AOERadius_label | "Impact Radius" |
AOERadius_postfix | "m" |
AbandonMatchPrompt_Cancel | "Stay in match" |
AbandonMatchPrompt_Confirm | "Abandon with Penalty" |
AbandonMatchPrompt_Countdown | "Abandon with Penalty ({d:countdown_seconds})" |
AbandonMatchPrompt_Text | "This match is not safe to leave. You will not be able to reconnect to this game, your team will be down a player and a matchmaking penalty will be applied.<br/>Are you sure?" |
AbandonMatchPrompt_Title | "Abandon this match?" |
AbilityApplyDelay_label | "Application Time" |
AbilityApplyDelay_postfix | "s" |
AbilityButtonHint_Activate | "Activate" |
AbilityButtonHint_AlotCastLifeDrain | "Heal Ally" |
AbilityButtonHint_AltCastRestorativeGoo | "Cube Self" |
AbilityButtonHint_AltCastStickyBomb | "Bomb Self" |
AbilityButtonHint_AltCastVoidSphere | "Bring Allies" |
AbilityButtonHint_AssassinateFoVCycle | "Cycle Zoom" |
AbilityButtonHint_AvaRecall | "Recall Ava" |
AbilityButtonHint_AvaWarp | "Warp to Ava" |
AbilityButtonHint_BullLeapCrash | "Crash Down" |
AbilityButtonHint_CancelAbility | "Cancel {s:ability_name}" |
AbilityButtonHint_CancelIceBeam | "Cancel Arctic Beam" |
AbilityButtonHint_CancelIceDome | "Remove Shelter" |
AbilityButtonHint_CancelIcePath | "Cancel Ice Path" |
AbilityButtonHint_CancelWall | "Remove Wall" |
AbilityButtonHint_CastIceDome | "Cast Frozen Shelter" |
AbilityButtonHint_CastLifeDrain | "Drain Enemy" |
AbilityButtonHint_CastOnSelf | "Cast on Self" |
AbilityButtonHint_CastOnTarget | "Cast on Target" |
AbilityButtonHint_CastRestorativeGoo | "Cube Target" |
AbilityButtonHint_CastShadowRedemption | "Resurrect with Shadow Redemption" |
AbilityButtonHint_CastVoidSphere | "Teleport" |
AbilityButtonHint_ClimbRope | "Hold to Climb Rope" |
AbilityButtonHint_Deploy | "Deploy" |
AbilityButtonHint_Deselect | "Deselect" |
AbilityButtonHint_Detonate | "Detonate" |
AbilityButtonHint_DetonateDjinnBomb | "Detonate Djinn Bomb" |
AbilityButtonHint_DragonsFireAscend | "Ascend" |
AbilityButtonHint_DragonsFireDive | "Dive" |
AbilityButtonHint_DragonsFireSpeedDown | "Slow Down" |
AbilityButtonHint_DragonsFireSpeedUp | "Speed Up" |
AbilityButtonHint_DropBomb | "Drop Bomb" |
AbilityButtonHint_DropIdol | "Drop Urn" |
AbilityButtonHint_DropTarget | "Drop Ally" |
AbilityButtonHint_EruptWall | "Erupt Wall" |
AbilityButtonHint_FlyDown | "Fly Down" |
AbilityButtonHint_FlyUp | "Fly Up" |
AbilityButtonHint_GrabTarget | "Grab Target" |
AbilityButtonHint_GuidedArrowRelease | "Detonate" |
AbilityButtonHint_GuidedArrowSpeed | "Accelerate" |
AbilityButtonHint_HatTrickCancel | "Return" |
AbilityButtonHint_HatTrickFire | "Shoot" |
AbilityButtonHint_HealSelf | "Heal Self" |
AbilityButtonHint_HealTarget | "Heal Target" |
AbilityButtonHint_LightningCrashDive | "Dive Early" |
AbilityButtonHint_MeleeRejuvinator | "Heavy Melee to claim Rejuvenator" |
AbilityButtonHint_MirageLaunchFireBeetle | "Launch Fire Beetle" |
AbilityButtonHint_MoveDown | "Move Down" |
AbilityButtonHint_MoveUp | "Move Up" |
AbilityButtonHint_RollingGooAccelerate | "Go Fast" |
AbilityButtonHint_RollingGooCancel | "Cancel" |
AbilityButtonHint_RollingGooJump | "Jump" |
AbilityButtonHint_SpeedBoost | "Speed Boost" |
AbilityButtonHint_StopLifeDrain | "Stop Life Drain" |
AbilityButtonHint_SwitchToAltCastMode | "Switch to Alternate Cast Mode" |
AbilityButtonHint_SwitchToNormalCastMode | "Switch to Standard Mode" |
AbilityButtonHint_Teleport | "Teleport" |
AbilityButtonHint_Throw | "Throw" |
AbilityButtonHint_ZipLineBoost | "<span class="AbilityName">Zipline Speed Boost</span> <span class="Countdown">{s:ability_cooldown}</span>" |
AbilityCastDelay_label | "Cast Delay" |
AbilityCastDelay_postfix | "s" |
AbilityCastRangeMinimum_label | "Range Minimum" |
AbilityCastRangeMinimum_postfix | "m" |
AbilityCastRange_label | "Cast Range" |
AbilityCastRange_postfix | "m" |
AbilityChannelTimeDisplay_label | "Channel Duration" |
AbilityChannelTimeDisplay_postfix | "s" |
AbilityChannelTime_label | "Channel Duration" |
AbilityChannelTime_postfix | "s" |
AbilityCharges_label | "Charges" |
AbilityCooldownBetweenCharge_label | "Charge Delay" |
AbilityCooldownBetweenCharge_postfix | "s" |
AbilityCooldownPerHeadshot_label | "Cooldown Per Headshot" |
AbilityCooldownPerHeadshot_postfix | "s" |
AbilityCooldown_label | "Cooldown" |
AbilityCooldown_postfix | "s" |
AbilityDamageReductionPerHit_label | "Ability Dmg Red Per Hit" |
AbilityDamageReductionPerHit_postfix | "%" |
AbilityDamageReduction_label | "Spirit Damage Reduction" |
AbilityDamageReduction_postfix | "%" |
AbilityDuration_label | "Duration" |
AbilityDuration_postfix | "s" |
AbilityLifestealPercentHero_label | "Spirit Lifesteal" |
AbilityLifestealPercentHero_postfix | "%" |
AbilityLifestealPercentHero_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
AbilityLifestealPercentNonHero_label | "Spirit Lifesteal on Non Heroes" |
AbilityLifestealPercentNonHero_postfix | "%" |
AbilityLifestealPercentNonHero_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
AbilityLifestealPercent_label | "Spirit Lifesteal" |
AbilityLifestealPercent_postfix | "%" |
AbilityLifestealPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
AbilityPower_label | "Ability Power" |
AbilityPower_postfix | "" |
AbilityPower_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
AbilityProjectileSpeedPercent_label | "Speed Increase" |
AbilityProjectileSpeedPercent_postfix | "%" |
AbilitySpeedPct_label | "Ability Speed" |
AbilitySpeedPct_postfix | "%" |
AbilitySpeedPct_prefix | "+" |
AbilitySplitShot_label | "Charged Shot Multishot" |
AboveHealthThreshold_conditional | "above health threshold" |
AbsorbPercentage_label | "Damage Absorbed" |
AbsorbPercentage_postfix | "%" |
ActivatedFireRate_label | "Fire Rate" |
ActivatedFireRate_postfix | "%" |
ActivatedFireRate_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
ActiveAbilityDamageReduction_label | "Active Ability Dmg Red" |
ActiveAbilityDamageReduction_postfix | "%" |
ActiveBonusFireRate_label | "Fire Rate" |
ActiveBonusFireRate_postfix | "%" |
ActiveBonusLifesteal_label | "Bullet Lifesteal" |
ActiveBonusLifesteal_postfix | "%" |
ActiveBonusMoveSpeed_label | "Movement Speed" |
ActiveBonusMoveSpeed_postfix | "m/s" |
ActiveBonusMoveSpeed_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
ActiveBulletArmorReduction_label | "Bullet Resist Reduction" |
ActiveBulletDamageReduction_label | "Bullet Damage" |
ActiveBulletDamageReduction_postfix | "%" |
ActiveBulletDamageReduction_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
ActiveBulletShieldDuration_label | "Active Shield Duration" |
ActiveBulletShieldDuration_postfix | "s" |
ActiveBulletShieldHealth_label | "Active Shield Health" |
ActiveBulletShieldMaxHealth_label | "Bullet Shield Health" |
ActiveBulletShieldMaxHealth_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
ActiveChainDuration_label | "Tether Duration" |
ActiveChainDuration_postfix | "s" |
ActiveFireRate_label | "Fire Rate" |
ActiveFireRate_postfix | "%" |
ActiveFlightTime_label | "Flight time" |
ActiveFlightTime_postfix | "s" |
ActiveHealAmount_label | "Self Heal" |
ActiveHealAmount_postfix | "HP" |
ActiveHealthChange_label | "Health Steal" |
ActiveHealthChange_postfix | "HP" |
ActiveHealthRegenBoost_label | "Health Regen" |
ActiveHealthRegenBoost_postfix | "hp/sec" |
ActiveHealthRegenBoost_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
ActiveHealthRegen_label | "Health Regen" |
ActiveHealthRegen_postfix | "hp/sec" |
ActiveHealthRegen_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
ActiveItemUse_conditional | "while active" |
ActiveRadius_label | "Active Radius" |
ActiveRadius_postfix | "m" |
ActiveReloadPercent_label | "Ammo" |
ActiveReloadPercent_postfix | "%" |
ActiveReloadPercent_prefix | "+" |
ActiveStatusResistancePercent_label | "Debuff Reduction" |
ActiveStatusResistancePercent_postfix | "%" |
ActiveTechPower_label | "Spirit Power" |
ActiveTechPower_prefix | "+" |
ActiveWeaponDamageChange_label | "Weapon Damage Steal" |
ActiveWeaponDamageChange_postfix | "%" |
AfterburnExplodeDamage_label | "Explode Damage" |
AfterburnExplodeRadius_label | "Spread Radius" |
AfterburnExplodeRadius_postfix | "m" |
AirControlPercent_label | "Air Control" |
AirControlPercent_postfix | "%" |
AirControlPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
AirDropBuffDuration_label | "Shield Duration" |
AirDropBuffDuration_postfix | "s" |
AirDropBuffDuration_prefix | "" |
AirDropBulletArmorReduction_label | "Enemy Bullet Resist" |
AirDropBulletArmorReduction_postfix | "%" |
AirDropBulletResist_label | "Ally Bullet Resist" |
AirDropBulletResist_postfix | "%" |
AirDropBulletResist_prefix | "+" |
AirDropBulletShield_label | "Bullet Shield" |
AirDropBulletShield_postfix | "" |
AirDropDebuff02Duration_label | "Bullet Resist Duration" |
AirDropDebuff02Duration_postfix | "s" |
AirDropDebuffDuration_label | "Slow Duration" |
AirDropDebuffDuration_postfix | "s" |
AirDropExplodeRadius_label | "Explode Radius" |
AirDropExplodeRadius_postfix | "m" |
AirDropSelfCastDelay_label | "Self Cast Time" |
AirDropSelfCastDelay_postfix | "s" |
AirDropSilenceDuration_label | "Silence Duration" |
AirDropSilenceDuration_postfix | "s" |
AirJumpVerticalSpeedPercent_label | "Air Jump Vertical Speed" |
AirJumpVerticalSpeedPercent_postfix | "%" |
AirJumpVerticalSpeedPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
AirMoveIncreasePercent_label | "Air Jump/Dash Distance" |
AirMoveIncreasePercent_postfix | "%" |
AirMoveIncreasePercent_prefix | "+" |
AirSpeedBonus_label | "Bonus Air Speed" |
AirSpeedBonus_postfix | "m/s" |
AirSpeedBonus_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
AirSpeedHealthBonus_label | "Healthy Speed Bonus" |
AirSpeedHealthBonus_postfix | "m/s" |
AllyCooldownReduction_label | "Ally Cooldown Reduction" |
AllyCooldownReduction_postfix | "s" |
AllyDistance_label | "Ally Distance" |
AllyDistance_postfix | "m" |
AmbushBonusFireRate_label | "Ambush Fire Rate" |
AmbushBonusFireRate_postfix | "%" |
AmbushBonusFireRate_prefix | "+" |
AmbushBonusTechPower_label | "Ambush Spirit Power" |
AmbushBonusTechPower_prefix | "+" |
AmbushDamage_Label | "Ambush Damage" |
AmbushDuration_label | "Ambush Duration" |
AmbushDuration_postfix | "s" |
AmmoPerSoul_label | "Ammo Per Soul" |
AmmoPerSoul_prefix | "+" |
AmmoScavengerDuration_label | "Duration" |
AmmoScavengerDuration_postfix | "s" |
AmpDuration_label | "Amp Duration" |
AmpDuration_postfix | "s" |
AmpPercentPerStack_label | "Amp Per Stack" |
AmpPercentPerStack_postfix | "%" |
AoESleep_label | "Explode Radius" |
AoESleep_postfix | "m" |
ApproachSpeed_label | "Project Speed" |
ArmTime_label | "Arm Time" |
ArmTime_postfix | "s" |
ArmingDuration_label | "Arming Duration" |
ArmingDuration_postfix | "s" |
ArmorAttribute_Desc | "%s1 to any bullet and spirit armor bonus" |
ArmorAttribute_Desc_0 | "no additional bullet armor bonuses" |
ArmorLossPerHit_label | "Resist lost per Hit" |
ArmorLossPerHit_postfix | "%" |
ArmorPower_label | "Base Health" |
ArmorPower_postfix | "%" |
ArmorPower_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
AscendSpeed_label | "" |
AssaultDuration_label | "Air Attack Duration" |
AssaultDuration_postfix | "s" |
AssaultFireRate_label | "Air Attack Fire Rate" |
AssaultFireRate_postfix | "%" |
AssaultFireRate_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
AstroShotgunCloseRange_label | "Close Range Weapon Power" |
AttackPower_label | "Attack Power" |
AttackPower_postfix | "" |
AttackPower_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
AttribFormat_AdditionalNote | "( %s1 )" |
Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_BeamWeapon | "Beam Weapon" |
Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_BurstFire | "Burst Fire" |
Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_CloseRange | "Close Range" |
Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_HeavyHitter | "Heavy Hitter" |
Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_LongRange | "Long Range" |
Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_MediumRange | "Medium Range" |
Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_Projectile | "Projectile" |
Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_RapidFire | "Rapid Fire" |
Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_Spreadshot | "Spreadshot" |
AuraDuration_label | "Aura Duration" |
AuraDuration_postfix | "s" |
AvaRecallCooldown_label | "Recall Cooldown" |
AvaRecallCooldown_postfix | "s" |
AwakenDamage_label | "Awaken Damage" |
BarrelDamageRadius_label | "Explosion Radius" |
BarrelDamageRadius_postfix | "m" |
BarrelDamage_label | "Explosion Damage" |
BarrelLifetime_label | "Barrel Life Time" |
BarrelLifetime_postfix | "s" |
BarrierDuration_label | "Shield Duration" |
BarrierDuration_postfix | "s" |
BaseAttackDamagePercentAtMaxDuration_label | "Max Weapon Damage" |
BaseAttackDamagePercentAtMaxDuration_postfix | "%" |
BaseAttackDamagePercentBonus_label | "Weapon Damage" |
BaseAttackDamagePercentBonus_postfix | "%" |
BaseAttackDamagePercentBonus_prefix | "+" |
BaseAttackDamagePercent_label | "Weapon Damage" |
BaseAttackDamagePercent_postfix | "%" |
BaseAttackDamagePercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BaseAttackDamage_label | "Base Damage" |
BaseAttackDamage_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BaseBonusWeaponPower_label | "Courage" |
BaseBonusWeaponPower_prefix | "+" |
BaseBulletDamage_label | "Bullet Damage" |
BaseDamagePct_label | "Bonus Spirit Amp" |
BaseDamagePct_postfix | "%" |
BaseDamagePct_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BaseHeatPower_Label | "Base Heat Power" |
BaseWeaponDamage_postfix | "%" |
BasicReflectPercent_label | "Basic Damage Reflect" |
BasicReflectPercent_postfix | "%" |
BeamLength_label | "Beam Length" |
BeamLength_postfix | "m" |
BeamSplit_label | "Extra Beam Range" |
BeamSplit_postfix | "m" |
BeamWidth_label | "Beam Width" |
BeamWidth_postfix | "m" |
BelowHealthThreshold_conditional | "below health threshold" |
BleedDPSPerStack_label | "Bleed DPS Per Knife" |
BleedDamage_label | "Bleed Damage" |
BleedDuration_label | "Bleed Duration" |
BleedDuration_postfix | "s" |
BleedTechResist_label | "Spirit Resist" |
BleedTechResist_postfix | "%" |
BleedTechResist_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BloodPoolDPS_label | "Blood Pool DPS" |
BloodPoolDuration_label | "Blood Pool Duration" |
BloodPoolDuration_postfix | "s" |
BloodPoolRadius_label | "Blood Pool Radius" |
BloodPoolRadius_postfix | "m" |
BloodSpillDuration_label | "Toxic Mess Duration" |
BloodSpillDuration_postfix | "s" |
BlurVisionRange_label | "Blur Vision Range" |
BlurVisionRange_postfix | "m" |
BoloBounceCount_label | "Max Bounces" |
BoloHitDamage_label | "Damage on Hit" |
BoloProcDamage_label | "Damage on Immobilize" |
BombDamagePercent_label | "Target max health as damage" |
BombDamagePercent_postfix | "%" |
BonusAbilityCharges_label | "Bonus Ability Charges" |
BonusAbilityCharges_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusAbilityDurationPercent_label | "Ability Duration" |
BonusAbilityDurationPercent_postfix | "%" |
BonusAbilityDurationPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusAbilitySpeed_label | "Ability Move Speed" |
BonusAbilitySpeed_postfix | "" |
BonusAbilitySpeed_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusAccuracy_label | "Gun Accuracy" |
BonusAccuracy_postfix | "%" |
BonusAccuracy_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusAmmo | "Bonus Ammo!" |
BonusAmmoRegen_label | "Ammo Regen" |
BonusAmmoRegen_postfix | "per second" |
BonusAmmoRegen_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusAmmo_label | "Bullets" |
BonusAmmo_postfix | "%" |
BonusAmmo_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusAttackRangePercent_label | "Weapon Fall-off Range" |
BonusAttackRangePercent_postfix | "%" |
BonusAttackRangePercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusAttackRange_label | "Weapon Range" |
BonusAttackRange_postfix | "meters" |
BonusBaseDamage_label | "Base Bullet and Melee Damage" |
BonusBaseDamage_postfix | "%" |
BonusBaseWeaponDamageTaken_label | "Weapon Damage" |
BonusBaseWeaponDamageTaken_postfix | "%" |
BonusBaseWeaponDamageTaken_prefix | "+" |
BonusBaseWeaponDamageWithShield_label | "Weapon Damage While Shielded" |
BonusBaseWeaponDamageWithShield_postfix | "%" |
BonusBaseWeaponDamageWithShield_prefix | "+" |
BonusBaseWeaponDamage_label | "Weapon Damage" |
BonusBaseWeaponDamage_postfix | "%" |
BonusBaseWeaponDamage_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusBulletDamageToEMPTargets_label | "Bullet Damage to Silenced targets" |
BonusBulletDamageToEMPTargets_postfix | "%" |
BonusBulletDamageToEMPTargets_prefix | "+" |
BonusBulletSpeedPercent_label | "Bullet Velocity" |
BonusBulletSpeedPercent_postfix | "%" |
BonusBulletSpeedPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusChannelTechPower_label | "Spirit Power While Channeling" |
BonusChannelTechPower_prefix | "+" |
BonusChannelTimePercentage_label | "Channel Duration" |
BonusChannelTimePercentage_postfix | "%" |
BonusChannelTimePercentage_prefix | "+" |
BonusChargedAbilityDamage_label | "Charged Ability Damage" |
BonusChargedAbilityDamage_postfix | "%" |
BonusChargedAbilityDamage_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusClipPerKill_label | "Bonus Ammo Per Kill" |
BonusClipPerKill_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusClipSizePercent_label | "Ammo" |
BonusClipSizePercent_postfix | "%" |
BonusClipSizePercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusClipSize_label | "Ammo" |
BonusClipSize_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusCooldownReduction_label | "Cooldown Reduction Per Bullet" |
BonusCritDamagePercent_label | "Bonus Crit Damage" |
BonusCritDamagePercent_postfix | "%" |
BonusCritDamagePercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusDPSPercent_label | "Bullet Damage" |
BonusDPSPercent_postfix | "%" |
BonusDPSPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusDPSVsCreeps_label | "DPS vs Creeps" |
BonusDPSVsPlayers_label | "DPS vs Players" |
BonusDamageAmp_label | "Increased Damage" |
BonusDamageAmp_postfix | "%" |
BonusDamagePerHero_label | "Bonus Damage Per Hero" |
BonusDamagePerHero_postfix | "%" |
BonusDamagePercent_label | "Bonus Damage" |
BonusDamagePercent_postfix | "%" |
BonusDuration_label | "Bonus Duration" |
BonusDuration_postfix | "s" |
BonusEnergyMax_label | "Energy Cells" |
BonusFireRateNPC_label | "Fire Rate NPC" |
BonusFireRateNPC_postfix | "%" |
BonusFireRateNPC_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusFireRatePlayerUnit_label | "Minions Fire Rate" |
BonusFireRatePlayerUnit_postfix | "%" |
BonusFireRatePlayerUnit_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusFireRate_label | "Fire Rate" |
BonusFireRate_postfix | "%" |
BonusFireRate_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusGoldOnKill_label | "Bonus Souls Per Assassination" |
BonusHeadshotDamage_label | "Bonus Headshot Damage" |
BonusHeadshotDamage_postfix | "%" |
BonusHealthOnKill_label | "Bonus Max Health Per Kill" |
BonusHealthPercent_label | "Health" |
BonusHealthPercent_postfix | "%" |
BonusHealthPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusHealthRegenOutOfCombat_label | "Health Regen Out of Combat" |
BonusHealthRegenOutOfCombat_postfix | "" |
BonusHealthRegenOutOfCombat_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusHealthRegen_label | "Health Regen" |
BonusHealthRegen_postfix | "" |
BonusHealthRegen_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusHealth_label | "Bonus Health" |
BonusHealth_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusHeavyMeleeDamage_label | "Bonus Heavy Damage" |
BonusHeavyMeleeDamage_postfix | "%" |
BonusHeavyMeleeDamage_prefix | "+" |
BonusMaxHealth_label | "Health" |
BonusMaxHealth_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusMeleeAttackSpeed_label | "Melee Speed" |
BonusMeleeAttackSpeed_postfix | "%" |
BonusMeleeAttackSpeed_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusMeleeDamagePercent_label | "Melee Damage" |
BonusMeleeDamagePercent_postfix | "%" |
BonusMeleeDamagePercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusMeleeDamage_label | "Melee Damage" |
BonusMeleeDamage_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusMeleeSpeed_label | "Melee Speed" |
BonusMeleeSpeed_postfix | "%" |
BonusMeleeSpeed_prefix | "+" |
BonusMoveSpeedPercent_label | "Move Speed" |
BonusMoveSpeedPercent_postfix | "%" |
BonusMoveSpeedPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusMoveSpeed_label | "Move Speed" |
BonusMoveSpeed_postfix | "m/s" |
BonusMoveSpeed_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusPelletsPerShot_label | "Pellets per shot" |
BonusPerChain_label | "Damage on Jump" |
BonusPerHeadshot_label | "Bonus Per Headshot" |
BonusPerHeadshot_postfix | "%" |
BonusPerHeadshot_prefix | "+" |
BonusPerMeterPct_label | "Shield Gain Per Meter" |
BonusPerMeterPct_postfix | "%" |
BonusRegenMaxHealthPercent_label | "Max Health Regen" |
BonusRegenMaxHealthPercent_postfix | "%" |
BonusRegenMaxHealthPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusReloadSpeed_Postfix | "%" |
BonusReloadSpeed_label | "Reload Time" |
BonusReloadTime_label | "Added Reload Time" |
BonusReloadTime_postfix | "s" |
BonusSpiritDuration_label | "Bonus Spirit Duration" |
BonusSpiritDuration_postfix | "s" |
BonusSpiritForChargedAbilities_label | "Bonus Spirit Power for Charged Abilites" |
BonusSpiritForChargedAbilities_prefix | "+" |
BonusSpiritPerKill_label | "Bonus Spirit Power Per Kill" |
BonusSpiritPerKill_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusSpiritWithMagicShield_label | "Spirit Power While Shielded" |
BonusSpiritWithMagicShield_prefix | "+" |
BonusSpirit_conditional | "after proc" |
BonusSpirit_label | "Spirit Power" |
BonusSpirit_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusSprintSpeedPercent_label | "Sprint Speed" |
BonusSprintSpeedPercent_postfix | "%" |
BonusSprintSpeedPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusSprintSpeed_label | "Sprint Speed" |
BonusSprintSpeed_postfix | "m/s" |
BonusSprintSpeed_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusStamina_label | "Bonus Stamina" |
BonusSuperSprintSpeedPercent_postfix | "%" |
BonusSuperSprintSpeedPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusSuperSprintSpeed_label | "Sprint Speed" |
BonusSuperSprintSpeed_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusTechDamagePercent_label | "Bonus Spirit Damage" |
BonusTechDamagePercent_postfix | "%" |
BonusTechDamage_label | "Bonus Spirit Damage" |
BonusTechPowerPerKill_label | "Spirit Power Per Kill" |
BonusTechPower_label | "Spirit Power while Pathing" |
BonusWeaponDamage_label | "Bullet Damage" |
BonusWeaponDamage_prefix | "+" |
BonusZipLineSpeed_label | "Hyperline Speed" |
BonusZipLineSpeed_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusZoomPercent_label | "Weapon Zoom" |
BonusZoomPercent_postfix | "%" |
BonusZoomPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BoostDuration_label | "Ally Move Speed Duration" |
BoostDuration_postfix | "s" |
BotMatchWarning_EarlyGame | "Bots are great to practice fighting against, but struggle with grouping up and pushing objectives." |
BotMatchWarning_LateGame | "These matches tend to last much longer than a typical game - you'll need to take charge to defeat their Patron!" |
BotMatchWarning_Title | "Bots - Match Length Warning" |
BounceCount_label | "Shield Bounces" |
BouncePadStompCount_label | "Max Head Stomps" |
BrowseItems_Desc | "Browse through the item catalog to get yourself ready for your next match!" |
BrowseItems_Title | "Browse Items" |
BruiseDamageVulnerability_label | "Damage Increase" |
BruiseDamageVulnerability_postfix | "% per stack" |
BruiseDuration_label | "Bruise Duration" |
BuffDamageMult_label | "Shock Multiplier" |
BuffDamageMult_postfix | "x" |
BuffDamage_label | "Full Rage Damage Bonus" |
BuffDamage_postfix | "%" |
BuffDamage_prefix | "+" |
BuffDuration_label | "Buff Duration" |
BuffDuration_postfix | "s" |
BuffMoveSpeedBonus_label | "Movement Speed" |
BuffMoveSpeedBonus_postfix | "m/s" |
BuffMoveSpeedBonus_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BuffMoveSpeed_label | "Move Speed" |
BuffMoveSpeed_postfix | "m/s" |
BuffMoveSpeed_prefix | "+" |
BuildUpBulletPercentPerHit_label | "Buildup per bullet" |
BuildUpBulletPercentPerHit_postfix | "%" |
BuildUpMaxDamageNonHero_label | "Build Up Non-Hero" |
BuildUpMaxDamage_label | "Build Up Damage" |
BuildUpPercentPerHit_label | "Buildup per hit" |
BuildUpPercentPerHit_postfix | "%" |
BuildupDamage_label | "Damage on Buildup" |
BuildupDecayDelay_label | "Buildup Decay Delay" |
BuildupDecayDelay_postfix | "s" |
BuildupDuration_label | "Buildup Decay Time" |
BuildupDuration_postfix | "s" |
BuildupExpire_label | "Buildup Expire" |
BuildupExpire_postfix | "s" |
BuildupPerProc_label | "Buildup on Shock" |
BuildupPerProc_postfix | "%" |
BuildupPerShot_label | "Buildup Per Shot" |
BuildupPerShot_postfix | "%" |
BuildupRate_label | "Buildup Per Shot" |
BuildupRate_postfix | "" |
BulletArmorDamageReduction_label | "Bullet Resist" |
BulletArmorDamageReduction_postfix | "%" |
BulletArmorDamageReduction_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BulletArmorPenetration_label | "Target Bullet Resist" |
BulletArmorPenetration_postfix | "" |
BulletArmorReductionDuration_label | "Duration" |
BulletArmorReductionDuration_postfix | "s" |
BulletArmorReductionPerStack_label | "Bullet Damage" |
BulletArmorReductionPerStack_postfix | "% per stack" |
BulletArmorReductionPerStack_prefix | "+" |
BulletArmorReduction_label | "Bullet Resist" |
BulletArmorReduction_postfix | "%" |
BulletArmorReduction_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BulletArmor_label | "Bullet Armor" |
BulletArmor_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BulletDamageIncrease_label | "Bullet damage increase" |
BulletDamageIncrease_postfix | "%" |
BulletDamagePercentAsTechDamage_label | "Bonus Spirit Damage" |
BulletDamagePercentAsTechDamage_postfix | "% Bullet Damage" |
BulletDamagePercent_label | "Bullet Damage" |
BulletDamagePercent_postfix | "%" |
BulletDamagePercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BulletDamageReduction_label | "Bullet Armor" |
BulletDamageReduction_postfix | "%" |
BulletDamageReflectedPct_label | "Bullet Damage Returned" |
BulletDamageReflectedPct_postfix | "%" |
BulletDamageTotal_label | "Bullet Damage" |
BulletLifestealPercent_label | "Bullet Lifesteal" |
BulletLifestealPercent_postfix | "%" |
BulletLifestealPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BulletPenetrationPercent_label | "Bullet Penetration" |
BulletPenetrationPercent_postfix | "%" |
BulletPercentAsBurn_label | "Bullet Damage as Burning" |
BulletPercentAsBurn_postfix | "%" |
BulletResistDuration_label | "Stack Duration" |
BulletResistDuration_postfix | "s" |
BulletResistOnActive_label | "Bullet Resist" |
BulletResistOnActive_postfix | "%" |
BulletResistOnActive_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BulletResistPerStack_label | "Bullet Resist per Stack" |
BulletResistPerStack_postfix | "%" |
BulletResistReduction_label | "Bullet Resist Reduction" |
BulletResistReduction_postfix | "%" |
BulletResist_label | "Bullet Resist" |
BulletResist_postfix | "%" |
BulletResist_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BulletShieldDamagePercent_label | "Damage Amplification vs Bullet Shields" |
BulletShieldDamagePercent_postfix | "%" |
BulletShieldDamagePercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BulletShieldDuration_label | "Bullet Shield Duration" |
BulletShieldDuration_postfix | "s" |
BulletShieldHealth_label | "Bullet Shield Health" |
BulletShieldMaxHealth_label | "Bullet Shield Health" |
BulletShieldMaxHealth_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BulletShieldOnCast_label | "Bullet Shield" |
BulletShieldOnHook_label | "Bullet Shield" |
BulletShieldOnHook_postfix | "HP" |
BulletShieldOnLand_label | "Bullet Shield on Teleport" |
BulletShieldPerHero_label | "Bullet Shield Per Hero" |
BulletSlowDuration_label | "Slow Duration" |
BulletSlowDuration_postfix | "s" |
BulletSplitShot_label | "Weapon Multishot" |
BulletVulnerbility_label | "Weapon Damage Amplification" |
BulletVulnerbility_postfix | "%" |
BulletVulnerbility_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BurnDPS_label | "Burn DPS" |
BurnDuration_label | "Burn Duration" |
BurnDuration_postfix | "s" |
BurstDamage_label | "Burst Damage" |
BurstFireOnHeroHit_postfix | "s" |
BurstFireShotsFromClipPercent_Postfix | "%" |
BurstFireShotsFromClipPercent_label | "ammo Burst" |
CITADEL_ABILITY_DEBUG_COMMAND_REQUIRES_HERO_TARGET | "Debug command requires hero target" |
CITADEL_ABILITY_INVALID_MUTED | "Muted disabling abilities and items" |
CITADEL_ABILITY_INVALID_NO_UNITS_IN_RADIUS | "No valid units in Ability Radius" |
CITADEL_ABILITY_INVALID_ONLY_TWO_AIR_DASHES | "Can't air dash three times" |
CITADEL_ABILITY_INVALID_ONLY_TWO_AIR_JUMPS | "Can't air jump three times" |
CITADEL_ABILITY_INVALID_ONLY_TWO_DOWN_DASHES | "Can't down dash three times" |
CITADEL_ABILITY_INVALID_PREMATCH | "Match not yet started" |
CITADEL_ABILITY_INVALID_SILENCED | "Can't use Abilities while Silenced" |
CITADEL_ABILITY_INVALID_SILENCED_IDOL | "Can't use Abilities while Holding Urn" |
Cancel | "Cancel" |
CaptureRadius_label | "Capture Radius" |
CaptureRadius_postfix | "m" |
CarbineHeadshotBonus_label | "HeadShot Bonus" |
CarbineHeadshotBonus_postfix | "%" |
CarbineHeadshotBonus_prefix | "+" |
CardResourceGenPctScale_label | "Card Summon Rate" |
CardResourceGenPctScale_postfix | "%" |
CardsDrawn_label | "Cards Drawn" |
CasterBuffDuration_label | "Buff Duration" |
CasterBuffDuration_postfix | "s" |
CasterHealthPercent_label | "Turret Health Percent of Caster" |
CasterHealthPercent_postfix | "%" |
CasterSlowPercent_label | "Self Slow" |
CasterSlowPercent_postfix | "%" |
CatExplosionCount_label | "Explosions" |
CatLifetime_label | "Cat Lifetime" |
CatLifetime_postfix | "s" |
CatMaxSpeed_label | "Ghostcat Max Speed" |
CatMaxSpeed_postfix | "m/s" |
CenterDamage_label | "Damage at the center" |
ChainCount_label | "Max Jumps" |
ChainDamageCoeff_label | "Chain Damage" |
ChainDamageCoeff_postfix | "% of gun damage" |
ChainDuration_label | "Tether Duration" |
ChainDuration_postfix | "s" |
ChainLength_label | "Tether Length" |
ChainLength_postfix | "m" |
ChainLightningRadius_label | "Chain Lightning Range" |
ChainLightningRadius_postfix | "m" |
ChainRadius_label | "Jump Radius" |
ChainRadius_postfix | "m" |
ChannelBulletShield_label | "Bullet Barrier While Channeling" |
ChannelMoveSpeed_label | "Channel Move Speed" |
ChannelMoveSpeed_postfx | "m/s" |
ChannelMoveSpeed_prefix | "" |
ChargeDistance_label | "Charge Distance" |
ChargeDistance_postfix | "m" |
ChargeDuration_label | "Charge Duration" |
ChargeDuration_postfix | "s" |
ChargeUpTime_label | "Charge Time" |
ChargeUpTime_postfix | "s" |
ChargedDuration_label | "Charged Duration" |
ChargedDuration_postfix | "s" |
ChargedShotBonus_label | "Charged Shot Damage" |
ChargedShotBonus_postfix | "%" |
ChargedShotBonus_prefix | "+" |
ChargesRestored_label | "Charges Restored" |
ChronoTimeScale_label | "Paradox Time Acceleration" |
ChronoTimeScale_postfix | "%" |
CitadelCategoryArmor | "Vitality" |
CitadelCategoryBuilds | "Build" |
CitadelCategoryCustom | "Custom Build" |
CitadelCategoryFlex | "Flex" |
CitadelCategorySuggested | "Suggested Items" |
CitadelCategoryTech | "Spirit" |
CitadelCategoryWeapon | "Weapon" |
CitadelHeroDetails_Background | "Background" |
CitadelHeroDetails_Basic | "Basic" |
CitadelHeroDetails_Builds | "Builds" |
CitadelHeroDetails_Builds_CreateButton | "Create new Build" |
CitadelHeroDetails_Builds_EditButton | "Edit my Builds" |
CitadelHeroDetails_Builds_SelectButton | "Browse Builds" |
CitadelHeroDetails_Equipment | "Equipment" |
CitadelHeroDetails_Progression | "Progression" |
CitadelHeroStats_Spirit | "Spirit Stats" |
CitadelHeroStats_SpiritPower_Desc | "Spirit Power increases the effectiveness of your Abilities and Items." |
CitadelHeroStats_SpiritPower_Impact | "Spirit Power Impact" |
CitadelHeroStats_Vitality | "Vitality Stats" |
CitadelHeroStats_Weapon | "Weapon Stats" |
CitadelHeroStats_Weapon_Falloff | "Falloff Range" |
CitadelShopSearch | "Search" |
CitadelShop_SearchExampleAlt | "Try searching by <span class="highlight">Item Name</span> or by stat such as <span class="highlight_weapon">Ammo</span>, <span class="highlight_vitality">Lifesteal</span> or <span class="highlight_spirit">Spirit Power</span>." |
CitadelShop_SearchExampleLine1 | "Search Examples:" |
CitadelShop_SearchExampleLine2 | "Name: <span class="highlight">Phantom Strike</span>" |
CitadelShop_SearchExampleLine3 | "Property: <b>Bullet Resist</b>" |
Citadel_AbilityProperty_OnAttach | "On Attach:" |
Citadel_AbilityProperty_OnExplode | "On Explode:" |
Citadel_AbilityProperty_OnHit | "On Hit:" |
Citadel_Ability_BuildAnnotation | "Recommended Next Ability" |
Citadel_Ability_IsImbued | "Imbued" |
Citadel_AcceptFriendInvite_Body | "Please Wait" |
Citadel_AcceptFriendInvite_ErrorBody | "Unable to accept this invite at this time. Please try again later." |
Citadel_AcceptFriendInvite_ErrorTitle | "Error" |
Citadel_AcceptFriendInvite_Title | "Accepting Invite" |
Citadel_AcceptedInvitation_Name | "{g:citadel_persona:accepted_invitation} has accepted your invitation" |
Citadel_AcceptedInvitation_Title | "Accepted Invitation" |
Citadel_AcquireTicket_BusyText | "Please Wait" |
Citadel_AcquireTicket_BusyTitle | "Joining Game" |
Citadel_AcquireTicket_ErrorTitle | "Error" |
Citadel_AcquireTicket_InternalError | "Unable to talk to the Network right now and obtain access to the server. Please try again." |
Citadel_AlertPlayer_MatchReadyText | "Your game has started." |
Citadel_AlertPlayer_MatchReadyTitle | "Match Ready" |
Citadel_AlreadyInGame | "Failed to start matchmaking. Already in a game. Please leave your current game to start matchmaking." |
Citadel_AttackerClass_CLASS_BOSS_BARRACKS | "Shrine Guardians" |
Citadel_AttackerClass_CLASS_BOSS_TIER_2 | "T2 Walker" |
Citadel_AttackerClass_CLASS_BOSS_TIER_3 | "Condemned By The Patron" |
Citadel_AttackerClass_CLASS_SUPER_NEUTRAL | "Mid Boss" |
Citadel_AttackerClass_CLASS_TROOPER | "Trooper" |
Citadel_AttackerClass_CLASS_TROOPER_BOSS | "T1 Guardian" |
Citadel_AttackerClass_CLASS_TROOPER_NEUTRAL | "Denizen" |
Citadel_AttackerClass_CLASS_ZAP_TRIGGER | "Zap" |
Citadel_Book_ComingSoon | "This section will be added in a future update. Keep checking back for more exciting adventures!" |
Citadel_Book_ComingSoon_Title | "Coming Soon" |
Citadel_Book_NextPage | "Next" |
Citadel_Book_NotEnoughXP | "This chatper requires {d:unlock_cost} to unlock, but you only have {d:available_unlocks} available. Play more matches to earn more unlocks." |
Citadel_Book_NotEnoughXPSingle | "This chapter requires spending an unlock, but you don't have any currently available. Play more matches to earn more unlocks." |
Citadel_Book_NotEnoughXP_Title | "Inusfficient Unlocks" |
Citadel_Book_NotReachable | "Earlier chapters must be unlocked before this chapter can be unlocked" |
Citadel_Book_NotReachable_Title | "Can't Unlock Yet" |
Citadel_Book_Pause | "Pause" |
Citadel_Book_Play | "Play" |
Citadel_Book_PrevPage | "Back" |
Citadel_Book_UnlockItem | "Would you unlock this item? This will cost {d:unlock_cost} of your {d:available_unlocks} available unlocks." |
Citadel_Book_UnlockItem_Title | "Unlock Item" |
Citadel_Book_UnlockXP | "Would you like to unlock this chapter? This will cost {d:unlock_cost} of your {d:available_unlocks} available unlocks." |
Citadel_Book_UnlockXPSingle | "Would you like to unlock this chapter? This will cost one unlock and you have {d:available_unlocks} available." |
Citadel_Book_UnlockXP_Title | "Unlock Chapter" |
Citadel_BotMatchModal_Desc | "Select your Difficulty:" |
Citadel_CancelFriendInvite_Body | "Please Wait" |
Citadel_CancelFriendInvite_ConfirmBody | "Are you sure that you want to cancel your friend invite for {g:dac_persona:b:account_id}? You will be unable to send them another invite for several days." |
Citadel_CancelFriendInvite_ConfirmTitle | "Cancel Invite" |
Citadel_CancelFriendInvite_ErrorBody | "Unable to cancel this invite at this time. Please try again later." |
Citadel_CancelFriendInvite_ErrorTitle | "Error" |
Citadel_CancelFriendInvite_Title | "Removing Friend" |
Citadel_ChatMsg_CommsRestricted | "You are currently Communication Restricted, your messages will not be sent." |
Citadel_ChatType_AllTeam | "All-team" |
Citadel_ChatType_Disabled | "Disabled" |
Citadel_ChatType_PartyOnly | "Party-only" |
Citadel_ClientVersion_Connary | "" |
Citadel_CommendPlayer_Friendly | "Friendly and Fun" |
Citadel_CommendPlayer_PopupDesc | "Congratulate someone on their play and inform matchmaking that you'd enjoy seeing them in future matches." |
Citadel_CommendPlayer_PopupTitle | "Commend Player" |
Citadel_CommendPlayer_Skilled | "Skilled Gamer" |
Citadel_CommendPlayer_Teamwork | "Team Player" |
Citadel_Commend_Toast_Friendly | "{s:commender} ({s:commender_hero}) commended you for being Friendly and Fun to play with." |
Citadel_Commend_Toast_Generic | "{s:commender} ({s:commender_hero}) commended you" |
Citadel_Commend_Toast_NoHero_Generic | "{s:commender} commended you" |
Citadel_Commend_Toast_Skilled | "{s:commender} ({s:commender_hero}) commended you for being a Skilled Gamer" |
Citadel_Commend_Toast_Teamwork | "{s:commender} ({s:commender_hero}) commended you for being a Team Player." |
Citadel_ComponentOwned | "owned" |
Citadel_ComponentRequired | "Components:" |
Citadel_ComponentUseIn | "Currently Used in:" |
Citadel_Confirm_Discord | "Are you ready to create your Discord invite? This invite will only be usable for 2 hours and you will not be able to create another invite." |
Citadel_Confirm_Discord_Create | "Create Discord Invite" |
Citadel_Confirm_Discord_Created_Body | "You have already created your Discord invite and are not able to create any more." |
Citadel_Confirm_Discord_Created_Title | "Unable to Create Discord Invite" |
Citadel_Confirm_Discord_InMatch_Body | "Please claim your Discord link later when you are not in a party or in matchmaking" |
Citadel_Confirm_Discord_InMatch_Title | "Cannot Claim Now" |
Citadel_ConflictingWithPrimaryModifier | "This modifier conflicts with {s:key_name}" |
Citadel_CreateParty_AlreadyInParty | "You are already part of a party and cannot create another one until you leave the current party." |
Citadel_CreateParty_Disabled | "The party system is temporarily disabled for maintenance. Please try again in a few minutes." |
Citadel_CreateParty_ErrorTitle | "Failed To Create Party" |
Citadel_CreateParty_FailedToGetResponse | "Unable to talk to the Deadlock Network right now and create a party. Please try again in a few minutes." |
Citadel_CreateParty_InternalError | "An internal error has occurred while trying to create the party" |
Citadel_CreateParty_InvalidVersion | "Your client is not a current version. Please update your client and try again." |
Citadel_CreateParty_NoRegionPings | "Unable to communicate with any Steam Datagram Relay. If you are connected to the Internet, this usually is caused by a problem with your firewall or the MTU or your Internet connection." |
Citadel_CreateParty_NotFriends | "You must be friends with people that you send party invites to." |
Citadel_CreateParty_RateLimited | "You have performed too many operations in a short period of time. Please wait a little while and try again." |
Citadel_CreateParty_TooBusy | "The Deadlock Network is too busy to process this action right now. Please try again in a few minutes." |
Citadel_CreateParty_UnableToGetRegionPings | "You are not currently signed in to Steam or the Deadlock Network is unable to determine your current connectivity to our servers" |
Citadel_DamageType_CITADEL_DAMAGETYPE_ABILITY | "Ability Damage" |
Citadel_DamageType_CITADEL_DAMAGETYPE_BULLET | "Gun Damage" |
Citadel_DamageType_CITADEL_DAMAGETYPE_ENVIRONMENTAL | "Environmental Damage" |
Citadel_DamageType_CITADEL_DAMAGETYPE_MELEE | "Melee Damage" |
Citadel_DamageType_CITADEL_DAMAGETYPE_POISON | "Poison Damage" |
Citadel_Dashboard_AbandonTooltip | "Abandons you from the match you are currently playing" |
Citadel_Dashboard_BuildVersion | "Build {d:buildNumber} - {s:buildTime}" |
Citadel_Dashboard_ClearReadyUpButtonTooltipText | "Clear your ready state so that your party can't play" |
Citadel_Dashboard_CloseAnnounceTooltip | "Close Announcements" |
Citadel_Dashboard_EnterMatchmaking | "Enter"nMatchmaking" |
Citadel_Dashboard_Matchmaking_SearchingForBotMatchPlayers | "COOP BOT MATCH - Waiting for Players" |
Citadel_Dashboard_Matchmaking_SearchingForBotMatchTime | "COOP BOT MATCH - Match Forms in {s:coop_time_remaining}" |
Citadel_Dashboard_Matchmaking_SearchingForMatch | "Searching for Match" |
Citadel_Dashboard_Matchmaking_UsersInQueue | "{s:users_in_queue} players in queue" |
Citadel_Dashboard_Matchmaking_UsersInQueue_Single | "{s:users_in_queue} player in queue" |
Citadel_Dashboard_PartyClearModeButtonTooltipText | "Change the mode for your party to play" |
Citadel_Dashboard_PartySetModeButtonTooltipText | "Select the mode for your party to play" |
Citadel_Dashboard_PatchNotesTooltip | "View the latest patch notes" |
Citadel_Dashboard_PlayButtonTooltipText | "Start matchmaking with other players" |
Citadel_Dashboard_PlayButtonTooltipTextSteamDeck | "Standard Matchmaking currently unsupported for Steam Deck." |
Citadel_Dashboard_ReadyUpButtonTooltipText | "Select your roster and enable your party to play" |
Citadel_Dashboard_Recommended | "Recommended" |
Citadel_Dashboard_RejoinTooltip | "Rejoin your game in progress" |
Citadel_Dashboard_ReloadPageTooltip | "Reload Current Page" |
Citadel_Dashboard_Roster_ClearRoster | "Clear Roster" |
Citadel_Dashboard_Roster_HeroTooPopular | "All selected heroes already in queue" |
Citadel_Dashboard_Roster_MissingHeroes | "<span class="rosterErrorText">Must select 3 heroes in roster to enter matchmaking</span>" |
Citadel_Dashboard_SettingsTooltip | "Adjust setting such as display and audio" |
Citadel_Dashboard_ShowAnnounceTooltip | "Show Announcements" |
Citadel_Dashboard_ShowHeroLabHeroes | "Show Experimental Heroes" |
Citadel_Dashboard_Status_ConnectingToServer | "Connecting to Game Server" |
Citadel_Dashboard_Status_ConnectingToServer_Detail | "Your match will begin shortly" |
Citadel_Dashboard_Status_GCOffline | "Deadlock Network Offline" |
Citadel_Dashboard_Status_GCOffline_Detail | "Some features may be unavailable" |
Citadel_Dashboard_Status_Mode_Coop | "Coop Bot Match" |
Citadel_Dashboard_Status_Mode_HeroLabs | "Hero Labs Match" |
Citadel_Dashboard_Status_Mode_Private | "Private Match" |
Citadel_Dashboard_Status_Mode_Ranked | "Ranked Match" |
Citadel_Dashboard_Status_Mode_Unranked | "Standard Match" |
Citadel_Dashboard_Status_OutOfDateClient | "Game Update Available" |
Citadel_Dashboard_Status_OutOfDateClient_Detail | "Download the latest update on Steam" |
Citadel_Dashboard_ViewLibrary | "View Library" |
Citadel_Dead_ReplayDeath | "Replay Death" |
Citadel_Dead_ShopReminder | "Shop & Upgrade" |
Citadel_DisableDevMessage | "Don't show this again" |
Citadel_DiscordInvite_AlreadyClaimedText | "You have already claimed your Discord invite. We only allow for a single invite per user." |
Citadel_DiscordInvite_AlreadyClaimedTitle | "Already Claimed" |
Citadel_DiscordInvite_Close | "Close" |
Citadel_DiscordInvite_ConfirmCloseText | "Are you sure you want to close the Discord Dialog? You will no longer be able to generate a Discord invite link once this dialog is closed." |
Citadel_DiscordInvite_ConfirmCloseTitle | "Confirm Close" |
Citadel_DiscordInvite_Copied | "Copied" |
Citadel_DiscordInvite_CopyLink | "Copy Link to Clipboard" |
Citadel_DiscordInvite_Description | "Your invite to join the Deadlock discord is listed below, copy the link into a browser and follow the prompts to join." |
Citadel_DiscordInvite_DisabledText | "Discord invites have been temporarily disabled while we perform maintenance. Please try again in a little while." |
Citadel_DiscordInvite_DisabledTitle | "Disabled" |
Citadel_DiscordInvite_DiscordLink | "Link:" |
Citadel_DiscordInvite_DiscordLinkHours | "This link will be valid for {i:num_hours} hours" |
Citadel_DiscordInvite_FailedText | "We were unable to generate you a Discord invite at this time. This is likely due to high user volume. Please try again in a little while." |
Citadel_DiscordInvite_FailedTitle | "Error" |
Citadel_DiscordInvite_Loading | "Loading..." |
Citadel_DiscordInvite_Title | "Discord Invite" |
Citadel_DuplicateKeybind | "Duplicate Keybind" |
Citadel_DuplicateKeybindDescBoundMultiple | "is bound to multiple commands:" |
Citadel_DuplicateKeybindDescKey | "Key" |
Citadel_Exit_Game_Confirm | "Are you sure you want to exit Deadlock?" |
Citadel_FlexSlotUnlockedAllTier1 | "You've unlocked a flex slot for killing three of the <span class="FlexSlotObjectiveName">Enemy Guardians</span>" |
Citadel_FlexSlotUnlockedAllTier2 | "You've unlocked a flex slot for killing all the <span class="FlexSlotObjectiveName">Enemy Walkers</span>" |
Citadel_FlexSlotUnlockedGenerator | "You've unlocked a flex slot for killing both <span class="FlexSlotObjectiveName">Enemy Shrines</span>" |
Citadel_FlexSlotUnlockedKill2Tier2 | "You've unlocked a flex slot for killing two <span class="FlexSlotObjectiveName">Enemy Walkers</span>" |
Citadel_FlexSlot_Title | "Flex Slot Unlocked" |
Citadel_FriendCode_AddFriendBadCode | "Invalid Code" |
Citadel_FriendCode_AddFriendButton | "Add Friend" |
Citadel_FriendCode_AddFriendLabel | "Enter Friend Code" |
Citadel_FriendCode_AddFriendPrompt | "" |
Citadel_FriendCode_Blocked | "This user has blocked you. This may be a result of having recently sent a friend request." |
Citadel_FriendCode_Close | "Close" |
Citadel_FriendCode_CodeCopied | "Friend Code Copied" |
Citadel_FriendCode_ErrorTitle | "Error" |
Citadel_FriendCode_Expiration | "Expires: {t:s:expireDate} at {t:t:expireDate}" |
Citadel_FriendCode_FailedAlreadyFriends | "You are already friends with this user." |
Citadel_FriendCode_FailedDisabled | "This system is temporarily disabled." |
Citadel_FriendCode_FailedInternalError | "Unexpected internal server error. Please try again later." |
Citadel_FriendCode_FailedKeyExpired | "This code has expired." |
Citadel_FriendCode_FailedKeyInvalid | "This code is invalid." |
Citadel_FriendCode_FailedKeyUsedUp | "This code has already been used the maximum number of times." |
Citadel_FriendCode_FailedRateLimited | "You've sent too many requests. Please try again later." |
Citadel_FriendCode_FailedToGetResponse | "Unable to talk to the Deadlock Network right now. Please try again in a few minutes." |
Citadel_FriendCode_FailedTooBusy | "This system is too busy right now. Please try again later." |
Citadel_FriendCode_FailedTooManyCodes | "You already have the maximum number of friend codes generated. Please revoke one before generating a new one." |
Citadel_FriendCode_FriendPopupTitle | "Invite Friend?" |
Citadel_FriendCode_GCContact | "Contacting Network" |
Citadel_FriendCode_GenerateCodeButton | "My Friend Code" |
Citadel_FriendCode_GeneratedCodeLabel | "Copy My Friend Code" |
Citadel_FriendCode_HaveTooManyFriends | "You already have the maximum number of allowed friends." |
Citadel_FriendCode_Ignored | "You have been ignored by this user." |
Citadel_FriendCode_InviteSent | "Friend Invite sent." |
Citadel_FriendCode_PleaseWait | "Please wait" |
Citadel_FriendCode_Reconnect | "Reconnect" |
Citadel_FriendCode_RevokeCodeButton | "Revoke Code" |
Citadel_FriendCode_TargetHasTooManyFriends | "This user already has the maximum number of allowed friends." |
Citadel_FriendCode_Title | "Friend Code" |
Citadel_FriendCode_UsesLeft | "Uses Left: {i:usesLeft}" |
Citadel_FriendCode_WaitingOnCode | "Attempting to connect" |
Citadel_FriendsCategory_AlreadyOwned | "Already Joined" |
Citadel_FriendsCategory_CanInvite | "Can Invite" |
Citadel_FriendsCategory_InviteSent | "Invite Granted" |
Citadel_FriendsCategory_Invited | "Invite Pending" |
Citadel_FriendsCategory_Offline | "Offline" |
Citadel_FriendsCategory_Online | "Online" |
Citadel_FriendsCategory_Party | "In Party" |
Citadel_FriendsCategory_PartyInvite | "Invited" |
Citadel_FriendsCategory_Pending | "Pending" |
Citadel_FriendsCategory_PlayingCitadel | "Playing" |
Citadel_FriendsCategory_SentInvite | "Sent Invite" |
Citadel_Friends_Add_Friend_Entry_Placeholder | "Enter Friend ID to search for" |
Citadel_Friends_Add_Friend_Tooltip | "Add Friend" |
Citadel_Friends_Add_Friend_Your_ID | "Your Friend ID is:" |
Citadel_Friends_Empty | "Your friends list is currently empty" |
Citadel_Friends_Friend_Code_Button | "Add friend" |
Citadel_Friends_Online | "<span class="OnlineNumber">{d:friends_online}</span> Online" |
Citadel_Friends_Play_With_Friends | "Play with Friends" |
Citadel_Friends_Playing | "<span class="OnlineNumber">{d:friends_in_game}</span> In-Game" |
Citadel_Friends_WindowTitle | "Friends" |
Citadel_GC_NoSteam | "Unable to matchmake. No connection to Steam." |
Citadel_GC_noconnection | "Unable to matchmake. No connection to the Deadlock Network." |
Citadel_GC_steamupdating | "Unable to matchmake. No connection to Steam." |
Citadel_GC_updating | "Unable to matchmake. The Deadlock Network is updating." |
Citadel_GameName | "Deadlock" |
Citadel_GameOver_Defeat:g | "Defeat" |
Citadel_GameOver_Victory:g | "Victory" |
Citadel_GenericError_DurationControlBlocked | "You have exceeded the available amount of time that you are allowed to play online." |
Citadel_GenericError_InvalidClientVersion | "Your client is unable to connect to this server due to version differences. Try updating your client to the latest version." |
Citadel_GenericError_RegionInfoNotProvided | "In order to play online, you must register your account." |
Citadel_GraphGroup_General | "General" |
Citadel_GraphGroup_Player | "Player-Specific" |
Citadel_GraphType_DamageBreakdown | "Damage Breakdown" |
Citadel_GraphType_DamageDealt | "Damage to Players" |
Citadel_GraphType_DamageTaken | "Damage from Players" |
Citadel_GraphType_DamageType | "Damage Dealt by Type" |
Citadel_GraphType_Deaths | "Deaths" |
Citadel_GraphType_Healing | "Healing" |
Citadel_GraphType_HealingType | "Healing by Type" |
Citadel_GraphType_Kills | "Kills" |
Citadel_GraphType_LaneStats | "Lane Stats" |
Citadel_GraphType_NetWorth | "Souls Collected" |
Citadel_GraphType_NetWorthPerMin | "Souls per Minute" |
Citadel_GraphType_SoulsBySource | "Souls by Source" |
Citadel_Graph_Damage_Boss | "Objectives" |
Citadel_Graph_Damage_Creep | "Troopers" |
Citadel_Graph_Damage_Neutral | "Neutral Enemies" |
Citadel_Graph_Damage_Player | "Enemy Players" |
Citadel_Graph_Souls_Assists | "Kill Assists" |
Citadel_Graph_Souls_Boss | "Objectives" |
Citadel_Graph_Souls_Denies | "Denies" |
Citadel_Graph_Souls_Lane | "Troopers" |
Citadel_Graph_Souls_Neutral | "Neutral Enemies" |
Citadel_Graph_Souls_Players | "Enemy Kills" |
Citadel_Graph_Souls_Treasure | "Urn" |
Citadel_Graph_Team1 | "Amber" |
Citadel_Graph_Team2 | "Sapphire" |
Citadel_Graph_WeaponDamage | "Gun Damage" |
Citadel_Graph_WeaponDamageCrit | "Gun Damage - Crit" |
Citadel_GraphicsDriverOutOfDateWarning_AMD | "For an optimal gameplay experience, please visit AMD support to download the latest driver." |
Citadel_GraphicsDriverOutOfDateWarning_Nvidia | "For an optimal gameplay experience, please visit Nvidia support to download the latest driver." |
Citadel_GraphicsDriverWarning_Title | "Warning: Graphics Driver Out-of-Date" |
Citadel_HUD_AbilityUnlockAvailable | "Hold <span class="keybind">[{s:show_scoreboard}]</span> to Unlock an Ability" |
Citadel_HUD_AbilityUnlock_Button | "Unlock" |
Citadel_HUD_AbilityUpgradeAvailable | "Hold <span class="keybind">[{s:show_scoreboard}]</span> to Upgrade an Ability" |
Citadel_HUD_DamageReport_AbilitySummary | "{s:ability_summary}" |
Citadel_HUD_DamageReport_AllHeroDamageDealt | "Damage Dealt to All Heroes" |
Citadel_HUD_DamageReport_AllHeroDamageReceived | "Damage Received from All Heroes" |
Citadel_HUD_DamageReport_DamageDealt | "Outgoing Damage" |
Citadel_HUD_DamageReport_DamagePercentAbility | "{i:ability_damage_percent}%" |
Citadel_HUD_DamageReport_DamagePercentWeapon | "{i:weapon_damage_percent}%" |
Citadel_HUD_DamageReport_DamageReceived | "Incoming Damage" |
Citadel_HUD_DamageReport_HeroDamageDealt | "Damage Dealt to Hero" |
Citadel_HUD_DamageReport_HeroDamageReceived | "Damage Received from Hero" |
Citadel_HUD_DamageReport_LastRespawn | "Current Life" |
Citadel_HUD_DamageReport_ShowMore | "Show More" |
Citadel_HUD_DamageReport_Time180 | "3 minutes" |
Citadel_HUD_DamageReport_Time30 | "30s" |
Citadel_HUD_DamageReport_Time300 | "5 minutes" |
Citadel_HUD_DamageReport_Time60 | "1 minute" |
Citadel_HUD_DamageReport_Time600 | "10 minutes" |
Citadel_HUD_DamageReport_Title | "Damage Report" |
Citadel_HUD_DamageReport_TopDamageSources:p{num_damage_rows} | "Top Damage Source#|#Top {i:num_damage_rows} Damage Sources" |
Citadel_HUD_DamageReport_Total | "Total Damage:" |
Citadel_HUD_DamageReport_TotalDamageValue | "{d:total_damage}" |
Citadel_HUD_DamageReport_TotalTaken | "Hero Damage Taken:" |
Citadel_HUD_DamageRows_DamageName | "{s:damage_name}" |
Citadel_HUD_DamageRows_DamageValue | "{i:damage_done}" |
Citadel_HUD_DamageRows_Hits:p{hit_count} | "({i:hit_count} hit)#|#({i:hit_count} hits)" |
Citadel_HUD_DamageSummary_Hint | "Hold <span class="keybind">[{s:show_scoreboard}]</span> to view adjustment details" |
Citadel_HUD_DamageSummary_Title | "Damage <i>Taken</i>" |
Citadel_HUD_Damage_Invulnerable | "Shielded" |
Citadel_HUD_Damage_NoTroopers | "Need Troopers" |
Citadel_HUD_Damage_NotInMidPit | "Not in Pit" |
Citadel_HUD_Damage_NotInTier3Pit | "Not in Pit" |
Citadel_HUD_Damage_Resistant | "Resistant" |
Citadel_HUD_Damage_TooFar | "Too Far" |
Citadel_HUD_Damage_TooLow | "Too Low" |
Citadel_HUD_IdolPickedUp | "Urn Picked Up!" |
Citadel_HUD_IdolReturned | "Soul Urn Returned!" |
Citadel_HUD_Impact_Assist | "Kill<br>Assist" |
Citadel_HUD_Impact_Kill | "Kill" |
Citadel_HUD_JoinTeamChat_Dialog | "Hold <span class="keybind">[{s:key_voice_record}]</span> to opt-in to Team Chat" |
Citadel_HUD_LevelReward_BulletDamage | "Bullet Damage" |
Citadel_HUD_LevelReward_BulletResist | "Spirit Damage" |
Citadel_HUD_LevelReward_Health | "Health" |
Citadel_HUD_LevelReward_NextRewardsLabel | "Next Rewards:" |
Citadel_HUD_LevelReward_SpiritDamage | "Spirit Damage" |
Citadel_HUD_LevelReward_WeaponRange | "Spirit Damage" |
Citadel_HUD_LevelUpAbilityPointAnnouncement | "Ability Point" |
Citadel_HUD_LevelUpAbilityUnlocksAnnouncement | "Ability Unlock" |
Citadel_HUD_LevelUpLocalPlayerMessage | "You've Reached" |
Citadel_HUD_LevelUpSpectatingPlayerMessage | "{s:leveled_up_hero_name} has Reached" |
Citadel_HUD_LevelUpUltimateAbilityUnlocked | "Ultimate Unlocked" |
Citadel_HUD_NextReward_PowerIncrease | "Power Increase" |
Citadel_HUD_PatronBoon | "A Boon from your Patron..." |
Citadel_HUD_PlayerKilledAnnouncement | " earned <span class="dataFeedClass">{i:param_1}</span>" |
Citadel_HUD_PlayerKilledSelfAnnouncement | " killed themself" |
Citadel_HUD_PlayerLostGoldAnnouncement | " lost <span class="dataFeedClass">{i:param_1}</span>" |
Citadel_HUD_PowerIncrease | "Power Increase" |
Citadel_HUD_RejuvCaptured | "Captured Rejuvenator" |
Citadel_HUD_RejuvStolen | "Stole Rejuvenator!" |
Citadel_HUD_TotalPowerIncreasesLabel | "Total Power Increases" |
Citadel_HUD_WeaponPowerAnnouncement | "Bullet and Melee Damage" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_AP_Next_Indicator | "Suggested" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_AbilityBuildInstructions | "To set the recommended Ability Upgrade order, hit the edit button, then skill each ability in the order you want to show up for users of your build." |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_AbilityBuildReset | "Edit" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_AbilityBuildTitle | "Ability Point Order" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_AddAnnotation | "Add Annotation" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_AddCategory | "Add Category" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_AddItem | "Add to Build" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_AllTimeFavorite | "All Time" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_AlreadyInBuild | "Already in Build" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_BrowseBuildSubheader | "{s:hero_name}" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_BrowseBuildTitle | "Browse Builds" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_BrowseBuilds | "Browse Builds" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_Browse_button | "View or Change Build" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_BuildCreatorTitle | "Created by" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_BuildDescription | "{s:selected_hero_build_description}" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_BuildDescriptionTitle | "Build Description" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_BuildID | "BuildID: {i:r:selected_hero_build_id}" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_BuildID_Copied | "Copied to Clipboard!" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_BuildName | "{s:selected_hero_build_name}" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_BuildNameTitle | "Build Name" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_BuildPublishedLabel | "Build Published" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_CancelChanges | "Cancel" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_CategoryDescription | "{s:category_description}" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_CategoryDescriptionLabel | "Description" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_CategoryName | "{s:category_name}" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_CategoryNameLabel | "Name" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_CopyBuildLabel | "Copy & Edit" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_CopyOfName | "Copy of [%name%]" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_CreateBuildLabel | "Create New Build" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_CurrenclyActive | "Currently Active" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_DailyFavorite | "Trending" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_DefaultHeroBuild | "Default %hero_name% Build" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_DefaultHeroBuildDesc | "Valve-provided default recommended items for this hero." |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_DeleteBuildLabel | "Delete" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_DeletePopupBody | "Are you sure you want to delete this hero build?" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_DeletePopupTitle | "Delete Hero Build" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_DescriptionLabel | "Build Description" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_EarlyGame | "Early Game" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_EditBuildLabel | "Edit" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_EditInstructions | "While the shop is in Build Editing Mode, clicking on items will add them to the currently selected build category, or if they are already present in that category, remove them. You can add multiple categories with custom names and descriptions, and resize them as desired.<br/><br/>You can also right click on items to remove them from the build or add comments from the build author." |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_EditingBuildSubheader | "{s:selected_hero_build_name}" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_EditingBuildTitle | "Edit Build:" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_ErrorTitle | "Error" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_Error_Publishing | "Failed to publish build. This may be due to an internal server error or invalid build data." |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_ExitBuilds | "Exit Browse" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_FavoriteBuild | "Selected" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_FavoriteButtonTooltip | "Toggle Favorite Build" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_FavoriteCount | "{i:favorite_count}" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_LastUpdatedTime | "Last Updated: <span class='Value'>{t:l:t:m:last_updated_time}</span>" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_LateGame | "Late Game" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_Loading_Body | "Please Wait" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_Loading_Failed | "Failed getting hero builds" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_Loading_Title | "Loading Builds" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_MidGame | "Mid Game" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_NameLabel | "Build Name" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_New | "New" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_NewCategory | "Category %number%" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_NewHeroBuild | "New %hero_name% Build" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_Old | "Old" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_OldButtonTooltip | "This build has not been updated recently" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_PickABuildOption | "Default Suggested Build" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_PublicBuildLabel | "Public Build" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_PublishBuildDesc | "This build will be made public to share with other players." |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_PublishBuildLabel | "Publish" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_PublishBuildTitle | "Publish Hero Build" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_PublishDialogVersion | "Version: {i:selected_hero_build_new_publish_version}" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_RecommendedItems | "Recommended Items" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_RemoveFromBuild | "Remove" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_RemoveItem | "Remove from Build" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_SaveBuild | "Save Changes" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_Saving_Body | "Please Wait" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_Saving_Title | "Saving Build" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_SelectBuildLabel | "Make Default" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_SelectedBuildNameLabel | "{s:selected_hero_build_name}" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_SelectedBuild_Title | "My Current Build:" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_ShowAllLanguages | "Show All Languages" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_TabName | "Builds" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_Tab_Favorites | "Favorites" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_Tab_MyBuilds | "My Builds" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_Tab_PublicBuilds | "Public" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_Title | "Hero Builds" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_UpdateAnnotation | "Update Annotation" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_UpdateAnnotationMessage | "This annotation will show up in the tooltip for items in the shop when your build is active." |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_UpdateAnnotationTitle | "Update Item Annotation" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_ValidateErrorBody | "Make sure the build has a description and name, as well as at least 1 recommended item." |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_ValidateErrorTitle | "Error Saving Build" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_ValveCreated | "Valve" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_Version | "Version: {i:r:selected_hero_build_version}" |
Citadel_HeroBuilds_WeeklyFavorite | "Popular" |
Citadel_HeroPage_BaseStats | "BASE STATS" |
Citadel_HeroPage_Complexity | "Complexity" |
Citadel_HeroPage_EditBuild | "Create/Edit Build" |
Citadel_HeroPage_FatesTale | "A FATE'S TALE:" |
Citadel_HeroPage_MissingVideos | "Hero currently does not have movies created for abilities" |
Citadel_HeroPage_PlayerStats | "Player Stats" |
Citadel_HeroPage_Sandbox | "Hero Sandbox" |
Citadel_Hero_Stats_Souls | "Souls" |
Citadel_Hero_Stats_Tooltip_HealthMult | "Total Bonus to your Base Health gained from buying items in the Vitality tree" |
Citadel_Hero_Stats_Tooltip_Shards | "Your available currency to spend on items" |
Citadel_Hero_Stats_Tooltip_Spirit | "<span class="spirit_color">Spirit Power</span> increases the effectiveness of your Abilities. Spirit Power is gained from buying items in the Spirit tree" |
Citadel_Hero_Stats_Tooltip_Spirit_IconDesc | "Look for the <span class="spirit_color">Spirit Power</span> icon on your Abilities to see its effect." |
Citadel_Hero_Stats_Tooltip_WeaponPower | "Total Bonus to your Gun and Melee Damage gained from buying items in the Weapon tree" |
Citadel_Hero_Stats_Unsecured | "Unsecured" |
Citadel_Hud_ApPointsButton | "<span class="'apPointsNumber"'>{i:ap_points_required}</span>" |
Citadel_Hud_CantPause | "Can't Pause for {i:pause_cooldown} more seconds" |
Citadel_Hud_CantUnpause | "Can't Unpause for {i:pause_cooldown} more seconds" |
Citadel_Hud_CaptureZipLine | "HOLD {s:use_key}" |
Citadel_Hud_CastTimeRemaining | "{s:time_remaining} sec" |
Citadel_Hud_CheaterVoteAlert | "Someone in your game was caught cheating..." |
Citadel_Hud_CheaterVoteAlert_Action | "Hold <span class="keybind">[{s:show_scoreboard}]</span> to decide their fate" |
Citadel_Hud_CheaterVoteCaption | "{s:cheater_name}" |
Citadel_Hud_CheaterVote_Option_Ban | "Ban and<br>Leave Match" |
Citadel_Hud_CheaterVote_Option_Play | "Frog Now,<br>Ban Later" |
Citadel_Hud_DPS | "DPS {i:dps}" |
Citadel_Hud_DeathCam | "DEATH CAM" |
Citadel_Hud_DebugStats | "MATCH: {s:match_id}"nCLIENT FPS:{i:client_framerate} PING: {i:ping}ms"nSERVER CPU: {i:server_frametime_avg_pct}% (peak: {i:server_frametime_max_pct}%)" |
Citadel_Hud_HealthCritical | "Health Critical" |
Citadel_Hud_HealthWarning | "Health Warning" |
Citadel_Hud_KillFeedAllGuardians | "Enemy Guardians" |
Citadel_Hud_KillFeedAllWalkers | "Enemy Walkers" |
Citadel_Hud_KillFeedBarracksBoss | "Base Guardians" |
Citadel_Hud_KillFeedEnemyBarracksGuardian | "Enemy Base Guardian" |
Citadel_Hud_KillFeedEnemyGuardian | "Enemy Guardian" |
Citadel_Hud_KillFeedEnemyShield | "Enemy Shrine" |
Citadel_Hud_KillFeedEnemyTitan | "Enemy Patron" |
Citadel_Hud_KillFeedEnemyWalker | "Enemy Walker" |
Citadel_Hud_KillFeedFriendlyBarracksGuardian | "Friendly Base Guardian" |
Citadel_Hud_KillFeedFriendlyGuardian | "Friendly Guardian" |
Citadel_Hud_KillFeedFriendlyShield | "Friendly Shrine" |
Citadel_Hud_KillFeedFriendlyTitan | "Friendly Patron" |
Citadel_Hud_KillFeedFriendlyWalker | "Friendly Walker" |
Citadel_Hud_KillFeedGuardian | "Guardian" |
Citadel_Hud_KillFeedNeutral | "Neutral #{i:unit_num}" |
Citadel_Hud_KillFeedNone | "<None>" |
Citadel_Hud_KillFeedPlayerDeath | "{s:killer_name} takes <span class="yellowGold">{i:bounty_amount}</span>" |
Citadel_Hud_KillFeedSentry | "Sentry Turret" |
Citadel_Hud_KillFeedShieldName | "Shrine" |
Citadel_Hud_KillFeedSuperNeutral | "Temple Guardian" |
Citadel_Hud_KillFeedTitan | "Patron" |
Citadel_Hud_KillFeedTrooper | "Trooper #{i:unit_num}" |
Citadel_Hud_KillFeedVehicle | "Vehicle" |
Citadel_Hud_KillFeedWalker | "Walker" |
Citadel_Hud_KillFeedWorld | "World" |
Citadel_Hud_LeaveMatch | "LEAVE MATCH" |
Citadel_Hud_LoadingDeathReplay | "Loading death replay" |
Citadel_Hud_LowAmmo | "LOW AMMO" |
Citadel_Hud_MicActive | "Microphone Active" |
Citadel_Hud_MovementSpeed | "Movespeed:" |
Citadel_Hud_NoPausesLeft | "Can't pause. You've used your only pause this match." |
Citadel_Hud_NoTeamPausesLeft | "Can't pause. Your team has used up all of its pauses this match." |
Citadel_Hud_NotEnoughEnergy | "NOT ENOUGH ENERGY" |
Citadel_Hud_OpenShop | "Press [ {s:upgrade_key} ] to Shop" |
Citadel_Hud_OutOfAmmo | "OUT OF AMMO" |
Citadel_Hud_Paused | "Game is paused" |
Citadel_Hud_Pauser | "by {s:pauser}" |
Citadel_Hud_PlayerSpeedUnits | "m/s" |
Citadel_Hud_PreGame_Countdown | "Game Starting..." |
Citadel_Hud_RespawnIn | "Respawn in:" |
Citadel_Hud_ReturnToMatch | "RETURN TO GAME" |
Citadel_Hud_RideZipLine | "HOLD [ {s:in_zipline} ] to Ride" |
Citadel_Hud_RideZipLineOnCooldown | "Unavailable after taking damage" |
Citadel_Hud_RideZipLineOnCooldownValue | "{f:1:cooldown_seconds}s" |
Citadel_Hud_SoulsGathered | "Souls Gathered" |
Citadel_Hud_ToNext | "TO NEXT" |
Citadel_Hud_TopbarPlayerNetworth | "{i:thousands_gold}<span class="demote">k</span>" |
Citadel_Hud_TopbarPlayerNetworthPlayerHigh | "{i:thousands_gold}<span class="demote">k</span>" |
Citadel_Hud_TopbarPlayerNetworthPlayerLow | "{i:gold}" |
Citadel_Hud_TopbarPlayerNetworthPlayerMed | "{i:thousands_gold}.{i:hundred_gold}<span class="demote">k</span>" |
Citadel_Hud_Unpausing | "Game is unpausing" |
Citadel_Hud_VoiceChatNotAvailable | "Chat currently disabled" |
Citadel_IdleMatchmaking_Dialog_Body | "You are currently in matchmaking, but don't seem to be at your computer. Please move your mouse or you'll be removed from matchmaking." |
Citadel_IdleMatchmaking_Dialog_Title | "Idle Matchmaking" |
Citadel_IdleMatchmaking_IdleTimerExpired_Body | "You've been idle in the matchmaking queue for too long, please move the mouse to make sure you are still there!" |
Citadel_IdleMatchmaking_IdleTimerExpired_Title | "Idle in matchmaking" |
Citadel_IdleMatchmaking_Removed_Body | "You were removed from matchmaking for being idle for too long" |
Citadel_IdleMatchmaking_Removed_Title | "Removed from Matchmaking" |
Citadel_IgnoreFriendInvite_Body | "Please Wait" |
Citadel_IgnoreFriendInvite_ConfirmBody | "Are you sure that you want to ignore this invite sent by {g:dac_persona:b:account_id}?" |
Citadel_IgnoreFriendInvite_ConfirmTitle | "Ignore Invite" |
Citadel_IgnoreFriendInvite_ErrorBody | "Unable to ignore this invite at this time. Please try again later." |
Citadel_IgnoreFriendInvite_ErrorTitle | "Error" |
Citadel_IgnoreFriendInvite_Title | "Ignoring Invite" |
Citadel_InvalidCast_NoFullClips | "NO FULL CLIPS TO RELOAD" |
Citadel_InviteFrient_FailedToGetFriends_Body | "Unable to talk to the Deadlock Network to see which friends are available to be invited. Please try again later." |
Citadel_InviteFrient_FailedToGetFriends_Title | "Error" |
Citadel_IsComponentOf | "Is Component Of:" |
Citadel_ItemModifies | "Modifies" |
Citadel_ItemOwnedBy | "Owned by:" |
Citadel_Item_BuildAnnotation | "{s:mod_annotation}" |
Citadel_Item_Tooltip_CantAfford | "Can't afford mod" |
Citadel_Item_Tooltip_ReturnToShop | "Return to Shop to purchase" |
Citadel_JoinForum_AcctDetails | "Your Account Details:" |
Citadel_JoinForum_AlreadyClaimedText | "This account has already been granted forum access." |
Citadel_JoinForum_ChangePassword | "A random password has been generated for you to access your account." |
Citadel_JoinForum_Copied | "Copied!" |
Citadel_JoinForum_CopyTooltip | "Copy to clipboard" |
Citadel_JoinForum_Description | "The forum allows for users to report issues and discuss topics. By providing your email you'll be given a forum account and a password to access the forum." |
Citadel_JoinForum_DisabledText | "Forum access is temporarily disabled for maintenance. Please try again in a little while." |
Citadel_JoinForum_Email | "Email:" |
Citadel_JoinForum_EmailPlaceholder | "Email Address" |
Citadel_JoinForum_EmailUsedText | "The provided email has already been registered with the forum. Please use a different email." |
Citadel_JoinForum_ErrorTitle | "Unable to Join Forum" |
Citadel_JoinForum_FailedText | "An unexpected error occurred" |
Citadel_JoinForum_FieldEmail | "Email" |
Citadel_JoinForum_FieldPassword | "Password:" |
Citadel_JoinForum_FieldUsername | "User Name:" |
Citadel_JoinForum_Loading | "Loading..." |
Citadel_JoinForum_Submit | "Submit" |
Citadel_JoinForum_Title | "Forum Access" |
Citadel_JoinForum_ViewInfo | "View Forum Login Info" |
Citadel_JoinParty_AlreadyInParty | "You are already part of a party and cannot join another one until you leave the current party." |
Citadel_JoinParty_Desc | "If you’ve been sent a party code, please input the code below." |
Citadel_JoinParty_Disabled | "The party system is temporarily disabled for maintenance. Please try again in a few minutes." |
Citadel_JoinParty_ErrorTitle | "Error" |
Citadel_JoinParty_FailedToGetResponse | "Unable to talk to the Deadlock Network right now and join a party. Please try again in a few minutes." |
Citadel_JoinParty_InternalError | "An internal error has occurred while trying to join the party" |
Citadel_JoinParty_InvalidCode | "The code you provided did not match any party. The code may be invalid, or the associated party may have been abandoned." |
Citadel_JoinParty_InvalidParty | "The party you requested to join can no longer be found. The party may have been abandoned." |
Citadel_JoinParty_InvalidPermissions | "You do not have an invite to join the specified party." |
Citadel_JoinParty_InvalidVersion | "Your client is not a current version. Please update your client and try again." |
Citadel_JoinParty_NoRegionPings | "Unable to communicate with any Steam Datagram Relay. If you are connected to the Internet, this usually is caused by a problem with your firewall or the MTU or your Internet connection." |
Citadel_JoinParty_PartyInMatchMaking | "This party is currently in the match making queue. Please try again later." |
Citadel_JoinParty_Prompt | "Party ID" |
Citadel_JoinParty_RateLimited | "You have made too many join requests recently. Please wait a few seconds before making more." |
Citadel_JoinParty_Title | "Join Party" |
Citadel_JoinParty_TooBusy | "The Deadlock Network is currently too busy to process your request. Please wait a minute and try again." |
Citadel_Key_Escape | "ESC" |
Citadel_Key_Space | "Space" |
Citadel_LaneColorBlue | "Blue" |
Citadel_LaneColorGreen | "Green" |
Citadel_LaneColorPurple | "Purple" |
Citadel_LaneColorUnassigned | "Unassigned" |
Citadel_LaneColorYellow | "Yellow" |
Citadel_LaneStats_Denies | "Denies" |
Citadel_LaneStats_Guardians | "Base Guardians" |
Citadel_LaneStats_Kills | "Kills" |
Citadel_LaneStats_LastHits | "Last Hits" |
Citadel_LaneStats_PlayerDamage | "Player Damage" |
Citadel_LaneStats_Souls | "Souls" |
Citadel_LaneStats_Tier1 | "Tier 1" |
Citadel_LaneStats_Tier2 | "Tier 2" |
Citadel_LeaveLobby_FailedToGetResponse | "Failed to stop matchmaking. Please try again." |
Citadel_LeaveParty_ErrorTitle | "Error" |
Citadel_LeaveParty_FailedToGetResponse | "Unable to talk to the Deadlock Network right now and leave your party. Please try again in a few minutes." |
Citadel_LeaveParty_InMatchMaking | "Your party is currently in match making and this must be stopped before you can leave your party." |
Citadel_LeaveParty_InternalError | "An internal error has occurred while trying to leave the party" |
Citadel_LeaveParty_NotInParty | "Unable to leave the requested party. You are not currently a member." |
Citadel_Library_AvailableBooks | "Available Books" |
Citadel_Library_ComingSoon | "Coming Soon" |
Citadel_Library_Description | "By playing matches, you will earn chapter keys that you can use here to you can explore tales in the world of Deadlock.<br><br>For now, only one book is available: <b>The Binding of Oathkeeper</b>. In time, each hero will have their own story that you will be able to shape - allowing you to put your own fingerprint on the world." |
Citadel_Library_Future_Desc | "At this point in Friends and Family, the choices you make only impact the narrative itself. However the long term goal is to make the choices you make tangible in a regular match; either by unique voice lines, cosmetic options, or a combination of the two." |
Citadel_Library_Future_Label | "Future State:" |
Citadel_Library_Progress | "{d:pct_complete}% Complete" |
Citadel_Library_Title | "The Library" |
Citadel_Library_Welcome | "Welcome to the Library" |
Citadel_Main_EarlyDevBuild | "Early Development Build" |
Citadel_Main_PlayMode | "Select Play Mode:" |
Citadel_Main_ViewProfile | "View Profile" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_Assists | "Assists" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_CommendTooltip | "Click To Commend Player" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_Deaths | "Deaths" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_Defeat | "Defeat" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_GraphType | "Graph Type:" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_Healing | "Healing" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_InternalError | "An unexpected error occurred while getting the match details" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_InvalidMatch | "Invalid Match ID" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_InvalidPermission | "You do not have permission to view the details of this match" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_Kills | "Kills" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_Loading | "Loading Match Details" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_MatchID | "MATCH {s:match_id}" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_MatchInFlight | "This match is still being played" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_NetWorth | "Total Souls" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_NoResponse | "Unable to talk to the Deadlock Network. Please try again in a little while" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_ObjDmg | "Obj Dmg" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_Objectives | "Objectives" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_PlayerDmg | "Player Dmg" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_RateLimited | "Please wait a little while before requesting more match details" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_Report | "R" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_ReportTooltip | "Click To Report Player" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_Reported | "Player Reported!" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_ServerError | "Server Error" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_ShowDataBy | "Showing Data By:" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_ShowDataByPlayer | "Player" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_ShowDataByTeam | "Team" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_Stats | "Player Stats" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_StatsAt | "Stats at {s:sample_time}" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_Team1Name | "{i:team2_networth}k" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_Team1NetWorth | "{i:team1_networth}k" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_Team2NetWorth | "{i:team2_networth}k" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_Team_Result | "<span class="TeamName h2 display">{s:team_name}</span><br><span class="OutcomeLabel h1 display">{s:outcome_label}</span>" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_TemporarilyDisabled | "Match details has temporarily been disabled for maintenance" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_TooBusy | "The Deadlock Network is too busy and unable to provide match details right now" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_Victory | "Victory" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_ViewAs | "View As:" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_ViewAsPct | "%" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_ViewAsValue | "Value" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_ViewGraphs | "View Graphs" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_ViewScoreboard | "View Scoreboard" |
Citadel_MatchDetails_WinningTeam | "{g:citadel_team_name:winning_team} Won" |
Citadel_MatchHistory_Disbanded | "Disbanded" |
Citadel_MatchHistory_InternalError | "An unexpected error occurred while getting the match history" |
Citadel_MatchHistory_InvalidPermission | "You do not have permission to view this user's match history" |
Citadel_MatchHistory_Loss | "Loss" |
Citadel_MatchHistory_NoResponse | "Unable to talk to the Deadlock Network. Please try again in a little while" |
Citadel_MatchHistory_RateLimited | "Please wait a little while before requesting more match history" |
Citadel_MatchHistory_ServerIssue | "" |
Citadel_MatchHistory_TemporarilyDisabled | "Match history has temporarily been disabled for maintenance" |
Citadel_MatchHistory_TooBusy | "The Deadlock Network is too busy and unable to provide match history right now" |
Citadel_MatchHistory_Win | "Win" |
Citadel_MatchInfo_Mode_CoopBot | "Coop" |
Citadel_MatchInfo_Mode_HeroLabs | "Hero Labs" |
Citadel_MatchInfo_Mode_Private | "Private" |
Citadel_MatchInfo_Mode_Ranked | "Ranked" |
Citadel_MatchInfo_Mode_Standard | "Standard" |
Citadel_MatchPage_Next | "Next" |
Citadel_MatchPage_Prev | "Prev" |
Citadel_MatchSurvey_KindOfFun | "Kind of Fun" |
Citadel_MatchSurvey_NotFun | "Not Fun" |
Citadel_MatchSurvey_Skip | "SKIP" |
Citadel_MatchSurvey_Submit | "SUBMIT" |
Citadel_MatchSurvey_SuperFun | "Super Fun" |
Citadel_MatchSurvey_Title | "Match Survey" |
Citadel_MatchmakingSchedule | "Update:" |
Citadel_MatchmakingSchedule_Desc | "Matchmaking now open 24/7!" |
Citadel_Mod_Tooltip_Active | "Active" |
Citadel_Mod_Tooltip_Innate | "Innate" |
Citadel_Mod_Tooltip_Passive | "Passive" |
Citadel_ModifierKeybindOnly | "Only Modifier Keys can be bound to this keybind." |
Citadel_Notification_About_To_Respawn_Message | "You are about to respawn..." |
Citadel_Notification_About_To_Respawn_Title | "Respawn Time" |
Citadel_Notification_Paused_Message | "The game has been paused" |
Citadel_Notification_Paused_Title | "Paused" |
Citadel_Notification_Unpaused_Message | "The game is unpausing..." |
Citadel_Notification_Unpaused_Title | "Unpaused" |
Citadel_PartyAction_AlreadyDrafting | "The party has already started a match. You must stop the current match before you start another one." |
Citadel_PartyAction_Disabled | "This action is temporarily disabled. Please try again in a few minutes." |
Citadel_PartyAction_ErrorTitle | "Error" |
Citadel_PartyAction_FailedToGetResponse | "Unable to talk to the Deadlock Network right now. Please try again in a few minutes." |
Citadel_PartyAction_InMatch | "The party is currently in a match, and this change could not be made at this time." |
Citadel_PartyAction_InMatchMaking | "The party is currently in match making, and this change could not be made at this time." |
Citadel_PartyAction_InternalError | "An unexpected internal error occurred. Please try again in a few minutes." |
Citadel_PartyAction_InvalidParty | "The party could not be found. It may have already been abandoned." |
Citadel_PartyAction_InvalidPermissions | "You do not have permission to make those changes to that party." |
Citadel_PartyAction_InvalidTarget | "The specified target is no longer a member of the party." |
Citadel_PartyAction_InvalidValue | "The provided value was not valid for this party." |
Citadel_PartyAction_RateLimited | "You have performed too many operations in a short period of time. Please wait a little while and try again." |
Citadel_PartyAction_TooBusy | "The Deadlock Network is too busy to process this action right now. Please try again in a few minutes." |
Citadel_PartyChat_InGameOnly | "In-game only" |
Citadel_PartyChat_PlayerCount | "{i:players_in_team_chat} Players" |
Citadel_PartyChat_Title | "Party Chat" |
Citadel_PartyChat_VoiceAndText | "Voice and Text Chat" |
Citadel_PartyFindMatch | "Find Match" |
Citadel_PartyFindMatch_DevContinue | "DEV - Continue Anyway" |
Citadel_PartyFindMatch_LocalNotReady | "You must first ready up" |
Citadel_PartyFindMatch_OpenInvitesBody | "You have pending party invites that haven't been accepted. Do you want to cancel these invites and proceed?" |
Citadel_PartyFindMatch_OpenInvitesTitle | "Pending Invites" |
Citadel_PartyFindMatch_OtherNotReady | "A party member has not yet readied up" |
Citadel_PartyFindMatch_SoloPartyBody | "You are the only person in your party. Invite some friends to play together or leave your party to play by yourself." |
Citadel_PartyFindMatch_SoloPartyTitle | "Empty Party" |
Citadel_PartyFindMatch_SoloParty_Leave | "Leave Party and Play" |
Citadel_PartyFindMatch_SoloParty_Wait | "Wait for friends" |
Citadel_PartyInviteFriend_AlreadyInvited | "Invited" |
Citadel_PartyInviteFriend_AlreadyMember | "Already in party" |
Citadel_PartyInviteFriend_Cancel | "Cancel" |
Citadel_PartyInviteFriend_Close | "Close" |
Citadel_PartyInviteFriend_Invite | "Invite" |
Citadel_PartyInviteFriend_InvitesFull | "Too many members" |
Citadel_PartyInviteFriend_NoFriends | "None of your friends are currently playing Deadlock." |
Citadel_PartyInviteFriend_NotInParty | "Not in party" |
Citadel_PartyInviteFriend_Title | "Invite Online Friends" |
Citadel_PartyInvite_AlreadyInvited | "This user is already either in the party or has been invited" |
Citadel_PartyInvite_Disabled | "Inviting users to parties has been temporarily disabled. Please try again in a few minutes." |
Citadel_PartyInvite_ErrorTitle | "Unable to Send Invite" |
Citadel_PartyInvite_FailedToGetResponse | "Unable to talk to the Deadlock Network right now and invite the specified user. Please try again in a few minutes." |
Citadel_PartyInvite_InternalError | "An internal error has occurred while trying to invite the user to the party" |
Citadel_PartyInvite_InvalidParty | "The party that you tried to send the invite to no longer exists." |
Citadel_PartyInvite_InvalidPermissions | "You do not have permission to invite this user to this party" |
Citadel_PartyInvite_NotFriends | "You must be friends with people that you send party invites to." |
Citadel_PartyInvite_RateLimited | "You have sent too many invites over the past few seconds. Please wait a little while before sending more invites." |
Citadel_PartyInvite_TooBusy | "The Deadlock Network is currently too busy to process this request right now. Please try again in a little while." |
Citadel_PartyInvite_TooManyInvites | "There are too many invites already outstanding for this party. Please cancel previous invites before sending more." |
Citadel_PartyInvite_UserDoesntHaveGame | "The player you invited hasn't played Deadlock before. For the closed beta we are only allowing you to send invites to users that have played Deadlock." |
Citadel_PartySetMode_AlreadyDrafting | "The party has already started a match. You must stop the current match before you start another one." |
Citadel_PartySetMode_CannotLeavePrivate | "Private lobbies are not currently allowed to change modes right now" |
Citadel_PartySetMode_Disabled | "This action is temporarily disabled. Please try again in a few minutes." |
Citadel_PartySetMode_ErrorTitle | "Error" |
Citadel_PartySetMode_FailedToGetResponse | "Unable to talk to the Deadlock Network right now. Please try again in a few minutes." |
Citadel_PartySetMode_FiveStacksNotAllowed | "Parties with five players are not currently allowed within matchmaking at this time. Please try again with either a larger or smaller party." |
Citadel_PartySetMode_HeroLabsMMNotOpen | "Hero Labs matchmaking is not currently available." |
Citadel_PartySetMode_HeroLabsNotUnlocked | "A member of your party {g:citadel_persona:nl:account_id} is not yet eligible for Hero Labs matchmaking." |
Citadel_PartySetMode_InMatch | "The party is currently in a match, and this change could not be made at this time." |
Citadel_PartySetMode_InMatchMaking | "The party is currently in match making, and this change could not be made at this time." |
Citadel_PartySetMode_InternalError | "An unexpected internal error occurred. Please try again in a few minutes." |
Citadel_PartySetMode_InvalidParty | "The party could not be found. It may have already been abandoned." |
Citadel_PartySetMode_InvalidPermissions | "You do not have permission to make those changes to that party." |
Citadel_PartySetMode_InvalidValue | "The provided value was not valid for this party." |
Citadel_PartySetMode_NoHeroLabsWhileInLowPri | "A member of your party {g:citadel_persona:nl:account_id} is in low priority and therefore not currently able to queue for Hero Labs matchmaking." |
Citadel_PartySetMode_NoHighRangeFiveStack | "Your party has a high skill range with 5 players. When your party members have a wider range of skill than what would normally be allowed into a match, we match them with other similar wide range parties. As a result of your party having 5 members, there are no valid other party combinations to match you with. Adjust your party composition or size to matchmake." |
Citadel_PartySetMode_PlayerBanned | "A member of your party {g:citadel_persona:nl:account_id} is currently banned from this mode until {t:s:time_stamp} at {t:t:time_stamp}" |
Citadel_PartySetMode_PlayerPermaBanned | "A member of your party {g:citadel_persona:nl:account_id} is permanently banned from playing in this mode" |
Citadel_PartySetMode_RateLimited | "You have performed too many operations in a short period of time. Please wait a little while and try again." |
Citadel_PartySetMode_TooBusy | "The Deadlock Network is too busy to process this action right now. Please try again in a few minutes." |
Citadel_PartySetMode_TooManyHighMMR | "Your party contains too many very high MMR players to be able to match make. We are temporarily not allowing this to avoid unbalanced teams among high skill players." |
Citadel_PartyStartMatch | "Start Match" |
Citadel_Party_AcceptInviteInGameTooltip | "Exit game and accept invite" |
Citadel_Party_AcceptInviteTooltip | "Accept Invite" |
Citadel_Party_CancelInviteText | "Please wait" |
Citadel_Party_CancelInviteTitle | "Cancelling Invite" |
Citadel_Party_CancelMM | "Cancel" |
Citadel_Party_Commend | "Commend" |
Citadel_Party_Commended | "Commended" |
Citadel_Party_Context_ClearReady | "Clear Ready" |
Citadel_Party_Context_Close | "Close Party" |
Citadel_Party_Context_CopyCode | "Copy Party Code" |
Citadel_Party_Context_HideCode | "Hide Party Code" |
Citadel_Party_Context_Invite | "Invite Friends" |
Citadel_Party_Context_Open | "Open Party" |
Citadel_Party_Context_ReadyUp | "Ready Up" |
Citadel_Party_Context_ShowCode | "Show Party Code" |
Citadel_Party_Context_SwitchTeam | "Switch Team" |
Citadel_Party_CreateCoopBot | "Create a party that you can invite your friends to in order to matchmake together against bots" |
Citadel_Party_CreateEasyBot | "Create a party that you can invite your friends to in order to play together against easy bots" |
Citadel_Party_CreateHardBot | "Create a party that you can invite your friends to in order to play together against hard bots" |
Citadel_Party_CreatePartyText | "Please wait" |
Citadel_Party_CreatePartyTitle | "Creating Party" |
Citadel_Party_CreateParty_Extended | "Create Party Code to share" |
Citadel_Party_CreatePrivateLobby | "Create Private Lobby" |
Citadel_Party_DeclineInviteTooltip | "Decline Invite" |
Citadel_Party_DisabledInMMTooltip | "Cannot accept invites while in match making" |
Citadel_Party_DisabledInPartyTooltip | "Cannot accept invites while already in a party" |
Citadel_Party_DraftEndedByText | "{g:citadel_persona:account_id} cancelled the match" |
Citadel_Party_DraftEndedByTitle | "Match Cancelled" |
Citadel_Party_InMatchMaking | "Party is finding a match" |
Citadel_Party_InviteFriend | "" |
Citadel_Party_InviteFriendToGameButton | "Invite" |
Citadel_Party_InviteFriendToGameTooltip | "Invite this friend to the game" |
Citadel_Party_InviteFriendToParty | "Invite to Party" |
Citadel_Party_InviteFriendTooltip | "Invite Friend to Party" |
Citadel_Party_InviteFriends | "Invite Friends" |
Citadel_Party_InviteSent | "Invite Sent" |
Citadel_Party_InviteUserText | "Please wait" |
Citadel_Party_InviteUserTitle | "Inviting User" |
Citadel_Party_InvitedToPartyText | "{g:citadel_persona:invited_by_account} has invited you to join their party" |
Citadel_Party_InvitedToPartyTitle | "Party Invite" |
Citadel_Party_Invites:p{party_invites} | "<span class="InviteCount">{d:party_invites} </span><span class="InviteHeaderText">Party Invite</span>#|#<span class="InviteCount">{d:party_invites} </span><span class="InviteHeaderText">Party Invites</span>" |
Citadel_Party_JoinParty | "Join Party" |
Citadel_Party_JoinPartyText | "Please wait" |
Citadel_Party_JoinPartyTitle | "Joining Party" |
Citadel_Party_JoinParty_Extended | "Join Party with Code" |
Citadel_Party_KickPlayerText | "Please wait" |
Citadel_Party_KickPlayerTitle | "Kicking Player" |
Citadel_Party_KickedByText | "You were kicked from your party by {g:citadel_persona:kicked_by_account}" |
Citadel_Party_KickedByTitle | "Kicked from Party" |
Citadel_Party_Leave | "Leave Party" |
Citadel_Party_LeaveParty | "Leave Party" |
Citadel_Party_LeavePartyText | "Please wait" |
Citadel_Party_LeavePartyTitle | "Leaving Party" |
Citadel_Party_MMEndedByText | "{g:citadel_persona:account_id} cancelled the match" |
Citadel_Party_MMEndedByTitle | "Match Cancelled" |
Citadel_Party_MatchHistory | "View Match History" |
Citadel_Party_MatchMaking | "Casual Match" |
Citadel_Party_MatchMakingFailedText | "Unable to start the party match. Matchmaker error: {s:matchmaker_error}" |
Citadel_Party_MatchMakingFailedTitle | "Unable to Match" |
Citadel_Party_MatchMakingRanked | "Ranked Match" |
Citadel_Party_NoParty_Desc | "Invite friends to create a party" |
Citadel_Party_NoParty_Title | "" |
Citadel_Party_NotConnectedToGC | "Not connected to the Deadlock network" |
Citadel_Party_Or | "Or" |
Citadel_Party_OutOfDateClientTooltip | "Game is out of date" |
Citadel_Party_PartyCodeHidden | "(hidden)" |
Citadel_Party_PartyCodeLabel | "Invite Code:" |
Citadel_Party_PartyPlayer | "Player" |
Citadel_Party_PartyReadyText | "Please wait" |
Citadel_Party_PartyReadyTitle | "Setting Ready" |
Citadel_Party_PartyRoleText | "Please wait" |
Citadel_Party_PartyRoleTitle | "Changing Role" |
Citadel_Party_PartySlotText | "Please wait" |
Citadel_Party_PartySlotTitle | "Changing Slot" |
Citadel_Party_PartySpectator | "Spectator" |
Citadel_Party_PlayWithFriends | "Play with Friends" |
Citadel_Party_PlayerLabel | "Player" |
Citadel_Party_PrivateMatch | "Private Match" |
Citadel_Party_ReadyUp | "Ready" |
Citadel_Party_Report | "Report" |
Citadel_Party_Reported | "Reported" |
Citadel_Party_RolePlayer | "Player" |
Citadel_Party_RoleSpectator | "Spectator" |
Citadel_Party_SentInvite | "Invite Sent" |
Citadel_Party_SetBotDifficultyText | "Please wait" |
Citadel_Party_SetBotDifficultyTitle | "Setting Bot Difficulty" |
Citadel_Party_SetMatchModeText | "Please wait while we setup your party" |
Citadel_Party_SetMatchModeTitle | "Setting Party Mode" |
Citadel_Party_SetRegionText | "Please wait" |
Citadel_Party_SetRegionTitle | "Setting Region" |
Citadel_Party_SetTeamNameText | "Please wait" |
Citadel_Party_SetTeamNameTitle | "Setting Team Name" |
Citadel_Party_SetTeamText | "Please wait" |
Citadel_Party_SetTeamTitle | "Setting Team" |
Citadel_Party_SpectatorLabel | "Spectator" |
Citadel_Party_UnavailableInQueueTooltip | "Unavailable while in Queue" |
Citadel_PauseMsg_AutoUnpaused | "Game was automatically resumed." |
Citadel_PauseMsg_CantPause | "You cannot pause." |
Citadel_PauseMsg_CantPauseYet | "You cannot pause for {i:value} seconds." |
Citadel_PauseMsg_CantUnpauseTeam | "You can not resume the game on this team yet." |
Citadel_PauseMsg_NoPausesLeft | "You have no remaining pauses left." |
Citadel_PauseMsg_PauseCountdown | "{s:player} is pausing in {i:value}..." |
Citadel_PauseMsg_Paused | "{s:player} paused the game." |
Citadel_PauseMsg_UnpauseButton | "Press [{s:key_pause}] to unpause" |
Citadel_PauseMsg_UnpauseCountdown | "Unpausing in {i:value}..." |
Citadel_PauseMsg_Unpaused | "{s:player} resumed the game." |
Citadel_PauseMsg_YouPaused:p{value} | "You paused the game, you have {i:value} pause remaining.#|#You paused the game, you have {i:value} pauses remaining." |
Citadel_Ping_CanHealMessage | "Can Heal" |
Citadel_Ping_Customize_Reminder | "You may change the options in your ping wheel via <b>Settings.</b>" |
Citadel_Ping_HealMessage | "Need Heal" |
Citadel_Play_BotsOfflineText | "Bots are temporarily disabled, please check back later." |
Citadel_Play_BotsOfflineTitle | "Bots Temporarily Offline" |
Citadel_Play_MatchmakingOfflineText | "Matchmaking is currently closed. Please come back during the scheduled playtesting times" |
Citadel_Play_MatchmakingOfflineTitle | "Matchmaking Closed" |
Citadel_Play_RankedMatchmakingOfflineText | "Ranked Matchmaking is currently closed. Please come back during your selected schedule playtest times." |
Citadel_Play_RankedMatchmakingOfflineTitle | "Ranked Matchmaking Closed" |
Citadel_Play_RankedNoSchedule | "No Schedule Selected" |
Citadel_Play_RankedNoScheduleDesc | "You must select a scheduled time before you can play ranked." |
Citadel_PlayerCard_FavoriteHero | "Favorite Hero" |
Citadel_PlayerContextMenu_AcceptFriendRequest | "Accept Friend Request" |
Citadel_PlayerContextMenu_AddFriend | "Send Friend Invite" |
Citadel_PlayerContextMenu_AudioVolume | "Audio Volume" |
Citadel_PlayerContextMenu_CancelFriendInvite | "Cancel Friend Invite" |
Citadel_PlayerContextMenu_EmptyMenu | "--" |
Citadel_PlayerContextMenu_IgnoreFriendRequest | "Ignore Friend Request" |
Citadel_PlayerContextMenu_InviteToParty | "Invite to Party" |
Citadel_PlayerContextMenu_PartyCancelInvite | "Cancel Party Invite" |
Citadel_PlayerContextMenu_PartyCreateWith | "Create Party" |
Citadel_PlayerContextMenu_PartyKick | "Kick From Party" |
Citadel_PlayerContextMenu_PartyLeave | "Leave Party" |
Citadel_PlayerContextMenu_PartySwitchPlayer | "Switch to Player" |
Citadel_PlayerContextMenu_PartySwitchSpectator | "Switch to Spectator" |
Citadel_PlayerContextMenu_RemoveFriend | "Remove Friend" |
Citadel_PlayerContextMenu_SpectateGame | "Spectate Game" |
Citadel_PlayerContextMenu_ViewProfile | "View Profile" |
Citadel_PlayerList_Enemy | "Enemy Team" |
Citadel_PlayerList_Teammates | "Teammates" |
Citadel_Player_Level_AP | "AP" |
Citadel_Player_Level_APShort | "AP" |
Citadel_Player_Level_AbilityPoints | "<span class="boldText">1 Ability Point</span> gained at levels 2, 3, 5, 7, and each level after" |
Citadel_Player_Level_AbilityUnlock | "Ability Unlock" |
Citadel_Player_Level_AbilityUnlocks | "<span class="boldText">1 Ability Unlock</span> gained at levels 1, 2, 4, and 6" |
Citadel_Player_Level_AbilityUnlocksShort | "Ability Unlock" |
Citadel_Player_Level_BaseBullet | "Base Bullet Damage" |
Citadel_Player_Level_BaseHealth | "Base Health" |
Citadel_Player_Level_BaseMelee | "Base Melee Damage" |
Citadel_Player_Level_BulletResist | "Bullet Resist" |
Citadel_Player_Level_Legend | "Legend:" |
Citadel_Player_Level_PowerIncrease | "Power Increase" |
Citadel_Player_Level_PowerIncreaseGrants | "Each Power Increase grants:" |
Citadel_Player_Level_PowerIncreases | "Power Increases" |
Citadel_Player_Level_SpiritAmp | "Spirit Damage Amp" |
Citadel_Player_Level_TechResist | "Spirit Resist" |
Citadel_Player_Level_WeaponPower | "<span class="boldText">+{s:weapon_bonus}% Base Bullet Damage</span>, <span class="boldText">+{s:melee_bonus}% Base Melee damage</span> and <span class="boldText">+{s:health_bonus} Max Health </span>" |
Citadel_Player_Level_WeaponRange | "Weapon Range" |
Citadel_PlaytestUser_Result_AlreadyHasGame | "This player already has access to Deadlock" |
Citadel_PlaytestUser_Result_GenericFailure | "Failed to submit the user, unable to talk to the Deadlock network. Please try again shortly." |
Citadel_PlaytestUser_Result_GenericFailureTitle | "Unable to submit" |
Citadel_PlaytestUser_Result_InvalidFriend | "You are not friends with the specified user" |
Citadel_PlaytestUser_Result_LimitedUser | "This player is a limited Steam user, and therefore is not eligible for playing Deadlock at this time." |
Citadel_PlaytestUser_Result_NotFriendsLongEnough | "You have not been friends with this user long enough to be able to send them an invite." |
Citadel_PlaytestUser_Result_Success | "Thank you for your suggesting this user!" |
Citadel_PlaytestUser_Result_SuccessTitle | "Successfully submitted" |
Citadel_PlaytestUser_SubmitProcessing | "Please wait" |
Citadel_PlaytestUser_SubmitProcessingTitle | "Submitting User" |
Citadel_PlaytestWarningBody | "Welcome to Deadlock. This game is early in development, with a lot of temporary art and experimental gameplay. All feedback welcome!" |
Citadel_PlaytestWarningTitle | "Early Development Build" |
Citadel_Playtest_CreateAccountsBody | "Create a forum account to provide feedback about the game. Join the Deadlock discord to chat with other players and get latest news." |
Citadel_Playtest_CreateAccountsTitle | "Provide Feedback & Join the Discussion" |
Citadel_Playtest_DiscordButton | "Join the Discord" |
Citadel_Playtest_DiscordInfo | "Join the Deadlock discord to chat with other players and get latest news." |
Citadel_Playtest_GoToForum | "Go to Forums" |
Citadel_Playtest_JoinDiscord | "Join the Discord" |
Citadel_Playtest_JoinForum | "Join the Feedback Forums" |
Citadel_Playtest_JoinedDiscord | "Joined Discord" |
Citadel_Playtest_JoinedForum | "Joined Forums" |
Citadel_Playtest_LocalTime | "Local Time" |
Citadel_Playtest_MatchmakingOpen | "Matchmaking open until {t:t:playtest_end}" |
Citadel_Playtest_MatchmakingPaused | "Matchmaking is currently paused: {t:d:unranked_mm_pause_time}" |
Citadel_Playtest_RecommendButton | "Invite your Friends" |
Citadel_Playtest_RecommendInfo | "Have friends who you'd like to play with in our playtests?" |
Citadel_Playtest_Region | "Region: {s:region_name}" |
Citadel_Playtest_Schedule | "Matchmaking Hours:" |
Citadel_Playtest_Status | "Status:" |
Citadel_Playtest_Upcoming | "Playtest begins {t:l:t:m:playtest_start}" |
Citadel_Playtest_Weekdays | "Monday - Thursday:" |
Citadel_Playtest_Weekends | "Friday - Sunday:" |
Citadel_PostGame_CopyMatchID | "Copy Match ID" |
Citadel_PostGame_CopyMatchIDSuccess | "Success" |
Citadel_Post_Game_Assits | "Assists" |
Citadel_Post_Game_BossDamage | "Boss Damage" |
Citadel_Post_Game_Graphs | "Personal" |
Citadel_Post_Game_Healing | "Healing" |
Citadel_Post_Game_HeroDamage | "Hero Damage" |
Citadel_Post_Game_HighestNetworth | "Highest Networth" |
Citadel_Post_Game_Kills | "Kills" |
Citadel_Post_Game_MostAssits | "Most Assists" |
Citadel_Post_Game_MostBossDamage | "Most Boss Damage" |
Citadel_Post_Game_MostHealing | "Most Healing" |
Citadel_Post_Game_MostHeroDamage | "Most Hero Damage" |
Citadel_Post_Game_MostKills | "Most Kills" |
Citadel_Post_Game_Networth | "Networth" |
Citadel_Post_Game_Personal | "Personal" |
Citadel_Post_Game_PlayedBy | "Played By" |
Citadel_Post_Game_Retry | "Retry" |
Citadel_Post_Game_Scoreboard | "Scoreboard" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_Bot_Easy | "Bots: Easy" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_Bot_Hard | "Bots: Hard" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_Bot_Medium | "Bots: Medium" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_Bot_None | "Empty" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_Cheats_Off | "Cheats Disabled" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_Cheats_On | "Cheats Enabled" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_Difficulty_Easy | "Easy Bots" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_Difficulty_Hard | "Hard Bots" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_Difficulty_Medium | "Medium Bots" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_Difficulty_None | "No Bots" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_Duplicate_Heroes_Off | "Duplicate Heroes Disabled" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_Duplicate_Heroes_On | "Duplicate Heroes Enabled" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_Error_NoPlayers | "There are no players in this match" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_Error_NotAllAssigned | "Not all players have yet chosen a team" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_Error_NotAllReady | "Not all players are yet ready" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_FindingMatch | "Match is starting soon" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_Group_Invites | "Invites" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_Group_Spectators | "Spectators" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_Group_Unassigned | "Unassigned" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_Invite | "Invite Friends" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_Join | "Unassign Self" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_LeavePrompt_Body | "Are you sure you want to leave this custom match?" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_LeavePrompt_Exit | "Leave Custom Match" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_LeavePrompt_Title | "Leave Custom Match" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_MatchSettings | "Match Settings" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_PageTitle | "Custom Match" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_PubliclyVisible_Off | "Visible Only to Players" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_PubliclyVisible_On | "Visible to Everyone" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_RandomLanes_Off | "Specify Lane Assignments" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_RandomLanes_On | "Default Lane Assignments" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_RandomizeTeams | "Randomize all Players" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_Ready | "Ready Up" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_Region_Europe | "Europe" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_Region_Oceania | "Oceania" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_Region_ROW | "North America" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_Region_Russia | "Russia" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_Region_SAmerica | "South America" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_Region_SEAsia | "SE Asia" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_Region_Unselected | "Select Region" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_ShuffleLanesTooltip | "Randomly assign players within teams to different lanes" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_ShuffleTeams | "Shuffle within Team" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_ShuffleTeamsTooltip | "Randomly assign players within the lobby across the two different teams" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_StartMatch | "Start Match" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_StartPrompt_Body | "Are you sure you want to start the match?" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_StartPrompt_Title | "Start Match" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_SwapTeams | "Swap Teams" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_SwapTeamsTooltip | "Swap members between the two teams, maintaining the same lanes" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_Unready | "Unready" |
Citadel_PrivateLobby_Versus | "VS" |
Citadel_PrivilegedFeatures_CommsRestricted_Active | "Your communications with other players have been restricted until {t:l:t:m:comms_ban_end_time}." |
Citadel_PrivilegedFeatures_CommsRestricted_Inactive | "When communication restrictions are active, only players in your party will be able to see your chat or hear your voice." |
Citadel_PrivilegedFeatures_CommsRestricted_InactiveTitle | "Comms" |
Citadel_PrivilegedFeatures_CommsRestricted_Title | "Comms Restricted" |
Citadel_PrivilegedFeatures_LowPriority_Active:p{low_priority_games_remaining} | "You have {i:low_priority_games_remaining} game left in Low Priority Matchmaking.#|#You have {i:low_priority_games_remaining} games left in Low Priority Matchmaking." |
Citadel_PrivilegedFeatures_LowPriority_Inactive | "Players who frequently abandon matches will be put into a separate Low Priority Matchmaking queue, which when active, will only match you with other players who also have Low Priority Matchmaking." |
Citadel_PrivilegedFeatures_LowPriority_InactiveTitle | "Matchmaking" |
Citadel_PrivilegedFeatures_LowPriority_Title | "Low Priority Matchmaking" |
Citadel_PrivilegedFeatures_NoneDisabled | "You currently have no features disabled, your Patron thanks you!" |
Citadel_PrivilegedFeatures_PausingDisabled_Active | "The in-game pause feature has been disabled on your account until {t:l:t:m:pausing_ban_end_time}." |
Citadel_PrivilegedFeatures_PausingDisabled_Inactive | "Excessive pausing in-game will result in the pause feature being disabled on your account." |
Citadel_PrivilegedFeatures_PausingDisabled_InactiveTitle | "Pausing" |
Citadel_PrivilegedFeatures_PausingDisabled_Title | "Pausing Disabled" |
Citadel_PrivilegedFeatures_ReportingDisabled_Active | "The in-game player reporting feature has been disabled on your account until {t:l:t:m:report_ban_end_time}." |
Citadel_PrivilegedFeatures_ReportingDisabled_Inactive | "Inaccurate player reports will result in the reporting feature being disabled on your account, and if the problem persists, a permanent account ban." |
Citadel_PrivilegedFeatures_ReportingDisabled_InactiveTitle | "Reporting" |
Citadel_PrivilegedFeatures_ReportingDisabled_Title | "Reporting Disabled" |
Citadel_PrivilegedFeatures_Title | "Behavior Summary" |
Citadel_ProfileCard_AccountID | "Account ID: {d:account_id}" |
Citadel_ProfileCard_PartyInvited | "Invited to Party" |
Citadel_ProfileCard_PartyMatchmaking | "Party is Matchmaking" |
Citadel_ProfileCard_PartyNotReady | "Not Ready" |
Citadel_ProfileCard_PartyReady | "Ready to Play" |
Citadel_ProfileCard_PartyRoster | "Roster" |
Citadel_ProfileCard_StatTitle_Commends | "Commends" |
Citadel_ProfileCard_StatTitle_GamesPlayed | "Matches" |
Citadel_ProfileCard_StatTitle_Kills | "Kills" |
Citadel_ProfileCard_StatTitle_Wins | "Wins" |
Citadel_ProfileCard_StatValue_Date | "{t:s:stat_value}" |
Citadel_ProfileCard_StatValue_Int | "{d:stat_value}" |
Citadel_ProfileCard_StatValue_String | "{s:stat_value}" |
Citadel_Profile_Loading | "Loading..." |
Citadel_Profile_Loss | "Loss" |
Citadel_Profile_Loss_Short | "L" |
Citadel_Profile_MatchHistory | "Match History" |
Citadel_Profile_MatchHistory_ViewAll | "View All Match History" |
Citadel_Profile_MatchHistory_ViewDetails | "View Details" |
Citadel_Profile_MostPlayed | "Most Played Hero" |
Citadel_Profile_RankHistory | "Rank History" |
Citadel_Profile_Statistics | "Statistics" |
Citadel_Profile_Stats_All | "All Heroes" |
Citadel_Profile_Stats_Assists | "Assists" |
Citadel_Profile_Stats_Commends | "Commends" |
Citadel_Profile_Stats_Denies | "Denies" |
Citadel_Profile_Stats_GamesPlayed | "Games Played" |
Citadel_Profile_Stats_GamesWon | "Games Won" |
Citadel_Profile_Stats_Healing | "Healing" |
Citadel_Profile_Stats_HeroDamage | "Hero Damage" |
Citadel_Profile_Stats_Kills | "Kills" |
Citadel_Profile_Stats_LastHits | "Last Hits" |
Citadel_Profile_Stats_Networth | "Souls Collected" |
Citadel_Profile_Stats_ObjDamage | "Objective Damage" |
Citadel_Profile_Stats_TitleSection | "All Time Stats" |
Citadel_Profile_Stats_Value_Networth_High | "{i:game_networth}k" |
Citadel_Profile_Stats_Value_Networth_Low | "{i:game_networth}" |
Citadel_Profile_Title | "Profile" |
Citadel_Profile_Win | "Win" |
Citadel_Profile_Win_Short | "W" |
Citadel_RP_Away | "Away" |
Citadel_RP_Busy | "Busy" |
Citadel_RP_LookingToPlay | "Looking To Play" |
Citadel_RP_LookingToTrade | "Looking To Trade" |
Citadel_RP_NotFriends | "Not friends" |
Citadel_RP_Online | "Online" |
Citadel_RP_PendingReceived | "Friend Request Pending" |
Citadel_RP_PendingSent | "Friend Request Sent" |
Citadel_RP_PlayingOtherGame | "Playing Other Game" |
Citadel_RP_Snooze | "Snooze" |
Citadel_RankedGame_Played_desc | "Games Played to Qualify for Ranking" |
Citadel_RankedGames_Played | "{i:ranked_games_played} / {i:ranked_games_required} Games Played" |
Citadel_RankedGames_PlayedQualified | "Your Rank will be calculated based on additional games" |
Citadel_RankedGames_Qualified1 | "Additional games played will factor into your final ranking" |
Citadel_RankedGames_Qualified2 | "Final rank will be awarded {t:s:end_day}" |
Citadel_ReadyUp_InMatch | "You cannot ready up while in a match" |
Citadel_ReadyUp_InvalidGroupRoster | "Your roster overlaps too heavily with other players in your party. Try adding more heroes or changing the heroes in your roster" |
Citadel_ReadyUp_InvalidRoster | "You must have a valid roster before you can ready up" |
Citadel_RecommendFriend_Comments | "Comments:" |
Citadel_RecommendFriend_CommentsPrompt | "Describe who this is briefly" |
Citadel_RecommendFriend_Email | "Email:" |
Citadel_RecommendFriend_EmailDesc | "(Best email to reach your friend, but does not need to match the email address of their Steam account)" |
Citadel_RecommendFriend_EmailPrompt | "Email Address" |
Citadel_RecommendFriend_ErrorMsg | "Must select a friend from list" |
Citadel_RecommendFriend_LocWarning | "While we are working on adding other languages, we currently only support English for this playtest. Please consider this for your friend invites." |
Citadel_RecommendFriend_PopupButton | "Submit" |
Citadel_RecommendFriend_Region | "Select Region:" |
Citadel_RecommendFriend_Region_EU | "Europe" |
Citadel_RecommendFriend_Region_NA | "North America" |
Citadel_RecommendFriend_Region_Other | "Other (specify in comments)" |
Citadel_RecommendFriend_Region_SA | "South America" |
Citadel_RecommendFriend_Region_SEA | "Asia/Pacific" |
Citadel_RecommendFriend_SelectTitle | "Select a Friend from Steam:" |
Citadel_RecommendFriend_Timing_desc | "Invites are typically sent out within 1-2 days, but sometimes may take longer." |
Citadel_RecommendFriend_Title | "Invite your Friends" |
Citadel_RecommendFriend_desc | "Have friends who you'd like to play with in our playtests?<br>Click on their accounts below to invite them via Steam." |
Citadel_Reconnect_IncompatibleVersionBody | "Your client is no longer a valid version to connect to this server" |
Citadel_Reconnect_IncompatibleVersionTitle | "Incompatible Version" |
Citadel_Region_Europe | "Europe" |
Citadel_Region_NA | "NA" |
Citadel_Region_Oceania | "Oceania" |
Citadel_Region_SAmerica | "S America" |
Citadel_Region_SEA | "Asia" |
Citadel_RemoveFriend_Body | "Please Wait" |
Citadel_RemoveFriend_ConfirmBody | "Are you sure that you want to remove {g:dac_persona:b:account_id} as a friend?" |
Citadel_RemoveFriend_ConfirmTitle | "Remove Friend" |
Citadel_RemoveFriend_ErrorBody | "Unable to remove this friend at this time. Please try again later." |
Citadel_RemoveFriend_ErrorTitle | "Error" |
Citadel_RemoveFriend_Title | "Removing Friend" |
Citadel_Replay_DecompressPct | "Decompressing - {d:replay_progress}%" |
Citadel_Replay_Delete | "Delete Replay" |
Citadel_Replay_Download | "Download Replay" |
Citadel_Replay_Downloading | "Downloading" |
Citadel_Replay_DownloadingPct | "Downloading - {d:replay_progress}%" |
Citadel_Replay_Error | "Error {s:replay_error}" |
Citadel_Replay_ErrorDirect | "Error" |
Citadel_Replay_Expired | "Replay Expired" |
Citadel_Replay_FindingReplay | "Finding Replay" |
Citadel_Replay_NotReadyYet | "Replay Not Yet Ready" |
Citadel_Replay_RequestingReplay | "Requesting Replay" |
Citadel_Replay_Unavailable | "Replay Unavailable" |
Citadel_Replay_Watch | "Watch Replay" |
Citadel_ReportPlayer_CommentPlaceholder | "Describe what issue you had with this player" |
Citadel_ReportPlayer_Desc | "Report a player for bad behavior." |
Citadel_ReportPlayer_Reason_Abandon | "Left Match" |
Citadel_ReportPlayer_Reason_CheatingIssue | "Cheating" |
Citadel_ReportPlayer_Reason_Comments | "Comments:" |
Citadel_ReportPlayer_Reason_Griefing | "Griefing" |
Citadel_ReportPlayer_Reason_MatchmakingIssue | "Matchmaking Issue" |
Citadel_ReportPlayer_Reason_Title | "Reason:" |
Citadel_ReportPlayer_Reason_VoiceTextAbuse | "Voice/Text Abuse" |
Citadel_ReportPlayer_Result_AlreadyReported | "You have already reported this player recently." |
Citadel_ReportPlayer_Result_BannedFromReporting | "You are currently not allowed to report other players." |
Citadel_ReportPlayer_Result_GenericFailure | "Failed to submit the player report, unable to talk to the Deadlock network. Please try again shortly." |
Citadel_ReportPlayer_Result_Success | "Thank you for your report!" |
Citadel_ReportPlayer_Result_SuccessTitle | "Successfully reported!" |
Citadel_ReportPlayer_Result_WindowClosed | "Time limit to report expired. Player must be reported within 1 hour of match ending." |
Citadel_ReportPlayer_Title | "Report Player" |
Citadel_RosterMode_ChangeHero | "Change Hero" |
Citadel_RosterMode_ChangeOpponent | "Change Opponent" |
Citadel_RosterMode_CoopBotMM | "Play Against Bots" |
Citadel_RosterMode_Dev1v1Testing | "Development 1v1 Testing" |
Citadel_RosterMode_EditRoster | "Edit Roster" |
Citadel_RosterMode_HeroLabsMatchmaking | "Play Hero Labs" |
Citadel_RosterMode_HeroTesting | "Hero Testing" |
Citadel_RosterMode_Matchmaking | "Play Deadlock" |
Citadel_RosterMode_Party_CoopBotMM | "Play Against Bots" |
Citadel_RosterMode_Party_HeroLabsMatchmake | "Play Hero Labs" |
Citadel_RosterMode_Party_Matchmaking | "Play Deadlock" |
Citadel_RosterMode_Party_PrivateBotEasy | "Party Private Bot Match - Easy" |
Citadel_RosterMode_Party_PrivateBotHard | "Party Private Bot Match - Hard" |
Citadel_RosterMode_Party_PrivateBotMedium | "Party Private Bot Match - Medium" |
Citadel_RosterMode_Party_RankedMatchmaking | "Play Ranked" |
Citadel_RosterMode_PrivateBotEasy | "Private Bots - Easy" |
Citadel_RosterMode_PrivateBotHard | "Private Bots - Hard" |
Citadel_RosterMode_PrivateBotMedium | "Private Bots - Medium" |
Citadel_RosterMode_RankedMatchmaking | "Play Ranked" |
Citadel_RosterMode_TutorialGuided | "Tutorial - Guided Training" |
Citadel_RosterMode_TutorialSandbox | "Tutorial - Sandbox" |
Citadel_Roster_AddToRoster | "Add to Roster" |
Citadel_Roster_ClearPriority | "Clear Priority" |
Citadel_Roster_HeroCount | "Heroes in roster:" |
Citadel_Roster_HeroLocked | "Hero is locked" |
Citadel_Roster_HighPriorityCount | "High Priority heroes:" |
Citadel_Roster_HighPriorityCount_Singular | "High Priority hero:" |
Citadel_Roster_Instructions_Desc | "Select a minimum of three heroes, you will be automatically assigned one of these heroes when the match starts.<br><br>You may mark heroes as <span class='selected'><b>Selected</b></span>, <span class='priority'><b>Priority</b></span>, or <span class='high_priority'><b>High Priority</b></span> to increase your chances of being assigned that hero." |
Citadel_Roster_Instructions_Desc_HeroLabs | "Queue up to play as or against new Experimental Heroes.<br><br>Select a minimum of three Heroes, <b>two of which must be standard, non-testing Heroes.</b> Players will be more likely to be given an Experimental Hero from their roster based on how long it has been since they've played any Experimental Hero." |
Citadel_Roster_Instructions_Prefer | "<span class='keybind'>{s:iv_attack2}</span> To cycle between <b>Priority</b> or <b>High Priority</b>" |
Citadel_Roster_Instructions_Select | "<span class='keybind'>{s:iv_attack}</span> To mark a Hero as Selected" |
Citadel_Roster_Instructions_Title | "Create your Roster" |
Citadel_Roster_Instructions_Title_HeroLabs | "Hero Labs" |
Citadel_Roster_MakeHighPriority | "Make High Priority" |
Citadel_Roster_MakePriority | "Make Priority" |
Citadel_Roster_NoHeroes | "None" |
Citadel_Roster_PreferredCount | "Priority heroes:" |
Citadel_Roster_PreferredCount_Singular | "Priority hero:" |
Citadel_Roster_Random | "Random" |
Citadel_Roster_RemoveFromRoster | "Remove from Roster" |
Citadel_Scoreboard_KDA_Assists | "A" |
Citadel_Scoreboard_KDA_Deaths | "D" |
Citadel_Scoreboard_KDA_Kills | "K" |
Citadel_Scoreboard_TeamAP | "AP" |
Citadel_Scoreboard_TeamKills | "Kills" |
Citadel_ServerRegion_0 | "Auto Select Region" |
Citadel_ServerRegion_1 | "US West" |
Citadel_ServerRegion_11 | "South Africa" |
Citadel_ServerRegion_14 | "Chile" |
Citadel_ServerRegion_19 | "Japan" |
Citadel_ServerRegion_2 | "US East" |
Citadel_ServerRegion_21 | "Spain" |
Citadel_ServerRegion_22 | "US South West" |
Citadel_ServerRegion_23 | "US South East" |
Citadel_ServerRegion_24 | "Hong Kong" |
Citadel_ServerRegion_27 | "US North Central" |
Citadel_ServerRegion_28 | "Poland" |
Citadel_ServerRegion_3 | "France" |
Citadel_ServerRegion_38 | "Argentina" |
Citadel_ServerRegion_39 | "South Korea" |
Citadel_ServerRegion_44 | "Finland" |
Citadel_ServerRegion_45 | "England" |
Citadel_ServerRegion_5 | "Singapore" |
Citadel_ServerRegion_7 | "Australia" |
Citadel_ServerRegion_8 | "Sweden" |
Citadel_ServerRegion_9 | "Italy" |
Citadel_SetSchedule_AlreadySet | "Unable to set schedule because your schedule has already been set." |
Citadel_SetSchedule_Failed | "Error Setting Schedule" |
Citadel_SetSchedule_FailedToSetSchedule | "Failed to set your schedule. Please try again later." |
Citadel_SetSchedule_LocalTimes | "Schedule displayed in local time" |
Citadel_SetSchedule_RegionWithIndex | "{s:region_name} {d:region_index}" |
Citadel_SetSchedule_Selected | "Selected" |
Citadel_SetSchedule_SetSuccessfully | "Schedule Set Successfully" |
Citadel_SetSchedule_Success | "Success" |
Citadel_ShopFilter_Ammo | "Ammo" |
Citadel_ShopFilter_Disruption | "Disruption" |
Citadel_ShopFilter_Durabilty | "Durability" |
Citadel_ShopFilter_FireRate | "Fire Rate" |
Citadel_ShopFilter_Healing | "Healing" |
Citadel_ShopFilter_MagicDamage | "Spirit Damage" |
Citadel_ShopFilter_Melee | "Melee" |
Citadel_ShopFilter_Movement | "Movement" |
Citadel_ShopFilter_WeaponDamage | "Weapon Damage" |
Citadel_ShopStats_Base | "Base" |
Citadel_ShopStats_Boons | "Boons" |
Citadel_ShopStats_GoldenStatues | "Golden Statues" |
Citadel_ShopStats_Mods | "Mods" |
Citadel_ShopStats_ShopBonuses | "Shop Bonuses" |
Citadel_ShopStats_SpiritScaling | "Spirit" |
Citadel_ShopStats_Starting | "Starting" |
Citadel_ShopStats_Total | "Total" |
Citadel_Shop_AbilityisImbued | "Ability is imbued" |
Citadel_Shop_ActivePlacementTooltip_Drag | "Drag and drop to reassign current activated abilities" |
Citadel_Shop_ActivePlacementTooltip_Title | "Choose an ability slot to complete purchase" |
Citadel_Shop_BonusAttribute | "Bonus" |
Citadel_Shop_ConditionalAttribute | "Conditional" |
Citadel_Shop_Destroy_Item | "Destroy Item?" |
Citadel_Shop_Destroy_Item_Confirm | "Are you sure you want to sell item {s:item_name} for {i:item_sell_amount} souls (half the purchase price)?" |
Citadel_Shop_HoldAlt | "Hold <span class="keybind">[{s:show_scoreboard}]</span>" |
Citadel_Shop_ImbueTooltip_Title | "Choose an ability to imbue" |
Citadel_Shop_Player_Level_Label | "Player Level: <span class="playerLevelNum">{i:total_player_level}</span>" |
Citadel_Shop_Purchased | "Purchased" |
Citadel_Shop_SelectedBuildHeader | "{s:selected_build_name}" |
Citadel_Shop_SellMaxItems_Desc | "To complete this purchase, select a mod to <span class='highlight'>sell for half price and replace</span>" |
Citadel_Shop_SellMaxItems_SellButton | "Sell" |
Citadel_Shop_SellMaxItems_Title | "All slots are full!" |
Citadel_Shop_TierBonus | "Tier Bonus" |
Citadel_Shop_TierBonus_Armor | "Base Health" |
Citadel_Shop_TierBonus_Tech | "Spirit Power" |
Citadel_Shop_TierBonus_Weapon | "Weapon Damage" |
Citadel_Shop_Upgrade_Locked_Label | "Lvl <span class="blueAP">{i:unlockLevelRequired}</span>" |
Citadel_SkipTutorial_Body | "Are you sure that you want to skip the tutorial? You should really only do this if you have played before." |
Citadel_SkipTutorial_Title | "Skip Tutorial" |
Citadel_Social_Invite | "Invite" |
Citadel_Social_Party | "Party" |
Citadel_SpectateUser_BusyText | "Please Wait" |
Citadel_SpectateUser_BusyTitle | "Spectating User" |
Citadel_SpectateUser_Disabled | "Spectating users is temporarily disabled. Please try again later." |
Citadel_SpectateUser_DisabledForGame | "The game that the player is currently in doesn't allow for people to spectate." |
Citadel_SpectateUser_ErrorTitle | "Unable to Spectate" |
Citadel_SpectateUser_FailedToGetResponse | "Unable to talk to the Deadlock Network right now and spectate this player. Please try again in a few minutes." |
Citadel_SpectateUser_InParty | "You are in a party, and spectating while in a party is currently not allowed. Please leave your party if you wish to spectate." |
Citadel_SpectateUser_InternalError | "An internal error has occurred while trying to spectate this player" |
Citadel_SpectateUser_InvalidRegion | "This match is being played in a different region and currently cannot be spectated." |
Citadel_SpectateUser_NotFriends | "The player you requested to spectate is not a friend. You must be friends with the people you wish to spectate." |
Citadel_SpectateUser_NotInGame | "The player you are trying to spectate is no longer in a game." |
Citadel_SpectateUser_RateLimited | "You have requested to spectate too many users recently. Please wait a minute and try again." |
Citadel_SpectateUser_ServerFull | "The server currently has the maximum number of spectators allowed. Please try again later." |
Citadel_SpectateUser_TooBusy | "The Deadlock Network right now is too busy to process this request to spectate. Please try again in a few minutes." |
Citadel_Spectate_Connecting_Buffering | "Connected to match, please wait while we buffer" |
Citadel_Spectate_Connecting_Title | "Connecting To Match" |
Citadel_Spectate_Connecting_Waiting | "Please wait while we connect to the match. This may take up to a minute while the server starts the broadcast." |
Citadel_Spectate_Deaths | "Death" |
Citadel_Spectate_Kills | "Kill" |
Citadel_Spectate_KillsAndDeaths | "Kill & Death" |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_AlreadyFindingMatch | "Cannot enter matchmaking, you are already trying to find a match." |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_CannotSelectRegion | "Unable to select a region for match making" |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_ErrorTitle | "Error" |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_FailedToGetResponse | "Unable to talk to the Deadlock Network right now and enter match making. Please try again in a few minutes." |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_HeroLabsMMNotOpen | "Hero Labs matchmaking is not currently available." |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_HeroLabsNotUnlocked | "You have not yet unlocked Hero Labs matchmaking." |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_HeroRosterTooPopular | "Your hero roster doesn't contain any heroes that aren't already in use" |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_InParty | "You can't enter matchmaking by yourself since you're in a party." |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_InternalError | "An internal error has occurred while trying to enter match making." |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_InvalidClientVersion | "Cannot enter matchmaking, your client is out of date. Please update and restart the game." |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_InvalidHeroSelection | "You have not selected valid heroes to enter matchmaking." |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_InvalidParty | "This party has been disbanded and can not enter matchmaking" |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_InvalidPartyMatchMode | "This game mode cannot be played with a party" |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_InvalidPartyPermissions | "You do not have permission to start matchmaking for this party" |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_InvalidTeam | "A user has an invalid team selected for this game mode" |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_MatchmakingDisabled | "Matchmaking is currently disabled for this mode. Please try again in a few minutes." |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_MatchmakingTooBusy | "Matchmaking is currently under heavy load. Please try again in a few minutes." |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_ModeBanned | "You have been temporarily banned from playing in this mode until {t:s:time_stamp} at {t:t:time_stamp}" |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_ModeLocked | "You have not yet unlocked the ability to play in this mode" |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_NoHeroLabsWhileInLowPri | "Hero Labs matchmaking is not allowed while in low priority." |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_NoRankedWhileCommsBanned | "Ranked match making is not allowed while you are communications banned" |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_NoRankedWhileInLowPri | "Ranked match making is not allowed while in low priority" |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_NoRankedWhileReportBanned | "Ranked match making is not allowed while you are report banned" |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_NoRegionPings | "Unable to communicate with any Steam Datagram Relay. If you are connected to the Internet, this usually is caused by a problem with your firewall or the MTU or your Internet connection." |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_NotAllPlayersCanPlayRanked | "Not all players in this party have unlocked ranked matchmaking and therefore this mode cannot be played." |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_PartyMatchMaking | "This party has already started matchmaking" |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_PartyMemberInLobby | "Cannot enter matchmaking, you are already in a game. Please leave that game first." |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_PartyMemberInMatch | "You are currently in a match and must first leave the match before you can ready up." |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_PartyMemberInvalidClientVersion | "A member of your party has an out of date client version and needs to update before they can matchmake" |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_PartyMemberNotAvailable | "Not all party members could be found online or available for match making" |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_PartyMemberNotReady | "A member of your party is not currently ready to matchmake" |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_PermanentBan | "You have been permanently banned from this mode" |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_PlayerBannedFromMode | "A player in this party is currently banned from playing in this mode." |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_RankedLocked1 | "Play {i:games_needed_to_unlock_ranked} more casual multiplayer game to unlock ranked multiplayer." |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_RankedLockedPlural | "Play {i:games_needed_to_unlock_ranked} more casual multiplayer games to unlock ranked multiplayer." |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_RankedMMNotOpen | "Ranked match making is not currently enabled for your selected schedule" |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_RankedNotUnlocked | "You have not yet unlocked ranked matchmaking" |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_TooFewPlayers | "There are not enough players in this party to enter match making in this mode" |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_TooManyPlayers | "There are too many players in this party to enter match making in this mode" |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_TooManyPlayersOnTeam | "Too many players are on the same team" |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_TooManySpectators | "There are too many spectators in this party to enter match making in this mode" |
Citadel_StartMatchmaking_UnableToFillTeam | "Unable to create valid teams based upon the current player teams" |
Citadel_StatusEffect | "Status Effect" |
Citadel_StatusEffectBleed | "Bleed" |
Citadel_StatusEffectBuff | "Buff" |
Citadel_StatusEffectBulletDebuff | "Bullet Debuff" |
Citadel_StatusEffectBurn | "Burn" |
Citadel_StatusEffectDisarmed | "Disarm" |
Citadel_StatusEffectEMP | "Silenced" |
Citadel_StatusEffectFreeze | "Freeze" |
Citadel_StatusEffectImmobilize | "Immobilize" |
Citadel_StatusEffectInfiniteClip | "Infinite Ammo" |
Citadel_StatusEffectInvisible | "Invisible" |
Citadel_StatusEffectPetrify | "Petrify" |
Citadel_StatusEffectSleep | "Sleep" |
Citadel_StatusEffectStacks | "Stacks" |
Citadel_StatusEffectStun | "Stun" |
Citadel_StatusEffectTethered | "Tether" |
Citadel_StopMatchMaking_FailedToGetResponse | "Matchmaking stopped. Failed to get a response from the GC" |
Citadel_StopMatchMaking_GeneralError | "Matchmaking failed. Please try again" |
Citadel_Team1_Name | "The Amber Hand" |
Citadel_Team1_Name_Uppercase:n | "THE AMBER HAND" |
Citadel_Team2_Name | "The Sapphire Flame" |
Citadel_Team2_Name_Uppercase:n | "THE SAPPHIRE FLAME" |
Citadel_TeamMsg_BossKilledMessage | "DESTROYED" |
Citadel_TeamMsg_BossKilledTitle | "Your {s:lane_color} Tier {i:boss_tier}" |
Citadel_TeamMsg_EnemyBossKilledTitle | "Enemy {s:lane_color} Tier {i:boss_tier}" |
Citadel_TeamMsg_EnemyTitanKilledTitle | "Enemy Patron" |
Citadel_TeamMsg_TitanKilledTitle | "Your Patron" |
Citadel_Tip_0 | "This is a tip." |
Citadel_Tip_1 | "This is another tip." |
Citadel_Tip_2 | "This is yet another tip." |
Citadel_Tip_4 | "Destroy the core to win." |
Citadel_UnableToBindKey | "Unable to Bind Key" |
Citadel_UserFeedback_Result_GenericFailure | "Failed to submit the feedback, unable to talk to the Deadlock network. Please try again shortly." |
Citadel_UserFeedback_Result_GenericFailureTitle | "Unable to send" |
Citadel_UserFeedback_Result_Success | "Thank you for your feedback. This will be reviewed by the team." |
Citadel_UserFeedback_Result_SuccessTitle | "Successfully submitted" |
Citadel_UserFeedback_Submit | "Submit Feedback" |
Citadel_UserFeedback_SubmitProcessing | "Please wait" |
Citadel_UserFeedback_SubmitProcessingTitle | "Sending Feedback" |
Citadel_UserFeedback_TextPlaceholder | "Enter Information Here" |
Citadel_UserFeedback_Title | "Submit Feedback" |
Citadel_UserFeedback_Tooltip | "Submit Feedback" |
Citadel_UserFeedback_TypeLabel | "Type" |
Citadel_UserFeedback_eType_Bug | "Bug" |
Citadel_UserFeedback_eType_CriticalBug | "Critical Bug" |
Citadel_UserFeedback_eType_General | "General Feedback" |
Citadel_UserFeedback_eType_Other | "Other" |
Citadel_UserFeedback_eType_Suggestion | "Suggestion" |
Citadel_ViewMatchID_Desc | "Enter a match ID to view the match details" |
Citadel_ViewMatchID_InFlight_Body | "This match is still being played. Would you like to spectate this match?" |
Citadel_ViewMatchID_InFlight_Title | "Match is still active" |
Citadel_ViewMatchID_Loading_Body | "Please Wait" |
Citadel_ViewMatchID_Loading_Error | "Unable To View Match" |
Citadel_ViewMatchID_Loading_Title | "Loading Match" |
Citadel_ViewMatchID_Prompt | "Match ID" |
Citadel_ViewMatchID_Title | "View Match ID" |
Citadel_WatchPage_ActiveMatches:p{ActiveMatchCount} | "{d:ActiveMatchCount} Active Match#|#{d:ActiveMatchCount} Active Matches" |
Citadel_WatchPage_FilterByHeroDefault | "Filter By Hero" |
Citadel_WatchPage_NextPage | "Next" |
Citadel_WatchPage_PrevPage | "Previous" |
Citadel_WatchPage_SearchMatchID | "Search By Match ID" |
Citadel_Watch_Featured | "Featured Matches" |
Citadel_Watch_FriendsCheckbox | "Friends Only" |
Citadel_Watch_Loading | "Loading..." |
Citadel_Watch_Page_FriendInMatch | "Steam Friend in Match" |
Citadel_Watch_Page_LiveNow | "Live Now" |
Citadel_Watch_Page_Loading | "Match Loading..." |
Citadel_Watch_Page_MatchID | "ID: {s:match_id}" |
Citadel_Watch_Page_NetWorthTeam0 | "{d:net_worth_team_0}k" |
Citadel_Watch_Page_NetWorthTeam1 | "{d:net_worth_team_1}k" |
Citadel_Watch_Page_SpectateFull | "Spectating full" |
Citadel_Watch_Page_Spectators:p{spectators} | "{d:spectators} Spectator#|#{d:spectators} Spectators" |
Citadel_Watch_Page_ViewAllMatches | "View all Matches" |
Citadel_Watch_Page_ViewFeaturedMatches | "View Featured Matches" |
Citadel_Watch_Title | "Watch Matches" |
Citadel_ZiplineBoostDesc | "Zipline Boost" |
Citadel_ZiplineBoost_Active | "Active" |
Citadel_ZiplineBoost_Cooldown | "On Cooldown" |
Citadel_ability_hook_on_hook | "To Bebop:" |
Citadel_library_Modal_CTA | "How does this work?" |
Citadel_rank_phase_example | "{t:s:popup_start_day} - {t:s:popup_end_day}" |
Citadel_ranked_closed | "Ranked Closed" |
Citadel_ranked_comingsoon | "The first Ranked games will begin Tuesday, October 15th at 8pm GMT" |
Citadel_ranked_explainer_button | "What is Ranked?" |
Citadel_ranked_explainer_desc | "Ranked is a challenge mode that provides a more competitive Deadlock experience where you'll be matchmade with players of similar skill to determine your Skill Rank among the global population.<br><br>Each week, players can choose to join this competition by playing Ranked matches during their region's open time periods to demonstrate their individual skill." |
Citadel_ranked_explainer_note | "Badge designs will be revealed when the first ranks are awarded on Tuesday October 22nd." |
Citadel_ranked_explainer_title | "Ranked Matchmaking" |
Citadel_ranked_howitworks_desc | "All players start with the provisional rank of Obscurus, and you must complete seven Ranked matches each week in order to qualify for that week's ranking. At the end of that week, you will be awarded your Rank, which will be shown as a badge on your profile.<br><br>If at the end of a week you haven't played seven Ranked matches, your visible Rank will fade back to Obscurus and will remain hidden until you successfully qualify for a later week. The underlying skill metrics will still be preserved and utilized for your future Ranked games, but no badge will be presented until then.<br><br>There are eleven different Ranks, and within each Rank, players will also be assigned a subrank from I to <Panel class="starIcon"></Panel>, which further distinguishes your position within that specific Rank." |
Citadel_ranked_howitworks_title | "How does it work?" |
Citadel_ranked_match_history | "Match History:" |
Citadel_ranked_numGamesPlayed | "{s:games_played} Games Played" |
Citadel_ranked_open | "Open Now" |
Citadel_ranked_rankedmedals | "Ranks:" |
Citadel_ranked_result_adjustment | "Rank Adjustment" |
Citadel_ranked_result_rankup | "Rank Up!" |
Citadel_ranked_result_title | "Rank Report" |
Citadel_ranked_scheduleModal_desc | "Select the ranked windows that best suit your preferred playtimes.<br><br>You will always play on the closest available server, regardless of selected time window." |
Citadel_ranked_scheduleModal_title | "Ranked Schedules" |
Citadel_ranked_scheduleModal_warning | "Note: After selecting a schedule, you will need to wait seven days before changing to a different schedule." |
Citadel_ranked_schedule_explainer | "Ranked will only be available during certain hours, before playing you must select a time setting that best suits your schedule." |
Citadel_ranked_subranks_explainer | "Subranks: I, II, III, IV, V, <Panel class="starIcon"></Panel>" |
Citadel_ranks_rank0 | "Obscurus" |
Citadel_ranks_rank1 | "Initiate" |
Citadel_ranks_rank10 | "Ascendant" |
Citadel_ranks_rank11 | "Eternus" |
Citadel_ranks_rank2 | "Seeker" |
Citadel_ranks_rank3 | "Alchemist" |
Citadel_ranks_rank4 | "Arcanist" |
Citadel_ranks_rank5 | "Ritualist" |
Citadel_ranks_rank6 | "Emissary" |
Citadel_ranks_rank7 | "Archon" |
Citadel_ranks_rank8 | "Oracle" |
Citadel_ranks_rank9 | "Phantom" |
Citadel_subranks_1 | "I" |
Citadel_subranks_2 | "II" |
Citadel_subranks_3 | "III" |
Citadel_subranks_4 | "IV" |
Citadel_subranks_5 | "V" |
Citadel_subranks_6 | "VI" |
Citael_PrivateLobbyModal_CreateNewButton | "Create new Custom Match" |
Citael_PrivateLobbyModal_JoinCode | "Join existing via Code" |
ClarityBonusSpirit_label | "Next Ability Bonus Spirit Power" |
ClarityBonusSpirit_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
CleavePercentage_label | "Splash Amount" |
CleavePercentage_postfix | "%" |
CleavePercentage_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
CleaveRadius_label | "Splash Radius" |
ClipSizeOverride_label | "Ammo" |
Cloaked | "Cloaked" |
CloneDamagePercentage_label | "Copy Damage" |
CloneDamagePercentage_postfix | "%" |
CloneDamageTakenIncreasePercent_label | "Clone Damage Taken" |
CloneDamageTakenIncreasePercent_postfix | "%" |
CloneDamageTakenIncreasePercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
CloneHealthPercentage_label | "Copy Health" |
CloneHealthPercentage_postfix | "%" |
CloneLifetime_label | "Copy Duration" |
CloneLifetime_postfix | "s" |
Close | "Close" |
CloseRangeBonusDamagePercent_label | "Weapon Damage" |
CloseRangeBonusDamagePercent_postfix | "%" |
CloseRangeBonusDamagePercent_prefix | "+" |
CloseRangeBonusDamageRange_label | "Close Range" |
CloseRangeBonusDamageRange_postfix | "m" |
CloseRangeBonusWeaponPower_conditional | "within Range" |
CloseRangeBonusWeaponPower_label | "Weapon Damage" |
CloseRangeBonusWeaponPower_postfix | "%" |
CloseRangeBonusWeaponPower_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
CloudDuration_label | "Cloud Lifetime" |
CloudDuration_postfix | "s" |
CombatRegenPercent_label | "Health Regen in Combat" |
CombatRegenPercent_postfix | "%" |
ComboBulletResist_label | "Combo Bullet Resist" |
ComboBulletResist_postfix | "%" |
ConeAngle_label | "Cone Angle" |
ConeAngle_postfix | "deg" |
ConeRadius_label | "Lightning Distance" |
ConeRadius_postfix | "m" |
ConfirmRoster_BadRoster | "You need at least 3 heroes in your Roster to join a match." |
ConvertedHealth_label | "Trooper Health" |
CooldownBetweenChargeReduction_label | "Faster Time Between Charges" |
CooldownBetweenChargeReduction_postfix | "%" |
CooldownBetweenChargeReduction_prefix | "+" |
CooldownOnMiss_Label | "Cooldown on miss" |
CooldownOnMiss_postfix | "s" |
CooldownReductionFlat_label | "Cooldown Reduction" |
CooldownReductionFlat_postfix | "s" |
CooldownReductionOnCatch_label | "Cooldown on Catch" |
CooldownReductionOnCatch_postfix | "s" |
CooldownReductionOnChargedAbilities_label | "Cooldown Reduction For Charged Abilities" |
CooldownReductionOnChargedAbilities_postfix | "%" |
CooldownReductionOnChargedAbilities_prefix | "+" |
CooldownReductionOnHit_label | "Cooldown Reduced on Hit" |
CooldownReductionOnHit_postfix | "s" |
CooldownReductionOnProc_label | "Cooldown On Apply" |
CooldownReductionOnProc_postfix | "s" |
CooldownReductionWithShield_label | "Cooldown Reduction While Shielded" |
CooldownReductionWithShield_postfix | "%" |
CooldownReductionWithShield_prefix | "+" |
CooldownReduction_label | "Cooldown Reduction" |
CooldownReduction_postfix | "%" |
CooldownReduction_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
CrashImpactRadius_label | "Crash Damage Radius" |
CreateBuilds_Desc | "Select items in the shop to add them to the recommended build list" |
CreateBuilds_Title | "Create a Build for {s:hero_name}" |
CritBuildup_label | "Headshot Buildup" |
CritBuildup_postfix | "%" |
CritChance_label | "Critical Chance" |
CritChance_postfix | "%" |
CritCoatingDamagePercent_label | "Crit Coating Crit Bonus" |
CritCoatingDamagePercent_postfix | "%" |
CritCoatingDamagePercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
CritDamagePercent_label | "Bonus Damage" |
CritDamagePercent_postfix | "%" |
CritStackInterval_label | "Crit Charge Delay" |
CritStackInterval_postfix | "s" |
CubeHealth_label | "Cube Health" |
CycleTimePercent_label | "Fire Rate compared to Gun" |
CycleTimePercent_postfix | "%" |
DOTDuration_Label | "Duration" |
DOTDuration_postfix | "s" |
DPSDmgPercent_label | "DPS as Damage" |
DPSDmgPercent_postfix | "%" |
DPSDuration_label | "Damage Duration" |
DPSDuration_postfix | "s" |
DPSIncrease_label | "Damage Increase Rate" |
DPSMax_label | "Max DPS" |
DPSMin_label | "Min DPS" |
DPSPerHeat_Label | "Heat Power DPS" |
DPS_Self_label | "Self Damage" |
DPS_Self_postfix | "/sec" |
DPS_label | "DPS" |
DPS_postfix | "" |
DPS_prefix | "" |
DamageAbsorb_Label | "Damage Absorbed" |
DamageAmpPercentage_label | "Damage Amp" |
DamageAmpPercentage_postfix | "%" |
DamageAmplificationPerStack_label | "Bonus Damage per Stack" |
DamageAmplificationPerStack_postfix | "%" |
DamageAmplificationPerStack_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
DamageAmplification_label | "Damage Amplification" |
DamageAmplification_postfix | "%" |
DamageBonusFixedPerStack_label | "Weapon Damage" |
DamageBonusFixedPerStack_postfix | "per stack" |
DamageBonusFixedPerStack_prefix | "+" |
DamageBoostElsewhere_label | "Damage From Elsewhere" |
DamageBoostElsewhere_postfix | "%" |
DamageBoostFromBehind_label | "Damage From Behind" |
DamageBoostFromBehind_postfix | "%" |
DamageBoosted_label | "Damage" |
DamageDuration_label | "Duration" |
DamageDuration_postfix | "s" |
DamageHealMultNonHero_label | "Damage to Heal" |
DamageHealMultNonHero_postfix | "x" |
DamageHealMult_label | "Hero Damage to Heal" |
DamageHealMult_postfix | "x" |
DamageHealPerTarget_label | "Damage/Heal Per Target" |
DamageIncreasePercent_label | "Damage Taken" |
DamageIncreasePercent_postfix | "%" |
DamageIncreasePercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
DamageIncrease_label | "Damage Taken" |
DamageIncrease_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
DamageInterval_label | "Damage Interval" |
DamageInterval_postfix | "s" |
DamageMaxDisplay_label | "Max Damage" |
DamageMax_label | "Maximum Damage" |
DamageMinDisplay_label | "Min Damage" |
DamageMin_label | "Minimum Damage" |
DamageNPC_label | "Damage to non-Players" |
DamageOnApply_label | "Damage On Apply" |
DamageOnBuildup_label | "Damage on build up" |
DamageOnHit_label | "Damage on Hit" |
DamagePctDeferredMaxRage_label | "Incoming Damage Deferred" |
DamagePctDeferredMaxRage_postfix | "%" |
DamagePctDeferredMaxRage_prefix | "+" |
DamagePctDeferred_label | "Incoming Damage Deferred" |
DamagePctDeferred_postfix | "%" |
DamagePctPerWallHit_label | "Max Health Damage" |
DamagePctPerWallHit_postfix | "%" |
DamagePerBounce_label | "Damage per bounce" |
DamagePerBullet_label | "Damage Per Bullet" |
DamagePerChain_label | "Shock Damage" |
DamagePerDagger_label | "Damage per card" |
DamagePerHit_label | "Damage Per Hit" |
DamagePerMeter_label | "Damage per meter" |
DamagePerProjectile_label | "Damage Per Projectile" |
DamagePerRocket_label | "Damage Per Rocket" |
DamagePerSecondFlown_label | "Damage per second flown" |
DamagePerSecond_label | "Damage Per Second" |
DamagePercentHealth_label | "Damage Health Percent" |
DamagePercentHealth_postfix | "%" |
DamagePercent_label | "Bullet Damage Done" |
DamagePercent_postfix | "%" |
DamagePlayer_label | "Damage to Players" |
DamagePulseAmount_label | "Pulse Damage" |
DamagePulseInterval_label | "Pulse Interval" |
DamagePulseInterval_postfix | "s" |
DamagePulseRadius_label | "Pulse Radius" |
DamagePulseRadius_postfix | "m" |
DamageRadius_label | "Damage Radius" |
DamageRadius_postfix | "m" |
DamageReduction_label | "Damage Reduction" |
DamageReduction_postfix | "%" |
DamageReflectedFrequencyPct_label | "Proc Chance" |
DamageReflectedFrequencyPct_postfix | "%" |
DamageTakenPercentIncreasePerStack_label | "Damage Increase Per Stack" |
DamageTakenPercentIncreasePerStack_postfix | "%" |
DamageThreshold_label | "Damage Threshold" |
DamageToStack_label | "Damage taken to Stack" |
Damage_label | "Damage" |
DanceMoveSpeed_label | "Dance Movespeed" |
DanceMoveSpeed_postfix | "m/s" |
DashDistance_label | "Dash Distance" |
DashDistance_postfix | "m" |
DashJump_conditional | "after successful dash-jump" |
DashRange_label | "Dash Range" |
DashRange_postfix | "m" |
DashSlowPct_label | "Dash Slow" |
DashSpeed_label | "Dash Speed" |
DashSpeed_postfix | "m/s" |
DashTime_label | "Dash Time" |
DashTime_postfix | "s" |
DeathDelay_label | "Delay Death Duration" |
DeathImmunityDuration_label | "Death Immunity Duration" |
DeathImmunityDuration_postfix | "s" |
DeathImmunityPulseRateMultiplier_label | "Pulse Rate" |
DeathImmunityPulseRateMultiplier_postfix | "x" |
DeathTaxHeal_label | "Health Per Kill" |
DebuffDelay_label | "Debuff Delay" |
DebuffDelay_postfix | "s" |
DebuffDurationReductionPercentage_label | "Debuff Duration Reduction" |
DebuffDurationReductionPercentage_postfix | "%" |
DebuffDuration_label | "Debuff Duration" |
DebuffDuration_postfix | "s" |
DebuffMoveSlowPct_label | "Enemy Slow" |
DebuffMoveSlowPct_postfix | "%" |
DecoyLifetime_label | "Decoy Lifetime" |
DecoyLifetime_postfix | "s" |
DecoyLifetime_prefix | "" |
DefensePower_label | "Defense Power" |
DefensePower_postfix | "" |
DefensePower_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
DeferClearPct_label | "Deferred Damage Cleared" |
DeferClearPct_postfix | "%" |
DeferredDamageDuration_label | "Deferred Damage Duration" |
DeferredDamageDuration_postfix | "s" |
DegenResistance_label | "Healing Reduction Resist" |
DegenResistance_postfix | "%" |
DegenResistance_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
DelayBetweenShots_Label | "Delay Between Shots" |
DelayDuration_Label | "Delay Duration" |
DelayDuration_Postfix | "s" |
DeployHealthRegen_label | "Deployable Health" |
DescendSpeed_label | "" |
Detained | "Detained" |
DetectionRadius_label | "Detection Radius" |
DevMenu_ChangeHero | "CHANGE HERO" |
DevMenu_ChangeTeam | "CHANGE TEAM" |
DevMenu_SelfKill | "Suicide" |
DevMenu_Substitute | "Substitute" |
DevMenu_Title | "Dev Commands" |
DevMenu_UnstickHero | "Unstick Hero" |
DisarmDuration_label | "Disarm Duration" |
DisarmDuration_postfix | "s" |
DischargeRadius_label | "Discharge Radius" |
DischargeRadius_postfix | "m" |
DispenserHealth_label | "Dispenser Health" |
DistanceBuff_label | "Increase at Max Range" |
DistanceBuff_postfix | "%" |
Distance_label | "Distance" |
Distance_postfix | "m" |
DodgeAnimSpeedScale_label | "Dodge Speed Multiplier" |
DodgeAnimSpeedScale_postfix | "x" |
DontShowAgain | "Don't show again" |
DotHealthPercent_label | "Bleed Damage" |
DotHealthPercent_postfix | "%/sec" |
DragonsFireBurnDuration_label | "Burn Duration" |
DragonsFireBurnDuration_postfix | "s" |
DrainPulseRadius_label | "Drain Pulse Radius" |
DrainPulseRadius_postfix | "m" |
DrainTimeNeeded_label | "Drain Time for Proc" |
DrainTimeNeeded_postfix | "s" |
DroneBonusMoveSpeed_label | "Move Speed" |
DroneBonusMoveSpeed_postfix | "" |
DroneBonusMoveSpeed_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
DroneBonusReloadTime_label | "Reload Time" |
DroneBonusReloadTime_postfix | "%" |
DroneBonusWindupTime_label | "Windup Time" |
DroneBonusWindupTime_postfix | "%" |
DroneBonusWindupTime_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
DroneCount_label | "Drone Count" |
DroneCrashDamage_label | "Drone Crash Damage" |
DroneDPS_label | "Drone Damage" |
DroneDPS_postfix | "dps" |
DroneHealthRegen_label | "Health Regen" |
DroneHealthRegen_postfix | "/s" |
DroneHealth_label | "Drone Health" |
DroneLifetime_label | "Drone Lifetime" |
DronePowerMultiplier_label | "Drone Power Multiplier" |
DroneSpeed_label | "Drone Speed" |
DurationPerHeat_label | "Heat Powered Duration" |
DurationPerHeat_postfix | "s" |
EMPBuildupPercentPerShot_label | "Silence Charge Per Shot" |
EMPBuildupPercentPerShot_postfix | "%" |
EMPDuration_label | "Debuff Duration" |
EMPDuration_postfix | "s" |
EMultiplyBase_postfix | "%" |
EShopFilterClipSize | "Ammo" |
EShopFilterDisruption | "Disruption" |
EShopFilterDurability | "Durability" |
EShopFilterFireRate | "Fire Rate" |
EShopFilterHealing | "Healing" |
EShopFilterMagicDamage | "Spirit Damage" |
EShopFilterMelee | "Melee" |
EShopFilterMovement | "Movement" |
EShopFilterNone | "None" |
EShopFilterWeaponDamage | "Weapon Damage" |
EchoShardBonusSpirit_label | "Spirit Power for Echo Ability" |
EchoShardBonusSpirit_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
Econ_Store_PurchaseType_Standard | "%s1" |
EffectDuration_label | "Debuff Duration" |
EffectDuration_postfix | "s" |
EndDuration_label | "Final Duration" |
EndDuration_postfix | "s" |
EndRadius_label | "End Radius" |
EndRadius_postfix | "m" |
EnemyAboveHealthThreshold_conditional | "Enemy above health threshold" |
EnemyBulletDamageReduction_label | "Enemy Weapon Damage" |
EnemyBulletDamageReduction_postfix | "%" |
EnemyHealthPercent_label | "Enemy health threshold" |
EnemyHealthPercent_postfix | "%" |
EnemyLaunchHeight_label | "Enemy Launch Height" |
EnemyLaunchHeight_postfix | "m" |
EnemyLifeThreshold_label | "Threshold" |
EnemyLifeThreshold_postfix | "%" |
EnemyLiftDuration_label | "Lift Up Time" |
EnemyLiftDuration_postfix | "s" |
EnemyMinHealthPct_label | "Enemy Min Health" |
EnemyMinHealthPct_postfix | "%" |
EnemyMoveSlowDuration_label | "Enemy Slow Duration" |
EnemyMoveSlowDuration_postfix | "s" |
EnemyMoveSlow_label | "Enemy Slow per hit" |
EnemyMoveSlow_postfix | "%" |
EnemySlowDuration_label | "Enemy Slow Duration" |
EnemySlowDuration_postfix | "s" |
EnemySlowPct_label | "Enemy Move Slow" |
EnemySlowPct_postfix | "%" |
EscalatingExposureProcCooldown_label | "Max Frequency Per Target" |
EscalatingExposureProcCooldown_postfix | "s" |
EscalatingExposureTechArmorDamageReduction_label | "Spirit Resist On Spirit Damage" |
EscalatingExposureTechArmorDamageReduction_postfix | "%" |
EscapeDuration_label | "Escape Duration" |
EscapeDuration_postfix | "s" |
EscapeRange_label | "Escape Range" |
EscapeRange_postfix | "m" |
EscapeTime_label | "Escape Time" |
EscapeTime_postfix | "s" |
EvasionChance_Label | "Bullet Evasion Chance" |
EvasionPercentGlider_label | "Evasion Chance Gliding" |
EvasionPercentGlider_postfix | "%" |
EvasionPercent_label | "Bullet Evasion" |
EvasionPercent_postfix | "%" |
ExpandTime_label | "Expand time" |
ExpandTime_postfix | "s" |
ExplodeDamage_label | "Explode Damage" |
ExplodeDebuffDuration_label | "Fire Rate Slow Duration" |
ExplodeDebuffDuration_postfix | "s" |
ExplodeDelay_label | "Explosion Delay" |
ExplodeDelay_postfix | "s" |
ExplodeRadius_label | "Explosion Radius" |
ExplodeRadius_postfix | "m" |
ExplosionCoatingRadius_label | "Explosion Coating Radius" |
ExplosionCoatingRadius_postfix | "m" |
ExplosionDamage_label | "Explosion Damage" |
ExplosionDamage_postfix | "" |
ExplosionMaxPercent_label | "Max Explosion Damage:" |
ExplosionMaxPercent_postfix | "%" |
ExplosionMinPercent_label | "Min Explosion Damage:" |
ExplosionMinPercent_postfix | "%" |
ExplosionRadius_label | "Explosion Radius" |
ExplosionRadius_postfix | "m" |
ExplosiveDamage_label | "Explosive Damage" |
ExplosiveShotRadiusPercent_label | "Explosive Shot Radius Increase" |
ExplosiveShotRadiusPercent_postfix | "%" |
ExplosiveSplashDamage_label | "Explode Damage" |
ExternalBonusHealthRegen_label | "Health Regen" |
ExternalBonusHealthRegen_postfix | "/sec" |
ExternalBonusHealthRegen_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
ExtraBladeDamage_label | "Extra Damage per Charge" |
ExtraDamagePerBounce_label | "Extra Damage per bounce" |
ExtraInfo | "Extra Info" |
ExtraLargeClip_label | "Clip Bonus" |
ExtraLargeClip_postfix | "%" |
ExtraTargetConeAngle_label | "Targetting Cone Angle" |
FadingSlowPercent_label | "Fading Movement Slow" |
FadingSlowPercent_postfix | "%" |
FaradayCageDuration_label | "Cage Duration" |
FaradayCageHealth_label | "Cage Health" |
FastFireBullets_label | "Fast Fire Shots" |
FastFireDuration_label | "Fast Fire Duration" |
FastFireDuration_postfix | "s" |
FervorDebuffResistance_label | "Enrage Debuff Resistance" |
FervorDebuffResistance_postfix | "%" |
FervorFireRate_label | "Fire Rate" |
FervorFireRate_postfix | "%" |
FervorMovespeed_label | "Movement Speed" |
FervorMovespeed_postfix | "m/s" |
FervorTechResist_label | "Spirit Resist" |
FervorTechResist_postfix | "%" |
FinalBlow_label | "Final Blow Damage" |
FinalSlow_label | "Slowest Speed" |
FinalSlow_postfix | "m/s" |
FireRateAttribute_Desc | "%s1 to any weapon fire rate bonus" |
FireRateAttribute_Desc_0 | "no additional weapon fire rate bonuses" |
FireRateBonus_label | "Fire Rate Bonus" |
FireRateBonus_postfix | "%" |
FireRateBuffDuration_label | "Bonus Duration" |
FireRateBuffDuration_postfix | "s" |
FireRatePerCharge_label | "Fire Rate per Charge" |
FireRatePerCharge_postfix | "%" |
FireRatePerEnemy_label | "Fire Rate per Enemy" |
FireRatePerEnemy_postfix | "%" |
FireRatePerEnemy_prefix | "+" |
FireRatePerSecondDuration_label | "Fire Rate Duration" |
FireRatePerSecondDuration_postfix | "s" |
FireRateScale_label | "Fire Rate Scale" |
FireRateScale_postfix | "%" |
FireRateScale_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
FireRateSlow_label | "Fire Rate Slow" |
FireRateSlow_postfix | "%" |
FireRateSlow_prefix | "" |
FireRateWhenShielded_label | "Fire Rate While Shielded" |
FireRateWhenShielded_postfix | "%" |
FireRateWhenShielded_prefix | "+" |
FireRate_postfix | "%" |
FlameAuraDPS_label | "DPS" |
FlameAuraDuration_label | "Debuff Duration" |
FlameAuraDuration_postfix | "s" |
FlameAuraMovementSlow_label | "Enemy Movement Slow" |
FlameAuraMovementSlow_postfix | "%" |
FlameAuraRadius_label | "Trail Width" |
FlameAuraRadius_postfix | "m" |
FlameAuraSlowFireRate_label | "Enemy Fire Rate" |
FlameAuraSlowFireRate_postfix | "%" |
FlameDashDebuffDuration_label | "Debuff Duration" |
FlameDashDebuffDuration_postfix | "s" |
FlameDashDebuff_label | "Bonus Spirit Damage" |
FlameDashDebuff_postfix | "%" |
FlaskDebuffDuration_label | "Weapon Debuff Duration" |
FlaskDebuffDuration_postfix | "s" |
FlyingBulletResist_label | "Bullet Resist" |
FlyingBulletResist_postfix | "%" |
Force_label | "Blast Force" |
FreezeBuildUpTime_label | "Freeze buildup time" |
FreezeBuildUpTime_postfix | "s" |
FreezeDuration_label | "Freeze Duration" |
FreezeDuration_postfix | "s" |
FriendlyTargetCooldown | "Ally Target Cooldown" |
FriendlyTargetCooldown_label | "Friendly Cooldown" |
FriendlyTargetCooldown_postfix | "s" |
FriendlyTimeBoost_label | "Time acceleration" |
FullChargeDamage_label | "Full Charge Damage" |
FullDistance_label | "Max Range:" |
FullDistance_postfix | "m" |
FuseDuration_label | "Fuse Duration" |
FuseDuration_postfix | "" |
FuseTime_label | "Fuse Time" |
FuseTime_postfix | "s" |
Fuse_label | "Fuse length" |
Fuse_postfix | "s" |
GalvanicBuffDuration_label | "Duration" |
GalvanicBuffDuration_postfix | "s" |
GalvanicProcDuration_label | "Slow Duration" |
GalvanicProcDuration_postfix | "s" |
GameUI_ClientBadServerAddress | "Bad server address."n" |
GameUI_ClientConnectionTimedOut | "Connection to server timed out."n" |
GameUI_ClientConsistencyFail | "Connection aborted due to server enforcing model consistency."n" |
GameUI_ClientDifferentMap | "Your map differs from the server, update your game."n" |
GameUI_ClientMissingModel | "Connection cannot continue due to missing model."n" |
GameUI_ClientNoMap | "Unable to load map specified by server."n" |
GameUI_ClientRetryLimit | "Unable to establish connection to the server."n" |
GameUI_ClientServerShutdown | "Server shutting down."n" |
GameUI_ClientStringTableError | "Your string table data is different from the server, update your game."n" |
GameUI_ClientUnableToCRCDLL | "Unable to calculate client side dll checksum."n" |
GameUI_ClientUnableToCRCMap | "Unable to calculate map checksum."n" |
GameUI_Disconnect_BadClientDeltaTick | "Client delta ticks out of order" |
GameUI_Disconnect_BadRelayPassword | "Bad relay password" |
GameUI_Disconnect_BadSpectatorPassword | "Bad spectator password" |
GameUI_Disconnect_BanAdded | "Added to banned list" |
GameUI_Disconnect_ConnectionClosing | "Connection closing" |
GameUI_Disconnect_ConnectionLost | "Connection lost" |
GameUI_Disconnect_ConnectionOverflow | "Overflow error" |
GameUI_Disconnect_ConnectionTimedout | "Unable to establish a connection with the gameserver." |
GameUI_Disconnect_DeltaEntMessage | "Error writing delta entities message" |
GameUI_Disconnect_DifferentClassTables | "Server uses different class tables" |
GameUI_Disconnect_DisconnectByServer | "Disconnect by server" |
GameUI_Disconnect_DisconnectByUser | "Disconnect by user" |
GameUI_Disconnect_Disconnected | "Disconnected" |
GameUI_Disconnect_HLTVDirect | "SourceTV can not connect to game directly" |
GameUI_Disconnect_HLTVRestricted | "SourceTV server is restricted to local spectators (class C)" |
GameUI_Disconnect_HLTVStop | "SourceTV stop" |
GameUI_Disconnect_HLTVUnavailable | "No SourceTV relay available" |
GameUI_Disconnect_InternalError | "Disconnected due to an internal error. The console might have more details." |
GameUI_Disconnect_KickBanAdded | "Kicked and banned" |
GameUI_Disconnect_Kicked | "Kicked by server admin" |
GameUI_Disconnect_LeavingSplit | "Leaving splitscreen" |
GameUI_Disconnect_LocalProblem_HostedServerPrimaryRelay | "Gameserver has lost connectivity with the primary relay the client was using." |
GameUI_Disconnect_LocalProblem_ManyRelays | "Lost connection, even after trying several relays in different geographic locations. The most likely cause is a problem with your Internet connection." |
GameUI_Disconnect_LocalProblem_NetworkConfig | "Check your Internet connection. Unable to download the network configuration from CDN." |
GameUI_Disconnect_LocalProblem_Other | "Disconnected. It looks like there may be problem with your Internet connection." |
GameUI_Disconnect_NoMoreSplits | "No more split screen slots" |
GameUI_Disconnect_NoSpectators | "Match does not allow spectators" |
GameUI_Disconnect_PureServer_ClientExtra | "Pure server: client has loaded extra file(s)" |
GameUI_Disconnect_PureServer_Mismatch | "Pure server: client file does not match server" |
GameUI_Disconnect_RejectedByGame | "Connection rejected by game" |
GameUI_Disconnect_ReliableChannelOverflow | "Overflowed reliable channel" |
GameUI_Disconnect_ReliableOverflow | "Error reliable buffer overflow" |
GameUI_Disconnect_RemoteProblem_BadCert | "Remote host's cert isn't sufficient for authentication." |
GameUI_Disconnect_RemoteProblem_BadCrypt | "Remote host presented a bad cert, crypto key, or signature." |
GameUI_Disconnect_RemoteProblem_Other | "Problem communicating with the remote host." |
GameUI_Disconnect_RemoteProblem_Timeout | "We stopped receiving communications from the remote host." |
GameUI_Disconnect_RemoteProblem_TimeoutConnecting | "After several attempts to connect, the server did not respond." |
GameUI_Disconnect_ReplayIncompatible | "Replay is not compatible." |
GameUI_Disconnect_Server | "Disconnected from Server" |
GameUI_Disconnect_ServerIncompatible | "Server version is not compatible." |
GameUI_Disconnect_ServerInfoOverflow | "Info data overflow" |
GameUI_Disconnect_ServerShutdown | "Disconnected from gameserver. The gameserver is shutting down." |
GameUI_Disconnect_SnapshotError | "Error sending snapshot" |
GameUI_Disconnect_SnapshotOverflow | "Error reliable snapshot overflow" |
GameUI_Disconnect_SoundsMessage | "Error writing game sounds message" |
GameUI_Disconnect_SteamDeny_BadAntiCheat | "Disconnected from gameserver. Steam anti-cheat incompatibility." |
GameUI_Disconnect_SteamDeny_Misc | "Disconnected from gameserver. Miscellanous Steam incompatibility." |
GameUI_Disconnect_SteamDropped | "Steam authorization failed. You must be connected to Steam to make the initial connection to the game server." |
GameUI_Disconnect_SteamIDBanned | "STEAM UserID is banned" |
GameUI_Disconnect_SteamIDInUse | "STEAM UserID is already in use on this server" |
GameUI_Disconnect_SteamInUse | "This Steam account is being used in another location" |
GameUI_Disconnect_SteamLogon | "No Steam logon" |
GameUI_Disconnect_SteamOwnership | "This Steam account does not own this game."nPlease login to the correct Steam account" |
GameUI_Disconnect_SteamTicket | "Invalid STEAM UserID Ticket" |
GameUI_Disconnect_SteamTimeOut | "Valve Anti-Cheat challenge timed out. Please ensure that you are not using any programs that may interfere with VAC, and confirm that Steam is correctly installed." |
GameUI_Disconnect_SteamVAC | "VAC banned from secure server" |
GameUI_Disconnect_StringTableMessage | "Error writing string table update message" |
GameUI_Disconnect_TempEntMessage | "Error writing temp entities message" |
GameUI_Disconnect_TickMessage | "Error writing tick message" |
GameUI_Disconnect_TimedOut | "Communication with the remote host has been disrupted" |
GameUI_Disconnect_Unusual | "Disconnected. Something unusual happened. The console might have more details." |
GameUI_Disconnect_User | "Disconnected by user" |
GameUI_Disconnect_UserCmd | "Error in parsing user commands" |
GameUI_Disconnected | "Disconnected from Server" |
GameUI_ServerAuthDisabled | "Authentication disabled."n" |
GameUI_ServerCDKeyAuthInvalid | "CD Key authentication invalid for internet servers."n" |
GameUI_ServerCDKeyInUse | "CD Key already in use."n" |
GameUI_ServerChallengeIncorrect | "Server did not respond with the correct challenge."nIt may be out of date."n" |
GameUI_ServerConnectOutOfDate | "Server has not updated to the most recent version."n" |
GameUI_ServerInsecure | "You are in insecure mode. You must restart before you can connect to secure servers."n" |
GameUI_ServerInvalidCDKey | "Invalid CD Key."n" |
GameUI_ServerNoLobby | "The server was unable to locate the game session."n" |
GameUI_ServerRejectBadChallenge | "Bad challenge."n" |
GameUI_ServerRejectBadPassword | "Bad password."n" |
GameUI_ServerRejectBadSteamKey | "Invalid Steam key length"n" |
GameUI_ServerRejectBanned | "You have been banned from this server."n" |
GameUI_ServerRejectFailedChannel | "Failed to create net channel."n" |
GameUI_ServerRejectGS | "GSCreateLocalUser failed"n" |
GameUI_ServerRejectInvalidCertLen | "Invalid authentication certificate length."n" |
GameUI_ServerRejectInvalidConnection | "Invalid connection."n" |
GameUI_ServerRejectInvalidSteamCertLen | "STEAM certificate length error!"n" |
GameUI_ServerRejectLANRestrict | "Local servers are restricted to local clients (class C)."n" |
GameUI_ServerRejectNewProtocol | "This server is using a newer protocol than your client."n" |
GameUI_ServerRejectOldProtocol | "This server is using an older protocol than your client."n" |
GameUI_ServerRejectOldVersion | "The server you are trying to connect to is running"nan older version of the game."n" |
GameUI_ServerRejectServerFull | "Server is full."n" |
GameUI_ServerRejectSteam | "STEAM validation rejected"n" |
GameUI_ServerRequireSteams | "The server requires that you be running Steam."n" |
GooDuration_label | "Puddle Duration" |
GooDuration_postfix | "s" |
GooSlowPercent_label | "Puddle Slow Percent" |
GooSlowPercent_postfix | "%" |
GrabExtraTargetRange_label | "Extra Target Range" |
GrabExtraTargetRange_postfix | "m" |
GrabRange_label | "Grab Range" |
GrabRange_postfix | "m" |
GrenadeDamage_label | "Explosion Damage" |
GrenadeExplosionRadius_label | "Explosion Radius" |
GrenadeExplosionRadius_postfix | "m" |
GrenadesInVolley_label | "Grenade Count" |
GrenadesPerSecond_label | "Rockets per second" |
GrenadesPerVolley_label | "Bombs Per Volley" |
Grenades_label | "Extra Bombs" |
Grenades_postfix | "" |
Grenades_prefix | "" |
GroundFlameDuration_label | "Trail Duration" |
GroundFlameDuration_postfix | "s" |
GuidedBotMatch_Concluded | "You've learned the basics! Jump into a match or test heroes out in Sandbox Mode." |
GuidedBotMatch_Finish | "Finish" |
GuidedBotMatch_KeepPlaying | "Keep Playing" |
GuidedBotMatch_Start | "Begin" |
HalfHeight_postfix | "m" |
HazeDaggerRadius_label | "Hit Radius" |
HazeDaggerRadius_postfix | "m" |
HeadShotBonusDamage_label | "Head Shot Bonus Damage" |
HeadShotBonusDamage_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
HeadShotCooldown_label | "Cooldown" |
HeadShotCooldown_postfix | "s" |
HeadShotDebuffDuration_label | "Duration" |
HeadShotDebuffDuration_postfix | "s" |
HeadStompBonusDamage_label | "Head Stomp Damage Bonus" |
HeadStompBonusDamage_postfix | "" |
HeadStompBonusRadius_label | "Head Stomp Radius Bonus" |
HeadStompBonusRadius_postfix | "" |
HeadshotBonus_label | "Headshot Damage" |
HeadshotBonus_postfix | "%" |
HeadshotBonus_prefix | "+" |
HealAmount_label | "Heal Amount" |
HealAmpCastPercent_label | "Healing Given Boost" |
HealAmpCastPercent_postfix | "%" |
HealAmpCastPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
HealAmpReceivePenaltyPercent_label | "Healing Reduction" |
HealAmpReceivePenaltyPercent_postfix | "%" |
HealAmpReceivePercent_label | "Healing Received Boost" |
HealAmpReceivePercent_postfix | "%" |
HealAmpReceivePercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
HealAmpRegenMultiplierOutOfCombat_label | "Health Regen Multiplier" |
HealAmpRegenMultiplierOutOfCombat_postfix | "x" |
HealAmpRegenMultiplierOutOfCombat_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
HealAmpRegenPenaltyPercent_label | "Healing Reduction" |
HealAmpRegenPenaltyPercent_postfix | "%" |
HealAmpRegenPercent_label | "Health Regen Boost" |
HealAmpRegenPercent_postfix | "%" |
HealAmpRegenPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
HealFixedHealth_label | "Heal on hero hit" |
HealFriendRadius_label | "Friendly Heal Radius" |
HealFriendRadius_postfix | "m" |
HealFromHero_label | "Healing From Heroes" |
HealFromNPC_label | "Healing From NPCs" |
HealInterval_label | "Heal Interval" |
HealInterval_postfix | "s" |
HealMaxHealthPercent_label | "Max Health Restored" |
HealMaxHealthPercent_postfix | "%/s" |
HealMaxHealth_label | "Heal on hero hit" |
HealMaxHealth_postfix | "% of Max Health" |
HealOnKill_label | "Heal On Hero Kill" |
HealOnlevelHealAmount_label | "Heal Amount" |
HealPctVsHeroes_label | "Heal vs heroes" |
HealPctVsHeroes_postfix | "%" |
HealPctVsNonHeroes_label | "Heal vs non-heroes" |
HealPctVsNonHeroes_postfix | "%" |
HealPerStack_label | "Heal Per Stack" |
HealPercentAmount_label | "Heal Amount" |
HealPercentAmount_postfix | "%" |
HealPercentPerHeadshot_label | "Heal Per Headshot" |
HealPercentPerHeadshot_postfix | "%" |
HealRadius_label | "Heal Radius" |
HealRadius_postfix | "m" |
HealRate_label | "Heal Rate" |
HealRate_postfix | "/sec" |
HealingFactor_label | "Heal vs Heroes" |
HealingFactor_postfix | "%" |
HealingPerSecond_label | "Health Restored" |
HealingPerSecond_postfix | "/s" |
HealingPercent_label | "Heal Percent" |
HealingPercent_postfix | "%" |
HealthAttribute_Desc | "%s1 to any health and health regen bonuses" |
HealthAttribute_Desc_0 | "no additional health and health regen bonuses" |
HealthCost_label | "Health Cost" |
HealthDrainedPerSecond_label | "Health Drain" |
HealthDrainedPerSecond_postfix | "per second" |
HealthPercent_label | "Health Percent" |
HealthPercent_postfix | "%" |
HealthRegenPerTrooper_label | "Health Regen" |
HealthRegenPerTrooper_postfix | "per nearby trooper" |
HealthRegenPerTrooper_prefix | "+" |
HealthRegen_label | "Health Regen" |
HealthRegen_postfix | "" |
HealthRegen_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
HealthStealPctHero_label | "Hero Lifesteal" |
HealthStealPctHero_postfix | "%" |
HealthStealPct_label | "Non-Hero Lifesteal" |
HealthStealPct_postfix | "%" |
HealthSteal_label | "Max HP Steal Per Bullet" |
HealthSwapBuffDuration_label | "Buff Duration" |
HealthSwapBuffDuration_postfix | "s" |
HealthToDamage_label | "Health To Damage" |
HealthToDamage_postfix | "" |
Health_label | "Health" |
Health_postfix | "" |
Health_prefix | "" |
HeatDPS_label | "Heat Powered DPS" |
HeatDamage_label | "Heat Powered Damage" |
HeroProcChance_label | "Hero Proc Chance" |
HeroProcChance_postfix | "%" |
HeroTestActionText | "Select a hero to test" |
HeroTestPageTitle | "Hero Sandbox" |
HeroTesting_AllPerks | "All Perks" |
HeroTesting_ChangeHero | "Change Hero" |
HeroTesting_ChangeTeam | "Change Team" |
HeroTesting_ClearFollow | "Clear Follow" |
HeroTesting_FastStamina | "Fast Stamina" |
HeroTesting_FullHealth | "Full Health" |
HeroTesting_GameRules | "Game Rules" |
HeroTesting_HalfHealth | "Half Health" |
HeroTesting_HeroControl | "Hero Control" |
HeroTesting_HeroToSpawn | "Hero to spawn:" |
HeroTesting_HeroTools | "Hero Tools" |
HeroTesting_HoldAlt | "Hold {s:show_scoreboard}" |
HeroTesting_KillHero | "Kill Hero" |
HeroTesting_LaneChallenge | "Lane Challenge" |
HeroTesting_LastHits | "Last Hits: {i:lastHits}" |
HeroTesting_LevelUp | "Level Up" |
HeroTesting_MakeMimic | "Make Mimic" |
HeroTesting_MakePuppet | "Make Puppet" |
HeroTesting_MaxLevel | "Max Level" |
HeroTesting_NoCooldown | "No Cooldown" |
HeroTesting_NoDeath | "No Death" |
HeroTesting_OrbsDenied | "Orbs Denied: {i:orbsDenied}" |
HeroTesting_OrbsSecured | "Orbs Secured: {i:orbsSecured}" |
HeroTesting_RemoveBots | "Remove Bots" |
HeroTesting_ResetHero | "Reset Hero" |
HeroTesting_SpawnCamp | "Spawn Camp" |
HeroTesting_SpawnEnemy | "+As Enemy" |
HeroTesting_SpawnFriendly | "+As Friendly" |
HeroTesting_SpeedDown | "Speed-" |
HeroTesting_SpeedNormal | "Speed=" |
HeroTesting_SpeedUp | "Speed+" |
HeroTesting_TakeControl | "Take Control" |
HeroTesting_TestTools | "Testing Tools" |
HeroTesting_UnlimitedAmmo | "No Reload" |
HeroTesting_UnlockFlex | "Flex Slots" |
HeroTraining_Continue_Button | "Keep Playing" |
HeroTraining_Intro_Desc | "Here you'll be able to test out your hero's movement and abilities. Mastering these concepts is key to completing the ritual." |
HeroTraining_Intro_Title | "Welcome to <b>Hero Training</b>" |
HeroTraining_Outro_Button | "Finish" |
HeroTraining_Outro_Desc | "You've grasped the fundementals; now prepare yourself for lane training." |
HeroTraining_Outro_Title | "<b>Hero Training</b> Complete" |
HeroesPageActionText | "Select a hero to view details" |
HeroesPageTitle | "Heroes" |
HighGroundBonusWeaponPower_label | "Weapon Damage When Above Enemies" |
HighGroundBonusWeaponPower_postfix | "%" |
HighGroundBonusWeaponPower_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
HitCap_label | "Hit Cap" |
HitCap_postfix | "hits" |
HitsToRelease_Label | "Hits to Release" |
HobbledMovementSlow_Label | "Movement Slow" |
HobbledMovementSlow_postfix | "%" |
HoldInPlaceDuration_label | "Lift Duration" |
HoldInPlaceDuration_postfix | "s" |
HotDPS_label | "Hot DPS" |
IceBeamBuildupProcDuration_label | "Slow Linger Duration" |
IceBeamBuildupProcDuration_postfix | "s" |
IcePathAuraDuration_label | "Ice Trail Duration" |
IcePathAuraDuration_postfix | "s" |
IcePathShardRadius_label | "Path Width" |
IcePathShardRadius_postfix | "m" |
ImbuedBonusDuration_label | "Imbued Ability Duration" |
ImbuedBonusDuration_postfix | "%" |
ImbuedBonusDuration_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
ImbuedCooldownReduction_label | "Imbued Ability Cooldown Reduction" |
ImbuedCooldownReduction_postfix | "%" |
ImbuedCooldownReduction_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
ImbuedTechPower_label | "Imbued Ability Spirit Power" |
ImbuedTechPower_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
ImbuedTechRadiusMultiplier_label | "Imbued Radius" |
ImbuedTechRadiusMultiplier_postfix | "%" |
ImbuedTechRadiusMultiplier_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
ImbuedTechRangeMultiplier_label | "Imbued Ability Range" |
ImbuedTechRangeMultiplier_postfix | "%" |
ImbuedTechRangeMultiplier_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
ImmobilizeDuration_label | "Immobilize Duration" |
ImmobilizeDuration_postfix | "s" |
ImmunityDuration_label | "Immunity Duration" |
ImmunityDuration_postfix | "s" |
ImpactDamage_label | "Damage" |
ImpactDuration_label | "Slow Duration" |
ImpactDuration_postfix | "s" |
ImpactMoveSlow_label | "Impact Move Slow" |
ImpactMoveSlow_postfix | "%" |
ImpactRadius_label | "Impact Radius" |
ImpactRadius_postfix | "m" |
ImpactSlowDuration_label | "Impact Slow Duration" |
ImpactSlowDuration_postfix | "s" |
ImpaleDamage_label | "Impale Damage" |
ImpaleDamage_postfix | "" |
ImpaleDuration_label | "Impale Duration" |
ImpaleDuration_postfix | "s" |
InactiveRadius_label | "Inactive Radius" |
InactiveRadius_postfix | "m" |
InfectDuration_label | "Infect Duration" |
InfectDuration_postfix | "s" |
InfectionBonusDPS_label | "Infection Bonus DPS" |
InfectionBonusDPS_postfix | "" |
InfectionBonusDPS_prefix | "" |
InitialDamage_label | "Initial Damage" |
InitialFireRateDecrease_label | "Initial Fire Rate" |
InitialFireRateDecrease_postfix | "%" |
InitialFireRateDecrease_prefix | "-" |
InitialRadius_label | "Initial Radius" |
InitialRadius_postfix | "m" |
InteruptCooldown_label | "Interrupt Cooldown" |
InteruptCooldown_postfix | "" |
InvisDuration_label | "Invisibility Duration" |
InvisDuration_postfix | "s" |
InvisFadeToDuration_label | "Fade Time" |
InvisFadeToDuration_postfix | "s" |
InvisMoveSpeedMod_label | "Invis Sprint Speed" |
InvisMoveSpeedMod_postfix | "m/s" |
InvisMoveSpeedMod_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
InvisReapplyDelay_Label | "Delay before fading" |
InvisRegen_Label | "Invis Max Health Regen" |
InvisRegen_postfix | "%" |
ItemHistory_ActionWithTime | "%s1 on %s2" |
ItemHistory_Action_AddItemToSocket_Remove | "Removed from socket" |
ItemHistory_Action_AddSocketToItem_Remove | "Removed by socket" |
ItemHistory_Action_AddSocket_Remove | "Socket added" |
ItemHistory_Action_AdditionalDrop | "Found" |
ItemHistory_Action_AssassinMinigameDrop | "Earned by participating in the Nemesis Assassins event" |
ItemHistory_Action_AutoGrantItem | "Earned" |
ItemHistory_Action_AutographRemove | "Used to autograph item" |
ItemHistory_Action_AwardAchievement | "Earned from unlocking an achievement" |
ItemHistory_Action_AwardGift_Giver | "Gift sent" |
ItemHistory_Action_AwardGift_Receiver | "Received a gift" |
ItemHistory_Action_AwardStorePromotionItem | "Purchased from the store" |
ItemHistory_Action_AwardThirdPartyPromo | "Earned a promotional item" |
ItemHistory_Action_AwardTime | "Found" |
ItemHistory_Action_AwardXP | "Rewarded for leveling up" |
ItemHistory_Action_Banned | "Banned" |
ItemHistory_Action_CDKeyGrant | "Received by entering product code" |
ItemHistory_Action_CDKeyRevoke | "CD key revoked" |
ItemHistory_Action_CafeOrSchoolItem_Remove | "Cafe or school removal" |
ItemHistory_Action_CitadelDevItemRevoked | "Item Revoked" |
ItemHistory_Action_CollectItem_CollectedItem | "Added to a collection" |
ItemHistory_Action_CollectItem_RemoveCollection | "Removed old collection item" |
ItemHistory_Action_ConsumeItem_Complete_ToolRemove | "Used to complete recipe" |
ItemHistory_Action_ConsumeItem_Consume_InputRemove | "Used as input to recipe" |
ItemHistory_Action_ConsumeItem_Consume_ToolRemove | "Used as input to recipe" |
ItemHistory_Action_CraftDestroy | "Used in crafting" |
ItemHistory_Action_CreatedByManualItemRecreateOperation | "Created by Steam Support" |
ItemHistory_Action_CrossGameAchievement | "Earned from unlocking an achievement in a different game" |
ItemHistory_Action_CustomizeItemTexture_Remove | "Texture customized" |
ItemHistory_Action_Delete | "You deleted this" |
ItemHistory_Action_DiretideReward | "Received a reward during the Diretide event" |
ItemHistory_Action_Drop | "Found" |
ItemHistory_Action_EarnedItem | "Earned" |
ItemHistory_Action_EconSetUnowned | "Traded" |
ItemHistory_Action_EventPointLevel | "Received a compendium reward" |
ItemHistory_Action_EventPointPurchase | "Purchased with points" |
ItemHistory_Action_EventWon | "Won in an event" |
ItemHistory_Action_Expired | "Expired" |
ItemHistory_Action_ExtractGem_Remove | "Gem extracted" |
ItemHistory_Action_FantasyTicketConsume | "Used" |
ItemHistory_Action_FantasyTicketRefund | "Refunded" |
ItemHistory_Action_GSCreate | "Granted by the game server you were playing on" |
ItemHistory_Action_GauntletAbandoned | "Gauntlet Abandoned" |
ItemHistory_Action_GauntletEntryFee | "Gauntlet Entry Fee" |
ItemHistory_Action_GauntletReward | "Gauntlet Reward" |
ItemHistory_Action_GenericAdd | "Added" |
ItemHistory_Action_GenericRemove | "Removed or modified" |
ItemHistory_Action_GiftDelivery_Add | "Received a gift" |
ItemHistory_Action_GiftDelivery_Add_WithPartner | "Received a gift from %partner%" |
ItemHistory_Action_GiftDelivery_Remove | "Gift sent" |
ItemHistory_Action_GiftDelivery_Remove_WithPartner | "Gift sent to %partner%" |
ItemHistory_Action_GiftUnwrap_Remove | "Unwrapped" |
ItemHistory_Action_GiftWrap_Remove | "Gift wrapped" |
ItemHistory_Action_InitialAccountGrant | "Initial Account Grant" |
ItemHistory_Action_ItemConsume | "Consumed" |
ItemHistory_Action_ItemGiftMessageRefurbish_Remove | "Removed gift dedication" |
ItemHistory_Action_ItemGifterAccountIdRefurbish_Remove | "Removed gifter information" |
ItemHistory_Action_ItemRedemption_Remove | "Redeemed" |
ItemHistory_Action_ItemTraded_Remove | "Traded" |
ItemHistory_Action_LimitExceeded | "Destroyed by backpack limit" |
ItemHistory_Action_LimitedDraft | "Drafted Card" |
ItemHistory_Action_ManualCreate | "Created by Steam Support" |
ItemHistory_Action_ManualItemConvertOperation_OldItem | "Converted" |
ItemHistory_Action_MarketBuyback_Remove | "Removed by Market Buyback" |
ItemHistory_Action_Market_Add | "Received from the Steam Community Market" |
ItemHistory_Action_Market_Remove | "Listed on the Steam Community Market" |
ItemHistory_Action_NameChanged_Remove | "Name changed" |
ItemHistory_Action_NewYearsOffering | "Recycled" |
ItemHistory_Action_PackOpenedNewItem | "Opened From Pack" |
ItemHistory_Action_PackOpenedRemoved | "Pack Was Opened" |
ItemHistory_Action_PackageItem | "Earned a promotional item" |
ItemHistory_Action_PackageItem_Revoked | "Revoked" |
ItemHistory_Action_PaintItem_Remove | "Item painted" |
ItemHistory_Action_PennantUpgradeApply_Remove | "Used to apply pennant upgrade" |
ItemHistory_Action_PerfectWorldPromo | "Earned a promotional item" |
ItemHistory_Action_PhantomManualItemCreation | "Phantom Item Creation" |
ItemHistory_Action_PlayerCardDust | "Consolidated into a single item" |
ItemHistory_Action_PlayerCardPackFromDust | "Exchanged dust for a card pack" |
ItemHistory_Action_Purchase | "Purchased from the store" |
ItemHistory_Action_Purgatory_ExpiredAndAutoFinalized_Remove | "Purchase finalized" |
ItemHistory_Action_Purgatory_Finalize_Remove | "Purchase finalized" |
ItemHistory_Action_Purgatory_Refund | "Refunded" |
ItemHistory_Action_QuantityChanged | "Used" |
ItemHistory_Action_RecycleDestroyed | "Destroyed by Recycling" |
ItemHistory_Action_RemoveItemCraftIndex_Remove | "Removed by craft index removal" |
ItemHistory_Action_RemoveItemKillStreak_Remove | "Removed by Killstreak removal" |
ItemHistory_Action_RemoveItemMakersMark_Remove | "Removed crafter's name" |
ItemHistory_Action_RemoveItemName_Remove | "Custom name removed" |
ItemHistory_Action_RemoveItemPaint_Remove | "Paint removed" |
ItemHistory_Action_RemoveSocketItem_Remove | "Removed socket item" |
ItemHistory_Action_SeasonalItemGrant | "Subscription/Seasonal Item Grant" |
ItemHistory_Action_SteamWorkshopContributor | "Earned by being a Steam Workshop contributor" |
ItemHistory_Action_StrangePartApply_Remove | "Removed when applying strange modifier" |
ItemHistory_Action_SupportDelete | "Deleted by Steam Support" |
ItemHistory_Action_SupportDeletedByUndo | "Deleted by Steam Support" |
ItemHistory_Action_SupportDescribe_Remove | "Custom description added by Steam Support" |
ItemHistory_Action_SupportRename_Remove | "Renamed by Steam Support" |
ItemHistory_Action_SupportStrangify_Remove | "Steam Support Strangified item" |
ItemHistory_Action_TournamentDrop | "Received a prize while spectating a tournament" |
ItemHistory_Action_TourneyAbandoned | "Tournament Abandoned" |
ItemHistory_Action_TourneyEntryFeePaid | "Tournament Entry Fee" |
ItemHistory_Action_TourneyEntryFeeRefunded_NewItem | "Tournament Entry Fee Refunded" |
ItemHistory_Action_TourneyEntryFeeRefunded_OldItem | "Tournament Entry Fee Refunded" |
ItemHistory_Action_TradeRollback_Remove | "Trade was rolled back" |
ItemHistory_Action_Traded | "Traded" |
ItemHistory_Action_TutorialDrop | "Rewarded for completing the tutorial" |
ItemHistory_Action_UnlockCrate_Remove | "Used to open a treasure" |
ItemHistory_Action_UnlockStyle_Remove | "Unlocked a style" |
ItemHistory_Action_UnpackItemBundle | "Unpacked" |
ItemHistory_Action_UnpackItems | "Unpacked from a bundle" |
ItemHistory_Action_Unpurchase | "Refunded" |
ItemHistory_Action_UpgradeThirdPartyPromo | "Third-party promo upgrade" |
ItemHistory_Action_UseItem | "Used" |
ItemHistory_Action_UseItem_Rollback_NewItem | "Failed to use an item. The item was restored." |
ItemHistory_Action_VACBanned_Remove | "Deleted due to VAC ban" |
ItemHistory_Action_VictoryPredictionReward | "Received a reward for making a correct prediction in your compendium" |
ItemHistory_Action_WeddingRing_Remove | "Used in wedding ring process" |
ItemHistory_Action_WeekendTourneyChampionsCupTicketEarned | "Earned" |
ItemHistory_Action_WeekendTourneyTicket_Consume | "Used" |
ItemHistory_Action_WeekendTourneyTicket_Refund | "Refunded" |
ItemHistory_ItemIsInInventory | "In your inventory" |
ItemHistory_ItemIsSubscription | "Subscription Item" |
ItemHistory_Transaction_ApplyEssence | "Infused an egg with essence" |
ItemHistory_Transaction_Autographed | "Attached autograph" |
ItemHistory_Transaction_ConsumeItem_Complete | "Recipe completed" |
ItemHistory_Transaction_Craft | "Crafted" |
ItemHistory_Transaction_Delete | "You deleted" |
ItemHistory_Transaction_OpenPlayerCardPack | "Opened a player card pack" |
ItemHistory_Transaction_PennantUpgrade | "Upgraded a pennant's level" |
ItemHistory_Transaction_PlayerCardRecycle | "Recycled into dust" |
ItemHistory_Transaction_PurchaseFinalized | "Purchase finalized" |
ItemHistory_Transaction_Recycled | "Recycled" |
ItemHistory_Transaction_RemoveItemCraftIndex | "Removed craft index" |
ItemHistory_Transaction_StrangePart | "Applied a strange modifier" |
ItemHistory_Transaction_SupportUndo | "Steam Support undid one or more of your prior actions" |
ItemHistory_Transaction_UnlockCrate | "Opened a treasure" |
ItemInitialCharges_label | "Charges" |
ItemNameCraftNumberFormat | "#%s1" |
ItemNameUniqueFormat | "%s1%s2%s3 // will turn into The Battalion's Backup #1; foreign languages that have gender/declension can change this to be Shotgun #1 or whatever" |
ItemNameWithQualityFormat | "%s1 %s2%s3 // will turn into Strange Shotgun #1; foreign languages that have gender for adjectives can change this to be Shotgun #1 (Strange) or whatever" |
ItemTypeDesc | "Level %s1 %s2 // s1 is the level number, s2 is the item type. Example: Level 4 Medigun" |
ItemTypeDescKillEater | "%s1 %s2 // s1 is the rarity, s2 is the item type" |
ItemTypeDescKillEaterAlt | "%s2: %s1 // Kills: 123" |
ItemTypeDescNoLevel | "Level %s1 // s1 is the level number. Example: Level 12" |
Item_Rejuvenator | "Rejuvenator" |
JumpVelocity_label | "Jump Velocity" |
JumpVelocity_postfix | "m/s" |
KnockDownRadius_label | "Knockdown Radius" |
KnockDownRadius_postfix | "m" |
LandingDamage_label | "Area Damage" |
LaneTraining_Intro_Button | "Begin" |
LaneTraining_Intro_Desc | "The goal of the early game is to gain power so you can take objectives.<br><br>When you <span class="introHighlight">complete the goals listed on the right</span>, we'll give you <span class="introHighlight">power unimaginable</span> so you can take down the Guardian." |
LaneTraining_Intro_Targets | "Training Goals:" |
LaneTraining_Intro_Title | "Welcome to <b>Lane Training</b>" |
LaneTraining_Outro_Title | "<b>Lane Training</b> finished" |
LashDamage_label | "Grapple Damage" |
LashLaunchHeight_label | "Lash Launch Height" |
LashLaunchHeight_postfix | "m" |
LashUltimateChargeTime_label | "Charge Time" |
LashUltimateChargeTime_postfix | "s" |
LaunchDamage_label | "Knockback Damage" |
LaunchDamage_postfix | "" |
LaunchWindowCooldown_label | "Cooldown" |
LaunchWindowCooldown_postfix | "s" |
LaunchWindowDuration_label | "Launch Window" |
LaunchWindowDuration_postfix | "s" |
LeaveMatchPrompt_Cancel | "Stay in match" |
LeaveMatchPrompt_Confirm | "Leave match" |
LeaveMatchPrompt_Text | "You will not be able to rejoin once you leave." |
LeaveMatchPrompt_Title | "Leave this match?" |
LevelUpBaseMeleeDamage | "Melee Damage" |
LevelUpBaseWeaponDamage | "Bullet Damage" |
LifeDrainHealthMult_label | "Damage to Heal" |
LifeDrainHealthMult_postfix | "%" |
LifeDrainPerSecond_label | "Damage Per Second" |
LifeDrainPerSecond_postfix | "" |
LifeStealPercent_label | "Lifesteal" |
LifeStealPercent_postfix | "%" |
LifeStealPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
LifeThreshold_label | "Life Threshold" |
LifeThreshold_postfix | "%" |
LifestealPercentHero_label | "Lifesteal" |
LifestealPercentHero_postfix | "%" |
LifestealPercentHero_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
LifestealPercentNonHero_label | "Lifesteal on Non Heroes" |
LifestealPercentNonHero_postfix | "%" |
LifestealPercentNonHero_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
LifestealPercentOnHit_label | "Lifesteal" |
LifestealPercentOnHit_postfix | "%" |
Lifetime_label | "Lifetime" |
Lifetime_postfix | "s" |
LingerAfterLeavingSmokeDurationPerHeat_label | "Linger Duration" |
LingerDuration_label | "Linger Duration" |
LingerDuration_postfix | "s" |
LocalBulletArmorReduction_label | "Bullet Resist" |
LocalBulletArmorReduction_postfix | "%" |
LocalBulletArmorReduction_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
LocalTechArmorReduction_label | "Magic Resist" |
LocalTechArmorReduction_postfix | "%" |
LocalTechArmorReduction_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
LockOnTime_label | "Lock On Time" |
LockOnTime_postfix | "seconds" |
LockedRadius_label | "Chain Length" |
LockedRadius_postfix | "m" |
LongRangeBonusWeaponPowerMinRange_label | "Min. Distance" |
LongRangeBonusWeaponPowerMinRange_postfix | "m" |
LongRangeBonusWeaponPower_conditional | "beyond Range" |
LongRangeBonusWeaponPower_label | "Weapon Damage" |
LongRangeBonusWeaponPower_postfix | "%" |
LongRangeBonusWeaponPower_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
LowHealthEnemyDamageBonus_label | "Bonus Damage" |
LowHealthEnemyThresholdPct_label | "Low Health Threshold" |
LowHealthEnemyThresholdPct_postfix | "%" |
LowHealthTechResist_label | "Spirit Resist" |
LowHealthTechResist_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
LowHealthThreshold_label | "Health Threshold" |
LowHealthThreshold_postfix | "%" |
LowHealthWeaponPowerPercent_label | "Courage" |
LowHealthWeaponPowerPercent_postfix | "%" |
LowHealthWeaponPowerPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
MageTime_label | "Untargetable Duration" |
MageTime_postfix | "s" |
MagicAmp_label | "Spirit Amp" |
MagicAmp_postfix | "%" |
MagicBurstDamage_label | "Bonus Damage" |
MagicCarpetMoveSpeed_label | "Bonus Fly Speed" |
MagicCarpetMoveSpeed_postfix | "m/s" |
MagicCarpetMoveSpeed_prefix | "+" |
MagicCarpetShieldDuration_label | "Shield Duration" |
MagicCarpetShieldDuration_postfix | "s" |
MagicDamagePerBullet_label | "Spirit Damage Per Bullet" |
MagicIncreasePerStack_label | "Spirit Amp per Stack" |
MagicIncreasePerStack_postfix | "%" |
MagicIncreasePerStack_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
MagicResistReduction_label | "Spirit Resist Reduction" |
MagicResistReduction_postfix | "%" |
MagicShockDamage_label | "Max Health Bonus Damage" |
MagicShockDamage_postfix | "%" |
MaxArmorStacks_label | "Max Bullet Resist" |
MaxArmorStacks_postfix | "%" |
MaxBonusBulletDamage_label | "Max Damage Amp" |
MaxBonusBulletDamage_postfix | "%" |
MaxBonusBulletDamage_prefix | "+" |
MaxBounces_label | "Bounces" |
MaxBulletResist_label | "Max Bullet Resist" |
MaxBulletResist_postfix | "%" |
MaxChargeDuration_label | "Full Charge Time" |
MaxChargeDuration_postfix | "s" |
MaxCharges_label | "Max Charges" |
MaxClipBonus_label | "Max Clip Bonus" |
MaxDPS_label | "Max DPS" |
MaxDaggers_label | "Card Count" |
MaxDistance_label | "Max Range" |
MaxDistance_postfix | "m" |
MaxExplosionRadius_label | "Max Explosion Radius" |
MaxExplosionRadius_postfix | "m" |
MaxFireRateIncrease_label | "Max Fire Rate" |
MaxFireRateIncrease_postfix | "%" |
MaxFireRateIncrease_prefix | "+" |
MaxFireRateSlowPercent_label | "Max Fire Rate Slow" |
MaxFireRateSlowPercent_postfix | "%" |
MaxHealthLossPercent_label | "Max Health" |
MaxHealthLossPercent_postfix | "%" |
MaxHealthPercentAsDPS_label | "Max Health per second" |
MaxHealthPercentAsDPS_postfix | "%" |
MaxHealthPercentAsHealPerSecond_label | "Max Health per second" |
MaxHealthPercentAsHealPerSecond_postfix | "%" |
MaxHealthRegenPct_label | "Max Health Regen" |
MaxHealthRegenPct_postfix | "%" |
MaxHealthRegen_label | "Max Health Heal" |
MaxHealthRegen_postfix | "%" |
MaxHealth_label | "Max Health" |
MaxHealth_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
MaxLifetime_label | "Lifetime" |
MaxLifetime_postfix | "s" |
MaxMines_label | "Max Mines" |
MaxProjectiles_label | "Projectile Count" |
MaxRadius_label | "Max Radius" |
MaxRadius_postfix | "m" |
MaxRange_label | "Max Tether Range" |
MaxRange_postfix | "m" |
MaxShots_label | "Max Shots" |
MaxSlowDuration_label | "Max Stop Duration" |
MaxSlowDuration_postfix | "s" |
MaxSlowPercent_label | "Max Slow" |
MaxSlowPercent_postfix | "%" |
MaxSlowTime_label | "Max Slow Build Time" |
MaxSlowTime_postfix | "s" |
MaxStacks_label | "Max Stacks" |
MaxStunDuration_label | "Max Stun Duration" |
MaxStunDuration_postfix | "s" |
MaxStunDuration_prefix | "" |
MaxUnitsMindControl_label | "Max Units" |
MediumChargeDamagePct_label | "Medium Charge Dmg" |
MediumChargeDamagePct_postfix | "%" |
MeleeAttackLength_label | "Melee Range" |
MeleeAttackLength_postfix | "m" |
MeleeBurnDPS_Label | "Melee Heat Power DPS" |
MeleeDamageBonusPct_label | "Bonus Damage" |
MeleeDamageBonusPct_suffix | "%" |
MeleeDamagePercent_label | "Melee Damage Bonus" |
MeleeDamagePercent_postfix | "%" |
MeleeDamageReductionPercent_label | "Melee Armor" |
MeleeDamageReductionPercent_postfix | "%" |
MeleeDamageReductionPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
MeleeDamageReduction_label | "Melee Armor" |
MeleeDamage_label | "Melee Damage" |
MeleeDistanceBonusPct_label | "Bonus Distance" |
MeleeDistanceBonusPct_suffix | "%" |
MeleeDistanceScale_label | "Heavy Melee Distance" |
MeleeDistanceScale_postfix | "%" |
MeleeEMP_label | "Enemies Silenced" |
MeleeLifestealPercent_label | "Melee Lifesteal" |
MeleeLifestealPercent_postfix | "%" |
MeleeLifestealPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
MeleeResistPercent_label | "Melee Resist" |
MeleeResistPercent_postfix | "%" |
MeleeResistPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
MeteorDamageRadius_label | "Meteor Damage Radius" |
MeteorDamage_label | "Meteor Damage" |
MinAirTimeForStomp_label | "Min Air Time for Stomp" |
MinAirTimeForStomp_postfix | "s" |
MinBonusBulletDamage_label | "Min Damage Amp" |
MinBonusBulletDamage_postfix | "%" |
MinBonusBulletDamage_prefix | "+" |
MinDistance_label | "Min Range" |
MinDistance_postfix | "m" |
MinDuration_label | "Min Duration" |
MinDuration_postfix | "s" |
MinExplosionDamage_label | "Min Explosion Damage:" |
MinExplosionDamage_postfix | "" |
MinExplosionRadius_label | "Min Explosion Radius" |
MinExplosionRadius_postfix | "m" |
MinHealthTakenPct_label | "Min Health Received" |
MinHealthTakenPct_postfix | "%" |
MinRange_label | "Minimum Range" |
MinRange_postfix | "m" |
MinSlowDuration_label | "Min Stop Duration" |
MinSlowDuration_postfix | "s" |
MinStunDuration_label | "Min Stun Duration" |
MinStunDuration_postfix | "s" |
MinStunDuration_prefix | "" |
MindControlHealthBonus_label | "Extra Health given to units" |
MinimumDamage_Label | "Minimum Damage" |
MinimumSleepTime_label | "Min Sleep Time" |
MinimumSleepTime_postfix | "s" |
MirageDjinnsMarkMaxStacks_label | "Max Multiplier" |
MirageDjinnsMarkMaxStacks_postfix | "x" |
MirageFireScarabsHealthSteal_label | "Max Health Steal" |
MirageTeleportMoveSpeed_conditional | "After Teleport" |
MirvExplodeTime_label | "Mini-Bomb Fuse" |
MirvExplodeTime_postfix | "s" |
MirvOnExplode_label | "Mini-Bombs" |
MirvRadius_label | "Mini-BombsRadius" |
MirvRadius_postfix | "m" |
MisfireBuildupPercentPerShot_label | "Buildup Percent Per Shot" |
MisfireProcChance_label | "Percent Chance enemy Misfires" |
MissCooldown_label | "Cooldown on miss" |
MissCooldown_postfix | "s" |
MobileResupplyRegenMultiplier_label | "Mobile Resupply Regen Multiplier" |
MobileResupplyRegenMultiplier_postfix | "x" |
ModIconTooltip_UnlockAllTier1 | "Unlocked after your team destroys three enemy Guardians" |
ModIconTooltip_UnlockAllTier2 | "Unlocked after your team destroys all enemy Walkers" |
ModIconTooltip_UnlockGenerators | "Unlocked after your team destroys both enemy Shrines" |
ModIconTooltip_UnlockGuardians | "Unlocked after your team destroys a set of enemy Base Guardians" |
ModIconTooltip_UnlockTier2 | "Unlocked after your team destroys two enemy Walkers" |
ModIconTooltip_UnlockTier3 | "Unlocked after your team destroys the enemy Patron's first form" |
MoveSpeedBonusPct_label | "Move speed bonus" |
MoveSpeedBonusPct_postfix | "%" |
MoveSpeedBonusPercentStart_label | "Speed Bonus" |
MoveSpeedBonusPercentStart_postfix | "%" |
MoveSpeedBonusPercentStart_prefix | "+" |
MoveSpeedBonus_label | "Move Speed" |
MoveSpeedBonus_postfix | "m/s" |
MoveSpeedBonus_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
MoveSpeedDuration_label | "Move Speed" |
MoveSpeedDuration_postfix | "s" |
MoveSpeedDuration_prefix | "+" |
MoveSpeedFriendlyBuff_label | "Ally Move Speed" |
MoveSpeedFriendlyBuff_postfix | "m/s" |
MoveSpeedFriendlyBuff_prefix | "" |
MoveSpeedLimit_label | "Move Speed" |
MoveSpeedLimit_postfix | "m/s" |
MoveSpeedMax_label | "Move Speed" |
MoveSpeedMax_postfix | "m/s" |
MoveSpeedPenaltyPerStack_label | "Move Slow" |
MoveSpeedPenaltyPerStack_postfix | "%" |
MoveSpeedSlowPct_label | "Move Speed Slow" |
MoveSpeedSlowPct_postfix | "%" |
MoveSpeedSlowPercent_label | "Movement slow" |
MoveSpeedSlowPercent_postfix | "%" |
MoveWhileShootingSpeedPenaltyReductionPercent_label | "Movement speed penalty while shooting reduction" |
MovementDamagePercent_label | "Damage" |
MovementDamagePercent_postfix | "% Damage every 256 units moved" |
MovementSlowDuration_label | "Slow Duration" |
MovementSlowDuration_postfix | "s" |
MovementSlowPct_label | "Movement Slow" |
MovementSlowPct_postfix | "%" |
MovementSlow_label | "Movement Slow" |
MovementSlow_postfix | "%" |
MovementSpeedBonusDuration_label | "Move Speed Duration" |
MovementSpeedBonusDuration_postfix | "s" |
MovementSpeedSlow_label | "Movement Slow" |
MovementSpeedSlow_postfix | "%" |
MyRosterAddHeroes | "Add Heroes" |
MyRosterAssignedOpenTesting | "Open Testing" |
MyRosterAssignedTesting | "Assigned Testing" |
MyRosterCancelForEveryone | "Cancel for all in party" |
MyRosterChangeHero | "Change Hero" |
MyRosterConfirm | "Confirm" |
MyRosterConfirmAndReadyUp | "Confirm & Ready Up" |
MyRosterCreateParty | "Create Party!" |
MyRosterExit | "Exit Roster" |
MyRosterExitRosterConfirm | "Are you sure you want to exit the roster? This will exit the roster for your entire party." |
MyRosterGreatForNewPlayers | "Great for New Players" |
MyRosterHeroLabsHero | "Hero Labs" |
MyRosterLetsGo | "Enter Queue" |
MyRosterNoHeroDesc | "You will be assigned one of these heroes to play when you enter the match." |
MyRosterNumHeroesInRoster | "{i:num_heroes_in_roster} HEROES IN ROSTER" |
MyRosterNumHeroesInRosterSingular | "{i:num_heroes_in_roster} HERO IN ROSTER" |
MyRosterPartyHighSkillRange | "Your party members have a wider range of skill than what would normally be allowed into a match. As a result matches will ONLY be made with other similar wide range parties, and matchmaking times may take longer than usual.<br><br>This also means any lower skilled players in your match will have a harder time.<br><br>Parties of Two, Three or Six players will tend to find matches more quickly than other party sizes." |
MyRosterPartyHighSkillRangeTitle | "Party with Wide Skill Range" |
MyRosterPartyMemberRoster | "Hero Already in Rosters:" |
MyRosterPartyReadyCount | "{d:party_ready_count}/{d:party_player_count} Ready" |
MyRosterReadyUp | "Ready Up!" |
MyRosterRosterDesc | "In order to enter Matchmaking, you’ll need to add at least 3 Heroes to your Roster." |
MyRosterRosterDesc_HeroLabs | "Your roster needs at least 3 Heroes, 2 of which must be standard, non-testing Heroes" |
MyRosterRosterEmpty | "ROSTER EMPTY" |
MyRosterSaveAndBack | "Save and Back" |
MyRosterSaveAndClose | "Save and Close" |
MyRosterTitle | "MY ROSTER" |
MyRosterWaitForParty | "Waiting on party members..." |
MyRoster_PreferHeroes | "<span class="highlight">Star a hero</span> to prefer them for the next match." |
MyRoster_SelectHeroes | "<span class="highlight">Select Heroes</span> to add or remove them from your Roster." |
NPCProcChance_label | "Trooper Proc Chance" |
NPCProcChance_postfix | "%" |
NPE_Bots_Modal_Button | "Got it!" |
NPE_Bots_Modal_Desc | "<span class="introText">Your first bot match!</span><br><br>Bot matches are great for gaining familiarity with a hero; but don't accurately recreate the flow and teamwork of a PvP match.<br><br>Once you feel comfortable, feel free to leave the bot match and hop into matchmaking." |
NPE_Heroes_Modal_Button | "Got it!" |
NPE_Heroes_Modal_Desc | "<span class="introText">Looks like this is your first time playing!</span><br><br>We've highlighted a few Heroes that are great for New Players. We recommend trying out one of these if you're uncertain about where to start." |
NPE_Heroes_Modal_Title | "Recommended Heroes" |
NanoShadowBulletArmorReductionDuration_label | "Bullet Resist Duration" |
NanoShadowBulletArmorReductionDuration_postfix | "s" |
NanoShadowBulletArmorReductionHeavy_label | "Bullet Resist (Heavy)" |
NanoShadowBulletArmorReductionHeavy_prefix | "-" |
NanoShadowBulletArmorReductionLight_label | "Bullet Resist (Light)" |
NanoShadowBulletArmorReductionLight_prefix | "-" |
NanoShadowMeleeAttackSpeedBonus_label | "Melee Attack Speed" |
NanoShadowMeleeAttackSpeedBonus_postfix | "%" |
NanoShadowMeleeAttackSpeedBonus_prefix | "+" |
NanoTechPerShot_label | "Spirit Damage" |
NewPlayer_Finish | "End Tutorial" |
NewPlayer_GetStarted | "Review <span class='TaskHighlight'>Get Started</span>" |
NewPlayer_GetStarted_Time | "4 mins" |
NewPlayer_HeroSandbox | "Try out your moves in <span class='TaskHighlight'>Hero Training</span>" |
NewPlayer_HeroSandbox_Time | "5 mins" |
NewPlayer_LaneTraining | "Learn the early game in <span class='TaskHighlight'>Lane Training</span>" |
NewPlayer_LaneTraining_Time | "8 mins" |
NewPlayer_NewPlayerFlow | "Learn to Play" |
NewPlayer_NewPlayerFlow_Desc | "To get started, check out the tasks within <span class="introText">Learn</span>." |
NewPlayer_Skip | "Skip Tutorial" |
NewPlayer_YouAreFinished | "You're ready! Try a bot match within Practice or Play your first game!" |
NonHeroAbilityLifestealTooltipOnly_label | "Non-Hero Value" |
NonHeroAbilityLifestealTooltipOnly_postfix | "%" |
NonHeroHealingFactor_label | "Heal vs Non-Heroes" |
NonHeroHealingFactor_postfix | "%" |
NonImbuedBonusDuration_label | "Non-Imbued Ability Duration" |
NonImbuedBonusDuration_postfix | "%" |
NonImbuedBonusDuration_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
NonImbuedCooldownReduction_label | "Non-Imbued Ability Cooldown Reduction" |
NonImbuedCooldownReduction_postfix | "%" |
NonImbuedCooldownReduction_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
NonImbuedTechRadiusMultiplier_label | "Non-Imbued Radius" |
NonImbuedTechRadiusMultiplier_postfix | "%" |
NonImbuedTechRadiusMultiplier_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
NonImbuedTechRangeMultiplier_label | "Non-Imbued Ability Range" |
NonImbuedTechRangeMultiplier_postfix | "%" |
NonImbuedTechRangeMultiplier_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
NonPlayerBonusWeaponPower_conditional | "against NPCs" |
NonPlayerBonusWeaponPower_label | "Weapon Damage vs. NPCs" |
NonPlayerBonusWeaponPower_postfix | "%" |
NonPlayerBonusWeaponPower_prefix | "+" |
NonPlayerBulletResist_conditional | "against NPCs" |
NonPlayerBulletResist_label | "Bullet Resist vs. NPCs" |
NonPlayerBulletResist_postfix | "%" |
NonPlayerBulletResist_prefix | "+" |
NormalDPS_label | "Normal DPS" |
NumBloodShards_label | "Blood Shards" |
OK | "OK" |
OS_Default_Device | "Default Device" |
Objective_Enemy_BarrackBoss | "Enemy Base Boss" |
Objective_Enemy_Final | "Enemy Patron (weakened)" |
Objective_Enemy_ShieldGenerator | "Enemy Shrine" |
Objective_Enemy_T1 | "Enemy Guardian" |
Objective_Enemy_T2 | "Enemy Walker" |
Objective_Enemy_T3 | "Enemy Patron" |
Objective_Friendly_BarrackBoss | "Friendly Base Boss" |
Objective_Friendly_Final | "Friendly Patron (weakened)" |
Objective_Friendly_ShieldGenerator | "Friendly Shrine" |
Objective_Friendly_T1 | "Friendly Guardian" |
Objective_Friendly_T2 | "Friendly Walker" |
Objective_Friendly_T3 | "Friendly Patron" |
Objective_Message_MidBoss_OutOfRange | "Out of Range" |
Objective_Message_Patron_Transforming | "The Patron is Transforming..." |
Objective_MidBoss | "Mid-Boss" |
Objective_Team1_BarrackBoss | "Amber Base Boss" |
Objective_Team1_Final | "Amber Patron (weakened)" |
Objective_Team1_ShieldGenerator | "Amber Shrine" |
Objective_Team1_T1 | "Amber Guardian" |
Objective_Team1_T2 | "Amber Walker" |
Objective_Team1_T3 | "Amber Patron" |
Objective_Team2_BarrackBoss | "Sapphire Base Boss" |
Objective_Team2_Final | "Sapphire Patron (weakened)" |
Objective_Team2_ShieldGenerator | "Sapphire Shrine" |
Objective_Team2_T1 | "Sapphire Guardian" |
Objective_Team2_T2 | "Sapphire Walker" |
Objective_Team2_T3 | "Sapphire Patron" |
OnLandDamageRadius_label | "Landing Radius" |
OnLandDamageRadius_postfix | "m" |
OpenHeroSheet | "Open Shop" |
OutOfCombatRegen_label | "Max Health Regen" |
OutOfCombatRegen_postfix | "%" |
OuterDamage_label | "Damage at the edge" |
OutgoingDamagePenaltyPercent_label | "Damage Penalty" |
OutgoingDamagePenaltyPercent_postfix | "%" |
OutgoingDamageReduction_label | "Attack Damage" |
OutgoingDamageReduction_postfix | "%" |
OutgoingDamageReduction_prefix | "-" |
OutgoingDamage_label | "Initial Damage" |
OutgoingProjectileLifetime_label | "Hook Delay" |
OutgoingProjectileLifetime_postfix | "s" |
OverchargePct_label | "Overcharge" |
OverchargePct_postfix | "%" |
OverdriveClipDuration_Postfix | "s" |
OverdriveClipDuration_label | "Clip Duration" |
OverflowBonusDamage_label | "Bonus Spirit Damage" |
OverflowBonusDamage_postfix | "%" |
OverflowTechPower_label | "Spirit Power" |
PartyWarningPostGame | "High Range Party Match" |
PassiveFireRate_label | "Fire Rate" |
PassiveFireRate_postfix | "%" |
PassiveShieldCooldown_label | "Cooldown" |
PassiveShieldCooldown_postfix | "s" |
PathLength_label | "Beam Length" |
PathLength_postfix | "m" |
PeakFireRateBonus_label | "Peak Fire Rate Bonus" |
PeakFireRateBonus_postfix | "%" |
PerfectBurstWeaponPower_label | "Perfect Burst Bonus Weapon Damage" |
PetrifyDamageBreakThreshold_label | "Petrify Max Block" |
PetrifyDuration_label | "Petrify Duration" |
PetrifyDuration_postfix | "s" |
PhantomStrikeDebuffDuration_label | "Disarm & Slow Duration" |
PhantomStrikeDebuffDuration_postfix | "s" |
Ping_Low_Health | "low" |
Player_DisconnectReason_Idle | "Disconnected from gameserver. You were AFK for too long." |
PoisonDamage_label | "Poison Damage" |
PoisonDuration_label | "Duration" |
PoisonDuration_postfix | "s" |
PostBounceDamage_label | "Post-Bounce Damage" |
PostCastDelay_postfix | "s" |
PostCubeBuffDuration_label | "Buff Duration" |
PostCubeBuffDuration_postfix | "s" |
PounceDebuffRadius_label | "Slow Radius" |
PounceDebuffRadius_postfix | "m" |
PounceFriendlyRechargeTime_label | "Ally Recharge Time" |
PounceFriendlyRechargeTime_postfix | "s" |
PounceFriendlyTargetCD_label | "Ally Cooldown" |
PounceFriendlyTargetCD_postfix | "s" |
PowerJumpChannelTime_label | "In Power Jump Channel" |
PowerJumpChannelTime_postfix | "s" |
PreBounceDamage_label | "Pre-Bounce Damage" |
PrepareTime_label | "Prepare Time" |
PrepareTime_postfix | "s" |
ProcBonusMagicDamageEscalation_label | "Escalating Spirit Damage" |
ProcBonusMagicDamageEscalation_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
ProcBonusMagicDamage_label | "Spirit Damage" |
ProcBonusMagicDamage_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
ProcBuildupPercent_label | "Proc Buildup" |
ProcBuildupPercent_postfix | "%" |
ProcChance_label | "Proc Chance" |
ProcChance_postfix | "%" |
ProcCooldown_label | "Max Frequency" |
ProcCooldown_postfix | "s" |
ProcDamageBase_label | "Base Damage" |
ProcDamage_label | "Spirit Damage" |
ProcDamage_postfix | "" |
ProcHealth_label | "Health Threshold" |
ProcHealth_postfix | "%" |
ProjectileAmount_label | "Projectile Amount" |
ProjectileInterval_label | "Projectile Interval" |
ProjectileRedirectCount_label | "Max Redirects" |
Projectiles_label | "Projectiles" |
PuddleDuration_label | "Puddle Duration" |
PuddleDuration_postfix | "s" |
PuddleRadius_label | "Puddle Radius" |
PuddleRadius_postfix | "m" |
PulseDPS_label | "DPS" |
PulseDamage_label | "Pulse Damage" |
PulseDebuffDuration_label | "Enemy Slow duration" |
PulseDebuffDuration_postfix | "s" |
PulseGrenadeDamageAmplificationPerStack_label | "Damage Amp per stack" |
PulseGrenadeDamageAmplificationPerStack_postfix | "%" |
PulseGrenadeDebuffDuration_label | "Amp Duration" |
PulseGrenadeDebuffDuration_postfix | "s" |
PulseInterval_label | "Pulse Interval" |
PulseInterval_postfix | "s" |
PulseRadius_label | "Pulse Radius" |
PulseRadius_postfix | "m" |
Pulses_label | "Pulses" |
PushToTalk | "Push to talk" |
Quicksilver_conditional | "after using ability" |
Radius_label | "Radius" |
Radius_postfix | "m" |
RampDuration_label | "Ramp Duration" |
RampDuration_postfix | "s" |
Range_label | "Range" |
Range_postfix | "m" |
RarityTypeDesc | "%s1 %s2 // s1 is the rarity, s2 is the item type" |
Rarity_Common | "Common" |
Rarity_Rare | "Rare" |
Rarity_Uncommon | "Uncommon" |
RecoveryDuration_label | "Recovery Time" |
RecoveryDuration_postfix | "s" |
RecoveryDuration_prefix | "" |
ReflectDamage_label | "Bullet Reflect Damage" |
ReflectDamage_postfix | "%" |
RegenDuration_label | "Regen Duration" |
RegenDuration_postfix | "s" |
RegenIncomingDamageDuration_label | "Regeneration Time" |
RegenIncomingDamageDuration_postfix | "s" |
RegenIncomingDamagePercent_label | "Damage regenerated" |
RegenIncomingDamagePercent_postfix | "%" |
RegenWhileInvisible_label | "Health Regen while Invisible" |
RegenWhileInvisible_postfix | "" |
RegenWhileInvisible_prefix | "+" |
RegenerationDuration_label | "Regeneration Duration" |
RegenerationDuration_postfix | "s" |
RegenerationRate_label | "Restore Time" |
RegenerationRate_postfix | "s" |
Regeneration_label | "Regeneration" |
Regeneration_postfix | "HP/s" |
ReloadBullet_label | "Applying an ionizing charge automatically reloads 1 bullet" |
ReloadSpeedDecrease_label | "Reload Time" |
ReloadSpeedDecrease_postfix | "%" |
ReloadSpeedDecrease_prefix | "" |
ReloadSpeedMultipler_label | "Reload Time" |
ReloadSpeedMultipler_postfix | "%" |
ReloadSpeedMultipler_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
Reloaded | "Reloaded!" |
ReportCard_AbilitiesUpgraded | "Ability Upgraded" |
ReportCard_AbilitiesUpgraded_Desc | "Upgrade an Ability by holding [{s:show_scoreboard}]" |
ReportCard_AbilitiesUpgraded_Progress | "<span class="yourscore">{i:abilitiesUpgraded}</span> / {i:abilitiesUpgradedNextGoal}" |
ReportCard_DamageTaken | "Damage Taken" |
ReportCard_DamageTaken_Desc | "For incoming damage, less is more" |
ReportCard_DamageTaken_Progress | "<span class="yourscore">{i:damageTaken}</span> < {i:damageTakenNextGoal}" |
ReportCard_GuardianDamage | "Guardian Damage" |
ReportCard_GuardianDamage_Desc | "Damage you’ve dealt to enemy objectives" |
ReportCard_GuardianDamage_Progress | "<span class="yourscore">{i:guardianDamage}</span> / {i:guardianDamageNextGoal}" |
ReportCard_KillGuardian | "Take Down the Enemy Guardian" |
ReportCard_KillGuardian_Desc | "Take down anyone who stands in your way to victory!" |
ReportCard_LastHits | "Killing Blows" |
ReportCard_LastHits_Desc | "Achieve the last hit on <span class="highlight">Troopers</span> and <span class="highlight">Enemy Heroes</span>." |
ReportCard_LastHits_Progress | "<span class="yourscore">{i:lastHits}</span> / {i:lastHitsNextGoal}" |
ReportCard_LastHits_Tutorial | "Get <span class="yourscore">25</span> Killing Blows" |
ReportCard_ModsPurchased | "Item Purchased" |
ReportCard_ModsPurchased_Desc | "Buy an item at the Shop" |
ReportCard_ModsPurchased_Progress | "<span class="yourscore">{i:modsPurchased}</span> / {i:modsPurchasedNextGoal}" |
ReportCard_NetWorth | "Souls Earned" |
ReportCard_NetWorth_Desc | "Souls gained by killing troopers and shooting orbs" |
ReportCard_NetWorth_Progress | "<span class="yourscore">{i:netWorth}</span> / {i:netWorthNextGoal} Souls" |
ReportCard_OrbsDenied | "Orange Souls Shot" |
ReportCard_OrbsDeniedDesc | "Steal an Orange orb from an enemy's kill by shooting it" |
ReportCard_OrbsDenied_Desc | "Souls you've denied" |
ReportCard_OrbsDenied_Progress | "<span class="yourscore">{i:orbsDenied}</span> / {i:orbsDeniedNextGoal}" |
ReportCard_OrbsSecured | "Green Souls Shot" |
ReportCard_OrbsSecuredDesc | "Secure a Green orb by shooting it in the air" |
ReportCard_OrbsSecured_Desc | "Shoot <span class="yellowhighlight">Blue Souls</span> from felled enemies and <span class="redhighlight">Orange Souls</span> stolen from your opponents." |
ReportCard_OrbsSecured_Progress | "<span class="yourscore">{i:orbsSecured}</span> / {i:orbsSecuredNextGoal}" |
ReportCard_OrbsSecured_Tutorial | "Shoot <span class="yourscore">25</span> Souls" |
ReportCard_PlayerDamage | "Player Damage" |
ReportCard_PlayerDamage_Desc | "Damage you’ve dealt to enemy heroes" |
ReportCard_PlayerDamage_Progress | "<span class="yourscore">{i:playerDamage}</span> / {i:playerDamageNextGoal}" |
ReportCard_PowerUp | "Power Up your Hero" |
ReportCard_PowerUp_Desc | "Ride the Transit Line back to base and spend all your Souls and Ability Points" |
ReportCard_SoulsCollected_Desc | "Collect 1000 souls from killing enemy troopers" |
RespawnBonusHealthDuration_label | "Respawn Bonus Health Duration" |
RespawnBonusHealthDuration_postfix | "s" |
RespawnBonusHealth_label | "Respawn Bonus Health" |
RespawnDelay_label | "Respawn Delay" |
RespawnDelay_postfix | "s" |
RespawnHealthPercent_label | "Rebirth Health" |
RespawnHealthPercent_postfix | "%" |
RestoreDelay_label | "Restore Delay" |
RestoreDelay_postfix | "s" |
ReturnDamage_label | "Hook Damage" |
ReturnFireBulletResist_label | "Bullet Resist" |
ReturnFireBulletResist_postfix | "%" |
ReturnFireBulletResist_prefix | "+" |
RevealDuration_label | "Reveal Duration" |
RevealDuration_postfix | "s" |
RichochetChance_label | "Proc Chance" |
RichochetChance_postfix | "%" |
RicochetDamagePercent_label | "Ricochet Damage" |
RicochetDamagePercent_postfix | "%" |
RicochetRadius_label | "Ricochet Range" |
RicochetRadius_postfix | "m" |
RicochetTargetsTooltipOnly_label | "Ricochet Targets" |
RocketDamage_label | "Rocket Damage" |
RocketsPerSecond_label | "Rockets per second" |
RollingTime_label | "Rolling Time" |
RollingTime_postfix | "s" |
RunSpeed_postfix | "m/s" |
SafeToAbandon_Text | "This match is now safe to abandon without penalty." |
SalvageBonus_FireRate_label | "Fire Rate per bonus" |
SalvageBonus_Health_label | "Healing" |
SalvageDuration_label | "Max Duration" |
SalvageDuration_postfix | "s" |
SandPhantomProcCooldown_label | "Cooldown Between Multiplier" |
SandPhantomProcCooldown_postfix | "s" |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Abilities | "Test your Abilities" |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Abilities_desc | "Try using your Abilities by pressing [<span class='keybind'>{s:in_ability1}</span>], [<span class='keybind'>{s:in_ability2}</span>], [<span class='keybind'>{s:in_ability3}</span>] or [<span class='keybind'>{s:in_ability4}</span>]." |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Completed | "Sandbox Completed" |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Completed_desc | "Feel free to play around more. When you’re done, leave Sandbox and start Lane Training." |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Controls_Attack | "<span class='keybind'>{s:iv_attack}</span>" |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Controls_Dash | "<span class='keybind'>{s:key_innate_1}</span>" |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Controls_Jump | "<span class='keybind'>{s:in_mantle}</span>" |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Controls_Mantle | "<span class='keybind'>Hold {s:in_mantle}</span>" |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Controls_Mantle_desc | "Mantle<br><span class='footnote'>(Climb up a Ledge)</span>" |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Controls_Move | "<span class='keybind'>{s:key_forward}, {s:key_left}, {s:key_backwards}, {s:key_right}</span>" |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Controls_Reload | "<span class='keybind'>{s:key_reload}</span>" |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Controls_Zoom | "<span class='keybind'>{s:iv_attack2}</span>" |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Controls_task_Attack | "Shoot" |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Controls_task_Dash | "Dash" |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Controls_task_Jump | "Jump" |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Controls_task_Move | "Move" |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Controls_task_Reload | "Reload" |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Controls_task_Zoom | "Zoom" |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Mods | "Purchase Items for your Hero" |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Mods_desc | "Go to the Shop to browse items. Try purchasing a few." |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Movement | "Test out Controls" |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Movement_desc | "Use this area to test out your controls." |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Step_1 | "Step 1 of 6" |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Step_2 | "Step 2 of 6" |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Step_3 | "Step 3 of 6" |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Step_4 | "Step 4 of 6" |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Step_5 | "Step 5 of 6" |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Step_6 | "Step 6 of 6" |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Unlock_Abilities | "Unlock Your Abilities" |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Unlock_Abilities_desc | "Hold [<span class='keybind'>{s:show_scoreboard}</span>] to unlock new abilities." |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Upgrades | "Upgrade your Abilities" |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Upgrades_desc | "Hold [<span class='keybind'>{s:show_scoreboard}</span>] to spend Ability Points to upgrade your Abilities." |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Zipline | "Ride the Transit Line" |
Sandbox_Tutorial_Zipline_desc | "Hold <span class='keybind'>{s:in_mantle}</span> to get on the Transit Line. You can jump off by pressing <span class='keybind'>{s:in_mantle}</span>." |
SaviorBulletShieldHealth_label | "Bullet Shield" |
SaviorMagicShieldHealth_label | "Spirit Shield" |
Scoreboard | "Scoreboard" |
ScrapDamage_label | "Damage" |
SearchRadius_label | "Search Radius" |
SearchRadius_postfix | "m" |
SecondHit_label | "Double Strike a random hero in range." |
SelectHeroFromRoster | "Select a hero from your roster to play" |
SelfDamage_label | "Self Damage" |
SelfModifier_label | "Self Modifier" |
SelfModifier_postfix | "%" |
SelfMovementBonus_label | "Ivy Speed Bonus" |
SelfMovementBonus_postfix | "m/s" |
SelfMovementBonus_prefix | "+" |
SenseRange_label | "Sense Range" |
ShadowDuration_label | "Explosion Delay" |
ShadowDuration_postfix | "s" |
ShareDamagePercent_label | "Increased Damage Share" |
ShareDamagePercent_postfix | "%" |
ShareWithFriendsRadius_label | "Friendly Heal Radius" |
ShareWithFriendsRadius_postfix | "m" |
ShieldBlockPercent_label | "Damage Deflected" |
ShieldBlockPercent_postfix | "%" |
ShieldDuration_label | "Shield Duration" |
ShieldDuration_postfix | "s" |
ShieldHealth_label | "Shield Health" |
ShieldPercentage_label | "Shield Max Health %" |
ShieldPercentage_postfix | "% Max Health" |
ShieldedSentry_EffectsPerStack | "Per stack:" |
ShiftingVeilDuration_label | "Duration" |
ShiftingVeilDuration_postfix | "s" |
ShockBuildupDuration_label | "Shock Buildup Lifetime" |
ShockBuildupDuration_postfix | "s" |
ShockDelay_label | "Delay Before Stun" |
ShockDelay_postfix | "s" |
ShockRadius_label | "Radius" |
ShockRadius_postfix | "m" |
ShootDurationForMax_label | "Time for Max Damage" |
ShootDurationForMax_postfix | "s" |
ShootInterval_label | "Card Interval" |
ShootInterval_postfix | "s" |
ShortChargeDamagePct_label | "Short Charge Dmg" |
ShortChargeDamagePct_postfix | "%" |
ShotRegenTime_label | "Shot Regen Time" |
ShotRegenTime_postfix | "s" |
ShotsFired_label | "Shots fired" |
ShotsFired_postfix | "" |
ShotsToProc_label | "Shots Needed" |
ShreddersTechAmp_label | "Spirit Amp" |
ShreddersTechAmp_postfix | "%" |
SilenceDuration_label | "Silence Duration" |
SilenceDuration_postfix | "seconds" |
SilenceOnHeavyDuration_label | "Silence Duration" |
SilenceOnHeavyDuration_postfix | "s" |
SilencerSlowPercent_label | "Bullet Slow Proc" |
SilencerSlowPercent_postfix | "%" |
SilencerSlowPercent_prefix | "+" |
SiphonRadius_label | "Activate Radius" |
SiphonRadius_postfix | "m" |
SlamDownRadius_label | "Slam Radius" |
SlamDownRadius_postfix | "m" |
SlashLength_label | "Slash Length" |
SlashLength_postfix | "m" |
SlashWideRadius_label | "Power Stance Slash Radius" |
SlashWideRadius_postfix | "m" |
SleepDuration_label | "Sleep Duration" |
SleepDuration_postfix | "s" |
SleepWakeUpDelay_label | "Wake Up Time" |
SleepWakeUpDelay_postfix | "s" |
SlideScale_label | "Slide Distance" |
SlideScale_postfix | "%" |
SlideScale_prefix | "+" |
SlowAuraPercent_label | "Enemy Movement Slow" |
SlowAuraPercent_postfix | "%" |
SlowAuraRadius_label | "Slow Radius" |
SlowAuraRadius_postfix | "m" |
SlowCoatingDuration_label | "Slowing Coating Slow Duration" |
SlowCoatingDuration_postfix | "" |
SlowCoatingMoveSpeed_label | "Slowing Coating Slow Amount" |
SlowCoatingMoveSpeed_postfix | "%" |
SlowCoatingProcChance_label | "Slowing Coating Chance" |
SlowCoatingProcChance_postfix | "%" |
SlowDurationPerStack_label | "Slow Duration per Stack" |
SlowDurationPerStack_postfix | "s" |
SlowDuration_label | "Slow Duration" |
SlowDuration_postfix | "s" |
SlowFireRatePercent_label | "Fire Rate Scale" |
SlowFireRatePercent_postfix | "%" |
SlowFireRatePercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
SlowPercent_label | "Movement Slow" |
SlowPercent_postfix | "%" |
SlowProcChance_label | "Chance to slow on hit" |
SlowProcChance_postfix | "%" |
SlowRadius_label | "Slow Radius" |
SlowRadius_postfix | "m" |
SlowResistancePercent_label | "Movement Slow Resist" |
SlowResistancePercent_postfix | "%" |
SlowResistancePercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
SlowSilenceDuration_label | "Slow / EMP Duration" |
SlowSpeedLimit_label | "Speed Reduced To" |
SmokeDuration_label | "Smoke Duration" |
SmokeDuration_postfix | "s" |
SmokeRadius_label | "Smoke Radius" |
SmokeRadius_postfix | "m" |
SoloBotMatchActionText | "Select a hero to play as in the bot match" |
SoloBotMatchPageTitle | "Bot Match - Select Hero" |
SoulProjectileRadius_label | "Projectile Radius" |
SpawnTimePenalty_label | "Increased Respawn Time" |
SpawnTimePenalty_postfix | "s" |
SpawnTimePenalty_prefix | "+" |
SpawnTroopers_label | "Spawn a melee trooper for each enemy hero trapped in the cage" |
SpeedBonus_label | "Movement Speed Bonus" |
SpeedBonus_postfix | "m/s" |
SpeedBoostDuration_label | "Speed Duration" |
SpeedBoostDuration_postfix | "s" |
SpeedBoostPercent_label | "Speed" |
SpeedBoostPercent_postfix | "%" |
SpeedBoostPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
SpeedBurstSpeed_label | "Max Dash Speed" |
SpeedBurstSpeed_postfix | "m/s" |
SpeedChange_label | "Bonus Speed" |
SpeedChange_postfix | "%" |
SpeedMax_label | "Move Speed" |
SpeedMax_postfix | "m/s" |
SpellAmplificationPercent_label | "Spirit Power" |
SpellAmplificationPercent_postfix | "" |
SpellAmplificationPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
SpellLifestealNonHero_label | "Spell Lifesteal (Non-Hero)" |
SpellLifestealNonHero_postfix | "%" |
SpellLifesteal_label | "Spell Lifesteal" |
SpellLifesteal_postfix | "%" |
SpellShieldFlavorText_label | "Label!" |
SphereRadius_label | "Sphere Radius" |
SphereRadius_postfix | "m" |
SpinDuration_label | "Spin Duration" |
SpinDuration_postfix | "s" |
SpinUpTime_label | "Spin-Up Time" |
SpinUpTime_postfix | "s" |
SpiritCount_label | "Energy Spirits" |
SpiritDamageReflectedPct_label | "Spirit Damage Returned" |
SpiritDamageReflectedPct_postfix | "%" |
SpiritDamage_label | "Spirit Damage" |
SpiritPowerPerSoul_label | "Spirit Power Per Soul" |
SpiritPowerPerSoul_prefix | "+" |
SpiritPower_label | "Spirit Power" |
SpiritPower_prefix | "+" |
SpiritShotDamage_label | "Damage when shot" |
SpiritShotSlowDuration_label | "Slow Duration" |
SpiritShotSlowPct_label | "Slow Percentage" |
SpiritSpinDamage_label | "Damage when spinning" |
SpiritStealDuration_label | "Spirit Power Steal Duration" |
SpiritStealDuration_postfix | "s" |
SpiritSteal_label | "Spirit Power Steal" |
SpiritStolePerHit_label | "Spirit Power Stolen per Hit" |
SpiritStrike_conditional | "after successful melee" |
SpottedRadius_label | "Spot Radius" |
SpottedRadius_postfix | "m" |
SpreadDuration_label | "Spread Duration:" |
SpreadDuration_postfix | "s" |
SprintSpeedBonus_label | "Sprint Speed" |
SprintSpeedBonus_postfix | "m/s" |
SprintSpeedBonus_prefix | "+" |
SprintSpeed_label | "Sprint Speed" |
SprintSpeed_postfix | "m/s" |
StackDamage_label | "Stack Damage" |
StackDuration_label | "Stack Duration" |
StackDuration_postfix | "s" |
StackLossFrequency_label | "Resist Loss Frequency" |
StackLossFrequency_postfix | "s" |
StackProcDamage_label | "Burst Damage" |
StacksPerShot_label | "Stacks Per Shot" |
StacksRequiredForSlow_label | "Multiplier Required for Slow" |
StageDuration_label | "Duration" |
StageDuration_postfix | "s" |
StalkDuration_label | "Stalk Time" |
StalkDuration_postfix | "seconds" |
StaminaCooldownReduction_label | "Stamina Recovery" |
StaminaCooldownReduction_postfix | "%" |
StaminaCooldownReduction_prefix | "+" |
StaminaDamage_Label | "Stamina Damage" |
StaminaReduction_label | "Stamina Reduction" |
StaminaRegenPenalty_postfix | "%" |
StaminaRegenPercent_label | "Stamina Regen" |
StaminaRegenPercent_postfix | "%" |
StaminaToRemove_label | "Stamina Drain" |
Stamina_label | "Stamina" |
Stamina_prefix | "+" |
StanceWeaponRangeScale_label | "Weapon Range" |
StanceWeaponRangeScale_postfix | "%" |
StasisRadius_label | "Radius" |
StasisRadius_postfix | "m" |
StatDesc_AbilityPower | "Ability Power" |
StatDesc_AirJumps | "Air Jumps" |
StatDesc_AmmoRegen | "Ammo Regen" |
StatDesc_ArmorAttribute | "Armor" |
StatDesc_AttackPower | "Attack Power" |
StatDesc_BaseHealthRegen | "Health Regen" |
StatDesc_BaseWeaponDamage | "Weapon Damage" |
StatDesc_BaseWeaponDamage_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_BonusClips | "Clips" |
StatDesc_BulletArmor | "Armor" |
StatDesc_BulletArmorDamageReduction | "Bullet Resist" |
StatDesc_BulletArmorDamageReduction_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_BulletDamage | "Bullet Damage" |
StatDesc_BulletDamagePerLevel | "Bullet Damage Per Level" |
StatDesc_BulletLifesteal | "Bullet Lifesteal" |
StatDesc_BulletLifesteal_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_BulletLifesteal_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
StatDesc_BulletShieldHealth | "Bullet Shield" |
StatDesc_BulletSpeed | "Bullet Velocity" |
StatDesc_BulletSpeedIncrease | "Bullet Velocity Increase" |
StatDesc_BulletSpeedIncrease_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_BulletSpeed_postfix | "m/s" |
StatDesc_ClipSizeBonus | "Ammo" |
StatDesc_ClipSizeIncrease | "Clip Size Increase" |
StatDesc_ClipSizeIncrease_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_CritDamageBonusScale | "Crit Bonus Scale" |
StatDesc_CritDamageBonusScale_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_CritDamageReceivedScale | "Crit Reduction" |
StatDesc_CritDamageReceivedScale_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_DPS | "DPS" |
StatDesc_DebuffResist | "Debuff Resist" |
StatDesc_DebuffResist_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_DefensePower | "Defense Power" |
StatDesc_EnergyMax | "Energy Cells" |
StatDesc_EnergyRegenTime | "Energy Regen Time" |
StatDesc_ExternalHealthRegen | "External Health Regen" |
StatDesc_FireRate | "Fire Rate" |
StatDesc_FireRateAttribute | "Fire Rate" |
StatDesc_FireRate_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_HealingOutput | "Heal Amp" |
StatDesc_HealingOutput_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_HealthAttribute | "Health" |
StatDesc_HealthPerLevel | "Health Per Level" |
StatDesc_HealthRegen | "Health Regen" |
StatDesc_HealthRegenPerLevel | "Health Regen Per Level" |
StatDesc_HeavyMeleeDamage | "Heavy Melee" |
StatDesc_IncomingAbilityDamageReduction | "Ability Armor" |
StatDesc_IncomingAbilityDamageScale | "Ability Damage Scale" |
StatDesc_IncomingBulletDamageReduction | "Bullet Damage Armor" |
StatDesc_IncomingBulletDamageScale | "Bullet Damage Scale" |
StatDesc_IncomingDamageReduction | "Armor" |
StatDesc_IncomingDamageScale | "Incoming Damage Scale" |
StatDesc_IncomingMeleeDamageReduction | "Melee Damage Armor" |
StatDesc_IncomingMeleeDamageScale | "Melee Damage Scale" |
StatDesc_LightMeleeDamage | "Light Melee" |
StatDesc_ManaPerLevel | "Energy Per Level" |
StatDesc_ManaRegenPerLevel | "Energy Regen Per Level" |
StatDesc_MaxChargesIncrease | "Max Charges Increase" |
StatDesc_MaxHealth | "Max Health" |
StatDesc_MeleeDamage | "Melee Damage" |
StatDesc_MeleeResist | "Melee Resist" |
StatDesc_MeleeResist_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_ProcModifier | "Proc Modifier" |
StatDesc_RechargeRate | "Recharge Rate" |
StatDesc_ReloadSpeed | "Reload Reduction" |
StatDesc_ReloadSpeed_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_ReloadSpeed_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
StatDesc_ReloadTime | "Reload Time" |
StatDesc_ReloadTime_postfix | "s" |
StatDesc_RoundsPerSecond | "Bullets per sec" |
StatDesc_RunAcceleration | "Move Acceleration" |
StatDesc_RunSpeed | "Move Speed" |
StatDesc_RunSpeed_postfix | "m/s" |
StatDesc_SprintAcceleration | "Sprint Acceleration" |
StatDesc_SprintSpeed | "Sprint Speed" |
StatDesc_SprintSpeed_postfix | "m/s" |
StatDesc_Stamina | "Stamina" |
StatDesc_StaminaCooldown | "Stamina Cooldown" |
StatDesc_StaminaCooldown_postfix | "s" |
StatDesc_StaminaRegenIncrease | "Stamina Recovery" |
StatDesc_StaminaRegenIncrease_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_StaminaRegenIncrease_prefix | "+" |
StatDesc_StaminaRegenPerSecond | "Stamina Recovery" |
StatDesc_StaminaRegenPerSecond_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_SuperSprintSpeed | "Super Sprint Speed" |
StatDesc_TechArmor | "Spirit Armor" |
StatDesc_TechArmorDamageReduction | "Spirit Resist" |
StatDesc_TechArmorDamageReduction_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_TechCooldown | "Ability Cooldown" |
StatDesc_TechCooldownBetweenCharges | "Charge Cooldown" |
StatDesc_TechCooldownBetweenCharges_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_TechCooldown_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_TechDamageAttribute | "Spirit Damage" |
StatDesc_TechDamageScale | "Spirit Damage" |
StatDesc_TechDuration | "Ability Duration" |
StatDesc_TechDuration_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_TechLifesteal | "Spirit Lifesteal" |
StatDesc_TechLifestealNonHero | "Spirit Lifesteal on Non Heroes" |
StatDesc_TechLifestealNonHero_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
StatDesc_TechLifesteal_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_TechLifesteal_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
StatDesc_TechPower | "Spirit Power" |
StatDesc_TechPowerAmp | "Spirit" |
StatDesc_TechRange | "Ability Range" |
StatDesc_TechRange_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_TechShieldHealth | "Spirit Shield" |
StatDesc_Technology | "Technology" |
StatDesc_Toughness | "Toughness" |
StatDesc_WeaponDPSPerLevel | "Weapon DPS Per Level" |
StatDesc_WeaponPower | "Weapon Damage" |
StatDesc_WeaponPowerAmp | "Bullet Damage Amp" |
StatDesc_WeaponPowerAttribute | "Weapon Damage" |
StatDesc_WeaponRange | "Range" |
StatDesc_WeaponRangeFalloffMax_postfix | "m" |
StatDesc_WeaponRangeFalloffMin_postfix | "m" |
StatDesc_WeaponRecoilReduction | "Recoil Reduction" |
StatDesc_Weaponry | "Weaponry" |
StatDesc_ZipLineSpeed | "Hyperline Speed" |
StationaryRecoilReduction_label | "Less Recoil While Not Moving" |
StationaryRecoilReduction_postfix | "%" |
StationaryWeaponPower_label | "Courage While Not Moving" |
StationaryWeaponPower_prefix | "+" |
StatueActivateRange_label | "Reveal Range" |
StatueActivateRange_postfix | "m" |
StatueHealth_label | "Ava (Normalized)" |
StatueHealth_postfix | "HP" |
StatueHeldRegen_label | "Ava Recalled Regen" |
StatueLifestealNonHero_label | "Lifesteal Non-Hero" |
StatueLifestealNonHero_postfix | "%" |
StatueLifesteal_label | "Lifesteal" |
StatueLifesteal_postfix | "%" |
StatueLifetime_label | "Auto Recall Time" |
StatueLifetime_postfix | "s" |
StatueVictimDamageReduction_label | "Damage Reduction" |
StatueVictimDamageReduction_postfix | "%" |
StatusResistanceDuration_label | "Duration" |
StatusResistanceDuration_postfix | "s" |
StatusResistancePercent_label | "Debuff Resist" |
StatusResistancePercent_postfix | "%" |
StealDuration_label | "Steal Duration" |
StealDuration_postfix | "s" |
StealTechPower_label | "Steal Spirit Power" |
StealthDuration_label | "Stealth Duration" |
StealthDuration_postfix | "s" |
Steam_Citadel_InGame | "{%param1%} (%param0% min)" |
Steam_Citadel_InGame_Hero | "{%param1%} {%param2%} (%param0% min)" |
Steam_Citadel_InGame_Sandbox | "Testing {%param2%} in Sandbox Mode" |
Steam_Citadel_RP_FindingMatch | "Finding Match" |
Steam_Citadel_RP_InParty | "Main Menu - Party" |
Steam_Citadel_RP_MM_CoopBot | "Bots:" |
Steam_Citadel_RP_MM_HeroLabs | "Hero Labs:" |
Steam_Citadel_RP_MM_PrivateLobby | "Lobby:" |
Steam_Citadel_RP_MM_Ranked | "Ranked:" |
Steam_Citadel_RP_MM_Sandbox | "Sandbox:" |
Steam_Citadel_RP_MM_Tutorial | "Tutorial:" |
Steam_Citadel_RP_MM_Unranked | "Deadlock:" |
Steam_Citadel_RP_MainMenu | "Main Menu" |
Steam_Citadel_RP_Online | "Online" |
Steam_Citadel_Spectating | "Spectating a Match" |
Steam_RP_hero_akimbo | "Akimbo" |
Steam_RP_hero_apocalypse | "Apocalypse" |
Steam_RP_hero_architect | "Architect" |
Steam_RP_hero_assassin | "Assassin" |
Steam_RP_hero_astro | "Holliday" |
Steam_RP_hero_atlas | "Abrams" |
Steam_RP_hero_ballista | "Ballista" |
Steam_RP_hero_bebop | "Bebop" |
Steam_RP_hero_bomber | "Bomber" |
Steam_RP_hero_cadence | "Cadence" |
Steam_RP_hero_chrono | "Paradox" |
Steam_RP_hero_clawdril | "Clawdril" |
Steam_RP_hero_coldmetal | "Cold Metal" |
Steam_RP_hero_cowboy | "Cowboy" |
Steam_RP_hero_demoman | "Demolitions Expert" |
Steam_RP_hero_duo | "Duo" |
Steam_RP_hero_dynamo | "Dynamo" |
Steam_RP_hero_forge | "McGinnis" |
Steam_RP_hero_gadgeteer | "Gadgeteer" |
Steam_RP_hero_gadgetman | "Gadget Man" |
Steam_RP_hero_genericperson | "Generic Person" |
Steam_RP_hero_ghost | "Lady Geist" |
Steam_RP_hero_gigawatt | "Seven" |
Steam_RP_hero_glider | "Glider" |
Steam_RP_hero_gunner | "Gunner" |
Steam_RP_hero_gunslinger | "Gunslinger" |
Steam_RP_hero_haze | "Haze" |
Steam_RP_hero_hijack | "Hijack" |
Steam_RP_hero_hornet | "Vindicta" |
Steam_RP_hero_inferno | "Infernus" |
Steam_RP_hero_kali | "Kali" |
Steam_RP_hero_kelvin | "Kelvin" |
Steam_RP_hero_krill | "Mo & Krill" |
Steam_RP_hero_lash | "Lash" |
Steam_RP_hero_mechaguy | "Mecha Guy" |
Steam_RP_hero_mirage | "Mirage" |
Steam_RP_hero_nano | "Calico" |
Steam_RP_hero_orion | "Grey Talon" |
Steam_RP_hero_phalanx | "Phalanx" |
Steam_RP_hero_phoenix | "Phoenix" |
Steam_RP_hero_revenant | "Revenant" |
Steam_RP_hero_rutger | "Rutger" |
Steam_RP_hero_sapper | "Sapper" |
Steam_RP_hero_shiv | "Shiv" |
Steam_RP_hero_skymonk | "Sky Monk" |
Steam_RP_hero_slingshot | "Slingshot" |
Steam_RP_hero_slork | "Fathom" |
Steam_RP_hero_spade | "Spade" |
Steam_RP_hero_synth | "Pocket" |
Steam_RP_hero_targetdummy | "TargetDummy" |
Steam_RP_hero_tempest | "Tempest" |
Steam_RP_hero_tengu | "Ivy" |
Steam_RP_hero_test | "Test Hero" |
Steam_RP_hero_thumper | "Thumper" |
Steam_RP_hero_tokamak | "Tokamak" |
Steam_RP_hero_vampire | "Vampire" |
Steam_RP_hero_viscous | "Viscous" |
Steam_RP_hero_warden | "Warden" |
Steam_RP_hero_wraith | "Wraith" |
Steam_RP_hero_wrecker | "Wrecker" |
Steam_RP_hero_yakuza | "The Boss" |
Steam_RP_hero_yamato | "Yamato" |
Steam_RP_hero_zealot | "Zealot" |
StickyClusterCount_label | "Splits into" |
StickyClusterCount_postfix | "Sticky Grenades" |
StompDamagePerMeterPrimary_label | "Damage Per Meter" |
StompDamage_label | "Stomp Damage" |
StompRadius_label | "Stomp Radius" |
StompRadius_postfix | "m" |
StompRange_label | "Stomp Range" |
StompRange_postfix | "m" |
StompStunDuration_label | "Duration" |
StompStunDuration_postfix | "s" |
StompWidth_label | "Ability Width" |
StompWidth_postfix | "m" |
StoredSpiritDamage_label | "Stored Spirit Damage" |
StunDelay_label | "Stun Delay" |
StunDelay_postfix | "s" |
StunDuration_label | "Stun Duration" |
StunDuration_postfix | "s" |
StunOnLand_label | "Stun Duration" |
StunOnLand_postfix | "s" |
StunTargetOnExplode_label | "Duration" |
StunTargetOnExplode_postfix | "s" |
SummonCasterHealthPct_label | "to Gangster Health" |
SummonCasterHealthPct_postfix | "% of The Boss' health" |
SummonCasterHealthPct_prefix | "Gangster Health" |
SummonCount_label | "Gangsters Summoned" |
SummonDPS_label | "Gangster DPS" |
SummonDuration_label | "Summon Duration" |
SummonDuration_postfix | "s" |
SummonHealth_label | "Gangster Health" |
SummonLifetime_label | "Gangster Lifetime" |
SummonLifetime_postfix | "s" |
SuperiorStaminaBonusSpirit_label | "Spirit Power After Second Jump/Dash" |
SuperiorStaminaBonusSpirit_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
SurgeDelay_label | "Delay" |
SurgeDelay_postfix | "s" |
SurgeOfPower_conditional | "after using ability" |
SwapTotalDamage_label | "Swap Damage" |
SwapTotalHeal_label | "Heal Over Swap Time" |
SwordSlow_label | "Movement Penalty" |
SwordSlow_suffix | "%" |
TackleDurationMax_label | "Max Tackle Duration" |
TackleRadius_label | "Tackle Radius" |
TackleRadius_postfix | "m" |
Tag_Category_Accessory | "Accessory" |
Tag_Category_CardColor | "Card Color" |
Tag_Category_CardSet | "Card Set" |
Tag_Category_CardType | "Card Type" |
Tag_Category_GoldCost | "Gold Cost" |
Tag_Category_ItemType | "Item Type" |
Tag_Category_ManaCost | "Mana Cost" |
Tag_Category_Rarity | "Rarity" |
TargetGameplayTimeScale_label | "Time Scale" |
TargetGameplayTimeScale_postfix | "%" |
TargetPracticeDuration_label | "Target Practice Duration" |
TargetPracticeDuration_postfix | "s" |
TargetReloadSpeedPenalty_label | "Target Reload Speed Penalty" |
TargetReloadSpeedPenalty_postfix | "%" |
TargetingConeAngle_label | "Attack Angle" |
TargetingConeAngle_postfix | "º" |
TargetsPerTick_label | "Targets Hit Per Shot" |
TargetsPerTick_postfix | "" |
TechAmpLinger_label | "Spirit Amp Duration" |
TechAmpLinger_postfix | "s" |
TechAmpPerBullet_label | "Spirit Amp Per Shot" |
TechAmpPerBullet_postfix | "%" |
TechArmorDamageReduction_Label | "Spirit Resist" |
TechArmorDamageReduction_postfix | "%" |
TechArmorDamageReduction_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
TechArmor_label | "Spirit Armor" |
TechArmor_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
TechCleaveDamagePercent_label | "Cleave Damage" |
TechCleaveDamagePercent_postfix | "%" |
TechCleaveRadius_label | "Cleave Radius" |
TechCleaveRadius_postfix | "m" |
TechCleaveTargetCap_label | "Additional Targets" |
TechCleaveTargetCap_postfix | "" |
TechCooldown_postfix | "%" |
TechDamageAttribute_Desc | "%s1 to any spirit damage bonus" |
TechDamageAttribute_Desc_0 | "no additional spirit damage bonuses" |
TechDamageBonusPercent_label | "Spirit Damage" |
TechDamageBonusPercent_postfix | "%" |
TechDamageBonusPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
TechDamagePercent_Label | "Damage" |
TechDamagePercent_Postfix | "%" |
TechDamageScale_label | "Spirit Damage" |
TechDamageScale_postfix | "%" |
TechDamageScale_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
TechDuration_postfix | "%" |
TechLifestealPercent_label | "Spirit Lifesteal" |
TechLifestealPercent_postfix | "%" |
TechLifestealPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
TechLifesteal_postfix | "%" |
TechPowerAmp_label | "Spirit" |
TechPowerAmp_postfix | "" |
TechPowerAmp_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
TechPowerPerCharge_label | "Spirit per Charge" |
TechPower_label | "Spirit Power" |
TechPower_postfix | "" |
TechPower_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
TechRadiusMultiplier_label | "Radius" |
TechRadiusMultiplier_postfix | "%" |
TechRadiusMultiplier_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
TechRangeAdditive_label | "Ability Range" |
TechRangeAdditive_postfix | "m" |
TechRangeAdditive_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
TechRangeMultiplier_label | "Ability Range" |
TechRangeMultiplier_postfix | "%" |
TechRangeMultiplier_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
TechRange_postfix | "%" |
TechReduction_label | "Spirit Reduction" |
TechResistDuration_label | "Duration" |
TechResistDuration_postfix | "s" |
TechResistPerStack_label | "Spirit Amp per Stack" |
TechResistPerStack_postfix | "%" |
TechResistPerStack_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
TechResistReduction_label | "Target Spirit Resist" |
TechResistReduction_postfix | "%" |
TechResistReduction_prefix | "" |
TechResist_label | "Spirit Resist" |
TechResist_postfix | "%" |
TechResist_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
TechShieldDamagePercent_label | "Spirit Shield Damage" |
TechShieldDamagePercent_postfix | "%" |
TechShieldDamagePercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
TechShieldDuration_label | "Shield Duration" |
TechShieldDuration_postfix | "s" |
TechShieldHealth_label | "Spirit Shield Health" |
TechShieldMaxHealth_label | "Spirit Shield Health" |
TechShieldMaxHealth_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
TechShieldOnCast_label | "Spirit Shield" |
TechShieldPerSecond_label | "Spirit Shield Added" |
TechShieldPerSecond_postfix | "/s" |
TechShieldPoints_label | "Spirit Shield Health" |
TeleportTime_label | "Teleport Delay" |
TeleportTime_postfix | "s" |
TeleporterBonus | "Bonus Movespeed!" |
TempBulletShieldHealth_label | "Temp Bullet Shield Health" |
TempMaxHealth_label | "Overheal Health" |
TempTechShieldHealth_label | "Temp Spirit Shield Health" |
TemporaryBonusClipSizePercent_label | "Temporary Ammo" |
TemporaryBonusClipSizePercent_postfix | "%" |
TemporaryBonusClipSizePercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
TemporaryBonusClipSize_label | "Temporary Ammo" |
TemporaryBonusClipSize_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
TeslaCoilHealth_label | "Tesla Coil Health" |
TeslaCoilLifetime_label | "Tesla Coil Lifetime" |
TetherDistance_label | "Connection Range" |
TetherDistance_postfix | "m" |
TetherDuration_label | "Tether Duration" |
TetherDuration_postfix | "s" |
TetherLength_label | "Tether Length" |
TetherLength_postfix | "m" |
TetherRadius_label | "Tether Radius" |
TetherRadius_postfix | "m" |
TetherRange_label | "Tether Max Range" |
TetherRange_postfix | "m" |
TetherSharedHealPct_label | "Replicated Healing" |
TetherSharedHealPct_postfix | "%" |
TetheredBonusFireRate_label | "Bonus Fire Rate" |
TetheredBonusHealthRegen_label | "Bonus Health Regen" |
TetheredBonusMoveSpeedPct_label | "Bonus Move Speed" |
TetheredBonusMoveSpeedPct_postfix | "%" |
TetheredBonusMoveSpeedPct_prefix | "+" |
ThrowDamage_label | "Throw Damage" |
ThrowDistance_label | "Max Throw Distance" |
ThrowDistance_postfix | "m" |
ThrowRange_label | "Throw Range" |
ThrowRange_postfix | "m" |
TickDamage_label | "Damage per bomb tick" |
TimeBankSpeedBonus_label | "Time acceleration" |
TimeBankSpeedBonus_postfix | "%" |
TimeBankSpeedDurationMax_label | "Accelerated Duration" |
TimeBankSpeedDurationMax_postfix | "s" |
TimeBetweenRockets_label | "Time between rockets" |
TimeBetweenRockets_postfix | "s" |
TimeBetweenShots_label | "Time between shots" |
TimeBetweenShots_postfix | "" |
TimeFreeze_label | "Time Freeze" |
TimeFreeze_postfix | "s" |
TimeSaveDuration_label | "Max Charge Time" |
TimeSaveDuration_postfix | "s" |
TimeSaveSpeedPenaltyDuration_label | "Time Penalty Duration" |
TimeSaveSpeedPenaltyDuration_postfix | "s" |
TimeSaveSpeedPenalty_label | "Time Penalty" |
TimeSaveSpeedPenalty_postfix | "%" |
TimeScaleDuration_label | "Time Stop Duration" |
TimeScaleDuration_postfix | "s" |
TimeSlowPercent_label | "Time Slow" |
TimeSlowPercent_postfix | "%" |
TimeToMaxStacks_label | "Time To Max Stacks" |
TimeToMaxStacks_postfix | "s" |
TimeWallHeight_label | "Wall Height" |
TimeWallHeight_postfix | "m" |
TimeWallWidth_label | "Wall Width" |
TimeWallWidth_postfix | "m" |
TornadoDuration_label | "Tornado Lifetime" |
TornadoDuration_postfix | "s" |
TorrentDelay_Label | "Torrent Delay" |
TorrentDuration_Label | "Torrent Duration" |
TorrentRadius_Label | "Torrent Radius" |
TorrentRadius_postfix | "m" |
TotalDamage_label | "Total Damage" |
TotalHealthRegen_label | "Total HP Regen" |
TotalTetherTargets_label | "Tether Count" |
TrickShotTargetCount_label | "Targets Per Shot" |
TriggerDelay_label | "Explosion Delay" |
TriggerDelay_postfix | "s" |
TrooperLifetime_label | "Trooper lifetime" |
TrooperLifetime_postfix | "s" |
TroopersToSummon_label | "Troopers created" |
TurretAttackRange_label | "Attack Range" |
TurretAttackRange_postfix | "m" |
TurretDPS_label | "Turret DPS" |
TurretDeployTime_label | "Deploy Time" |
TurretDeployTime_postfix | "s" |
TurretFireRate_label | "Turret Fire Rate" |
TurretFireRate_postfix | "%" |
TurretFireRate_prefix | "+" |
TurretHealthScaling_label | "Turret Health" |
TurretHealthScaling_postfix | "%" |
TurretLifetime_label | "Lifetime" |
TurretLifetime_postfix | "s" |
TurretMoveSlowPercent_label | "Turret Movement Slow" |
TurretMoveSlowPercent_postfix | "%" |
UberChargeTime_label | "Uber Charge Time" |
UberChargeTime_postfix | "s" |
UberDuration_label | "Uber Duration" |
UberDuration_postfix | "s" |
UnitBonusDamagePercent_label | "Damage increase percent" |
UppercutBuffOnHit_label | "Boost Duration" |
UppercutBuffOnHit_postfix | "s" |
UppercutDamage_label | "Uppercut Damage" |
VacuumRadius_label | "Singularity Radius" |
VacuumRadius_postfix | "m" |
VeilCross_conditional | "Cross a Cosmic Veil" |
VeilWalker_MoveSpeed_label | "Invis Move Speed" |
VeilWalker_MoveSpeed_postfix | "m/s" |
VenomDuration_label | "Venom Buildup Duration" |
VenomDuration_postfix | "s" |
VenomMaxDamageHealthPercentage_label | "Health for Max Damage" |
VenomMaxDamageHealthPercentage_postfix | "%" |
VenomMaxDamage_label | "Max Venom Damage" |
VenomMinDamage_label | "Minimum Venom Damage" |
VenomMissingHealthDamagePercentage_label | "Missing Health Damage" |
VenomMissingHealthDamagePercentage_postfix | "%" |
VexBarrierBulletMaxHealth_label | "Bullet Shield Health" |
VexBarrierShieldDuration_label | "Duration" |
VexBarrierShieldDuration_postfix | "s" |
VexBarrierTechMaxHealth_label | "Spirit Shield Health" |
VictimStackDuration_label | "Multiplier Duration" |
VictimStackDuration_postfix | "s" |
VisionDuration_label | "Vision Duration" |
VisionDuration_postfix | "s" |
VoidTime_label | "Void Time" |
VoidTime_postfix | "s" |
VoltageDrainDuration_label | "Draining Time" |
VoltageDrainDuration_postfix | "s" |
VulnerabilityPerStack_label | "Damage Amplification" |
VulnerabilityPerStack_postfix | "%" |
VulnerabilityPerStack_prefix | "+" |
WallImpactRange_label | "Impact Range" |
WallImpactRange_postfix | "m" |
WallStunDuration_label | "Duration" |
WallStunDuration_postfix | "s" |
WarpStoneRange_label | "Teleport Range" |
WarpStoneRange_postfix | "m" |
WaveLifetime_label | "Projectile Lifetime" |
WaveLifetime_postfix | "s" |
WaveStunDuration_label | "Disarm/EMP Duration" |
WaveStunDuration_postfix | "s" |
WeaponDamageBonusDuration_label | "Bonus Duration" |
WeaponDamageBonusDuration_postfix | "s" |
WeaponDamageBonusPerSec_label | "Weapon Damage Gain Per Sec" |
WeaponDamageBonusPerSec_postfix | "%" |
WeaponDamageBonus_label | "Weapon Damage" |
WeaponDamageBonus_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
WeaponDamageDebuff_label | "Weapon Damage Debuff" |
WeaponDamageDebuff_postfix | "%" |
WeaponDamagePerHeat_Label | "Courage per Heat Power" |
WeaponFireRateBonus_label | "Fire Rate" |
WeaponFireRateBonus_postfix | "%" |
WeaponFireRateBonus_prefix | "+" |
WeaponPowerAmp_label | "Courage" |
WeaponPowerAmp_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
WeaponPowerAttribute_Desc | "%s1 to any weapon damage bonus" |
WeaponPowerAttribute_Desc_0 | "no additional weapon damage bonuses" |
WeaponPowerBonusDuration_label | "Bonus Courage Duration" |
WeaponPowerBonus_label | "Bonus Courage" |
WeaponPowerDebuff_label | "Weapon Damage" |
WeaponPowerDebuff_postfix | "%" |
WeaponPowerDrained_label | "Courage Drained" |
WeaponPowerGainPercent_label | "Courage Transferred" |
WeaponPowerGainPercent_postfix | "%" |
WeaponPowerPerAssist_label | "Courage per Assist" |
WeaponPowerPerDeath_label | "Courage per Death" |
WeaponPowerPerEnemy_label | "Courage per Enemy" |
WeaponPowerPerEnemy_prefix | "+" |
WeaponPowerPerKill_label | "Weapon Damage per Kill" |
WeaponPowerPerKill_postfix | "%" |
WeaponPowerPerKill_prefix | "+" |
WeaponPowerPerStack_label | "Weapon Damage per Stack" |
WeaponPowerPerStack_postfix | "%" |
WeaponPowerPerStack_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
WeaponPowerScalingTooltip_label | "Courage Bonus Damage" |
WeaponPowerScalingTooltip_postfix | "%" |
WeaponPowerWhileActivated_label | "Courage" |
WeaponPowerWhileActivated_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
WeaponPower_label | "Weapon Damage" |
WeaponPower_postfix | "%" |
WeaponPower_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
WeaponRange_label | "Weapon Range" |
WeaponRange_postfix | "m" |
WeaponRecoilReduction_label | "Recoil Reduction" |
WeaponRecoilReduction_postfix | "%" |
WhirlwindDuration_label | "Bullet Evasion Duration" |
WhirlwindDuration_postfix | "s" |
WhirlwindEvasionChance_label | "Bullet Evasion Chance" |
WhirlwindEvasionChance_postfix | "%" |
WindUpTime_label | "Windup Time" |
WindUpTime_postfix | "s" |
WitheringWhipDisarmDuration_label | "Duration" |
WitheringWhipDisarmDuration_postfix | "s" |
WreckingBallDamage_label | "Damage" |
WreckingBallPickupTime_label | "Create Time" |
WreckingBallPickupTime_postfix | "s" |
ZipLineArrowLifetime_label | "Arrow Flight Time" |
ZipLineArrowLifetime_postfix | "" |
ZipLineSpeedPercent_label | "Zipline Speed" |
ZipLineSpeedPercent_postfix | "%" |
ZipLineSpeedPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
ZiplineJumpBonusDuration_label | "Jump Off Duration" |
ZiplineJumpBonusDuration_postfix | "s" |
ZiplineJumpBonusMoveSpeed_label | "Jump Off Speed Bonus" |
ZiplineJumpBonusMoveSpeed_postfix | "m/s" |
_back_ | "{s:param_1} get back!" |
_missing_ | "{s:param_1} is missing" |
ability_abort_cast | "Abort" |
ability_afterburn | "Afterburn" |
ability_afterburn/modifier_afterburn_watcher/modifier_afterburn_dot | "Burning from Afterburn" |
ability_afterburn_desc | "Your bullets build up to <span style="font-weight: bold;">apply a burning effect on enemies</span>. Infernus's bullets and abilities will <span style="font-weight: bold;">refresh</span> the duration." |
ability_afterburn_quip | "Shoot enemies to set them on fire" |
ability_afterburn_t1_desc | "Victims deal <span style="font-weight: bold;">-25%</span> Spirit Damage." |
ability_ammo_pouch | "Bandolier" |
ability_ammo_pouch_desc | "Large increase to Heavy's ammo" |
ability_astro_rifle | "Marksman" |
ability_astro_rifle_desc | "Equip a Rifle that deals spirit damage to hit Heroes and gives {s:hero_name} a stacking damage bonus against them." |
ability_astro_rifle_desc_debuff | "Damage Vulnerbility" |
ability_astro_rifle_quip | "Precision Shots that escalate damage" |
ability_astro_rifle_t1_desc | "Applies a <span class="highlight">{s:SlowPercent}% slow</span> on hit. Lasts {s:SlowDurationPerStack}s per stack" |
ability_astro_rifle_t3_desc | "<span class="highlight">+{s:Damage}</span> Damage with improved scaling" |
ability_astro_shotgun_toggle | "Force of Nature" |
ability_astro_shotgun_toggle_desc | "Use to toggle between your pistol and shotgun. The shotgun so powerful it forces {s:hero_name} to move the opposite direction of the shot while airborn. [{s:iv_attack}] shoots forward and [{s:iv_attack2}] shoots behind you with a slight delay. The shotgun uses special bullets that does not benefit from ammo mods. <br><br>Lassoed units do not take damage when shooting backwards." |
ability_astro_shotgun_toggle_t1_desc | "+{s:CloseRangeBonusWeaponPower} Close Range Weapon Power" |
ability_blood_bomb | "Essence Bomb" |
ability_blood_bomb_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">Sacrifice some of your health</span> to launch a bomb that <span style="font-weight: bold;">deals damage</span> after a brief arm time.<br>Self damage type is Spirit and can be mitigated." |
ability_blood_bomb_quip | "Sacrifice some health to launch a damaging bomb" |
ability_blood_bomb_t3_desc | "Bombs leave a toxic mess on the ground, dealing <span style="font-weight: bold;">26%</span> of the original <span style="font-weight: bold;">damage per second</span>, for <span style="font-weight: bold;">6s</span>." |
ability_blood_shards | "Malice" |
ability_blood_shards/modifier_blood_shard_debuff | "Malice" |
ability_blood_shards_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">Sacrifice some of your health</span> to launch blood shards that apply a stack of Malice. Each stack <span style="font-weight: bold;">slows</span> the victim and <span style="font-weight: bold;">increases the damage</span> they take from you. The slow effect decreases over time." |
ability_blood_shards_quip | "Stack damage amplification on an enemy" |
ability_blood_shards_t2_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+40</span> Health To Damage and <span style="font-weight: bold;">+7%</span> Damage Amp" |
ability_blood_shards_t3_desc | "+6 Blood Shards" |
ability_bounce_pad | "Bounce Pad" |
ability_bounce_pad/speed_on_land | "Move Speed" |
ability_bounce_pad_desc | "Drop a bounce pad in the world that <span style="font-weight: bold;">sends you and other heroes flying</span>. You will stomp down on landing, <span style="font-weight: bold;">dealing damage</span> to any nearby enemies." |
ability_bounce_pad_quip | "Send yourself and others flying" |
ability_bounce_pad_t1_desc | "You and allies gain a +4m/s movement speed bonus for 4s on landing" |
ability_bounce_pad_t2_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+100</span> Stomp Damage with improved scaling" |
ability_bounce_pad_t3_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+1.25s Stun</span> on Stomp" |
ability_bullet_flurry | "Bullet Dance" |
ability_bullet_flurry/modifier_citadel_bullet_flurry | "Bullet Flurry" |
ability_bullet_flurry_desc | "Enter a flurry, <span style="font-weight: bold;">firing your weapon</span> at nearby enemies with <span style="font-weight: bold;">perfect accuracy</span>." |
ability_bullet_flurry_quip | "Unleash a flurry of bullets around you" |
ability_bullet_flurry_t3_desc | "Gain <span style="font-weight: bold;">+40%</span> Bullet Evasion and <span style="font-weight: bold;">+2m/s</span> Dance Movespeed" |
ability_burrow | "Burrow" |
ability_burrow_cancel_channel | "Unburrow" |
ability_burrow_desc | "Burrow underground, <span style="font-weight: bold;">moving faster,</span> and gaining <span style="font-weight: bold;">spirit and bullet armor</span>. Damage from enemy heroes will reduce the speed bonus. When you jump out, knock enemies into the air and perform a spin attack that <span style="font-weight: bold;">damages and slows</span>. Cooldown starts when Burrow ends." |
ability_burrow_quip | "Travel underground, emerging with spin damage" |
ability_burrow_t1_desc | "Burrow time <span style="font-weight: bold;">+3s</span>" |
ability_burrow_t2_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+140</span> Spin DPS and +2 radius" |
ability_burrow_t3_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">-19.0</span> Cooldown and <span style="font-weight: bold;">+2m/s</span> Move Speed" |
ability_cancel_channel | "End Channel" |
ability_capture_zip_line | "Capture Hyperline" |
ability_carpetbomb_drone | "Street Cleaner" |
ability_carpetbomb_drone_desc | "Summon a drone that drops bombs as it flies. The Drone moves towards the <span class="highlight">aimed direction</span>. Drone explodes in to a cluster of bombs when it expires" |
ability_carpetbomb_drone_t1_desc | "Drone Life Time <span class="highlight">+{s:DroneLifeTime}s</span>" |
ability_carpetbomb_drone_t2_desc | "Ability Cooldown <span class="highlight">{s:AbilityCooldown}s</span> and Drone Health <span class="highlight">+{s:DroneHealth}</span>" |
ability_carpetbomb_drone_t3_desc | "Bomb drop interval <span class="highlight">{s:AttackRate}s</span> and Drone speed <span class="highlight">+{s:DroneSpeed}</span>" |
ability_charged_shot | "Charged Shot" |
ability_charged_shot_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">Charge up a powerful shot</span> that pierces through enemies. Hold 1 or {{Mouse|1}} to hold the shot." |
ability_charged_shot_quip | "Charge up a long range shot" |
ability_charged_shot_t2_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+65 Damage</span>" |
ability_charged_shot_t3_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">Improved damage scaling</span> and <span style="font-weight: bold;">-3s</span> Charge Delay" |
ability_crackshot | "Crackshot" |
ability_crackshot_desc | "Headshots deal bonus <span style="font-weight: bold;">Weapon damage</span> and applies a <span style="font-weight: bold;">Fading Slow</span>. This effect can only occur when off cooldown. <br><br><span style="font-style: italic;">Crackshot ignores range damage fall-off.</span>" |
ability_crackshot_quip | "Deals bonus damage and applies a slow with Headshots" |
ability_death_tax | "Death Tax" |
ability_death_tax_desc | "Enemies injured by Lady Geist are marked with Death Tax. Whenever a marked enemy dies, {s:hero_name} gains health." |
ability_death_tax_t1_desc | "Reduce one of your Cooldowns by <span class="highlight">{s:CooldownReductionOnKill}s</span> when a marked enemy dies" |
ability_death_tax_t3_desc | "Increase Spirit Power by <span class="highlight">{s:TechPowerAmpBonus}</span> for <span class="highlight">{s:TechPowerAmpBonusDuration}s</span> when a marked enemy dies. Stacks up to <span class="highlight">{s:TechPowerAmpBonusMaxStacks}</span> times." |
ability_explosive_barrel | "Powder Keg" |
ability_explosive_barrel_desc | "Place a barrel that explodes when <span style="font-weight: bold;">shot</span>, or on landing after launched via <span style="font-weight: bold;">melee attack</span> or <span style="font-weight: bold;">bounce pad</span>. Has a minimum arm time before it can explode." |
ability_explosive_barrel_quip | "Throw a barrel that explodes when shot" |
ability_explosive_barrel_t3_desc | "-9.5 Cooldown<br>No arm time" |
ability_explosive_trap | "Remote Bomb" |
ability_explosive_trap_desc | "A bomb that launches everything it hits <span class="highlight">up in the air</span>. Manually detonate by pressing <span class="highlight">[1]</span> after arming. Useful for <span class="highlight">mobility</span>." |
ability_explosive_trap_t1_desc | "ArmTime decreased by <span class="highlight">{s:ArmTime}</span> and Blast Force <span class="highlight">+{s:Force}</span>" |
ability_explosive_trap_t3_desc | "Bomb throw range <span class="highlight">+{s:ProjectileSpeedBonus}%</span> and damage <span class="highlight">+{s:Damage}</span>" |
ability_fire_bomb | "Concussive Combustion" |
ability_fire_bomb/modifier_progressbar | "Harnessing Power" |
ability_fire_bomb_desc | "Turns you into a living bomb that explodes after a short delay, <span style="font-weight: bold;">stunning all enemies</span> in its radius." |
ability_fire_bomb_quip | "Stun all nearby enemies after a short delay" |
ability_fire_bomb_t2_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+0.5s</span> Stun Duration and <span style="font-weight: bold;">+4m</span> Radius" |
ability_fire_bomb_t3_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+115 Damage</span> and <span style="font-weight: bold;">100% lifesteal from enemy heroes hit</span>" |
ability_flame_dash | "Flame Dash" |
ability_flame_dash_cancel_trigger | "Cancel Flame Dash" |
ability_flame_dash_desc | "Move forward at <span style="font-weight: bold;">high speed</span> and leave a flame trail that <span style="font-weight: bold;">burns enemies</span>. Infernus gains 50% slow resistance for the duration. <br>Hold {{Mouse|1}} to dash faster." |
ability_flame_dash_quip | "Blaze forward, leaving a flame trail in your wake" |
ability_flame_dash_t1_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+30% Fire Rate Slow</span> for 6s" |
ability_flying_nimbus | "Flying Nimbus" |
ability_golden_idol | "Drop Soul Urn" |
ability_gravity_lasso | "Spirit Lasso" |
ability_gravity_lasso/modifier_citadel_gravity_lasso_enemy | "Spirit Lasso" |
ability_gravity_lasso/modifier_citadel_gravity_lasso_self | "Spirit Lasso" |
ability_gravity_lasso_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">Grab an enemy</span> with your lasso and drag them along behind you. The <span style="font-weight: bold;">enemy is stunned</span> and Astro is slowed slightly during the lasso.<br><br> Lasso duration is paused for 2s during the first usage of a bounce pad." |
ability_gravity_lasso_quip | "Grab an enemy and drag them behind you" |
ability_gravity_lasso_t3_desc | "Can lasso another enemy inside targetting area" |
ability_guided_arrow | "Guided Owl" |
ability_guided_arrow_desc | "After 1.5s cast time, <span style="font-weight: bold;">launch a spirit owl that you control</span> and which explodes on impact, <span style="font-weight: bold;">damaging and stunning</span> enemies. Hold {{Mouse|1}} to accelerate the owl.<br>Press Space to release control. Gain <span style="font-weight: bold;">permanent Spirit Power</span> for each enemy hero killed with Guided Owl." |
ability_guided_arrow_quip | "Fly your owl to damage enemies from afar" |
ability_guided_arrow_t3_desc | "After hit, kills enemies that are below <span style="font-weight: bold;">22% Health</span>" |
ability_hat_trick | "Hat Trick" |
ability_hat_trick_desc | "Throws out her <span class="highlight">hat</span> to strike enemies, <span class="highlight">slowing</span> and <span class="highlight">revealing</span> them through walls." |
ability_hat_trick_quip | "Throws her hat strike and reveal enemies" |
ability_head_stomp | "Head Stomp" |
ability_head_stomp_desc | "{s:hero_name} has more movement control while airborne and gains the ability to bounce off enemy heads after getting enough Air Speed. Head Stomping an enemy will stun them." |
ability_heal_drone | "Medic Drone" |
ability_heal_drone_desc | "Deploy a medic drone which slowly heals you and a nearby teammate."nReplaces any other drone." |
ability_health_swap | "Soul Exchange" |
ability_health_swap/modifier_health_swap_debuff | "Health Swap" |
ability_health_swap_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">Swaps health levels</span> with an enemy target. There is a minimum health percentage that enemies can be brought down to and a minimum amount of health received based on victims current health." |
ability_health_swap_quip | "Swap your current health with an enemy hero's" |
ability_health_swap_t3_desc | "On cast, <span style="font-weight: bold;">+40%</span> Fire Rate and <span style="font-weight: bold;">+40%</span> Spirit Resist for 8s." |
ability_heavy_drone | "Utility Drone" |
ability_heavy_drone_desc | "Creates a helper drone that can be toggled between providing Healing, Speed or Rockets. Drones take a short time to activate after being switched." |
ability_heavy_rage | "Heavy Rage" |
ability_heavy_rage_desc | "Passive - Increases Heavy's gun damage by <span class="highlight">{s:DamageMultiplierPercent}%</span> each time it hits an enemy, up to <span class="highlight">{s:StacksPerEntity} stacks</span> per enemy Hero and NPCs" |
ability_heavy_rage_t1_desc | "Max stacks per enemy Hero or NPCs <span class="highlight">+{s:StacksPerEntity}</span>" |
ability_heavy_rage_t3_desc | "Gain <span class="highlight">{s:StacksOnTakeDamage} stacks </span> when an <span class="highlight">enemy damages Heavy</span>" |
ability_hijack_richochet_projectile | "Ricochet Dagger" |
ability_hijack_richochet_projectile_desc | "Throws a dagger which bounces off walls and launches towards nearby enemies. Pierces and deals damage to any enemy units it hits. Damage increases after first bounce off wall." |
ability_hijack_richochet_projectile_t3_desc | "<span class="highlight">+{s:PreBounceDamage}</span> Pre-Bounce Damage. <span class="highlight">+{s:PostBounceDamage}</span> Post-Bounce Damage." |
ability_ice_dome | "Frozen Shelter" |
ability_ice_dome/modifier_ice_dome/ice_dome_enemy_aura/modifier_debuff | "Frozen Shelter" |
ability_ice_dome/modifier_ice_dome/modifier_debuff | "Frozen Shelter" |
ability_ice_dome_desc | "Kelvin freezes the air around him, creating an <span style="font-weight: bold;">impenetrable dome</span> around himself. While in the dome, allies rapidly <span style="font-weight: bold;">regenerate health</span> and enemies are <span style="font-weight: bold;">slowed</span>. <br>Objectives becomes Invulnerable and Frozen under Frozen Shelter." |
ability_ice_dome_quip | "Create an impenetrable healing dome" |
ability_ice_dome_t1_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+40%</span> Fire Rate Slow" |
ability_ice_dome_t3_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+70</span> Health Regen and now scales with Spirit Power" |
ability_ice_grenade | "Frost Grenade" |
ability_ice_grenade/kelvin_ice_grenade_slow | "Ice Grenade Slow" |
ability_ice_grenade_desc | "Throw a grenade that explodes in a cloud of freezing ice, <span style="font-weight: bold;">damaging</span> and <span style="font-weight: bold;">slowing</span> enemies." |
ability_ice_grenade_quip | "Damage and slow enemies" |
ability_ice_grenade_t2_desc | "Frost Grenade now <span style="font-weight: bold;">heals 125 HP</span> to friendly targets. Scales with Spirit." |
ability_icebeam | "Arctic Beam" |
ability_icebeam/modifier_buildup | "Freezing" |
ability_icebeam/modifier_slow | "Arctic Beam Slow" |
ability_icebeam_desc | "Shoot freezing cold energy out in front of you, <span style="font-weight: bold;">damaging targets</span> and <span style="font-weight: bold;">building up movement and fire rate slow</span> against them the longer you sustain the beam on them. You have reduced movement speed while using Arctic Beam. The beam may also claim Souls." |
ability_icebeam_quip | "Apply an escalating slow" |
ability_icebeam_t3_desc | "Fires <span style="font-weight: bold;">2 additional Arctic Beams</span> toward enemies within 13m of the last target hit" |
ability_icepath | "Ice Path" |
ability_icepath/modifier_icepath | "Ice Path" |
ability_icepath/modifier_icepath/modifier_icepath_friendly_aura/modifier_icepath_buff | "Ice Path" |
ability_icepath_desc | "Kelvin creates a <span style="font-weight: bold;">floating trail</span> of ice and snow that gives movement bonuses to him and his allies. Kelvin gains 60% slow resistance for the duration. Enemies can also walk on the floating trail. <br>Press Shift / Ctrl to travel up or down while in Ice Path." |
ability_icepath_quip | "Speed around on a floating path of ice" |
ability_icepath_t3_desc | "While active, gain +1 Spirit Power per meter of Ice Path trail created. Max of 55 Spirit Power" |
ability_immobilize_trap | "Immobilizing Trap" |
ability_immobilize_trap/trap_debuff | "Spirit Armor Reduced" |
ability_immobilize_trap_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">Throw out a trap</span> that begins to arm itself. Once armed, the trap will trigger when an enemy enters its radius, <span style="font-weight: bold;">immobilizing</span> and then <span style="font-weight: bold;">slowing</span> them." |
ability_immobilize_trap_quip | "Place a trap that immobilizes enemies" |
ability_immobilize_trap_t3_desc | "Grey Talon deals <span style="font-weight: bold;">+30%</span> more Bullet Damage to enemies hit by Immobilizing Trap for <span style="font-weight: bold;">10s</span>" |
ability_incendiary_projectile | "Catalyst" |
ability_incendiary_projectile_desc | "Spew napalm that <span style="font-weight: bold;">slows enemy movement</span> and <span style="font-weight: bold;">amplifies the damage</span> Infernus does to them." |
ability_incendiary_projectile_quip | "Spew napalm that amplifies your damage" |
ability_incendiary_projectile_t2_desc | "Infernus gains <span style="font-weight: bold;">15% Lifesteal</span> against victims" |
ability_incendiary_projectile_t3_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+20%</span> Damage Amplification and <span style="font-weight: bold;">-40%</span> Heal/Regen" |
ability_intimidate | "Scorn" |
ability_intimidate_desc | "Deal <span style="font-weight: bold;">damage</span> to nearby enemies and <span style="font-weight: bold;">heal yourself</span> based on the damage done. Heal is stronger against enemy heroes." |
ability_intimidate_quip | "Damage enemies nearby, healing from each hit" |
ability_intimidate_t3_desc | "Adds a debuff to enemies that lets Mo & Krill deal <span style="font-weight: bold;">+15% Damage</span> to them. Stacks and lasts 16s." |
ability_kali_dust_storm | "Dust Storm" |
ability_kali_dust_storm_desc | "Send out a tornado that <span class="highlight">damages enemies</span> it touches, as well as applying a lingering <span class="highlight">movement and fire rate slow</span>." |
ability_kali_dust_storm_quip | "Send out a tornado that slows enemies" |
ability_kali_dust_storm_t3_desc | "<span class="highlight">{s:AbilityCooldown} Cooldown</span> and <span class="highlight">+{s:AbilityDuration}s Duration</span>" |
ability_kali_tornado_blade | "Whirling Blade" |
ability_kali_tornado_blade_desc | "Throw a blade that deals damage to everything around it. <span class="highlight">Press the skill's Ability key</span> to <span class="highlight">stop</span> Whirling Blade in place and to <span class="highlight">expand its size</span>. Deals additional damage on expansion." |
ability_kali_trappers_bolo | "Trapper's Delight" |
ability_kali_trappers_bolo_desc | "Throw a bolo that bounces between enemy heroes before returning to you. Victims will <span class="highlight">slow down over {s:DebuffDelay}s</span> and then become <span class="highlight">immobilized for {s:ImmobilizeDuration}s</span>. Bounces once per hero." |
ability_kali_trappers_bolo_quip | "Immobilize nearby enemies" |
ability_kali_trappers_bolo_t1_desc | "Enemies hit by the bolo give <span class="highlight">{s:ReverseLifeLeech}% Lifesteal</span> for <span class="highlight">{s:ReverseLifeLeechDuration}s</span>" |
ability_kali_trappers_bolo_t3_desc | "<span class="highlight">Stun</span> enemies that are immobilized" |
ability_lash_flog | "Flog" |
ability_lash_flog/modifier_lash_flog_debuff | "Flog" |
ability_lash_flog_desc | "Strike enemies with your whip, <span style="font-weight: bold;">stealing life</span> from them." |
ability_lash_flog_quip | "Lifesteal from targets ahead of you" |
ability_lash_flog_t1_desc | "Apply <span style="font-weight: bold;">35%</span> Movement Slow for 3s" |
ability_lash_flog_t3_desc | "+105 Damage and applies 35% Fire Rate Slow" |
ability_life_drain | "Life Drain" |
ability_life_drain/modifier_life_drain | "Life Drain" |
ability_life_drain/modifier_life_drain_caster | "Life Drain" |
ability_life_drain_cancel_trigger | "Cancel Life Drain" |
ability_life_drain_desc | "Create a tether that <span style="font-weight: bold;">drains enemy health over time</span> and <span style="font-weight: bold;">heals you</span>. Target must be in line of sight and within max range to drain. You can shoot and use other abilities during the drain, but your movement speed is reduced by half. <br><span style="font-weight: bold;">[Alt-Cast] to give health to friendly Heroes</span>.<br><span style="font-weight: bold;">Press 2</span> to cancel." |
ability_life_drain_quip | "Steal health from an enemy over time" |
ability_life_drain_t3_desc | "Enemy is <span style="font-weight: bold;">Silenced</span> while being Life Drained (requires line of sight)" |
ability_magician_animalcurse | "Rabbit Hex" |
ability_magician_animalcurse/animalhex_curse_modifier | "Hexed!" |
ability_magician_animalcurse_desc | "Hex a target, transforming them into a <span style="font-weight: bold;">Rabbit</span>. Rabbits are smaller and move faster, but receive a Damage Amp and cannot perform most actions.<br><span style="font-weight: bold;">[Cast]</span> Hex target hero.<br><span style="font-weight: bold;">[Alt-Cast]</span> Hex yourself.<br><span style="font-style: italic;">Hex does not interrupt abilities.</span>" |
ability_magician_animalcurse_quip | "Transform your enemy into a rabbit" |
ability_magician_animalcurse_t3_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">Hex</span> nearby enemies for <span style="font-weight: bold;">half duration</span>." |
ability_magician_cloneturret | "Spectral Assistant" |
ability_magician_cloneturret_desc | "Summon an <span style="font-weight: bold;">Assistant</span> at the target location. They mimic your attacks, throwing cards that deal <span style="font-weight: bold;">Spirit Damage</span>. <br><br>Press <span style="font-weight: bold;">2</span> to swap positions with your Assistant." |
ability_magician_cloneturret_quip | "Summon your faithful assistant" |
ability_magician_cloneturret_t3_desc | "The Assistant also mimics Vexing Bolt" |
ability_magician_magicbolt | "Vexing Bolt" |
ability_magician_magicbolt_desc | "Fire a bolt of magic that deals <span style="font-weight: bold;">Spirit Damage</span> and applies a <span style="font-weight: bold;">Fading Slow</span>. <br><br>Press <span style="font-weight: bold;">1</span> to <span style="font-weight: bold;">redirect</span> the bolt towards your crosshairs." |
ability_magician_magicbolt_quip | "Launch a guided bolt of magic" |
ability_magician_magicbolt_t3_desc | "+1 Max Redirects and +130 Damage" |
ability_magician_shadowclone | "The Great Homonculus!" |
ability_magician_shadowclone_desc | "Create a <span class="highlight">Copy</span> of yourself with reduced health and damage. When the clone dies or expires it explodes, dealing Spirit Damage.<br><br><span class="diminish">The Copy cannot use their Ultimate ability.</span>" |
ability_magician_shadowclone_t3_desc | "Copy can cast their <span class="highlight">Ultimate Ability</span>." |
ability_magician_stage | "Captive Audience" |
ability_magician_stage_desc | "Target an enemy. You and the target enemy are bound on Stage, unable to leave. All other characters are pushed out of the radius." |
ability_melee_archer | "Melee" |
ability_melee_astro | "Melee" |
ability_melee_digger | "Melee" |
ability_melee_ghost | "Melee" |
ability_melee_haze | "Melee" |
ability_melee_heavy | "Melee" |
ability_melee_inferno | "Melee" |
ability_melee_kelvin | "Melee" |
ability_melee_lash | "Melee" |
ability_melee_nano | "Melee" |
ability_melee_viscous | "Melee" |
ability_melee_wrecker | "Melee" |
ability_melee_yamato | "Melee" |
ability_melee_zealot | "Melee" |
ability_mirv_grenade_buff | "Mad Bomber" |
ability_mirv_grenade_buff_desc | "Tempoarily turns {s:hero_name}'s primary weapon attack to explode in to a cluster of bombs." |
ability_mirv_grenade_buff_t1 | "Mad Bomber" |
ability_mirv_grenade_buff_t1_desc | "Adds +{s:Grenades} bomb per cluster and +{s:AbilityDuration}s duration" |
ability_mirv_grenade_buff_t2 | "Potency" |
ability_mirv_grenade_buff_t2_desc | "+{s:BlastDamage} damage per grenade and +{s:AbilityDuration}s duration" |
ability_mirv_grenade_buff_t3 | "Carpet Bombing" |
ability_mirv_grenade_buff_t3_desc | "Infinite Shots while Mad Bomber is active" |
ability_nano_pounce | "Pounce" |
ability_nano_pounce_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">Leap</span> at a target to inflict <span style="font-weight: bold;">Light Melee damage</span> and <span style="font-weight: bold;">slow</span> on nearby enemies. <br>You may use <span style="font-weight: bold;">Pounce on a second target</span> if used within <span style="font-weight: bold;">3s</span>" |
ability_nano_pounce_quip | "Leap at your enemies" |
ability_nano_pounce_t1_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+1s</span> Slow Duration" |
ability_nano_pounce_t2_desc | "Reloads up to <span style="font-weight: bold;">20%</span> of your ammo and applies <span style="font-weight: bold;">+30%</span> Fire Rate Slow." |
ability_nano_pounce_t3_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+60</span> Damage and <span style="font-weight: bold;">+1</span> Ability Charge." |
ability_nano_proximity_ritual | "Nekomata Ward" |
ability_nano_proximity_ritual_desc | "Deploy a <span style="font-weight: bold;">Statue</span> to track enemies in an area. The Ward will also attack enemies recently damaged by Calico. Targeted enemies have reduced healing and <span style="font-weight: bold;">heal Calico</span> when damaged." |
ability_nano_proximity_ritual_quip | "Deploy a statue that survey's an area" |
ability_nano_proximity_ritual_t1_desc | "Statues gain <span style="font-weight: bold;">Invisibility</span> when not attacking." |
ability_nano_proximity_ritual_t2_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+1</span> Ability Charge and <span style="font-weight: bold;">+20</span> DPS." |
ability_nano_proximity_ritual_t3_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">-30%</span> Damage Reduction and -30% Heal Reduction on targets." |
ability_nano_proximity_ritual_trigger | "Recall Ava" |
ability_nano_shadow_step | "Queen of Shadows" |
ability_nano_shadow_step_desc | "Mark your enemies and bathe yourself in shadow to strengthen your attacks and make yourself <span style="font-weight: bold;">Invisible</span>. Attacking will only temporarily reveal you. Hitting enemies with <span style="font-weight: bold;">Melee damage</span> will reduce their bullet resist (stacking)" |
ability_nano_shadow_step_quip | "Enter the shadows to gain the advantage on your enemies" |
ability_nano_shadow_step_t2_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+40%</span> Slow Resist while Active" |
ability_nano_shadow_step_t3_desc | "Heavy Melee attacks cause <span style="font-weight: bold;">Silence</span> for 3s" |
ability_overcharge | "Energy Surge" |
ability_overcharge_desc | "Temporarily boosts the effect of Heavy's current drone and increases his fire rate." |
ability_perched_predator | "Sekhmet's Spirit" |
ability_perched_predator_desc | "Send a Spirit Cat forward that grab's targets in its way. Grabbing a Hero will cause an explosion soon after. <br>Press 1 to manually create the explosion." |
ability_perched_predator_quip | "Send out a Spirit Cat to grab enemies" |
ability_power_jump | "Rain of Arrows" |
ability_power_jump/modifier_air_raid/modifier_slow_base | "Slowed" |
ability_power_jump/modifier_citadel_archer_air_raid/modifier_slow_base | "Slowing Bullets" |
ability_power_jump_desc | "Launches you high in the air, allowing you to glide slowly. While airborne, you gain <span style="font-weight: bold;">Weapon Damage</span> and <span style="font-weight: bold;">multishot on your weapon</span>. <br>Alt-Cast for reduced jump height. <br>Press Space to cancel the glide." |
ability_power_jump_quip | "Jump high up in the air and unleash multishots" |
ability_power_jump_t2_desc | "While airborne, <span style="font-weight: bold;">+5</span> Weapon Damage and weapon damage applies <span style="font-weight: bold;">40%</span> movement slow for 1.5s" |
ability_power_jump_t3_desc | "While airborne, <span style="font-weight: bold;">+50%</span> Bullet Lifesteal and <span style="font-weight: bold;">+50%</span> Spirit Lifesteal" |
ability_power_surge | "Power Surge" |
ability_power_surge_desc | "Power up your weapon with a shock effect, making <span style="font-weight: bold;">your bullets proc shock damage on your target</span>. This shock damage <span style="font-weight: bold;">bounces to enemies</span> near your target. Occurs once per burst shot." |
ability_power_surge_quip | "Create electric arcs with your shots" |
ability_power_surge_t1_desc | "Shock Damage applies -15% Spirit Resist for 8s" |
ability_power_surge_t3_desc | "+12 Shock Damage, improved Spirit scaling, and +3 Max Jumps" |
ability_propulsion_gel | "Propulsion Gel" |
ability_propulsion_gel_desc | "Fire a wave of propulsion gel that grants <span class="highlight">increased movement speed</span> for allies. Unit's hit by the gel wave will be covered by gel and leave a trail behind them" |
ability_propulsion_gel_t1_desc | "Gel reduces zoomed and shooting move speed penalty by <span class="highlight">{s:ShootingSpeedPenaltyReduction}%</span> to friendly units" |
ability_propulsion_gel_t2_desc | "Gel travel distance <span class="highlight">+{s:AbilityCastRange}m</span>" |
ability_propulsion_gel_t3_desc | "Move speed bonus <span class="highlight">+{s:MoveSpeedFriendlyBuff}</span>" |
ability_rocket_drone | "Heavy Drone" |
ability_rocket_drone_desc | "Deploy a drone which shoots <span class="highlight">homing rockets</span> at enemies at close range that <span class="highlight">slows</span> enemies." |
ability_rocket_drone_t1_desc | "The Drone adds <span class="highlight">{s:ClipReloadPercentagePerSecond}% of max clip per second</span> to Heavy's gun" |
ability_rocket_drone_t2_desc | "The Drone applies health regen to Heavy and a nearby target for <span class="highlight">{s:DroneHealthRegen} health per second </span>." |
ability_rocket_drone_t3_desc | "Maximum rockets per second <span class="highlight">+{s:RocketsPerSecond}</span>" |
ability_scrap_blast | "Bio Blast" |
ability_scrap_blast/modifier_scrap_blast_debuff | "Slowed" |
ability_scrap_blast_desc | "Shoots out a blast of consumed remains, <span style="font-weight: bold;">damaging</span> and <span style="font-weight: bold;">slowing</span> enemies. Multiple hits increase the slow." |
ability_scrap_blast_quip | "Shoot a blast of bio mass" |
ability_self_purge | "Uproar" |
ability_self_purge_desc | "<span class="highlight">Drags enemies</span> towards heavy and causes an explosion." |
ability_self_purge_t1_desc | "Permanent Ammo <span class="highlight">+{s:ClipBonusOnHit}</span> for every enemy Hero hit by the explosion" |
ability_shielded_sentry_rocket | "Sentry Rocket" |
ability_sleep_dagger | "Sleep Dagger" |
ability_sleep_dagger/modifier_citadel_sleep_bomb/modifier_citadel_sleep_dagger_asleep | "Sleeping" |
ability_sleep_dagger_desc | "Throw a dagger that <span style="font-weight: bold;">damages</span> and <span style="font-weight: bold;">sleeps</span> the target. Sleeping targets wake up shortly after being damaged. Throwing a Dagger does not break your invisibility. Sleep Dagger does not interrupt enemies' channeling abilities." |
ability_sleep_dagger_quip | "Put an enemy to sleep" |
ability_sleep_dagger_t1_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">Removes 1 stamina</span>" |
ability_sleep_dagger_t3_desc | "Applies <span style="font-weight: bold;">-12% Bullet Resist</span> for 6s on wake-up." |
ability_slingshot_bruising_shot | "Bruising Shot" |
ability_slingshot_bruising_shot_desc | "Hits damage the target, and stack bruises on them that increase all subsequent damage taken from Slingshot's weapon and abilities." |
ability_slingshot_bruising_shot_t1_desc | "<span class="highlight">+{s:BruiseFireRate}% fire rate</span> per stack when shooting at a bruised enemy." |
ability_slingshot_catapult | "Catapult" |
ability_slingshot_catapult_desc | "Slingshots builds up power before launching himself forward as a large spinning ball, rolling around damaging enemies. Explodes on finish." |
ability_slingshot_open_wounds | "Open Wounds" |
ability_slingshot_open_wounds_desc | "Passive. Slingshot's bullets cause wounds to build up on the enemy, dealing a large burst of damage when enough hits are inflicted." |
ability_slingshot_open_wounds_t3_desc | "Damage burst sprays poisonous blood nearby, damaging any enemies staying in the area." |
ability_slingshot_ultimate | "Earthquake" |
ability_slingshot_ultimate_desc | "All nearby enemies are knocked in the air and stunned for as long as Slingshot channels." |
ability_smelt | "Smelt" |
ability_smelt_desc | "Every time Heavy takes damage from a bullet it goes into his weapon clip and reduces ability cooldowns." |
ability_smoke_bomb | "Smoke Bomb" |
ability_smoke_bomb/modifier_buff | "Stabilizer" |
ability_smoke_bomb_desc | "Fade out of sight, becoming <span style="font-weight: bold;">invisible</span> and gaining <span style="font-weight: bold;">sprint speed</span>. Attacking removes invisibility. Close enemies can see through your invisibility." |
ability_smoke_bomb_quip | "Fade out of sight" |
ability_smoke_bomb_t1_desc | "<span class="highlight">{s:AbilityCooldown}s</span> Ability Cooldown" |
ability_smoke_bomb_t2_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+6m/s</span> Invis Sprint Speed" |
ability_smoke_bomb_t3_desc | "After invis, gain <span style="font-weight: bold;">+30% Bullet Lifesteal</span> for 8s" |
ability_speed_drone | "Speed Drone" |
ability_speed_drone_desc | "Deploy a energy drone which helps you run faster, and reduces your windup and reload times."nReplaces any other drone." |
ability_stacking_damage | "Fixation" |
ability_stacking_damage/modifier_passive_haze_stacking_damage | "Fixated" |
ability_stacking_damage/modifier_passive_haze_stacking_damage/slow | "Slowed" |
ability_stacking_damage_desc | "Shooting a target <span style="font-weight: bold;">increases your bullet damage on that target</span>. Gain one <span style="font-weight: bold;">stack</span> per bullet hit, two if the hit is a headshot." |
ability_stacking_damage_quip | "Deal increasing bullet damage to a target" |
ability_stacking_damage_t1_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">60</span> Spirit damage and <span style="font-weight: bold;">15%</span> slow for 2s to target every <span style="font-weight: bold;">20</span> stacks" |
ability_stacking_damage_t2_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+40</span> Max Stacks and <span style="font-weight: bold;">+5s</span> Duration" |
ability_target_practice | "Target Practice" |
ability_target_practice_desc | "On activate, your next gun hit selects an enemy Hero as a target. Shoot them <span class="highlight">{s:ShotsToProc} times</span> to deal a burst of spirit damage. Every Headshot will increase the burst" |
ability_target_practice_quip | "Focus shots on a target to gain an advantage" |
ability_target_practice_t3_desc | "Your bullets reduce your target's <span class="highlight">Bullet Resist by {s:BulletArmorReduction}%</span> for {s:DebuffDuration}s" |
ability_teammate_armor_buff | "Protective Shell" |
ability_teammate_armor_buff/modifier_consumed_armor_buff | "Protective Shell" |
ability_teammate_armor_buff_desc | "Apply a temporary Bullet and Spirit barrier to a friendly unit or yourself." |
ability_teammate_armor_buff_t1_desc | "Add movement speed bonus effect <span class="highlight">+{s:SpeedBonus}m/s</span>" |
ability_teammate_armor_buff_t2_desc | "Adds health regen effect <span class="highlight">+{s:HealthRegenBonus}</span>" |
ability_teammate_armor_buff_t3_desc | "Bullet Shield <span class="highlight">+{s:BulletShieldHealth}</span> and Spirit Shield <span class="highlight">+{s:TechShieldHealth}</span>" |
ability_tempest_faraday_cage | "Faraday Cage" |
ability_tempest_faraday_cage_desc | "Target an enemy hero to trap them in a faraday cage, blocking movement and bullets." |
ability_tempest_ion_dagger | "Ion Dagger" |
ability_tempest_ion_dagger_desc | "Tempest throws a dagger that damages the target and applies an ionizing charge to it for a duration. Tech damage dealt to that target is increased and a cleaves for a percentage of that damage to nearby targets. Ionizing a target multiple times increases the duration." |
ability_tempest_tesla_coil | "Tesla Coil" |
ability_tempest_tesla_coil/modifier_tesla_coil_aura_alert/modifier_tesla_coil_alert | "Tesla Coil Nearby" |
ability_tempest_tesla_coil/modifier_tesla_coil_aura_damage_amp/modifier_tesla_coil_damage_amp | "Tesla Coil Nearby" |
ability_tempest_tesla_coil_desc | "Build a Tesla Coil that builds a charge on itself then discharges on the closest enemy within range. Holds the charge and builds overcharge if no enemies are in range. When Tempest fights in range of the coil, his gun is amp'd and his bullets deal bonus spirit damage." |
ability_tempest_weathermaker | "Weathermaker" |
ability_tempest_weathermaker/modifier_citadel_tempest_weathermaker_lightning_incoming | "100% Chance of Lightning" |
ability_tempest_weathermaker/modifier_citadel_tempest_weathermaker_lightning_incoming/modifier_reveal_enemy | "Revealed" |
ability_tempest_weathermaker_desc | "A ray of sun shines on each enemy hero anywhere on the map. Moments later, any enemy that did not find cover is struck by a powerful bolt of lightning, dealing damage to them and revealing them through walls for a duration. Can pass through Faraday Cage." |
ability_throw_sand | "Sand Blast" |
ability_throw_sand_desc | "Spray sand that <span style="font-weight: bold;">disarms</span> enemies in front of you and deals <span style="font-weight: bold;">damage</span>." |
ability_throw_sand_quip | "Disarm enemies in front of you" |
ability_throw_sand_t3_desc | "Slow targets by <span style="font-weight: bold;">-50%</span>" |
ability_uber_drone | "Uber Charge" |
ability_uber_drone_desc | "After a charge-up time, Heavy turns <span class="highlight">invulnerable</span>" |
ability_uber_drone_t1_desc | "While Ubered, <span class="highlight">infinite clip</span> and <span class="highlight">no windup</span>" |
ability_uber_drone_t2_desc | "Uber Duration <span class="highlight">+{s:UberDuration}s</span>" |
ability_uber_drone_t3_desc | "Gain <span class="highlight">+{s:RageOnUber} stacks of Heavy Rage</span>" |
ability_ult_combo | "Combo" |
ability_ult_combo_desc | "Hold the target in place, <span style="font-weight: bold;">stunning them and dealing damage</span> during the channel. If they die during Combo, you permanently gain max health." |
ability_ult_combo_quip | "Hold the enemy hero in place and pummel them" |
ability_ult_combo_t1_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+30%</span> Bullet Resist during Combo" |
ability_ult_combo_t2_desc | "Combo Duration <span style="font-weight: bold;">+0.75s</span>" |
ability_ult_combo_t3_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+40</span> Damage Per Second and <span style="font-weight: bold;">100% lifesteal</span>" |
ability_upgrade_description | "You have unlocked a tier {s:upgradeTier} ability upgrade. Choose an upgrade from the list below." |
ability_upgrade_description_open_shop | "Tier {s:upgradeTier} upgrades" |
ability_upgrade_extra_info | "Ability upgrades are unlocked whenever you purchase two upgrades in any mod tier (Weapon, Armor, Tech or Utility)." |
ability_viper_hookdagger | "Hook Blade" |
ability_viper_hookdagger_desc | "Throw a blade, dealing <span style="font-weight: bold;">Spirit Damage</span>. The blade then hooks back, applying <span style="font-weight: bold;">Spirit Damage</span> again and applying a <span style="font-weight: bold;">Slow</span>." |
ability_viper_hookdagger_quip | "Throw a blade that returns to you" |
ability_viper_hookdagger_t3_desc | "Throw an additional <span style="font-weight: bold;">2 Daggers</span>" |
ability_viper_snakedash | "Slither" |
ability_viper_snakedash_desc | "You have increased Slide Distance, can Slide up hills, and can turn faster while Sliding.</span>" |
ability_viper_snakedash_quip | "Increase the agility of your Slide" |
ability_viper_snakedash_t3_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+50% Bullet Evasion</span> while Sliding" |
ability_viper_ult | "Petrify" |
ability_viper_ult/viper_ult_petrify | "Petrified" |
ability_viper_ult_desc | "Create a hexed area on the ground. After a delay, ALL units in the cylindrical area are <span></span><span style="font-weight: bold;">Petrified</span>. Enemies also suffer <span style="font-weight: bold;">Spirit Damage</span>.<br><br><span style="font-style: italic;">Petrified units block all damage, but cannot take actions.<br>Petrified units break free after blocking enough damage.</span>" |
ability_viper_ult_quip | "Turn both allies and enemies into stone" |
ability_viper_venom | "Lethal Venom" |
ability_viper_venom_desc | "Inject a target with lethal venom. After a delay the venom triggers, dealing <span style="font-weight: bold;">Spirit Damage</span>. The damage is increased by the target's missing health.<br><br><span style="font-style: italic;">Reapplying Venom refreshes the duration.</span>" |
ability_viper_venom_quip | "Inject your enemies with a deadly venom" |
ability_viper_venom_t3_desc | "+<span style="font-weight: bold;">8% Missing Health Damage</span>" |
ability_warden_crowd_control | "Alchemical Flask" |
ability_warden_crowd_control_desc | "Throw a flask that <span style="font-weight: bold;">damages, slows movement,</span> and reduces the <span style="font-weight: bold;">weapon damage</span> and of enemies it hits." |
ability_warden_crowd_control_quip | "Damage and debuff enemies nearby" |
ability_warden_crowd_control_t1_desc | "Hit enemies lose <span style="font-weight: bold;">1 Stamina</span>" |
ability_warden_crowd_control_t3_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">-6.5s</span> Cooldown and Weapon Debuff applies <span style="font-weight: bold;">35%</span> Fire Rate Slow" |
ability_warden_high_alert | "Willpower" |
ability_warden_high_alert_desc | "Gain a <span style="font-weight: bold;">spirit shield</span> and <span style="font-weight: bold;">bonus movement speed</span>." |
ability_warden_high_alert_quip | "Gain a spirit shield and movement speed" |
ability_warden_high_alert_t3_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+200</span> Spirit Shield Health and now scales with Spirit Power" |
ability_warden_lock_down | "Binding Word" |
ability_warden_lock_down_desc | "Curse an enemy hero. If they don't move away from their initial position within the <span style="font-weight: bold;">escape time</span>, they will be <span style="font-weight: bold;">damaged</span> and <span style="font-weight: bold;">immobilized</span>." |
ability_warden_lock_down_quip | "Curse your target, rooting them if they don't escape" |
ability_warden_lock_down_t3_desc | "Warden deals <span style="font-weight: bold;">+20% more Bullet Damage</span> to trapped Heroes for <span style="font-weight: bold;">6s</span>" |
ability_warden_riot_protocol | "Last Stand" |
ability_warden_riot_protocol_desc | "After charging for 2s, <span style="font-weight: bold;">release pulses that damage enemies and heal you</span> based on the damage done. <br>While channeling Last Stand you are have greatly increased <span style="font-weight: bold;">bullet resist</span>." |
ability_warden_riot_protocol_quip | "Emit pulses that steal health from enemies" |
ability_warden_riot_protocol_t3_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">-56.0s</span> Cooldown and Gain <span style="font-weight: bold;">Unstoppable Status Resist</span> while channeling." |
ability_wrecker_salvage | "Consume" |
ability_wrecker_salvage_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">Stuns</span> an enemy trooper or NPC, <span style="font-weight: bold;">damaging</span> them while held. A successful kill provides a <span style="font-weight: bold;">fire rate</span> bonus, and restores a <span style="font-weight: bold;">Bio Blast</span> charge. This bonus stacks independently" |
ability_wrecker_salvage_quip | "Consume an enemy trooper or neutral" |
ability_wrecker_salvage_t1_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">150 health</span> restored per kill." |
ability_wrecker_teleport | "Astral Walk" |
ability_wrecker_teleport_desc | "Launch a <span style="font-weight: bold;">flying shadow copy of yourself that you control</span>, <span style="font-weight: bold;">teleporting</span> your original body to wherever it lands. The teleport explosion <span style="font-weight: bold;">slows enemies and deals damage</span> based on how long you were flying." |
ability_wrecker_teleport_quip | "Launch a flying illusion of yourself, teleporting your real body where the illusion lands" |
ability_wrecker_ultimate | "Magnetic Flux" |
ability_wrecker_ultimate_desc | "<span class="highlight">Grabs</span> any enemy looked at by Wrecker, putting them in <span class="highlight">stasis</span> and holding them overhead. <span class="highlight">Stuns</span>, and <span class="highlight">damages</span> all captured enemies when finished. Any grabbed NPCs are <span class="highlight">salvaged</span>." |
ability_wrecker_ultimate_t3_desc | "Wrecker is <span class="highlight">Invulnerable</span> during use" |
ability_wrecking_ball | "Wrecking Ball" |
ability_wrecking_ball_desc | "Create a large ball of scrap that can be thrown, <span style="font-weight: bold;">damaging and stunning</span> anything it hits. The ball takes time to create and you move slower while carrying it." |
ability_wrecking_ball_quip | "Throw a ball of scrap that stuns enemies" |
active_bullet_shield | "Bullet Shield" |
afterburn_spirit_stolen_buff | "Spirit Taken" |
afterburn_spirit_stolen_debuff | "Spirit Stolen" |
akimbo_bulletshield | "Bullet Shield" |
akimbo_bulletshield/modifier_duration | "{s:hero_name}'s Bullet Shield" |
akimbo_bulletshield_desc | "Creates a shield that protects {s:hero_name} from bullets and prevents bullet based procs. Bullet shield explodes when it expires. <br>Prevents" |
akimbo_chargedshot | "Overload" |
akimbo_chargedshot_desc | "{s:hero_name} charges gun and deals <span class="highlight">Spirit Damage</span> to nearby enemies in front." |
akimbo_chargedshot_t1_desc | "<span class="highlight">+{s:BonusMoveSpeed}m/s</span> move speed while charging." |
akimbo_chargedshot_t3_desc | "Reduces enemy bullet armor by <span class="highlight">{s:BulletArmorReduction}</span> for <span class="highlight">{s:BulletArmorReductionDuration}s</span>" |
akimbo_rocketman | "Rocket Man" |
akimbo_rocketman_desc | "{s:hero_name} transforms into a grenade that stuns enemies." |
akimbo_stealammo | "Steal Clip" |
akimbo_stealammo/modifier_bonus_tech_power | "Spirit Bonus" |
akimbo_stealammo/modifier_reload_speed | "Slow Reload" |
akimbo_stealammo_desc | "Force targets to reload. {s:hero_name} gains <span class="highlight">{s:StealTechPower}% Spirit Power</span> per target." |
ammo_permanent_pickup_label | "+4% Ammo" |
ammo_permanent_pickup_label_lv2 | "+6% Ammo" |
ammo_permanent_pickup_label_lv3 | "+8% Ammo" |
apocalypse_armageddon | "Armageddon" |
apocalypse_armageddon_desc | "A pool of light marks a safe zone surrounding {s:hero_name} as meteors fall from the sky in a wide radius around the safe zone. Meteors damage allies as well as enemies, but damage to allies is reduced and non-lethal." |
apocalypse_discharge_soul | "Discharge Soul" |
apocalypse_discharge_soul/modifier_tombstone_nearby_aura/modifier_tombstone_nearby | "Tombstone Nearby" |
apocalypse_discharge_soul_desc | "Fires a projectile that damages, EMPs, and slows. Charges do not refresh with time. Collect charges by kneeling next to tombstones that appear near fallen friendly troopers." |
apocalypse_four_horsemen | "Four Horsemen" |
apocalypse_four_horsemen_desc | "Summon four hologram horsemen who stampede in a straight line, damaging enemies they pass through and leaving a trail that slows and damages enemies." |
apocalypse_gigantic_sword | "Gigantic Sword" |
apocalypse_gigantic_sword_desc | "{s:hero_name}'s staff turns into a gigantic sword. When active, Apocalypse's melee attack deal extra damage and cover extra range." |
assassin_modifier | "+Weapon Damage" |
berserker_stack | "Berserker" |
breakable_pickup_missing_loc | "PICKUP MISSING LOC NAME" |
cadence_ability_anthem | "Anthem" |
cadence_ability_anthem_desc | "Burst into an inspiring song! You and any ally that comes within range get an instant reload with an extra large clip, and have a Fire Rate bonus that increases until the song ends." |
cadence_ability_anthem_quip | "Lead the charge, inspiring allies in earshot and giving them weapon buffs" |
cadence_ability_crescendo | "Crescendo" |
cadence_ability_crescendo_desc | "Encase nearby enemies in glass in an increasing range over a short duration. Cadence then breaks the glass with her powerful voice, breaking any shields on the them, damaging them, and giving them massive bullet vulnerability for a duraiton after." |
cadence_ability_crescendo_quip | "Encase enemies in glass then shatter it" |
cadence_ability_grandfinale | "Grand Finale" |
cadence_ability_grandfinale_desc | "Build high ground undernearth Cadence. Allies fighting from the high ground get a fire rate bonus and explosive bullets." |
cadence_ability_grandfinale_quip | "Build a stage, then fight from it with weapon buffs." |
cadence_ability_lullaby | "Lullaby" |
cadence_ability_lullaby_desc | "Lull your foes to sleep! Any enemy that comes in range of Cadence sleeps until woken by damage, Cadence goes out of range, or the song ends. Cadence has bonus regeneration while singing." |
cadence_ability_lullaby_quip | "Lull any foe you come within earshot of to sleep." |
cadence_ability_silencecontraptions | "Silence Contraptions" |
cadence_ability_silencecontraptions_desc | "Disarm yourself perform a long-range dash melee attack. For the duration of the song, you remain disarmed and your melee abilities apply a debuff that disarms and EMP's enemy targets." |
cadence_ability_silencecontraptions_quip | "Start a melee brawl. No guns allowed." |
casting_powerup_pickup | "Casting" |
cd_permanent_pickup_label | "+0.75% Cooldown Reduction" |
cd_permanent_pickup_label_lv2 | "+1% Cooldown Reduction" |
cd_permanent_pickup_label_lv3 | "+1.5% Cooldown Reduction" |
chat_wheel_options | "WHEEL OPTIONS" |
chrono_time_trap_debuff | "Time Bomb" |
citadel_ClearHeroHotkeyBindings | "Reset to Default" |
citadel_Hotkeys_Tooltip_PerUnitHotkeys | "Enable/Disable Hero Specific Keybinds" |
citadel_ability_action | "" |
citadel_ability_ballista_ammo_pack | "Belt Feed" |
citadel_ability_ballista_ammo_pack_desc | "Equips an ammo backpack, allowing rapid fire of heavy ballistic shells. Slows the user somewhat.<br><br>This can be cancelled by toggling off. Remaining shells will be lost." |
citadel_ability_ballista_ammo_pack_t1_desc | "<span class="highlight">+{s:ClipSize}</span> shells" |
citadel_ability_ballista_bullet_storm | "Bullet Storm" |
citadel_ability_ballista_bullet_storm/modifier_ballista_bullet_storm_aura/modifier_ballista_bullet_storm_debuff | "Bullet Storm" |
citadel_ability_ballista_bullet_storm_desc | "Fires a shell into the air which explodes into a rain of shrapnel. Deals damage over time and slows." |
citadel_ability_ballista_fusion_bomb | "Fusion Bomb" |
citadel_ability_ballista_fusion_bomb/modifier_ballista_fusion_bomb_warning_aura/modifier_ballista_fusion_bomb_warning_target | "Take cover!" |
citadel_ability_ballista_fusion_bomb/modifier_citadel_ballista_fusion_bomb_plant | "Planting bomb..." |
citadel_ability_ballista_fusion_bomb/modifier_citadel_ballista_fusion_bomb_slow | "Slowed" |
citadel_ability_ballista_fusion_bomb_desc | "Plants a fused bomb that deals light damage every second, until it explodes after {s:Fuse}." |
citadel_ability_ballista_mine_field | "Mine Field" |
citadel_ability_ballista_mine_field_desc | "Places a clister of proximity mines around the target area. Mines deal damage and slow their victims" |
citadel_ability_ballista_mine_field_t2_desc | "<span class="highlight">+{s:NumMines}</span> mines" |
citadel_ability_ballista_shell_shotgun | "Flak Cannon" |
citadel_ability_ballista_shell_shotgun_desc | "Ballista wields a massive flak cannon, dealing damage and knocking back enemies in front of her.<br><br>Deals weapon damage" |
citadel_ability_ballista_shell_shotgun_t3_desc | "Hitting <span class="highlight">{s:TargetsToAddCharge}+</span> targets refunds charge" |
citadel_ability_basicdamagereflect | "Reflect Basic Damage" |
citadel_ability_bebop_laser_beam | "Hyper Beam" |
citadel_ability_bebop_laser_beam_desc | "Charge up your laser to unleash a powerful torrent of energy that <span style="font-weight: bold;">deals damage</span> and <span style="font-weight: bold;">slows enemies' movement and dashes</span>. You have slow movement and turn rate for the duration. If activated in the air, you will hover while unleashing the beam." |
citadel_ability_bebop_laser_beam_quip | "Unleash a massive damaging beam" |
citadel_ability_bebop_laser_beam_t3_desc | "Hyper Beam heals Bebop for <span style="font-weight: bold;">100%</span> of its damage on Heroes. 33% on non-hero" |
citadel_ability_bull_charge | "Shoulder Charge" |
citadel_ability_bull_charge_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">Charge forward</span>, colliding with enemies and dragging them along. Hitting a <span style="font-weight: bold;">wall</span> will <span style="font-weight: bold;">Stun</span> enemies caught by Abrams. Speed increased after colliding with enemy Heroes." |
citadel_ability_bull_charge_quip | "Charge into the fray, dragging enemies along" |
citadel_ability_bull_charge_t3_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+5.5</span> Weapon Damage for <span style="font-weight: bold;">8s</span> after colliding with an enemy" |
citadel_ability_bull_heal | "Siphon Life" |
citadel_ability_bull_heal/modifier_bull_heal_aura | "Siphon Life" |
citadel_ability_bull_heal_desc | "Drain health from enemies in front of you while they are in the radius." |
citadel_ability_bull_heal_quip | "Drain health from enemies in front of you" |
citadel_ability_bull_leap | "Seismic Impact" |
citadel_ability_bull_leap_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">Leap high into the air</span> and choose a ground location to crash into. When you hit the ground, <span style="font-weight: bold;">all enemies in the radius are damaged and stunned</span>.<br>Press {{Mouse|1}} to crash down early." |
citadel_ability_bull_leap_quip | "Smash into enemies from above, stunning them" |
citadel_ability_bull_leap_t2_desc | "Gain 100 Max HP and 15% Fire Rate per hero hit. Lasts 25s." |
citadel_ability_bull_leap_t3_desc | "On cast, become <span style="font-weight: bold;">Immune</span> to <span style="font-weight: bold;">Stun, Silence, Sleep, Root, and Disarm</span>. Expires 3s after landing." |
citadel_ability_bullet_damage_amp_wall | "Bullet Damage Amp Wall" |
citadel_ability_card_toss | "Card Trick" |
citadel_ability_card_toss_desc | "Deal weapon damage to summon cards. Activate to throw a card that flies towards the enemy or point under your crosshair." |
citadel_ability_card_toss_quip | "Throw homing cards" |
citadel_ability_chain_lightning | "Chain Lightning" |
citadel_ability_chain_lightning_t1 | "Chain Radius" |
citadel_ability_chain_lightning_t2 | "Chain Damage" |
citadel_ability_chain_lightning_t3 | "360 Cone" |
citadel_ability_chain_lightning_t3_desc | "Chain lightning can hit any enemies around the target." |
citadel_ability_charged_tackle | "Charged Tackle" |
citadel_ability_charged_tackle/modifier_charge_pull_enemy | "Charged Tackle" |
citadel_ability_charged_tackle_cancel_channel | "Stop Charging" |
citadel_ability_charged_tackle_desc | "Build up power then enter a charge, <span class="highlight">dragging and damaging enemies</span> in your path. Can be canceled early." |
citadel_ability_charged_tackle_quip | "Charge into combat" |
citadel_ability_charged_tackle_t1_desc | "<span class="highlight">+{s:Damage}</span> Damage and <span class="highlight">+{s:ChargeDistance}m</span> Charge Distance." |
citadel_ability_charged_tackle_t2_desc | "Gain a <span class="highlight">{s:TechShield}HP Spirit Shield</span> for <span class="highlight">{s:TechShieldDuration}s</span> when Charged Tackle ends." |
citadel_ability_charged_tackle_t3_desc | "<span class="highlight">Remove Prepare Time</span> and <span class="highlight">{s:AbilityCooldown}s</span> Ability Cooldown" |
citadel_ability_chrono_kinetic_carbine | "Kinetic Carbine" |
citadel_ability_chrono_kinetic_carbine/modifier_chrono_kinetic_carbine | "Kinetic Carbine" |
citadel_ability_chrono_kinetic_carbine_charged | "CHARGED!" |
citadel_ability_chrono_kinetic_carbine_desc | "Start charging your weapon and gain <span style="font-weight: bold;">increased movement speed</span> once it's fully charged. Your next shot will release the energy, dealing <span style="font-weight: bold;">spirit damage</span> and applying a <span style="font-weight: bold;">time stop</span> to the enemy hit. The damage dealt is an amplification of your current weapon damage. <br><br>You can slow time on yourself by pressing {{Mouse|2}} while an empowered shot is available." |
citadel_ability_chrono_kinetic_carbine_expiring | "EXPIRING" |
citadel_ability_chrono_kinetic_carbine_quip | "Charge up your weapon to deal high damage and timestop" |
citadel_ability_chrono_kinetic_carbine_t1_desc | "+<span class="highlight">{s:MinSlowDuration}s/{s:MaxSlowDuration}s</span> Min/Max Stop Duration" |
citadel_ability_chrono_kinetic_carbine_t2_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+2s</span> Speed Duration, <span style="font-weight: bold;">2s</span> Charge Time" |
citadel_ability_chrono_kinetic_carbine_t3_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+50%</span> Max Damage Amp" |
citadel_ability_chrono_pulse_grenade | "Pulse Grenade" |
citadel_ability_chrono_pulse_grenade_desc | "Throw a grenade that begins pulsing when it lands. Each pulse applies <span style="font-weight: bold;">damage, movement slow, and stacking damage amplification</span> for Paradox against the victim." |
citadel_ability_chrono_pulse_grenade_quip | "Throw a grenade that pulses, dealing damage and slow" |
citadel_ability_chrono_pulse_grenade_t3_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+45</span> Pulse Damage and <span style="font-weight: bold;">+0.75m</span> Radius per pulse." |
citadel_ability_chrono_sphere | "Chrono's Sphere" |
citadel_ability_chrono_sphere_desc | "{s:hero_name} creates a Time Vortex that <span class="highlight">slows down the flow of time</span> for enemies. Enemies are also <span class="highlight">Silenced</span> while in the Vortex." |
citadel_ability_chrono_sphere_quip | "Create a slow-down time vortex" |
citadel_ability_chrono_sphere_t3_desc | "On creation, the Time Vortex will <span class="highlight">pull all enemies in to its center.</span>" |
citadel_ability_chrono_swap | "Paradoxical Swap" |
citadel_ability_chrono_swap_desc | "Fire a projectile that <span style="font-weight: bold;">swaps your position with the target enemy hero.</span> While the effect occurs, you gain <span style="font-weight: bold;">spirit lifesteal</span> and the enemy <span style="font-weight: bold;">takes damage over time</span>." |
citadel_ability_chrono_swap_quip | "Swap positions with an enemy hero" |
citadel_ability_chrono_time_wall | "Time Wall" |
citadel_ability_chrono_time_wall_desc | "Create a time warping wall that <span style="font-weight: bold;">stops time</span> for all <span style="font-weight: bold;">enemy projectiles and bullets</span> that touch it. Enemies that touch the wall will take <span style="font-weight: bold;">damage as a percentage of their max health</span> and be briefly slowed." |
citadel_ability_chrono_time_wall_quip | "Create a wall that greatly slows projectiles" |
citadel_ability_chrono_time_wall_t1_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+2m Width, +1m Height</span>" |
citadel_ability_chrono_time_wall_t3_desc | "Enemies that touch Time Wall will be <span style="font-weight: bold;">Silenced</span> for 3.0s" |
citadel_ability_converge | "Converge" |
citadel_ability_converge_desc | "Throw a grenade that quckly pulls enemies toward its center." |
citadel_ability_dash | "Dash" |
citadel_ability_defensive_fortress | "Defensive Fortress" |
citadel_ability_defensive_fortress_desc | "Summon a large defensive shield that blocks enemy bullets but lets you and your teammate shoot through it." |
citadel_ability_drone_boss_laser_beam | "Boss Laser" |
citadel_ability_drone_detecting_enemies | "Drone Infrared Camera" |
citadel_ability_drone_detecting_enemies_desc | "Outlines all enemy players (including hidden enemies) infront of where the drone is currently looking at." |
citadel_ability_drone_detecting_enemies_t3 | "Drone Infrared Camera" |
citadel_ability_drone_detecting_enemies_t3_desc | "Enable Drone infrared Camera" |
citadel_ability_drone_teleport | "Drone Teleport" |
citadel_ability_drone_teleport_desc | "Instant Cast: teleports Hijack below the drone after the cast delay." |
citadel_ability_duo_arc_cannon | "Arc Cannon" |
citadel_ability_duo_arc_cannon_desc | "Duo's drone sweeps its laser <span class="highlight">{s:SweepCount} times</span> from the sky, dealing damage to anyone caught in its path." |
citadel_ability_duo_arc_cannon_t1_desc | "Burns ground, dealing <span class="highlight">{s:BurnDPS} dps</span> for <span class="highlight">{s:BurnDuration}s</span>" |
citadel_ability_duo_arc_cannon_t3_desc | "<span class="highlight">+{s:SweepCount}</span> sweeps<br><span class="highlight">{s:SweepInterval}s</span> between laser sweeps" |
citadel_ability_duo_energy_link | "Energy Link" |
citadel_ability_duo_energy_link_desc | "A short range tether which heals your drone. Breaks if you walk out of range.<br><br>If targeting an enemy, deals damage instead." |
citadel_ability_duo_energy_link_t2_desc | "<span class="highlight">+{s:ExternalBonusHealthRegen}</span> Regen<br><span class="highlight">+{s:DPS}</span> DPS" |
citadel_ability_duo_energy_link_t3_desc | "Applies damage and healing effects within {s:ZapDistance}m of target" |
citadel_ability_duo_fusion_scalpel | "Fusion Scalpel" |
citadel_ability_duo_fusion_scalpel_desc | "Forms a link between you and your drone, dealing damage to enemies which touch it" |
citadel_ability_duo_fusion_scalpel_t2_desc | "Slows enemies by <span class="highlight">{s:SlowPercent}%</span> for {s:DebuffDuration}s" |
citadel_ability_duo_fusion_scalpel_t3_desc | "Link with up to <span class="highlight">{s:MaxAllyLinks}</span> nearby allies" |
citadel_ability_duo_grenade | "Grenade" |
citadel_ability_duo_grenade_desc | "Throw a grenade that explodes after {s:ArmingDuration}s" |
citadel_ability_duo_grenade_t3_desc | "<span class="highlight">+{s:AbilityCharges}</span> charges and Charge Delay <span class="highlight">{s:AbilityCooldownBetweenCharge}s</span>" |
citadel_ability_duo_order | "Order" |
citadel_ability_duo_order_attack | "Attack" |
citadel_ability_duo_order_attack_desc | "Orders your drone to attack a specific target. It will chase the target as needed to shoot the target" |
citadel_ability_duo_order_cancel | "Cancel" |
citadel_ability_duo_order_follow | "Follow" |
citadel_ability_duo_order_follow_desc | "Orders your drone to follow you. It will automatically attack anyone who shoots you, or anyone you shoot." |
citadel_ability_duo_order_sentry | "Sentry" |
citadel_ability_duo_order_sentry_desc | "Orders your drone to guard an area. It will automatically attack any nearby threats" |
citadel_ability_duo_summon_drone | "Summon" |
citadel_ability_duo_summon_drone_desc | "Summons your drone." |
citadel_ability_duo_summon_drone_t1_desc | "Drone also gets player items" |
citadel_ability_duo_summon_drone_t2_desc | "Fire a barrage of rockets while in sentry mode" |
citadel_ability_duo_summon_drone_t3_desc | "Immobilize targets in place in attack mode" |
citadel_ability_fissure_wall | "Spectral Wall" |
citadel_ability_fissure_wall/modifier_fissure_wall/modifier_bonus_damage_percent | "Wall Damage Debuff" |
citadel_ability_fissure_wall_cancel | "Cancel Fissure Wall" |
citadel_ability_fissure_wall_desc | "Creates a wall that <span style="font-weight: bold;">divides the terrain</span> in half. On creation, the wall <span style="font-weight: bold;">deals damage</span> and <span style="font-weight: bold;">applies slow</span> to enemies nearby. <br>After casting, press {{Mouse|1}} or 3 to erupt the wall early." |
citadel_ability_fissure_wall_quip | "Conjure a wall to block your foes" |
citadel_ability_fissure_wall_t1_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">Removes 1 stamina</span> and amplifies McGinnis's damage by <span style="font-weight: bold;">15%</span> on hit enemies for 7s" |
citadel_ability_fissure_wall_t3_desc | "Adds a <span style="font-weight: bold;">1s Stun</span> to enemies hit by Spectral Wall" |
citadel_ability_fissure_wall_trigger | "Trigger Fissure Wall" |
citadel_ability_flying_strike | "Flying Strike" |
citadel_ability_flying_strike/slow | "Flying Strike Slow" |
citadel_ability_flying_strike/weapon_buff | "+Weapon Damage" |
citadel_ability_flying_strike_desc | "Throw a grappling hook to <span style="font-weight: bold;">reel yourself towards an enemy, damaging and slowing the target</span> when you arrive." |
citadel_ability_flying_strike_quip | "Fly towards an enemy target" |
citadel_ability_flying_strike_t3_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+6</span> Weapon Damage for <span style="font-weight: bold;">10s</span> after striking the target" |
citadel_ability_grapplehook | "Grapple Hook" |
citadel_ability_grapplehook_desc | "Launches out a hook, and pull {s:hero_name} towards the wall it hits." |
citadel_ability_healing_slash | "Crimson Slash" |
citadel_ability_healing_slash/debuff | "Crimson Slash" |
citadel_ability_healing_slash_desc | "Slash enemies in front of you, <span style="font-weight: bold;">damaging them and slowing their fire rate</span>. If any enemy heroes are hit, you <span style="font-weight: bold;">heal</span>." |
citadel_ability_healing_slash_quip | "Damage enemies nearby, healing on hit" |
citadel_ability_hijack_mind_control | "Hack Enemy Units" |
citadel_ability_hijack_mind_control_desc | "Changes the team of enemy NPC's in an area and gives them extra health and bonus weapon damage. {s:hero_name} and nearby allies gain half the gold bounty for each hacked unit." |
citadel_ability_hijack_mind_control_t1_desc | "Hacked units deal an extra <span class="highlight">{s:UnitBonusDamagePercent}</span>% damage" |
citadel_ability_hijack_mind_control_t3_2_desc | "Hacked units deal an extra <span class="highlight">{s:UnitBonusDamagePercent}</span>% damage" |
citadel_ability_hijack_stacking_weapon_jammer | "Weapon Jammer" |
citadel_ability_hijack_stacking_weapon_jammer_desc | "Your bullets charge up a <span class="highlight">Weapon Jammer</span> on enemy heroes that will give them a <span class="highlight">percent chance to misfire</span> (bullet does not fire and they damage themselves)." |
citadel_ability_hook | "Hook" |
citadel_ability_hook_desc | "Launch out a hook that <span style="font-weight: bold;">grabs and reels in</span> the first hero it hits and deals damage to enemies. Target will be placed where you are facing." |
citadel_ability_hook_quip | "Pull in a target to you" |
citadel_ability_hook_t1_desc | "Bebop deals <span style="font-weight: bold;">30% more bullet damage</span> against hooked enemies for 10s" |
citadel_ability_hornet_chain | "Stake" |
citadel_ability_hornet_chain/modifier_citadel_hornet_chain_connection | "Tethered to the ground" |
citadel_ability_hornet_chain_desc | "Throw a stake that <span style="font-weight: bold;">tethers enemies</span> to the location where the stake lands. Enemy movement is restricted to the length of the tether." |
citadel_ability_hornet_chain_quip | "Tether your enemies to the ground" |
citadel_ability_hornet_chain_t3_desc | "Tethered enemies are also <span style="font-weight: bold;">disarmed</span>" |
citadel_ability_hornet_crit_stacking_buff | "Headhunter" |
citadel_ability_hornet_crit_stacking_buff_desc | "Landing a headshot temporarily increases your weapon damage, stacking up to {s:MaxStacks} times." |
citadel_ability_hornet_crit_vulernability | "Vindicta's Mark" |
citadel_ability_hornet_crit_vulernability_desc | "Your shots have a chance to leave targets vulnerable, causing all bullets to crit them. Headshots are guaranteed to apply this effect." |
citadel_ability_hornet_explosive_headshots | "Explosive Headshots" |
citadel_ability_hornet_explosive_headshots_desc | "Headshots you deal explode, dealing a percent of the damage to nearby enemies." |
citadel_ability_hornet_leap | "Flight" |
citadel_ability_hornet_leap_desc | "Leap into the air and <span style="font-weight: bold;">fly</span>. While in flight your weapon deals <span style="font-weight: bold;">bonus spirit damage</span>." |
citadel_ability_hornet_leap_quip | "Take flight and empower your weapon" |
citadel_ability_hornet_leap_t1_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+50%</span> base Ammo while flying" |
citadel_ability_hornet_mark | "Vindicta's Mark" |
citadel_ability_hornet_mark_desc | "Vindicta mark's an enemy. They are visible on the minimap for the duration, and Vindicta can detect them through walls." |
citadel_ability_hornet_mark_t2_desc | "When a marked enemy is killed, Vindicta immediately gains <span class="highlight">{s:ChargeForKill} Charge for Assassinate</span>" |
citadel_ability_hornet_nest | "Vindicta Nest" |
citadel_ability_hornet_nest_desc | "Deploys a nest which will deploy Vindicta drones that fly slowly forward, attacking all enemies." |
citadel_ability_hornet_snipe | "Assassinate" |
citadel_ability_hornet_snipe_desc | "Use your scoped rifle to fire a powerful shot over long distances. Deal only partial damage until fully charged after 1s of being scoped. Does <span style="font-weight: bold;">bonus damage</span> to enemies with <span style="font-weight: bold;">less than 50% health</span> remaining. Landing a killing blow on a player with Assassinate <span style="font-weight: bold;">grants you bonus souls</span>." |
citadel_ability_hornet_snipe_quip | "Snipe injured targets for massive damage" |
citadel_ability_hornet_snipe_t3_desc | "Assassinate kills grant +600 souls" |
citadel_ability_hornet_sting | "Crow Familiar" |
citadel_ability_hornet_sting/modifier_citadel_hornet_sting_debuff | "Crow Familiar" |
citadel_ability_hornet_sting_desc | "Your crow familiar deals <span style="font-weight: bold;">impact damage</span>, reduces their bullet resist and applies a <span style="font-weight: bold;">bleed</span> that deals damage based on the <span style="font-weight: bold;">target's current health</span>." |
citadel_ability_hornet_sting_quip | "Make a target bleed over time" |
citadel_ability_hornet_sting_t1_desc | "Crow <span style="font-weight: bold;">Ricochets up to 2 times</span> towards other enemies within 15m" |
citadel_ability_hornet_sting_t3_desc | "+3% Bleed and suppresses healing by -40%" |
citadel_ability_infinity_slash | "Shadow Transformation" |
citadel_ability_infinity_slash/timer | "Shadow Form" |
citadel_ability_infinity_slash_buff_header | "Per Hero Hit" |
citadel_ability_infinity_slash_desc | "Become infused with Yamato's shadow soul. After an initial <span style="font-weight: bold;">invincible</span> transformation, your <span style="font-weight: bold;">abilities are refreshed and are 60% faster</span>, and you gain <span style="font-weight: bold;">immunity to negative status effects</span>. You are unable to die in this mode." |
citadel_ability_infinity_slash_quip | "Become invincible and more powerful" |
citadel_ability_interrupted | "Interrupted by" |
citadel_ability_jump | "Jump" |
citadel_ability_kali_disruptive_charge | "Pack Hunter" |
citadel_ability_kali_disruptive_charge_desc | "Provides a <span class="highlight">large speed bonus</span> to you and nearby allies. The speed bonus decays over time." |
citadel_ability_kali_disruptive_charge_quip | "You and nearby allies move much faster" |
citadel_ability_kali_disruptive_charge_t2_desc | "<span class="highlight">{s:LifestealPercent}% Damage Lifesteal</span> for the duration of Pack Hunter" |
citadel_ability_kali_spinning_blade | "Occilioblade" |
citadel_ability_kali_spinning_blade_desc | "Throw a spinning blade that <span class="highlight">deals damage</span> and <span class="highlight">returns</span> to you." |
citadel_ability_kali_spinning_blade_quip | "Launch a boomerang that flies back" |
citadel_ability_kali_spinning_blade_t1_desc | "<span class="highlight">{s:SlowPercent}% slow</span> for <span class="highlight">{s:SlowDuration}s</span> on enemies hit" |
citadel_ability_kali_spinning_blade_t2_desc | "<span class="highlight">+{s:Damage} Damage</span> and Occilioblade gains <span class="highlight">+100% more damage</span> from spirit" |
citadel_ability_kali_spinning_blade_t3_desc | "<span class="highlight">{s:CooldownReductionOnHit}s Cooldown</span> for each enemy hit by Occilioblade" |
citadel_ability_lash | "Grapple" |
citadel_ability_lash_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">Pull yourself through the air</span> toward a target. Using Grapple also resets your limit of <span style="font-weight: bold;">air jumps and dashes</span>." |
citadel_ability_lash_down_strike | "Ground Strike" |
citadel_ability_lash_down_strike_desc | "Stomp the ground beneath you, <span style="font-weight: bold;">damaging enemies</span> in front of you. If you perform Ground Strike while airborne, you quickly dive towards the ground. Damage grows slower after 25m." |
citadel_ability_lash_down_strike_quip | "Slam down to the ground, damaging enemies" |
citadel_ability_lash_down_strike_t2_desc | "Struck enemies are <span style="font-weight: bold;">popped into the air</span> and slowed by <span style="font-weight: bold;">50%</span> for <span style="font-weight: bold;">3s</span>" |
citadel_ability_lash_down_strike_t3_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">Damage Per Meter</span> +110% and improved scaling" |
citadel_ability_lash_high_explosive | "High Explosive" |
citadel_ability_lash_high_explosive_desc | "Lash starts charging his grenade; the longer the grenade is held before being thrown, the more damage it does. Press the button again to throw it a short distance in front of Lash, exploding on contact." |
citadel_ability_lash_quip | "Use your whip to pull yourself to an enemy" |
citadel_ability_lash_t2_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+20m</span> Cast Range and gain <span style="font-weight: bold;">+6</span> Weapon Damage for 10s" |
citadel_ability_lash_t3_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+20%</span> Fire Rate to Weapon Bonus Buff" |
citadel_ability_lash_throw_grenade | "Throw Explosive" |
citadel_ability_lash_ultimate | "Death Slam" |
citadel_ability_lash_ultimate/modifier_lash_grapple_enemy_debuff | "Death Slam" |
citadel_ability_lash_ultimate_debuff | "Movement Slow" |
citadel_ability_lash_ultimate_desc | "Focus on enemies to connect whips to them. After channeling, connected enemies are <span style="font-weight: bold;">lifted and stunned</span> then slammed into the ground. Your victims and any enemies in the landing zone will be <span style="font-weight: bold;">damaged and slowed</span>. <br>Press {{Mouse|1}} to throw connected enemies early. Enemies that are not in line of sight or go out of range during the latch time will not be grabbed." |
citadel_ability_lash_ultimate_quip | "Lift enemies and smash them into the ground" |
citadel_ability_lightning_ball | "Lightning Ball" |
citadel_ability_lightning_ball/modifier_citadel_lightningball | "Lightning Ball Slow" |
citadel_ability_lightning_ball_desc | "Shoot a ball of lightning that travels in a straight line. Does <span style="font-weight: bold;">damage to all targets in its radius</span>. Slows down when damaging enemies and stops if it hits the world." |
citadel_ability_lightning_ball_quip | "Launch a damaging ball of lightning" |
citadel_ability_lightning_ball_t3_desc | "+70 DPS and +1m radius" |
citadel_ability_lightning_dodge | "Lightning Roll" |
citadel_ability_lightning_dodge_passive | "Lightning Roll" |
citadel_ability_magewalk | "Misdirection" |
citadel_ability_magewalkk_desc | "Briefly become <span class="highlight">Untargetable</span> before appearing at your destination. Your first <span class="highlight">{s:EmpoweredAttackCount} attacks</span> deal bonus <span class="highlight_spirit">Spirit Damage</span>. <br><br><span class="highlight">[Cast]</span> Appear at the target location.<br><span class="highlight">[Alt-Cast]</span> Appear in place.</span><br><span class="diminish">Enemies will not know which cast you performed.</span>" |
citadel_ability_mechaguy_defense_field | "Reactive Armor" |
citadel_ability_mechaguy_defense_field_desc | "Fires defensive rockets at attackers, and build regeneration for every {s:RegenThreshold} damage taken" |
citadel_ability_mechaguy_defense_field_t2_desc | "+{s:RegenPercent}% health recovery" |
citadel_ability_mechaguy_double_edge | "Double Edge" |
citadel_ability_mechaguy_double_edge_desc | "Deals {s:Damage} damage to both you and your target" |
citadel_ability_mechaguy_double_edge_t2_desc | "Deals {s:DamageHealthPercent}% of your health as additional damage" |
citadel_ability_mechaguy_double_edge_t3_desc | "+{s:AbilityUnitTargetLimit} targets" |
citadel_ability_mechaguy_echo | "Echo" |
citadel_ability_mechaguy_echo_desc | "Afflicts a target with Echo. When the target takes damage, nearby enemies are slowed by <span class="highlight">{s:SlowPercent}%</span> for <span class="highlight">{s:SlowDuration}s</span>" |
citadel_ability_mechaguy_echo_t2_desc | "Damage increases Echo duration by <span class="highlight">{s:RefreshAmount}s</span>" |
citadel_ability_mechaguy_echo_t3_desc | "Echo spreads to nearby enemies" |
citadel_ability_mechaguy_retaliate | "Retaliate" |
citadel_ability_mechaguy_retaliate_desc | "Charges a projectile for {s:AbilityDuration}s. Deals {s:Damage} + {s:DamageMultiplier}x damage taken while charging" |
citadel_ability_mechaguy_retaliate_t1_desc | "Projectile gains {s:Radius}m explosion radius" |
citadel_ability_mechaguy_retaliate_t2_desc | "+{s:DamageMultiplier}x damage multiplier" |
citadel_ability_mechaguy_retaliate_t3_desc | "Heals for {s:HealPercent}% damage taken" |
citadel_ability_melee_apocalypse | "Melee" |
citadel_ability_melee_ballista | "Melee" |
citadel_ability_melee_bebop | "Melee" |
citadel_ability_melee_bull | "Melee" |
citadel_ability_melee_chrono | "Melee" |
citadel_ability_melee_clawdril | "Melee" |
citadel_ability_melee_coldmetal | "Melee" |
citadel_ability_melee_demoman | "Melee" |
citadel_ability_melee_engineer | "Melee" |
citadel_ability_melee_genericperson | "Melee" |
citadel_ability_melee_gigawatt | "Melee" |
citadel_ability_melee_hornet | "Melee" |
citadel_ability_melee_kali | "Melee" |
citadel_ability_melee_parry | "Parry" |
citadel_ability_melee_parry/parry_cooldown_display | "Parry Cooldown" |
citadel_ability_melee_phalanx | "Melee" |
citadel_ability_melee_revenant | "Melee" |
citadel_ability_melee_shiv | "Melee" |
citadel_ability_melee_spade | "Melee" |
citadel_ability_melee_sumo | "Melee" |
citadel_ability_melee_tengu | "Melee" |
citadel_ability_melee_tokamak | "Melee" |
citadel_ability_melee_warden | "Melee" |
citadel_ability_melee_wraith | "Melee" |
citadel_ability_mobile_resupply | "Medicinal Specter" |
citadel_ability_mobile_resupply/modifier_mobile_resupply_aura/modifier_mobile_resupply | "Medicating" |
citadel_ability_mobile_resupply_desc | "Deploy a spirit that <span style="font-weight: bold;">heals nearby units</span>." |
citadel_ability_mobile_resupply_quip | "Deploy a healing spirit" |
citadel_ability_mobile_resupply_t1_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+35% Fire Rate</span> on units being healed by Medicinal Specter" |
citadel_ability_mobile_resupply_t3_desc | "+5% Max Health regen per second" |
citadel_ability_mortarsentry | "Mortar Sentry" |
citadel_ability_mortarsentry_desc | "Deploy a Sentry infront of {s:hero_name} that periodically launches mortars at enemies in the <span class="highlight">target area</span>. Deals reduced damage to boss types" |
citadel_ability_mortarsentry_t1_desc | "Sentry health <span class="highlight">+{s:Health}Hp </span> and Sentry Lifetime <span class="highlight">+{s:TurretLifetime}s</span>" |
citadel_ability_mortarsentry_t2_desc | "Ability charges <span class="highlight">+{s:AbilityCharges}s</span> and search radius <span class="highlight">+{s:SearchRadius}m</span>" |
citadel_ability_mortarsentry_t3_desc | "Bombs per volley <span class="highlight">+{s:GrenadesPerVolley}</span>" |
citadel_ability_nikuman | "Rejuvenating Aurora" |
citadel_ability_nikuman/modifier_nikuman | "Rejuvenating Aurora" |
citadel_ability_nikuman_desc | "While channelling, <span style="font-weight: bold;">restore health over time</span> to you and any allies nearby. Dashing does not break channel." |
citadel_ability_nikuman_quip | "Heal yourself and those around you" |
citadel_ability_nikuman_t1_desc | "Gain <span style="font-weight: bold;">+4m/s movespeed bonus</span> for 8s if Aurora is fully channeled. Gain instantly with 5AP Upgrade." |
citadel_ability_nikuman_t3_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">Full move and ability use</span> and additionaly heals <span style="font-weight: bold;">+3.8% of Max Health</span> per second" |
citadel_ability_passive_beefy | "Infernal Resilience" |
citadel_ability_passive_beefy_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">Regenerate</span> a portion of incoming damage over time." |
citadel_ability_passive_beefy_quip | "Regenerate some of the damage you receive" |
citadel_ability_personal_shield | "" |
citadel_ability_pestilence_contaminate | "Contaminate" |
citadel_ability_pestilence_contaminate_desc | "Attacking targets with your weapon increases their Infection level and resets the duration." |
citadel_ability_pestilence_contaminate_t1 | "DPS" |
citadel_ability_pestilence_contaminate_t2 | "DPS" |
citadel_ability_pestilence_contaminate_t3 | "DPS" |
citadel_ability_pestilence_drone | "Drones" |
citadel_ability_pestilence_drone_desc | "{s:hero_name} creates a drone that attaches to enemies causing DOT." |
citadel_ability_pestilence_drone_t1 | "Add Attach Time" |
citadel_ability_pestilence_drone_t1_desc | "+{s:DroneAttachLifetime}s lifetime when attached to enemies" |
citadel_ability_pestilence_drone_t2 | "Add Drones" |
citadel_ability_pestilence_drone_t2_desc | "+{s:DroneCount} additional drones" |
citadel_ability_pestilence_drone_t3 | "Drone DPS" |
citadel_ability_pestilence_drone_t3_desc | "+{s:DPS} DPS" |
citadel_ability_pestilence_infection | "Infection" |
citadel_ability_pestilence_infection_desc | "Your abilities and bullets apply an infection onto enemies. Each infection stack resets the time and multiplies the damage the enemy takes from the infection." |
citadel_ability_phalanx_reflect | "Reflect" |
citadel_ability_phalanx_reflect_desc | "Phalanx activates his energy shield, causing any enemy projectile, bullet or grenade hitting it to be reflected back toward the attacker. Knocks back any charging enemies. Bullet hits extend the parry time, and stun the shooter." |
citadel_ability_phalanx_sword_strike | "Ground Strike" |
citadel_ability_phalanx_sword_strike_desc | "Phalanx strikes the ground hard, causing a shockwave that runs forward all that damages enemies and causes them to stumble. Does not cancel enemy abilities." |
citadel_ability_player_ping | "Ping" |
citadel_ability_power_slash | "Power Slash" |
citadel_ability_power_slash_desc | "Channel to increase damage over 1.4 seconds, then release a <span style="font-weight: bold;">fully-charged sword strike</span>.<br>Press 1 or {{Mouse|1}} to trigger the strike early, dealing partial damage." |
citadel_ability_power_slash_quip | "Charge up an attack, dealing high damage on a full charge" |
citadel_ability_power_slash_t1_desc | "Gain <span style="font-weight: bold;">+60 Bullet Resist</span> while channeling" |
citadel_ability_power_slash_t2_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">-2s</span> Ability Cooldown and apply <span style="font-weight: bold;">40%</span> movement slow for <span style="font-weight: bold;">3s</span>" |
citadel_ability_projectmind | "Project Mind" |
citadel_ability_projectmind/modifier_citadel_projectmind/modifier_wraith_project_mind_shield | "Bullet Shield" |
citadel_ability_projectmind_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">Teleport</span> to the targeted location." |
citadel_ability_projectmind_quip | "Teleport to the targeted location" |
citadel_ability_projectmind_t2_desc | "Provides a <span style="font-weight: bold;">300 bullet shield</span> for 8s on teleport. Shield amount scales with Spirit Power." |
citadel_ability_psychic_daggers | "Royal Flush" |
citadel_ability_psychic_daggers_desc | "Telekinetically throw cards that <span class="highlight">hit random targets</span> around you." |
citadel_ability_psychic_daggers_quip | "Damage random targets around you" |
citadel_ability_psychic_daggers_t3_desc | "Each card <span class="highlight">bounces once</span> onto another enemy in range" |
citadel_ability_psychic_lift | "Telekinesis" |
citadel_ability_psychic_lift/lift | "Telekinesis" |
citadel_ability_psychic_lift_desc | "Lift an enemy hero into the air, <span style="font-weight: bold;">stunning</span> them for a short time. When the lift ends, the target receives Telekinesis damage." |
citadel_ability_psychic_lift_quip | "Lift an enemy, interrupting and silencing them" |
citadel_ability_psychic_lift_t3_desc | "Telekinesis will target enemies in an area around Wraith" |
citadel_ability_psychic_pulse | "Psychic Pulse" |
citadel_ability_psychic_pulse_desc | "Sense enemies in front of you, revealing their position through walls to your team. Card Trick can target enemies seen through walls" |
citadel_ability_psychic_pulse_quip | "Reveal enemies through walls" |
citadel_ability_quick_melee | "Melee" |
citadel_ability_reflect_shield | "Reflect Shield" |
citadel_ability_reflect_shield_desc | "Phalanx deploys a energy shield, causing any enemy projectile, bullet, or grenade hitting it to be reflected back toward the attacker and stun them." |
citadel_ability_revenant_blast | "Shock Wave" |
citadel_ability_revenant_blast_desc | "Unleash a blast of energy at your target" |
citadel_ability_revenant_energy_strike | "Energy Strike" |
citadel_ability_revenant_energy_strike_desc | "Strike the targeted area with a massive burst of energy." |
citadel_ability_revenant_infuse_weapon | "Infuse Weapon" |
citadel_ability_revenant_infuse_weapon_desc | "Fire special rounds that make your target vulnerable to your energy-based abilities. Drains energy while active." |
citadel_ability_revenant_infuse_weapon_trigger | "Disable" |
citadel_ability_revenant_siphon_energy | "Siphon Energy" |
citadel_ability_revenant_siphon_energy_desc | "Shock your target and steal their energy whenever you strike them with your gun." |
citadel_ability_rocket_barrage | "Heavy Barrage" |
citadel_ability_rocket_barrage/modifier_forge_heavy_barrage_stacking_slow | "Heavy Barrage Slow" |
citadel_ability_rocket_barrage_desc | "Unleashes a volley of rockets that home in on a targeted location." |
citadel_ability_rocket_barrage_quip | "Bombard an area with rockets" |
citadel_ability_rocket_barrage_t1_desc | "Applies <span style="font-weight: bold;">30% movement slow</span>" |
citadel_ability_rocket_barrage_t3_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+30 Damage per Rocket </span>" |
citadel_ability_running_decoy | "Decoy" |
citadel_ability_running_decoy_desc | "{s:hero_name} creates a temporary decoy that will run towards the target location and shoot at any nearby enemies." |
citadel_ability_running_decoy_t1_desc | "Move speed <span class="highlight">+{s:MoveSpeedMod} m/s</span> while decoy is active" |
citadel_ability_running_decoy_t2_desc | "Astro is <span class="highlight">healed {s:HealOnCloneDamage}%</span> of the damage taken by the decoy" |
citadel_ability_self_vacuum | "Singularity" |
citadel_ability_self_vacuum_desc | "Create a singularity in your hands that <span style="font-weight: bold;">pulls in nearby enemies and damages them</span>. Once it's finished, enemies get knocked into the air." |
citadel_ability_self_vacuum_quip | "Pull in and stun the enemy team" |
citadel_ability_self_vacuum_t3_desc | "Singularity takes <span style="font-weight: bold;">3.8%</span> of the enemies' max health each second." |
citadel_ability_shield_toss | "Shield Toss" |
citadel_ability_shield_toss_desc | "{s:hero_name} tosses his shield with great force, causing it to bounce between enemies, damaging and stunning them." |
