Language | "spanish" |
MODIFIER_STATE_ROOTED | "Inmovilizado/a" |
MODIFIER_STATE_TECH_INVULNERABLE | "Invulnerable espiritualmente" |
Citadel_StatusEffect | "Efecto de estado" |
Citadel_StatusEffectStun | "Aturdir" |
Citadel_StatusEffectEMP | "Silenciado/a" |
Citadel_StatusEffectFreeze | "Congelar" |
Citadel_StatusEffectBurn | "Quemar" |
Citadel_StatusEffectBleed | "Sangrar" |
Citadel_StatusEffectSleep | "Dormir" |
Citadel_StatusEffectTethered | "Atar" |
Citadel_StatusEffectImmobilize | "Inmovilizar" |
Citadel_StatusEffectDisarmed | "Desarmar" |
Citadel_StatusEffectInvisible | "Invisible" |
Citadel_StatusEffectStacks | "Stacks" |
Citadel_StatusEffectInfiniteClip | "Infinite Ammo" |
Citadel_StatusEffectBulletDebuff | "Bullet Debuff" |
Citadel_StatusEffectBuff | "Buff" |
modifier_citadel_in_shop | "In Shop" |
modifier_citadel_in_fountain | "Home Base" |
modifier_citadel_pre_match_wait | "Esperando el inicio de la partida" |
modifier_citadel_rapid_fire | "Bullet Storm" |
modifier_citadel_damageboost | "Damage Boost" |
modifier_citadel_damage_reduction | "Armor Boost" |
modifier_slowaura | "Ralentizado/a" |
modifier_citadel_slowtarget | "Ralentizado/a" |
modifier_citadel_lineslow | "Ralentizado/a" |
modifier_slow_base | "Ralentizado/a" |
modifier_damageovertime | "Sangrando" |
modifier_citadel_stunned | "Aturdido/a" |
modifier_citadel_knockdown | "Aturdido/a" |
modifier_citadel_delayed_stun | "Delayed Stun" |
modifier_citadel_knockdown_stumble | "Stumble" |
modifier_citadel_banished | "Desterrado/a" |
modifier_citadel_speed_boost | "Speed Boost" |
modifier_pullaura | "Pulled" |
modifier_healaura | "Healing" |
modifier_citadel_root | "Inmovilizado/a" |
modifier_citadel_charging | "Charging" |
modifier_invis | "Stealthed" |
modifier_invis_start_delay | "Entering Stealth" |
modifier_invis_fading | "Fading" |
modifier_camouflage_invis | "Camouflaged" |
modifier_citadel_silenced | "Silenciado/a" |
emp_immune | "Silenced Immune" |
modifier_citadel_muted | "Muted" |
modifier_citadel_disarmed | "Desarmado/a" |
modifier_citadel_tech_shield | "Escudo espiritual" |
modifier_item_disarmed | "Desarmado/a" |
modifier_citadel_disarm_proc | "Desarmado/a" |
modifier_citadel_disarm_proc_buildup | "Disarming..." |
disarm_immune | "Disarm Immune" |
modifier_citadel_dodging | "Dodging" |
modifier_prevent_healing | "Healing Disabled" |
modifier_obscured_by_steam | "Obscured" |
Citadel_AbilityProperty_OnHit | "Al impactar:" |
Citadel_AbilityProperty_OnExplode | "Al explotar:" |
Citadel_AbilityProperty_OnAttach | "Al adjuntar:" |
StatDesc_DPS | "DPS" |
StatDesc_MeleeDamage | "Daño cuerpo a cuerpo" |
StatDesc_LightMeleeDamage | "Cuerpo a cuerpo ligero" |
StatDesc_HeavyMeleeDamage | "Cuerpo a cuerpo pesado" |
StatDesc_MaxHealth | "Vida máxima" |
StatDesc_ClipSizeBonus | "Munición" |
StatDesc_ClipSizeIncrease | "Aumento del tamaño del cargador" |
StatDesc_ClipSizeIncrease_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_BonusClips | "Clips" |
StatDesc_AmmoRegen | "Ammo Regen" |
StatDesc_HealthRegen | "Regeneración de vida" |
StatDesc_BaseHealthRegen | "Regeneración de vida" |
StatDesc_ExternalHealthRegen | "External Health Regen" |
StatDesc_RunSpeed | "Velocidad de movimiento" |
StatDesc_RunSpeed_postfix | "m/s" |
StatDesc_SprintSpeed | "Velocidad de esprint" |
StatDesc_SprintSpeed_postfix | "m/s" |
StatDesc_RunAcceleration | "Move Acceleration" |
StatDesc_SprintAcceleration | "Sprint Acceleration" |
StatDesc_IncomingDamageReduction | "Armadura" |
StatDesc_IncomingDamageScale | "Incoming Damage Scale" |
StatDesc_BulletArmor | "Armadura" |
StatDesc_BulletArmorDamageReduction | "Resistencia a balas" |
StatDesc_BulletArmorDamageReduction_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_IncomingBulletDamageReduction | "Bullet Damage Armor" |
StatDesc_IncomingBulletDamageScale | "Bullet Damage Scale" |
StatDesc_IncomingMeleeDamageReduction | "Melee Damage Armor" |
StatDesc_IncomingMeleeDamageScale | "Melee Damage Scale" |
StatDesc_TechArmor | "Armadura espiritual" |
