hero_astro | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.125 |
AbilityCharges | 2 |
AbilityCooldown | 32 |
AbilityCooldownBetweenCharge | 5 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ArmTime | 1 |
BarrelDamage | 100 |
BarrelHeavyMeleeForceForward | 1100 |
BarrelHeavyMeleeForceUp | 550 |
BarrelLifetime | 8 |
BarrelLightMeleeForceForward | 760 |
BarrelLightMeleeForceUp | 550 |
BarrelPitchMax | 45 |
BarrelPitchMin | 2 |
BarrelRollSpeedMoveAir | 10 |
BarrelRollSpeedMoveMin | 15 |
BarrelScale | 1.3 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Key | "ability_explosive_barrel" |
MinTimeBeforeDestroy | 1 |
Name | "Powder Keg" |
Radius | 6 |
TossSpeed | 400 |
Upgrades | |
AbilityCooldown | -9.5 |
MinTimeBeforeDestroy | -1 |
ArmTime | -1 |
2 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.08 |
AbilityCharges | 1 |
AbilityCooldown | 37 |
AbilityCooldownBetweenCharge | 3.5 |
AbilityDuration | 22 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
AirControlAccelPercent | 50 |
AirControlPercent | 100 |
BarrelBounceVelocity | 800 |
BarrelUpFactor | 1 |
BounceVelocity | 750 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Key | "ability_bounce_pad" |
MinAirTimeForStomp | 0.2 |
Name | "Bounce Pad" |
PlaceDistance | 200 |
Radius | 12 |
Scale | 1 |
SpeedOnLand | 0 |
StompDamage | 120 |
TossSpeed | 500 |
UpFactor | 1.2 |
Upgrades | SpeedOnLand | "4m" |
SpeedOnLandDuration | 4 |
StompDamage | 100 |
Scale | Prop | "StompDamage" |
Value | 1.04832 |
Type | null |
VerticalDifferenceTolerance | 60 |
3 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.15 |
AbilityCooldown | 20 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
Damage | 100 |
DebuffDuration | 2 |
ExplosionRadius | 2 |
FadingSlowPercent | 50 |
Key | "ability_crackshot" |
Name | "Crackshot" |
Upgrades | |
AbilityCooldownPerHeadshot | -2 |
4 | AbilityCastRange | 10 |
AbilityCooldown | 159 |
AbilityDuration | 2.5 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BouncePadExtendDuration | 2 |
CameraPreviewDistance | 200 |
CameraPreviewOffset | 25 |
CameraPreviewSpeed | 0.6 |
ExtraTargetConeAngle | 40 |
ExtraTargetHorizontalOffset | 30 |
FollowDampingFactor | 12 |
FollowDistance | 120 |
GrabExtraTargetsRadiusMult | 2 |
Key | "ability_gravity_lasso" |
LassoTargetMaxSpeed | 550 |
LiftHeight | 7 |
LiftHorizontal | -30 |
Name | "Spirit Lasso" |
Upgrades | |
GrabExtraTargets | 1 |
ExtraTargetConeAngle | 60 |
BulletDamage | 32.2 |
BulletGravityScale | 0.8 |
BulletSpeed | 635 |
BulletsPerBurst | 1 |
BulletsPerShot | 1 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0 |
ClipSize | 10 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 71.55555555555557 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 57.5056 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 21.996399999999998 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | true |
InHeroLabs | true |
IsDisabled | false |
IsRecommended | false |
LevelScaling | BulletDamage | 1.492857 |
MaxHealth | 33 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
DPS | 3.317459999999997 |
SustainedDPS | 2.0591131034482757 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_astro_lore" |
MaxHealth | 625 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 8.3 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Holliday" |
Playstyle | "hero_astro_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 2.75 |
Role | "hero_astro_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 2.2222222222222223 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 2 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 44.41379310344828 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_astro_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_astro_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
WeaponTypes | "Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_MediumRange" |
"Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_HeavyHitter" |
hero_atlas | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 1 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCooldown | 42 |
AbilityDuration | 4 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
HealingFactor | 100 |
Key | "citadel_ability_bull_heal" |
LifeDrainPerSecond | 35 |
Name | "Siphon Life" |
NonHeroHealingFactor | 50 |
Radius | 10 |
TickRate | 0.25 |
Upgrades | |
2 | AbilityCooldown | 37 |
AbilityDuration | 1.2 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
CameraTurnRateMax | 200 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
ChargeDragVerticalOffset | 30 |
ChargeRadius | 2.2 |
ChargeSpeedMax | 30 |
CollidePlayersStopTime | 0.3 |
Damage | 40 |
Key | "citadel_ability_bull_charge" |
Name | "Shoulder Charge" |
SideMoveSpeedReduction | -65 |
SpeedInitial | 18.75 |
StunDuration | 0.85 |
TossUpMagnitude | 0.5 |
TurnRateMax | 140 |
Upgrades | |
WeaponDamageBonus | 5.5 |
WeaponPowerIncreaseDuration | 8 |
3 | AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BonusHealthRegen | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Key | "citadel_ability_passive_beefy" |
Name | "Infernal Resilience" |
RegenDamageInterval | 1 |
RegenIncomingDamageDuration | 20 |
RegenIncomingDamagePercent | 14 |
Upgrades | |
RegenIncomingDamagePercent | 7 |
4 | AbilityCooldown | 159 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 150 |
ImpactHeight | 4 |
ImpactRadius | 9 |
Key | "citadel_ability_bull_leap" |
Name | "Seismic Impact" |
StunDuration | 1 |
Upgrades | |
BonusMaxHealthPerHero | 100 |
BonusFireRatePerHero | 15 |
LandingBonusesDuration | 25 |
BulletDamage | 4.675 |
BulletGravityScale | 0.8 |
BulletSpeed | 609.5999503938 |
BulletsPerBurst | 1 |
BulletsPerShot | 9 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0 |
ClipSize | 9 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 70.125 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 45.72 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 20.000010800000002 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | false |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | false |
IsRecommended | true |
LevelScaling | BulletDamage | 0.251429 |
MaxHealth | 34 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
DPS | 3.7714349999999968 |
SustainedDPS | 2.1951763945028233 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_atlas_lore" |
MaxHealth | 570 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 6.8 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Abrams" |
Playstyle | "hero_atlas_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
RecommendedItems | "upgrade_close_range" |
"upgrade_lifestrike_gauntlets" |
"upgrade_health" |
"upgrade_berserker" |
"upgrade_cold_front" |
"upgrade_bullet_armor" |
"upgrade_tech_armor" |
"upgrade_chonky" |
"upgrade_close_quarter_combat" |
"upgrade_improved_bullet_armor" |
"upgrade_tech_purge" |
"upgrade_bullet_armor_reduction_aura" |
"upgrade_fervor" |
ReloadDelay | 0.705 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | true |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 0.3525 |
Role | "hero_atlas_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 1.6666666666666667 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 40.81649151172191 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_atlas_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_atlas_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
WeaponTypes | "Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_Spreadshot" |
"Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_CloseRange" |
hero_bebop | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 3 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCooldown | 21 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BuffGunRangePercent | 100 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
EnemyHeroTossVelocity | 20 |
ExplodeDebuffDuration | 5 |
FireRateSlow | 15 |
ForceReductionOnAngleDown | 0.75 |
Key | "citadel_ability_uppercut" |
LandingDamage | 80 |
MeleeAttackLength | 6 |
MeleeHalfAngle | 60 |
MeleeRadius | 2.5 |
Name | "Exploding Uppercut" |
OnLandDamageRadius | 14 |
TossVelocity | 25 |
Upgrades | |
UppercutBuffOnHit | 12 |
BuffBaseWeaponPct | 60 |
RestoreHookCooldown | 1 |
ClipSizeBonus | 100 |
UppercutDamage | 0.01 |
2 | AbilityCastRange | 6 |
AbilityCooldown | 18 |
AbilityDuration | 3 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BonusDamagePctPerPlayerHit | 1.5 |
BonusDamagePctPerPlayerKilled | 4 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 120 |
FuseTime | 3 |
Key | "citadel_ability_sticky_bomb" |
KillCheckWindow | 12 |
Name | "Sticky Bomb" |
Radius | 12 |
Upgrades | |
OutgoingDamagePenaltyPercent | -30 |
DebuffDuration | 5 |
3 | AbilityCastRange | 30 |
AbilityCooldown | 23 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 10 |
EndOfHookCommandRestrictLinger | 0.25 |
EndOfHookMoveSpeedBonus | 0 |
FriendlyHookIgnoreRange | 8 |
HookingSlowSpeedLimit | 0.001 |
Key | "citadel_ability_hook" |
Name | "Hook" |
ReturnDelay | 0.5 |
ReturnPositionForwardOffset | 100 |
ReturnSpeed | 2200 |
ReturnSpeedNonPlayer | 3850 |
Upgrades | BulletAmp | 30 |
BulletAmpDuration | 10 |
4 | AbilityCastDelay | 1 |
AbilityChannelTime | 11 |
AbilityCooldown | 130 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
AirSpeedMax | 70 |
BeamCloseDamagePercent | 75 |
BeamCloseRadius | 5 |
BeamEndRadius | 4 |
BeamLength | 70 |
BeamWidth | 2.9 |
BossDamagePercent | 20 |
CameraDistance | 7 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 70 |
DPS | 205 |
FallSpeedMax | 1 |
GroundDashReductionPercent | -40 |
Interval | 0.1 |
Key | "citadel_ability_bebop_laser_beam" |
Name | "Hyper Beam" |
SlowPercent | 25 |
SlowTargetDuration | 0.5 |
TrackingSpeed | 55 |
Upgrades | |
BeamLifesteal | 100 |
BeamLifestealNonHeroPercent | 33 |
ZoomBias | 0.5 |
ZoomTime | 0.1 |
BulletDamage | 5.3 |
BulletGravityScale | 0.8 |
BulletResist | 10 |
BulletSpeed | 508 |
BulletsPerBurst | 1 |
BulletsPerShot | 1 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0 |
ClipSize | 66 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 66.25 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 50.8 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 21.996399999999998 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | false |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | false |
IsRecommended | true |
LevelScaling | BulletDamage | 0.33 |
MaxHealth | 41 |
TechResist | 1 |
BonusAttackRange | 77.334084 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
DPS | 4.125 |
SustainedDPS | 2.8545216251638195 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_bebop_lore" |
MaxHealth | 650 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 6.55 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Bebop" |
Playstyle | "hero_bebop_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
RecommendedItems | "upgrade_clip_size" |
"upgrade_endurance" |
"upgrade_magic_burst" |
"upgrade_non_player_bonus" |
"upgrade_acolytes_glove" |
"upgrade_improved_spirit" |
"upgrade_sprint_booster" |
"upgrade_soaring_spirit" |
"upgrade_tech_defense_shredders" |
"upgrade_blitz_bullets" |
"upgrade_tech_armor" |
"upgrade_magic_shock" |
"upgrade_intensifying_clip" |
"upgrade_chonky" |
"upgrade_mega_spirit" |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 2.35 |
Role | "hero_bebop_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 12.5 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 3 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 45.84534731323722 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_bebop_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_bebop_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
WeaponTypes | "Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_BeamWeapon" |
"Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_MediumRange" |
hero_bomber | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.2 |
AbilityCooldown | 10.5 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BlastJumpVelocity | 25 |
BlastJumpVelocityCrouch | 30 |
BlastJumpVelocityGround | 20 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Key | "ability_charged_bomb" |
MaxChargeTime | 2 |
MaxDamage | 100 |
Name | null |
Radius | 7 |
Upgrades | |
2 | AbilityCooldown | 26 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Key | "ability_bomber_ability02" |
Name | null |
Upgrades | |
3 | AbilityCooldown | 26 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Key | "ability_bomber_ability03" |
Name | null |
Upgrades | |
4 | AbilityCooldown | 127 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Key | "ability_bomber_ult" |
Name | null |
Upgrades | |
BulletDamage | 5.5 |
BulletGravityScale | 0 |
BulletSpeed | 571.5 |
BulletsPerBurst | 1 |
BulletsPerShot | 1 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0 |
ClipSize | 30 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 61.111111111111114 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 57.5056 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 21.996399999999998 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | true |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | true |
IsRecommended | false |
LevelScaling | BulletDamage | 0.124929 |
MaxHealth | 41 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
DPS | 1.3880999999999943 |
SustainedDPS | 0.7207442307692347 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_bomber_lore" |
MaxHealth | 550 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 7.3 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Bomber" |
Playstyle | "hero_bomber_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 2.5 |
Role | "hero_bomber_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 11.11111111111111 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 31.730769230769234 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_bomber_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_bomber_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
hero_cadence | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.75 |
AbilityCooldown | 37 |
AbilityDuration | 8 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
ExtraLargeClip | 25 |
Key | "cadence_ability_anthem" |
LingerDuration | 0.5 |
Name | "Anthem" |
PeakFireRateBonus | 100 |
Radius | 12 |
Upgrades | |
2 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.25 |
AbilityCooldown | 42 |
AbilityDuration | 6 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BonusMoveSpeed | 0 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
DashDistance | 8 |
DebuffDuration | 2 |
Key | "cadence_ability_silencecontraptions" |
MeleeEMP | 1 |
Name | "Silence Contraptions" |
Upgrades | |
3 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.25 |
AbilityCooldown | 48 |
AbilityDuration | 6 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
ExternalBonusHealthRegen | 15 |
Key | "cadence_ability_lullaby" |
LingerDuration | 0.25 |
MinimumSleepTime | 2 |
Name | "Lullaby" |
Radius | 12 |
SleepWakeUpDelay | 0.25 |
Upgrades | ExternalBonusHealthRegen | 15 |
4 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.5 |
AbilityChannelTime | 3 |
AbilityCooldown | 95 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BulletResist | -20 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 0 |
Damage | 120 |
DebuffDuration | 6 |
Key | "cadence_ability_crescendo" |
Name | "Crescendo" |
Radius | 12 |
Upgrades | |
BulletDamage | 4.9 |
BulletGravityScale | 0.8 |
BulletSpeed | 635 |
BulletsPerBurst | 4 |
BulletsPerShot | 1 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0.1 |
ClipSize | 24 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 28.000000000000004 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 57.5056 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 21.996399999999998 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | true |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | true |
IsRecommended | false |
LevelScaling | MaxHealth | 41 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_cadence_lore" |
MaxHealth | 650 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 7.3 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Cadence" |
Playstyle | "hero_cadence_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 2 |
Role | "hero_cadence_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 3.3333333333333335 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 18.967741935483875 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_cadence_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_cadence_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
hero_chrono | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.2 |
AbilityCooldown | 28 |
AbilityDuration | 3.2 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BossDamagePercent | 50 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
DamageAmplificationPerStack | 6 |
DebuffDuration | 8 |
Key | "citadel_ability_chrono_pulse_grenade" |
MovementSlowDuration | 2 |
Name | "Pulse Grenade" |
PulseDamage | 45 |
PulseInterval | 0.8 |
Radius | 6 |
RadiusIncreasePerPulse | 0 |
SlowPercent | 30 |
Upgrades | |
PulseDamage | 45 |
RadiusIncreasePerPulse | "0.75m" |
2 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.2 |
AbilityCastRange | 200 |
AbilityCooldown | 25 |
AbilityDuration | 7 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
AuraEffectDuration | 1.25 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
DamageTickRate | 1.5 |
FriendlyBulletDamageBonus | 20 |
FriendlyBulletTimeScale | 3 |
Key | "citadel_ability_chrono_time_wall" |
MovementSlowPct | 80 |
Name | "Time Wall" |
TimeScaleDuration | 0.7 |
TimeWallDepth | 0.5 |
TimeWallDepthVisualScale | 0.16 |
TimeWallFormationTime | 0.5 |
TimeWallHeight | 3.5 |
TimeWallTimeScale | 0.0001 |
TimeWallWidth | 7 |
Upgrades | TimeWallWidth | "2m" |
TimeWallHeight | "1m" |
3 | AbilityCooldown | 30 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BaseBulletDamage | 5 |
BonusBulletSpeed | 100 |
BulletRadiusOverride | 13.7 |
BulletTimeScale | 0.01 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
HeadshotBonus | 15 |
Key | "citadel_ability_chrono_kinetic_carbine" |
MaxBonusBulletDamage | 100 |
MaxChargeDuration | 2.5 |
MaxSlowDuration | 0.5 |
MinBonusBulletDamage | 25 |
MinSlowDuration | 0.25 |
MoveSpeedWhileShootingPenaltyReduction | 100 |
Name | "Kinetic Carbine" |
ProjectileTimeScale | 0.01 |
ShotCount | 1 |
SpeedBoostDuration | 3.5 |
SpeedChange | 25 |
TimeScaleDebuff | 90 |
TimeWarpRadius | 5 |
Upgrades | |
AbilityCooldown | -10 |
SpeedBoostDuration | 2 |
4 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.15 |
AbilityCastRange | 25 |
AbilityCooldown | 65 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
DistanceToMaxTime | 30 |
InitialFreezeTime | 0.25 |
InitialHeight | 350 |
Key | "citadel_ability_chrono_swap" |
MinSwapTime | 0.3 |
Name | "Paradoxical Swap" |
SpellLifesteal | 100 |
SwapTime | 0.6 |
SwapTotalDamage | 125 |
TickRate | 0.25 |
Upgrades | |
BulletDamage | 7.2 |
BulletGravityScale | 0.1 |
BulletSpeed | 525.00022 |
BulletsPerBurst | 5 |
BulletsPerShot | 1 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0.07 |
ClipSize | 40 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 57.14285714285713 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 57.5056 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 21.996399999999998 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | false |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | false |
IsRecommended | false |
LevelScaling | BulletDamage | 0.45 |
MaxHealth | 40 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
DPS | 3.5714285714285694 |
SustainedDPS | 2.360655737704924 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_chrono_lore" |
MaxHealth | 550 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 6.8 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Paradox" |
Playstyle | "hero_chrono_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
RecommendedItems | "upgrade_hollow_point_rounds" |
"upgrade_medic_bullets" |
"upgrade_magic_burst" |
"upgrade_sprint_booster" |
"upgrade_crackshot" |
"upgrade_magic_shield" |
"upgrade_regenerating_bullet_shield" |
"upgrade_magic_shock" |
"upgrade_chain_lightning" |
"upgrade_chonky" |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 2.585 |
Role | "hero_chrono_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 3.571428571428571 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 37.77049180327868 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_chrono_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_chrono_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
WeaponTypes | "Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_BurstFire" |
"Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_MediumRange" |
hero_dynamo | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.42 |
AbilityCharges | 1 |
AbilityCooldown | 26 |
AbilityCooldownBetweenCharge | 5 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
ClimbHeight | 2.5 |
Damage | 100 |
DistanceAboveGround | 0.5 |
DropDownRate | 8 |
ImpactInterval | 0.1 |
Key | "citadel_ability_stomp" |
Name | "Kinetic Pulse" |
StompRange | 15 |
StompWidth | 5 |
TechCleaveExpireTime | 0.2 |
TossSpeed | 450 |
Upgrades | FireRateSlow | 25 |
SlowPercent | 35 |
SlowDuration | 4 |
BulletArmorReduction | 30 |
BulletArmorReductionDuration | 8 |
2 | AbilityCastRange | 9 |
AbilityCooldown | 15 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
AllyDistance | 9 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
FireRateBonus | 25 |
FireRateBonusDurationMax | 8 |
Key | "citadel_ability_void_sphere" |
Name | "Quantum Entanglement" |
TrailInterval | 0.01 |
Upgrades | |
BonusClipSizePercent | 120 |
AbilityCooldown | -4 |
VoidTime | 1.4 |
3 | AbilityChannelTime | 5 |
AbilityCooldown | 48 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 4.2 |
HealingPerSecond | 32 |
Key | "citadel_ability_nikuman" |
MovementSpeedBonus | 0 |
Name | "Rejuvenating Aurora" |
ShareWithFriendsRadius | 8 |
Upgrades | MovementSpeedBonus | "4m" |
MovementSpeedBonusDuration | 8 |
NoChannel | 1 |
HealMaxHealthPercent | 3.8 |
4 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.2 |
AbilityChannelTime | 2.75 |
AbilityCooldown | 191 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
CameraDistance | 400 |
DPS | 45 |
DamagePercentHealth | 1.5 |
Key | "citadel_ability_self_vacuum" |
Name | "Singularity" |
Speed | 200 |
TickRate | 1 |
TossAngle | 45 |
TossSpeed | 350 |
Upgrades | |
VacuumRadius | 7 |
BulletDamage | 13 |
BulletGravityScale | 0.8 |
BulletSpeed | 320.03999999999996 |
BulletsPerBurst | 1 |
BulletsPerShot | 1 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0 |
ClipSize | 18 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 52 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 57.5056 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 21.996399999999998 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | false |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | false |
IsRecommended | true |
LevelScaling | BulletDamage | 0.707143 |
MaxHealth | 44 |
BulletResist | 1 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
DPS | 2.828572000000001 |
SustainedDPS | 1.8581859854014624 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_dynamo_lore" |
MaxHealth | 650 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 6.8 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Dynamo" |
Playstyle | "hero_dynamo_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
RecommendedItems | "upgrade_hollow_point_rounds" |
"upgrade_clip_size" |
"upgrade_magic_reach" |
"upgrade_healing_booster" |
"upgrade_arcane_extension" |
"upgrade_magic_tempo" |
"upgrade_bullet_armor" |
"upgrade_tech_armor" |
"upgrade_cooldown_reduction" |
"upgrade_rocket_booster" |
"upgrade_ability_refresher" |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 2.35 |
Role | "hero_dynamo_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 4 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 34.16058394160584 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_dynamo_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_dynamo_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
WeaponTypes | "Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_MediumRange" |
"Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_HeavyHitter" |
"Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_Projectile" |
hero_forge | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.2 |
AbilityCastRange | 20 |
AbilityCharges | 1 |
AbilityCooldown | 18 |
AbilityCooldownBetweenCharge | 3 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
AttackConeAngle | 10 |
AttackSpeedMult | 100 |
BossDamagePercentIncoming | 50 |
BossDamagePercentOutgoing | 30 |
Key | "citadel_ability_shieldedsentry" |
ModelScale | 0.8 |
Name | "Mini Turret" |
NonHeroDamagePercentOutgoing | 50 |
TechResist | 70 |
TickRate | 0.5 |
TrackingSpeed | 125 |
TurretAttackDelay | 0.2 |
TurretAttackFalloffEnd | 35 |
TurretAttackFalloffStart | 20 |
TurretAttackRange | 25 |
TurretBaseHealth | 75 |
TurretDPS | 40 |
TurretDecayDamagePerSecond | 20 |
TurretDeployTime | 0.25 |
TurretHealthScaling | 15 |
TurretLifetime | 24 |
Upgrades | MoveSlowPercent | 25 |
SlowDuration | 1.3 |
TurretAttackRange | "10m" |
AttackSpeedMult | 10 |
2 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.2 |
AbilityCastRange | 15 |
AbilityCooldown | 48 |
AbilityDuration | 6 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
ExternalBonusHealthRegen | 25 |
HealRadius | 5 |
Key | "citadel_ability_mobile_resupply" |
MaxHealthRegenPctInterval | 0.5 |
Name | "Medicinal Specter" |
TurretHealMult | 1 |
Upgrades | |
3 | AbilityCastRange | 50 |
AbilityCooldown | 46 |
AbilityDuration | 5 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 64 |
Key | "citadel_ability_fissure_wall" |
MinRange | 6 |
Name | "Spectral Wall" |
NumWallSegments | 7 |
PushForce | 175 |
SegmentEmitTime | 0.1 |
SlowDuration | 2.5 |
SlowPercent | 20 |
TimeBetweenSegments | 0.035 |
TimeToMaxDistance | 2 |
Upgrades | StaminaReduction | 1 |
BonusDamagePercent | 15 |
DebuffDuration | 7 |
WallImpactRange | 5 |
4 | AbilityCastRange | 50 |
AbilityChannelTime | 13 |
AbilityCooldown | 140 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 100 |
BossDamagePercent | 50 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | -1 |
DamagePerRocket | 30 |
DetonateTimer | 5 |
ExplosionFalloffDisabled | 1 |
ExplosionRadius | 5 |
GrenadesPerSecond | 6 |
IntervalRampUpStart | 0.35 |
IntervalRampUpTime | 0.3 |
Key | "citadel_ability_rocket_barrage" |
MaxSpread | 5 |
MinDistance | 7 |
Name | "Heavy Barrage" |
ProjectileIgnoreCollisionTime | 0.2 |
TrackSpeedFar | 100 |
TrackSpeedNear | 150 |
TrackingTime | 0.4 |
TrackingVariance | 0 |
Upgrades | MoveSlowPercent | 30 |
MoveSlowDuration | 2 |
BulletDamage | 7.15 |
BulletGravityScale | 0.8 |
BulletResist | 15 |
BulletSpeed | 533.4 |
BulletsPerBurst | 1 |
BulletsPerShot | 1 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0 |
ClipSize | 66 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 35.75 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 57.5056 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 21.996399999999998 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | false |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | false |
IsRecommended | true |
LevelScaling | BulletDamage | 0.345714 |
MaxHealth | 41 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
DPS | 1.7285699999999977 |
SustainedDPS | 1.3836946027895678 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_forge_lore" |
MaxHealth | 550 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 6.8 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "McGinnis" |
Playstyle | "hero_forge_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
RecommendedItems | "upgrade_extra_charge" |
"upgrade_rapid_rounds" |
"upgrade_resilience" |
"upgrade_improved_stamina" |
"upgrade_sprint_booster" |
"upgrade_magic_reach" |
"upgrade_fleetfoot_boots" |
"upgrade_magic_tempo" |
"upgrade_bullet_armor" |
"upgrade_magic_shield" |
"upgrade_magic_vulnerability" |
"upgrade_chain_lightning" |
"upgrade_rapid_recharge" |
"upgrade_dps_aura" |
"upgrade_magic_slow" |
"upgrade_cooldown_reduction" |
"upgrade_ability_power_shard" |
"upgrade_escalating_exposure" |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 3.29 |
Role | "hero_forge_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 5 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 2 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 28.617343844754394 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_forge_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_forge_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
WeaponTypes | "Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_RapidFire" |
"Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_MediumRange" |
hero_genericperson | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCastDelay | 1 |
AbilityCooldown | 10.5 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Key | "genericperson_ability_1" |
Name | null |
Upgrades | |
2 | AbilityCastDelay | 1 |
AbilityCooldown | 10.5 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Key | "genericperson_ability_2" |
Name | null |
Upgrades | |
3 | AbilityCastDelay | 1 |
AbilityCooldown | 10.5 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Key | "genericperson_ability_3" |
Name | null |
Upgrades | |
4 | AbilityCastDelay | 1 |
AbilityCooldown | 10.5 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Key | "genericperson_ability_4" |
Name | null |
Upgrades | |
BulletDamage | 11.6 |
BulletGravityScale | 0 |
BulletSpeed | 635 |
BulletsPerBurst | 1 |
BulletsPerShot | 1 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0 |
ClipSize | 15 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 57.99999999999999 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 57.5056 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 21.996399999999998 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | true |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | true |
IsRecommended | false |
LevelScaling | MaxHealth | 41 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_genericperson_lore" |
MaxHealth | 550 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 7.3 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Generic Person" |
Playstyle | "hero_genericperson_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 2 |
Role | "hero_genericperson_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 5 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 34.8 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_genericperson_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_genericperson_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
hero_ghost | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 1 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCooldown | 10.5 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ArmingDuration | 0.5 |
BeepSoundBuildupCount | 4 |
BeepSoundIntervalBias | 0.55 |
BeepSoundMaxFrequency | 0.1 |
BossDamagePercent | 25 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 100 |
Key | "ability_blood_bomb" |
Name | "Essence Bomb" |
Radius | 7 |
SelfDamage | 30 |
Upgrades | |
BloodSpillDPSPercent | 26 |
BloodSpillDuration | 6 |
2 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.2 |
AbilityCastRange | 20 |
AbilityCooldown | 30 |
AbilityDuration | 2 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 10 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Key | "ability_life_drain" |
LifeDrainHealthMult | 100 |
LifeDrainPerSecond | 35 |
MaxRange | 30 |
MoveSpeedReduction | 25 |
Name | "Life Drain" |
TickRate | 0.1 |
Upgrades | |
3 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.12 |
AbilityCooldown | 6 |
AbilityPostCastDuration | 0.3 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | -1 |
DebuffDuration | 9 |
HealthToDamage | 32 |
Key | "ability_blood_shards" |
MaxStacks | 5 |
MoveSpeedPenaltyPerStack | 15 |
Name | "Malice" |
NumBloodShards | 3 |
SlowDuration | 4 |
SpreadAngleDegrees | 6 |
Upgrades | |
HealthToDamage | 40 |
VulnerabilityPerStack | 7 |
NumBloodShards | 6 |
SpreadAngleDegrees | 22 |
VulnerabilityPerStack | 8 |
4 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.2 |
AbilityCastRange | 7 |
AbilityCooldown | 170 |
AbilityDuration | 0.25 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 2 |
EnemyMinHealthPct | 30 |
EnemySlowPct | 70 |
InitialUpSpeed | 150 |
Key | "ability_health_swap" |
MinDiffToCast | 0.1 |
MinHealthTakenPct | 30 |
Name | "Soul Exchange" |
PostCastHoldTime | 0.7 |
Upgrades | |
SelfBuffDuration | 8 |
TechResist | 40 |
BonusFireRate | 40 |
BulletDamage | 25 |
BulletGravityScale | 0.8 |
BulletSpeed | 828.04 |
BulletsPerBurst | 1 |
BulletsPerShot | 1 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0 |
ClipSize | 13 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 55.555555555555564 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 57.5056 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 21.996399999999998 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | false |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | false |
IsRecommended | false |
LevelScaling | BulletDamage | 1.65 |
MaxHealth | 41 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
DPS | 3.666666666666657 |
SustainedDPS | 2.5429756965026655 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_ghost_lore" |
MaxHealth | 650 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 6.3 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Lady Geist" |
Playstyle | "hero_ghost_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
RecommendedItems | "upgrade_medic_bullets" |
"upgrade_headshot_booster" |
"upgrade_magic_burst" |
"upgrade_resilience" |
"upgrade_magic_reach" |
"upgrade_crackshot" |
"upgrade_tech_defense_shredders" |
"upgrade_bullet_armor" |
"upgrade_healbane" |
"upgrade_tech_armor" |
"upgrade_magic_shock" |
"upgrade_tech_purge" |
"upgrade_improved_bullet_armor" |
"upgrade_fervor" |
"upgrade_critshot" |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 2.585 |
Role | "hero_ghost_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 2.2222222222222223 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 1.5 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 38.52993479549497 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_ghost_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_ghost_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
WeaponTypes | "Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_MediumRange" |
"Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_HeavyHitter" |
hero_gigawatt | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 3 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.2 |
AbilityCharges | 1 |
AbilityCooldown | 26 |
AbilityCooldownBetweenCharge | 8 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BossDamagePercent | 50 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
DPS | 80 |
HitSpeed | 80 |
Key | "citadel_ability_lightning_ball" |
MaxLifetime | 5 |
MinShockDuration | 0.5 |
Name | "Lightning Ball" |
ShockRadius | 3.5 |
TickRate | 0.1 |
Upgrades | |
2 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.2 |
AbilityCastRange | 16 |
AbilityCooldown | 42 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 40 |
Key | "citadel_ability_static_charge" |
Name | "Static Charge" |
ShockDelay | 3.5 |
ShockRadius | 5 |
StunDuration | 0.9 |
Upgrades | |
3 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.2 |
AbilityCooldown | 48 |
AbilityDuration | 10 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BonusPerChain | 10 |
BossDamagePercent | 50 |
ChainCount | 3 |
ChainRadius | 10 |
ChainTickRate | 0.2 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
DamagePerChain | 10 |
Key | "ability_power_surge" |
Name | "Power Surge" |
Upgrades | TechResistDebuff | -15 |
DebuffDuration | 8 |
DamagePerChain | 12 |
BonusPerChain | 12 |
ChainCount | 3 |
Scale | Prop | "BonusPerChain" |
Value | 0.366912 |
Type | "spirit" |
4 | AbilityChannelTime | 7 |
AbilityCooldown | 148 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BossDamagePercent | 25 |
BulletResistOnActive | 20 |
CameraDistance | 600 |
CloudHeight | 120 |
DPS | 120 |
DamageInterval | 0.25 |
EndingSoonTime | 2 |
ExpandTime | 2 |
InitialRadius | 12 |
Key | "citadel_ability_storm_cloud" |
Name | "Storm Cloud" |
Radius | 30 |
Upgrades | |
Radius | "10m" |
AbilityChannelTime | 7 |
BulletDamage | 11.5 |
BulletGravityScale | 0.8 |
BulletSpeed | 635 |
BulletsPerBurst | 3 |
BulletsPerShot | 1 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0.08 |
ClipSize | 29 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | -35 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 70.40816326530613 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 57.5056 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 21.996399999999998 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | false |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | false |
IsRecommended | true |
LevelScaling | BulletDamage | 0.597143 |
MaxHealth | 31 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
DPS | 3.655977551020385 |
SustainedDPS | 2.4436237535277456 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_gigawatt_lore" |
MaxHealth | 550 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 7.1 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Seven" |
Playstyle | "hero_gigawatt_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
RecommendedItems | "upgrade_non_player_bonus" |
"upgrade_resilience" |
"upgrade_improved_spirit" |
"upgrade_magic_reach" |
"upgrade_tech_defense_shredders" |
"upgrade_health_stealing_magic" |
"upgrade_tech_armor" |
"upgrade_bullet_armor" |
"upgrade_magic_vulnerability" |
"upgrade_suppressor" |
"upgrade_rocket_booster" |
"upgrade_chain_lightning" |
"upgrade_magic_slow" |
"upgrade_soaring_spirit" |
"upgrade_tech_purge" |
"upgrade_damage_recycler" |
"upgrade_escalating_exposure" |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 2.35 |
Role | "hero_gigawatt_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 4 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 47.06020696142992 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_gigawatt_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_gigawatt_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
WeaponTypes | "Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_BurstFire" |
"Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_MediumRange" |
hero_gunslinger | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.2 |
AbilityCastRange | 15 |
AbilityChannelTime | 1.5 |
AbilityCooldown | 10.5 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BulletAccuracy | 200 |
BulletSpeedPercent | 100 |
CastRangeWhenVertical | 30 |
CastRangeWhenVerticalBias | 0.3 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
FireRateMultiplier | 100 |
JuggleAirSpeedMax | 50 |
JuggleFallSpeedMax | 20 |
Key | "gunslinger_rapid_fire" |
Name | "Rapid Fire" |
Upgrades | |
WeaponDamageScale | -75 |
2 | AbilityCharges | 1 |
AbilityCooldown | 10.5 |
AbilityCooldownBetweenCharge | 0.8 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 100 |
ExplosionRadius | 3 |
Key | "gunslinger_rocket_launcher" |
LaunchMaxSpeed | 750 |
LaunchMinSpeed | 700 |
LaunchMinVerticalAmount | 0.7 |
LaunchVerticalBias | 0.5 |
Name | "Rocket Launcher" |
Upgrades | |
3 | AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BulletLifestealPercent | 15 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Key | "gunslinger_tenacity" |
LowHealthHealingScalePercent | 100 |
Name | "Tenacity" |
Upgrades | |
4 | AbilityCooldown | 95 |
AbilityDuration | "" |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 50 |
EndRadius | 30 |
Key | "gunslinger_sleep_bomb" |
Name | "Sleep Bomb" |
SleepDuration | 6 |
SpreadDuration | 2 |
StartRadius | 5 |
Upgrades | |
BulletDamage | 11.6 |
BulletGravityScale | 0.8 |
BulletSpeed | 406.4 |
BulletsPerBurst | 2 |
BulletsPerShot | 1 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0.05 |
ClipSize | 22 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 115.99999999999999 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 57.5056 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 21.996399999999998 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | true |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | true |
IsRecommended | false |
LevelScaling | MaxHealth | 41 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_gunslinger_lore" |
MaxHealth | 550 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 7.3 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Gunslinger" |
Playstyle | "hero_gunslinger_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 1.6 |
Role | "hero_gunslinger_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 10 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 67.1578947368421 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_gunslinger_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_gunslinger_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
hero_haze | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.2 |
AbilityCooldown | 26 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
AoESleep | 0 |
BombFallHeight | 1.5 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 70 |
DoesNotBreakInvis | 1 |
DrowsyDuration | 0.35 |
DrowsyMoveSlowPercent | 60 |
Key | "ability_sleep_dagger" |
MinimumSleepTime | 0.2 |
Name | "Sleep Dagger" |
RicochetRadius | 20 |
SleepDuration | 3 |
SleepWakeUpDelay | 0.1 |
TickRate | 0.5 |
Upgrades | |
BulletResistReduction | -12 |
FireRateSlow | 40 |
BulletResistReductionDuration | 6 |
2 | AbilityCooldown | 37 |
AbilityDuration | 8 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
FullInvisDistance | 50 |
InvisAlertWhenFading | 1 |
InvisFadeToDuration | 1.5 |
InvisMoveSpeedMod | 2 |
Key | "ability_smoke_bomb" |
Name | "Smoke Bomb" |
RevealOnDamageDuration | 1.5 |
RevealOnSpottedDuration | 0.5 |
SpottedRadius | 18 |
Upgrades | |
BulletLifesteal | 30 |
PostInvisBuffDuration | 8 |
3 | AbilityDuration | 6 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BossDamagePct | 30 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
DamageBonusFixedPerStack | 0.2 |
Key | "ability_stacking_damage" |
MaxStacks | 40 |
Name | "Fixation" |
Upgrades | ProcDamage | 60 |
Scale | Prop | "ProcDamage" |
Value | 0.39312 |
Type | "spirit" |
ProcDamageStackCount | 20 |
SlowPercent | 15 |
SlowDuration | 2 |
AbilityDuration | 5 |
MaxStacks | 40 |
DamageBonusFixedPerStack | 0.15 |
4 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.4 |
AbilityCooldown | 138 |
AbilityDuration | 3 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BonusFireRate | 30 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 4 |
Key | "ability_bullet_flurry" |
Name | "Bullet Dance" |
OverrideBulletRadius | 10 |
Radius | 15 |
TargetsPerTick | 1 |
Upgrades | |
EvasionPercent | 40 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | "2m" |
WeaponDamageBonus | 2 |
BulletDamage | 5.6 |
BulletGravityScale | 1.5 |
BulletSpeed | 762 |
BulletsPerBurst | 1 |
BulletsPerShot | 1 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0 |
ClipSize | 25 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 55.99999999999999 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 45.9994 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 21.996399999999998 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | false |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | false |
IsRecommended | true |
LevelScaling | BulletDamage | 0.223929 |
MaxHealth | 27 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
DPS | 2.239290000000004 |
SustainedDPS | 1.1542731958762857 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_haze_lore" |
MaxHealth | 500 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 8.3 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Haze" |
Playstyle | "hero_haze_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
RecommendedItems | "upgrade_endurance" |
"upgrade_clip_size" |
"upgrade_improved_spirit" |
"upgrade_vampire" |
"upgrade_slowing_bullets" |
"upgrade_blitz_bullets" |
"upgrade_regenerating_bullet_shield" |
"upgrade_magic_shield" |
"upgrade_burst_fire" |
"upgrade_bullet_armor_reduction_aura" |
"upgrade_chonky" |
"upgrade_inhibitor" |
"upgrade_silencer" |
"upgrade_critshot" |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 2.35 |
Role | "hero_haze_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 10 |
SpiritScaling | ClipSize | 0.5 |
SustainedDPS | 0.27687776141383935 |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 28.8659793814433 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_haze_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_haze_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
WeaponTypes | "Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_RapidFire" |
"Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_CloseRange" |
hero_hornet | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.2 |
AbilityCooldown | 42 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
CaptureRadius | 8 |
ChainDuration | 2 |
ChainLength | 8 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 60 |
EnemyDragSpeed | 1000 |
Key | "citadel_ability_hornet_chain" |
Name | "Stake" |
SlowPercent | 30 |
Upgrades | |
2 | AbilityChannelTime | 0.2 |
AbilityCooldown | 42 |
AbilityDuration | 12 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
AirSideMoveSpeedPercentage | -35 |
AirSpeedBonus | 0 |
JumpVelocity | 1000 |
Key | "citadel_ability_hornet_leap" |
MagicDamagePerBullet | 10 |
MaxFlyHeight | 1720 |
MinVelocityZ | -20 |
Name | "Flight" |
Upgrades | |
WeaponRecoilReduction | 40 |
3 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.2 |
AbilityCooldown | 26 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BulletResistReduction | -6 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
DebuffDuration | 6 |
DotHealthPercent | 3 |
ImpactDamage | 40 |
Key | "citadel_ability_hornet_sting" |
Name | "Crow Familiar" |
TargetBounceRange | 0 |
TickRate | 1 |
Upgrades | TargetBounceRange | "15m" |
TargetBounceCount | 3 |
DotHealthPercent | 3 |
HealAmpReceivePenaltyPercent | -40 |
HealAmpRegenPenaltyPercent | -40 |
VisualSplashRadius | 1 |
4 | AbilityCharges | 2 |
AbilityCooldown | 53 |
AbilityCooldownBetweenCharge | 1.6 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BonusGoldOnKill | 250 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 140 |
HeadshotBonus | 20 |
Key | "citadel_ability_hornet_snipe" |
LowHealthEnemyDamageBonus | 145 |
LowHealthEnemyThresholdPct | 50 |
MaxSoundDistance | 2000 |
MinChargeDamagePercent | 25 |
MoveSpeed | 4 |
Name | "Assassinate" |
Range | 1000 |
ShotRadius | 4 |
TimeToFullCharge | 1 |
Upgrades | |
LowHealthEnemyDamageBonus | 140 |
ViewPunch | 2.5 |
WeaponDamageBonus | 13 |
BulletDamage | 13 |
BulletGravityScale | 0.8 |
BulletSpeed | 889 |
BulletsPerBurst | 1 |
BulletsPerShot | 1 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0 |
ClipSize | 22 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 59.0909090909091 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 64.000126 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 21.996399999999998 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | false |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | false |
IsRecommended | true |
LevelScaling | BulletDamage | 0.8 |
MaxHealth | 20 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
DPS | 3.6363636363636402 |
SustainedDPS | 2.2697962342016993 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_hornet_lore" |
MaxHealth | 550 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 9 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Vindicta" |
Playstyle | "hero_hornet_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
RecommendedItems | "upgrade_endurance" |
"upgrade_hollow_point_rounds" |
"upgrade_headshot_booster" |
"upgrade_improved_spirit" |
"upgrade_extra_charge" |
"upgrade_long_range" |
"upgrade_slowing_bullets" |
"upgrade_magic_shield" |
"upgrade_regenerating_bullet_shield" |
"upgrade_quick_silver" |
"upgrade_sharpshooter" |
"upgrade_rapid_recharge" |
"upgrade_chonky" |
"upgrade_soaring_spirit" |
"upgrade_critshot" |
"upgrade_mega_spirit" |
"upgrade_silencer" |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 2.914 |
Role | "hero_hornet_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 4.545454545454546 |
SpiritScaling | RoundsPerSecond | 0.00636 |
FireRate | 0.14 |
DPS | 0.08267999999999631 |
SustainedDPS | 0.03219669502048106 |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 2 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 36.88418880577767 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_hornet_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_hornet_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
WeaponTypes | "Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_RapidFire" |
"Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_LongRange" |
hero_inferno | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.1 |
AbilityCastRange | 20 |
AbilityCharges | 1 |
AbilityCooldown | 25 |
AbilityCooldownBetweenCharge | 6 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 18 |
Damage | 50 |
DamageAmplification | 20 |
DebuffDuration | 8 |
FlameHeightOffGround | 50 |
GrowthPerMeter | 0.5 |
InitialWidth | 1 |
Key | "ability_incendiary_projectile" |
Name | "Catalyst" |
ParticleRadiusMultiplier | 1.15 |
SlowDuration | 4 |
SlowPercent | 35 |
TickRate | 0.5 |
Upgrades | |
DamageAmplification | 20 |
HealAmpReceivePenaltyPercent | -40 |
HealAmpRegenPenaltyPercent | -40 |
2 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.2 |
AbilityCooldown | 40 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
AuraLingerDuration | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 18 |
DashAirSpeed | 8 |
DashSpeed | 12 |
DashTime | 3 |
FlameAuraDPS | 40 |
FlameAuraRadius | 4.5 |
FlameDashJumpBonus | 50 |
GroundAuraSpacing | 1 |
GroundFlameDuration | 4 |
Key | "ability_flame_dash" |
Name | "Flame Dash" |
SideMoveSpeedReduction | -65 |
SlowResistancePercent | 50 |
SpeedBurstSpeed | 20 |
TickRate | 0.5 |
Upgrades | FireRateSlow | 30 |
FlameDashDebuffDuration | 6 |
3 | AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BuildUpBulletPercentPerHit | 9 |
BuildUpDuration | 15 |
BurnDuration | 3 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
CritBuildup | 14 |
DPS | 15 |
Key | "ability_afterburn" |
Name | "Afterburn" |
TickRate | 0.5 |
Upgrades | AfterburnSpiritDamageReduction | -25 |
4 | AbilityCooldown | 127 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 160 |
ExplodeDelay | 3 |
Key | "ability_fire_bomb" |
Name | "Concussive Combustion" |
Radius | 12 |
StunDuration | 1.25 |
Upgrades | |
StunDuration | 0.5 |
Radius | "4m" |
Damage | 115 |
LifeStealPercentOnHit | 100 |
BulletDamage | 6.6 |
BulletGravityScale | 0.8 |
BulletSpeed | 660.4 |
BulletsPerBurst | 1 |
BulletsPerShot | 1 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0 |
ClipSize | 27 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 65.99999999999999 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 57.5056 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 21.996399999999998 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | false |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | false |
IsRecommended | true |
LevelScaling | BulletDamage | 0.282857 |
MaxHealth | 33 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
DPS | 2.828569999999999 |
SustainedDPS | 1.4712269312271218 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_inferno_lore" |
MaxHealth | 600 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 6.8 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Infernus" |
Playstyle | "hero_inferno_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
RecommendedItems | "upgrade_clip_size" |
"upgrade_endurance" |
"upgrade_rapid_rounds" |
"upgrade_improved_spirit" |
"upgrade_resilience" |
"upgrade_magic_vulnerability" |
"upgrade_quick_silver" |
"upgrade_arcane_extension" |
"upgrade_bullet_armor" |
"upgrade_tech_armor" |
"upgrade_tech_defense_shredders" |
"upgrade_soaring_spirit" |
"upgrade_toxic_bullets" |
"upgrade_damage_recycler" |
"upgrade_ricochet" |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 2.491 |
Role | "hero_inferno_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 10 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 34.32864573299941 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_inferno_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_inferno_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
WeaponTypes | "Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_RapidFire" |
"Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_MediumRange" |
hero_kali | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.25 |
AbilityCastRange | 50 |
AbilityCharges | 2 |
AbilityCooldown | 30 |
AbilityCooldownBetweenCharge | 6 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BossDamagePercent | 50 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 120 |
Key | "citadel_ability_kali_spinning_blade" |
MinReflectionDOTResult | -0.95 |
MinReflectionZ | 0.3 |
Name | "Occilioblade" |
NoClipDuration | 1 |
ProjectileFlyOutTime | 0.6 |
ProjectileFlyReturnTime | 1 |
ReflectionSpeedFactor | 0.5 |
ReturnOffSetTargetDistance | 150 |
ReturnUpVelocity | 200 |
TechCleaveExpireTime | 0.2 |
Upgrades | SlowPercent | 30 |
SlowDuration | 4 |
2 | AbilityCooldown | 21 |
AbilityDuration | 4 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Key | "citadel_ability_kali_disruptive_charge" |
MoveSpeedBonusPercentStart | 120 |
Name | "Pack Hunter" |
Radius | 10 |
Upgrades | |
3 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.2 |
AbilityCooldown | 25 |
AbilityDuration | 5 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
ClimbHeight | 1 |
CloseRangeSpeed | 80 |
DamagePerSecond | 50 |
DebuffDuration | 3 |
DistanceAboveGround | 2 |
DropDownRate | 2 |
FireRateSlow | 20 |
GroundDashReductionPercent | -30 |
Key | "ability_kali_dust_storm" |
Name | "Dust Storm" |
OpenHeight | 2 |
Radius | 3.5 |
SlowPercent | 20 |