citadel_ability_shieldedsentry | "Mini Turret" |
citadel_ability_shieldedsentry/modifier_bullet_resist_reduction_stack | "Sentry Bullet Resist Debuff" |
citadel_ability_shieldedsentry_desc | "Deploy a Mini Turret that <span style="font-weight: bold;">automatically shoots enemies</span>. The turret expires after a limited lifetime.<br>Turrets gain 20% of McGinnis's max health and have 70% Spirit Resist. They deal reduced damage to troopers and objectives." |
citadel_ability_shieldedsentry_quip | "Deploy an automated turret" |
citadel_ability_shieldedsentry_t1_desc | "Turrets apply <span style="font-weight: bold;">+25%</span> Movement Slow" |
citadel_ability_shieldedsentry_t2_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+10m</span> Attack Range and <span style="font-weight: bold;">+10%</span> turret fire rate" |
citadel_ability_shiv_dagger | "Serrated Knives" |
citadel_ability_shiv_dagger_desc | "Throw a knife that <span style="font-weight: bold;">damages and bleeds</span> an enemy. Each additional hit adds a <span style="font-weight: bold;">stack</span> and refreshes the bleed duration, causing the bleed to increase per stack." |
citadel_ability_shiv_dagger_max_rage_desc | "Ultimate Unlock: <span style="font-weight: bold;"> While rage is full</span> knives will ricochet to another enemy and apply a slow to enemies they bleed." |
citadel_ability_shiv_dagger_quip | "Apply stacking bleed to the target" |
citadel_ability_shiv_dagger_t3_desc | "+40 Damage and +5 Bleed DPS" |
citadel_ability_shiv_dash | "Slice and Dice" |
citadel_ability_shiv_dash_desc | "Perform a <span style="font-weight: bold;">dash forward, damaging enemies along the path</span>.<br><br>Ultimate Unlock: <span style="font-weight: bold;">While rage is full</span> an echo of Shiv retraces the dash path after a short delay, damaging enemies again." |
citadel_ability_shiv_dash_quip | "Dash ahead, damaging all enemies along the path" |
citadel_ability_shiv_dash_t3_desc | "Reduce cooldown by 2s per enemy hero hit (1s for Non-Hero). Max -6s per Dash." |
citadel_ability_shiv_dash_t3_tooltip | "On hit" |
citadel_ability_shiv_defer_damage | "Bloodletting" |
citadel_ability_shiv_defer_damage_desc | "Take only a portion of incoming damage immediately and defer the rest to be taken over time. Activate to <span style="font-weight: bold;">clear a portion of the deferred damage</span>." |
citadel_ability_shiv_defer_damage_max_rage_desc | "Ultimate Unlock: <span style="font-weight: bold;">While rage is full</span> the amount of damage deferred is increased." |
citadel_ability_shiv_defer_damage_on_cast | "On Activate" |
citadel_ability_shiv_defer_damage_quip | "Defer a portion of damage taken" |
citadel_ability_shiv_killing_blow | "Killing Blow" |
citadel_ability_shiv_killing_blow/active_buff | "Enraged" |
citadel_ability_shiv_killing_blow_active_desc | "Activate to leap towards an enemy hero and <span style="font-weight: bold;">instantly kill</span> them if their health is <span style="font-weight: bold;">below the kill threshold</span>, otherwise deal 200 damage to them." |
citadel_ability_shiv_killing_blow_passive_desc | "Passive: Damaging enemies fills you with rage. While at full rage, Shiv gains increased damage and <span style="font-weight: bold;">special properties</span> on his other abilities." |
citadel_ability_shiv_killing_blow_quip | "Travel to a low health hero and instantly kill it" |
citadel_ability_shiv_killing_blow_t1_desc | "Gain <span style="font-weight: bold;">+2 m/s</span> move speed while at full rage." |
citadel_ability_shiv_killing_blow_t2_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+8%</span> Enemy Health Threshold and <span style="font-weight: bold;">+10%</span> Full Rage Bonus Damage" |
citadel_ability_shiv_killing_blow_t3_desc | "Finishing off an enemy with Killing Blow <span style="font-weight: bold;">resets its cooldown.</span>" |
citadel_ability_shiv_killing_blow_ui_meter | "Rage" |
citadel_ability_shiv_killing_blow_while_full_rage | "While Rage is Full" |
citadel_ability_shoryuken | "Shoryuken" |
citadel_ability_shoryuken_desc | "Lash performs a rising uppercut, knocking enemies in the air in front of him. Can be used while in the air." |
citadel_ability_shoryuken_t3_desc | "Hits <span class="highlight">multiple targets</span> around Lash." |
citadel_ability_silencecontraptions_t3_desc | "Melee also EMP's enemies" |
citadel_ability_spade_draw | "Draw" |
citadel_ability_spade_draw/modifier_citadel_spade_card | "Cards" |
citadel_ability_spade_draw/modifier_citadel_spade_card/modifier_citadel_disarmed | "Disarmed" |
citadel_ability_spade_draw/modifier_citadel_spade_card/modifier_citadel_root | "Immobilized" |
citadel_ability_spade_draw/modifier_citadel_spade_card/modifier_citadel_spade_card_cooldown | "Reduced Cooldown" |
citadel_ability_spade_draw/modifier_citadel_spade_card/modifier_citadel_spade_card_regen | "Regeneration" |
citadel_ability_spade_draw/modifier_citadel_spade_card/modifier_spade_card_hattrickdisarm | "Hat Trick Disarms" |
citadel_ability_spade_draw/modifier_citadel_spade_card/modifier_spade_card_kingofclubs | "Sleeve Toss Immobilizes" |
citadel_ability_spade_draw/modifier_citadel_spade_card/modifier_spade_dot | "Bleeding" |
citadel_ability_spade_draw/modifier_citadel_spade_card/modifier_spade_emp | "Abilities Disabled" |
citadel_ability_spade_draw/modifier_citadel_spade_card/modifier_spade_joker | "Metal Skin" |
citadel_ability_spade_draw/modifier_citadel_spade_card/modifier_spade_joker_debuff | "Glitched" |
citadel_ability_spade_draw/modifier_citadel_spade_card/modifier_spade_speed | "Increased Move Speed" |
citadel_ability_spade_draw/modifier_citadel_spade_card/modifier_spade_strength | "Strength" |
citadel_ability_spade_draw/modifier_citadel_spade_card/modifier_spade_weakness | "Bullet Armor Reduced" |
citadel_ability_spade_draw/modifier_citadel_spade_card/modifier_spade_weapon | "Increased Attack Speed" |
citadel_ability_spade_draw_desc | "Spade draws a card from her deck. This card can be played, or used to add an effect to Sleeve Toss" |
citadel_ability_spade_draw_t2_desc | "+100% card bonus" |
citadel_ability_spade_draw_t3_desc | "Draw two cards" |
citadel_ability_spade_hat_trick | "Hat Trick" |
citadel_ability_spade_hat_trick/modifier_citadel_spade_hattrick_tracker | "Damage Stacks" |
citadel_ability_spade_hat_trick_desc | "Spade throws her hat, striking enemies along its path. Deals additional damage with <span class="highlight">successive hits</span><br><br>Restores all charges when cooldown completes." |
citadel_ability_spade_hat_trick_t1_desc | "Reduce total cooldown by 1s per unit hit" |
citadel_ability_spade_hat_trick_t3_desc | "Hero kills refill all charges" |
citadel_ability_spade_misdirection | "Shadow Box" |
citadel_ability_spade_misdirection/citadel_modifier_spade_misdirection | "Misdirection" |
citadel_ability_spade_misdirection/citadel_modifier_spade_misdirection/modifier_spade_misdirection_aura | "Misdirection zone" |
citadel_ability_spade_misdirection_desc | "Creates a barrier which deals damage when crossed." |
citadel_ability_spade_play | "Play" |
citadel_ability_spade_play_desc | "Plays your current card, gaining bonuses depending on which card is drawn.<br><br>BUG: Play your card to show upgrades in the shop" |
citadel_ability_spade_puppeteer | "Puppeteer" |
citadel_ability_spade_puppeteer/modifier_citadel_spade_pupeteer_puppet | "Puppeted" |
citadel_ability_spade_puppeteer_desc | "Spade turns the target into a puppet, forcing them to <span class="highlight">shoot nearby allies</span>. Control is reduced if no targets are in range.<br><br>Puppets take reduced damage while being controlled." |
citadel_ability_spade_sleeve_toss | "Sleeve toss" |
citadel_ability_spade_sleeve_toss/modifier_citadel_architect_lock_on | "Movement deals damage!" |
citadel_ability_spade_sleeve_toss/modifier_citadel_spade_rupture | "Bleeding, don't move!" |
citadel_ability_spade_sleeve_toss/modifier_citadel_spade_sleeve_toss_card_draw | "Sleeve Toss" |
citadel_ability_spade_sleeve_toss_desc | "Spade pulls dove from her sleeve and throws it into the air. It will follow Spade's crosshair until detonation." |
citadel_ability_spade_sleight_of_hand | "Sleight of Hand" |
citadel_ability_spade_sleight_of_hand/modifier_slow_base | "Slowed" |
citadel_ability_spade_sleight_of_hand_desc | "Stab a nearby enemy. If done from <span class="highlight">behind</span>, heavily slows the target." |
citadel_ability_spade_translocate | "Smoke and Mirrors" |
citadel_ability_spade_translocate/modifier_citadel_spade_translocate | "Returning..." |
citadel_ability_spade_translocate_desc | "Spade marks an enemy hero's position. After a short duration, they will be returned to that spot." |
citadel_ability_spade_translocate_t3_desc | "Disable armor after teleport" |
citadel_ability_spade_vanishing_act | "Vanishing Act" |
citadel_ability_spade_vanishing_act/modifier_citadel_spade_vanishing_act | "Vanished" |
citadel_ability_spade_vanishing_act_desc | "Disappear from the world, becoming invisible and damage immune. The first action taken while under the effect gains <span class="highlight">bonus damage</span>." |
citadel_ability_spade_vanishing_act_t3_desc | "<span class="highlight">+50%</span> bonus damage" |
citadel_ability_sprint | "" |
citadel_ability_sprint_roll | "Sprint" |
citadel_ability_static_charge | "Static Charge" |
citadel_ability_static_charge/modifier_citadel_staticcharge | "Static Charge" |
citadel_ability_static_charge_desc | "Apply a charge to a target enemy hero. After a short duration, the static charge <span style="font-weight: bold;">stuns and damages</span> enemies within the radius. <br>Alt-Cast to cast on yourself." |
citadel_ability_static_charge_quip | "Apply a delayed area stun to an enemy hero" |
citadel_ability_sticky_bomb | "Sticky Bomb" |
citadel_ability_sticky_bomb_desc | "Attach a Sticky Bomb to a nearby target that deals <span style="font-weight: bold;">explosive damage</span> after a short fuse time. <br>Gain a bomb stack that gives <span style="font-weight: bold;">+5% bomb damage</span> for every enemy hero killed within 12.0s of taking bomb damage. <br>Hold {{Mouse|3}} to cast a Sticky Bomb on yourself." |
citadel_ability_sticky_bomb_quip | "Plant a bomb on an enemy" |
citadel_ability_sticky_bomb_t3_desc | "On Attach, <span style="font-weight: bold;">disarms</span> the target for <span style="font-weight: bold;">3.5s</span>" |
citadel_ability_stomp | "Kinetic Pulse" |
citadel_ability_stomp_desc | "Release an energy pulse that knocks enemies up into the air." |
citadel_ability_stomp_quip | "Release a ground pulse that knocks enemies into the air" |
citadel_ability_stomp_t1_desc | "Hit enemies are <span style="font-weight: bold;">fire rate and movement slowed</span> by <span style="font-weight: bold;">35%</span> for <span style="font-weight: bold;">4s</span>." |
citadel_ability_stomp_t2_desc | "Dynamo deals <span style="font-weight: bold;">30% more Bullet Damage</span> to hit enemies for <span style="font-weight: bold;">8s</span>" |
citadel_ability_storm_cloud | "Storm Cloud" |
citadel_ability_storm_cloud_desc | "Channel an expanding storm cloud around you that <span style="font-weight: bold;">damages all enemies</span> within its radius. Enemies do not take damage when they are out of line-of-sight. You have increased <span style="font-weight: bold;">Bullet Resist</span> during the channel." |
citadel_ability_storm_cloud_quip | "Fry all enemies in a large area" |
citadel_ability_storm_cloud_t1_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+35% Bullet Resist</span> while channeling Storm Cloud" |
citadel_ability_storm_cloud_t2_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+7s</span> Channel Time and <span style="font-weight: bold;">+10m</span> Radius" |
citadel_ability_storm_cloud_t3_desc | "+75 DPS" |
citadel_ability_surveillance_drone | "Deploy Combat Drone" |
citadel_ability_surveillance_drone_camera | "Drone Camera" |
citadel_ability_surveillance_drone_camera_desc | "Switches Camera from Player to Drone" |
citadel_ability_surveillance_drone_crash | "Drone Crash" |
citadel_ability_surveillance_drone_crash_desc | "Crashes Drone into ground dealing AOE damage" |
citadel_ability_surveillance_drone_desc | "Deploys a fragile Combat Drone which has unique abilities." |
citadel_ability_surveillance_drone_player_camera | "Player Camera" |
citadel_ability_surveillance_drone_player_camera_desc | "Switches Camera from Drone to Player" |
citadel_ability_surveillance_drone_t2_desc | "+<span class="highlight">{s:CrashImpactRadius}</span> crash impact radius, +<span class="highlight">{s:DroneCrashDamage}</span> drone crash damage" |
citadel_ability_tangotether | "Watcher's Covenant" |
citadel_ability_tangotether_desc | "Gain bonuses and automatically connect with a nearby ally to share them. <span style="font-weight: bold;">Healing is replicated</span> among all those connected. Connection requires line of sight. Press 2 to Lock on to a target" |
citadel_ability_tangotether_lock | "Lock on to Target" |
citadel_ability_tangotether_quip | "Empower yourself and a nearby ally" |
citadel_ability_tangotether_t2_desc | "+2.0m/s movement bonus" |
citadel_ability_teleport | "Teleport" |
citadel_ability_tengu_airlift | "Air Drop" |
citadel_ability_tengu_airlift_desc | "Take flight with an ally or a bomb. Drop your ally or bomb to cause a <span style="font-weight: bold;">large explosion</span> that causes <span style="font-weight: bold;">movement slow</span>. Ivy and ally gain a bullet shield when flying ends. <br>While lifted, your ally gains bullet resist but cannot attack and deals -50% damage. Air Drop has faster cast time when targeting an ally. <br>{{Mouse|1}} to accelerate flying speed. <br>{{Mouse|2}} to drop ally/bomb." |
citadel_ability_tengu_airlift_quip | "Death from Above! Fly and drop a bomb (or ally) on enemies" |
citadel_ability_tengu_airlift_t1_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">-20%</span> Bullet Resist on enemies hit for <span style="font-weight: bold;">12s</span>" |
citadel_ability_tengu_airlift_t2_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+300</span> Bullet Shield and <span style="font-weight: bold;">+5m</span> Explode Radius" |
citadel_ability_tengu_airlift_t3_desc | "Applies <span style="font-weight: bold;">Silence</span> on enemies hit for <span style="font-weight: bold;">+4.5s</span>" |
citadel_ability_tengu_dragonsfire | "Wildfire" |
citadel_ability_tengu_dragonsfire_desc | "Take flight and breathe eldritch flame down on your enemies. Gain Bullet Resist while flying." |
citadel_ability_tengu_dragonsfire_t3_desc | "<span class="highlight">+{s:AbilityDuration}s</span> Duration and <span class="highlight">+{s:FlyingBulletResist}</span> Flying Bullet Resist" |
citadel_ability_tengu_ghost | "Ghost" |
citadel_ability_tengu_ghost_desc | "Summon a tracking ghost that bounces randomly {s:Bounces} times to new targets after impact. Slows targets hit for 5 seconds." |
citadel_ability_tengu_ghost_t3_desc | "Bounces +{s:Bounces} additional times" |
citadel_ability_tengu_lightningcrash | "Falling Grace" |
citadel_ability_tengu_lightningcrash_desc | "Jump into the air and start flying for a short time. When you hit the ground you <span class="highlight">deal damage</span> based on how long you flew, as well as gaining a <span class="highlight">regeneration boost</span>. You can end your flight and dive early by pressing <span class='keybind'>[{s:iv_attack}]</span>." |
citadel_ability_tengu_lightningcrash_quip | "Fly above the battlefield" |
citadel_ability_tengu_lightningcrash_t3_desc | "<span class="highlight">+{s:Damage}</span> Damage, and <span class="highlight">+{s:Regeneration}</span> Regeneration" |
citadel_ability_tengu_stone_form | "Stone Form" |
citadel_ability_tengu_stone_form/modifier_citadel_tengu_stone_form | "Stone Form" |
citadel_ability_tengu_stone_form_desc | "Turn yourself into <span style="font-weight: bold;">impervious stone</span> and smash into the ground, <span style="font-weight: bold;">stunning and damaging</span> enemies nearby. Heals you for a percentage of your max health. You have some air control before falling." |
citadel_ability_tengu_stone_form_quip | "Turn into impervious stone and stun enemies nearby" |
citadel_ability_tengu_stone_form_t2_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+80 Damage</span> and stuns for <span style="font-weight: bold;">0.5s</span>." |
citadel_ability_tengu_urn | "Kudzu Bomb" |
citadel_ability_tengu_urn_desc | "Summon a patch of choking vines that <span style="font-weight: bold;">damages</span> and <span style="font-weight: bold;">slows</span> enemies in its radius." |
citadel_ability_tengu_urn_quip | "Damage and slow enemies in the area" |
citadel_ability_tengu_urn_t3_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+50 DPS</span> and <span style="font-weight: bold;">+2m Radius</span>" |
citadel_ability_tier2boss_laser_beam | "Laser" |
citadel_ability_tier2boss_rocket_barrage | "Rocket Barrage" |
citadel_ability_tier2boss_stomp | "Stomp" |
citadel_ability_tier3boss_laser_beam | "Patron Laser" |
citadel_ability_time_bank | "Time Bank" |
citadel_ability_time_bank_desc | "{s:hero_name} activates a burst of <span class="highlight">accelerated time</span> where they <span class="highlight">move, shoot and reload</span> faster. When the burst ends, {s:hero_name} must save up time for a short period and is time slowed." |
citadel_ability_time_bank_quip | "Speed yourself up, then slow down briefly" |
citadel_ability_time_bank_trigger | "Speed Time" |
citadel_ability_time_bomb | "Time Bomb" |
citadel_ability_time_bomb_desc | "{s:hero_name} throws a bomb that explodes if enemies are in its radius after its arm time. The explosion causes a quick <span class="highlight">time freeze</span> and deals <span class="highlight">{s:SingleTargetMult}x more damage</span> if it only hits a single target." |
citadel_ability_time_bomb_quip | "Proximity explosion" |
citadel_ability_time_bomb_t2_desc | "Enemies hit by Time Bomb will have their <span class="highlight">bullet resist reduced by {s:BulletArmorReduction}</span> for <span class="highlight">{s:BulletArmorReductionDuration}s</span>" |
citadel_ability_time_bomb_t3_desc | "<span class="highlight">+{s:Damage} Damage</span> and Time Bomb gains <span class="highlight">+50% more damage</span> from Spirit Power" |
citadel_ability_upgrade_tab_desc | "{s:show_scoreboard}+[Ability Key] will upgrade your ability. These are additional binds." |
citadel_ability_uppercut | "Exploding Uppercut" |
citadel_ability_uppercut_desc | "Deal <span style="font-weight: bold;">Light Melee</span> damage to nearby units and send them <span style="font-weight: bold;">flying back</span>, causing <span style="font-weight: bold;">area damage</span> and <span style="font-weight: bold;">fire rate slow</span> where they land. Does not damage allies." |
citadel_ability_uppercut_quip | "Punch someone away from you" |
citadel_ability_uppercut_t2_desc | "On Uppercut enemy Hero, gain <span style="font-weight: bold;">fast spin-up time, 2x range, and +60% weapon damage</span> for 12s" |
citadel_ability_uppercut_t3_desc | "On Uppercut enemy Hero, set <span style="font-weight: bold;">Hook cooldown to 0</span> and instantly <span style="font-weight: bold;">+100% bullets</span> to your current clip" |
citadel_ability_viscous_ball_boost | "Slam Ball" |
citadel_ability_void_sphere | "Quantum Entanglement" |
citadel_ability_void_sphere_desc | "Dynamo briefly <span style="font-weight: bold;">disappears into the void</span> and then reappears a short distance away. On reappearing, your weapon is <span style="font-weight: bold;">reloaded</span> and has a <span style="font-weight: bold;">fire rate bonus</span> for the next clip (Max 8s). Can be cast with {{Mouse|3}} to also bring nearby allies and give them half fire rate bonus." |
citadel_ability_void_sphere_quip | "Blink in and out of existence" |
citadel_ability_void_sphere_t3_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">-4s</span> Ability Cooldown and <span style="font-weight: bold;">+120%</span> Base Ammo when reappearing" |
citadel_ability_wing_blast | "Wing Blast" |
citadel_ability_wing_blast_desc | "Create a blast of air that pushes enemies away and damages them." |
citadel_ability_wraith_rapidfire | "Full Auto" |
citadel_ability_wraith_rapidfire/modifier_rapidfire | "Rapid Fire" |
citadel_ability_wraith_rapidfire_desc | "Temporarily boosts your <span style="font-weight: bold;">fire rate</span>. Nearby allies receive half the fire rate bonus." |
citadel_ability_wraith_rapidfire_quip | "Boost your fire rate" |
citadel_ability_zealot_energy_warp | "Energy Warp" |
citadel_ability_zealot_energy_warp_desc | "Teleports Zealot forward to a distant target. When the teleport is complete, a large burst of energy is released damaging and silencing enemies. Any tethered friendly will also be teleported along with Zealot." |
citadel_ability_zealot_energy_warp_t2_desc | "<span class="highlight">+{s:SilenceDuration}</span> EMP Duration" |
citadel_ability_zealot_energy_warp_t3_desc | "<span class="highlight">Refresh</span> Energy Warp <span class="highlight">cooldown</span> upon killing any of the enemies EMPd by Energy Warp." |
citadel_ability_zealot_inner_fire | "Inner Fire" |
citadel_ability_zealot_inner_fire_desc | "Passive. Zealot gains health, and grows in physical power while using his other abilities." |
citadel_ability_zealot_inner_fire_t1_desc | "Move Speed <span class="highlight">+{s:BonusMoveSpeedWhileTethered}</span> while tethered" |
citadel_ability_zealot_inner_fire_t2_desc | "Damage Resist <span class="highlight">+{s:DamageReductionWhileSpirits}%</span> while using Summon Spirits" |
citadel_ability_zealot_inner_fire_t3_desc | "Health Regen <span class="highlight">+{s:BonusHealthRegenWhileEnergyWarp}</span> while using Energy Warp" |
citadel_ability_zealot_spirit_echo | "Spirit Echo" |
citadel_ability_zealot_spirit_echo_desc | "Shoots a echo spirit at a targeted enemy, slowing and dealing damage. Bounces to nearby enemy units, hitting each unit once." |
citadel_ability_zealot_spirit_echo_t1_desc | "<span class="highlight">+{s:SpiritShotSlowDuration}</span> second Slow Duration" |
citadel_ability_zealot_spirit_echo_t2_desc | "<span class="highlight">+{s:MaxBounces}</span> Max Bounces" |
citadel_ability_zealot_spirit_echo_t3_desc | "Echo slow now reduces Fire Rate <span class="highlight">{s:FireRateReduction}</span>" |
citadel_ability_zealot_summon_spirits | "Energy Spirits" |
citadel_ability_zealot_summon_spirits_desc | "Creates energy orbs that rotate around Zealot, striking and damaging anything in their path. Orbs can be shot forward, damaging enemies. Orb damage grows while active up to double after 5 seconds." |
citadel_ability_zealot_summon_spirits_t1_desc | "<span class="highlight">+{s:SpiritBulletArmor} Bullet Armor</span> while there is a spirit active." |
citadel_ability_zealot_summon_spirits_t3_desc | "<span class="highlight">+{s:SpiritLifeSteal}% Life Steal</span> on Energy Spirit damage." |
citadel_ability_zealot_tether | "Tether" |
citadel_ability_zealot_tether_desc | "Creates a beam of energy to a friend, with each hero sharing <span class="highlight">{s:TetheredShareStatsPct}%</span> of their <span class="highlight">health regen</span>, <span class="highlight">fire rate</span> and <span class="highlight">spirit</span> bonuses. Breaks if out of range for more than {s:TetherDisconnectTime} seconds. Upgrade bonuses apply to both Zealot and his tethered target." |
citadel_ability_zealot_weapon_drain_pulse | "Weapon Drain Pulse" |
citadel_ability_zealot_weapon_drain_pulse_desc | "Drains the Courage of nearby enemy heroes and NPCs, reducing their gun damage. A portion of the stolen damage is transferred to Zealot's gun." |
citadel_ability_zip_line | "Hyperline" |
citadel_all_chat_label_prefix | "[ALL]" |
citadel_ap_max_level | "max Lvl" |
citadel_bot_name | "Bot" |
citadel_bot_name_prefix | "[Bot]" |
citadel_camera_pitch_inverted | "Invert Mouse" |
citadel_camera_zoom_is_toggle | "Toggle Zoom" |
citadel_chat_all | "[ALL]" |
citadel_chat_allies | "[ALLIES]" |
citadel_chat_placeholder | "To (ALL):" |
citadel_chat_placeholder_spec_team | "To (SPECTATORS):" |
citadel_chat_placeholder_team | "To (ALLIES):" |
citadel_chat_spectators | "[SPECTATORS ONLY]" |
citadel_chatmessage | "{s:target} {s:persona}: {s:message}" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_Attack_Hero | "Attack {s:hero_name}" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_BRB | "BRB" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_Care | "Careful" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_Defend | "Defend Lane..." |
citadel_chatwheel_label_GetBack | "Get Back" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_Go | "Go" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_GoingIn | "Going In" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_GoodGame | "Good Game" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_GoodJob | "Good Job" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_GoodJobGameOver | "Good Job" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_HeadedTo | "Headed To Base" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_Headed_Blue | "{s:hero_name} Headed Blue" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_Headed_Green | "{s:hero_name} Headed Green" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_Headed_Purple | "{s:hero_name} Headed Purple" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_Headed_Yellow | "{s:hero_name} Headed Yellow" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_Help | "Help" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_HoldUp | "Wait/Hold Up" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_ImBack | "I'm Back" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_Missing | "Missing" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_No | "No!" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_OMW | "On my Way" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_PregameEnemy | "Taunt {s:hero_name}" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_PregameTeammate | "Praise {s:hero_name}" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_Push | "Push Lane" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_StayTogether | "Stay Together" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_Stun | "Stun" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_Stun_Hero | "Stun {s:hero_name}" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_WellPlayed | "Well <br>Played" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_Yes | "Yes!" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_cancel | "Cancel" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_follow_me | "Follow Me" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_headed_this_way | "Headed This Way" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_lets_go_here | "Let's Go Here" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_missing_blue | "Missing Blue" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_missing_green | "Missing Green" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_missing_hero | "Missing" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_missing_purple | "Missing Purple" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_missing_yellow | "Missing Yellow" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_placeholder | "" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_respond | "Respond 'On My Way'" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_retreat | "Retreat" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_see_enemy | "Enemy Here" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_thanks | "Thanks" |
citadel_chatwheel_label_thanksGameOver | "Thanks" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_BRB | "Be right back!" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_Care | "Care!" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_Defend | "Defend Lane!" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_Defend_Blue | "Defend Blue" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_Defend_Green | "Defend Green" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_Defend_Purple | "Defend Purple" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_Defend_Yellow | "Defend Yellow" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_GetBack | "Get Back!" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_Go | "Go!" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_GoingIn | "I'm going in!" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_GoodGame | "Good Game!" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_GoodJob | "Good Job!" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_GoodJobGameOver | "Good Job!" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_HeadedTo | "Headed To Base!" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_HeadedToBlue | "Headed to Blue" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_HeadedToGreen | "Headed to Green" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_HeadedToLane | "Headed To Lane..." |
citadel_chatwheel_message_HeadedToPurple | "Headed to Purple" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_HeadedToYellow | "Headed to Yellow" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_Help | "Need Help!" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_Help_blue | "Need Help on Blue!" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_Help_green | "Need Help on Green!" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_Help_purple | "Need Help on Purple!" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_Help_yellow | "Need Help on Yellow!" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_HoldUp | "Wait {s:param_1}" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_ImBack | "I'm Back" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_Missing | "Missing!" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_No | "No!" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_OMW | "On my way!" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_PregameEnemy | "Taunt {s:hero_name}" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_PregameTeammate | "Praise {s:hero_name}" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_Push | "Push!" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_StayTogether | "Stay Together" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_Stun | "Stun!" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_WellPlayed | "Well Played!" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_Yes | "Affirmative!" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_missing_blue | "Missing Blue!" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_missing_green | "Missing Green!" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_missing_hero | "{s:param_1} is Missing" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_missing_purple | "Missing Purple!" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_missing_yellow | "Missing Yellow!" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_thanks | "Thanks!" |
citadel_chatwheel_message_thanksGameOver | "Thanks!" |
citadel_chatwheel_push_blue | "Push Blue" |
citadel_chatwheel_push_green | "Push Green" |
citadel_chatwheel_push_purple | "Push Purple" |
citadel_chatwheel_push_yellow | "Push Yellow</span>" |
citadel_clientversion | "Build {d:client_version_number}" |
citadel_confirm_reset_crosshair | "Are you sure you want to reset your crosshair to the defaults?" |
citadel_confirm_reset_keybindings | "Are you sure you want to reset your keybindings (including hero specific keybinds) to default?" |
citadel_confirm_reset_keybindings_for_default | "Are you sure you want to reset your default keybindings back to the default binds?" |
citadel_confirm_reset_keybindings_for_hero | "Are you sure you want to reset your keybindings for this hero to default?" |
citadel_duo_drone_extra_abilities | "Combat Drone Abilities" |
citadel_east_team_name | "AMBER" |
citadel_enable_ping_indicator | "Enable HUD Ping Indicator" |
citadel_game_audio_muted | "Game Audio Muted" |
citadel_game_audio_press_unmute | "Press [{s:key_toggle_mute}] to unmute" |
citadel_gun_damage | "Gun Damage" |
citadel_hijack_drone_extra_abilities | "Combat Drone Abilities" |
citadel_hint_activate_wall | "Press <span class="hintTextEmphasis">[{s:iv_attack}]</span> to create the wall early." |
citadel_hint_buy_items | "Return to the base or a shop to buy <span class="hintTextEmphasis">mods.</span>" |
citadel_hint_flamedash_boost | "Press <span class="hintTextEmphasis">[{s:key_innate_1}]</span> to boost. Requires Stamina." |
citadel_hint_flying_strike_early_activate | "Press <span class="hintTextEmphasis">[{s:iv_attack}]</span> to fly to your target early." |
citadel_hint_guided_arrow_boost | "Hold <span class="hintTextEmphasis">[{s:iv_attack}]</span> to boost arrow speed." |
citadel_hint_hero_testing_shop | "Press <span class="hintTextEmphasis">[{s:citadel_open_hero_sheet}]</span> to open up the shop and set test options." |
citadel_hint_ladder | "Press <span class="hintTextEmphasis">[{s:in_mantle}]</span>+<span class="hintTextEmphasis">[{s:key_forward}]</span> to jump onto the ladder." |
citadel_hint_learn_ability | "Hold down an ability <span class="hintTextEmphasis">key 1-4</span> to learn that ability." |
citadel_hint_learn_initial_ability | "Hold <span class="hintTextEmphasis">[{s:show_scoreboard}]</span> to choose which ability to unlock." |
citadel_hint_mantle | "Hold <span class="hintTextEmphasis">[{s:in_mantle}]</span> to climb over obstacles." |
citadel_hint_melee | "Press <span class="hintTextEmphasis">[{s:in_weapon1}]</span> to use your melee attack." |
citadel_hint_slide | "Hold <span class="hintTextEmphasis">[{s:duck}]</span> while running down a ramp to slide." |
citadel_hint_teleport | "Your Tier2 boss is under attack, press <span class="hintTextEmphasis">[{s:key_teleport}]</span> to teleport to help!" |
citadel_hint_upgrade_ability | "Hold <span class="hintTextEmphasis">[{s:show_scoreboard}]</span> to upgrade your abilities." |
citadel_hint_zipline | "Hold <span class="hintTextEmphasis">[{s:in_mantle}]</span> to jump on the hyperline." |
citadel_hint_zoom | "Hold <span class="hintTextEmphasis">[{s:iv_attack2}]</span> to zoom in with your weapon." |
citadel_hotkeys_tooltip_chatvoiceparty | "Use your microphone to communicate with all party members. If set to use open mic, this will also work in the dashboard." |
citadel_hotkeys_tooltip_chatvoiceteam | "Use your microphone to communicate with all team members." |
citadel_keybind_ability1 | "Ability 1" |
citadel_keybind_ability2 | "Ability 2" |
citadel_keybind_ability3 | "Ability 3" |
citadel_keybind_ability4 | "Ability 4" |
citadel_keybind_ads | "Zoom" |
citadel_keybind_alt | "ALT" |
citadel_keybind_alt_cast | "Alternate Cast" |
citadel_keybind_alt_modifier | "Alt Modifier" |
citadel_keybind_attack | "Fire" |
citadel_keybind_backwards | "Move Backward" |
citadel_keybind_cancel_ability | "Cancel Ability" |
citadel_keybind_chat_all | "Chat All" |
citadel_keybind_chat_team | "Chat Team" |
citadel_keybind_command | "CMD" |
citadel_keybind_crouch | "Crouch/Slide" |
citadel_keybind_ctrl | "CTRL" |
citadel_keybind_decrease_replay_speed | "Decrease Replay Speed" |
citadel_keybind_dev_console | "Dev Console" |
citadel_keybind_down | "Fly Down" |
citadel_keybind_extra_info | "Extra Info" |
citadel_keybind_forward | "Move Forward" |
citadel_keybind_held_item | "Melee Parry/Throw Held Item" |
citadel_keybind_increase_replay_speed | "Increase Replay Speed" |
citadel_keybind_item1 | "Item 1" |
citadel_keybind_item2 | "Item 2" |
citadel_keybind_item3 | "Item 3" |
citadel_keybind_item4 | "Item 4" |
citadel_keybind_left | "Move Left (strafe)" |
citadel_keybind_mantle | "Jump/Mantle" |
citadel_keybind_melee | "Melee" |
citadel_keybind_minimap_view_amber_team | "Amber Minimap View" |
citadel_keybind_minimap_view_sapphire_team | "Sapphire Minimap View" |
citadel_keybind_minimap_view_spectator_team | "Both Team's Minimap View" |
citadel_keybind_minimap_view_targets_team | "Target's Minimap View" |
citadel_keybind_mouse_wheel | "Mouse Wheel" |
citadel_keybind_open_hero_sheet | "Open Shop" |
citadel_keybind_pause | "Pause" |
citadel_keybind_ping | "Ping" |
citadel_keybind_push_to_talk | "Voice Chat ( TEAM )" |
citadel_keybind_push_to_talk_party | "Voice Chat ( PARTY )" |
citadel_keybind_quick_response | "Quick Response" |
citadel_keybind_reload | "Reload" |
citadel_keybind_replay_change_Team | "Change Spectating Team" |
citadel_keybind_replay_death | "Replay Death" |
citadel_keybind_replay_fly_down | "Replay Fly Down" |
citadel_keybind_replay_fly_up | "Replay Fly Up" |
citadel_keybind_replay_next_target | "Replay Next Target" |
citadel_keybind_replay_prev_target | "Replay Prev Target" |
citadel_keybind_reset_camera | "ResetCamera" |
citadel_keybind_right | "Move Right (strafe)" |
citadel_keybind_roll | "Dash" |
citadel_keybind_scoreboard | "Scoreboard" |
citadel_keybind_shift | "SHIFT" |
citadel_keybind_spec_change_Team | "Change Spectating Team" |
citadel_keybind_spec_chase | "Spectate Chase Cam" |
citadel_keybind_spec_in_eye | "Spectate In-Eye" |
citadel_keybind_spec_next_target | "Spectate Next Target" |
citadel_keybind_spec_prev_target | "Spectate Prev Target" |
citadel_keybind_spectator_fly_down | "Fly Down" |
citadel_keybind_spectator_fly_up | "Fly Up" |
citadel_keybind_tab | "TAB" |
citadel_keybind_teleport_to_objective | "Teleport" |
citadel_keybind_toggle_free_cursor | "Toggle Free Cursor" |
citadel_keybind_toggle_mute | "Toggle Mute" |
citadel_keybind_toggle_replay_camera | "Change Replay Camera mode" |
citadel_keybind_toggle_replay_pause | "Toggle Replay Pause" |
citadel_keybind_toggle_spec_camera | "Change Spectator Camera mode" |
citadel_keybind_up | "Fly Up" |
citadel_keybind_upgrade_ability1 | "Upgrade Ability 1" |
citadel_keybind_upgrade_ability2 | "Upgrade Ability 2" |
citadel_keybind_upgrade_ability3 | "Upgrade Ability 3" |
citadel_keybind_upgrade_ability4 | "Upgrade Ability 4" |
citadel_keybind_upgrade_ability_1 | "Upgrade Ability 1" |
citadel_keybind_upgrade_ability_2 | "Upgrade Ability 2" |
citadel_keybind_upgrade_ability_3 | "Upgrade Ability 3" |
citadel_keybind_upgrade_ability_4 | "Upgrade Ability 4" |
citadel_keybind_windows | "WIN" |
citadel_keybind_zipline | "Zipline" |
citadel_modifier_duo_arc_cannon | "Arc Cannon" |
citadel_modifier_duo_drone_tracker | "Drone" |
citadel_modifier_passive_hijack_stacking_weapon_jammer | "Gun Jammed" |
citadel_modifier_passive_hijack_weapon_jammer_buildup | "Weapon Jammer" |
citadel_modifier_passive_hijack_weapon_jammer_buildup_desc | "Weapon Jammer Building" |
citadel_modifier_tangotether_tether_receiver | "Covenant" |
citadel_modifier_teleport | "Teleporting" |
citadel_mute_game_audio | "Mute game Audio" |
citadel_mute_player | "Click to mute player" |
citadel_next_ap_abilities | "<Panel class="goldIcon"/> <span class="nextAPGoldLabel">{i:gold_to_next_level}</span> to next Lvl" |
citadel_next_attack_delay_reason_bebop_spin_up | "" |
citadel_next_attack_delay_reason_disarmed | "Disarmed" |
citadel_next_attack_delay_reason_reload | "Reloading" |
citadel_next_attack_delay_reason_viscous_charge_shot | "" |
citadel_next_attack_delay_reason_wraith_spin_up | "" |
citadel_ping_wheel_disabled_while_dead | "Disabled While Dead" |
citadel_ping_wheel_message | "{s:message}" |
citadel_purchasemessage | "<span class="ChatTarget">{s:target} <span class="ChatPersona"><span class="{s:player_color_class}">{s:persona}</span></span></span> <span class="{s:purchaseText}">{s:soldOrPurchasedText}</span> <span class="{s:message_color_class}">{s:message}</span>" |
citadel_quick_response_cancel | "Cancel Last Ping Message" |
citadel_quick_response_respond_onmyway | "Respond 'On my Way'" |
citadel_quick_response_respond_onmyway_to_hero | "Respond 'On my Way' to {s:hero_name}" |
citadel_replay_manager_error_chunk_failed | "Replay not yet ready for download" |
citadel_replay_manager_error_write_failure | "Replay failed to write to local disk" |
citadel_reset_keybind | "Reset Keybindings?" |
citadel_settings_2speakers | "2 Speakers" |
citadel_settings_4speakers | "4 Speakers" |
citadel_settings_5speakers | "5.1 Speakers" |
citadel_settings_7speakers | "7.1 Speakers" |
citadel_settings_abilitieskeybinds | "Ability Keybinds" |
citadel_settings_ability_quickcast_tooltip | "Toggle to enable/disable quickcast for this specific ability/item" |
citadel_settings_about | "About" |
citadel_settings_actionkeybinds | "Action Keybinds" |
citadel_settings_advancedvideosettings | "Use advanced settings" |
citadel_settings_alt_cast_double_tap | "Double Tap" |
citadel_settings_alt_cast_double_tap_tooltip | "Double tap an ability button to alternate cast the ability" |
citadel_settings_alt_cast_double_tap_window | "Alternate Cast Double Tap Window" |
citadel_settings_alt_cast_hold_time | "Alternate Cast Hold Time Required" |
citadel_settings_alt_cast_key | "Alternate Cast Button" |
citadel_settings_alt_cast_key_tooltip | "Alternate Cast an ability by selecting it then pressing the Alternate Cast button, or by holding the Alternate Cast button and then pressing an ability key" |
citadel_settings_alt_cast_mode | "Change Alternate Cast Mode:" |
citadel_settings_alt_cast_press_and_hold | "Press and Hold" |
citadel_settings_alt_cast_press_and_hold_tooltip | "Hold an ability button for a short duration to alternate cast" |
citadel_settings_antialiasing | "Anti-Aliasing" |
citadel_settings_antialiasing_cmaa | "CMAA" |
citadel_settings_antialiasing_desc | "Post-process anti-aliasing effect to use when FSR2 is disabled.<br><br>Performance cost: small/consistent" |
citadel_settings_antialiasing_fxaa | "FXAA" |
citadel_settings_antialiasing_none | "None" |
citadel_settings_appearancevideo | "Best Looking" |
citadel_settings_apply | "Apply Settings" |
citadel_settings_area_lights | "Area Lights" |
citadel_settings_area_lights_desc | "Allows large or irregularly shaped light sources, such as beam effects, to be rendered correctly. Performance cost could be higher on low-end systems.<br><br>Performance cost: small/consistent" |
citadel_settings_aspectratio | "Aspect Ratio" |
citadel_settings_aspectratio1610 | "16x10" |
citadel_settings_aspectratio169 | "16x9" |
citadel_settings_aspectratio219 | "21x9" |
citadel_settings_audio | "Audio" |
citadel_settings_audiodefaults | "Restore to Defaults" |
citadel_settings_basicvideosettings | "Use basic settings" |
citadel_settings_borderless | "Borderless Window" |
citadel_settings_camera_volume_cutout | "Camera Cutout" |
citadel_settings_camera_volume_cutout_desc | "Not currently used" |
citadel_settings_cancel_ability_mode | "Change Cancel Ability Mode:" |
citadel_settings_cancel_ability_mode_ability_key | "Ability Key" |
citadel_settings_cancel_ability_mode_ability_key_tooltip | "Cancel an active ability be pressing the Ability key again" |
citadel_settings_cancel_ability_mode_cancel_key | "Cancel Key" |
citadel_settings_cancel_ability_mode_cancel_key_tooltip | "Cancel an active ability be pressing the Cancel Key" |
citadel_settings_cancel_ability_mode_either | "Cancel Key or the Ability Key" |
citadel_settings_cancel_ability_mode_either_tooltip | "Cancel an active ability be pressing the Cancel Key or Ability key again" |
citadel_settings_chat_allow_global | "Channel messages appear in other channel tabs" |
citadel_settings_chat_filter | "Allowed Chat" |
citadel_settings_chat_filter_allow_all | "All players" |
citadel_settings_chat_filter_allow_friendly | "Friendly players (friends, party members, and guild members)" |
citadel_settings_chat_filter_allow_none | "No incoming chat" |
citadel_settings_chat_filter_allow_teams | "Friendly players and teammates" |
citadel_settings_chat_filter_onlyfriends | "Only show chat from friends, party, and guild" |
citadel_settings_chat_filter_settings_apply_to_spectating | "Apply Allowed Chat Filter Settings to Spectating" |
citadel_settings_chat_invert_ping | "Invert Ping" |
citadel_settings_chat_join_regional | "Join regional chat channel on startup" |
citadel_settings_chat_mute_enemies | "Mute chat from enemies" |
citadel_settings_chat_mute_everyone | "Mute all incoming chat" |
citadel_settings_chat_openmic | "Open Mic" |
citadel_settings_chat_ptt | "Push to Talk" |
citadel_settings_chat_wheel_all | "[ALL]" |
citadel_settings_chat_whispers | "Display Steam messages as whispers" |
citadel_settings_chatwheel | "Chat Wheel" |
citadel_settings_clear_keybind_tooltip | "Clear Keybind" |
citadel_settings_communicationkeybinds | "Communication Keybinds" |
citadel_settings_contextual_slot | "[Contextual Slot]" |
citadel_settings_contextual_slot_label | "Contextual Ping Wheel Slot" |
citadel_settings_crosshair | "Reticle Settings" |
citadel_settings_crosshair_color | "Color" |
citadel_settings_crosshair_color_b | "Blue" |
citadel_settings_crosshair_color_g | "Green" |
citadel_settings_crosshair_color_r | "Red" |
citadel_settings_crosshair_defaults | "Reset to Default" |
citadel_settings_crosshair_dot_opacity | "Dot Opacity" |
citadel_settings_crosshair_dot_outline_opacity | "Dot Outline Opacity" |
citadel_settings_crosshair_pip_border | "Show Pip Border" |
citadel_settings_crosshair_pip_gap | "Gap" |
citadel_settings_crosshair_pip_height | "Height" |
citadel_settings_crosshair_pip_opacity | "Pip Opacity" |
citadel_settings_crosshair_pip_width | "Width" |
citadel_settings_crosshair_size | "Crosshair" |
citadel_settings_crosshair_visibility | "Dot" |
citadel_settings_customresolution | "Use Custom Resolution" |
citadel_settings_defaultaudio | "Default" |
citadel_settings_defaultkeybinds | "Default" |
citadel_settings_depth_of_field | "Depth of Field" |
citadel_settings_depth_of_field_desc | "Simulates varying camera lens focal length and aperture. Should not affect gameplay performance in its current state.<br><br>Performance cost: negligible" |
citadel_settings_dfao | "Distance Field AO" |
citadel_settings_dfao_desc | "Approximates soft contact shadowing from characters and dynamic objects using distance field data.<br><br>Performance cost: moderate/varies" |
citadel_settings_dfao_quality_high | "High" |
citadel_settings_dfao_quality_low | "Low" |
citadel_settings_dfao_quality_med | "Med" |
citadel_settings_dfao_quality_off | "Off" |
citadel_settings_dfao_quality_ultra | "Ultra" |
citadel_settings_displacement_mapping | "Displacement Mapping" |
citadel_settings_displacement_mapping_desc | "Screen space displacement effect for higher fidelity bumps on world geometry.<br><br>Performance cost: moderate/consistent" |
citadel_settings_display | "Display:" |
citadel_settings_display_choice | "Monitor {d:displayNumber} - {s:displayName}" |
citadel_settings_distancefield_reflections | "Distance Field Reflections" |
citadel_settings_distancefield_reflections_desc | "WIP feature using distance fields for specular occlusion. Performance degrades with more characters on screen but should improve in future updates.<br><br>Performance cost: heavy/varies" |
citadel_settings_distancefield_shadows | "Distance Field Shadows" |
citadel_settings_distancefield_shadows_desc | "Dynamic objects cast shadows in cheaper non-shadow mapped lights.<br><br>Performance cost: moderate/varies" |
citadel_settings_effects_bloom | "Effects Bloom" |
citadel_settings_effects_bloom_desc | "Allows us to draw effects directly into the bloom buffer to enhanced visuals.<br><br>Performance cost: small/consistent" |
citadel_settings_enable_console | "Enable Console" |
citadel_settings_enable_console_tooltip | "If you have launch options like -dev or -console that enable the console they override this setting." |
citadel_settings_fastestvideo | "Fastest" |
citadel_settings_fog_quality | "Fog Quality" |
citadel_settings_fog_quality_high | "High" |
citadel_settings_fog_quality_low | "Low" |
citadel_settings_fog_quality_med | "Med" |
citadel_settings_fps_max | "In-Game Maximum frames per second" |
citadel_settings_fps_max_tip | "Extended values can be provided with the +fps_max launch option."nValues out of range for the slider will disable the slider." |
citadel_settings_fps_max_ui | "Dashboard maximum frames per second" |
citadel_settings_fps_max_ui_tip | "Extended values can be provided with the +ui_fps_max launch option."nValues out of range for the slider will disable the slider." |
citadel_settings_fsr | "FidelityFX Super Resolution" |
citadel_settings_fsr2 | "FSR2" |
citadel_settings_fsr2_desc | "WIP Integration of AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 2 Temporal AA/Upscaling" |
citadel_settings_fsr2_sharpness | "FSR2 Sharpness" |
citadel_settings_fsr2_sharpness_desc | "FSR2 Sharpness" |
citadel_settings_fsr2scaling | "Scaling Mode" |
citadel_settings_fsr2scaling_balanced | "Balanced" |
citadel_settings_fsr2scaling_desc | "Native AA - 1x scaling<br>Quality - 1.5x scaling<br>Balanced - 1.7x scaling<br>Performance - 2x scaling<br>Ultra Performance - 3x scaling<br><br>Performance cost: heavy/consistent" |
citadel_settings_fsr2scaling_native | "Native AA" |
citadel_settings_fsr2scaling_performance | "Performance" |
citadel_settings_fsr2scaling_quality | "Quality" |
citadel_settings_fsr2scaling_ultra_performance | "Ultra" |
citadel_settings_fsr_rcas_sharpness | "FSR Sharpness" |
citadel_settings_fsr_rcas_sharpness_desc | "FSR Sharpness" |
citadel_settings_fsr_tooltip | "High quality upscaling when game render screen quality is less than 100%."nRequires Anti-Aliasing enabled." |
citadel_settings_fullscreen | "Full Screen" |
citadel_settings_fullscreen_focus_behavior | "Full Screen Focus Behavior" |
citadel_settings_fullscreenbrightness | "Full Screen Brightness" |
citadel_settings_fxaa | "Antialiasing" |
citadel_settings_fxaa_desc | "Reduces stair-stepping artifacts from undersampling the image. Antialiasing is WIP - we currently support FXAA.<br><br>Performance cost: small/consistent" |
citadel_settings_game | "Game" |
citadel_settings_gamevoicevolume | "Voice Input Volume (Yours)" |
citadel_settings_gamevoicevolume_desc | "Controls the input volume of your microphone" |
citadel_settings_gamevolume | "Game Sound Volume" |
citadel_settings_gamevolume_desc | "Adjusts the volume of sound effects, music, and dialog" |
citadel_settings_headphones | "Headphones" |
citadel_settings_hotkeys | "Keybinds" |
citadel_settings_invert_ping_desc | "Check to invert pings. "nDefaults: "nSingle Ping = Passive. "nDouble Ping = Aggressive "n "nInverted: "nSingle Ping = Aggressive "nDouble Ping = Passive" |
citadel_settings_itemkeybinds | "Item Keybinds" |
citadel_settings_keybinddefaults | "Reset all keybinds to defaults" |
citadel_settings_language_change_body | "Restart the Deadlock client to apply language changes." |
citadel_settings_language_change_title | "Restart Required" |
citadel_settings_light_sensitivity_mode | "Reduce Flashing Effects" |
citadel_settings_light_sensitivity_mode_desc | "This setting will reduce flashing and strobing effects, but it won’t completely eliminate them. It aims to make gameplay more comfortable, but some effects may still be present." |
citadel_settings_low_latency | "NVIDIA Reflex Low Latency" |
citadel_settings_low_latency_amd | "AMD Anti-Lag 2.0" |
citadel_settings_low_latency_tooltip_boost | "Low Latency mode is now enabled and optimizes system latency. Includes techniques that may draw more power to the GPU and slightly impact FPS to reduce latency as much as possible." |
citadel_settings_low_latency_tooltip_off | "Low Latency mode is disabled." |
citadel_settings_low_latency_tooltip_on | "Low Latency mode is now enabled and optimizes system latency." |
citadel_settings_lowlatency_boost | "Enabled + Boost" |
citadel_settings_lowlatency_off | "Disabled" |
citadel_settings_lowlatency_on | "Enabled" |
citadel_settings_mastervolume | "Master Volume" |
citadel_settings_mastervolume_desc | "Adjusts the overall volume of the game" |
citadel_settings_mboit | "MBOIT" |
citadel_settings_mboit_desc | "WIP feature allowing effects to render more consistently, and eventually at lower resolution than the rest of the frame." |
citadel_settings_misckeybinds | "Misc Keybinds" |
citadel_settings_monitor_mic | "Listen to My Mic" |
citadel_settings_monitor_mic_desc | "Turn this on to listen to your microphone while adjusting voice settings." |
citadel_settings_motion_blur | "Motion Blur" |
citadel_settings_motion_blur_desc | "WIP objects-only motion blur effect." |
citadel_settings_motion_blur_objects_only | "On" |
citadel_settings_motion_blur_off | "Off" |
citadel_settings_motion_blur_player_only | "Player Only" |
citadel_settings_mousesensitivity | "Mouse Sensitivity" |
citadel_settings_mousesensitivity_y_scale | "Mouse Sensitivity: Vertical Scaling" |
citadel_settings_mousezoomsensitivity | "Zoom Sensitivity Ratio" |
citadel_settings_musicvolume | "Menu Music Volume" |
citadel_settings_musicvolume_desc | "Adjusts the volume of the music in the main menu" |
citadel_settings_network | "Network" |
citadel_settings_openmicthreshold | "Mic Trigger Threshold" |
citadel_settings_openmicthreshold_desc | "Only transmit voice when audio input volume is above this level. Applies to Push To Talk and Open Mic." |
citadel_settings_options | "Options" |
citadel_settings_particlequality | "Effects Quality" |
citadel_settings_particlequality_desc | "Cull unnecessary parts of effects for better performance. Not currently used." |
citadel_settings_particlequality_high | "High" |
citadel_settings_particlequality_low | "Low" |
citadel_settings_particlequality_med | "Med" |
citadel_settings_per_unit_hotkeys | "Hero Specific Hotkeys" |
citadel_settings_ping_wheel_contextual | "Use Contextual Wheel Slot" |
citadel_settings_ping_wheel_contextual_desc | "Contextual Slot is changed during gameplay based on the current context" |
citadel_settings_pingwheeldefaults | "Reset Ping Wheel to default" |
citadel_settings_playsoundinbackground | "Play Sound in Background" |
citadel_settings_post_bloom | "Post Process Bloom" |
citadel_settings_post_bloom_desc | "Bleeds light from brighter parts of the image to simulate imperfections in camera lenses, to give a visual cue for high brightness.<br><br>Performance cost: small/consistent" |
citadel_settings_quick_cast_desc | "Quickcast options for {s:ability_name}:" |
citadel_settings_quick_cast_global_desc | "Change Quick Cast Mode for all hero abilities:" |
citadel_settings_quick_cast_items_desc | "Quickcast options for active items:" |
citadel_settings_quick_cast_set_success | "Quick Cast Mode for all hero abilities set successfully." |
citadel_settings_quick_cast_success | "Success" |
citadel_settings_quickcast_confirm_cast | "Confirm Cast" |
citadel_settings_quickcast_confirm_cast_tooltip | "Select an ability by pressing its ability button, then cast it by pressing the Fire button." |
citadel_settings_quickcast_default | "Ability Default" |
citadel_settings_quickcast_default_tooltip | "Uses the ability's default Quick Cast mode" |
citadel_settings_quickcast_disabled | "Quick Cast" |
citadel_settings_quickcast_disabled_tooltip | "Select an ability while pressing its ability button and cast it when the ability button is released." |
citadel_settings_quickcast_enabled | "Instant Cast" |
citadel_settings_quickcast_enabled_tooltip | "Cast an ability when its ability button is pressed." |
citadel_settings_quickcast_item_default | "Item Default" |
citadel_settings_quickcast_select_option | "Select Option..." |
citadel_settings_render_portals | "Portal Rendering" |
citadel_settings_render_system | "Rendering" |
citadel_settings_render_system_recommended | "recommended" |
citadel_settings_render_system_tooltip | "DirectX version" |
citadel_settings_rendering | "Rendering" |
citadel_settings_renderquality | "Render Quality" |
citadel_settings_renderquality_desc | "Per-dimension scaling ratio for calculating internal render resolution. Lower values render faster. Higher values render sharper with fewer artifacts." |
citadel_settings_replaykeybinds | "Replay Keybinds" |
citadel_settings_reset_keybind | "Reset" |
citadel_settings_reset_keybind_tooltip | "Reset Keybind to Default" |
citadel_settings_resolution | "Resolution" |
citadel_settings_resolution_display_mode | "Window Mode" |
citadel_settings_resolution_size | "Resolution" |
citadel_settings_screen_space_shadows | "Contact Shadows" |
citadel_settings_screen_space_shadows_desc | "Not currently used." |
citadel_settings_shadow_quality | "Shadow Quality" |
citadel_settings_shadow_quality_desc | "Shadow Quality" |
citadel_settings_shadow_quality_high | "High" |
citadel_settings_shadow_quality_low | "Low" |
citadel_settings_shadow_quality_med | "Med" |
citadel_settings_shadow_quality_ultra | "Ultra" |
citadel_settings_sounddevice | "Sound Device:" |
citadel_settings_speakerconfig | "Speaker Configuration:" |
citadel_settings_spectatorkeybinds | "Spectator Keybinds" |
citadel_settings_ssao | "Screen Space AO" |
citadel_settings_ssao_desc | "Approximates soft contact shadowing using screen space data.<br><br>Performance cost: moderate/consistent." |
citadel_settings_ssao_quality_high | "High" |
citadel_settings_ssao_quality_low | "Low" |
citadel_settings_ssao_quality_med | "Med" |
citadel_settings_ssao_quality_off | "Off" |
citadel_settings_ssao_quality_ultra | "Ultra" |
citadel_settings_streamer_mode | "Streamer Mode" |
citadel_settings_streamer_mode_tooltip | "Turn this on to hide player names in-game and on the dashboard. Does not hide player names from Profile Cards." |
citadel_settings_streamlined_mic | "Streamlined Mic" |
citadel_settings_streamlined_mic_desc | "Open the recording device when the game is started, instead of when the mic is used." |
citadel_settings_text_filter_filtered | "Enable text filtering" |
citadel_settings_texturequality | "Texture Quality" |
citadel_settings_texturequality_desc | "Lower settings reduce texture resolution to possibly improve performance on lower-end systems." |
citadel_settings_texturequality_high | "High" |
citadel_settings_texturequality_low | "Low" |
citadel_settings_texturequality_med | "Med" |
citadel_settings_ui_language | "Language:" |
citadel_settings_upscaling | "Upscaling Technology" |
citadel_settings_upscaling_desc | "Generates high resolution frames from low resolution, faster-to-render internal frames.<br><br>FSR2 uses temporal anti-aliasing (TAA).<br><br>Performance cost: moderate/consistent" |
citadel_settings_upscaling_fsr | "FSR" |
citadel_settings_upscaling_fsr2 | "FSR2 (TAA)" |
citadel_settings_upscaling_none | "Stretch" |
citadel_settings_usenativeresolution | "Use Native Resolution" |
citadel_settings_video | "Video" |
citadel_settings_videodefaults | "Restore To Defaults" |
citadel_settings_voice | "Voice Settings" |
citadel_settings_voice_always_sample_mic | "Always Sample Mic" |
citadel_settings_voice_level | "Voice Level" |
citadel_settings_voice_sounddevice | "Voice Input Device:" |
citadel_settings_voice_steam_link | "Recording device settings are configured using <a href="event:DOTAShowSteamVoiceSettings()">Steam voice settings</a>." |
citadel_settings_voicevolume | "Voice Chat Volume (Other Players)" |
citadel_settings_voicevolume_desc | "Adjust the volume of other players' microphones" |
citadel_settings_volume | "Volume" |
citadel_settings_vsync | "VSync" |
citadel_settings_vsync_desc | "Eliminates screen tearing artifacts but increases input latency." |
citadel_settings_will_reset_tooltip | "Conflicting binds will be cleared:" |
citadel_settings_window | "Window" |
citadel_spectator_voice_mode_0 | "Player Voice On" |
citadel_spectator_voice_mode_1 | "Player Voice Off" |
citadel_survey_fun_hero | "How fun was the hero you played today?" |
citadel_survey_least_fun_hero_to_play_against | "Which hero was the least fun to play against?" |
citadel_survey_match_fun | "How fun was the match?" |
citadel_switch_camera_teammate_1 | "Spectate Teammate 1" |
citadel_switch_camera_teammate_2 | "Spectate Teammate 2" |
citadel_switch_camera_teammate_3 | "Spectate Teammate 3" |
citadel_switch_camera_teammate_4 | "Spectate Teammate 4" |
citadel_switch_camera_teammate_5 | "Spectate Teammate 5" |
citadel_trick_shot | "Shooting Star" |
citadel_trick_shot_desc | "Toss a Shooting Star that will fire slowing bullets at nearby enemies. Shoot the Star to increase its fire rate (Enemies can shoot it to slow it down). Weapon upgrades apply to Shooting Star." |
citadel_unmute_game_audio | "Unmute game Audio" |
citadel_unmute_player | "Click to un-mute player" |
citadel_value_then_value_now_ability_upgrades | "({s:ValueNow} → <span class="greenUpgradedText">{s:ValueThen}</span>)" |
citadel_weapon_combo_melee | "Melee Combo" |
citadel_weapon_hero_akimbo_set | "Akimbo Gun" |
citadel_weapon_hero_apocalypse_set | "Apocalypse Gun" |
citadel_weapon_hero_astro_set | "Occult 45" |
citadel_weapon_hero_atlas_set | "Case Closed" |
citadel_weapon_hero_atlas_set_desc | "Reloads single shells at a time. Can be interrupted" |
citadel_weapon_hero_ballista_set | "Ballista Gun" |
citadel_weapon_hero_bebop_set | "Humble Pie" |
citadel_weapon_hero_bebop_set_desc | "Fires a continuous beam with no bullet travel" |
citadel_weapon_hero_cadence_set | "Arioso Annihilator" |
citadel_weapon_hero_cadence_set_desc | "Shoots bursts of 4 bullets that embed a crystal shard in the target. After 1 second, the shards shatter and deal the bullet damage again. Shatter damage is doubled if 5 or more shards are embedded." |
citadel_weapon_hero_chrono_set | "Trade Secret" |
citadel_weapon_hero_clawdril_set | "Clawdril Gun" |
citadel_weapon_hero_coldmetal_set | "Cold Metal Gun" |
citadel_weapon_hero_demoman_set | "Demoman Gun" |
citadel_weapon_hero_duo_set | "Duo Gun" |
citadel_weapon_hero_dynamo_set | "The Vonnegun" |
citadel_weapon_hero_forge_set | "Services Rendered" |
citadel_weapon_hero_forge_set_desc | "Increases fire rate as the guns spins up" |
citadel_weapon_hero_ghost_set | "Johann's Gift" |
citadel_weapon_hero_gigawatt_set | "Cold Calculus" |
citadel_weapon_hero_gunslinger_set | "Gunslinger Gun" |
citadel_weapon_hero_haze_set | "Censure & Penance" |
citadel_weapon_hero_heavy_set | "Heavy Gun" |
citadel_weapon_hero_hijack_set | "Hijack Gun" |
citadel_weapon_hero_hornet_set | "Wallflower's Revenge" |
citadel_weapon_hero_inferno_set | "Incendiary Remarks" |
citadel_weapon_hero_kali_set | "Kali Gun" |
citadel_weapon_hero_kelvin_set | "Expedition's End" |
citadel_weapon_hero_krill_set | "Yellow Canary" |
citadel_weapon_hero_lash_set | "Tale of The Tape" |
citadel_weapon_hero_magician_set | "Legerdemain" |
citadel_weapon_hero_mechaguy_set | "Mechaguy Gun" |
citadel_weapon_hero_mirage_set | "Promises Kept" |
citadel_weapon_hero_nano_set | "Sweetest Lie" |
citadel_weapon_hero_orion_set | "The Mourning Comes" |
citadel_weapon_hero_phalanx_set | "Phalanx Gun" |
citadel_weapon_hero_revenant_set | "Revenant Gun" |
citadel_weapon_hero_rutger_set | "Rutger Gun" |
citadel_weapon_hero_shiv_set | "Busted Flush" |
citadel_weapon_hero_slork_set | "Riptide" |
citadel_weapon_hero_slork_set_desc | "Spews a short range toxic cloud that deals double damage to non-hero targets. When aimed, shoots a long range dart that poisons enemies." |
citadel_weapon_hero_spade_set | "Spade Dice Launcher" |
citadel_weapon_hero_synth_set | "The Black Sheep" |
citadel_weapon_hero_tempest_set | "Tempest Gun" |
citadel_weapon_hero_tengu_set | "Protector's Hand" |
citadel_weapon_hero_tokamak_set | "Curie-ous Times" |
citadel_weapon_hero_viper_set | "The Rattler" |
citadel_weapon_hero_viscous_set | "Deep Sea Interpreter" |
citadel_weapon_hero_warden_set | "Freedom's Cost" |
citadel_weapon_hero_wraith_set | "The Rake" |
citadel_weapon_hero_wrecker_set | "The Butcher's Hand" |
citadel_weapon_hero_yakuza_set | "Yakuza Boss Gun" |
citadel_weapon_hero_yamato_set | "Sister's Lament" |
citadel_weapon_hero_zealot_set | "Zealotry Gun" |
citadel_west_team_name | "SAPPHIRE" |
clawdril_cyclone | "Cyclone" |
clawdril_cyclone_desc | "Clawdril sticks the drill in the ground, lifts his body horizontally, and spins it up. Kicks everyone nearby in the face while creating a vortex that sucks enemies inwards and deflects bullets." |
clawdril_drill_and_pin | "Drill & Pin" |
clawdril_drill_and_pin_desc | "Fire Clawdril's dril in a straight line, trapping any enemy hero it hits in a cage of crystals." |
clawdril_mining_expedition | "Mining Expedition" |
clawdril_mining_expedition_desc | "Smash the ground to reveal nearby crystals which can be melee'd into temporary buffs by you or your teammates." |
clawdril_plasma_laser | "Plasma Laser" |
clawdril_plasma_laser_desc | "Fire a short-range plasma laser that deals massive damage to units in its way." |
clip_size_pickup/clip_size | "3 Large clips" |
clip_size_pickup_label | "3 Large clips" |
coldmetal_charged_rocket | "Charged Rocket" |
coldmetal_charged_rocket_desc | "Hold to charge then fire a rocket that travels faster the longer it's charged. Upon impact explodes into a burst of tactical heat-seeking missiles." |
coldmetal_cold_metal_killer | "Cold Metal Killer" |
coldmetal_cold_metal_killer_desc | "Launch a fan of knives in a cone in front of Cold Metal, slowing enemies upon impact." |
coldmetal_contract_to_kill | "Contract to Kill" |
coldmetal_contract_to_kill/modifier_coldmetal_contract_to_kill | "Contract" |
coldmetal_contract_to_kill_desc | "Take out a contract on a target hero for a duration. The contract takes extra bullet damage and extra damage from Cold Metal's missiles. You have no move speed penalty while shooting at the contract and no aim speed penalty at the contract while moving." |
coldmetal_impenetrable_cube | "Impenetrable Cube" |
coldmetal_impenetrable_cube_desc | "Fold up into an impenetrable cube for a duration, unable to shoot or take damage, then explode into a flurry of tactical heat-seaking missiles." |
cooldown_reduction_pickup/cooldown_reduction | "Reduced Cooldown" |
cooldown_reduction_pickup_label | "Lower Cooldowns" |
damage_reduction_label | "Damage Reduction" |
damage_reduction_postfix | "%" |
detention_immune | "Detention Immune" |
disarm_immune | "Disarm Immune" |
double_jump_pickup/double_jump | "Double Jump and Zipline Speed" |
emp_immune | "Silenced Immune" |
extra_gold_pickup/extra_gold_pickup | "Bonus Bounty Next Hero Kill" |
extra_stamina_pickup/extra_stamina | "Extra Stamina" |
extra_stamina_pickup_label | "Extra Stamina" |
fathom_breach | "Breach" |
fathom_breach_desc | "Launch forward, damaging all enemies near where you land and knocking them into the air." |
fathom_breach_quip | "Launch forward into enemies" |
fathom_defer_damage | "Bloodletting" |
fathom_defer_damage_quip | "Defer a portion of damage taken" |
fathom_reefdweller_harpoon | "Reefdweller Harpoon" |
fathom_reefdweller_harpoon/latched | "Attached to Wall" |
fathom_reefdweller_harpoon/regen | "Out of Combat Regen" |
fathom_reefdweller_harpoon_desc | "Throw a harpoon that latches to a surface and pulls you in. While hanging attached to the harpoon surface, you are <span style="font-weight: bold;">invisible and invulnerable</span>. Enemies that look directly at Fathom reveal the invisibility." |
fathom_reefdweller_harpoon_passive_desc | "Passive: While out of combat and hidden on the minimap, <span style="font-weight: bold;">heal a portion of your max health</span> every second." |
fathom_reefdweller_harpoon_quip | "Throw a harpoon to pull yourself towards a surface." |
fathom_scalding_spray | "Scalding Spray" |
fathom_scalding_spray_desc | "Spray scalding water in a cone ahead of you. You build up bonus weapon damage as the spray damages an enemy hero." |
fathom_scalding_spray_quip | "Spray scalding water in a cone ahead of you." |
fire_rate_pickup/small_fire_rate | "Increased fire rate" |
fire_rate_pickup_label | "Fire Rate" |
firerate_permanent_pickup_label | "+1.5% Fire Rate" |
firerate_permanent_pickup_label_lv2 | "+2% Fire Rate" |
firerate_permanent_pickup_label_lv3 | "+2.5% Fire Rate" |
frozen_shelter_modifier_buff | "Frozen Shelter" |
ghost_malice_stack_effect_header | "Effect Per Stack:" |
golden_idol_bonus_01 | "+25% Extra Souls" |
golden_idol_bonus_02 | "+1 Ability Point" |
guardian_unit | "Guardian" |
