
Revision as of 13:12, 29 August 2024 by Clubby789 (talk | contribs) (Changed some language, add details on boosting)

Ziplines are the primary method of long-distance transportation in Deadlock. Ziplines are located throughout the Map and can be used to leave and enter a team's base or to switch lanes.

A Paradox riding a zipline
Counter showing remaining Zipline Boost cooldown

When using a zipline your character gains a movement boost up to 18 m/s regardless of the hero's base speed. Using a zipline refreshes a hero's air dash and double jump.

If shot at while using zipline, a hero will be stunned for 3 seconds and knocked off the zipline. They are then unable to get back on the zipline for several seconds.


While on a zipline, players can activate the 'Zipline Boost' buff (Fby default). When boosted, players get ramping speed up to 40 m/s. This effect lasts 32 seconds, and has a cooldown of 340 seconds.