ThrownObjectRadius | 20 |
TickRate | 0.25 |
TornadoSpeed | 600 |
TrackingDistance | 15 |
Upgrades | |
AbilityDuration | 3 |
AbilityCooldown | -9.5 |
4 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.2 |
AbilityCastRange | 25 |
AbilityCooldown | 127 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BoloBounceCount | 6 |
BoloBounceSpeed | 800 |
BoloContractRadius | 5 |
BoloHitDamage | 25 |
BoloProcDamage | 75 |
BoloRadius | 0.8 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
DebuffDelay | 2 |
ImmobilizeDuration | 2 |
Key | "ability_kali_trappers_bolo" |
MaxGroundDashReduction | -50 |
MaxSlow | 100 |
Name | "Trapper's Delight" |
Upgrades | ReverseLifeLeech | 30 |
ReverseLifeLeechDuration | 8 |
BulletDamage | 12.98 |
BulletGravityScale | 0.6 |
BulletSpeed | 508 |
BulletsPerBurst | 2 |
BulletsPerShot | 1 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0.5 |
ClipSize | 16 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 23.178571428571427 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 57.5056 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 21.996399999999998 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | false |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | true |
IsRecommended | false |
LevelScaling | MaxHealth | 41 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_kali_lore" |
MaxHealth | 550 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 7.3 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Kali" |
Playstyle | "hero_kali_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 2.6 |
Role | "hero_kali_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 8.333333333333334 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 17.965397923875432 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_kali_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_kali_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
hero_kelvin | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.1 |
AbilityCharges | 1 |
AbilityCooldown | 22 |
AbilityCooldownBetweenCharge | 7 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 80 |
Key | "ability_ice_grenade" |
Name | "Frost Grenade" |
Radius | 6.5 |
SlowDuration | 4 |
SlowPercent | 40 |
Upgrades | |
HealAmount | 125 |
Scale | Prop | "HealAmount" |
Value | 1.9656 |
Type | "spirit" |
2 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.2 |
AbilityCooldown | 42 |
AbilityDuration | 8 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
CameraDistance | 250 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | -1 |
IcePathAuraDuration | 18 |
IcePathEdgeWidth | 0.7 |
IcePathInterval | 0.5 |
IcePathPullInStrength | 20 |
IcePathShardRadius | 1.2 |
Key | "ability_icepath" |
MinHeight | 20 |
ModifierRadius | 5 |
MoveSpeedBonus | 2 |
MoveWhileShootingSpeedPenaltyReductionPercent | 100 |
MoveWhileZoomedSpeedPenaltyReductionPercent | 100 |
Name | "Ice Path" |
PopupForce | 30 |
SlowResistancePercent | 60 |
SprintSpeedBonus | 2 |
Upgrades | |
BonusSpiritMeter | 1 |
BonusSpiritMax | 55 |
BonusSpiritLingerDuration | 6 |
3 | AbilityChannelTime | 5 |
AbilityCooldown | 24 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BeamSplit | 0 |
CameraDistance | 250 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | -1 |
ChannelSlowPercent | 8 |
DPS | 60 |
IceBeamBuildupProcDuration | 2 |
Key | "ability_icebeam" |
MaxFireRateSlowPercent | 40 |
MaxSlowPercent | 40 |
MaxSlowTime | 2 |
MinSlowPercent | 30 |
Name | "Arctic Beam" |
PathLength | 25 |
PathWidth | 1.1 |
SlowDuration | 0.6 |
TickRate | 0.1 |
Upgrades | |
BeamSplit | "13m" |
Scale | Prop | "BeamSplit" |
Value | 1 |
Type | "range" |
BeamSplitCount | 2 |
4 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.2 |
AbilityCooldown | 127 |
AbilityDuration | 5.5 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BlockerScaleFactor | 115 |
BonusHealthRegen | 120 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
EnemyDragSpeed | 1000 |
GrowTime | 0.2 |
Key | "ability_ice_dome" |
Name | "Frozen Shelter" |
Radius | 10 |
SlowPercent | 35 |
Upgrades | |
BonusHealthRegen | 70 |
Scale | Prop | "BonusHealthRegen" |
Value | 1.638 |
Type | "spirit" |
BulletDamage | 20.9 |
BulletGravityScale | 0.3 |
BulletSpeed | 254 |
BulletsPerBurst | 1 |
BulletsPerShot | 1 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0 |
ClipSize | 15 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 0.8 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 83.6 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 57.5056 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 21.996399999999998 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | false |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | false |
IsRecommended | true |
LevelScaling | BulletDamage | 0.71 |
MaxHealth | 50 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
DPS | 2.8400000000000034 |
SustainedDPS | 1.6811365430149863 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_kelvin_lore" |
MaxHealth | 600 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 6.8 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Kelvin" |
Playstyle | "hero_kelvin_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
RecommendedItems | "upgrade_medic_bullets" |
"upgrade_close_range" |
"upgrade_magic_burst" |
"upgrade_extra_charge" |
"upgrade_resilience" |
"upgrade_berserker" |
"upgrade_crackshot" |
"upgrade_healing_booster" |
"upgrade_bullet_armor" |
"upgrade_tech_armor" |
"upgrade_magic_shock" |
"upgrade_close_quarter_combat" |
"upgrade_tech_purge" |
"upgrade_rapid_recharge" |
"upgrade_critshot" |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 2.585 |
Role | "hero_kelvin_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 4 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 49.48697711128651 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
TechResist | 10 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_kelvin_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_kelvin_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
WeaponTypes | "Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_MediumRange" |
"Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_HeavyHitter" |
"Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_Projectile" |
hero_krill | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 3 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.2 |
AbilityCooldown | 12.5 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 60 |
DamageHealMult | 2 |
DamageHealMultNonHero | 0.7 |
Key | "ability_intimidate" |
Name | "Scorn" |
Radius | 10 |
TickRate | 0.1 |
Upgrades | |
DamageBonus | 15 |
DebuffDuration | 16 |
2 | AbilityCastDelay | 1 |
AbilityChannelTime | 5 |
AbilityCooldown | 37 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BonusMoveSpeed | 4 |
BulletResist | 80 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | -1 |
DPS | 80 |
EnemyDamageSpeedPenalty | 0.5 |
Key | "ability_burrow" |
Name | "Burrow" |
Radius | 5 |
SpeedLostDuration | 1 |
SpinDuration | 1.5 |
SpinSlowDuration | 0.3 |
SpinSlowPercent | 10 |
TechResist | 30 |
TickRate | 0.1 |
UpForce | 250 |
Upgrades | |
AbilityCooldown | -19 |
BonusMoveSpeed | "2m" |
3 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.15 |
AbilityCastRange | 35 |
AbilityCooldown | 42 |
AbilityDuration | 3.5 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 40 |
GrowthPerMeter | 0.5 |
InitialWidth | 5 |
Key | "ability_throw_sand" |
Name | "Sand Blast" |
Upgrades | |
4 | AbilityCastRange | 5 |
AbilityChannelTime | 2.5 |
AbilityCooldown | 75 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BonusHealthOnKill | 30 |
DPS | 60 |
Key | "ability_ult_combo" |
Name | "Combo" |
Upgrades | |
DPS | 40 |
LifeStealPercentOnHit | 100 |
BulletDamage | 3.6 |
BulletGravityScale | 0.8 |
BulletSpeed | 320.03999999999996 |
BulletsPerBurst | 1 |
BulletsPerShot | 4 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0 |
ClipSize | 20 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | -19.999999999999996 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 80 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 57.5056 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 21.996399999999998 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | false |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | false |
IsRecommended | false |
LevelScaling | BulletDamage | 0.196429 |
MaxHealth | 44 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
DPS | 4.3650888888888915 |
SustainedDPS | 2.4477133956386368 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_krill_lore" |
MaxHealth | 700 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 8.1 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Mo & Krill" |
Playstyle | "hero_krill_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
RecommendedItems | "upgrade_medic_bullets" |
"upgrade_magic_burst" |
"upgrade_close_range" |
"upgrade_sprint_booster" |
"upgrade_fleetfoot_boots" |
"upgrade_berserker" |
"upgrade_cardio_calibrator" |
"upgrade_healing_booster" |
"upgrade_tech_armor" |
"upgrade_bullet_armor" |
"upgrade_magic_vulnerability" |
"upgrade_tech_damage_pulse" |
"upgrade_improved_bullet_armor" |
"upgrade_tech_purge" |
"upgrade_phantom_strike" |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 2.82 |
Role | "hero_krill_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 5.555555555555555 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 44.85981308411215 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_krill_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_krill_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
WeaponTypes | "Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_RapidFire" |
"Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_Spreadshot" |
hero_lash | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.15 |
AbilityCooldown | 19 |
AbilityPostCastDuration | 0.4 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Key | "citadel_ability_lash_down_strike" |
MinAimAngle | 60 |
Name | "Ground Strike" |
Radius | 11 |
StompDamage | 90 |
StompDamagePerMeterPrimary | 6 |
StompDamagePerMeterSecondary | 4.5 |
StompDamagePrimaryRange | 25 |
StompVerticalThreshold | 130 |
StrikeVelocity | 50 |
Upgrades | |
EnemySlowPct | 50 |
SlowDuration | 3 |
StompBounceHeight | 400 |
Scale | Prop | "StompDamagePerMeterSecondary" |
Value | 0.00875 |
Type | "spirit" |
2 | AbilityCastRange | 30 |
AbilityCharges | 1 |
AbilityCooldown | 42 |
AbilityCooldownBetweenCharge | 2 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
JumpSlowResistance | 0.667 |
JumpVelocity | 20 |
Key | "citadel_ability_lash" |
LashFriendlies | 1 |
MinDistance | 0 |
Name | "Grapple" |
Upgrades | |
AbilityCastRange | "20m" |
WeaponDamageBonus | 6 |
WeaponDamageBonusDuration | 10 |
3 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.15 |
AbilityCastRange | 25 |
AbilityCooldown | 26 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 30 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 65 |
HealPctVsHeroes | 70 |
HealPctVsNonHeroes | 25 |
Key | "ability_lash_flog" |
Name | "Flog" |
TargetingConeAngle | 30 |
Upgrades | EnemySlowDuration | 3 |
EnemySlowPct | 35 |
4 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.3 |
AbilityCastRange | 18 |
AbilityChannelTime | 2 |
AbilityCooldown | 138 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 6 |
BoostTime | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
HangTime | 0.6 |
ImpactDamage | 115 |
ImpactRadius | 5 |
Key | "citadel_ability_lash_ultimate" |
LiftHeight | 6 |
LockonConeAngle | 40 |
LosingLockGraceTime | 0.4 |
MaxLockonStacks | 1 |
Name | "Death Slam" |
NotInConeLosesLock | 1 |
SlamSpeed | 1600 |
SlowDuration | 4 |
SlowPercent | 50 |
ThrowDistance | 12 |
ThrowStraightDuration | 1.5 |
TimeToGainLockonStack | 0.6 |
TimeToLoseLockonStack | 2 |
UpBoostSpeed | 400 |
Upgrades | |
BulletDamage | 9 |
BulletGravityScale | 0.8 |
BulletSpeed | 635 |
BulletsPerBurst | 3 |
BulletsPerShot | 1 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0.08 |
ClipSize | 29 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 55.10204081632653 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 57.5056 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 21.996399999999998 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | false |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | false |
IsRecommended | false |
LevelScaling | BulletDamage | 0.707143 |
MaxHealth | 42 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
DPS | 4.3294469387755115 |
SustainedDPS | 2.89376486359361 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_lash_lore" |
MaxHealth | 550 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 7.3 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Lash" |
Playstyle | "hero_lash_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
RecommendedItems | "upgrade_magic_burst" |
"upgrade_non_player_bonus" |
"upgrade_close_range" |
"upgrade_extra_charge" |
"upgrade_sprint_booster" |
"upgrade_magic_reach" |
"upgrade_cold_front" |
"upgrade_bullet_armor" |
"upgrade_tech_armor" |
"upgrade_superior_stamina" |
"upgrade_rapid_recharge" |
"upgrade_tech_range" |
"upgrade_magic_shock" |
"upgrade_chonky" |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 2.35 |
Role | "hero_lash_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 4 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 1 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 36.829727187206025 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
TechResist | 15 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_lash_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_lash_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
WeaponTypes | "Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_BurstFire" |
"Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_MediumRange" |
hero_magician | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 3 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.1 |
AbilityCastRange | 500 |
AbilityCharges | 1 |
AbilityCooldown | 15 |
AbilityCooldownBetweenCharge | 3 |
AbilityPostCastDuration | 0.3 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 120 |
DebuffDuration | 5 |
FireRateSlow | 20 |
InitialProjectileVelocity | 1000 |
Key | "ability_magician_magicbolt" |
Name | "Vexing Bolt" |
ProjectileLifetime | 3 |
ProjectileRedirectCount | 1 |
Radius | 3 |
RedirectVelocity | 1500 |
Upgrades | |
TechArmorDamageReduction | -20 |
Damage | 130 |
InitialProjectileVelocity | 600 |
RedirectVelocity | 600 |
2 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.15 |
AbilityCastRange | 20 |
AbilityChannelTime | 5 |
AbilityCooldown | 30 |
AbilityDuration | 5 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 100 |
Damage | 60 |
Key | "ability_magician_cloneturret" |
Name | "Spectral Assistant" |
TurretBulletTargetAngle | 20 |
TurretBulletTargetRadius | 500 |
TurretBulletVerticalOffset | 2 |
Upgrades | |
3 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.35 |
AbilityCastRange | 20 |
AbilityCooldown | 35 |
AbilityDuration | 2 |
AbilityPostCastDuration | 0.1 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
AirDampingDuration | 1 |
BonusMoveSpeed | 4 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
DamageAmpPercentage | 25 |
Key | "ability_magician_animalcurse" |
Name | "Rabbit Hex" |
Radius | 0 |
SelfBumpImpulse | 500 |
Upgrades | |
4 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.5 |
AbilityCastRange | 500 |
AbilityChannelTime | 8 |
AbilityCooldown | 100 |
AbilityCooldownBetweenCharge | 3 |
AbilityPostCastDuration | 0.3 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
AirSpeedMax | 70 |
BoltRefundPerKill | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 120 |
DamagePerShot | 50 |
DebuffDuration | 2 |
FallSpeedMax | 1 |
InitialProjectileVelocity | 1000 |
Key | "ability_magician_bigbolt" |
Name | "Grand Finale!" |
ProjectileLifetime | 3 |
ProjectileRedirectCount | 1 |
Radius | 3 |
RedirectVelocity | 1500 |
ShootDelay | 0.7 |
SlowPercent | 25 |
TotalBolts | 3 |
Upgrades | |
DamagePerShot | 50 |
BoltRefundPerKill | 1 |
BulletDamage | 30 |
BulletGravityScale | 0 |
BulletSpeed | 86.3599938024 |
BulletsPerBurst | 2 |
BulletsPerShot | 1 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0.1 |
ClipSize | 22 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | -35 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 85.71428571428572 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 60.96 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.3 |
FalloffStartRange | 25.4 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | true |
InHeroLabs | true |
IsDisabled | false |
IsRecommended | false |
LevelScaling | BulletDamage | 0.597143 |
MaxHealth | 31 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
DPS | 1.7061228571428586 |
SustainedDPS | 1.287955490196083 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_magician_lore" |
MaxHealth | 550 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 7.3 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Magician" |
Playstyle | "hero_magician_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
RecommendedItems | "upgrade_non_player_bonus" |
"upgrade_resilience" |
"upgrade_improved_spirit" |
"upgrade_magic_reach" |
"upgrade_tech_defense_shredders" |
"upgrade_health_stealing_magic" |
"upgrade_tech_armor" |
"upgrade_bullet_armor" |
"upgrade_magic_vulnerability" |
"upgrade_suppressor" |
"upgrade_rocket_booster" |
"upgrade_chain_lightning" |
"upgrade_magic_slow" |
"upgrade_soaring_spirit" |
"upgrade_tech_purge" |
"upgrade_damage_recycler" |
"upgrade_escalating_exposure" |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 2.5 |
Role | "hero_magician_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 2 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 64.70588235294117 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_magician_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_magician_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
WeaponTypes | "Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_BurstFire" |
"Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_LongRange" |
"Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_Projectile" |
hero_mirage | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCastDelay | 0 |
AbilityCastRange | 20 |
AbilityCooldown | 32 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BossDamagePercent | 50 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 18 |
ClimbHeight | 1 |
Damage | 70 |
DampingFactor | 0.3 |
DistanceAboveGround | 2 |
DropDownRate | 10 |
EnemyLiftDuration | 0.2 |
HoldInPlaceDuration | 1 |
Key | "mirage_tornado" |
LiftHeight | 3 |
MaxDeltaMovementControl | 2 |
Name | "Tornado" |
OpenHeight | 8 |
ProjectileThinkInterval | 0.01 |
Radius | 3.5 |
TickRate | 0.25 |
TornadoSpeed | 1050 |
Upgrades | |
WhirlwindDuration | 3.5 |
WhirlwindEvasionChance | 25 |
2 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.05 |
AbilityCharges | 4 |
AbilityChargesConditionally | 1 |
AbilityCooldownBetweenCharge | 0.05 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BulletArmorReduction | -10 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
DamageInterval | 0.5 |
DebuffDuration | 14 |
HealthSteal | 90 |
HeroStack | 3 |
Key | "mirage_fire_beetles" |
LaunchWindowCooldown | 40 |
LaunchWindowDuration | 5 |
MaxStacks | 1 |
Name | "Fire Scarabs" |
NonHeroHealingFactor | 25 |
NonHeroStack | 1 |
Radius | 1 |
StealDuration | 14 |
Upgrades | |
3 | AbilityCastDelay | 0 |
AbilityCooldown | 2.5 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 200 |
Key | "mirage_sand_phantom" |
MaxStacks | 8 |
Name | "Djinn's Mark" |
ProcChance | 100 |
ProcCooldown | 2.5 |
ProcDamageBase | 12 |
RevealDuration | 3 |
Upgrades | MovementSpeedSlow | 80 |
SlowDuration | 0.5 |
VictimStackDuration | 4 |
ProcDamageBase | 10 |
ProcCooldown | -0.75 |
MaxStacks | 4 |
VictimStackDuration | 4.5 |
4 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.01 |
AbilityChannelTime | 2.5 |
AbilityCooldown | 130 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BonusFireRate | 30 |
BonusMoveSpeed | 2 |
FireRateMaxDuration | 10 |
Key | "mirage_teleport" |
MovementSpeedBonusDuration | 4 |
Name | "Traveler" |
SearchRadius | 30 |
Upgrades | |
BulletDamage | 18 |
BulletGravityScale | 0.8 |
BulletSpeed | 828.04 |
BulletsPerBurst | 1 |
BulletsPerShot | 1 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0 |
ClipSize | 16 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 51.42857142857143 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 57.5056 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 21.996399999999998 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | false |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | false |
IsRecommended | false |
LevelScaling | BulletDamage | 1 |
MaxHealth | 37 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
DPS | 2.857142857142861 |
SustainedDPS | 1.9512195121951237 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_mirage_lore" |
MaxHealth | 550 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 7.3 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Mirage" |
Playstyle | "hero_mirage_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
RecommendedItems | "upgrade_headshot_booster" |
"upgrade_hollow_point_rounds" |
"upgrade_endurance" |
"upgrade_resilience" |
"upgrade_magic_burst" |
"upgrade_magic_shield" |
"upgrade_improved_spirit" |
"upgrade_fleetfoot_boots" |
"upgrade_tech_defense_shredders" |
"upgrade_tech_armor" |
"upgrade_arcane_extension" |
"upgrade_soaring_spirit" |
"upgrade_tech_purge" |
"upgrade_magic_shock" |
"upgrade_suppressor" |
"upgrade_magic_slow" |
"upgrade_tech_overflow" |
"upgrade_mega_spirit" |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 2.6 |
Role | "hero_mirage_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 2.857142857142857 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 35.1219512195122 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_mirage_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_mirage_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
WeaponTypes | "Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_MediumRange" |
"Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_HeavyHitter" |
hero_nano | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.2 |
AbilityCooldown | 26 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
CatAboveGround | 0.1 |
CatAccel | 15 |
CatClimbHeight | 3 |
CatDropDownRate | 5 |
CatLifetime | 2.5 |
CatMaxSpeed | 25 |
CatStartSpeed | 5 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
ChargeDragVerticalOffset | 30 |
ChargeRadius | 75 |
ExplosionDamage | 100 |
ExplosionRadius | 8 |
Key | "ability_perched_predator" |
Name | "Sekhmet's Spirit" |
TossSpeed | 400 |
Upgrades | |
2 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.2 |
AbilityCastRange | 14 |
AbilityCharges | 2 |
AbilityCooldown | 26 |
AbilityCooldownBetweenCharge | 8 |
AbilityPostCastDuration | 0.4 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
CameraDistance | 250 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 60 |
DoublePounceTime | 3 |
ExplodeRadius | 6 |
JumpHeight | 3 |
Key | "ability_nano_pounce" |
MinTimeToTarget | 0.5 |
MoveSpeedToTarget | 25 |
Name | "Pounce" |
SlashRange | 3 |
SlowDuration | 2 |
SlowPercent | 30 |
Upgrades | |
FireRateSlow | 30 |
ActiveReloadPercent | 20 |
3 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.2 |
AbilityCooldown | 30 |
AbilityDuration | 60 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ActiveRadius | 40 |
AttackRadius | 30 |
CatActivateDuration | 2 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
DPS | 40 |
DamageTick | 1 |
HealAmpReceivePenaltyPercent | -20 |
HealAmpRegenPenaltyPercent | -20 |
InvisFadeToDuration | 1 |
Key | "ability_nano_proximity_ritual" |
Name | "Nekomata Ward" |
RecentDamageMarkDuration | 1.5 |
RevealOnDamageDuration | 1.5 |
RevealOnSpottedDuration | 1.5 |
SpottedRadius | 20 |
StatueArmTime | 0.5 |
StatueHealth | 300 |
TargetLifesteal | 30 |
TargetLifestealNonHero | 10 |
TickInterval | 0.1 |
Upgrades | |
VictimDamageReduction | -30 |
HealAmpReceivePenaltyPercent | -30 |
HealAmpRegenPenaltyPercent | -30 |
4 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.2 |
AbilityCooldown | 100 |
AbilityDuration | 12 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BulletArmorReductionDuration | 6 |
BulletArmorReductionHeavy | 15 |
BulletArmorReductionLight | 5 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
DamageAmplification | 20 |
InvisAlertWhenFading | 1 |
InvisFadeToDuration | 0.25 |
InvisMoveSpeedMod | 2 |
Key | "ability_nano_shadow_step" |
MeleeAttackSpeedBonus | 20 |
Name | "Queen of Shadows" |
RevealOnDamageDuration | 0.7 |
RevealOnSpottedDuration | 0.7 |
SlowPercent | 30 |
SpottedRadius | 15 |
Upgrades | StaminaCooldownReduction | 30 |
SlowResistancePercent | 40 |
PurgeOnActivate | 1 |
SilenceOnHeavyDuration | 3 |
DamageAmplification | 20 |
BulletDamage | 3 |
BulletGravityScale | 0.8 |
BulletSpeed | 317.5 |
BulletsPerBurst | 1 |
BulletsPerShot | 5 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0 |
ClipSize | 16 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 75 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 57.5056 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 21.996399999999998 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | true |
InHeroLabs | true |
IsDisabled | false |
IsRecommended | false |
LevelScaling | BulletDamage | 0.124929 |
MaxHealth | 41 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
DPS | 3.123224999999991 |
SustainedDPS | 1.611987096774186 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_nano_lore" |
MaxHealth | 550 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 7.3 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Calico" |
Playstyle | "hero_nano_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
RecommendedItems | "upgrade_lifestrike_gauntlets" |
"upgrade_acolytes_glove" |
"upgrade_rapid_recharge" |
"upgrade_close_range" |
"upgrade_slowing_bullets" |
"upgrade_kinetic_sash" |
"upgrade_cardio_calibrator" |
"upgrade_vampire" |
"upgrade_regenerating_bullet_shield" |
"upgrade_magic_shield" |
"upgrade_boxing_glove" |
"upgrade_close_quarter_combat" |
"upgrade_toxic_bullets" |
"upgrade_magic_burst" |
"upgrade_tech_damage_pulse" |
"upgrade_belt_fed_magazine" |
"upgrade_superior_stamina" |
"upgrade_damage_recycler" |
"upgrade_tech_range" |
"upgrade_mega_spirit" |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 3 |
Role | "hero_nano_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 5 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 38.70967741935484 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_nano_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_nano_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
hero_orion | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2.5 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.5 |
AbilityChannelTime | 9999 |
AbilityCharges | 1 |
AbilityCooldown | 17 |
AbilityCooldownBetweenCharge | 4 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
AirSpeedMax | 150 |
BossDamagePercent | 25 |
CameraHeightOffset | 20 |
CameraHorizontalOffset | 15 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 100 |
FallSpeedMax | 60 |
Key | "ability_charged_shot" |
Name | "Charged Shot" |
TechCleaveExpireTime | 0.2 |
Upgrades | |
AbilityCooldownBetweenCharge | -3 |
Scale | Prop | "Damage" |
Value | 0.91728 |
Type | "spirit" |
2 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.5 |
AbilityCooldown | 35 |
AbilityDuration | 7 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
AirMoveIncreasePercent | -9 |
AirSpeedMax | 150 |
AltJumpSpeed | 12 |
BulletSplitShot | 5 |
FallSpeedMax | 15 |
FxRadius | 4 |
JumpPitch | -60 |
JumpSpeed | 27.5 |
Key | "ability_power_jump" |
Name | "Rain of Arrows" |
Upgrades | |
WeaponDamageBonus | 5 |
SlowPercent | 40 |
SlowDuration | 1.5 |
BulletLifestealPercent | 50 |
TechLifestealPercent | 50 |
WeaponDamageBonus | 4 |
3 | AbilityCooldown | 37 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ArmTime | 2 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 30 |
ImmobilizeDuration | 1.25 |
Key | "ability_immobilize_trap" |
Lifetime | 20 |
Name | "Immobilizing Trap" |
Radius | 6 |
SlowDuration | 1 |
SlowPercent | 50 |
TrapHeight | 2 |
TripGravity | 0.4 |
TripTime | 0.5 |
TripUpSpeed | 250 |
Upgrades | |
BulletVulnerbility | 30 |
DebuffDuration | 10 |
4 | AbilityCastDelay | 1.5 |
AbilityChannelTime | 14 |
AbilityCooldown | 127 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BonusTechPowerPerKill | 5 |
Damage | 250 |
ExplosionRadius | 12 |
Key | "ability_guided_arrow" |
Name | "Guided Owl" |
StunDuration | 0.75 |
Upgrades | |
LowHealthEnemyThresholdPct | 22 |
BulletDamage | 24 |
BulletGravityScale | 0.8 |
BulletSpeed | 495.3 |
BulletsPerBurst | 1 |
BulletsPerShot | 1 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0 |
ClipSize | 17 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 43.63636363636363 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 53.999891999999996 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 17.999989399999997 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | false |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | false |
IsRecommended | true |
LevelScaling | BulletDamage | 1.62 |
MaxHealth | 27 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
DPS | 2.9454545454545453 |
SustainedDPS | 2.353846153846156 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_orion_lore" |
MaxHealth | 550 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 6.3 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Grey Talon" |
Playstyle | "hero_orion_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
RecommendedItems | "upgrade_hollow_point_rounds" |
"upgrade_endurance" |
"upgrade_magic_burst" |
"upgrade_extra_charge" |
"upgrade_improved_spirit" |
"upgrade_sprint_booster" |
"upgrade_crackshot" |
"upgrade_long_range" |
"upgrade_regenerating_bullet_shield" |
"upgrade_magic_shield" |
"upgrade_tech_defense_shredders" |
"upgrade_magic_shock" |
"upgrade_rapid_recharge" |
"upgrade_soaring_spirit" |
"upgrade_magic_storm" |
"upgrade_sharpshooter" |
"upgrade_mega_spirit" |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 2.35 |
Role | "hero_orion_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 1.8181818181818181 |
SpiritScaling | MaxMoveSpeed | 0.025 |
BulletDamage | 0.12 |
DPS | 0.2181818181818187 |
SustainedDPS | 0.17435897435897374 |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 4 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 34.87179487179487 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_orion_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_orion_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
WeaponTypes | "Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_MediumRange" |
"Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_HeavyHitter" |
"Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_Projectile" |
hero_rutger | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCharges | 1 |
AbilityCooldown | 17 |
AbilityCooldownBetweenCharge | 1 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
AirSpeedMax | 150 |
BossDamagePercent | 100 |
CameraHeightOffset | 20 |
CameraHorizontalOffset | 15 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 120 |
FallSpeedMax | 60 |
ImpactRadius | 5 |
Key | "rutger_rocket" |
LaunchMaxSpeed | 600 |
LaunchMinSpeed | 525 |
LaunchMinVerticalAmount | 0.2 |
LaunchVerticalBias | 0.75 |
Name | "Rocket Launcher" |
SelfDamagePercent | 50 |
SelfLaunchPercent | 175 |
TechCleaveExpireTime | 0.2 |
Upgrades | |
2 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.1 |
AbilityCooldown | 42 |
AbilityDuration | 10 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
ChargeUpTime | 0.5 |
Damage | 70 |
EdgePushDuration | 0.15 |
ForceFieldThinkRate | 0.05 |
Height | 150 |
Key | "rutger_force_field" |
Name | "Force Field" |
SlowDuration | 0.3 |
SlowPercent | 60 |
SpherePushExtraDistance | 1.5 |
SphereRadius | 5 |
Upgrades | |
VictimPushTime | 0.4 |
3 | AbilityCooldown | 42 |
AbilityDuration | 4 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BonusHealthRegen | 2 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Key | "rutger_cheat_death" |
Name | "Cheat Death" |
Upgrades | |
BulletLifestealPercent | 100 |
4 | AbilityCooldown | 127 |
AbilityDuration | 6 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
DamageMax | 350 |
DamageMax_DistanceFuzz | 2 |
DamageMin | 50 |
EndRadius | 30 |
Key | "rutger_pulse" |
MovementSlow | 25 |
Name | "Pulse" |
SpreadDuration | 0.6 |
StartRadius | 1 |
Upgrades | |
BulletDamage | 3.24 |
BulletGravityScale | 0.8 |
BulletSpeed | 320.03999999999996 |
BulletsPerBurst | 1 |
BulletsPerShot | 4 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0 |
ClipSize | 14 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 72.00000000000001 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 57.5056 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 21.996399999999998 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | true |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | true |
IsRecommended | false |
LevelScaling | MaxHealth | 41 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_rutger_lore" |
MaxHealth | 550 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 7.3 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Rutger" |
Playstyle | "hero_rutger_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 2.4 |
Role | "hero_rutger_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 5.555555555555555 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 36.8780487804878 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_rutger_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_rutger_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
hero_shieldguy | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCooldown | 26 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Key | "ability_shieldguy_ability01" |
Name | null |
Upgrades | |
2 | AbilityCooldown | 26 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Key | "ability_shieldguy_ability02" |
Name | null |
Upgrades | |
3 | AbilityCooldown | 26 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Key | "ability_shieldguy_ability03" |
Name | null |
Upgrades | |
4 | AbilityCooldown | 127 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Key | "ability_shieldguy_ult" |
Name | null |
Upgrades | |
BulletDamage | 5.5 |
BulletGravityScale | 0 |
BulletSpeed | 571.5 |
BulletsPerBurst | 1 |
BulletsPerShot | 1 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0 |
ClipSize | 30 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 61.111111111111114 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 57.5056 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 21.996399999999998 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | true |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | true |
IsRecommended | false |
LevelScaling | BulletDamage | 0.124929 |
MaxHealth | 41 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
DPS | 1.3880999999999943 |
SustainedDPS | 0.7207442307692347 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_shieldguy_lore" |
MaxHealth | 550 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 7.3 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Shield Guy" |
Playstyle | "hero_shieldguy_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 2.5 |
Role | "hero_shieldguy_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 11.11111111111111 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 31.730769230769234 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_shieldguy_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_shieldguy_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
hero_shiv | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AOERadius | 10 |
AbilityChannelTime | 0.2 |
AbilityCharges | 2 |
AbilityCooldown | 19 |
AbilityCooldownBetweenCharge | 2 |
AbilityPostCastDuration | 0.3 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BleedDPSPerStack | 5 |
BleedDuration | 5 |
BleedTickRate | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
ImpactDamage | 35 |
Key | "citadel_ability_shiv_dagger" |
MovementSlow | 35 |
Name | "Serrated Knives" |
RicochetCount | 1 |
Upgrades | |
ImpactDamage | 40 |
BleedDPSPerStack | 5 |
2 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.25 |
AbilityCooldown | 16 |
AbilityPostCastDuration | 0.2 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
CameraDistance | 250 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
DashAngleThreshold | 89 |
DashRadius | 2.5 |
DashRange | 12 |
DashSpeed | 2400 |
ImpactDamage | 105 |
Key | "citadel_ability_shiv_dash" |
MoveSpeedPenaltyMaxSpeed | 200 |
Name | "Slice and Dice" |
SideMoveSpeedReduction | -100 |
TechCleaveExpireTime | 0.35 |
Upgrades | |
CooldownReductionOnHit | 2 |
CooldownReductionOnHitNonHero | 1 |
MaxCooldownReductionsFromHits | 6 |
3 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.25 |
AbilityCooldown | 50 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
DamagePctDeferred | 22 |
DamagePctDeferredMaxRage | 15 |
DeferClearPct | 40 |
DeferredDamageDuration | 13 |
Key | "citadel_ability_shiv_defer_damage" |
Name | "Bloodletting" |
Upgrades | |
4 | AbilityCastRange | 14 |
AbilityCooldown | 95 |
AbilityPostCastDuration | 0.25 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BonusAbilityResource | 10 |
BuffDamage | 15 |
CameraDistance | 400 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 200 |
EnemyHealthPercent | 20 |
EnemyHealthPercentBuffer | 3 |
JumpHeight | 80 |
Key | "citadel_ability_shiv_killing_blow" |
MinTimeToTarget | 0.5 |
MoveSpeedToTarget | 25 |
Name | "Killing Blow" |
NonPlayerRageScale | 0.1 |
PauseOnTargetTime | 0.66 |
RageDrainDelayDuration | 9 |
RageDrainRate | 0.25 |
RagePerHeavyMelee | 2.75 |
RagePerLightMelee | 1.5 |
RagePerSpiritDamage | 0.013 |
RagePerWeaponDamage | 0.017 |
SlashRange | 80 |
Upgrades | |
EnemyHealthPercent | 8 |
BuffDamage | 10 |
BulletDamage | 5.7 |
BulletGravityScale | 0.8 |
BulletSpeed | 609.6 |
BulletsPerBurst | 1 |
BulletsPerShot | 6 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0 |
ClipSize | 10 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 65.14285714285714 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 41.147999999999996 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 19.7866 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | false |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | false |
IsRecommended | false |
LevelScaling | BulletDamage | 0.314286 |
MaxHealth | 35 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
DPS | 3.591840000000005 |
SustainedDPS | 2.342504347826093 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_shiv_lore" |
MaxHealth | 600 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 7 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Shiv" |
Playstyle | "hero_shiv_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
RecommendedItems | "upgrade_endurance" |
"upgrade_health" |
"upgrade_close_range" |
"upgrade_clip_size" |
"upgrade_improved_spirit" |
"upgrade_crackshot" |
"upgrade_tech_defense_shredders" |
"upgrade_slowing_bullets" |
"upgrade_cardio_calibrator" |
"upgrade_tech_armor" |
"upgrade_bullet_armor" |
"upgrade_bullet_resist_shredder" |
"upgrade_health_stealing_magic" |
"upgrade_magic_storm" |
"upgrade_magic_vulnerability" |
"upgrade_reduce_debuff_duration" |
"upgrade_magic_slow" |
"upgrade_close_quarter_combat" |
"upgrade_tech_purge" |
"upgrade_soaring_spirit" |
"upgrade_cooldown_reduction" |
"upgrade_mega_spirit" |
"upgrade_escalating_exposure" |
"upgrade_damage_recycler" |
"upgrade_siphon_bullets" |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 2.8 |
Role | "hero_shiv_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 1.9047619047619047 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 42.48447204968944 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_shiv_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_shiv_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
WeaponTypes | "Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_Spreadshot" |
"Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_CloseRange" |
hero_slork | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCharges | 1 |
AbilityCooldown | 40 |
AbilityCooldownBetweenCharge | 8 |
AbilityDuration | 3 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
DPS | 40 |
Key | "fathom_scalding_spray" |
Name | "Scalding Spray" |
Radius | 12 |
TickRate | 0.25 |
Upgrades | |
WeaponDamageBonusDuration | 12 |
WeaponDamageBonusPerSec | 7 |
2 | AbilityCastDelay | 0 |
AbilityCastRange | 20 |
AbilityCooldown | 22 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 80 |
ExplosionRadius | 6 |
GravityScale | 1.4 |
Key | "fathom_breach" |
Name | "Breach" |
TossSpeed | 350 |
Upgrades | |
3 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.25 |
AbilityCooldown | 50 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
DamagePctDeferred | 22 |
DamagePctDeferredMaxRage | 15 |
DeferClearPct | 40 |
DeferredDamageDuration | 13 |
Key | "fathom_defer_damage" |
Name | "Fathom Bloodletting" |
Upgrades | |
4 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.15 |
AbilityCastRange | 30 |
AbilityCooldown | 50 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
InitialFreezeTime | 0 |
InitialHeight | 350 |
InvisFadeToDuration | 0.25 |
InvisMoveSpeedMod | -99 |
Key | "fathom_reefdweller_harpoon" |
Name | "Reefdweller Harpoon" |
NotSeenByEnemiesRegen | 3 |
ReelSpeed | 1000 |
RevealOnDamageDuration | 0.5 |
RevealOnSpottedDuration | 3 |
SpottedRadius | 999 |
TickRate | 0.25 |
Upgrades | |
WallLatchIdealDist | 5 |
WallLatchSettleDist | 40 |
WallLatchSettleTime | 0 |
BulletDamage | 4 |
BulletGravityScale | 0.8 |
BulletSpeed | 558.8 |
BulletsPerBurst | 1 |
BulletsPerShot | 7 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0 |
ClipSize | 13 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 62.22222222222223 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 45.72 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 15.999993400000001 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | true |
InHeroLabs | true |
IsDisabled | false |
IsRecommended | false |
LevelScaling | BulletDamage | 0.573571 |
MaxHealth | 36 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
DPS | 8.922215555555553 |
SustainedDPS | 4.992344428503117 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_slork_lore" |
MaxHealth | 550 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 7.3 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Fathom" |
Playstyle | "hero_slork_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
ReloadDelay | 0.705 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | true |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 0.3 |
Role | "hero_slork_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 2.2222222222222223 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 34.815877570540415 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_slork_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_slork_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
hero_synth | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.3 |
AbilityChannelTime | 2 |
AbilityCooldown | 32 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
AirDrag | 0.3 |
AirSpeedMax | 100 |
AmpDuration | 15 |
AmpPercentPerStack | 6 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
DamagePerProjectile | 35 |
FallSpeedMax | 10 |
Key | "synth_barrage" |
MoveSlowPercent | 30 |
Name | "Barrage" |
ProjectileAmount | 4 |
Radius | 4.5 |
SlowDuration | 1.5 |
Upgrades | |
AmpPercentPerStack | 4 |
Radius | "2m" |
2 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.2 |
AbilityCooldown | 32 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 90 |
Key | "synth_plasma_flux" |
MaxLifetime | 3.2 |
Name | "Flying Cloak" |
Radius | 5 |
TickRate | 0.1 |
Upgrades | |
WeaponDamageBonus | 7 |
WeaponDamageBonusDuration | 10 |
3 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.15 |
AbilityChannelTime | 2 |
AbilityCooldown | 17 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 100 |
FallSpeedMax | 1 |
Key | "synth_pulse" |
Name | "Enchanter's Satchel" |
Radius | 12 |
Upgrades | |
FireRateSlow | 40 |
DebuffDuration | 4 |
4 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.6 |
AbilityCooldown | 127 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
CanBePurged | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
DPS | 23 |
DamageInterval | 0.5 |
DebuffDuration | 18 |
Key | "synth_affliction" |
Name | "Affliction" |
Radius | 14 |
Upgrades | |
HealAmpReceivePenaltyPercent | -60 |
HealAmpRegenPenaltyPercent | -60 |
BulletDamage | 5 |
BulletGravityScale | 0.8 |
BulletSpeed | 558.8 |
BulletsPerBurst | 1 |
BulletsPerShot | 7 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0 |
ClipSize | 11 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 70 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 45.72 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 15.999993400000001 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | false |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | false |
IsRecommended | false |
LevelScaling | BulletDamage | 0.314286 |
MaxHealth | 31 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.131810186666666 |
DPS | 4.400003999999996 |
SustainedDPS | 2.9086564903846153 |
LightMeleeDamage | 75 |
Lore | "hero_synth_lore" |
MaxHealth | 550 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 7.3 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Pocket" |
Playstyle | "hero_synth_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
RecommendedItems | "upgrade_health_stimpak" |
"upgrade_magic_burst" |
"upgrade_close_range" |
"upgrade_resilience" |
"upgrade_improved_spirit" |
"upgrade_crackshot" |
"upgrade_tech_defense_shredders" |
"upgrade_magic_shield" |
"upgrade_regenerating_bullet_shield" |
"upgrade_suppressor" |
"upgrade_magic_vulnerability" |
"upgrade_rocket_booster" |
"upgrade_magic_shock" |
"upgrade_soaring_spirit" |
"upgrade_magic_slow" |
"upgrade_mega_spirit" |
"upgrade_escalating_exposure" |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 2.82 |
Role | "hero_synth_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 2 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 46.27403846153846 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
TechResist | -15 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_synth_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_synth_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
WeaponTypes | "Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_Spreadshot" |
"Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_CloseRange" |
hero_targetdummy | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCastDelay | 1 |
AbilityCooldown | 10.5 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Key | "targetdummy_ability_1" |
Name | null |
Upgrades | |
2 | AbilityCastDelay | 1 |
AbilityCooldown | 10.5 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Key | "targetdummy_ability_2" |
Name | null |
Upgrades | |
3 | AbilityCastDelay | 1 |
AbilityCooldown | 10.5 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Key | "targetdummy_ability_3" |
Name | null |
Upgrades | |
4 | AbilityCastDelay | 1 |
AbilityCooldown | 10.5 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Key | "targetdummy_ability_4" |
Name | null |
Upgrades | |
BulletDamage | 11.6 |
BulletGravityScale | 0 |
BulletSpeed | 635 |
BulletsPerBurst | 1 |
BulletsPerShot | 1 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0 |
ClipSize | 15 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 57.99999999999999 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 57.5056 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 21.996399999999998 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | true |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | true |
IsRecommended | false |
LevelScaling | MaxHealth | 41 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_targetdummy_lore" |
MaxHealth | 3000 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 7.3 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "TargetDummy" |
Playstyle | "hero_targetdummy_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 2 |
Role | "hero_targetdummy_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 5 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 34.8 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_targetdummy_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_targetdummy_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
hero_tengu | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.2 |
AbilityCharges | 1 |
AbilityCooldown | 32 |
AbilityCooldownBetweenCharge | 8 |
AbilityDuration | 4 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BossDamagePercent | 50 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
DPS | 60 |
Height | 2 |
Key | "citadel_ability_tengu_urn" |
Name | "Kudzu Bomb" |
Radius | 6 |
SlowPercent | 35 |
TickRate | 0.25 |
Upgrades | |
2 | AbilityCastRange | 16 |
AbilityCooldown | 37 |
AbilityDuration | 12 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BonusFireRate | 10 |
BulletLifestealPercent | 15 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
HealingPerGlub | 20 |
Key | "citadel_ability_tangotether" |
MoveSpeedBonus | 0 |
Name | "Watcher's Covenant" |
TetherSharedHealPct | 30 |
TickRate | 0.1 |
TotalTetherTargets | 1 |
Upgrades | |
3 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.25 |
AbilityCooldown | 42 |
AbilityDuration | 2 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 80 |
DampingFactor | 0.25 |
Key | "citadel_ability_tengu_stone_form" |
LiftHeight | 180 |
LiftTime | 1 |
MaxHealthRegen | 10 |
MoveSpeedMax | 8 |
Name | "Stone Form" |
Radius | 6 |
StatueScale | 1 |
StunDuration | 0.75 |
Upgrades | |
4 | AbilityCastDelay | 1.3 |
AbilityCastRange | 8 |
AbilityCooldown | 85 |
AbilityDuration | 17 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
AirDropBulletShield | 200 |
AllyCastDelay | 0.2 |
AllyOutgoingDamagePercent | -50 |
BuffDuration | 12 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
DebuffDuration | 4 |
ExplodeDamage | 150 |
FlyingBulletResist | 40 |
Key | "citadel_ability_tengu_airlift" |
Name | "Air Drop" |
OnLandDamageRadius | 14 |
OnLandDamageRadiusStart | 4 |
SilenceBombSpeed | 12 |
SlowPercent | 30 |
TossSpeed | 400 |
Upgrades | BulletArmorReduction | -20 |
BulletArmorReductionDuration | 12 |
AirDropBulletShield | 300 |
OnLandDamageRadius | "5m" |
BulletDamage | 5 |
BulletGravityScale | 0.8 |
BulletSpeed | 571.5 |
BulletsPerBurst | 1 |
BulletsPerShot | 1 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0 |
ClipSize | 33 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 71.42857142857142 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 57.5056 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 21.996399999999998 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | false |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | false |
IsRecommended | false |
LevelScaling | BulletDamage | 0.36 |
MaxHealth | 35 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
DPS | 5.142857142857153 |
SustainedDPS | 2.498948254101812 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_tengu_lore" |
MaxHealth | 550 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 7.3 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Ivy" |
Playstyle | "hero_tengu_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
RecommendedItems | "upgrade_health_stimpak" |
"upgrade_clip_size" |
"upgrade_non_player_bonus" |
"upgrade_health_nova" |
"upgrade_healing_booster" |
"upgrade_bullet_armor" |
"upgrade_tech_armor" |
"upgrade_magic_tempo" |
"upgrade_chain_lightning" |
"upgrade_titan_round" |
"upgrade_chonky" |
"upgrade_banshee_slugs" |
"upgrade_inhibitor" |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 2.444 |
Role | "hero_tengu_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 14.285714285714285 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 4 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 34.70761464030291 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_tengu_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_tengu_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
WeaponTypes | "Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_RapidFire" |
"Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_MediumRange" |
hero_thumper | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.1 |
AbilityCastRange | 40 |
AbilityCharges | 1 |
AbilityCooldown | 17 |
AbilityCooldownBetweenCharge | 4 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BounceRadians | 0.5 |
BounceRange | 20 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 120 |
Key | "thumper_ability_1" |
MaxPlaneDistance | 1 |
Name | "Shatter Cannon" |
PlaneSpread | 30 |
PushSpeedMax | 1000 |
PushSpeedMid | 600 |
PushSpeedMin | 100 |
Upgrades | |
AbilityCooldownBetweenCharge | -3 |
AbilityCooldown | -3.75 |
2 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.42 |
AbilityCooldown | 26 |
AbilityDuration | 6 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BarbedWireDPS | 10 |
BarbedWireDamagePerMeter | 30 |
BarbedWireHeightOffGround | 1 |
BarbedWireRadius | 4 |
BarbedWireSlow | 50 |
BarbedWireTickRate | 0.5 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 125 |
ImpactInterval | 0.1 |
Key | "thumper_ability_2" |
Name | "Spike Strip" |
StompRange | 25 |
TechCleaveExpireTime | 0.2 |
Upgrades | |
BarbedWireDamagePerMeter | 30 |
VerticalDifferenceTolerance | 2.5 |
3 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.2 |
AbilityCastRange | 30 |
AbilityCooldown | 42 |
AbilityDuration | 8 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
DPS | 8 |
Key | "thumper_ability_3" |
Name | "Badger Drone" |
TickInterval | 0.5 |
Upgrades | |
VisibilityTime | 0.2 |
4 | AbilityCooldown | 10.5 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
ClimbHeight | 1 |
DistanceAboveGround | 2 |
DropDownRate | 2 |
Duration | 4 |
InitialForce | 300 |
Key | "thumper_ability_4" |