StatDesc_TechArmorDamageReduction | "Resistencia espiritual" |
StatDesc_TechArmorDamageReduction_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_IncomingAbilityDamageReduction | "Ability Armor" |
StatDesc_IncomingAbilityDamageScale | "Ability Damage Scale" |
StatDesc_TechPower | "Poder espiritual" |
StatDesc_ManaPerLevel | "Energy Per Level" |
StatDesc_HealthPerLevel | "Health Per Level" |
StatDesc_ManaRegenPerLevel | "Energy Regen Per Level" |
StatDesc_HealthRegenPerLevel | "Health Regen Per Level" |
StatDesc_WeaponDPSPerLevel | "Weapon DPS Per Level" |
StatDesc_SuperSprintSpeed | "Super Sprint Speed" |
StatDesc_WeaponRange | "Range" |
StatDesc_WeaponRecoilReduction | "Recoil Reduction" |
StatDesc_FireRate | "Cadencia de tiro" |
StatDesc_FireRate_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_Toughness | "Toughness" |
StatDesc_Technology | "Technology" |
StatDesc_Weaponry | "Weaponry" |
StatDesc_WeaponPower | "Daño del arma" |
StatDesc_BulletDamage | "Daño balístico" |
StatDesc_TechPowerAmp | "Spirit" |
StatDesc_EnergyMax | "Energy Cells" |
StatDesc_EnergyRegenTime | "Energy Regen Time" |
StatDesc_RoundsPerSecond | "Balas por segundo" |
StatDesc_BulletDamagePerLevel | "Bullet Damage Per Level" |
StatDesc_WeaponPowerAmp | "Bullet Damage Amp" |
StatDesc_AirJumps | "Air Jumps" |
StatDesc_ZipLineSpeed | "Hyperline Speed" |
StatDesc_ProcModifier | "Proc Modifier" |
StatDesc_TechCooldown | "Tiempo de recarga de las habilidades" |
StatDesc_TechCooldown_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_TechCooldownBetweenCharges | "Tiempo de recarga de la carga" |
StatDesc_TechCooldownBetweenCharges_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_TechRange | "Alcance de las habilidades" |
StatDesc_TechRange_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_MaxChargesIncrease | "Aumento del máximo de cargas" |
StatDesc_RechargeRate | "Recharge Rate" |
StatDesc_TechDuration | "Duración de las habilidades" |
StatDesc_TechDuration_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_WeaponPowerAttribute | "Daño del arma" |
StatDesc_ArmorAttribute | "Armadura" |
StatDesc_HealthAttribute | "Vida" |
StatDesc_TechDamageAttribute | "Daño espiritual" |
StatDesc_FireRateAttribute | "Cadencia de tiro" |
StatDesc_ReloadTime | "Tiempo de recarga" |
StatDesc_ReloadTime_postfix | "s" |
StatDesc_Stamina | "Aguante" |
StatDesc_StaminaRegenPerSecond | "Recuperación del aguante" |
StatDesc_StaminaRegenPerSecond_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_BaseWeaponDamage | "Daño del arma" |
StatDesc_BaseWeaponDamage_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_TechDamageScale | "Daño espiritual" |
StatDesc_TechShieldHealth | "Escudo espiritual" |
StatDesc_BulletShieldHealth | "Escudo antibalas" |
StatDesc_ReloadSpeed_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
StatDesc_ReloadSpeed | "Reducción de la recarga" |
StatDesc_ReloadSpeed_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_CritDamageReceivedScale | "Reducción de críticos" |
StatDesc_CritDamageReceivedScale_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_StaminaCooldown | "Tiempo de recarga del aguante" |
StatDesc_StaminaCooldown_postfix | "s" |
StatDesc_StaminaRegenIncrease_prefix | "+" |
StatDesc_StaminaRegenIncrease | "Recuperación del aguante" |
StatDesc_StaminaRegenIncrease_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_DebuffResist | "Resistencia a desventajas" |
StatDesc_DebuffResist_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_HealingOutput | "Amp. de curación" |
StatDesc_HealingOutput_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_BulletSpeed | "Velocidad de las balas" |
StatDesc_BulletSpeed_postfix | "m/s" |
StatDesc_BulletSpeedIncrease | "Aumento de la velocidad de las balas" |
StatDesc_BulletSpeedIncrease_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_WeaponRangeFalloffMin_postfix | "m" |
StatDesc_WeaponRangeFalloffMax_postfix | "m" |
StatDesc_AttackPower | "Attack Power" |
StatDesc_AbilityPower | "Ability Power" |
StatDesc_DefensePower | "Defense Power" |
StatDesc_TechLifesteal_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
StatDesc_TechLifesteal | "Robo de vida espiritual" |
StatDesc_TechLifesteal_postfix | "%" |
StatDesc_TechLifestealNonHero_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
StatDesc_TechLifestealNonHero | "Robo de vida espiritual contra no héroes" |
StatDesc_BulletLifesteal_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
StatDesc_BulletLifesteal | "Robo de vida balístico" |
StatDesc_BulletLifesteal_postfix | "%" |
Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_RapidFire | "Disparo rápido" |
Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_BurstFire | "Fuego a discreción" |
Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_Spreadshot | "Disparo dividido" |
Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_BeamWeapon | "Arma de rayos" |
Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_CloseRange | "Corto alcance" |
Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_MediumRange | "Media distancia" |
Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_LongRange | "Larga distancia" |
Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_HeavyHitter | "Impactos fuertes" |
Attribute_EWeaponAttribute_Projectile | "Proyectil" |
WeaponPowerAttribute_Desc | "%s1 to any weapon damage bonus" |
ArmorAttribute_Desc | "%s1 to any bullet and spirit armor bonus" |
HealthAttribute_Desc | "%s1 to any health and health regen bonuses" |
TechDamageAttribute_Desc | "%s1 to any spirit damage bonus" |
FireRateAttribute_Desc | "%s1 to any weapon fire rate bonus" |
WeaponPowerAttribute_Desc_0 | "no additional weapon damage bonuses" |
ArmorAttribute_Desc_0 | "no additional bullet armor bonuses" |
HealthAttribute_Desc_0 | "no additional health and health regen bonuses" |
TechDamageAttribute_Desc_0 | "no additional spirit damage bonuses" |
FireRateAttribute_Desc_0 | "no additional weapon fire rate bonuses" |
EMultiplyBase_postfix | "%" |
HealAmount_label | "de curación" |
HealInterval_label | "de intervalo de curación" |
HealInterval_postfix | "s" |
SlowPercent_label | "de ralent. de movimiento" |
SlowPercent_postfix | "%" |
movement_slow | "Ralentización de movimiento" |
SlowDurationPerStack_label | "de ralentización por acumulación" |
SlowDurationPerStack_postfix | "s" |
DroneLifetime_label | "Drone Lifetime" |
CritChance_label | "de probabilidad de crítico" |
CritChance_postfix | "%" |
ShieldHealth_label | "de vida del escudo" |
SpeedBoostPercent_label | "Speed" |
SpeedBoostPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
SpeedBoostPercent_postfix | "%" |
Damage_label | "de daño" |
DamageBoosted_label | "de daño" |
DamagePlayer_label | "de daño a los jugadores" |
DamageNPC_label | "de daño a no jugadores" |
DetectionRadius_label | "de radio de detección" |
MaxMines_label | "Max Mines" |
HealRate_label | "Heal Rate" |
HealRate_postfix | "por segundo" |
Radius_label | "de radio" |
Radius_postfix | "m" |
InactiveRadius_label | "de radio inactivo" |
InactiveRadius_postfix | "m" |
ActiveRadius_label | "de radio activo" |
ActiveRadius_postfix | "m" |
MaxRadius_label | "de radio máximo" |
MaxRadius_postfix | "m" |
TackleRadius_label | "Tackle Radius" |
TackleRadius_postfix | "m" |
MovementDamagePercent_label | "de daño" |
DPS_label | "de DPS" |
DPSIncrease_label | "Damage Increase Rate" |
DPSMin_label | "de DPS mínimo" |
DPSMax_label | "de DPS máximo" |
DPS_Self_label | "de daño autoinfligido" |
DPS_Self_postfix | "por segundo" |
BaseAttackDamage_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BaseAttackDamage_label | "de daño base" |
BonusHealth_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusHealth_label | "de vida adicional" |
MaxHealth_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
MaxHealth_label | "de vida máxima" |
BonusEnergyMax_label | "Energy Cells" |
BonusMaxHealth_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusMaxHealth_label | "de vida" |
BonusHealthPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusHealthPercent_postfix | "%" |
BonusHealthPercent_label | "de vida" |
BonusHealthRegen_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusHealthRegen_label | "de regeneración de vida" |
BaseWeaponDamage_postfix | "%" |
LevelUpBaseWeaponDamage | "Bullet Damage" |
LevelUpBaseMeleeDamage | "Daño cuerpo a cuerpo" |
HealthRegen_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
HealthRegen_label | "de regeneración de vida" |
BonusRegenMaxHealthPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusRegenMaxHealthPercent_postfix | "%" |
BonusRegenMaxHealthPercent_label | "de regeneración de vida máxima" |
BonusHealthRegenOutOfCombat_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusHealthRegenOutOfCombat_postfix | "" |
BonusHealthRegenOutOfCombat_label | "Health Regen Out of Combat" |
ExternalBonusHealthRegen_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
ExternalBonusHealthRegen_postfix | "por segundo" |
ExternalBonusHealthRegen_label | "de regeneración de vida" |
ActiveHealthRegenBoost_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
ActiveHealthRegenBoost_postfix | "hp/sec" |
ActiveHealthRegenBoost_label | "de regeneración de vida" |
NonPlayerBonusWeaponPower_label | "de daño del arma contra PNJ" |
NonPlayerBonusWeaponPower_prefix | "+" |
NonPlayerBonusWeaponPower_postfix | "%" |
NonPlayerBonusWeaponPower_conditional | "contra PNJ" |
NonPlayerBulletResist_label | "Resistencia a balas contra PNJ" |
NonPlayerBulletResist_prefix | "+" |
NonPlayerBulletResist_postfix | "%" |
NonPlayerBulletResist_conditional | "contra PNJ" |
BonusMeleeDamagePercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusMeleeDamagePercent_postfix | "%" |
BonusMeleeDamagePercent_label | "de daño cuerpo a cuerpo" |
BonusMeleeDamage_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusMeleeDamage_label | "de daño cuerpo a cuerpo" |
FuseTime_label | "de duración del detonador" |
FuseTime_postfix | "s" |
BonusAmmoRegen_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusAmmoRegen_postfix | "por segundo" |
BonusAmmoRegen_label | "Ammo Regen" |
BonusAmmo_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusAmmo_postfix | "%" |
BonusAmmo_label | "Bullets" |
Lifetime_postfix | "s" |
Lifetime_label | "de duración" |
Distance_postfix | "m" |
Distance_label | "Distance" |
ChainDamageCoeff_postfix | "% of gun damage" |
ChainDamageCoeff_label | "Chain Damage" |
BulletArmor_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BulletArmor_label | "de armadura antibalas" |
BulletResist_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BulletResist_postfix | "%" |
BulletResist_label | "de resist. a balas" |
BulletArmorDamageReduction_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BulletArmorDamageReduction_postfix | "%" |
BulletArmorDamageReduction_label | "de resist. a balas" |
TechArmorDamageReduction_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
TechArmorDamageReduction_postfix | "%" |
TechArmorDamageReduction_Label | "de resist. espiritual" |
TechDamageScale_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
TechDamageScale_postfix | "%" |
TechDamageScale_label | "de daño espiritual" |
TechArmor_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
TechArmor_label | "de armadura espiritual" |
TechResist_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
TechResist_postfix | "%" |
TechResist_label | "de resist. espiritual" |
TechResistPerStack_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
TechResistPerStack_postfix | "%" |
TechResistPerStack_label | "de amplificación espiritual por acumulación" |
MagicIncreasePerStack_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
MagicIncreasePerStack_postfix | "%" |
MagicIncreasePerStack_label | "de amplificación espiritual por acumulación" |
BulletDamageReduction_postfix | "%" |
BulletDamageReduction_label | "de armadura antibalas" |
ActiveBulletDamageReduction_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
ActiveBulletDamageReduction_label | "de daño balístico" |
ActiveBulletDamageReduction_postfix | "%" |
