
Character Complete? Notes Transcription
Abrams Yes Abrams: You're the sheriff from Macomb, right?

Holliday: Yeah.

Abrams: I'm so sorry.

Holliday: Thank you.

Abrams Yes Holliday: You got a plan?

Abrams: Eh, I don't know... I was thinking you grab them and then I punch their skull in!

Holliday: I like it!

Abrams Yes Abrams: Holliday... I don't suppose you're related to...

Holliday: Yeah.

Abrams: Long shadow!

Holliday: I try not to think about it.

Abrams: Eh, let's make them proud.

Grey Talon
Haze Unlocked in VN
Lady Geist
Mo & Krill
Mo & Krill Unlocked in VN
Seven Yes Seven: So you're the sheriff from Macomb.

Holliday: And you're the one who escaped Lost Whisper.

Seven: This should prove to be interesting.

Seven Yes Seven: Hmm... Look at you. So consumed by revenge that you would even fight alongside me.

Holliday: Don't talk to me, Seven.

Seven: Apologies. I would never dream of upsetting you, Holliday.

Seven Yes Holliday: When this is over, I have to turn you in.

Seven: When this is over, if you're determined to throw your life away, I would be happy to take it.

Seven Yes Unlocked in VN Holliday: How do you know Allie?

Seven: You haven't heard? She's writing a story about me.

Holliday: Why?

Seven: I'm fascinating.

Seven Yes Unlocked in VN Seven: Rejoice, Holliday. Soon you will get the revenge you seek.

Holliday: Only if we summon this thing.

Seven: Our victory is assured.

Holliday: Is that so?

Seven: Look who stands with you. They don't have a chance.

Seven Yes Unlocked in VN Holliday: I can't believe the OSIC wanted to recruit that thing.

Seven: You're too smart to be that naive.

Viscous Yes Viscous: I like your hat.

Holliday: Thanks? Viscous: Can I wear it? Holliday: Tell you what: If we win, sure. Viscous: Yaaaaaay!

Viscous Yes Holliday: So, where you from?

Viscous: The Deep. Holliday: So like, Mobile? Viscous: Sure. Holliday: You don't know what I said, do you? Viscous: No. Holliday: This is gonna go great.

Viscous Yes Viscous: What does revenge feel like?

Holliday: What do you mean? Viscous: When I'm in the cube, it's warm. I like being in the cube. You seem to like revenge, so I wonder if it feels the same. Holliday: No Viscous, it, um... it doesn't feel warm. Viscous: But it feels good? Holliday: No, it really doesn't. Viscous: So why do you want to live in it? Holliday: Because there's nothing else I can do about it.

Wrecker No Holliday: How weird are you gonna make this?

Holliday: Great.

Wrecker No Holliday: We have a plan?

Holliday: I can't wait to get out of this goddamn city.

Wrecker No Holliday: They call you "The Butcher of Ixia", right?

Holliday: You pull that shit here, I put a bullet in your skull.

Yamato Yes Yamato: I never thought I'd end up working with a police dog. (まさか警察の犬と協力することになるとは)

Holliday: I'm sorry, I don't speak Japanese.

Yamato: Of course you don't.

Yamato Yes Yamato: You're Murphy's girl. (なあんたがマーフィーの女)

Holliday: What did you say about Murphy?

Yamato: Don't worry sheriff, play your part and he lives.

Yamato Yes Holliday: I heard about you.

Yamato: Really?

Holliday: Picking a fight with the other families isn't gonna end well for you.

Yamato: We'll see.