Name | "Vortex" |
PushAccel | 1000 |
PushNPCSpeed | 800 |
Radius | 15 |
TornadoSpeed | 350 |
Upgrades | |
BulletDamage | 34.2 |
BulletGravityScale | 0.25 |
BulletSpeed | 124.46 |
BulletsPerBurst | 1 |
BulletsPerShot | 1 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0 |
ClipSize | 6 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 57.00000000000001 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 57.5056 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 21.996399999999998 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | true |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | true |
IsRecommended | false |
LevelScaling | MaxHealth | 41 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_thumper_lore" |
MaxHealth | 550 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 7.3 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Thumper" |
Playstyle | "hero_thumper_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 2.1 |
Role | "hero_thumper_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 1.6666666666666667 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 36.00000000000001 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_thumper_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_thumper_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
hero_tokamak | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.2 |
AbilityChannelTime | 1 |
AbilityCharges | 2 |
AbilityCooldown | 32 |
AbilityCooldownBetweenCharge | 1 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BeamLength | 30 |
BeamWidth | 4 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 70 |
HeatPowerLength | 0 |
HotDPS | 90 |
Key | "tokamak_hot_shot" |
Name | "Hot Shot" |
NormalDPS | 55 |
TickRate | 0.1 |
TrackingSpeed | 180 |
Upgrades | |
Scale | Prop | "HotDPS" |
Value | 0.314496 |
Type | "spirit" |
NormalDPS | 16 |
HotDPS | 48 |
2 | AbilityCastDelay | 0 |
AbilityCastRange | 20 |
AbilityCooldown | 25 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 80 |
ExplosionRadius | 6 |
GravityScale | 1.4 |
Key | "tokamak_dying_star" |
Name | "Dying Star" |
TossSpeed | 350 |
Upgrades | |
Scale | Prop | "Damage" |
Value | 0.52416 |
Type | "spirit" |
Damage | 80 |
3 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.25 |
AbilityCooldown | 48 |
AbilityDuration | 6 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BlindScale | 0.5 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
EvasionChance | 20 |
Key | "tokamak_radiance" |
LookDotMin | 0.866 |
LookRadiusScale | 1 |
MaxDPS | 16 |
Name | "Blinding Radiance" |
Radius | 40 |
TickRate | 0.25 |
Upgrades | |
Scale | Prop | "MaxDPS" |
Value | 0.157248 |
Type | "spirit" |
MaxDPS | 24 |
4 | AbilityCastDelay | 2 |
AbilityCastRange | 100 |
AbilityChannelTime | 3.6 |
AbilityCooldown | 127 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
AimFOV | 60 |
AimZoomDuration | 0.15 |
AirSpeedMax | 70 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 190 |
DelayBetweenShots | 0.6 |
FallSpeedMax | 1 |
Key | "tokamak_crimson_cannon" |
Name | "Pulse Cannon" |
TargetingWidth | 0.8 |
Upgrades | |
Damage | 50 |
Scale | Prop | "Damage" |
Value | 1.57248 |
Type | "spirit" |
BulletDamage | 8.2 |
BulletGravityScale | 0.8 |
BulletSpeed | 406.4 |
BulletsPerBurst | 1 |
BulletsPerShot | 1 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0 |
ClipSize | 50 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 68.33333333333333 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 57.5056 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 21.996399999999998 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | true |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | true |
IsRecommended | false |
LevelScaling | BulletDamage | 0.666836 |
MaxHealth | 41 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
DPS | 5.556966666666668 |
SustainedDPS | 3.3341800000000035 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_tokamak_lore" |
MaxHealth | 550 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 7.3 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Tokamak" |
Playstyle | "hero_tokamak_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 4 |
Role | "hero_tokamak_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 8.333333333333334 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 40.99999999999999 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_tokamak_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_tokamak_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
hero_trapper | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.2 |
AbilityCooldown | 20 |
AbilityDuration | 9 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BossDamagePercent | 50 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
DPS | 50 |
Height | 2 |
Key | "ability_trapper_poisonjar" |
MaxRadius | 7 |
Name | "Bottled Phantasmicide" |
Radius | 5 |
SlowPercent | 20 |
TickRate | 0.25 |
Upgrades | |
2 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.22 |
AbilityCastRange | 40 |
AbilityCharges | 1 |
AbilityCooldown | 40 |
AbilityCooldownBetweenCharge | 1 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 200 |
DebuffDuration | 2 |
Key | "ability_trapper_webwall" |
Name | "Silktrap" |
Radius | 0.6 |
SlowPercent | 99 |
Upgrades | |
WallToWallDistance | 100 |
WebArmTime | 0.5 |
WebDuration | 60 |
WebWallTickRate | 0.15 |
3 | AbilityCastRange | 45 |
AbilityCooldown | 30 |
AbilityDuration | 5 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
DPS | 30 |
DebuffDuration | 0.5 |
Key | "ability_trapper_spidershield" |
Name | "Pest Barrier" |
Radius | 5 |
SlowPercent | 30 |
TechShieldPoints | 200 |
TickRate | 1 |
Upgrades | |
4 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.6 |
AbilityCooldown | 160 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Key | "ability_trapper_spiderwave" |
Name | "Crawling Plague" |
Radius | 3.5 |
SpiderArmingTime | 0.5 |
SpiderChaseVelocity | 400 |
SpiderClimbHeight | 0.3 |
SpiderCount | 5 |
SpiderDamage | 140 |
SpiderDistAboveGround | 0.1 |
SpiderExplodeRadius | 3 |
SpiderFloatDownRate | 8 |
SpiderGravity | 1 |
SpiderLifetime | 25 |
SpiderRandomPositionRadius | 4 |
SpiderSearchRadius | 2 |
SpiderTickRate | 0.3 |
SpiritReducedPerStack | 5 |
SpiritResReducedPerStack | 5 |
SpiritStealDuration | 10 |
SpreadAngle | 30 |
SpreadDistance | 900 |
Upgrades | |
SpiritResReducedPerStack | 3 |
SpiritReducedPerStack | 3 |
SpiderCount | 5 |
SpreadDistance | "900m" |
BulletDamage | 4 |
BulletGravityScale | 0 |
BulletSpeed | 380.9999751842 |
BulletsPerBurst | 1 |
BulletsPerShot | 13 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0 |
ClipSize | 8 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 86.66666666666667 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 45.72 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 15.999993400000001 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | true |
InHeroLabs | true |
IsDisabled | false |
IsRecommended | false |
LevelScaling | BulletDamage | 0.36 |
MaxHealth | 45 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
DPS | 7.800000000000011 |
SustainedDPS | 4.913385826771659 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_trapper_lore" |
MaxHealth | 550 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 7.3 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Trapper" |
Playstyle | "hero_trapper_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
RecommendedItems | "upgrade_medic_bullets" |
"upgrade_non_player_bonus" |
"upgrade_endurance" |
"upgrade_resilience" |
"upgrade_magic_burst" |
"upgrade_extra_charge" |
"upgrade_improved_spirit" |
"upgrade_cooldown_reduction" |
"upgrade_tech_defense_shredders" |
"upgrade_healbane" |
"upgrade_arcane_extension" |
"upgrade_soaring_spirit" |
"upgrade_tech_purge" |
"upgrade_magic_shock" |
"upgrade_suppressor" |
"upgrade_imbued_duration_extender" |
"upgrade_rapid_recharge" |
"upgrade_ability_power_shard" |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 2.82 |
Role | "hero_trapper_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 1.6666666666666667 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 54.59317585301838 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
TechResist | -15 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_trapper_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_trapper_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
WeaponTypes | "Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_MediumRange" |
"Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_Projectile" |
hero_vandal | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.6 |
AbilityCastRange | 20 |
AbilityCooldown | 16 |
AbilityDuration | 1.25 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 100 |
DampingFactor | 0.5 |
Key | "citadel_ability_vandal_surge" |
LiftHeight | 120 |
Name | null |
Upgrades | |
2 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.1 |
AbilityCastRange | 20 |
AbilityCooldown | 60 |
AbilityPostCastDuration | 0.15 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 200 |
HalfHeight | 6 |
Key | "ability_vandal_pillar" |
Name | null |
PetrifyDamageBreakThreshold | 200 |
PetrifyDuration | 3 |
PreDetonateDuration | 0.6 |
Radius | 4 |
Upgrades | |
3 | AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BuildUpBulletPercentPerHit | 8.33 |
BuildUpDuration | 0.1 |
BurnDuration | 0.3 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
CritBuildup | 16 |
DPS | 15 |
Key | "ability_haunt" |
Name | null |
TickRate | 0.5 |
Upgrades | AfterburnSpiritDamageReduction | -30 |
4 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.6 |
AbilityCastRange | 20 |
AbilityCooldown | 16 |
AbilityDuration | 1.25 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 100 |
DampingFactor | 0.5 |
Key | "citadel_ability_vandal_overflow" |
LiftHeight | 120 |
Name | null |
Upgrades | |
BulletDamage | 3 |
BulletGravityScale | 0 |
BulletSpeed | 571.5 |
BulletsPerBurst | 1 |
BulletsPerShot | 1 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0 |
ClipSize | 150 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 10 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 57.5056 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 21.996399999999998 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | true |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | true |
IsRecommended | false |
LevelScaling | BulletDamage | 0.392857 |
MaxHealth | 35 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
DPS | 1.3095233333333347 |
SustainedDPS | 1.1669019801980198 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_vandal_lore" |
MaxHealth | 550 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 7.3 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Vandal" |
Playstyle | "hero_vandal_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
RecommendedItems | "upgrade_health_stimpak" |
"upgrade_clip_size" |
"upgrade_non_player_bonus" |
"upgrade_health_nova" |
"upgrade_healing_booster" |
"upgrade_bullet_armor" |
"upgrade_tech_armor" |
"upgrade_magic_tempo" |
"upgrade_chain_lightning" |
"upgrade_titan_round" |
"upgrade_chonky" |
"upgrade_banshee_slugs" |
"upgrade_inhibitor" |
ReloadDelay | 0.5 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 5 |
Role | "hero_vandal_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 3.3333333333333335 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 4 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 8.910891089108912 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_vandal_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_vandal_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
WeaponTypes | "Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_RapidFire" |
"Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_MediumRange" |
hero_viper | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.15 |
AbilityCooldown | 10 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 50 |
Key | "ability_viper_debuffdagger" |
Name | "Screwjab Dagger" |
SlowDuration | 1 |
SlowPercent | 50 |
Upgrades | |
SlowDuration | "1s" |
StaminaReduction | 1 |
2 | AbilityCastRange | 15 |
AbilityCooldown | 26 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Key | "ability_viper_venom" |
Name | "Lethal Venom" |
Upgrades | |
HealAmpRegenPenaltyPercent | -60 |
HealAmpReceivePenaltyPercent | -60 |
VenomMissingHealthDamagePercentage | 8 |
VenomDuration | 3 |
VenomMaxDamage | 200 |
VenomMaxDamageHealthPercentage | 25 |
VenomMinDamage | 20 |
VenomMinDamageHealthPercentage | 100 |
3 | AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Key | "ability_viper_snakedash" |
Name | "Slither" |
SlideScale | 10 |
Upgrades | |
4 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.1 |
AbilityCastRange | 20 |
AbilityCooldown | 60 |
AbilityPostCastDuration | 0.15 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 200 |
HalfHeight | 6 |
Key | "ability_viper_ult" |
Name | "Petrify" |
PetrifyDamageBreakThreshold | 200 |
PetrifyDuration | 3 |
PreDetonateDuration | 1 |
Radius | 4 |
Upgrades | |
BulletDamage | 12 |
BulletGravityScale | 0 |
BulletSpeed | 81.28 |
BulletsPerBurst | 1 |
BulletsPerShot | 1 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0 |
ClipSize | 18 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 200 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 33.019999999999996 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 12.7 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | true |
InHeroLabs | true |
IsDisabled | false |
IsRecommended | false |
LevelScaling | BulletDamage | 0.392857 |
MaxHealth | 35 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
DPS | 6.54761666666667 |
SustainedDPS | 2.6385917910447603 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_viper_lore" |
MaxHealth | 550 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 7.3 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Viper" |
Playstyle | "hero_viper_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
RecommendedItems | "upgrade_endurance" |
"upgrade_clip_size" |
"upgrade_non_player_bonus" |
"upgrade_vampire" |
"upgrade_slowing_bullets" |
"upgrade_magic_shield" |
"upgrade_regenerating_bullet_shield" |
"upgrade_bullet_resist_shredder" |
"upgrade_quick_silver" |
"upgrade_chain_lightning" |
"upgrade_bullet_armor_reduction_aura" |
"upgrade_chonky" |
"upgrade_critshot" |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 1.6 |
Role | "hero_viper_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 16.666666666666668 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 4 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 80.59701492537313 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_viper_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_viper_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
WeaponTypes | "Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_RapidFire" |
"Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_CloseRange" |
hero_viscous | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.001 |
AbilityCooldown | 21 |
AbilityPostCastDuration | 0.2 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BossDamagePercent | 50 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 90 |
DetonateCooldown | 0.15 |
Key | "viscous_goo_grenade" |
Name | "Splatter" |
PuddleDuration | 10 |
Radius | 5 |
SecondHitDamagePercentage | 0.7 |
SlowPercent | 35 |
ThirdHitDamagePercentage | 0.5 |
Upgrades | |
2 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.1 |
AbilityCastRange | 30 |
AbilityCooldown | 48 |
AbilityDuration | 4 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BonusHealthRegen | 40 |
BonusMoveSpeed | 0 |
BreakoutTime | 1 |
BulletForce | 600 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
CubeScale | 1.5 |
Friction | -80 |
HeavyMeleeForce | 700 |
Key | "viscous_restorative_goo" |
LightMeleeForce | 300 |
Name | "The Cube" |
PostCubeBuffDuration | 8 |
PushBackForce | 250 |
PushBackRadius | 50 |
SlideForce | 70 |
Upgrades | BonusMoveSpeed | "2.5m" |
StaminaCooldownReduction | 30 |
PostCubeBuff | 1 |
AbilityCooldown | -21 |
PurgeDebuffs | 1 |
3 | AbilityCastRange | 40 |
AbilityCharges | 1 |
AbilityCooldown | 30 |
AbilityCooldownBetweenCharge | 1.5 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
ImpactDuration | 4 |
Key | "viscous_telepunch" |
Name | "Puddle Punch" |
PunchHalfHeight | 5.5 |
PunchRollSlow | -40 |
PunchRollSlowDuration | 1 |
Radius | 4 |
SlowPercent | 20 |
TossGroundSideRatio | 0.7 |
TossSpeed | 625 |
TossSpeedUpWall | 500 |
TossSpeedWall | 750 |
Upgrades | |
4 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.55 |
AbilityCooldown | 95 |
AbilityDuration | 10 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
AccelerationPercentage | -60 |
AirJumpForce | 500 |
BallHitRadius | 1.8 |
BallOffset | 50 |
BallRadius | 1.4 |
BossDamagePercent | 50 |
BreakablePropDamageRadius | 75 |
BulletResist | 60 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 275 |
Damage | 140 |
FrictionPercentage | -85 |
JumpForce | 500 |
Key | "viscous_goo_bowling_ball" |
KnockForce | 400 |
MoveSpeedMax | 7 |
Name | "Goo Ball" |
ParticleRadiusMultiplier | 1.2 |
StunDuration | 0.7 |
TechResist | 60 |
TickRate | 0.25 |
Upgrades | |
BulletDamage | 11 |
BulletGravityScale | 0 |
BulletSpeed | 254 |
BulletsPerBurst | 1 |
BulletsPerShot | 1 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0 |
ClipSize | 20 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 55 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 57.5056 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 21.996399999999998 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | false |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | false |
IsRecommended | false |
LevelScaling | BulletDamage | 0.9 |
MaxHealth | 38 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
DPS | 4.5 |
SustainedDPS | 2.7692307692307665 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_viscous_lore" |
MaxHealth | 550 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 7.3 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Viscous" |