BonusMoveSpeed_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusMoveSpeed_label | "de vel. de movimiento" |
BonusMoveSpeed_postfix | "m/s" |
RunSpeed_postfix | "m/s" |
WeaponRange_label | "de alcance del arma" |
WeaponRange_postfix | "m" |
BonusMoveSpeedPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusMoveSpeedPercent_postfix | "%" |
BonusMoveSpeedPercent_label | "de vel. de movimiento" |
SlowResistancePercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
SlowResistancePercent_label | "de resistencia a ralentización de movimiento" |
SlowResistancePercent_postfix | "%" |
AirSpeedBonus_label | "de velocidad adicional en el aire" |
AirSpeedBonus_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
AirSpeedBonus_postfix | "m/s" |
AscendSpeed_label | "" |
DescendSpeed_label | "" |
BonusCooldownReduction_label | "de reducción del tiempo de espera por bala" |
BonusClipSize_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusClipSize_label | "de munición" |
BonusClipSizePercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusClipSizePercent_postfix | "%" |
BonusClipSizePercent_label | "de munición" |
TemporaryBonusClipSize_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
TemporaryBonusClipSize_label | "de munición temporal" |
TemporaryBonusClipSizePercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
TemporaryBonusClipSizePercent_postfix | "%" |
TemporaryBonusClipSizePercent_label | "de munición temporal" |
BulletPenetrationPercent_postfix | "%" |
BulletPenetrationPercent_label | "de perforación balística" |
TechPower_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
TechPower_label | "de poder espiritual" |
ArmorPower_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
ArmorPower_label | "de vida base" |
ArmorPower_postfix | "%" |
TechPowerAmp_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
TechPowerAmp_label | "Spirit" |
TechPowerAmp_postfix | "" |
SpellAmplificationPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
SpellAmplificationPercent_label | "de poder espiritual" |
NanoTechPerShot_label | "de daño espiritual" |
ExplosiveSplashDamage_label | "Explode Damage" |
BulletDamageTotal_label | "de daño balístico" |
ChargesRestored_label | "carga(s) restaurada(s)" |
BonusFireRate_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusFireRate_postfix | "%" |
BonusFireRate_label | "de cadencia de tiro" |
ActivatedFireRate_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
ActivatedFireRate_postfix | "%" |
ActivatedFireRate_label | "de cadencia de tiro" |
BonusFireRatePlayerUnit_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusFireRatePlayerUnit_postfix | "%" |
BonusFireRatePlayerUnit_label | "de cadencia de tiro de los esbirros" |
BonusFireRateNPC_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusFireRateNPC_postfix | "%" |
BonusFireRateNPC_label | "de cadencia de tiro de los PNJ" |
BonusMeleeAttackSpeed_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusMeleeAttackSpeed_postfix | "%" |
BonusMeleeAttackSpeed_label | "Melee Speed" |
AbilityDamageReduction_label | "de reducción del daño espiritual" |
AbilityDamageReduction_postfix | "%" |
SlowProcChance_label | "Chance to slow on hit" |
SlowProcChance_postfix | "%" |
SlowDuration_label | "de duración de la ralentización" |
SlowDuration_postfix | "s" |
PoisonDamage_label | "Poison Damage" |
PoisonDuration_label | "de duración" |
PoisonDuration_postfix | "s" |
DebuffDuration_label | "de duración de la desventaja" |
DebuffDuration_postfix | "s" |
DotHealthPercent_label | "de daño por sangrado" |
DotHealthPercent_postfix | "%/s" |
FreezeDuration_label | "de duración de la congelación" |
FreezeDuration_postfix | "s" |
CooldownReduction_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
CooldownReduction_postfix | "%" |
CooldownReduction_label | "de reducción del tiempo de recarga" |
ImbuedCooldownReduction_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
ImbuedCooldownReduction_postfix | "%" |
ImbuedCooldownReduction_label | "de reducción del t. de recarga de las habilidades imbuidas" |
NonImbuedCooldownReduction_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
NonImbuedCooldownReduction_postfix | "%" |
NonImbuedCooldownReduction_label | "de reducción del t. de recarga de las habilidades sin imbuir" |
CooldownReductionFlat_postfix | "s" |
CooldownReductionFlat_label | "de reducción del tiempo de recarga" |
BonusAbilityCharges_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusAbilityCharges_label | "cargas adicionales de las habilidades" |
BonusChargedAbilityDamage_label | "Charged Ability Damage" |
BonusChargedAbilityDamage_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusChargedAbilityDamage_postfix | "%" |
CooldownBetweenChargeReduction_prefix | "+" |
CooldownBetweenChargeReduction_label | "de rapidez entre cargas" |
CooldownBetweenChargeReduction_postfix | "%" |
BonusSprintSpeed_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusSprintSpeed_postfix | "m/s" |
BonusSprintSpeed_label | "de velocidad de esprint" |
SprintSpeed_postfix | "m/s" |
SprintSpeed_label | "de velocidad de esprint" |
BonusSprintSpeedPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusSprintSpeedPercent_label | "de velocidad de esprint" |
BonusSprintSpeedPercent_postfix | "%" |
BonusSuperSprintSpeed_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusSuperSprintSpeed_label | "de velocidad de esprint" |
BonusSuperSprintSpeedPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusSuperSprintSpeedPercent_postfix | "%" |
TotalHealthRegen_label | "de regeneración total de vida" |
StatusResistancePercent_postfix | "%" |
StatusResistancePercent_label | "de resistencia a desventajas" |
ActiveStatusResistancePercent_postfix | "%" |
ActiveStatusResistancePercent_label | "de reducción de desventajas" |
StatusResistanceDuration_label | "de duración" |
StatusResistanceDuration_postfix | "s" |
CleavePercentage_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
CleavePercentage_label | "Splash Amount" |
CleavePercentage_postfix | "%" |
CleaveRadius_label | "Splash Radius" |
BonusAccuracy_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusAccuracy_postfix | "%" |
BonusAccuracy_label | "Gun Accuracy" |
BonusBulletSpeedPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusBulletSpeedPercent_postfix | "%" |
BonusBulletSpeedPercent_label | "de velocidad de las balas" |
LifeStealPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
LifeStealPercent_label | "de robo de vida" |
LifeStealPercent_postfix | "%" |
LifestealPercentHero_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
LifestealPercentHero_label | "de robo de vida" |
LifestealPercentHero_postfix | "%" |
LifestealPercentNonHero_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
LifestealPercentNonHero_label | "de robo de vida contra no héroes" |
LifestealPercentNonHero_postfix | "%" |
BulletLifestealPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BulletLifestealPercent_label | "de robo de vida balístico" |
BulletLifestealPercent_postfix | "%" |
TechLifestealPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
TechLifestealPercent_label | "de robo de vida espiritual" |
TechLifestealPercent_postfix | "%" |
MeleeLifestealPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
MeleeLifestealPercent_label | "de robo de vida cuerpo a cuerpo" |
MeleeLifestealPercent_postfix | "%" |
StunDuration_label | "de aturdimiento" |
StunDuration_postfix | "s" |
StunDelay_label | "de retraso del aturdimiento" |
StunDelay_postfix | "s" |
MinStunDuration_postfix | "s" |
MinStunDuration_label | "de duración mín. del aturdimiento" |
MaxStunDuration_postfix | "s" |
MaxStunDuration_label | "de duración máx. del aturdimiento" |
MeleeDamageReduction_label | "Melee Armor" |
MeleeDamageReductionPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
MeleeDamageReductionPercent_postfix | "%" |
MeleeDamageReductionPercent_label | "Melee Armor" |
DispenserHealth_label | "Dispenser Health" |
ShotRegenTime_label | "Shot Regen Time" |
ShotRegenTime_postfix | "s" |
MaxShots_label | "Max Shots" |
