Soul}} Vessel dropped from heroes (after killing neutrals) now scales in size based on how many {{PageRef|{{PageRef|Souls|alt_name=Soul}}s|alt_name=souls}} are inside" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Improved {{PageRef|Grey Talon}}'s trap visibility" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Increased the speed of {{PageRef|Guardian}}'s {{PageRef|Melee|alt_name=melee}} attacks" |
Tags | "Objective" |
"Guardian" |
"Melee" |
Description | "* Changed {{PageRef|Guardian}}'s behavior to only attempt {{PageRef|Melee|alt_name=melee}} when a unit is within 6m but still do damage to units in 12m range" |
Tags | "Objective" |
"Guardian" |
"Melee" |
Description | "* Candle trooper health bars now stick around at 1% when they are in self destruct mode to make it more clear they can still be shot" |
Tags | |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Infernus}}'s {{PageRef|Afterburn}} now shows portraits of enemies that are burning for the full duration" |
Tags | "Afterburn" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Infernus" |
Description | "* Improved menu UI sound feedback" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Player's icon is highlighted in the top bar" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Added UI sound effects for team and opponent deaths" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Added {{PageRef|Kinetic Carbine}} charge audio loop" |
Tags | "Kinetic Carbine" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Paradox" |
Description | "* Updated {{PageRef|Vindicta}} {{PageRef|Flight}} sound effects" |
Tags | "Vindicta" |
"Hero" |
"Flight" |
"Ability" |
Description | "* Added {{PageRef|Vindicta}} {{PageRef|Assassinate}} sound effect for targeted players" |
Tags | "Assassinate" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Vindicta" |
Description | "* Improved visuals for {{PageRef|Kelvin}}'s {{PageRef|Weapon|alt_name=gun}} projectile" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Fixed some visual issues with {{PageRef|Ice Path}}" |
Tags | "Ice Path" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Kelvin" |
Description | "* Added AoE effect to {{PageRef|Pocket}}'s {{PageRef|Barrage}}" |
Tags | "Barrage" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Pocket" |
Description | "* Updated weapon buff effect in {{PageRef|Pocket}}'s {{PageRef|Flying Cloak}} upgrade" |
Tags | "Flying Cloak" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Pocket" |
Description | "* Visual effects updates for {{PageRef|Melee|alt_name=melee}} lifesteal items" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Fixed {{PageRef|Power Slash}} sometimes getting stuck on nearby geometry" |
Tags | "Power Slash" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Yamato" |
Description | "* Updated sound effects for the {{PageRef|Sinner's Sacrifice}}" |
Tags | "Souls" |
"Sinner's Sacrifice" |
Description | "* Updated {{PageRef|Pocket}}'s Enchanted Satchel delay and explode sounds" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Updated {{PageRef|Pocket}}'s {{PageRef|Barrage}} cast and impact sounds" |
Tags | "Barrage" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Pocket" |
Description | "* Updated {{PageRef|Warden}}'s {{PageRef|Binding Word}} delay and impact sounds" |
Tags | "Binding Word" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Warden" |
Description | "* Fixed {{PageRef|Dynamo}}'s {{PageRef|Quantum Entanglement}} going through ceilings sometimes" |
Tags | "Quantum Entanglement" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Dynamo" |
Description | "* Fixed an HTML exploit with chat" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Fixed not being able to place deployable abilities at certain angles" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Fixed moving active item slots causing the player to say "[ITEM] is on cooldown"" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Fixed training {{PageRef|Ivy}}'s True Form causing you to get healed" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Fixed a bug with {{PageRef|Malice}} firing slightly upward" |
Tags | "Malice" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Lady Geist" |
Description | "* Changed collision on barrel stand stacks to block bullets" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Added zapper on factory outpost building" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Removed roof duct on top of low building besides inner {{PageRef|Walker}}" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Removed street lamp post that was causing heroes to get stuck near inner lane {{PageRef|Guardian}}" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Added lights to outer lane {{PageRef|Cosmic Veil}} tunnels" |
Tags | |
Description | "* More heroes will now compliment on good uses of ultimates instead of just saying "good work"" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Fixed more instances of heroes being called out by the wrong name" |
Tags | |
Description | "<h4>Misc Gameplay</h4>" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Base hero kill value increased from 150 to 225" |
Tags | |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Rejuvenator|alt_name=Rejuv}} duration reduced from 4 to 3 minutes" |
Tags | |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Rejuvenator|alt_name=Rejuv}} buff no longer increases your ammo" |