Playstyle | "hero_viscous_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
RecommendedItems | "upgrade_non_player_bonus" |
"upgrade_magic_burst" |
"upgrade_resilience" |
"upgrade_extra_charge" |
"upgrade_improved_spirit" |
"upgrade_berserker" |
"upgrade_healing_booster" |
"upgrade_bullet_armor" |
"upgrade_tech_armor" |
"upgrade_magic_shock" |
"upgrade_rapid_recharge" |
"upgrade_tech_damage_pulse" |
"upgrade_magic_reach" |
"upgrade_soaring_spirit" |
"upgrade_tech_purge" |
"upgrade_critshot" |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 2.5 |
Role | "hero_viscous_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 5 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 33.84615384615385 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_viscous_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_viscous_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
WeaponTypes | "Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_MediumRange" |
"Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_Projectile" |
hero_warden | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.1 |
AbilityCooldown | 12 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 65 |
DebuffDuration | 7 |
ForwardVelocity | 800 |
Key | "ability_warden_crowd_control" |
MoveSpeedSlowPct | 20 |
Name | "Alchemical Flask" |
ProjectileLifetime | 60 |
Radius | 6.5 |
SlowDuration | 3 |
Upgrades | |
FireRateSlow | 35 |
AbilityCooldown | -6.5 |
WeaponPowerDebuff | -30 |
2 | AbilityCooldown | 42 |
AbilityDuration | 7 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Key | "ability_warden_high_alert" |
MoveSpeedBonusPct | 15 |
Name | "Willpower" |
TechShieldPoints | 150 |
Upgrades | |
TechShieldPoints | 200 |
Scale | Prop | "TechShieldPoints" |
Value | 3.9312 |
Type | "spirit" |
3 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.15 |
AbilityCastRange | 20 |
AbilityCooldown | 37 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 120 |
EscapeRange | 19 |
EscapeTime | 2.8 |
ImmobilizeDuration | 1.75 |
Key | "ability_warden_lock_down" |
Name | "Binding Word" |
Upgrades | |
BulletArmorReduction | 20 |
BulletArmorReductionDuration | 6 |
4 | AbilityCastDelay | 2 |
AbilityCooldown | 138 |
AbilityDuration | 6 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BonusMoveSpeed | 0 |
BulletResist | 50 |
ConeAngle | 115 |
HealthStealPct | 50 |
HealthStealPctHero | 100 |
Key | "ability_warden_riot_protocol" |
Name | "Last Stand" |
PulseDPS | 100 |
PulseInterval | 0.5 |
Radius | 13 |
TechResist | 50 |
Upgrades | |
BulletDamage | 19.8 |
BulletGravityScale | 0.25 |
BulletSpeed | 289.99942 |
BulletsPerBurst | 1 |
BulletsPerShot | 1 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0 |
ClipSize | 17 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 79.2 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 57.5056 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 21.996399999999998 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | false |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | false |
IsRecommended | false |
LevelScaling | BulletDamage | 0.942857 |
MaxHealth | 45 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
DPS | 3.7714280000000002 |
SustainedDPS | 2.2373770240089357 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_warden_lore" |
MaxHealth | 550 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 6.3 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Warden" |
Playstyle | "hero_warden_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
RecommendedItems | "upgrade_endurance" |
"upgrade_close_range" |
"upgrade_non_player_bonus" |
"upgrade_magic_reach" |
"upgrade_fleetfoot_boots" |
"upgrade_berserker" |
"upgrade_cardio_calibrator" |
"upgrade_bullet_armor" |
"upgrade_tech_armor" |
"upgrade_suppressor" |
"upgrade_magic_slow" |
"upgrade_close_quarter_combat" |
"upgrade_improved_bullet_armor" |
"upgrade_tech_purge" |
"upgrade_unstoppable" |
"upgrade_inhibitor" |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 2.914 |
Role | "hero_warden_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 4 |
SpiritScaling | RoundsPerSecond | 0.012 |
FireRate | 0.3 |
DPS | 0.23759999999998627 |
SustainedDPS | 0.08351865840771922 |
SprintSpeed | 1 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 46.98492462311558 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_warden_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_warden_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
WeaponTypes | "Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_MediumRange" |
"Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_Projectile" |
hero_wraith | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCastRange | 500 |
AbilityCharges | 1 |
AbilityChargesConditionally | 1 |
AbilityCooldown | 0.65 |
AbilityPostCastDuration | 0.2 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BonusAbilityResource | 100 |
CardResourceGenPctScale | 106 |
CardResourcePerBulletCrit | 6 |
CardResourcePerBulletHit | 4 |
CardResourcePerHeavyMelee | 25 |
CardResourcePerLightMelee | 10 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 70 |
Key | "citadel_ability_card_toss" |
Name | "Card Trick" |
NonPlayerCardResourceScale | 0.35 |
ProjectileOriginHeightOffset | 50 |
Radius | 5 |
ResourcePerCard | 100 |
Upgrades | |
CardResourceGenPctScale | 50 |
2 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.75 |
AbilityCastRange | 25 |
AbilityCooldown | 48 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
CameraDistance | 250 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 200 |
Key | "citadel_ability_projectmind" |
Name | "Project Mind" |
TrailInterval | 0.1 |
Upgrades | |
BulletShieldOnLand | 300 |
BulletShieldDuration | 8 |
Scale | Prop | "BulletShieldOnLand" |
Value | 2.6208 |
Type | "spirit" |
3 | AbilityCooldown | 48 |
AbilityDuration | 5 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
AlliedFireRatePercentage | 50 |
BonusFireRate | 20 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Key | "citadel_ability_wraith_rapidfire" |
MagicDamagePerBullet | 0 |
Name | "Full Auto" |
Radius | 25 |
Upgrades | |
4 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.7 |
AbilityCastRange | 20 |
AbilityCooldown | 100 |
AbilityDuration | 1.25 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 175 |
DampingFactor | 0.5 |
Key | "citadel_ability_psychic_lift" |
LiftHeight | 120 |
Name | "Telekinesis" |
Upgrades | |
BulletDamage | 5.5 |
BulletGravityScale | 0 |
BulletSpeed | 571.5 |
BulletsPerBurst | 1 |
BulletsPerShot | 1 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0 |
ClipSize | 52 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 61.111111111111114 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 57.5056 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 21.996399999999998 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | false |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | false |
IsRecommended | true |
LevelScaling | BulletDamage | 0.377143 |
MaxHealth | 31 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
DPS | 4.190477777777787 |
SustainedDPS | 2.6148581333333354 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_wraith_lore" |
MaxHealth | 550 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 7.3 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Wraith" |
Playstyle | "hero_wraith_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
RecommendedItems | "upgrade_endurance" |
"upgrade_clip_size" |
"upgrade_non_player_bonus" |
"upgrade_vampire" |
"upgrade_slowing_bullets" |
"upgrade_magic_shield" |
"upgrade_regenerating_bullet_shield" |
"upgrade_bullet_resist_shredder" |
"upgrade_quick_silver" |
"upgrade_chain_lightning" |
"upgrade_bullet_armor_reduction_aura" |
"upgrade_chonky" |
"upgrade_critshot" |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 2.82 |
Role | "hero_wraith_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 11.11111111111111 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 38.13333333333333 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_wraith_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_wraith_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
WeaponTypes | "Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_RapidFire" |
"Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_MediumRange" |
hero_wrecker | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCastDelay | 1.4 |
AbilityCastRange | 50 |
AbilityCooldown | 31 |
AbilityDuration | 6 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Key | "ability_wrecking_ball" |
MinSpeed | 80 |
MoveSpeedLimit | 6 |
Name | "Wrecking Ball" |
StunDuration | 1 |
TechCleaveExpireTime | 0.4 |
Upgrades | |
WreckingBallDamage | 150 |
WreckingBallPushForce | 1500 |
2 | AbilityCastRange | 12 |
AbilityCooldown | 12.5 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 150 |
DPS | 40 |
FireRateBuffDuration | 40 |
Key | "ability_wrecker_salvage" |
Name | "Consume" |
SalvageBonus_FireRate | 25 |
SalvageDuration | 4 |
TickInterval | 0.25 |
Upgrades | |
3 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.25 |
AbilityCastRange | 15 |
AbilityCharges | 2 |
AbilityCooldown | 64 |
AbilityCooldownBetweenCharge | 3 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BlastRadius | 5 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
EnemyMoveSlow | 10 |
EnemyMoveSlowDuration | 5 |
Key | "ability_scrap_blast" |
Name | "Bio Blast" |
ScrapDamage | 75 |
Upgrades | |
4 | AbilityCastDelay | 1.5 |
AbilityChannelTime | 8 |
AbilityCooldown | 138 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
DamagePerSecondFlown | 16 |
EnemyMoveSlowDuration | 1 |
EnemySlowPct | 60 |
ExplosionRadius | 8 |
Key | "ability_wrecker_teleport" |
Name | "Astral Walk" |
Upgrades | |
BulletDamage | 21 |
BulletGravityScale | 0.8 |
BulletSpeed | 635 |
BulletsPerBurst | 1 |
BulletsPerShot | 1 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0 |
ClipSize | 15 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 84 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 57.5056 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 21.996399999999998 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | true |
InHeroLabs | true |
IsDisabled | false |
IsRecommended | false |
LevelScaling | BulletDamage | 1.241429 |
MaxHealth | 41 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
DPS | 4.9657160000000005 |
SustainedDPS | 2.8648361538461558 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_wrecker_lore" |
MaxHealth | 550 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 7.3 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Wrecker" |
Playstyle | "hero_wrecker_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
RecommendedItems | "upgrade_improved_spirit" |
"upgrade_clip_size" |
"upgrade_extra_charge" |
"upgrade_health" |
"upgrade_endurance" |
"upgrade_quick_silver" |
"upgrade_vampire" |
"upgrade_crackshot" |
"upgrade_magic_tempo" |
"upgrade_magic_shield" |
"upgrade_regenerating_bullet_shield" |
"upgrade_long_range" |
"upgrade_quick_silver" |
"upgrade_magic_storm" |
"upgrade_soaring_spirit" |
"upgrade_rapid_recharge" |
"upgrade_cooldown_reduction" |
"upgrade_chonky" |
"upgrade_titan_round" |
"upgrade_armor_reduction_debuff" |
"upgrade_mega_spirit" |
"upgrade_damage_recycler" |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 2.75 |
Role | "hero_wrecker_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 4 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 48.46153846153846 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_wrecker_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_wrecker_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
WeaponTypes | "Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_MediumRange" |
"Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_HeavyHitter" |
hero_yakuza | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityChannelTimeDisplay | 5 |
AbilityCooldown | 26 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
DPS | 45 |
Key | "yakuza_shakedown_target" |
Name | "Shakedown" |
Radius | 6 |
ShareDamagePercent | 33 |
ShareDamageThreshold | 20 |
TickTime | 0.5 |
Upgrades | |
2 | AbilityCastRange | 30 |
AbilityCooldown | 32 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Key | "yakuza_kobun" |
Name | "Hired Muscle" |
SummonCount | 1 |
SummonDPS | 60 |
SummonHealth | 450 |
SummonLifetime | 45 |
SummonMoveSpeed | 200 |
Upgrades | |
3 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.25 |
AbilityCastRange | 30 |
AbilityCooldown | 32 |
AbilityDuration | 12 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BonusCritDamagePercent | 20 |
BulletShieldHealth | 180 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Key | "yakuza_protection_racket" |
Name | "Protection Racket" |
Upgrades | WeaponRecoilReduction | 60 |
MoveWhileShootingSpeedPenaltyReductionPercent | 60 |
4 | AbilityCooldown | 74 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BossDamagePercent | 25 |
CenterDamage | 250 |
CenterRadius | 5 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Key | "yakuza_setting_sun" |
Name | "Setting Sun" |
OuterDamage | 100 |
Radius | 10 |
Range | 25 |
ShootDuration | 1.5 |
TargetingDuration | 1 |
Upgrades | |
BulletDamage | 5.4 |
BulletGravityScale | 0.8 |
BulletSpeed | 406.4 |
BulletsPerBurst | 2 |
BulletsPerShot | 1 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0.05 |
ClipSize | 20 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 54 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 57.5056 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 21.996399999999998 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 116 |
InDevelopment | true |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | true |
IsRecommended | false |
LevelScaling | MaxHealth | 41 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.91882165079365 |
LightMeleeDamage | 63 |
Lore | "hero_yakuza_lore" |
MaxHealth | 550 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 7.3 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "The Boss" |
Playstyle | "hero_yakuza_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 1.6 |
Role | "hero_yakuza_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 10 |
SpiritScaling | |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 30 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_yakuza_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_yakuza_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
hero_yamato | AbilityResourceMax | 0 |
AbilityResourceRegenPerSecond | 0 |
BaseHealthRegen | 2 |
BaseWeaponDamageIncrease | 0 |
BoundAbilities | 1 | AbilityCastDelay | 1.4 |
AbilityCooldown | 10.5 |
AbilityPostCastDuration | 0.4 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
FallSpeedMax | 5 |
FullChargeDamage | 160 |
Key | "citadel_ability_power_slash" |
MediumChargeDamagePct | 60 |
Name | "Power Slash" |
PowerUpStages | 3 |
ShortChargeDamagePct | 40 |
SlashCollisionRadius | 4 |
SlashLength | 25 |
SlashRadius | 41 |
Upgrades | |
SlowDuration | 3 |
SlowPercent | 40 |
AbilityCooldown | -2 |
2 | AbilityCastRange | 20 |
AbilityCooldown | 21 |
AbilityPostCastDuration | 0.2 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
ChannelMoveSpeed | 50 |
Damage | 70 |
Key | "citadel_ability_flying_strike" |
Name | "Flying Strike" |
SlowDuration | 2.5 |
SlowPercent | 30 |
Upgrades | |
WeaponDamageBonus | 6 |
WeaponPowerIncreaseDuration | 10 |
3 | AbilityCastDelay | 0.3 |
AbilityCooldown | 11.5 |
AbilityPostCastDuration | 0.4 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
Damage | 60 |
DebuffDuration | 4 |
FireRateSlow | 20 |
HealFixedHealth | 70 |
Key | "citadel_ability_healing_slash" |
Name | "Crimson Slash" |
Radius | 13 |
Upgrades | |
4 | AbilityChannelTime | 2 |
AbilityCooldown | 85 |
AbilityDuration | 6 |
AbilityPostCastDuration | 0.6 |
AbilitySpeedPct | 60 |
AbilityUnitTargetLimit | 1 |
BonusMoveSpeed | 0 |
BulletResist | 60 |
Key | "citadel_ability_infinity_slash" |
MaxHealthRegen | 30 |
Name | "Shadow Transformation" |
ShadowFormDurationOnKill | 2 |
TechResist | 60 |
Upgrades | |
BulletDamage | 5.65 |
BulletGravityScale | 0 |
BulletSpeed | 254 |
BulletsPerBurst | 1 |
BulletsPerShot | 5 |
BurstInterShotInterval | 0 |
ClipSize | 12 |
CritDamageBonusScale | 1 |
CritDamageReceivedScale | 0 |
CrouchSpeed | 4.75 |
DPS | 70.625 |
FalloffBias | 0.5 |
FalloffEndRange | 45.72 |
FalloffEndScale | 0.1 |
FalloffStartRange | 21.996399999999998 |
FalloffStartScale | 1 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 128 |
InDevelopment | false |
InHeroLabs | false |
IsDisabled | false |
IsRecommended | false |
LevelScaling | BulletDamage | 0.353 |
MaxHealth | 31 |
LightMeleeDamage | 2.671429 |
HeavyMeleeDamage | 4.955694376811594 |
DPS | 4.412499999999994 |
SustainedDPS | 2.923799006073999 |
LightMeleeDamage | 69 |
Lore | "hero_yamato_lore" |
MaxHealth | 500 |
MaxMoveSpeed | 8.3 |
MoveAcceleration | 4 |
Name | "Yamato" |
Playstyle | "hero_yamato_playstyle" |
ProcBuildUpRateScale | 1 |
RecommendedItems | "upgrade_endurance" |
"upgrade_close_range" |
"upgrade_headshot_booster" |
"upgrade_magic_burst" |
"upgrade_improved_spirit" |
"upgrade_resilience" |
"upgrade_cold_front" |
"upgrade_crackshot" |
"upgrade_tech_defense_shredders" |
"upgrade_bullet_armor" |
"upgrade_tech_armor" |
"upgrade_healbane" |
"upgrade_magic_shock" |
"upgrade_tech_damage_pulse" |
"upgrade_soaring_spirit" |
"upgrade_close_quarter_combat" |
"upgrade_fervor" |
"upgrade_mega_spirit" |
"upgrade_ability_refresher" |
ReloadDelay | 0 |
ReloadMovespeed | 1 |
ReloadSingle | false |
ReloadSpeed | 0 |
ReloadTime | 2.444 |
Role | "hero_yamato_role" |
RoundsPerSecond | 2.5 |
SpiritScaling | ClipSize | 0.15 |
SustainedDPS | 0.19573644963872994 |
SprintSpeed | 0 |
Stamina | 3 |
StaminaCooldown | 5 |
StaminaRegenPerSecond | 0.2 |
SustainedDPS | 46.797349530646045 |
TechDuration | 0 |
TechRange | 0 |
WeaponDescription | "citadel_weapon_hero_yamato_set_desc" |
WeaponName | "citadel_weapon_hero_yamato_set" |
WeaponPowerScale | 1 |
WeaponTypes | "Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_Spreadshot" |
"Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_CloseRange" |