guide_advanced_main_header | "Special Moves" |
guide_advanced_parry_desc | "Press <span class='keybind'>[ {s:key_parry} ]</span> to parry an enemy's melee attack.<br><br>They will be stunned and will receive increased melee damage." |
guide_advanced_parry_header | "Parry" |
guide_back_to_dashboard | "Back to Dashboard" |
guide_basics_abilities_desc | "Press <span class='keybind'>[ {s:in_ability1}, {s:in_ability2}, {s:in_ability3}, {s:in_ability4} ]</span> to use your hero's abilities." |
guide_basics_abilities_header | "Abilities" |
guide_basics_aim_desc | "Hold <span class='keybind'>[ {s:iv_attack2} ]</span> to zoom in with your weapon." |
guide_basics_aim_header | "Zoom" |
guide_basics_main_header | "Basic Controls" |
guide_basics_melee_desc | "Press <span class='keybind'>[ {s:key_weapon_1} ]</span> to make a quick attack. Hold <span class='keybind'>[ {s:key_weapon_1} ]</span> to deliver a powerful charging attack." |
guide_basics_melee_header | "Melee" |
guide_basics_reload_desc | "Press <span class='keybind'>[ {s:key_reload} ]</span> to reload your weapon. Certain actions, such as melee, will pause reload." |
guide_basics_reload_header | "Reload" |
guide_basics_shoot_desc | "Press <span class='keybind'>[ {s:iv_attack} ]</span> to shoot.<br><br>Gun damage falls off at longer ranges." |
guide_basics_shoot_header | "Shoot" |
guide_get_started_title | "Get Started" |
guide_movement_airdash_desc | "While airborne, dash to perform an air dash.<br><br>Requires stamina." |
guide_movement_airdash_header | "Air Dash" |
guide_movement_crouch_desc | "Press <span class='keybind'>[ {s:key_duck} ]</span> to crouch." |
guide_movement_crouch_header | "Crouch" |
guide_movement_dodge_desc | "While moving press <span class='keybind'>[ {s:key_innate_1} ]</span> to dash.<br><br>Requires stamina." |
guide_movement_dodge_header | "Dash" |
guide_movement_dodge_jump_desc | "Combine a dash and a well-timed jump to perform a dash jump.<br><br>Requires stamina." |
guide_movement_dodge_jump_header | "Dash Jump" |
guide_movement_double_jump_desc | "Press <span class='keybind'>[ {s:in_mantle} ]</span> at the top of a jump to double jump.<br><br>Special moves like double jump use your stamina bar, located next to your reticle." |
guide_movement_double_jump_header | "Double Jump" |
guide_movement_jump_desc | "Press <span class='keybind'>[ {s:in_mantle} ]</span> to jump." |
guide_movement_jump_header | "Jump" |
guide_movement_mantle_desc | "Hold <span class='keybind'>[ {s:in_mantle} ]</span> when near a ledge to mantle up." |
guide_movement_mantle_header | "Mantle" |
guide_movement_slide_desc | "Hold <span class='keybind'>[ {s:key_duck} ]</span> to slide while moving down a ramp or moving at high speed." |
guide_movement_slide_header | "Slide" |
guide_movement_zipline_desc | "Hold <span class='keybind'>[ {s:in_mantle} ]</span> to get on the line.<br><br>You can jump off by pressing <span class='keybind'>[ {s:in_mantle} ]</span>." |
guide_movement_zipline_header | "Transit Lines" |
guide_neutrals_desc | "There are many neutral creatures lurking around the map. Defeat them to earn souls.<br><br>Sometimes, a powerful creature will appear at the center of the map… defeating it will offer your team great power." |
guide_neutrals_header | "Neutrals" |
guide_outro_main_header | "Highlights" |
guide_overview_desc | "Explore the various sections to learn about the game." |
guide_overview_header | "Welcome to Deadlock" |
guide_overview_main_header | "Welcome" |
guide_the_map_core_alt_desc | "Your goal is to siege the enemy base, and destroy their defenses to reveal their team's Patron. Destroy the Patron, and victory is yours." |
guide_the_map_core_alt_header | "Base" |
guide_the_map_core_desc | "There is a shrine at the back of each team's base. Destroying the enemy shrine wins the game." |
guide_the_map_core_header | "Core" |
guide_the_map_desc | "Hover over areas on the map to learn more about the things you'll see while playing Deadlock." |
guide_the_map_guardians_desc | "Guardians are the first line of defense in each lane. Their attacks are very powerful, so it's best to push into them with your troopers." |
guide_the_map_guardians_header | "Guardians" |
guide_the_map_header | "Overview" |
guide_the_map_lanes_desc | "There are four lanes, each with a transit line that players can ride to move quickly." |
guide_the_map_lanes_header | "Lanes" |
guide_the_map_main_header | "Overview" |
guide_the_map_midboss_desc | "The middle of the map has a powerful neutral boss. The team that kills it will have immediate respawns on their next deaths." |
guide_the_map_midboss_header | "Temple Boss" |
guide_the_map_troopers_desc | "Troopers periodically spawn in the base and then run down a lane, fighting any enemies they encounter." |
guide_the_map_troopers_header | "Troopers" |
guide_the_map_walkers_desc | "Walkers lie deeper in the lanes and have an arsenal of defensive moves." |
guide_the_map_walkers_header | "Walkers" |
guide_the_map_welcome_desc | "Welcome to The Cursed Apple. If your team wants to emerge victorious, you’ll need to wield both guns and supernatural powers to lay siege to the enemy base." |
guide_the_map_welcome_header | "Introduction" |
guide_the_map_welcome_sub_header | "Introduction" |
guide_upgrades_buy_mods_desc | "Items can modify a variety of things like ammo count, melee damage or health regeneration. Items that increase Spirit Power improve the effectiveness of your abilities.<br><br>There is a Suggested Items tab with hand-picked recommendations for each hero." |
guide_upgrades_buy_mods_header | "Buy Items" |
guide_upgrades_deny_desc | "Enemy Soul Orbs are orange and enemies will get them if they float away or if they shoot them.<br><br>You can shoot these Orange Orbs first to steal them." |
guide_upgrades_deny_header | "Stealing Souls" |
guide_upgrades_going_home_desc | "When you have souls to spend, go back to base to heal and buy powerful items that increase your stats and grant additional abilities.<br><br>There's also a shop next to each guardian, available until the guardian is destroyed." |
guide_upgrades_going_home_header | "Shop" |
guide_upgrades_killing_guardians_desc | "As you collect souls, you'll also be granted Ability Points (AP).<br><br>You can spend these points to upgrade your abilities by holding <span class='keybind'>[TAB]</span>." |
guide_upgrades_killing_guardians_header | "Ability Points" |
guide_upgrades_last_hit_desc | "Get Souls by killing troopers and players. You can also get Souls by killing neutrals located throughout the map.<br><br>Souls are shared among allies nearby." |
guide_upgrades_last_hit_header | "Souls" |
guide_upgrades_main_header | "Gaining Power" |
guide_upgrades_upgrade_abilities_desc | "Spend Ability Points to upgrade your abilities.<br><br>Abilities have three upgrade tiers." |
guide_upgrades_upgrade_abilities_header | "Upgrade Abilities" |
guide_upgrades_yellow_orbs_desc | "When you land a killing blow, extra Souls appear.<br><br>You can secure these Souls by shooting the blue orb containing them or letting them float away." |
guide_upgrades_yellow_orbs_header | "Securing Souls" |
gun_powerup_pickup | "Gun" |
gunslinger_rapid_fire | "Rapid Fire" |
gunslinger_rapid_fire_desc | "Rapidly fire your guns at a target with perfect accuracy and 50% increased damage for {s:AbilityChannelTime}s. Causes {s:hero_name} and the target to float if in the air." |
gunslinger_rocket_launcher | "Rocket Launcher" |
gunslinger_rocket_launcher_desc | "Equip a rocket launcher that fires explosive rockets. Rocket blasts can launch enemies and {s:hero_name} into the air." |
gunslinger_sleep_bomb | "Sleep Bomb" |
gunslinger_sleep_bomb_desc | "Throw out a sleep bomb that explodes on impact, creating an expanding cloud that sleeps enemies it touches." |
gunslinger_tenacity | "Tenacity" |
gunslinger_tenacity_desc | "Gain {s:BulletLifestealPercent}% bullet life steal, increased by up to {s:LowHealthHealingScalePercent}% based on {s:hero_name}'s missing health." |
headed_this_way | "Headed this way" |
headed_to_blue | "{s:param_1} headed to Blue" |
headed_to_green | "{s:param_1} headed to Green" |
headed_to_purple | "{s:param_1} headed to Purple" |
headed_to_yellow | "{s:param_1} headed to Yellow" |
health_regen_pickup/small_health_regen | "Increased health regen" |
health_regen_pickup_label | "Healing" |
hero_akimbo | "Akimbo" |
hero_akimbo_lore | "Though he was built by a lonely gunslinger, Akimbo was taught that he couldn't use a gun to solve all his problems. This frustrated the robot outlaw immensely, but as time passed Akimbo realized that his human father was right. A gun only solved about 75% of his problems. To solve ALL his problems, he would need at least 2 guns." |
hero_akimbo_playstyle | "Akimbo excels at close range combat, where he relies on speed, cone attacks, and a whole lot of bullets to hit as many targets as possible." |
hero_apocalypse | "Apocalypse" |
hero_architect | "Architect" |
hero_assassin | "Assassin" |
hero_astro | "Holliday" |
hero_astro_lore | "There are people who spent their whole lives dreaming about moving to New York. Holliday isn't one of those people. Content with being a Sheriff in a small town, Holliday enjoyed a career where the only time she had to use her gun was when trick shooting at the county fair...then the murders started."n"nGrisly and inhumane; the bodies were found with their ribcages ripped open... their innards picked apart as if by birds. Holliday tracked down the killer, a travelling folk musician that the media dubbed "The Troubadour", but when she confronted him he exploded into a murder of crows and flew away."n"nThat was 6 months ago, and while the murders in central illinois have stopped, Holliday's investigation has not. She believes that The Troubadour is travelling to New York, and when she finds him she's going to kill that evil son of a bitch." |
hero_astro_playstyle | "Astro depends on her skills as a crack shot, shooting things she's bounced into the air. With good aim she can lay out heavy damage. Her movement skills let her isolate her enemies or beat a hasty retreat." |
hero_astro_role | "Bounces about dispensing trick shots" |
hero_atlas | "Abrams" |
hero_atlas_lore | "Hard hitting, hard headed, and hard drinking; Detective Abrams has been a fixture on the New York investigating scene for years. From stolen art, to missing persons, to ritual murders; Abrams didn't just take any case that came across his desk... he solved them."n"nBut his days of following cheating spouses came to an end the day he opened his office door and found The Tome sitting on his desk."n"nNo instruction was left for him save for a brief note scrawled in onyx blood that read "Don't let them have it". Abrams hasn't figured where the thing came from; but seeing as his home has been broken into, his office tossed on 3 different occasions, and his car firebombed he has a vested interest in figuring out what the hell is going on." |
hero_atlas_playstyle | "Abrams has the bulk and sustain to lead from the front, often running into the middle of his foes and watching them scatter. If his enemies waste their fire on him, his backline teammates can lay out damage with impunity." |
hero_atlas_role | "Charges into close combat" |
hero_ballista | "Ballista" |
hero_ballista_playstyle | "You know what people hate? Being knocked back by a shotgun. You know what they hate even more? Being knocked back into a mine field. Do you know what they hate even more than that? Being atomized by a fusion bomb. Ballista turns the battlefield into an explosive Rube Goldberg device." |
hero_ballista_role | "Shields up to drop the bomb" |
hero_bebop | "Bebop" |
hero_bebop_lore | "Forged by the hands of a widowed junk yard attendant; Bebop was more than just some scrap golem laborer... he was the son she couldn't have. Together they would work in the iron yard during the day, and listen to jazz at night. It was a predictable, if not comforting routine. But now, Bebop's creator has fallen ill and while Miss Shelly wouldn't approve of the activities that Bebop does at night to pay for her medicine, what she doesn't know can't hurt her." |
hero_bebop_playstyle | "Bebop can string together his abilities in many different ways. Disrupting enemy positions, saving an ally or dealing bursts of damage. When the situation doesn't require subtlety his giant laser still solves many problems." |
hero_bebop_role | "Hooks an enemy for a knockout combo" |
hero_bomber | "Bomber" |
hero_cadence | "Cadence" |
hero_chrono | "Paradox" |
hero_chrono_lore | "Paradox. An artifact of time, and the name of a notorious thieves' guild... one that prides themselves on constructing elaborate heists that target the most untouchable of individuals and institutions. What does Paradox do with the countless artifacts, state secrets, and celebrity paternity tests that they have stolen? Put it on display at pop-up museums, so that they can show the world that no one is out of Paradox’s reach."n"nShrouded in mystery, each member of Paradox dons a mask and takes on the organization's name. They are everywhere. They are nowhere. And if they want something, they are inevitable." |
hero_chrono_playstyle | "Manipulating time lets Paradox outpace an enemy in one on one combat. She thrives by subjecting her enemies to timely swaps into a waiting pulse grenade, her wall, or into the middle of her teammates." |
hero_chrono_role | "Manipulates Space and Time" |
hero_clawdril | "Clawdril" |
hero_coldmetal | "Cold Metal" |
hero_cowboy | "Cowboy" |
hero_demoman | "Demolitions Expert" |
hero_duo | "Duo" |
hero_dynamo | "Dynamo" |
hero_dynamo_lore | "As a Scientist, Professor Dynamo always had an inquisitive mind. So when a rift in space and time opened up in central park he was first on the scene to investigate – and while he expected such a majestic sight to be life changing, he was thinking more in a metaphorical way as opposed to having his body atomized and reduced to a tiny dying star."n"nBut while his body is gone, his spirit and lust for knowledge lives on. A tenured professor at Columbia College, Dynamo looks to learn more about his condition while maintaining his class load, after all: he has future minds to inspire." |
hero_dynamo_playstyle | "Dynamo keeps himself and his allies healthy while waiting for his moment. Few things can warp a team fight more than a well-coordinated use of Singularity." |
hero_dynamo_role | "Locks down the enemy team" |
hero_forge | "McGinnis" |
hero_forge_lore | "Maggie McGinnis always had a knack for building things. At 4 she was using Lincoln Logs to recreate architectural marvels. At 10 she built and rewired a custom light fixture for her parent's anniversary. At 15 she designed a machine that refined the souls of the dead...that last one got a little more attention than the Lincoln Logs."n"nNow the head of Fairfax Industries Military R&D department, McGinnis spends her time in the machine shop, not in a lab. She's not interested in theory, to her science is magic you can touch." |
hero_forge_playstyle | "Precise placement is everything for McGinnis, whether she's creating a killzone or splitting the enemy team. She can help keep her team running making them hard to dislodge when entrenched." |
hero_forge_role | "Controls the battle with combat turrets" |
hero_gadgeteer | "Gadgeteer" |
hero_gadgetman | "Gadget Man" |
hero_genericperson | "Generic Person" |
hero_ghost | "Lady Geist" |
hero_ghost_lore | "Once, Lady Jeanne Geist was the toast of the town. But as time passed and her beauty faded she found herself further and further from her glory days in High Society until finally she was nothing more than a frail woman in a nursing home, telling stories of a glorious past. And that’s when Oathkeeper revealed himself. A powerful spirit from another plane, Oathkeeper offered her a path to reclaim her past glories… he could restore her youth; all she had to do was drain the essence of the living to sustain herself. "n"nGeist was torn. Obviously murder was ghoulish business, and undoubtedly Oathkeeper was not an entity that could be trusted… but still, the thought of having a second chance of reliving her youth was too good to pass up. And so she concocted a plan: after making a pact with Oathkeeper she would bind and ward him, limiting his influence and pull over her. Oathkeeper would still get fed; but on her terms, not his."n"nHowever, as years have turned to decades; the strength of the Ward has weakened, and Oathkeeper hungers more than he ever has in the past…" |
hero_ghost_playstyle | "Expending health to achieve devastating effects is the source of Lady Geist's power. When running low, she can drain the life out of her rivals." |
hero_ghost_role | "Sacrifices health then drains it back" |
hero_gigawatt | "Seven" |
hero_gigawatt_lore | "When mystic energy awoke on Earth, the world changed... anything was possible. But just because anything WAS possible, didn’t mean that anything SHOULD be possible. And so the government made rules. Laws. A means for US citizens to enjoy the benefits of the supernatural world in safety. But rules and laws are for lesser men. Men with limitations. Men who were not Seven. "n"nThere are many rumors about what Seven did to land himself in Lost Whisper, an oubliette for the most dangerous of occultists. But there is no doubt about what happened on the night of his execution. "n"nWards placed by the most powerful ritualists of 7 different nations… wards designed to not just prevent mystical interference with the execution, but to simultaneously obliterate Seven's soul so that it could never be contacted, resurrected, or otherwise be used by someone looking to follow in his footsteps... failed."n"nOnlookers viewed in horror as the strongest mentalist employed by the US Army’s head popped like a grape. They screamed as Scotland Yard’s premiere occult investigator, the one who allegedly captured Seven, crumbled to ash. Seven's body buckled and writhed against his restraints; his skin burning from eldritch electricity... and yet he would not die. He laughed."n"nHe laughed as he tore himself free from his bondage."n"nHe laughed as his captors cowered in fear."n"nHe laughed as he massacred his tormentors."n"nHe laughed as he tasted the fresh air that was denied to him for years."n"nAnd he laughed when he thought about what he was going to do once he reached New York City." |
hero_gigawatt_playstyle | "Seven thrives in a skirmish waiting for the time to strike. Then he rolls into the fight like a storm and batters his enemies with a cascade of lightning." |
hero_gigawatt_role | "Electrocutes crowds of enemies" |
hero_glider | "Glider" |
hero_gunner | "Gunner" |
hero_gunslinger | "Gunslinger" |
hero_haze | "Haze" |
hero_haze_lore | "The Occult Security and Investigation Commission is a black box government organization that makes the CIA look transparent. It falls on the men, women, and entities of the OSIC to keep the country safe from sinister forces that are beyond the capabilities of local law enforcement."n"nAs a member of the notorious Sandman Division, Haze is routinely tasked with infiltrating the dreams of persons of interest, to assess their threat level, and if needed... to put them to sleep." |
hero_haze_playstyle | "When Haze fixates on a target she can hold her own in a firefight. She prefers to create one sided exchanges, avoiding damage then picking off unsuspecting targets up close." |
hero_haze_role | "Sneaks in and sprays bullets" |
hero_heavy_role | "Heavy Weapon Expert" |
hero_hijack | "Hijack" |
hero_hornet | "Vindicta" |
hero_hornet_lore | "A victim of John Hathorne during the Salem Witch Trials, Vindicta got a second chance of life when her spirit was brought back to the mortal plane during the first Maelstrom (the event that introduced the supernatural to the public at large)."n"nWaging a one ghost war against "The Friends of Humanity", a neo inquisition formed by Hathorne's descendants; Vindicta looks to keep the supernatural safe from Hathorne's ilk, and she isn't afraid to stack as many bodies as needed to do it." |
hero_hornet_playstyle | "Vindicta has the mobility to engage at her leisure, picking at her prey and bleeding them out slowly. Injured enemies at any distance should fear being picked off when she is on the map." |
hero_hornet_role | "Snipes the unsuspecting" |
hero_inferno | "Infernus" |
hero_inferno_lore | "Like most teenagers; Infernus was wild, rebellious, and impetuous. Unlike most teenagers, Infernus was a creature from another plane and had a supernatural mastery over fire. Needless to say: his youth was filled with no small amount of arson, murder, and evidence disposal. But that was then. Now an adult, Infernus has mellowed out considerably. He’s happy working at a bar with good live music, and talking to interesting people. That being said when someone at the bar gets belligerent or violent, he’s not afraid to dust off the skills he once honed." |
hero_inferno_playstyle | "Infernus has many ways to deal damage over time, burning foes before swooping in for the kill. Due to Infernus' blazing speed, his enemies won't be able to escape the flames." |
hero_inferno_role | "Lights up enemies and watches them burn" |
hero_kali | "Kali" |
hero_kali_playstyle | "Kali is positively lethal with his boomerang, however if he misses catching the blade on it's return path his effectiveness reduces dramatically." |
hero_kelvin | "Kelvin" |
hero_kelvin_lore | "A famed adventuring scientist, Kelvin made it his life's mission to explore and understand the unknowable. So naturally when rumors surfaced regarding an 8th astral gate hidden in the arctic, Kelvin couldn't build an expedition team fast enough. Assembling the brightest minds of his generation, Kelvin and his team set forth with much fanfare."n"nThey never returned."n"nA year and a half later the frozen body of Kelvin was found by a fishing trawler, his corpse clutching a rock etched with glowing runes. The crew chipped away at the ice, looking to get a closer look at the body and were shocked when Kelvin opened his eyes. They checked his vitals... there was no pulse. They sought to bandage his open wounds... there was no blood. And yet, impossibly, Kelvin was "alive"."n"nHaving no memory of what happened on the expedition, Kelvin is looking for answers." |
hero_kelvin_playstyle | "Timely heals and splitting a teamfight properly is the difference between an easy victory or a ruinous defeat. Gliding around slowing enemies gives Kelvin's team the maneuvering advantage to make this happen." |
hero_kelvin_role | "Freezes enemies in their tracks" |
hero_krill | "Mo & Krill" |
hero_krill_lore | "Mo and Krill are members of The Tunnel Rats, a group that help facilitate illicit trade and commerce between the boroughs thanks to a network of underground tunnels. But while most denizens of the New York underworld respect the work The Rats do, every once in a while a gang tries to exploit the tunnel system for personal vendettas...that's when Mo and Krill step in and remind the city what happens to those who disrespect their hospitality." |
hero_krill_playstyle | "By burrowing through the ground, Mo and Krill can get the drop on almost anyone; and once they get in close the results can be devastating." |
hero_krill_role | "Burrows underneath his enemies" |
hero_lash | "Lash" |
hero_lash_lore | "Jacob Lash is an asshole." |
hero_lash_playstyle | "Lash gives his enemies little room to breathe, either by flying in from long distances to initiate combat with unsuspecting enemies, or pursuing said enemies when they try to run." |
hero_lash_role | "Dives down to stomp his foes" |
hero_magician | "Magician" |
hero_magician_lore | "Henry's parents told him he was too young and impulsive to mess with real magic, and so they gave him a deck of cards to play with. He took to sleight of hand naturally and soon was dazzling his classmates with fantastic feats of illusions that were done without mystic artifacts or incantation."n"nWhen he was in high school he met Savannah, and their mutal love of stage magic sparked a whirlwind romance. Soon they fell in love and created an act together. Obviously they were meant to be; and so at prom, Henry proposed to Savannah and they married soon after graduation."n"nUnsurprisingly both sets of parents were not thrilled at this prospect, but Henry and Savannah knew they were soulmates. And so they cemented their love for one another by having a blood mystic bind their souls for eternity."n"nWhen an on-stage accident claimed both their lives, no one was sure who to blame. Henry claims Savannah was out of position. Savannah says Henry didn't wait for his queue. But one things for sure, since their souls are tied to each other neither one of them have been able to move on. Now a bickering pair of ghosts, Henry and Savannah need to work together if they want to have any chance of undoing their eternal union." |
hero_magician_playstyle | "With the help of their unwilling assistant, the Magician can confuse enemies with curving hexes and rapid cards." |
hero_magician_role | "Misdirect and hex enemies" |
hero_mechaguy | "Mecha Guy" |
hero_mirage | "Mirage" |
hero_mirage_lore | "The Djinn are one of the more curious groups of people in the modern world. Possessing great power in controlled doses, Djinn are incapable of maintaining corporeal form for longer than 48 minutes without resting within a vessel. As a result, most Djinn employ human bodyguards for transport, protection, and companionship."n"nMirage is one such bodyguard. Employed by Djinn ambassador Nashala Dion, Mirage is in New York on a diplomatic mission. It's the hope of the Djinn that they can negotiate with the US government for a sale of part of Wyoming so that they can build a sovereign nation for their people." |
hero_mirage_playstyle | "Mirage can envelop himself in a violent tornado to catch up to enemies and lift them up. His scarabs help him sustain against multiple enemies, and he's always ready to help an ally or punish an enemy anywhere." |
hero_mirage_role | "Times his shots and catches fleeing targets" |
hero_nano | "Calico" |
hero_nano_lore | "Granted the dubious honor of being named Time Magazine's most dangerous woman on the planet, Calico is an enigmatic occult arms dealer that is willing to fund any and all sides of a conflict if the price is right."n"nWhile her critics (and friends) would correctly identify her as being amoral, she is not without her principles... however cold and calculated those principles may be." |
hero_nano_playstyle | "Calico uses the shadows to her advantage, weaving in and out of combat to hunt down her enemies one by one." |
hero_nano_role | "Wreaks havoc from the sidelines" |
hero_orion | "Grey Talon" |
hero_orion_lore | "A founding member of "The Baxter Society", Wesley Grey Talon spent close to 40 years hunting monsters that preyed on man before finally deciding to find a replacement and lay down his bow. Grey Talon's duties had meant that he never spent much time with his wife and kid, and now that his son had started a family of his own he realized that this was his last chance to reconnect with the people he loved."n"nRetirement suited Wesley. He made up for lost time with his wife. He doted on his grandkids. He cooked dinner for the whole family every Wednesday. He was happy."n"nThen he got the call."n"nThe authorities claimed that it was a freak accident... that the fire consumed his son's house before anyone got a chance to escape. But Wesley knew better. His son's wife was an Ixian who could snuff out flame with a thought. If their bodies were found burned they had to be dead long before there was a fire."n"nAnd so Grey Talon has picked up his bow once more, and when he finds who's responsible there will be a bloody reckoning." |
hero_orion_playstyle | "A cunning predator, Grey Talon uses a combination of deadly accuracy, traps, and clever positioning to bring down the toughest of opponents." |
hero_orion_role | "Delivers long range skill-shots" |
hero_phalanx | "Phalanx" |
hero_phoenix | "Phoenix" |
hero_revenant | "Revenant" |
hero_rutger | "Rutger" |
hero_rutger_playstyle | "Rocket Launcher gives him some rocket-jumping capabilities, Force Field allows him to close off movement options, Cheat Death lets him turn bad fights around, and a Pulse released in the middle of a teamfight can dictate the outcome." |
hero_sapper | "Sapper" |
hero_shieldguy | "Shield Guy" |
hero_shiv | "Shiv" |
hero_shiv_lore | "A loyal member of "The Baxter Society", an international order of monster hunters, Shiv travels across North America looking to put down creatures that prey on the living."n"nWhile his less polished nature and criminal past make some of the more traditional members of the Society wary, no one can deny his effectiveness." |
hero_shiv_playstyle | "Shiv has zero interest in playing fair, which is why he relies on hit and run tactics to weaken enemies before he dives in for the kill." |
hero_shiv_role | "Bleeds out foes, then goes in for a kill" |
hero_skymonk | "Sky Monk" |
hero_skymonk_role | "Initiation" |
hero_skymonk_strengths | "Crafty" |
hero_slingshot | "Slingshot" |
hero_slork | "Fathom" |
hero_slork_lore | "A notorious monster of The Deep, Fathom enjoyed cultivating an aura of mystery and fear around him. He was content feasting on wayward sailors and demanding tithes from selkie's, but then The Adversary came and ruined everything. After all, when it came to sowing terror, how could he compete with a genocidal force of nature? It wasn't fair. Something had to be done to save himself from fading into obscurity...and so he seeks to summon The Patrons to endure that he will always be the apex predator of The Deep." |
hero_slork_playstyle | "A short-ranged assassin, Fathom can slip in and out of combat and win long engagements." |
hero_slork_role | "Slips into combat and then hides to recover" |
hero_spade | "Spade" |
hero_spade_playstyle | "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua." |
hero_synth | "Pocket" |
hero_synth_lore | "Arin Fairfax, the eldest heir to Fairfax Industries, has been living in hiding for the past 5 years after being shot and left for dead on their 18th birthday. Arin doesn't know who is trying to keep them from taking control of their parent's company... but in the avarice fueled viper's nest that is Fairfax Industries it could be anyone."n"nTaking on the name "Pocket", Arin desperately wants to keep their true identity a secret… not only for their own protection; but because they want to forge their own identity separate from their parents." |
hero_synth_playstyle | "With a powerful shotgun and a thin frame, Pocket relies on their ability to briefly escape into a mystic suitcase and teleport via a flying cloak in order to survive close encounters." |
hero_synth_role | "Infiltrates and disrupts the backline" |
hero_targetdummy | "TargetDummy" |
hero_tempest | "Tempest" |
hero_tempest_playstyle | "Much like how a child has no idea how a TV works, no one knows exactly HOW Tempest kills you. Was it a tesla coil? You didn't see a tesla coil. Either way, you're dead and Tempest is laughing." |
hero_tengu | "Ivy" |
hero_tengu_lore | "The gargoyle didn't know what was happening when it sprang to life... just that a big human and a small human were being hurt. And so the gargoyle leapt to action, sending the attackers fleeing in horror. The small human said thank you and asked the gargoyle's name. The gargoyle didn't have one. And so the small human said, "I'm going to call you Ivy." The gargoyle, being covered in ivy at the time, thought it was a bit obvious, but decided to go along with it for the small human's sake."n"nThe humans asked if Ivy would come home with them so they could show their appreciation, and so Ivy walked with them. That night she learned much. The family were called The Arroyo's. The little one, Sophia. Mofongo is what they called a plate of deliciousness. But most importantly, she learned that the people attacking them were called "The Mendoza Syndicate", and they were hurting people...nice people like The Arroyo's."n"n18 years have passed since the day the Arroyo's took Ivy home... and during that time she made it her mission to dismantle the Mendoza Syndicate and free Spanish Harlem from its grasp. However the thing about dedicating your life to a single pursuit for nearly 2 decades is that you don't really know what to do once you achieve it. For the first time in her life, Ivy is prepared to venture outside of Spanish Harlem and see what the world has to offer beyond vigilante justice." |
hero_tengu_playstyle | "Ivy has disruptive combat tricks that slow and stun enemies. She's most effective when linking up with an ally, empowering her and her ally's guns as well as sharing heals." |
hero_tengu_role | "Sets up a power duo with a lucky ally" |
hero_test | "Test Hero" |
hero_thumper | "Thumper" |
hero_tokamak | "Tokamak" |
hero_tokamak_playstyle | "Shooting Tokamak's weapon builds heat which bleeds off whenever the gun isn't shooting. High heat levels can be used to increase the power of some abilities." |
hero_vampire | "Vampire" |
hero_vandal | "Vandal" |
hero_viper | "Viper" |
hero_viper_lore | "When it comes to breaking the law, not getting caught is a pretty important part of the job. Viper never got that memo. Luckily for her, if there’s one thing she’s better at than being arrested, it’s escaping out of jail."n"nHaving done time in every major prison in the tri-state area, Viper has built an impressive network of street level lowlifes that owe her one. She’s also built an impressive network of street level lowlifes that want her dead, but she tries to focus on the positive." |
hero_viper_playstyle | "With a powerful weapon (and deadly venom to match), Viper can slither into the back of teams and assassinate high-priority targets in a storm of bullets." |
hero_viper_role | "Slither in and assassinate enemies" |
hero_viscous | "Viscous" |
hero_viscous_lore | "The Bermuda Triangle was never a myth, it was a shadowline nexus deep underneath the Atlantic Ocean. For the most part, the things that escaped this astral gate were benign (like Nessie), but now something dark and predatory known only as The Adversary hunts the seas... and ocean denizens are scared to death."n"nOne of those inhabitants, a psychic sea anemone, wants to do something about it. Summoning an ectoplasmic goo body to traverse the surface, Viscous is desperately trying to summon The Patrons in order to keep The Deep safe from the horror that lurks below." |
hero_viscous_playstyle | "Viscous vexes his opponents through clever evasion and strategic uses of healing, enabling him to withstand the most brutal of enemy attacks." |
hero_viscous_role | "Rolls around deflecting bullets" |
hero_warden | "Warden" |
hero_warden_lore | "Most people think the supernatural came into the world 50 years ago. They’re wrong. Its presence shaped folklore for generations… and as long as there have been people afraid of the shadows, there have been those who dedicated their lives to fighting in them."n"nComing from a lineage of militant alchemists, Warden’s family always trained for the day they would have to stave off a mystic apocalypse… but as time passed the importance of the lessons seemed less and less important. What once was viewed as a sincere warning slowly morphed into being perceived as amusing anecdotes told by their superstitious grandparents."n"nWhen the portal opened in Central Park, Warden’s parents realized not only was everything they were told was true, they were unprepared. Refusing to let the next generation fall asleep on the job, Warden was trained since birth to be a supernatural killing machine with one purpose: stopping the Patrons from ever entering our world." |
hero_warden_playstyle | "Warden leads from the front, jumping into the fray and hindering his opponents' ability to fight effectively. But what Warden considers brave, others consider reckless, and if he's not careful he can easily find himself in over his head." |
hero_warden_role | "Weakens his enemies and chases them down" |
hero_wraith | "Wraith" |
hero_wraith_lore | "The cornerstone of the New York gambling scene, Wraith's organization is about as open a secret as it comes. However, thanks to a non-trivial amount of bribes, shakedowns, and blackmail, Wraith knows that she's above the law." |
hero_wraith_playstyle | "Excelling at one-on-one combat, Wraith isolates targets, eliminating them with ruthless efficiency. Then teleporting away before anyone can retaliate." |
hero_wraith_role | "Melts isolated targets" |
hero_wrecker | "Wrecker" |
hero_wrecker_lore | "When the Maelstrom first hit New York, it didn’t just usher in a new age of mysticism to the world… it changed geopolitics. From CIA employed seers identifying threats decades before they rise to power to occult pacts made in smoky backrooms; countless wars and atrocities have been prevented that would otherwise have shaped history. But that doesn’t mean there is no war… just that war has changed."n"nParanormal Military Companies have risen to prominence. These groups, using a combination of extra-planar creatures and various blood magics; have found ways to circumvent the guardrails established by the nation’s watchdog oracles, allowing them to function as proxies for nations seeking to wage war."n"nWrecker is one such soldier."n"nEmployed by Eldritch Tactical Solutions (a subsidiary of Fairfax Industries), Wrecker is an elite soldier of fortune with a reputation for doing dirty work that other PMC’s don’t have the stomach for." |
hero_wrecker_playstyle | "Salvaging and scrapping for parts, Wrecker can disassemble troopers, crush foes with his Wrecking Ball, and capture all enemies in his Stasis Trap." |
hero_wrecker_role | "Salvages scrap to create weapons" |
hero_yakuza | "The Boss" |
hero_yamato | "Yamato" |
hero_yamato_lore | "犯罪組織のボスの家に生まれた花桜梨とその兄の"n大和にとって、父の死後に「セブンスムーン」の跡目を"n継ぐのは自明のことでもあった。 そして何年もの間、"nかれらは対等の立場で組織を率いて利益と成功を"nもたらし、やがてはアメリカへの進出をも目論むように"nなった。"n"n思い描いていた計画は単純で、 大和がアメリカに渡って"n花桜梨の国際的な存在感を高め、その間花桜梨は日本に"n残って国内を統制する、といったものだった。 兄妹に"nとって不運だったのは、花桜梨が日本で指揮をとると"nいう計画を快く思わない部下たちがいたことだった。"n"nそして迅速かつ暴力的な形で、反乱は発生した。"n大和は花桜梨を守るために命を落とし、花桜梨と数人の"n忠実な部下たちは、その大和の犠牲のおかげもあって、"n日本からアメリカへと逃げ延びることに成功した。"n"nアメリカに着いた花桜梨たちを出迎えたのは、"n本来であれば大和が会う予定となっていた男であった。"n彼は日本人の名前になじみがなかったため性別の"n区別がついておらず、花桜梨のことを「ヤマト」と"n呼んだ。花桜梨は男の間違いを正そうと思ったが、"n結局そのままにした。兄の記憶を残し続けるためにも、"nその名を名乗り、その夢を受け継ぐことが最善の"n道であろうと考えたからだ。" |
hero_yamato_playstyle | "Yamato uses precise strikes to decimate her rivals. However, such damaging attacks often will leave her exposed, so she needs to make every shot count." |
hero_yamato_role | "Delivers charged attacks with finesse" |
hero_zealot | "Zealot" |
hint_throw_wrecking_ball | "Throw Ball" |
hold_up | "Hold up {s:param_1}" |
hook_bullet_shield | "Bullet Shield" |
hook_modifier_slow | "Hook Slow" |
hp_permanent_pickup_label | "+20 Max HP" |
hp_permanent_pickup_label_lv2 | "+30 Max HP" |
hp_permanent_pickup_label_lv3 | "+40 Max HP" |
hud_change_camera | "Change Camera" |
hud_free_cursor_mode_0 | "Enable Cursor" |
hud_free_cursor_mode_1 | "Enable Camera Control" |
hud_next_player | "Next Player" |
hud_prev_player | "Prev Player" |
hud_spectate_change_team | "Change Team" |
hud_spectate_count | "{d:spectatorCount} Spectators" |
hud_spectate_fly_down | "Fly Up" |
hud_spectate_fly_up | "Fly Down" |
hud_spectate_minimap_view | "Minimap View" |
hud_spectate_minimap_view_amber | "Amber" |
hud_spectate_minimap_view_both_teams | "Both Teams" |
hud_spectate_minimap_view_sapphire | "Sapphire" |
hud_spectate_minimap_view_target_team | "Target's" |
hud_spectate_next_prev | "Next / Prev" |
hud_spectating | "Spectating" |
in_mid | "{s:param_1} inside mid" |
item_info_abilities | "Abilities" |
item_info_active | "Active" |
item_info_actives_full | "Actives Full" |
item_info_cant_afford | "Can't Afford" |
item_info_flex_slots | "FLEX SLOTS" |
item_info_new | "NEW" |
item_info_no_shop | "No Nearby Shop" |
item_info_sell | "Sell" |
kill_hype_FirstBlood | "first blood" |
kill_hype_KillStreak:p{kills} | "{i:kills} kill streak#|#{i:kills} kill streak" |
lash_down_strike_slow_modifier | "Slowed" |
lash_grapple_buff | "Weapon Damage" |
menu_abandon | "Abandon Match" |
menu_announcements | "Announcements" |
menu_book_library | "The Library" |
menu_bot_custom | "Custom Match" |
menu_bot_hero_labs | "Hero Labs" |
menu_bot_practice | "Private Bots" |
menu_botmatchmaking | "Play Against Bots" |
menu_botmatchmaking_count | "{s:mm_coopbot_count} In Queue" |
menu_bots | "Bot Match" |
menu_bots_1v1 | "Bot Match (1v1)" |
menu_bots_easy | "Easy" |
menu_bots_guided | "Guided" |
menu_bots_hard | "Hard" |
menu_bots_lane_training | "Lane Training" |
menu_bots_medium | "Medium" |
menu_browseshop | "Browse Items" |
menu_changehero | "Change Hero" |
menu_clear_party_mode | "Change Mode" |
menu_clear_ready_up | "Clear Ready" |
menu_control_zoo | "Control Zoo" |
menu_disconnect | "Disconnect" |
menu_exit | "Exit Game" |
menu_exit_db_page | "Back" |
menu_getstarted | "Get Started" |
menu_hero_grid | "Heroes" |
menu_hero_labs_schedule_times | "{t:t:start_time} - {t:t:end_time}" |
menu_hero_labs_schedule_title | "Available Times:" |
menu_hero_labs_unavailable | "Locked" |
menu_hero_testing | "Sandbox Mode" |
menu_hero_training | "Hero Training" |
menu_heroes | "Heroes" |
menu_learn | "Learn to Play" |
menu_learn_completed | "Completed" |
menu_learn_incomplete | "Incomplete" |
menu_leave | "Leave Match" |
menu_leave_queue | "Cancel Search" |
menu_leave_spectate | "Leave Spectating" |
menu_leave_testing | "Leave Sandbox" |
menu_play | "Play" |
menu_play_allmodes_count | "{s:queued_users} in Queue" |
menu_play_botmatchmaking_desc | "Play a match against Bots alongside other players" |
menu_play_bots_easy_desc | "Play a private match against bots" |
menu_play_browse_shop_desc | "Browse all items in the shop and get ready for your next match!" |
menu_play_custom_game_desc | "Create or join a custom match for up to 12 players" |
menu_play_get_started_desc | "A helpful breakdown of the game's Objectives and Controls." |
menu_play_get_started_time_est | "4 Minutes" |
menu_play_hero_labs_desc | "Help test experimental new Heroes" |
menu_play_hero_labs_locked_desc | "Help test experimental new Heroes. Unlocked after 50 games played" |
menu_play_lane_training | "Lane Training" |
menu_play_lane_training_desc | "Learn the early game with a friendly hero to guide the way." |
menu_play_lane_training_time_est | "8 Minutes" |
menu_play_learn_to_play_desc | "Watch the tutorial then follow it up with some hero sandbox and lane training." |
menu_play_low_priority_matchmaking | "You are marked for Low Priority. You and your party will only match with others who are also in Low Priority." |
menu_play_matchmaking | "Play a standard match against other players" |
menu_play_normal | "Play Deadlock" |
menu_play_normal_count | "{s:mm_unranked_count} In Queue" |
menu_play_ranked | "Play Ranked" |
menu_play_ranked_desc | "Play a more competitive match against similarly skilled players." |
menu_play_sandbox_desc | "Test Hero abilities, movement, and items" |
menu_play_sandbox_time_est | "5 Minutes" |
menu_play_unavailable_in_party | "Unavailable while in Party" |
menu_play_unavailable_in_queue | "Unavailable while in Queue" |
menu_profile | "Profile" |
menu_ranked_schedule_alldays | "Daily Schedule:" |
menu_ranked_schedule_timeplaceholder | "{t:t:start_time} - {t:t:end_time}" |
menu_ranked_schedule_title | "Available Times:" |
menu_ranked_schedule_weekdays_monfri | "Mon - Fri:" |
menu_ranked_schedule_weekends_satsun | "Sat - Sun:" |
menu_ranked_select_schedule | "Select Schedule" |
menu_ranked_set_schedule | "Set Schedule" |
menu_ranked_title | "Ranked:" |
menu_ranked_unavailable | "Locked" |
menu_ranked_unavailable_desc | "You must play 50 Standard Games in order to queue for Ranked" |
menu_ranked_view_schedules | "View all Schedules" |
menu_ranked_week_dates | "{t:s:start_day} - {t:s:end_day}" |
menu_ready_up | "Ready Up" |
menu_rejoin | "Rejoin" |
menu_resources | "Resources" |
menu_resume | "Resume" |
menu_roster_detail2 | "Edit Roster" |
menu_roster_edit | "Edit" |
menu_sandbox | "Sandbox Mode" |
menu_settings | "Settings" |
menu_social | "Party" |
menu_submit_feedback | "Submit Feedback" |
menu_training | "Training" |
menu_watch | "Watch" |
menu_watch_live_games | "{d:live_matches} Live Now" |
mirage_fire_beetles | "Fire Scarabs" |
mirage_fire_beetles_desc | "Start launching fire scarabs. Each scarab can be <span style="font-weight: bold;">launched separately</span>, stealing <span style="font-weight: bold;">max health from enemies</span> and applying <span style="font-weight: bold;">bullet resist reduction</span>. Cannot apply multiple scarabs to the same enemy. The health gain from hitting heroes is 3x as effective as against non-heroes." |
mirage_fire_beetles_quip | "Send out scarabs that steal life from enemies" |
mirage_sand_phantom | "Djinn's Mark" |
mirage_sand_phantom_desc | "Active: <span style="font-weight: bold;">Consume multiplier</span> of Djinn's Mark to deal its damage now." |
mirage_sand_phantom_passive_desc | "Passive: Your shots <span style="font-weight: bold;">apply an increasing multiplier</span> on the target. When the multiplier on a target expires or you reach the max, it's consumed and the target suffers <span style="font-weight: bold;">Spirit Damage</span> and is briefly <span style="font-weight: bold;">revealed on the map</span>. The final damage is the base damage times the multiplier." |
mirage_sand_phantom_quip | "Apply procs of escalating damage" |
mirage_sand_phantom_t1_desc | "Apply 80% Slow for 0.5s whenever you apply 2x multiplier or higher" |
mirage_sand_phantom_t2_desc | "+4.0s Multiplier Duration and +10 Base Damage" |
mirage_sand_phantom_t3_desc | "-0.75s Cooldown Between Multiplier and +4 Max Multiplier" |
mirage_teleport | "Traveler" |
mirage_teleport_desc | "Channeled. Target an ally or visible enemy hero on the minimap, then <span style="font-weight: bold;">teleport</span> to where they were when your channel started. After teleporting, you gain <span style="font-weight: bold;">movement speed</span> as well as <span style="font-weight: bold;">fire rate until your next reload</span>." |
mirage_teleport_movespeed | "Traveler - Bonus Movement" |
mirage_teleport_quip | "Teleport to an ally or enemy hero" |
mirage_teleport_t3_desc | "On arrival, become <span style="font-weight: bold;">Immune</span> to Stun, Silence, Sleep, Root, and Disarm for <span style="font-weight: bold;">3s</span>." |
mirage_tornado | "Tornado" |
mirage_tornado_desc | "Transform yourself into a tornado that travels forward, <span style="font-weight: bold;">damaging enemies</span> and <span style="font-weight: bold;">lifting them up in the air</span>. After emerging from the tornado you gain <span style="font-weight: bold;">bullet evasion</span>." |
mirage_tornado_quip | "Transform yourself into a tornado that lifts enemies" |
modifier_abrams_immunity | "Immunity" |
modifier_acolytes_glove_triggered | "Spirit Strike" |
modifier_aerial_assault | "Aerial Assault" |
modifier_afterburn_dot | "Burning from Afterburn" |
modifier_airlift_ally | "Air Drop" |
modifier_aoe_silence | "Silenced - Abilities Disabled" |
modifier_aoe_smoke_bomb | "Smoke" |
modifier_arcane_eater_buff | "Spirit Power Taken" |
modifier_arcane_eater_debuff | "Spirit Power Stolen" |
modifier_arcane_medallion_triggered | "Arcane Medallion" |
modifier_armor_breaking_bullets | "Armor Piercing Rounds" |
modifier_armor_reactive_armor | "Return Fire" |
modifier_armor_return_fire | "Return Fire" |
modifier_astro_lasso_tether | "Lasso Chained" |
modifier_astro_rifle_slow | "Movement Slow" |
modifier_bebop_laser_beam | "Hyper Beam" |
modifier_blood_exchange | "Blood Exchange" |
modifier_bolo_immobilized | "Immobilized" |
modifier_bolo_leech | "Leeching..." |
modifier_bullet_armor_reduction | "Bullet Resist Reduced" |
modifier_burst_fire_actuator | "Burst Actuator" |
modifier_cadence_anthem_aoe | "Singing Anthem" |
modifier_cadence_anthem_buff | "Cadence Anthem" |
modifier_cadence_crescendo_in_aoe | "Encased in Glass" |
modifier_cadence_crescendo_post_aoe | "Shattered" |
modifier_cadence_grandfinale_buff | "Grand Finale" |
modifier_cadence_silence_contraptions | "Silence Contraptions" |
modifier_cadence_silence_contraptions_debuff | "Silence Contraptions" |
modifier_cadence_sleep_aoe | "Singing a Lullaby" |
modifier_cadence_sleeping | "Sleeping" |
modifier_camouflage_invis | "Camouflaged" |
modifier_charge_drag_enemy | "Shoulder Charge" |
modifier_charged_bomb | "Charged Bomb" |
modifier_charged_tackle_active | "Tackling" |
modifier_charged_tackle_prepare | "Building Power" |
modifier_cheat_death_immunity | "Death Immune" |
modifier_chrono_pulse_grenade_tech_resist_debuff | "Pulse Grenade - Spirit Resist Down" |
modifier_chrono_sphere_friendly | "Time Accelerated" |
modifier_chrono_swap_bubble_move | "Paradoxical Swap" |
modifier_citadel_accuracy_tracker | "Accuracy" |
modifier_citadel_active_disarm_spirit_steal | "Drain Will" |
modifier_citadel_afterburn_buildup | "Igniting" |
modifier_citadel_archer_air_raid | "Power Jump" |
modifier_citadel_archer_guided_arrow | "Guided Owl" |
modifier_citadel_assassinate_target | "Assassination Target - Find Cover!" |
modifier_citadel_ballista_ammo_pack_pickup_timer | "Picking up ammo pack..." |
modifier_citadel_banished | "Banished" |
modifier_citadel_basicdamagereflect | "Reflecting Damage" |
modifier_citadel_bolo | "Immobilizing..." |
modifier_citadel_bubble | "Ethereal Shift" |
modifier_citadel_bull_charging | "Charging" |
modifier_citadel_bull_leap | "Boosting" |
modifier_citadel_capture_zipline_timer | "Capturing Hyperline" |
modifier_citadel_charging | "Charging" |
modifier_citadel_chrono_pulse_grenade_debuff | "Pulse Grenade" |
modifier_citadel_chrono_sphere | "Time Stop" |
modifier_citadel_chrono_swap_buff | "Spirit Immune" |
modifier_citadel_chrono_swap_debuff | "Slowed" |
modifier_citadel_chrono_time_wall_effect | "Time Wall" |
modifier_citadel_containment_victim | "Containment" |
modifier_citadel_crystal_shield | "Absorbing Damage" |
modifier_citadel_damage_reduction | "Armor Boost" |
modifier_citadel_damageboost | "Damage Boost" |
modifier_citadel_death_tax | "Death Tax" |
modifier_citadel_death_tax_tech_amp | "Death Tax Power" |
modifier_citadel_delayed_stun | "Delayed Stun" |
modifier_citadel_disarm_proc | "Disarmed" |
modifier_citadel_disarm_proc_buildup | "Disarming..." |
modifier_citadel_disarmed | "Disarmed" |
modifier_citadel_disarmed_icebeam | "Weapon Frozen" |
modifier_citadel_disruptive_charge | "Pack Hunter" |
modifier_citadel_dodging | "Dodging" |
modifier_citadel_dps_tracker | "DPS" |
modifier_citadel_drone_spotted_enemy | "Visible to Enemy" |
modifier_citadel_drone_spotted_enemy_desc | "The enemy can see your position" |
modifier_citadel_duo_energy_link | "Energy Link" |
modifier_citadel_duo_energy_link_duration | "Energy Link" |
modifier_citadel_duo_fusion_scalpel_target | "Fusion Scalpel" |
modifier_citadel_enemy_uppercutted | "Uppercutted!" |
modifier_citadel_grapplehook_wall_hanging | "Grapple Hook Wall Hanging" |
modifier_citadel_hijack_weapon_jammer_proc | "Weapon Jammed" |
modifier_citadel_hijack_weapon_jammer_proc_desc | "Weapon has been Jammed" |
modifier_citadel_holding_golden_idol | "Bring the Urn to an Altar" |
modifier_citadel_holding_golden_idol_revealed | "Visible to enemies! Bring Urn to an Altar" |
modifier_citadel_hornet_chain_connection | "Tethered to the ground" |
modifier_citadel_hornet_crit_stacking_damage_buff | "Headhunter" |
modifier_citadel_hornet_crit_vulnerability | "Crit Vulnerable" |
modifier_citadel_hornetleap | "Vindicta Leap" |
modifier_citadel_hornetmark | "Vindicta's Mark" |
modifier_citadel_idol_pickup_disabled | "Soul Urn Pickup Disabled" |
modifier_citadel_immobilize_trap_immobilize | "Immobilizing Trap" |
modifier_citadel_immobilize_trap_immobilize_debuff | "Immobilizing Trap Debuff" |
modifier_citadel_in_fountain | "Home Base" |
modifier_citadel_in_shop | "In Shop" |
modifier_citadel_incendiaryprojectile_burn | "Burning from Incendiary" |
modifier_citadel_kelvin_frozen | "Frozen" |
modifier_citadel_knockdown | "Stunned" |
modifier_citadel_knockdown_stumble | "Stumble" |
modifier_citadel_lineslow | "Slowed" |
modifier_citadel_mechaguy_echo | "Echo" |
modifier_citadel_mechaguy_echo_slow | "Slowed" |
modifier_citadel_mechaguy_retaliate | "Retaliate" |
modifier_citadel_metal_skin | "Metal Skin" |
modifier_citadel_muted | "Muted" |
modifier_citadel_pestilence_infection_buildup | "Infecting" |
modifier_citadel_phalanx_reflect | "Reflect" |
modifier_citadel_pre_match_wait | "Waiting for match start" |
modifier_citadel_psychiclift | "Being Lifted - Oh No!" |
modifier_citadel_psychiclift_self | "Lifting - Silenced + Disarmed" |
modifier_citadel_rapid_fire | "Bullet Storm" |
modifier_citadel_reflect_shield | "Reflect Shield" |
modifier_citadel_respawn_credit | "Rejuvenation Credit" |
modifier_citadel_returning_golden_idol | "Depositing Urn" |
modifier_citadel_root | "Immobilized" |
modifier_citadel_rootgrenade | "Immobilized" |
modifier_citadel_rupture | "Ruptured - Don't Move" |
modifier_citadel_shiv_dagger | "Serrated Knife" |
modifier_citadel_shiv_dash | "Slice and Dice" |
modifier_citadel_shiv_dash_impact_slow | "Slice and Dice" |
modifier_citadel_silenced | "Silenced" |
modifier_citadel_sleep_dagger_asleep | "Asleep" |
modifier_citadel_sleep_dagger_postsleep | "Damage Reduced" |
modifier_citadel_slowtarget | "Slowed" |
modifier_citadel_smoke_bomb_in_smoke | "In Smoke" |
modifier_citadel_smoke_bomb_invis | "Invisible" |
modifier_citadel_speed_boost | "Speed Boost" |
modifier_citadel_sprint_end | "Unholstering Weapon..." |
modifier_citadel_sprint_start | "Holstering Weapon..." |
modifier_citadel_sticky_bomb_attached | "Bomb on you" |
modifier_citadel_stunned | "Stunned" |
modifier_citadel_surveillance_drone_alive | "Combat Drone Active" |
modifier_citadel_tech_shield | "Spirit Shield" |
modifier_citadel_tempest_weathermaker_lightning_incoming_remain_covered | "Remain Covered" |
modifier_citadel_tempest_weathermaker_lightning_incoming_seek_shelter | "Seek Shelter" |
modifier_citadel_throw_sand_debuff | "Sand Blasted" |
modifier_citadel_time_bomb_fuse | "Time Bomb Fuse" |
modifier_citadel_wing_blast_push | "Being Vindicta Pushed" |
modifier_cloaking_device_active_ambush | "Shadow Weave - Ambush" |
modifier_cloaking_device_active_stealth | "Shadow Weave - Stealth" |
modifier_consumed_armor_buff | "Spirit and Bullet Armor" |
modifier_damageovertime | "Bleeding" |
modifier_decoy_self_buff | "Decoy Active" |
modifier_dps_aura_active | "Heroic Active" |
modifier_dps_aura_player | "Heroic Firerate" |
modifier_drone_activation_medic | "Medic Drone - deploying" |
modifier_drone_activation_rockets | "Rocket Drone - deploying" |
modifier_drone_activation_speed | "Speed Drone - deploying" |
modifier_drone_heal | "Medic Drone" |
modifier_drone_heal_watcher | "Medic Drone" |
modifier_drone_rockets | "Rocket Drone" |
modifier_drone_speed | "Speed Drone" |
modifier_drone_uber | "UBER INVULNERABILITY" |
modifier_drone_uber_charging | "Uber Charging" |
modifier_duo_drone_health | "Drone" |
modifier_dust_storm_debuff | "Slow Firerate & Movement" |
modifier_early_gold_pickup_aura/aura_target/timer | "Capturing Team Souls" |
modifier_fathom_reefdweller_harpoon_latched | "Reefdweller Harpoon" |
modifier_fervor_aura_active | "Frenzied" |
modifier_fire_rate_reduction_aura | "Weapon Jammer" |
modifier_flamedash | "Flame Dashing" |
modifier_flamedash_debuff | "Flame Dash" |
modifier_fleetfoot_boots | "Fleetfoot" |
modifier_forge_mini_turret_debuff | "Mini Turret - Slow" |
modifier_galvanic_storm | "Galvanic Storm" |
modifier_gigantic_sword | "You have a Gigantic Sword" |
modifier_healaura | "Healing" |
modifier_health_nova | "Healing Nova" |
modifier_health_swap_buff | "Soul Exchange" |
modifier_hemorrhage | "Eviscerator Rounds" |
modifier_hint_can_cancel | "Press {s:in_mantle} to cancel" |
modifier_hint_vertical_movement | "Press {s:in_mantle} to cancel. {s:in_innate1}/{s:duck} to move Up/Down" |
modifier_hollow_point_stack | "Hollow Point Ward" |
modifier_hook_bonus_movespeed | "Hook Movement Speed" |
modifier_icebeam_stacking_slow | "Arctic Beam" |
modifier_idol_pickup_aura/aura_target/timer | "Picking up Soul Urn" |
modifier_infuse_weapon_active | "Weapon Infused" |
modifier_infuse_weapon_proc_buildup | "Weakening" |
modifier_infuser | "Infuser" |
modifier_inhibitor_debuff | "Inhibitor" |
modifier_intimidate_debuff | "Scorn" |
modifier_invis | "Stealthed" |
modifier_invis_fading | "Fading" |
modifier_invis_start_delay | "Entering Stealth" |
modifier_item_burning_bullets_damageovertime | "Bleeding" |
modifier_item_disarmed | "Disarmed" |
modifier_item_weapon_power_for_health | "Overdrive" |
modifier_kinetic_sash_triggered | "Kinetic Dash" |
modifier_knocked_off_zipline_slow | "Knocked off zipline" |
modifier_lash_charge_grenade | "High Explosive" |
modifier_lash_shoryuken | "Shoryuken" |
modifier_lasso_enemy | "Being dragged" |
modifier_lasso_self | "Dragging someone" |
modifier_learning_hero_ability | "Learning" |
modifier_life_drain_silence | "Silenced" |
modifier_limit_ability_cooldown | "Quick Cooldowns" |
modifier_magewalk_empoweredattacks | "Lucky Card" |
modifier_magiccarpet | "Magic Carpet" |
modifier_mechaguy_defense_field_aura_thinker | "Reactive Armor" |
modifier_mirage_fire_beetles_launch_window | "Launch Fire Scarabs" |
modifier_mirage_fire_scarabs_health_gain | "Fire Scarabs" |
modifier_mirage_fire_scarabs_health_loss | "Fire Scarabs" |
modifier_mirage_sand_phantom | "Whirling Dervish" |
modifier_mirage_sand_phantom_passive_victim | "Djinn's Mark Multiplier" |
modifier_mirage_sand_phantom_slow_aura_effect | "Whirling Dervish" |
modifier_mirage_sand_phantom_whirlwind_reflect | "Whirling Dervish" |
modifier_mirage_tornado_hold_in_place | "Tornado" |
modifier_mirage_tornado_lift | "Tornado" |
modifier_mirage_tornado_slow | "Tornado - Slow" |
modifier_mirv_grenades | "Mad Bomber" |
modifier_mobile_resupply | "Medicinal Specter" |
modifier_nano_shadow_debuff | "-Bullet Resist" |
modifier_nano_shadow_step | "Shadow Step" |
modifier_neutral_gold_pickup_aura/aura_target/timer | "Picking up Unsecured Souls" |
modifier_nikuman_buff | "+Fire Rate" |
modifier_nikuman_self_buff | "+Movement Speed" |
modifier_nikuman_techshield | "Spirit Shield" |
modifier_obscured_by_steam | "Obscured" |
modifier_overcharge_rapidfire | "Energy Surge" |
modifier_passive_heavy_rage_stacks | "Rage Stacks" |
modifier_phantom_strike_bulletshield | "Bullet Shield" |
modifier_pool_of_light_buff | "Pool of Light" |
modifier_pool_of_light_debuff | "Decreased Courage" |
modifier_power_shard_bonus | "Echo Boost" |
modifier_power_surge | "Chain Lightning" |
modifier_power_surge_debuff | "Spirit Resist Down" |
modifier_predator_vision | "Predator Vision" |
modifier_prevent_healing | "Healing Disabled" |
modifier_pullaura | "Pulled" |
modifier_pulsegrenade_magic_resist_debuff | "Pulse Grenade" |
modifier_quick_silver_buff | "+Fire Rate" |
modifier_reinforcing_casings | "Escalating Resilience" |
modifier_rejuv_pickup_aura/aura_target/timer | "Picking up Team Rejuvenator" |
modifier_restorative_goo | "The Cube" |
modifier_restorative_locket_stacks | "Restorative Locket" |
modifier_sentry_deploy | "Initializing..." |
modifier_shifting_veil_buff | "Ethereal Shift" |
modifier_shiv_bleed | "Bleed" |
modifier_shiv_bleed_dash | "Slice and Dice" |
modifier_shiv_bleed_thrown_shiv | "Serrated Knives" |
modifier_shiv_dash_heal_reduction | "Slice and Dice Heal Debuff" |
modifier_shiv_thrown_shiv_slow_debuff | "Serrated Knive" |
modifier_shoulder_charge_buff | "Bonus Damage" |
modifier_silencer_proc_active | "SILENCER" |
modifier_siphon_bullets_health_gain | "Siphon Bullets" |
modifier_siphon_bullets_health_loss | "Siphon Bullets" |
modifier_slork_ambush | "Ambush Damage" |
modifier_slork_chomp_grapple | "Chomping an Enemy" |
modifier_slork_chomp_hobbled | "Getting Chomped" |
modifier_slork_gun_poison | "Slork Poison Sprayer" |
modifier_slork_invis | "Invisible" |
modifier_slork_lastbreath | "Last Breath" |
modifier_slork_lastbreath_damage_amp | "Baited" |
modifier_slork_riptide | "Burned by Riptide" |
modifier_slork_scald | "Slork Scalding Spray" |
modifier_slork_visible | "Can't hide" |
modifier_slow_base | "Slowed" |
modifier_slow_immunity | "Unstoppable" |
modifier_slowaura | "Slowed" |
modifier_slowing_tech_slow | "Slowing Spirit" |
modifier_snakedash | "Snakeform" |
modifier_spin | "Spin" |
modifier_stabilizing_tripod_self_debuff | "Field Sentry" |
modifier_stimpak_regen | "Healing Rite" |
modifier_stomp_debuff | "Stomp Debuff" |
modifier_succor_move | "Rescue Beam" |
modifier_summon_magiccarpet | "Summoning Magic Carpet" |
modifier_summon_spirits | "Energy Spirits" |
modifier_surging_power | "Surging Power" |
modifier_synth_affliction_debuff | "Affliction" |
modifier_synth_barrage_amp | "Barrage - Damage Amp" |
modifier_synth_barrage_debuff | "Barrage Slow" |
modifier_synth_grasp_caster | "Grasp" |
modifier_synth_grasp_victim | "Grasp" |
modifier_synth_plasma_flux_auto_projectile | "Flying Cloak" |
modifier_synth_plasma_flux_dps | "Flying Cloak" |
modifier_synth_plasma_flux_weapon_damage | "Bonus Weapon Damage" |
modifier_target_practice | "Target Practice" |
modifier_target_practice_debuff | "Armor Break" |
modifier_target_practice_slow | "Slow" |
modifier_tech_armor_reduction | "Spirit Armor Reduced" |
modifier_tech_armor_reduction_aura | "Spirit Armor Reduction Aura" |
modifier_tech_defense_shredders | "Spirit Armor Reduced" |
modifier_tech_defense_shredders_debuff | "Soul Shredder Bullets" |
modifier_tech_overflow | "Spiritual Overflow" |
modifier_tech_overflow_building | "Spiritual Overflow Building..." |
modifier_tempest_ionized_bullets_buildup | "Ionizing" |
modifier_tempest_ionized_bullets_charged | "Charged!" |
modifier_tengu_lightningcrash_regeneration | "Falling Grace Regeneration" |
modifier_time_bank_save_time | "Slow time" |
modifier_time_bank_speed_time | "Accelerating time" |
modifier_timewall_damageamp | "Damage Vulnerability" |
modifier_tokamak_ally_in_smoke | "Hidden In Smoke" |
modifier_tokamak_enemy_in_smoke | "Peeking In Smoke" |
modifier_tokamak_radiance | "Blinding Light" |
modifier_unstoppable | "Unstoppable" |
modifier_upgrade_detention_ammo_detaining | "Detaining..." |
modifier_upgrade_magic_storm | "Surge of Power" |
modifier_upgrade_overdrive_clip | "Overdrive Clip" |
modifier_upgrade_siphon_buff | "Siphon" |
modifier_upgrade_siphon_debuff | "Health Stolen" |
modifier_uppercut_buff | "Weapon Boost" |
modifier_uppercut_movespeed | "Uppercut Movement Speed" |
modifier_veil_walker_stealth | "Veil Walker Invisibility" |
modifier_veil_walker_triggered | "Veil Fire Rate" |
modifier_void_sphere | "Quantum Entanglement" |
modifier_voidsphere_buff | "Void Sphere +Fire Rate" |
modifier_warden_crowd_control_debuff | "Alchemical Flask" |
modifier_warden_high_alert | "Willpower" |
modifier_warden_high_alert_hint | "" |
modifier_warden_lockdown_debuff | "Binding Word" |
modifier_warden_lockdown_debuff_hint | "Leave area to escape binding" |
modifier_warden_lockdown_root | "Binding Word" |
modifier_warden_riot_protocol | "Last Stand" |
modifier_warden_riot_protocol_enemy_debuff | "Slowed" |
modifier_warp_stone_caster | "Warp Stone" |
modifier_weapon_drain_pulse | "Weapon Drain Pulse" |
modifier_weapon_drain_pulse_debuff | "Zealot Courage Drain" |
modifier_withering_whip_debuff | "Fire Rate Slow" |
modifier_wraith_project_mind_shield | "Bullet Shield" |
modifier_wrecker_salvage_buff | "Fire Rate Increased" |
modifier_wrecking_ball_auto_throw | "Wrecking Ball" |
modifier_zealot_energy_warp | "Energy Warp" |
modifier_zealot_spirit_echo_debuff | "Spirit Echo" |
modifier_zealot_tether | "Tether" |
modifier_zealot_tether_self | "Tether" |
mortar_sentry_grenade | "Mortar Sentry Grenade" |
move_speed_pickup/small_move_speed | "Increased Movement Speed" |
move_speed_pickup_label | "Faster Movement" |
movement_powerup_pickup | "Movement" |
movement_slow | "Movement Slow" |
not_ready | "{s:param_1} is on cooldown for {s:param_2}s" |
on_bridge | "{s:param_1} is on the bridge" |
on_roof | "{s:param_1} is on the roof" |
on_top_of_mid | "{s:param_1} is on top of mid" |
ping_ability_on_cooldown | "{s:param_1} is on cooldown for {s:param_2}s" |
ping_ability_ready | "{s:param_1} is ready!" |
ping_affermative_ | "Affirmative" |
ping_attack | "Let's take out {s:param_1}" |
ping_attack_enemy_titan | "Let's take their Patron" |
ping_be_back | "I'll be right back" |
ping_blue_help | "Blue Needs Help" |
ping_can_heal | "I can heal you {s:param_1}" |
ping_careful | "Careful {s:param_1}" |
ping_defend | "Defend" |
ping_defend_base | "Defend the Base" |
ping_defend_blue | "Defend Blue" |
ping_defend_green | "Defend Green" |
ping_defend_purple | "Defend Purple" |
ping_defend_yellow | "Defend Yellow" |
ping_enemy_has_item | "Careful! {s:param_1} has {s:param_2}" |
ping_enemy_take_mid | "They're taking mid!" |
ping_going_in | "I'm going in!" |
ping_going_shop | "Going to shop" |
ping_good_job | "Good job" |
ping_green_help | "Green Needs Help" |
ping_headed_blue | "Headed to Blue" |
ping_headed_green | "Headed to Green" |
ping_headed_purple | "Headed to Purple" |
ping_headed_yellow | "Headed to Yellow" |
ping_help_with_idol_label | "Help with Urn" |
ping_help_with_idol_message | "Help me deliver the urn" |
ping_im_back | "I'm Back!" |
ping_jar_call | "Spirit Urn is here!" |
ping_lets_go_blue | "Let's go Blue" |
ping_lets_go_green | "Let's go Green" |
ping_lets_go_purple | "Let's go Purple" |
ping_lets_go_yellow | "Let's go Yellow" |
ping_message | "{s:pre_punctuation}{s:ping}{s:post_punctuation}" |
ping_missing_blue | "Missing Blue!" |
ping_missing_green | "Missing Green!" |
ping_missing_purple | "Missing Purple!" |
ping_missing_yellow | "Missing Yellow!" |
ping_need_heal | "Heal Please" |
ping_need_help_blue | "Need help Blue" |
ping_need_help_green | "Need help Green" |
ping_need_help_purple | "Need help Purple" |
ping_need_help_yellow | "Need help Yellow" |
ping_need_plan | "What's the plan?" |
ping_nevermind | "Cancel That" |
ping_nice_work | "Nice work" |
ping_on_way | "On my Way" |
ping_post_exclamation | "!" |
ping_pre_exclamation | "" |
ping_purple_help | "Purple Needs Help" |
ping_push_blue | "Let's Push Blue" |
ping_push_green | "Let's Push Green" |
ping_push_purple | "Let's Push Purple" |
ping_push_yellow | "Let's Push Yellow" |
ping_request_follow | "Follow me" |
ping_retreat | "Pull back!" |
ping_right_back | "I'll be right back" |
ping_see | "I see {s:param_1}" |
ping_see_param_2 | "with {s:param_2} health" |
ping_sorry | "Sorry" |
ping_stay_together | "Stay Together" |
ping_stun | "Stun {s:param_1}!" |
ping_take_core | "Let's take out their core" |
ping_take_mid | "Let's take mid!" |
ping_thank_you | "Thank You!" |
ping_the_enemy | "the enemy!" |
ping_they_are | "They're" |
ping_titan_under | "They're taking our Patron" |
ping_use_ability | "{s:param_1} is ready!" |
ping_yellow_help | "Yellow Needs Help" |
ping_youre_welcome | "You're Welcome" |
player_wait | "Wait {s:param_1}" |
pounce_double_notify | "Double Pounce" |
power_slash_debuff | "Power Slash" |
respond_no | "No!" |
respond_yes | "Yes!" |
rutger_cheat_death | "Cheat Death" |
rutger_cheat_death_desc | "When taking otherwise fatal damage, Rutger becomes unkillable for 4s." |
rutger_cheat_death_t2_desc | "<span class="highlight">+{s:BonusMoveSpeed}% Bonus Movement speed</span> when Cheat Death activates." |
rutger_cheat_death_t3_desc | "<span class="highlight">+{s:BulletLifestealPercent}% Bullet Lifesteal</span> when Cheat Death activates." |
rutger_force_field | "Force Field" |
rutger_force_field_desc | "Create a field at target location that pushes enemies away from its outer edge." |
rutger_pulse | "Pulse" |
rutger_pulse_desc | "Release a fast pulse in a large area that damages, slows, and <span class="highlight">prevents enemies from using abilities</span>.<br>The damage dealt is based on how close the enemy is to the center of the pulse." |
rutger_rocket | "Rocket Launcher" |
