
Revision as of 22:17, 27 August 2024 by (talk) (Changed Photo to have note of patron being in a weakened state as well as discussed shrines and phases of the patron)

The Patron is a massive magical golem and the primary objective of a Deadlock match. A Patron is located in the base of both teams. Whichever team kills the opponent's Patron first obtains victory. The Patron does significant damage to enemy forces in it's range. The Patron is spherical with a golden mask-like face. It levitates above the ground. The Patron can offer 'boons' to their team, empowering them in battle.

The Patron (Weakened) seen from an angle

The Patron has two shrines located next to it. After those shrines are defeated there are two phases. After one team diminishes the HP of phase one the Patron takes a moment to transform and move into the pit of the teams base and is weakened. In this weakened state the patron has an effect similar to Torment Pulse and damages Troopers and Heroes around it

HP and stuff later: