
Revision as of 01:52, 27 August 2024 by (talk) (Changed lane colors to be correct and added lane names)

The map is the area where matches are contested. Each match features 6 players divided into 2 teams, positioned on opposing sides of the map. Players start at a base, where they can purchase items at the Shop. The map includes four lanes, colored yellow (York St), orange (Orchard Blvd), blue (Broadway), and purple (Park Ave), as well as a jungle in the map's center. Each lane contains 4 objectives: Guardians and Walkers, who protect the Patron (hyperlink).

Placeholder map image.

The Jungle

The jungle is home to many of the game's objectives, including monsters that grant buffs to a team when defeated. (Explain monsters here.) Additionally, there are secret shops surrounding the jungle where players can buy items.

Map Timings and Events


  • Small Creep Camps
    • Spawn: Yes
    • Respawn Time: 4 minutes after all camps are defeated.


  • Gold Urns
    • Spawn: Yes
    • Respawn Time: 3 minutes after being broken.
    • Buffs Granted:
      • 1.5% Fire Rate
      • 4% Ammo Capacity
      • 0.75% Cooldown Reduction
      • 3% Weapon Damage
      • +15 Health
      • +2 Spirit
  • Crates/Boxes
    • Spawn: Yes
    • Drops: Unsecured souls (50-100 on average).
    • Usage:
      • Unsecured souls can be spent immediately and will convert to reliable souls over time.
      • If you die with unsecured souls, they drop as a soul urn. Picking up the urn grants the unsecured souls.
      • Neutral creeps ("denizens") also drop unsecured souls.


  • Medium Creep Camps
    • Spawn: Yes
    • Respawn Time: 6 minutes after all camps are defeated.
  • Hard Creep Camps
    • Spawn: Yes
    • Respawn Time: 8 minutes after all camps are defeated.


  • Lane Creeps
    • Soul Rewards:
      • Lane creeps no longer grant souls when killed.
      • Souls are granted when the orb floating out of the lane creeps is destroyed.
      • Before 10 minutes, lane creeps gave half the souls, with the orb providing the other half. Denying lane creeps early grants 50% of the reward to your team and denies 50% to the opposition.
  • Runes/Temporary Buffs
    • Spawn and Respawn: Every 5 minutes thereafter.
    • Example: If picked up at 14:55, a new rune will appear at 15:00.
    • Note: Multiple runes can be present simultaneously, and their status can be checked via the mini-map icon.
  • Mid Boss
    • Spawn: Yes
    • Buff Granted: 3-minute Rejuvenator buff.
      • Effects:
        • Reduces respawn time (possibly by half) for the next death.
        • Grants additional health (and possibly damage and fire rate) to lane creeps.
        • If you are dead when your team obtains the Rejuvenator, your respawn time will be reduced.
      • Respawn Time: 7 minutes after being defeated.
  • Soul Urn
    • Descent: Begins at 10:00 and rotates to each side of the map.
    • Landing Time: Every 5 minutes after 10:00.
      • Example: 10:30, 15:30, 20:30, etc.


  • Gold Urn Buffs
    • Buffs Granted:
      • 2% Fire Rate
      • 6% Ammo Capacity
      • 1% Cooldown Reduction
      • 4% Weapon Damage
      • +20 Health
      • +3 Spirit