rutger_rocket_desc | "Launch a rocket that deals damage in an area and applies knockback.<br>Rutger receives {s:SelfDamagePercent}% damage and {s:SelfLaunchPercent}% knockback from his own rocket if he's in its impact radius." |
shifting_veil_bonus | "Speed and Spirit Resist" |
skymonk_break_of_dawn | "Break of Dawn" |
skymonk_pool_of_light | "Pool of Light" |
skymonk_sky_duel | "Sky Duel" |
slork_ability_4 | "Torrent" |
slork_ability_4_desc | "Slork creates a Jet of water that errupts from the ground damaging all nearby enemies and knocking them into the air." |
slork_ability_invis | "Ambush Predator" |
slork_ability_invis_desc | "<span class="highlight">Fade from view</span> when not shooting or using abilities. When fully invisible, can be cast to deal <span class="highlight_tech">{s:AmbushDamage}</span> damage and <span class="highlight">+{s:StaminaDamage}</span> stamina damage to enemies in front of Slork." |
slork_ability_invis_t2_desc | "-{s:InvisReapplyDelay}s Delay before fading" |
slork_chomp | "Chomp" |
slork_chomp_desc | "<span class="highlight">Dash forward and grab onto an enemy</span>, biting them repeatedly. The enemy is slowed, disarmed, and silenced while grappled. When the target is <span class="highlight">below half health</span>, deal an additional <span class="highlight_tech">{s:DamagePercentHealth}%</span> of their max health in damage." |
slork_chomp_t2_desc | "+{s:ChompHealPercent}% Lifesteal from Chomp damage" |
slork_chomp_t3_desc | "Chomp deals <span class="highlight">{s:DamageMissingPercentHealth}%</span> of the enemies missing health each second." |
slork_last_breath | "Deep's Embrace" |
slork_last_breath_desc | "Encase yourself in a sphere of water that can absorb up to <span class="highlight_tech">{s:DamageAbsorb}</span> damage before bursting. When the sphere disipates for any reason enemies in range take <span class="highlight_tech">{s:BurstDamage}</span> damage." |
slork_raging_current | "Torrent Storm" |
slork_raging_current_desc | "Call water from deep underground, saturating an area. Every {s:TargetAcquireTime}s a torrent will well up, tossing enemies into the air after a {s:TorrentDelay}s delay. Enemies will be stunned and their bullet armor reduced." |
slork_riptide | "Riptide" |
slork_riptide_desc | "Summon a churning vortex of superheated water that <span class="highlight">burns enemies</span> and <span class="highlight">lauches them towards Slork</span>." |
slork_riptide_t3_desc | "+{s:DPS} DPS and +{s:ImpactDamage} Impact damage" |
slork_scald | "Scald" |
slork_scald_desc | "Spray out an arc of superheated water that <span class="highlight">damages enemies over time</span>." |
slork_scald_t1_desc | "Spray in a wide arc" |
slork_scald_t3_desc | "+{s:DPS} DPS and +{s:ImpactDamage} Impact damage" |
small_gold_pickup_label:p | "Soul#|#Souls" |
spirit_permanent_pickup_label | "+2 Spirit" |
spirit_permanent_pickup_label_lv2 | "+3 Spirit" |
spirit_permanent_pickup_label_lv3 | "+5 Spirit" |
stomp_buff_modifier | "+Fire Rate" |
super_neutral_charge | "Mid Boss Charge" |
super_neutral_gun | "Mid Boss Gun" |
superior_stamina_buff | "Bonus Spirit Power" |
suppressor_debuff | "Fire Rate Slow" |
survival_powerup_pickup | "Survival" |
synth_affliction | "Affliction" |
synth_affliction_desc | "Apply <span style="font-weight: bold;">damage over time</span> to all enemies nearby.<br>Affliction's damage is non-lethal and does not apply item procs." |
synth_affliction_quip | "Apply damage over time to enemies nearby" |
synth_affliction_t2_desc | "Suppress targets' healing by -60%" |
synth_affliction_t3_desc | "+27 DPS" |
synth_barrage | "Barrage" |
synth_barrage_desc | "Channel to start launching projectiles that <span style="font-weight: bold;">deal damage</span> and <span style="font-weight: bold;">apply movement slow</span> around their impact point. Each projectile landed on a hero grants you a <span style="font-weight: bold;">stacking buff that amplifies all of your damage</span>.<br>If you cast it while in the air, you'll <span style="font-weight: bold;">float</span> and maintain any horizontal momentum you started with." |
synth_barrage_quip | "Air glide while firing multiple projectiles" |
synth_barrage_t3_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+4%</span> Amp Per Stack and <span style="font-weight: bold;">2m</span> Radius" |
synth_blitz | "Blitz" |
synth_blitz/modifier_synth_blitz | "Blitz" |
synth_blitz/modifier_synth_blitz_tech_amp | "Blitz - Spirit Amp" |
synth_blitz_desc | "Gain <span class="highlight">fast firing rate</span> and <span class="highlight">bullet lifesteal</span> for a brief flurry of shots." |
synth_blitz_quip | "Your bullets fire faster and apply spirit amp" |
synth_blitz_t1_desc | "Each Blitz shot amplifies your spirit damage against the target by {s:TechAmpPerBullet}% for {s:TechAmpLinger}s" |
synth_blitz_t3_desc | "+{s:FastFireBullets} Fast Fire Shots and +{s:MaxStacks} Max Stacks" |
synth_dematerialize | "Dematerialize" |
synth_dematerialize_desc | "Alter your composition to become temporarily out of world, dealing damaging pulses to enemies nearby. Can be cancelled early." |
synth_dematerialize_t3_desc | "Dematerialize applies a stacking <span class="highlight">-15% Fire Rate</span> to enemies on each damage interval. Lasts {s:FireRateSlowDuration}s.</span>" |
synth_grasp | "Grasp" |
synth_grasp_cancel | "Cancel Grasp" |
synth_grasp_desc | "<span class="highlight">Tether all nearby enemy heroes</span> to you and gain <span class="highlight">Bullet Shield</span> for each enemy hero tethered. You're <span class="highlight">immobilized</span> for the duration." |
synth_grasp_quip | "Tether nearby enemy heroes to your position" |
synth_grasp_t3_desc | "Damages and lifesteals {s:LifestealPerSecond}% of targets' max health per second" |
synth_plasma_flux | "Flying Cloak" |
synth_plasma_flux_desc | "Launch a sentient cloak that <span style="font-weight: bold;">travels forward</span> and <span style="font-weight: bold;">damages enemies</span>. You can press <span style="font-weight: bold;">2</span> to <span style="font-weight: bold;">teleport</span> to its location." |
synth_plasma_flux_quip | "Launch a damaging cloak that you can teleport to" |
synth_plasma_flux_t3_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">+7 Weapon Damage</span> for 10s</span> after teleporting with Flying Cloak." |
synth_plasma_flux_teleport | "Teleport" |
synth_pulse | "Enchanter's Satchel" |
synth_pulse_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">Escape</span> into your suitcase. When the duration ends, <span style="font-weight: bold;">deal damage</span> to nearby enemies. Duration can be ended early by performing any action." |
synth_pulse_quip | "Briefly escape into your suitcase, then deal damage" |
synth_pulse_t3_desc | "Applies <span style="font-weight: bold;">40%</span> Fire Rate Slow for 4.0s" |
target_practice_buildup | "Target Buildup" |
team_msg_Idol_Desc | "Soul Urn" |
team_msg_TheirTitanDefeated_Desc | "Your team has defeated the enemy Patron" |
team_msg_TitanDefeated_Desc | "A Patron has been destroyed" |
team_msg_TitanDefeated_Title | "Patron destroyed" |
team_msg_YourTitanDefeated_Desc | "Your Patron has been destroyed" |
tether_disconnected | "Covenant - Disconnected" |
tether_disconnecting | "Covenant - Disconnecting..." |
thumper_ability_1 | "Shatter Cannon" |
thumper_ability_1_desc | "Thumper focuses a high power acoustic wave to reflect off of a hard surface. Blasting shards of material off in the reflected wave." |
thumper_ability_2 | "Spike Strip" |
thumper_ability_2_desc | "Rolls out a spike strip that damage enemies more the further they move through it." |
thumper_ability_3 | "Badger Drone" |
thumper_ability_3_desc | "Sends out a badger drone to harry an enemy and reveal it's position." |
thumper_ability_4 | "Vortex" |
thumper_ability_4_desc | "Blow enemies away with a high powered blast of air." |
titan_unit | "Patron" |
tokamak_breach | "Breach" |
tokamak_breach_desc | "Explosively decompress a cloud of coolant. Allies inside the cloud are invisible." |
tokamak_breach_t1_desc | "+{s:SlowPercent}% Movement Slow and -{s:BulletArmorReduction} Bullet Resist to enemies in smoke." |
tokamak_breach_t2_desc | "Purge Debuffs on Tokamak when cast." |
tokamak_breach_t3_desc | "Effects linger for {s:LingerAfterLeavingSmokeDurationPerHeat}s after leaving smoke." |
tokamak_crimson_cannnon_hint | "Fire!" |
tokamak_crimson_cannon | "Pulse Cannon" |
tokamak_crimson_cannon_desc | "Collect targets until ready to unload. Each shot is {s:DelayBetweenShots}s apart." |
tokamak_crimson_cannon_t2_desc | "<span class="highlight">+{s:Damage} Damage</span> and <span class="highlight">+{s:Damage_scale}</span> Damage Scale" |
tokamak_dying_star | "Dying Star" |
tokamak_dying_star_desc | "Launch forward damaging all enemies near where you land, knocking them into the air." |
tokamak_dying_star_t3_desc | "+{s:Damage} Damage and +{s:Damage_scale} Damage Scale" |
tokamak_heat_sinks | "Thermal Vault" |
tokamak_heat_sinks_desc | "Tokamak harnesses more power as they heat up. Tokamak's melee strikes add a {s:MeleeIgniteTime}s burn dealing {s:MeleeBurnDPS} Heat Power DPS." |
tokamak_heat_sinks_t1_desc | "+{s:MeleeSpeedBonusPercentage}% melee attack speed" |
tokamak_heat_sinks_t3_desc | "+{s:BaseHeatPower} Base Heat Power, +{s:MaxHeatPower} Max Heat Power" |
tokamak_hot_shot | "Hot Shot" |
tokamak_hot_shot_desc | "Blast your enemies with a jet of superheated plasma. Deals additional damage when the heat guage is in the red. Triples heat dissipation while active." |
tokamak_hot_shot_t3_desc | "+{s:NormalDPS} Normal DPS and +{s:NormalDPS_scale} Normal DPS Scale<br>+{s:HotDPS} Hot DPS and +{s:HotDPS_scale} Hot DPS Scale" |
tokamak_radiance | "Blinding Radiance" |
tokamak_radiance_desc | "Bring your core to the brink of criticality, blinding and damaging any that look in your direction. Damage increases when enemies look directly at you." |
top_of_garage | "{s:param_1} is on top of the garage" |
trooper_boss_grenade | "Stun Grenade" |
trooper_neutral_grenade | "Stun Grenade" |
trooper_neutral_gun | "Tincan Gun" |
under_garage | "{s:param_1} is inside the garage" |
upgrade_ability_power_shard | "Echo Shard" |
upgrade_ability_power_shard_active | "<span class="highlight">Reset the cooldown</span> of your most recently used non-ultimate ability." |
upgrade_ability_refresher | "Refresher" |
upgrade_ability_refresher_desc | "<span class="highlight">Reset the cooldown</span> of all your abilities and <span class="highlight">restore all your charges</span>." |
upgrade_ability_refresher_innate_desc | "Health<br>Spirit Power" |
upgrade_ability_speed | "Ability Speed" |
upgrade_ability_speed_desc | "Increases your movement speed while using any movement-based ability" |
upgrade_ablative_coat | "Ablative Coat" |
upgrade_ablative_coat_desc | "Provides <span class="highlight">Bullet Resist</span> but you lose some each time you take Weapon Damage. Loss can only happen once every {s:StackLossFrequency}s. Bullet Resist is restored when out of combat." |
upgrade_ablative_coat_innate | "Increases your <span class="highlight">forward movement speed</span> over time. If Ablative Coat is reduced to 0 Bullet Resist, taking damage will reset the effect for <span class="highlight">1.5s</span>" |
upgrade_acolytes_glove | "Spirit Strike" |
upgrade_acolytes_glove_desc | "When you perform a <span class="highlight">Light or Heavy Melee</span> attack against a hero, deal extra <span class="highlight">Spirit Damage</span> with the attack and reduce the target's <span class="highlight">Spirit Resist</span>." |
upgrade_active_bullet_shield | "Shield Rush" |
upgrade_active_bullet_shield/modifier_duration | "Bullet Barrier" |
upgrade_active_bullet_shield_desc | "Give temporary <span class="highlight">bullet shield</span> for you and nearby allied Heros and their minions." |
upgrade_active_reload | "Active Reload" |
upgrade_active_reload/buff | "Active Reload" |
upgrade_active_reload_desc | "While reloading, pressing [{s:key_reload}] during the highlighted portion will <span class="highlight">instantly finish your reload</span> and grant you <span class="highlight">Fire Rate</span> and <span class="highlight">Bullet Lifesteal</span>." |
upgrade_aerial_assault | "Aerial Assault" |
upgrade_aerial_assault/modifier_aerial_assault_watcher/modifier_aerial_assault | "Aerial Assault" |
upgrade_aerial_assault_active | "<span class="highlight">Launch straight up</span> high into the air. While in the air you will pause your aerial movement for {s:AssaultDuration}s</span>. During this time you gain <span class="highlight">+{s:AssaultLifestealPercent}% bullet lifesteal</span>, <span class="highlight">unlimited clip</span>, <span class="highlight">+{s:AssaultFireRate}% fire rate</span>, and bullets that <span class="highlight">explode</span> in a {s:ExplodeRadius}m radius." |
upgrade_ammo_scavenger | "Ammo Scavenger" |
upgrade_ammo_scavenger_desc | "Any time you secure or deny a Soul from an entity you <span class="highlight">get ammo back</span> and gain stacking <span class="highlight">Spirit Power</span>." |
upgrade_aoe_root | "Vacuum Web" |
upgrade_aoe_root_active | "Throw a <span class="highlight">vacuum</span> grenade, pulling all enemies into a small area where they remain <span class="highlight">tethered</span>." |
upgrade_aoe_silence | "EMP Grenade" |
upgrade_aoe_silence_desc | "Throw a grenade that <span class="highlight">silences</span> enemies and lowers their <span class="highlight">spirit resistance</span>." |
upgrade_aoe_smoke_bomb | "Smoke" |
upgrade_aoe_smoke_bomb/modifier_invis | "Stealthed" |
upgrade_aoe_smoke_bomb_desc | "Give you and teammates <span class="highlight">invisibility</span> and a <span class="highlight">movement speed</span> bonus. Attacking or taking damage will remove the invisibility.<br>Cast delay: {s:AbilityCastDelay}s." |
upgrade_aoe_tech_shield | "Spirit Barrier Pulse" |
upgrade_aoe_tech_shield/modifier_duration | "Spirit Barrier Pulse" |
upgrade_aoe_tech_shield_desc | "Temporarily gain <span class="highlight">spirit barrier</span> for you and all nearby allied units." |
upgrade_arcane_eater | "Arcane Eater" |
upgrade_arcane_eater_desc | "Your bullets <span class="highlight">Steal Spirit Power</span> from enemy Heroes. Steal {s:HeadshotBonusSteal} extra Spirit Power with Headshots. This effect stacks." |
upgrade_arcane_extension | "Duration Extender" |
upgrade_arcane_extension_desc | "Increases the <span class="highlight">Duration</span> of your abilities and items." |
upgrade_arcane_medallion | "Arcane Medallion" |
upgrade_arcane_medallion_desc | "Whenever you deal <span class="highlight">{s:MinimumDamage} Spirit damage</span> or more in a single hit against an enemy hero, gain <span class="highlight">temporary Spirit Power</span>." |
upgrade_armor_reduction_debuff | "Armor Piercing Rounds" |
upgrade_armor_reduction_debuff_desc | "Your bullets reduce the target's <span class="highlight">bullet resistance by {s:ResistReduction}%</span> of their current value for {s:AbilityDuration}s and deal bonus damage <span class="highlight">against bullet shields</span>." |
upgrade_attack_speed_1 | "Fire Rate" |
upgrade_attack_speed_1_desc | "Increases your <span class="highlight">Fire Rate</span>." |
upgrade_attack_speed_2 | "Improved Fire Rate" |
upgrade_attack_speed_2_desc | "Increases your <span class="highlight">Fire Rate</span>." |
upgrade_banshee_slugs | "Crippling Headshot" |
upgrade_banshee_slugs_headshots_desc | "<span class="highlight">Headshots</span> reduce target's <span class="highlight">Bullet and Spirit Resist</span>." |
upgrade_belt_fed_magazine | "Belt-Fed Magazine" |
upgrade_belt_fed_magazine_desc | "Your weapon gains a <span class="highlight">much larger magazine that </span><span class="isNegative">requires spin-up time</span>, starting with a <span class="highlight">slower initial fire rate and becoming faster over the spin-up time</span>." |
upgrade_berserker | "Berserker" |
upgrade_berserker/modifier_berserker/modifier_berserker_damage_stack | "Berserker" |
upgrade_berserker_desc | "Your <span class="highlight">Weapon Damage</span> increases as you take sustained damage." |
upgrade_bleeding_bullets/modifier_item_bleeding_bullets_active/modifier_item_bleeding_bullets_damageovertime | "Serrated Bullets" |
upgrade_bleeding_bullets_buildup | "Serrated building..." |
upgrade_blitz_bullets | "Swift Striker" |
upgrade_bonus_ability_charge_3 | "Hyper Charge" |
upgrade_bonus_ability_charge_3_desc | "<span class="highlight">+{s:BonusAbilityCharges}</span> to your max ability <span class="highlight">charges</span>." |
upgrade_boxing_glove | "Lifestrike" |
upgrade_boxing_glove_desc | "Your <span class="highlight">Melee Attack</span> applies <span class="highlight">Movement Slow</span> and <span class="highlight">heals you</span> for {s:LifestealHealPercent}% of the <span class="highlight">Melee Damage</span> dealt plus {s:LifestealHeal}. This heal is {s:NonHeroHealPct}% effective vs non-heroes." |
upgrade_bullet_armor | "Bullet Armor" |
upgrade_bullet_armor_2 | "Improved Bullet Armor" |
upgrade_bullet_armor_2_desc | "Decreases <span class="highlight">damage taken</span> from bullets." |
upgrade_bullet_armor_desc | "Decreases <span class="highlight">damage taken</span> from bullets." |
upgrade_bullet_armor_reduction_aura | "Hunter's Aura" |
upgrade_bullet_armor_reduction_aura/modifier_bullet_armor_reduction_aura/modifier_bullet_armor_reduction | "Bullet Armor Reduced" |
upgrade_bullet_armor_reduction_aura_desc | "Reduces nearby enemies' <span class="highlight">Bullet Resist and Fire Rate</span>. If there is only one enemy hero nearby, this <span class="highlight">effect is tripled</span>." |
upgrade_bullet_damage_reduction_aura | "Weapon Jammer" |
upgrade_bullet_damage_reduction_aura/modifier_base_aura/aura_target_modifier | "Slowed Attack Speed" |
upgrade_bullet_damage_reduction_aura_desc | "Reduces the <span class="highlight">Fire Rate</span> of all nearby enemies." |
upgrade_bullet_resist_shredder | "Bullet Resist Shredder" |
upgrade_bullet_resist_shredder/modifier_bullet_armor_shredder_proc/modifier_bullet_armor_shredder | "Reduced bullet armor" |
upgrade_bullet_resist_shredder_desc | "Reduces <span class="highlight">Bullet Resist</span> on enemies when you deal <span class="highlight">Spirit Damage</span>." |
upgrade_burst_fire | "Burst Fire" |
upgrade_burst_fire/modifier_burst_fire_buff | "Burst Fire" |
upgrade_burst_fire_actuator | "Burst Fire Actuator" |
upgrade_burst_fire_actuator_desc | "Your weapon <span class="highlight"> fires an additional percentage of your gun's starting clip as a burst</span>. If all bullets in a burst connect with an enemy Hero, <span class="highlight">gain temporary Base Bullet Damage</span> for the rest of the clip." |
upgrade_burst_fire_desc | "Briefly gain <span class="highlight">Fire Rate</span> and <span class="highlight">Move Speed</span> when one of your bullets hits an enemy hero." |
upgrade_camouflage | "Camouflage Suit" |
upgrade_camouflage_desc | "Go <span class="highlight">invisible</span> and maintain invisibility by <span class="highlight">not moving or attacking</span>. Taking damage will not reveal the Hero. Bonus Regen while Invisible." |
upgrade_cardio_calibrator | "Enduring Speed" |
upgrade_cardio_calibrator_desc | "Reduces the effect of enemy <span class="highlight">Movement Slow</span>." |
upgrade_chain_lightning | "Tesla Bullets" |
upgrade_chain_lightning_desc | "Your bullets have a chance to <span class="highlight">shock</span> your target. The <span class="highlight">shock</span> will jump to a nearby enemy." |
upgrade_charge_mastery | "Charge Mastery" |
upgrade_charge_mastery_passive | "Charged abilities have <span class="highlight">{s:BonusChargedAbilityDamage}%</span> increased damage and <span class="highlight">{s:BonusChargedCooldownReduction}%</span> reduced cooldown." |
upgrade_charmed_wraps | "Charmed Wraps" |
upgrade_charmed_wraps_desc | "Your abilities get their <span class="highlight">cooldowns reduced</span> when you perform a <span class="highlight">heavy melee</span> attack against a hero (or <span class="highlight">two light melee</span> attacks within {s:LightMeleeTimeWindow}s)." |
upgrade_cheat_death | "Cheat Death" |
upgrade_cheat_death_pulse_passive | "Releases a periodic pulse, damaging nearby enemies." |
upgrade_cheat_death_unkillable_passive | "When the owner would take otherwise lethal damage, they instead become <span class="highlight">temporarily death immune</span>. While death immune, the rate of the damage pulse is greatly increased." |
upgrade_chonky | "Fortitude" |
upgrade_chonky_desc | "After not taking damage for <span class="highlight">{s:RestoreDelay}s</span>, gain <span class="highlight">{s:HealLifePercentOutOfCombat}% Max Health Regen</span>." |
upgrade_chonky_high_health_passive_desc | "When you are <span class="highlight">above {s:HealthThreshold}% health</span>, you have bonus <span class="highlight">Weapon Damage</span> and <span class="highlight">Movement Speed</span>." |
upgrade_clip_size | "Basic Magazine" |
upgrade_clip_size_2 | "Big Clip" |
upgrade_clip_size_2_desc | "Big Increase <span class="highlight">ammo</span>." |
upgrade_clip_size_3 | "Extra Large Magazine" |
upgrade_clip_size_3_desc | "Greatly Increases <span class="highlight">ammo</span>." |
upgrade_clip_size_desc | "Increases <span class="highlight">ammo</span>." |
upgrade_clip_size_fixed | "Extended Magazine" |
upgrade_clip_size_fixed_desc | "Increases <span class="highlight">ammo</span>." |
upgrade_clip_size_fixed_t3 | "Extra Large Magazine" |
upgrade_clip_size_fixed_t3_desc | "Greatly Increases <span class="highlight">ammo</span>." |
upgrade_cloaking_device | "Cloaking Device" |
upgrade_cloaking_device/modifier_citadel_passive_cloak | "Cloaking Device" |
upgrade_cloaking_device/modifier_citadel_passive_cloak/modifier_invis | "Stealthed" |
upgrade_cloaking_device_active | "Shadow Weave" |
upgrade_cloaking_device_active/modifier_invis | "Stealthed" |
upgrade_cloaking_device_active_ambush_desc | "<br>Attacking or using an ability will end your stealth and start an <span class="highlight">ambush</span>, temporarily granting you bonus <span class="highlight">Fire Rate</span> and <span class="highlight">Spirit Power</span>." |
upgrade_cloaking_device_active_desc | "Become <span class="highlight">Stealthed</span>. Whenever you take damage while Stealthed you get briefly revealed." |
upgrade_cloaking_device_desc | "Become <span class="highlight">invisible</span>. Nearby enemies will temporaily reveal the hero. Attacking or taking damage will remove the invisibility for {s:AbilityCooldown}s." |
upgrade_close_quarter_combat | "Point Blank" |
upgrade_close_quarter_combat/modifier_cqc_proc/modifier_slow_base | "Slowed" |
upgrade_close_quarter_combat_desc | "When in <span class="highlight">close range</span> to your target, gain <span class="highlight">Weapon Damage</span> and your bullets apply a <span class="highlight">Movement Slow</span>." |
upgrade_close_range | "Close Quarters" |
upgrade_close_range_desc | "Deal additional <span class="highlight">Weapon Damage</span> when in <span class="highlight">close range</span> to your target." |
upgrade_cold_front | "Cold Front" |
upgrade_cold_front_desc | "Release an expanding ice blast that deals <span class="highlight">Spirit Damage</span> and <span class="highlight">Slows</span> targets it hits. Deals {s:NPCDamageMult}x Damage to non-Heroes." |
upgrade_colossus | "Colossus" |
upgrade_colossus_desc | "Gain <span class="highlight">Bullet and Spirit Resist</span>, and <span class="highlight">slow the movement and dash speed</span> of enemies nearby. Your model size grows by 20%." |
upgrade_combo_breaker | "Combo Breaker" |
upgrade_combo_breaker/modifier_combo_breaker | "Combo Breaker" |
upgrade_combo_breaker_desc | "<span class="highlight">Remove all debuffs</span> and heal yourself. <br><span class="highlight">Can be used while stunned.</span>" |
upgrade_containment | "Slowing Hex" |
upgrade_containment_desc | "Deals <span class="highlight">Spirit Damage</span> and <span class="highlight">Slows</span> targets movement and dashes. Also <span class="highlight">Silences their movement-based items and abilities</span>.<br>Does not affect target's stamina usage." |
upgrade_cooldown_reduction | "Superior Cooldown" |
upgrade_cooldown_reduction_desc | "Reduces the <span class="highlight">Cooldown</span> of your abilities and items." |
upgrade_crackshot | "Mystic Shot" |
upgrade_crackshot_desc | "Your next bullet deals bonus <span class="highlight">Spirit Damage</span>." |
upgrade_critshot | "Lucky Shot" |
upgrade_critshot_desc | "Your bullets have a chance to be empowered, causing them to deal <span class="highlight">bonus damage</span> and <span class="highlight">Slow</span> on hit." |
upgrade_damage_recycler | "Leech" |
upgrade_damage_recycler_desc | "Reduces the effect of enemy applied <span class="highlight">healing reduction</span>." |
upgrade_debuff_absorb | "Tech Defender" |
upgrade_debuff_absorb_desc | "Shield against <span class="highlight">all spirit damage and debuffs</span>." |
upgrade_debuff_reducer | "Debuff Reducer" |
upgrade_debuff_reducer_desc | "Reduces the <span class="highlight">duration</span> of all negative effects applied to you." |
upgrade_deflector_shield | "Bullet Deflector Shield" |
upgrade_deflector_shield_desc | "Adds <span class="highlight">bullet armor</span>, and provides a shield that absorbs bullet damage. Shield regens out of combat (10s no damage)." |
upgrade_disarm | "Drain Will" |
upgrade_disarm_desc | "Fires a projectile which reduces the <span class="highlight">Fire Rate</span> of the target and <span class="highlight">steals Spirit</span>." |
upgrade_discord | "Discord" |
upgrade_discord_desc | "Apply an aura around enemy or friendly target that <span class="highlight">damages enemies in the radius and suppresses their healing by {s:HealAmpReceivePenaltyPercent}%</span>. If cast on a friendly, it also heals them." |
upgrade_diviners_kevlar | "Diviner's Kevlar" |
upgrade_diviners_kevlar_desc | "Upon casting an <span class="highlight">ultimate ability</span> gain temporary <span class="highlight">Bullet Shield, Spirit Shield,</span> and <span class="highlight">Spirit Power</span>." |
upgrade_double_jump | "Double-Jump" |
upgrade_double_jump_desc | "Allows you to perform an additional <span class="highlight">jump</span> in mid-air." |
upgrade_dps_aura | "Heroic Aura" |
upgrade_dps_aura_active_desc | "Provides bonus <span class="highlight">Movement Speed</span> and <span class="highlight">Fire Rate</span> to you and nearby allies." |
upgrade_dps_aura_desc | "Provides <span class="highlight">Fire Rate</span> to nearby player minions." |
upgrade_drum_magazine | "Drum Magazine" |
upgrade_drum_magazine_desc | "Provides a large <span class="highlight">ammo bonus</span>, and <span class="highlight">increased reload speed</span>" |
upgrade_duration_extender | "[Deprecated] Duration Extender" |
upgrade_duration_extender_desc | "Increases <span class="highlight">Duration</span> of your abilities and items by <span class="highlight">{s:NonImbuedBonusDuration}%</span>." |
upgrade_endurance | "Extra Regen" |
upgrade_escalating_exposure | "Escalating Exposure" |
upgrade_escalating_exposure/modifier_proc_watcher/modifier_debuff | "Escalating Exposure" |
upgrade_escalating_exposure_desc | "Dealing <span class="highlight">Spirit Damage</span> applies a stacking <span class="highlight">Spirit Amp</span> that increases your <span class="highlight">Spirit Damage</span> to the target." |
upgrade_explosive_bullets/modifier_explosive_bullets/modifier_citadel_base_buildup | "Explosive Rounds" |
upgrade_extra_charge | "Extra Charge" |
upgrade_extra_charge_desc | "Adds one to your ability max <span class="highlight">charges</span>." |
upgrade_fervor | "Frenzy" |
upgrade_fervor/modifier_fervor/modifier_fervor_bonuses | "Enrage Bonuses" |
upgrade_fervor/modifier_fervor/modifier_fervor_damage_stack | "Fervor Stack" |
upgrade_fervor_passive | "While you are <span class="highlight">below {s:LowHealthThreshold}% health</span>, you gain stat bonuses." |
upgrade_fire_rate_aura | "Fire Rate Aura" |
upgrade_fire_rate_aura/modifier_fire_rate_aura/modifier_fire_rate_aura_target | "Fire Rate Aura" |
upgrade_fire_rate_aura_desc | "Provides a <span class="highlight">Fire Rate</span> increase to you and nearby teammates. Different bonus to non-Heroes" |
upgrade_fire_rate_reduction_aura/modifier_base_aura/aura_target_modifier | "Fire Rate Reduction Aura" |
upgrade_fleetfoot_boots | "Fleetfoot" |
upgrade_fleetfoot_boots_active_desc | "Gain bonus <span class="highlight">Movement Speed</span> and <span class="highlight">Ammo</span>." |
upgrade_fleetfoot_boots_passive_desc | "Removes the <span class="highlight">Movement Speed</span> penalty while shooting." |
upgrade_frenzy/modifier_frenzy_aura/modifier_frenzy_kill | "Killed Frenzy" |
upgrade_frenzy/modifier_frenzy_lowhealth | "Low HP Frenzy" |
upgrade_frenzy_aura_desc | "Nearby enemies take <span class="highlight">increased damage</span> from bullets.<br><br>If an enemy hero dies under this aura, you gain <span class="highlight">+{s:KillBonusMoveSpeedPerStack} m/s</span>. This effect <span class="highlight">lasts until you die</span> and can be stacked up to {s:MaxKillBonusMoveSpeedStack} times." |
upgrade_frenzy_vampire_desc | "Your <span class="highlight">bullets heal you</span> for a percentage of the damage they deal to enemies.<br><br>When an enemy is below {s:LowHealthPercentThreshold}% health you gain an additional <span class="highlight">{s:LowHealthLifeStealPercent}% Bullet Lifesteal</span> against them." |
upgrade_full_spectrum | "Full Spectrum" |
upgrade_full_spectrum_passive | "Adds <span class="highlight">bonus damage</span> for every hero hit from your spirit damage mods or abilities and applies a <span class="highlight">movement slow</span>." |
upgrade_galvanic_storm | "Galvanic Storm" |
upgrade_galvanic_storm_passive1 | "Your bullets have a chance to <span class="highlight">shock</span> your target. The shock will jump to a nearby enemy." |
upgrade_galvanic_storm_passive2 | "When your spirit barrier is destroyed, you are empowered, granting <span class="highlight">{s:BuffDamageMult}x shock damage</span> and increased <span class="highlight">movement speed</span>" |
upgrade_glass_cannon | "Glass Cannon" |
upgrade_glass_cannon_desc | "Each hero kill grants <span class="highlight">permanent Weapon Damage</span> (up to a max of {s:MaxStacks} times). Death results in the loss of 1 stack." |
upgrade_glitch | "Curse" |
upgrade_glitch/modifier_glitch_debuff | "Cursed!" |
upgrade_glitch_desc | "Curses an enemy - <span class="highlight">interrupting, Silencing, Disarming</span>, and <span class="highlight">preventing item usage</span>." |
upgrade_headhunter | "Headhunter" |
upgrade_headhunter_desc | "Landing a headshot deals bonus damage, heals you for a portion of your Max HP, and briefly grants you bonus move speed." |
upgrade_headshot_booster | "Headshot Booster" |
upgrade_headshot_booster_desc | "Deal bonus <span class="highlight">Weapon Damage</span> with <span class="highlight">headshots</span>." |
upgrade_heal_on_level | "Patron's Healing" |
upgrade_heal_on_level/heal_on_level_buff | "Heal On Level" |
upgrade_heal_on_level_buff | "Heal On Level" |
upgrade_heal_on_level_desc | "When you receive a <span class="highlight">Boon</span>, automatically <span class="highlight">heal</span>." |
upgrade_healbane | "Healbane" |
upgrade_healbane_desc | "Your <span class="highlight">Spirit Damage</span> applies <span class="highlight">Healing Reduction</span>. If an enemy hero dies under this effect, you receive a large heal." |
upgrade_healing_booster | "Healing Booster" |
upgrade_healing_booster_desc | "Increases the effectiveness of your <span class="highlight">healing</span> by <span class="highlight">{s:HealAmpRegenPercent}%</span> and increases your <span class="highlight">resistance to healing reduction</span> by <span class="highlight">{s:DegenResistance}%</span>." |
upgrade_health | "Extra Health" |
upgrade_health_bullet_deflector | "Bullet Deflector" |
upgrade_health_bullet_deflector_desc | "Prevents <span class="highlight">{s:BulletDamageReductionPct}%</span> of incoming bullet damage, with a maximum of <span class="highlight">{s:BulletDamageReductionPerSecond}</span> damage deflected per second." |
upgrade_health_desc | "Increase <span class="highlight">health</span>." |
upgrade_health_nova | "Healing Nova" |
upgrade_health_nova_desc | "<span class="highlight">Heal</span> yourself and nearby allies. Heals an additional {s:HeroTargetBonus}% per ally." |
upgrade_health_regen_1 | "Health Regen" |
upgrade_health_regen_1_desc | "Increases <span class="highlight">health regen</span>." |
upgrade_health_regen_aura | "Healing Aura" |
upgrade_health_regen_aura_desc | "Automatically provides a burst of healing to yourself and nearby friendlies every <span class="highlight">{s:HealInterval} seconds</span>. <br>Effect does not stack." |
upgrade_health_regenerative_armor | "Regenerative Armor" |
upgrade_health_regenerative_armor_desc | "Automatically <span class="highlight">restores health</span> lost from <span class="highlight">bullet damage</span>, regenerating up to <span class="highlight">{s:BulletDamageRecoveredPerSecond} health</span> per second." |
upgrade_health_stealing_magic | "Spirit Lifesteal" |
upgrade_health_stealing_magic_desc | "Your <span class="highlight">spirit items and abilities heal you</span> for a percentage of the damage they deal. Heals for less on Non-Heroes and does not work on buildings." |
upgrade_health_stimpak | "Healing Rite" |
upgrade_health_stimpak/modifier_stimpak_regen | "Healing Rite" |
upgrade_health_stimpak_desc | "Grant <span class="highlight">Regen</span> and <span class="highlight">Sprint Speed</span> to the target. Gets dispelled if you take damage from enemy players or objectives. Can be self-cast." |
upgrade_height_advantage | "Height Advantage" |
upgrade_height_advantage_desc | "Gain additional <span class="highlight_weapon">{s:HighGroundBonusWeaponPower}% Weapon Damage</span> when attacking targets that are <span class="highlight">below you</span>." |
upgrade_hemorrhage/modifier_item_hemorrhage/modifier_hemorrhage | "Bleeding" |
upgrade_hemorrhage_buildup | "Eviscerator building..." |
upgrade_high_impact_armor | "High Impact Armor" |
upgrade_high_impact_armor_desc | "Provides protection against high-damage bullets. Any <span class="highlight">bullet damage</span> portion above the threshold is reduced by {s:DamageReduction}%." |
upgrade_high_velocity_mag | "High-Velocity Mag" |
upgrade_hollow_point_rounds | "Hollow Point Ward" |
upgrade_hollow_point_rounds_desc | "When you are <span class="highlight">above {s:LifeThreshold}% health</span>, deal additional <span class="highlight">Weapon Damage</span>." |
upgrade_hollow_point_rounds_shield_desc | "Gain a <span class="highlight">Spirit Shield</span> that blocks incoming <span class="highlight">Spirit Damage</span>. The shield is restored when out of combat." |
upgrade_imbued_ability | "Imbued Ability" |
upgrade_imbued_ability_passive1 | "Upon purchasing this mod, select an ability to imbue with <span class="highlight">{s:ImbuedBonusDuration}% bonus duration</span> and <span class="highlight">{s:ImbuedBonusDamage}% bonus damage</span>." |
upgrade_imbued_ability_passive2 | "Your spirit damage <span class="highlight">slows</span> your target's movement." |
upgrade_imbued_duration_extender | "Superior Duration" |
upgrade_imbued_duration_extender_desc | "Increases the <span class="highlight">duration</span> of your abilities and items." |
upgrade_improved_bullet_armor | "Improved Bullet Armor" |
upgrade_improved_bullet_armor_desc | "Decreases <span class="highlight">damage taken</span> from bullets." |
upgrade_improved_spirit | "Extra Spirit" |
upgrade_improved_stamina | "Extra Stamina" |
upgrade_infuser | "Infuser" |
upgrade_infuser_desc | "Gain <span class="highlight">Spirit Power</span> and <span class="highlight">Spirit Lifesteal</span>." |
upgrade_inhibitor | "Inhibitor" |
upgrade_inhibitor_desc | "Your bullets apply <span class="highlight">Movement Slow</span> and reduce the target's <span class="highlight">outgoing damage</span> on hit." |
upgrade_intensifying_clip | "Intensifying Magazine" |
upgrade_intensifying_clip_desc | "Increases <span class="highlight">Weapon Damage</span> as you continuously fire your weapon." |
upgrade_kinetic_sash | "Kinetic Dash" |
upgrade_kinetic_sash_desc | "Your next <span class="highlight">Dash-Jump</span> does not cost an extra stamina and you gain <span class="highlight">Fire Rate</span> and bonus <span class="highlight">Ammo</span> until your next reload. Lasts up to {s:AbilityDuration}s." |
upgrade_leveler | "Leveler" |
upgrade_leveler/headshot_cooldown_modifier | "Head Shot Bonus Cooldown" |
upgrade_leveler_active_desc | "Applies a <span class="highlight">tether</span> to the target and reduces the <span class="highlight">bullet resist</span> of both <span class="highlight">you and them</span>." |
upgrade_leveler_innate_desc | "Close Range<br>Detention Rounds" |
upgrade_leveler_passive_desc | "Your headshot deals bonus damage and heavily slows enemy fire rate." |
upgrade_lifestrike_gauntlets | "Melee Lifesteal" |
upgrade_lifestrike_gauntlets_desc | "Your <span class="highlight">Melee</span> attacks <span class="highlight">heal you</span> for {s:LifestrikeHealPercent}% of the <span class="highlight">Melee Damage</span> dealt plus {s:LifestrikeHeal}. This heal is {s:NonHeroHealPct}% effective vs non-heroes." |
upgrade_long_range | "Long Range" |
upgrade_long_range_desc | "Deal additional <span class="highlight">Weapon Damage</span> when <span class="highlight">beyond a minimum distance</span> from your target." |
upgrade_long_range_slowing_tech | "Omni Spirit" |
upgrade_long_range_slowing_tech/modifier_long_range_slowing_tech_proc/modifier_slow_base | "Slowed" |
upgrade_long_range_slowing_tech_desc | "Applies a <span class="highlight">movement slow</span> to enemies when dealing spirit damage." |
upgrade_magic_burst | "Mystic Burst" |
upgrade_magic_burst_desc | "Abilities deal bonus <span class="highlight">Spirit Damage</span> if they deal {s:MinimumDamage} damage or more in a single hit." |
upgrade_magic_carpet | "Magic Carpet" |
upgrade_magic_carpet_desc | "Summon a Magic Carpet that will fly you away and gain Bullet and Spirit shields. Cannot use abilities while the carpet is being summoned. While flying you are immune to slows and doing any action will dismiss the carpet." |
upgrade_magic_clarity | "Clarity" |
upgrade_magic_clarity_desc | "On ability or item use, gain a <span class="highlight">move speed</span> bonus for {s:AbilityDuration}s. Your next ability cast will remove the move speed bonus and apply a <span class="highlight">Spirit</span> bonus to that ability." |
upgrade_magic_missile | "Conjure Missiles" |
upgrade_magic_reach | "Mystic Reach" |
upgrade_magic_reach_desc | "Increases the <span class="highlight">range</span> and <span class="highlight">effect radius</span> of your abilities and items." |
upgrade_magic_shield | "Enchanter's Barrier" |
upgrade_magic_shield_desc | "While you have a <span class="highlight">Spirit Shield</span>, gain bonus <span class="highlight">Spirit Power</span> and <span class="highlight">Cooldown Reduction</span>." |
upgrade_magic_shock | "Improved Burst" |
upgrade_magic_shock_desc | "Abilities deal bonus <span class="highlight">Spirit Damage</span> if they deal {s:MinimumDamage} damage or more in a single hit.<br/>Targets are immune to the effects of Improved Burst for <span class="highlight">{s:ReProcLockoutTime}s</span> after taking damage from it." |
upgrade_magic_slow | "Mystic Slow" |
upgrade_magic_slow_desc | "When the target takes <span class="highlight">Spirit Damage</span>, they have their <span class="highlight">Movement Speed</span> and <span class="highlight">Fire Rate</span> reduced." |
upgrade_magic_storm | "Surge of Power" |
upgrade_magic_storm_desc | "Imbue an ability with <span class="highlight">permanent Spirit Power</span>. When that ability is used, gain bonus <span class="highlight">Movement Speed</span> and maintain full speed while attacking." |
upgrade_magic_tempo | "Improved Cooldown" |
upgrade_magic_tempo_desc | "Reduces the <span class="highlight">Cooldown</span> of your abilities and items." |
upgrade_magic_vulnerability | "Mystic Vulnerability" |
upgrade_magic_vulnerability_desc | "When the target takes <span class="highlight">Spirit Damage</span>, they have their <span class="highlight">Spirit Resist</span> reduced." |
upgrade_medic_bullets | "Restorative Shot" |
upgrade_medic_bullets_desc | "Your next bullet will <span class="highlight">heal</span> you based on what target you hit." |
upgrade_mega_spirit | "Boundless Spirit" |
upgrade_melee_charge | "Melee Charge" |
upgrade_melee_charge_desc | "Your next <span class="highlight">Heavy Melee</span> attack against an enemy <span class="highlight">deals increased damage</span> and either <span class="highlight">reload your weapon instantly</span> or give you up to <span class="highlight">+100% bonus ammo</span>. <br>Only activates when Bonus Ammo is not full." |
upgrade_metal_skin | "Metal Skin" |
upgrade_metal_skin_desc | "Become <span class="highlight">immune to bullets and melee attacks</span>." |
upgrade_mod_disruptor | "Soul Disruptor" |
upgrade_mod_disruptor_desc | "Throw a grenade that explodes on contact and applies <span class="highlight">silence</span> and <span class="highlight">increasing amounts of damage</span> to each enemy." |
upgrade_nearby_enemy_boost | "Adrenaline Rush" |
upgrade_nearby_enemy_boost_desc | "Gain bonus <span class="highlight">Weapon Damage</span> and <span class="highlight">Fire Rate</span> when there are two or more enemy heroes nearby." |
upgrade_non_player_bonus | "Monster Rounds" |
upgrade_non_player_bonus_desc | "Gain additional <span class="highlight_weapon">{s:NonPlayerBonusWeaponPower}% Weapon Damage</span> when attacking <span class="highlight">Troopers</span>, <span class="highlight">Neutrals</span> and <span class="highlight">Bosses</span>." |
upgrade_out_of_combat_health_regen/modifier_citadel_armor_out_of_combat_health_regen | "Metabolic Nanites" |
upgrade_personal_rejuvenator | "Rebirth" |
upgrade_personal_rejuvenator_desc | "Respawns the hero at the spot they died." |
upgrade_phantom_strike | "Phantom Strike" |
upgrade_phantom_strike_desc | "<span class="highlight">Teleport</span> to an enemy target, applying <span class="highlight">Disarm</span>, <span class="highlight">Slow</span>, and dealing <span class="highlight">damage</span>." |
upgrade_predator_precision | "Predator Precision" |
upgrade_predator_precision_desc | "Gain additional <span class="highlight">weapon damage</span> against enemy Heroes that are <span class="highlight">low health</span>" |
upgrade_pristine_emblem | "Pristine Emblem" |
upgrade_pristine_emblem_desc | "Your attacks have additional <span class="highlight">Weapon Damage</span> against <span class="highlight">enemies above {s:EnemyLifeThreshold}% health</span>." |
upgrade_proc_disarm | "Disarming Bullets" |
upgrade_proc_disarm_desc | "Your bullets <span class="highlight">disarm</span> enemies, them preventing them from shooting their weapon. Victims are immune to disarming bullets for <span class="highlight">{s:ImmunityDuration}s</span> after application expires." |
upgrade_proc_melee_stun | "Melee Knockdown" |
upgrade_proc_melee_stun_desc | "The 3rd hit of your <span class="highlight">melee combo</span> will <span class="highlight">stun</span> enemies." |
upgrade_proc_silence | "EMP Bullets" |
upgrade_proc_silence/modifier_citadel_silence_proc_watcher/modifier_citadel_base_buildup | "Silence Building..." |
upgrade_proc_silence_desc | "Your bullets charge up an <span class="highlight">EMP</span> on enemy heroes that will <span class="highlight">prevent targets from using abilities</span>. Victims are immune to emp bullets for <span class="highlight">{s:ImmunityDuration}s</span> after application expires." |
upgrade_proc_tech_damage | "Magitech Rounds" |
upgrade_proc_tech_damage_desc | "Your bullets also deal your <span class="highlight">base bullet damage [{s:BaseDamagePerShot}] </span> as spirit damage. Magitech Rounds receives <span class="highlight">{s:SpellAmplificationMultiplier}x</span> amplification from <span class="highlight">Spirit Power</span>. Shotguns split the damage between each pellet. This effect can only happen once every {s:ProcCooldown}s." |
upgrade_quarantine | "Quarantine" |
upgrade_quarantine/modifier_citadel_quarantine | "Quarantined" |
upgrade_quarantine_desc | "Quarantine an enemy Hero, making them <span class="highlight">invincible</span> but also <span class="highlight">silencing and disarming</span> them." |
upgrade_quick_silver | "Quicksilver Reload" |
upgrade_quick_silver_desc | "Imbue an ability with bonus <span class="highlight">Spirit Damage</span> on the first hit. When the ability is used, your weapon is <span class="highlight">reloaded</span> and has a <span class="highlight">Fire Rate</span> bonus for that clip. <br>Only activates when Ammo is not full." |
upgrade_rapid_recharge | "Rapid Recharge" |
upgrade_rapid_rounds | "Rapid Rounds" |
upgrade_rebirth | "Soul Rebirth" |
upgrade_rebirth/respawn_bonus_health_modifier | "Rebirth Bonus Health" |
upgrade_rebirth_passive | "If you die, after {s:RespawnDelay}s you will <span class="highlight">respawn at your death location</span> with partial health." |
upgrade_recharge_duration_reduction | "Spiritual Recharge" |
upgrade_recharge_duration_reduction_desc | "Reduces the <span class="highlight">recharge duration<%s> of your ability chages." |
upgrade_reduce_debuff_duration | "Debuff Remover" |
upgrade_reduce_debuff_duration_active_desc | "<span class="highlight">Purge all negative effects</span> currently applied to you. If any effects were removed, gain a <span class="highlight">movement speed bonus</span>. <br>Cannot be used while <span class="highlight">Stunned</span> or <span class="highlight">Slept</span>." |
upgrade_reduce_debuff_duration_desc | "Reduces the <span class="highlight">duration</span> of all negative effects applied to you." |
upgrade_regenerating_bullet_shield | "Combat Barrier" |
upgrade_regenerating_bullet_shield_desc | "While you have a <span class="highlight">Bullet Shield</span>, gain <span class="highlight">Weapon Damage</span> and <span class="highlight">Fire Rate</span>." |
upgrade_regenerative_armor | "Regenerative Armor" |
upgrade_regenerative_armor_desc | "Gain a short burst of health regeneration when taking bullet damage from heroes" |
upgrade_reinforcing_casings | "Escalating Resilience" |
upgrade_reinforcing_casings_desc | "Grants <span class="highlight">Bullet Resist</span> when your bullets hit an enemy hero. <span class="highlight">Each shot can only grant one stack.</span>" |
upgrade_reload_speed | "Fast Reload" |
upgrade_reload_speed_desc | "Increased <span class="highlight">reload speed</span>." |
upgrade_rescue_beam | "Rescue Beam" |
upgrade_rescue_beam_desc | "<span class="highlight">Heals</span> a target allied hero and yourself for a percentage of <span class="highlight">Max Health</span>. Once while healing, you can <span class="highlight">Pull</span> the target towards you. Can be self-cast." |
upgrade_rescue_beam_pull | "Pull Target" |
upgrade_resilience | "Enduring Spirit" |
upgrade_restorative_locket | "Restorative Locket" |
upgrade_restorative_locket_active_desc | "Consume all stacks to <span class="highlight">heal target ally</span> and replenish a <span class="highlight">stamina point</span>. Can be self-cast." |
upgrade_restorative_locket_passive_desc | "When an enemy uses an ability within {s:Radius}m range from you, store one <span class="highlight">Restoration Stack</span>." |
upgrade_return_fire | "Return Fire" |
upgrade_return_fire_desc | "Automatically <span class="highlight">fire a bullet</span> towards any attacker who damages you with their abilities or weapon." |
upgrade_ricochet | "Ricochet" |
upgrade_ricochet_desc | "Your bullets will <span class="highlight">ricochet</span> on enemies near your target, <span class="highlight">applying any bullet procs</span> and <span class="highlight">dealing a percentage of the original damage.</span>" |
upgrade_rocket_booster | "Majestic Leap" |
upgrade_rocket_booster_desc | "<span class="highlight">Launch yourself</span> high into the air. While in the air, you can use the active again to drop down faster.<br>Cannot be used for {s:InteruptCooldown}s if attacked by enemy Hero." |
upgrade_rocket_booster_drop_down | "Drop Down" |
upgrade_rocket_boots | "Majestic Leap - Disabled" |
upgrade_rocket_boots_desc | "<span class="highlight">Launch yourself</span> high into the air. Cannot be used for {s:InteruptCooldown}s if damaged by enemy Hero." |
upgrade_rupture | "Decay" |
upgrade_rupture/modifier_rupture | "Decay" |
upgrade_rupture_desc | "Reduces <span class="highlight">healing</span> received of targeted enemy and inflicts <span class="highlight">damage over time</span> of their current health.<br>Decay's damage is non-lethal." |
upgrade_savior | "Divine Barrier" |
upgrade_savior_desc | "Provide the target with <span class="highlight">Bullet Shield, Spirit Shield, and Movement Speed</span>. Can be self-cast." |
upgrade_self_bubble | "Ethereal Shift" |
upgrade_self_bubble_desc | "You enter a void state and become <span class="highlight">untargetable and invincible</span> for a short duration, during which you cannot move or perform any actions. Afterwards you gain <span class="highlight">movement speed and spirit resist</span>." |
upgrade_sharpshooter | "Sharpshooter" |
upgrade_sharpshooter_desc | "Deal additional <span class="highlight">Weapon Damage</span> when <span class="highlight">beyond a minimum distance</span> from your target." |
upgrade_silencer | "Silencer" |
upgrade_silencer_active | "For the next {s:AbilityDuration}s, <span class="highlight">all your bullets immediately apply Silence</span>. Silence prevents targets from using abilities." |
upgrade_silencer_passive1 | "Your bullets deal <span class="highlight">+{s:BonusBulletDamageToEMPTargets}% damage to Silenced targets</span>." |
upgrade_silencer_passive2 | "Your bullets build up an <span class="highlight">EMP</span> on enemy heroes, preventing them from using abilities." |
upgrade_siphon_bullets | "Siphon Bullets" |
upgrade_siphon_bullets_desc_passive1 | "When in <span class="highlight">close range</span> of your target, deal additional <span class="highlight">Weapon Damage</span>." |
upgrade_siphon_bullets_desc_passive2 | "Your bullets temporarily <span class="highlight">steal Max HP</span> from enemies. Enemies regain their stolen health when the debuff expires. Permanently steal {s:StealPerKill} stacks of health if a siphoned target dies and lose {s:StackLostPerDeath} stacks if you die." |
upgrade_slow_immunity | "Unstoppable - Deprecated" |
upgrade_slow_immunity_desc | "Purges any roots and chains on use and makes you immune to slows for the duration" |
upgrade_slowing_bullets | "Slowing Bullets" |
upgrade_slowing_bullets/modifier_slowing_bullets_proc/modifier_slow_base | "Slowed" |
upgrade_slowing_bullets_desc | "Your bullets apply <span class="highlight">Movement Slow</span>." |
upgrade_slowing_tech | "Slowing Spirit" |
upgrade_slowing_tech/modifier_slowing_tech_proc/modifier_slow_base | "Slowed" |
upgrade_slowing_tech_desc | "Dealing <span class="highlight">Spirit Damage</span> applies <span class="highlight">Movement Slows</span> to your target." |
upgrade_small_attack_speed | "Basic Fire Rate" |
upgrade_small_attack_speed_desc | "Increases your <span class="highlight">Fire Rate</span>." |
upgrade_soaring_spirit | "Improved Spirit" |
upgrade_spell_absorb | "Tech Absorber" |
upgrade_spell_absorb_desc | "<span class="highlight">Blocks</span> a targeted ability." |
upgrade_spellshield | "Hexafoil Ward" |
upgrade_spellshield/modifier_spellshield_buff | "Hexafoil Ward" |
upgrade_spellshield/modifier_spellshield_linger_buff | "Hexafoil Ward Broken!" |
upgrade_spellshield_desc | "Block the next <span class="highlight">Spirit Damage</span> or <span class="highlight">Debuff</span>, preventing its effects. Only regenerates outside of combat." |
upgrade_spellshield_shield | "Anti-Spirit Sigil" |
upgrade_sprint_booster | "Sprint Boots" |
upgrade_sprint_booster_desc | "Increases your <span class="highlight">forward movement speed</span> over time. Taking damage resets the effect for <span class="highlight">1.5s</span>" |
upgrade_stabilizer | "Stabilizer" |
upgrade_stabilizer_desc | "Removes the <span class="highlight">movement speed penalty</span> while shooting, and increases <span class="highlight">bullet speed</span>." |
upgrade_stabilizing_tripod | "Stabilizing Tripod" |
upgrade_stabilizing_tripod_desc | "<span class="highlight">Disarm yourself</span> to toss your weapon to the target location where it transforms into a <span class="highlight">Field Sentry that will attack enemies using your weapon with an unlimited clip</span>. You can melee the sentry to end the effect early." |
upgrade_stasis_bomb | "Stasis Bomb" |
upgrade_stasis_bomb/modifier_citadel_bubble | "Stasis Bomb" |
upgrade_stasis_bomb_active1 | "Creates an <span class="highlight">EMP aura</span> around you and become <span class="highlight">invincible</span> for {s:AbilityDuration}s, during which it has {s:MoveSpeedMax}m/s move speed and cannot attack, use abilities, or use special moves. Can be self cast." |
upgrade_stasis_bomb_active2 | "<span class="spacer"></span><br>If the Stasis lasts the full duration, it will <span class="highlight">stun and damage</span> nearby enemies." |
upgrade_stasis_bomb_desc_passive | "Your bullets charge up an <span class="highlight">EMP</span> on enemy heroes, preventing them from using abilities." |
upgrade_succor | "Rescue" |
upgrade_succor_desc | "<span class="highlight">Pulls</span> the targeted teammate out of battle and brings them next to you." |
upgrade_superacolytes_glove | "Hex-Sealed Knuckles" |
upgrade_superacolytes_glove/modifier_superacoloytes_glove | "Knuckles Unsealed!" |
upgrade_superacolytes_glove_desc | "After dealing an accumulated <span class="highlight">{s:StoredSpiritDamage}</span> spirit damage, your next <span class="highlight">Heavy Melee Attack</span> deals an additional <span class="highlight">{s:StoredSpiritDamage} spirit damage</span>." |
upgrade_superior_stamina | "Superior Stamina" |
upgrade_superior_stamina_passive | "Increases the number of <span class="highlight">Air Dashes</span> and <span class="highlight">Air Jumps</span> that can be performed before landing from <span class="highlight">1 to 2</span>" |
upgrade_suppressor | "Suppressor" |
upgrade_suppressor_desc | "When you deal <span class="highlight">Spirit Damage</span> to enemies, you also apply <span class="highlight">Fire Rate Slow</span>." |
upgrade_surging_power | "Vampiric Burst" |
upgrade_surging_power/surge | "Surging Power" |
upgrade_surging_power/surge/active | "Surging Power" |
upgrade_surging_power/surge/windup | "Surging Power" |
upgrade_surging_power_active | "Grants <span class="highlight">Lifesteal</span>, <span class="highlight">Fire Rate</span>, and <span class="highlight">Ammo</span>. This added Ammo is not limited by your max magazine size." |
upgrade_target_stun | "Knockdown" |
upgrade_target_stun_desc | "Target is <span class="highlight">knocked down</span> and <span class="highlight">Stunned</span> after a <span class="highlight">{s:StunDelay}s delay</span>, interrupting and temporarily preventing them from taking any action." |
upgrade_targeted_silence | "Silence Glyph" |
upgrade_targeted_silence_desc | "Fires a projectile which <span class="highlight">silences and damages</span> the target. Silence does not interrupt channeling abilities." |
upgrade_tech_3 | "Energy" |
upgrade_tech_3_desc | "Large increase in <span class="highlight">Energy</span>." |
upgrade_tech_armor | "Spirit Armor" |
upgrade_tech_armor_2 | "Spirit Armor+" |
upgrade_tech_armor_2_desc | "Reduces the damage you take from <span class="highlight">Spirit</span> abilities." |
upgrade_tech_armor_desc | "Reduces the damage you take from <span class="highlight">Spirit</span> abilities." |
upgrade_tech_armor_reduction_aura | "Spirit Armor Reduction Aura" |
upgrade_tech_armor_reduction_aura_desc | "Increases <span class="highlight">Spirit Damage</span> taken by nearby enemies." |
upgrade_tech_bleed | "Mystic Reverb" |
upgrade_tech_bleed/modifier_tech_bleed_proc/modifier_tech_bleed | "Spirit Echo" |
upgrade_tech_bleed_desc | "Imbue an ability to apply <span class="highlight">slow</span> on a hit target and deal an <span class="highlight">additional percentage of the damage dealt</span> to enemies around the target after a short delay." |
upgrade_tech_cleave | "Quantum Chimaera" |
upgrade_tech_cleave_desc | "Your Tech attacks strike additional nearby enemies for <span class="highlight">75% of the total damage</span>." |
upgrade_tech_damage_pulse | "Torment Pulse" |
upgrade_tech_damage_pulse_desc | "Periodically deals <span class="highlight">Spirit Damage</span> to the closest two enemies nearby." |
upgrade_tech_defender | "Tech Defender" |
upgrade_tech_defender/modifier_debuff_immunity | "Immune to Debuffs" |
upgrade_tech_defender_active | "Protect against <span class="highlight">all spirit damage and debuffs</span>." |
upgrade_tech_defense_shredders | "Soul Shredder Bullets" |
upgrade_tech_defense_shredders/modifier_tech_defense_shredders_proc/modifier_base | "Spirit Armor Reduced" |
upgrade_tech_defense_shredders_desc | "Your bullets apply a debuff that amplifies your <span class="highlight">Spirit Damage</span> against the target and grants you <span class="highlight">Spirit Lifesteal</span> against them." |
upgrade_tech_overflow | "Spiritual Overflow" |
upgrade_tech_overflow_desc | "Gain bonus <span class="highlight">Fire Rate</span> and <span class="highlight">Spirit Power</span> by <span class="highlight">charging up</span> when shooting enemy heroes." |
upgrade_tech_purge | "Improved Spirit Armor" |
upgrade_tech_range | "Improved Reach" |
upgrade_tech_range_2 | "Mystic Range" |
upgrade_tech_range_2_desc | "Increases your spirit <span class="highlight">range</span>, <span class="highlight">aura radius</span>, and <span class="highlight">effect radius</span>." |
upgrade_tech_range_desc | "Increases the <span class="highlight">range</span> and <span class="highlight">effect radius</span> of your abilities and items." |
upgrade_thermal_detonator | "Alchemical Fire" |
upgrade_thermal_detonator_desc | "Throw a flask that explodes on contact, creating an area that does increasing <span class="highlight">Spirit Damage per second</span> and causes enemies to receive additional <span class="highlight">Weapon Damage</span> from your team.<br><br>Deals {s:NonHeroReductionPercent}% less DPS vs non-heroes." |
upgrade_titan_round | "Titanic Magazine" |
upgrade_toughness_3 | "Toughness" |
upgrade_toughness_3_desc | "Increases <span class="highlight">Health</span> and <span class="highlight">health regen</span>." |
upgrade_toxic_bullets | "Toxic Bullets" |
upgrade_toxic_bullets_buildup | "Toxic building..." |
upgrade_toxic_bullets_desc | "Your bullets build up a <span class="highlight">Bleed</span> on enemies, causing them to lose a <span class="highlight">percentage of their current health</span> over time. Also applies <span class="highlight">Healing Reduction</span> on the bleeding target." |
upgrade_unstoppable | "Unstoppable" |
upgrade_unstoppable_desc | "Temporarily suppress <span class="highlight">negative status effects</span> and become <span class="highlight">immune</span> to <span class="highlight">Stun, Silence, Sleep, Root, and Disarm</span>. <br>Cannot be used while <span class="highlight">Stunned</span> or <span class="highlight">Slept</span>." |
upgrade_vampire | "Bullet Lifesteal" |
upgrade_vampire_desc | "Your <span class="highlight">bullets heal you</span> for a percentage of the damage they deal to enemies. Half as effective vs Non-Heroes." |
upgrade_veil_walker | "Veil Walker" |
upgrade_veil_walker_desc | "Walking through a <span class="highlight">cosmic veil</span> grants you <span class="highlight">Stealth</span>, increased <span class="highlight">Movement Speed</span> and restores all <span class="highlight">Bullet and Spirit Shields</span>." |
upgrade_vex_barrier | "Reactive Barrier" |
upgrade_vex_barrier_desc | "Automatically deploy temporary <span class="highlight">Bullet and Spirit Shields</span> when you are <span class="highlight">movement locked, Stunned, Chained, Immobilized, or Slept</span>." |
upgrade_vex_barrier_shield | "Reactive Barrier" |
upgrade_warp_stone | "Warp Stone" |
upgrade_warp_stone_desc | "<span class="highlight">Teleport</span> straight ahead, gaining <span class="highlight">Bullet Resist</span>." |
upgrade_weapon_detention_ammo | "Detention Rounds" |
upgrade_weapon_detention_ammo_desc | "Your bullets build up on enemies, causing them to be <span class="highlight">tethered</span> to their position." |
upgrade_weapon_eater | "Weapon Eater" |
upgrade_weapon_eater/modifier_weapon_eater_display | "Weapon Eater" |
upgrade_weapon_eater_desc | "Reduces Courage by <span class="highlight_weapon">{s:BaseBonusCounter}</span>. <br>Gain <span class="highlight_weapon">{s:WeaponPowerPerKill} Courage</span> (Up to <span class="highlight_weapon">{s:MaxWeaponPower}</span>) for <span class="highlight">killing an enemy Hero</span> but lose <span class="highlight_weapon">{s:WeaponPowerPerDeath} gained Courage</span> on <span class="highlight">Death</span>. Bonus applied if damage was done within {s:KillWindow}s of enemy killed." |
upgrade_weapon_instant_reload | "Reloader + Huge Clip" |
upgrade_weapon_instant_reload_desc | "Press the [Reload] key while reloading to instantly finish your reload" |
upgrade_weapon_overdrive_clip | "Overdrive Clip" |
upgrade_weapon_overdrive_clip/modifier_upgrade_overdrive_clip_reload | "Overdrive Reload" |
upgrade_weapon_overdrive_clip_desc | "<span class="highlight">Deal non-lethal damage based on your max health to yourself</span> and <span class="highlight">reload bullets in your clip equal to your max ammo, no matter how many bullets are left.</span> The bullets in this clip have additional <span class="highlight">courage</span>." |
upgrade_weapon_power_and_health_drain | "Overdrive" |
upgrade_weapon_power_and_health_drain_desc | "Increase your <span class="highlight">Courage</span> while draining your own <span class="highlight">health</span>." |
upgrade_withering_whip | "Withering Whip" |
upgrade_withering_whip_desc | "Target an enemy to apply <span class="highlight">Fire Rate Slow</span> and reduce their <span class="highlight">Bullet Resist</span>." |
upgrade_zipine_mastery | "Zip Line Mastery" |
upgrade_zipine_mastery_desc | "Zip line speed <span class="highlight">accelerates</span> and allows you to use <span class="highlight">neutral</span> zip lines and capture them while zip lining. Provides a movement speed bonus when jumping off a zip line whose duration increases the longer you are on the zip line." |
viscous_goo_bowling_ball | "Goo Ball" |
viscous_goo_bowling_ball_desc | "Morph into a large goo ball that <span style="font-weight: bold;">deals damage</span> and <span style="font-weight: bold;">stuns</span> enemies on impact. The ball grants large amounts of <span style="font-weight: bold;">Bullet</span> and <span style="font-weight: bold;">Spirit</span> resist, bounces off walls and can <span style="font-weight: bold;">double jump</span>." |
viscous_goo_bowling_ball_quip | "Roll around and cause chaos" |
viscous_goo_bowling_ball_t3_desc | "Can cast abilities and use items while rolling" |
viscous_goo_grenade | "Splatter" |
viscous_goo_grenade/modifier_viscous_goo_grenade_debuff | "Slowed" |
viscous_goo_grenade_bounce_desc | "Multiple hits to the same target deal less damage." |
viscous_goo_grenade_desc | "Throw a ball of goo that <span style="font-weight: bold;">deals damage</span> and leaves puddles of goo behind that apply <span style="font-weight: bold;">movement slow</span> to enemies in the radius." |
viscous_goo_grenade_puddle_desc | "Goo puddles linger on the ground and apply a <span style="font-weight: bold;">movement slow</span> to enemies walking on them." |
viscous_goo_grenade_quip | "Damage enemies and make a mess" |
viscous_goo_grenade_t2_desc | "+50 Damage and +1m Radius" |
viscous_goo_grenade_t3_desc | "Bounces 2 times" |
viscous_goo_puddle | "Goo Form" |
viscous_goo_puddle_desc | "Turn yourself into a puddle of goo, becoming <span class="highlight">immune to harm</span> and <span class="highlight">dealing damage to nearby enemies</span>." |
viscous_goo_puddle_t3_desc | "[Not Yet Implemented]" |
viscous_gootapult | "Splatapult" |
viscous_gootapult_desc | "Charge up and launch yourself, dealing damage and leaving a slowing area on impact." |
viscous_gootapult_hint | "Launch!" |
viscous_restorative_goo | "The Cube" |
viscous_restorative_goo/modifier_restorative_goo/breakoutProgress | "Breaking out" |
viscous_restorative_goo_buff_desc | "After exiting the cube, the target has increased <span class="highlight">movement speed and stamina recovery</span> for a short duration." |
viscous_restorative_goo_desc | "Encase the target in a cube of restorative goo that <span style="font-weight: bold;">protects from damage, and increases health regen</span>. Target is <span style="font-weight: bold;">unable to take any new actions</span> while cubed. Can be used on self. Press <span style="font-weight: bold;">Space</span> to escape early." |
viscous_restorative_goo_quip | "The Cube is a safe place to be" |
viscous_restorative_goo_t1_desc | "Increases Movement Speed and Stamina Recovery" |
viscous_restorative_goo_t3_desc | "<span style="font-weight: bold;">Removes all Debuffs</span> and <span style="font-weight: bold;">-21.0s</span> Ability Cooldown" |
viscous_telepunch | "Puddle Punch" |
viscous_telepunch_desc | "Materialize a fist in the world that <span style="font-weight: bold;">punches</span> units in the area and send them flying. Enemies will be <span style="font-weight: bold;">dealt damage</span>, have their dash distance reduced for a brief moment, and have their <span style="font-weight: bold;">movement slowed</span>. This is considered a <span style="font-weight: bold;">Light Melee</span> attack." |
viscous_telepunch_quip | "Punch enemies with a giant fist" |
viscous_telepunch_t2_desc | "+35 Damage and +20% Movement Slow" |
walker_unit | "Walker" |
wp_permanent_pickup_label | "+3% Weapon Damage" |
wp_permanent_pickup_label_lv2 | "+4% Weapon Damage" |
wp_permanent_pickup_label_lv3 | "+7% Weapon Damage" |
wraith_project_mind_t2_title | "Bullet Shield:" |
wrecker_ultimate_grab_debuff | "Stasis" |
yakuza_kobun | "Hired Muscle" |
yakuza_kobun_desc | "Summons a subordinate gangster to follow a friendly unit and attack enemies closest to that target. Double tap to self cast." |
yakuza_protection_racket | "Protection Racket" |
yakuza_protection_racket_desc | "Create a protective force shield to protect an ally and increase their crit damage. Purges negative effects on the target when cast." |
yakuza_protection_racket_t1_desc | "-{s:WeaponRecoilReduction}% Weapon Recoil, -{s:MoveWhileShootingSpeedPenaltyReductionPercent}% move speed reduction when shooting." |
yakuza_setting_sun | "Setting Sun" |
yakuza_setting_sun_desc | "Call down a precision Gamma Ray blast from orbit, hitting all units in the radius at every height regardless of cover. Units near the center of the beam take more damage." |
yakuza_shakedown | "Shakedown" |
yakuza_shakedown_target | "Shakedown" |
yakuza_shakedown_target_desc | "Send a drone to lock an area down, rooting and damaging enemies in the area. The link between your drones shares a portion of the damage you take with a random rooted enemy." |
yakuza_shakedown_target_t2_desc | "Ignore Channel Slowdown" |
yamato_flying_strike_t3_header | "Upon reaching target:" |
zipline_boost | "Zipline Boosted" |
zipline_speed_pickup/zipline_speed | "Increased Zipline Speed" |
zipline_speed_pickup_label | "Zipline Speed" |