Tags | |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Rejuvenator|alt_name=Rejuv}} now causes all your candle troopers to have double health for 3 minutes" |
Tags | |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Mid-Boss|alt_name=Mid Boss}} can now only be damaged by enemies inside the bottom {{PageRef|Pit|alt_name=pit}}" |
Tags | "NPC" |
"Mid-Boss" |
"Map" |
"Pit" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Mid-Boss|alt_name=Mid Boss}} {{PageRef|Rejuvenator|alt_name=Rejuv}} claim time reduced from 2.5s to 1.5s" |
Tags | "NPC" |
"Mid-Boss" |
"Rejuvenator" |
Description | "* Strong {{PageRef|Denizen|alt_name=neutrals}} HP reduced by 20%" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Strong {{PageRef|Denizen|alt_name=neutrals}} {{PageRef|Souls|alt_name=souls}} bounty reduced by 20%" |
Tags | "NPC" |
"Creep" |
"Denizen" |
"Souls" |
Description | "* 4 Strong {{PageRef|Denizen|alt_name=Neutral}} camps in the corners of the map have been replaced with Medium {{PageRef|Denizen|alt_name=neutrals}}" |
Tags | |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Sinner's Sacrifice|alt_name=Vault}}s {{PageRef|Souls|alt_name=souls}} increased from 260 to 300" |
Tags | "Souls" |
"Sinner's Sacrifice" |
Description | "* Spirit tier bonus increased from 3/6/9/12 to 4/8/12/16" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Vitality tier bonus increased from 5/10/15/20% to 8/12/16/20%" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Bullet damage falloff now maxes out at ~65m instead of ~70m" |
Tags | |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Walker}} bomb damage reduced from 300 to 200" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Moved the middle lane {{PageRef|Base Guardian}}s further out slightly" |
Tags | "Objective" |
"Base Guardian" |
"Guardian" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Powerup}}s bonus types are now split between the regular destructibles like crates/vases/etc and the {{PageRef|Golden Statue}}s. Regular ones can only roll for {{PageRef|Souls|alt_name=souls}} and {{PageRef|Golden Statue}}s can only roll for buffs. Distribution of destructibles and Golden Status around the map has been adjusted a bit." |
Tags | "Breakable" |
"Golden Statue" |
"Powerup" |
"Souls" |
Description | "* Respawn rate for Destructibles/Statues (after initial spawn) slowed from 120s to 180s" |
Tags | |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Mid-Boss|alt_name=Mid boss}} area has reduced destructibles" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Movement Speed {{PageRef|PowerUp|alt_name=powerup}} duration increased from 12s to 30s" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Movement Speed {{PageRef|PowerUp|alt_name=powerup}} movespeed reduced from 2 to 1" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Movement Speed {{PageRef|PowerUp|alt_name=powerup}} sprint speed increased from 2 to 4" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Fire Rate {{PageRef|PowerUp|alt_name=powerup}} reduced from +20% to +15%" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Fire Rate {{PageRef|PowerUp|alt_name=powerup}} duration increased from 25s to 35s" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Health Regen {{PageRef|PowerUp|alt_name=powerup}} regen reduced from 1.5% to 1%" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Health Regen {{PageRef|PowerUp|alt_name=powerup}} duration increased from 15s to 25s" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Cooldown Reduction {{PageRef|PowerUp|alt_name=powerup}} reduced from 25% to 20%" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Extra Clip {{PageRef|PowerUp|alt_name=powerup}} reduced from 4 clips to 3" |
Tags | |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Extra Stamina}} {{PageRef|PowerUp|alt_name=powerup}} duration increased from 60s to 80s" |
Tags | "Extra Stamina" |
"Item" |
"Vitality Item" |
"PowerUp" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Extra Stamina}} {{PageRef|PowerUp|alt_name=powerup}} amount reduced from 2 to 1" |
Tags | "Extra Stamina" |
"Item" |
"Vitality Item" |
"PowerUp" |
Description | "* Crouch movespeed increased from 4 to 4.75" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Bullet Shields now block damage from {{PageRef|Melee|alt_name=melee}} (similar to resistance)" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Increased the distance heroes slide when they come to the bottom of a ramp" |
Tags | |
Description | "<h4>Item Gameplay</h4>" |
Tags | |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Extra Regen}}: Regen increased from 1.75 to 2" |
Tags | "Extra Regen" |
"Item" |
"Vitality Item" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Enduring Spirit}}: {{PageRef|Spirit Lifesteal}} reduced from +10% to +8%" |
Tags | "Spirit Lifesteal" |
"Item" |
"Vitality Item" |
"Enduring Spirit" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Reactive Barrier}}: Cooldown reduced from 35s to 25s" |
Tags | "Reactive Barrier" |
"Item" |
"Vitality Item" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Decay}} changed from 2.2% of Max Health to 2.4% Current Health (less damage when the target is low, and non-lethal now)" |
Tags | "Decay" |
"Item" |
"Spirit Item" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Healbane}} moved from Spirit tree to Vitality tree" |
Tags | "Healbane" |
"Item" |
"Vitality Item" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Healbane}} now gives +50 Health" |
Tags | "Healbane" |
"Item" |
"Vitality Item" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Spirit Lifesteal}}: Reduced from +25% to +23%" |
Tags | "Spirit Lifesteal" |
"Item" |
"Vitality Item" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Soul Shredder Bullets}}: Spirit Amp reduced from +12% to +10%" |
Tags | "Soul Shredder Bullets" |
"Item" |
"Weapon Item" |
"Souls" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Cold Front}}: cooldown reduced from 40s to 32s" |
Tags | "Cold Front" |
"Item" |
"Spirit Item" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Improved Cooldown}}: HP Regen reduced from 2 to 1.5" |
Tags | "Improved Cooldown" |
"Item" |
"Spirit Item" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Knockdown}}: No longer provides +2 Sprint" |
Tags | "Knockdown" |
"Item" |
"Spirit Item" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Knockdown}}: Now provides +1 Stamina" |
Tags | "Knockdown" |
"Item" |
"Spirit Item" |
Description | "* Shifting Shroud: Cooldown reduced from 45s to 35s" |
Tags | |
Description | "* Shifting Shroud: Bonus spirit duration increased from 6s to 10s" |
Tags | |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Sharpshooter}}: Damage falloff bonus reduced from 20% to 15%" |
Tags | "Sharpshooter" |
"Item" |
"Weapon Item" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Metal Skin}} duration reduced from 4s to 3s" |
Tags | "Metal Skin" |
"Item" |
"Vitality Item" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Metal Skin}} cooldown increased from 25s to 30s" |
Tags | "Metal Skin" |
"Item" |
"Vitality Item" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Intensifying Magazine}}: Time for Max Damage reduced from 4s to 3.5s" |
Tags | "Intensifying Magazine" |
"Item" |
"Weapon Item" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Torment Pulse}}: Interval improved from 2s to 1.5s" |
Tags | "Torment Pulse" |
"Item" |
"Spirit Item" |
"Pulse" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Rutger" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Torment Pulse}}: Damage per pulse reduced from 45 to 40 (total dps from 22.5 to 26.6)" |
Tags | "Torment Pulse" |
"Item" |
"Spirit Item" |
"Pulse" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Rutger" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Torment Pulse}}: HP bonus reduced from +150 to +125" |
Tags | "Torment Pulse" |
"Item" |
"Spirit Item" |
"Pulse" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Rutger" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Majestic Leap}}: Velocity increased from 22.5 to 27" |
Tags | "Majestic Leap" |
"Item" |
"Vitality Item" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Leech}}: {{PageRef|Spirit Lifesteal}} reduced from +35% to +33%" |
Tags | "Spirit Lifesteal" |
"Item" |
"Vitality Item" |
"Leech" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Refresher}}: No longer has cast time (was 1s)" |
Tags | "Refresher" |
"Item" |
"Spirit Item" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Mystic Reverb}}: Fixed the damage being reduced by armor twice" |
Tags | "Mystic Reverb" |
"Item" |
"Spirit Item" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Mystic Reverb}}: Damage reduced from 35% to 30%" |
Tags | "Mystic Reverb" |
"Item" |
"Spirit Item" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Curse}}: No longer prevents stamina usage" |
Tags | "Curse" |
"Item" |
"Spirit Item" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Curse}}: Now also prevents item usage" |
Tags | "Curse" |
"Item" |
"Spirit Item" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Curse}}: Duration reduced from 3.75s to 3.5s" |
Tags | "Curse" |
"Item" |
"Spirit Item" |
Description | "* Diviner's Kelvar: Bullet Shield increased from 700 to 1000" |
Tags | |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Boundless Spirit}}: Spirit increased from 45 to 50" |
Tags | "Boundless Spirit" |
"Item" |
"Spirit Item" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Spiritual Overflow}}: Spirit duration increased from 14s to 18s" |
Tags | "Spiritual Overflow" |
"Item" |
"Weapon Item" |
Description | "<h4>Hero Gamepla</h4>" |
Tags | |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Abrams}}: Base HP growth reduced from 36 to 32" |
Tags | |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Abrams}}: {{PageRef|Infernal Resilience}} T2 reduced from +200 Health to +150" |
Tags | "Infernal Resilience" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Abrams" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Abrams}}: {{PageRef|Seismic Impact}} personal brief busy state upon landing increased from 0.2s to 0.3s" |
Tags | "Seismic Impact" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Abrams" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Bebop}}: {{PageRef|Hyper Beam}} slow now affects stamina dashes" |
Tags | "Hyper Beam" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Bebop" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Dynamo}}: Base HP growth reduced from 48 to 44" |
Tags | |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Dynamo}}: {{PageRef|Quantum Entanglement}} fire rate bonus reduced from +30% to +25%" |
Tags | "Quantum Entanglement" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Dynamo" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Dynamo}}: {{PageRef|Singularity}} base radius increased from 8m to 10m" |
Tags | "Singularity" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Dynamo" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Haze}}: {{PageRef|Sleep Dagger}} T3 damage reduction on target improved from -30% to -40%" |
Tags | "Sleep Dagger" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Haze" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Haze}}: {{PageRef|Smoke Bomb}} sprint speed now instantly kicks in after casting it" |
Tags | "Smoke Bomb" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Haze" |
"Smoke" |
"Item" |
"Spirit Item" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Haze}}: {{PageRef|Bullet Dance}} cooldown reduced from 160s to 130s" |
Tags | "Bullet Dance" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Haze" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Haze}}: {{PageRef|Bullet Dance}} T2 changed to -40s Cooldown" |
Tags | "Bullet Dance" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Haze" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Haze}}: {{PageRef|Bullet Dance}} T3 changed to +1 Targets Hit Per Shot" |
Tags | "Bullet Dance" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Haze" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Infernus}}: {{PageRef|Flame Dash}} cooldown increased from 30s to 38s" |
Tags | "Flame Dash" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Infernus" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Ivy}}: {{PageRef|Watcher's Covenant}} heal sharing reduced from 65% to 55%" |
Tags | "Watcher's Covenant" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Ivy" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Kelvin}}: {{PageRef|Ice Path}} sprint speed increased from +1 to +2" |
Tags | "Ice Path" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Kelvin" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Kelvin}}: {{PageRef|Ice Path}} trail duration increased from 12s to 15s" |
Tags | "Ice Path" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Kelvin" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Kelvin}}: {{PageRef|Frozen Shelter}} T2 changed to -40s Cooldown" |
Tags | "Frozen Shelter" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Kelvin" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Kelvin}}: {{PageRef|Frozen Shelter}} T3 changed to +70 Health Regen that scales with Spirit" |
Tags | "Frozen Shelter" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Kelvin" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Kelvin}}: {{PageRef|Frozen Shelter}} can now be dismissed early" |
Tags | "Frozen Shelter" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Kelvin" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|McGinnis}}: {{PageRef|Spectral Wall}} can now be dismissed early" |
Tags | "Spectral Wall" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"McGinnis" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Pocket}}: {{PageRef|Barrage}} channel can now be interrupted by casting your other abilities" |
Tags | "Barrage" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Pocket" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Pocket}}: {{PageRef|Barrage}} radius increased from 6m to 6.5m" |
Tags | "Barrage" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Pocket" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Pocket}}: Enchanted Satchel cast time reduced from 0.25s to 0.15s" |
Tags | |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Seven}}: {{PageRef|Storm Cloud}} T1 increased from +30% to +35% Bullet Resist" |
Tags | "Storm Cloud" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Seven" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Vindicta}}: {{PageRef|Flight}} spirit bonus damage reduced from +12 to +10" |
Tags | "Vindicta" |
"Hero" |
"Flight" |
"Ability" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Vindicta}}: {{PageRef|Flight}} no longer has +10% bonus range to damage falloff" |
Tags | "Vindicta" |
"Hero" |
"Flight" |
"Ability" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Vindicta}}: {{PageRef|Flight}} cooldown increased from 35s to 50s" |
Tags | "Vindicta" |
"Hero" |
"Flight" |
"Ability" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Vindicta}}: {{PageRef|Flight}} T2 changed from +12 Spirit Damage to -15s Cooldown" |
Tags | "Vindicta" |
"Hero" |
"Flight" |
"Ability" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Vindicta}}: {{PageRef|Flight}} T3 changed from +3 m/s Bonus Air Speed to +12 Spirit Damage" |
Tags | "Vindicta" |
"Hero" |
"Flight" |
"Ability" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Vindicta}}: Can no longer {{PageRef|Melee|alt_name=melee}} while flying for extra movement" |
Tags | "Vindicta" |
"Hero" |
"Melee" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Vindicta}}: {{PageRef|Assassinate}} now ramps up its total damage from 50% to 100% over 1 second of being zoomed (UI indication for this)" |
Tags | "Assassinate" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Vindicta" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Vindicta}}: Fixed being unable to move while scoped in with {{PageRef|Assassinate}}" |
Tags | "Assassinate" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Vindicta" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Warden}}: Base ammo increased from 14 to 16" |
Tags | |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Warden}}: {{PageRef|Alchemical Flask}} T3 increased from +25% Fire Rate Slow to +35%" |
Tags | "Alchemical Flask" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Warden" |
Description | "* {{PageRef|Warden}}: {{PageRef|Willpower}} T3 increased from +150 Spirit Shield to +200" |
Tags | "Willpower" |
"Hero" |
"Ability" |
"Warden" |