PathLength_label | "de longitud del rayo" |
PathLength_postfix | "m" |
ChainCount_label | "saltos máximos" |
BonusPerChain_label | "de daño al saltar" |
RichochetChance_label | "de probabilidad de activación" |
RichochetChance_postfix | "%" |
SlowSpeedLimit_label | "Speed Reduced To" |
HealAmpReceivePercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
HealAmpReceivePercent_label | "Healing Received Boost" |
HealAmpReceivePercent_postfix | "%" |
HealAmpCastPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
HealAmpCastPercent_label | "Healing Given Boost" |
HealAmpCastPercent_postfix | "%" |
HealAmpRegenPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
HealAmpRegenPercent_label | "Health Regen Boost" |
HealAmpRegenPercent_postfix | "%" |
HealAmpRegenMultiplierOutOfCombat_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
HealAmpRegenMultiplierOutOfCombat_label | "Health Regen Multiplier" |
HealAmpRegenMultiplierOutOfCombat_postfix | "×" |
HealAmpReceivePenaltyPercent_label | "de reducción de la curación" |
HealAmpReceivePenaltyPercent_postfix | "%" |
DegenResistance_label | "de resistencia a la reducción de la curación" |
DegenResistance_postfix | "%" |
DegenResistance_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
ProcChance_label | "de probabilidad de activación" |
ProcChance_postfix | "%" |
OutgoingDamageReduction_label | "Attack Damage" |
OutgoingDamageReduction_prefix | "-" |
OutgoingDamageReduction_postfix | "%" |
ProcHealth_label | "de umbral de vida" |
ProcHealth_postfix | "%" |
DamageBoostFromBehind_label | "Damage From Behind" |
DamageBoostFromBehind_postfix | "%" |
DamageBoostElsewhere_label | "Damage From Elsewhere" |
DamageBoostElsewhere_postfix | "%" |
BonusDPSVsPlayers_label | "DPS vs Players" |
BonusDPSVsCreeps_label | "DPS vs Creeps" |
EvasionPercentGlider_label | "Evasion Chance Gliding" |
EvasionPercentGlider_postfix | "%" |
EvasionPercent_label | "de probabilidad de evasión" |
EvasionPercent_postfix | "%" |
MeleeDamagePercent_label | "Melee Damage Bonus" |
MeleeDamagePercent_postfix | "%" |
TechShieldHealth_label | "de vida del escudo espiritual" |
TempTechShieldHealth_label | "Temp Spirit Shield Health" |
TechShieldDamagePercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
TechShieldDamagePercent_label | "Spirit Shield Damage" |
TechShieldDamagePercent_postfix | "%" |
BulletShieldHealth_label | "de vida del escudo antibalas" |
TempBulletShieldHealth_label | "Temp Bullet Shield Health" |
BulletShieldDamagePercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BulletShieldDamagePercent_label | "Damage Amplification vs Bullet Shields" |
BulletShieldDamagePercent_postfix | "%" |
ShieldBlockPercent_label | "Damage Deflected" |
ShieldBlockPercent_postfix | "%" |
DamagePercent_label | "Bullet Damage Done" |
DamagePercent_postfix | "%" |
CycleTimePercent_label | "Fire Rate compared to Gun" |
CycleTimePercent_postfix | "%" |
StickyClusterCount_label | "Splits into" |
StickyClusterCount_postfix | "Sticky Grenades" |
FuseDuration_label | "Fuse Duration" |
FuseDuration_postfix | "" |
DroneCount_label | "Drone Count" |
BasicReflectPercent_label | "Basic Damage Reflect" |
BasicReflectPercent_postfix | "%" |
LifeDrainPerSecond_label | "de daño por seg." |
HealthPercent_label | "de porcentaje de vida" |
HealthPercent_postfix | "%" |
DodgeAnimSpeedScale_label | "Dodge Speed Multiplier" |
DodgeAnimSpeedScale_postfix | "×" |
BonusDamagePercent_label | "de daño adicional" |
BonusDamagePercent_postfix | "%" |
BulletDamagePercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BulletDamagePercent_label | "de daño balístico" |
BulletDamagePercent_postfix | "%" |
AbilityLifestealPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
AbilityLifestealPercent_label | "de robo de vida espiritual" |
AbilityLifestealPercent_postfix | "%" |
AbilityLifestealPercentHero_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
AbilityLifestealPercentHero_label | "de robo de vida espiritual" |
AbilityLifestealPercentHero_postfix | "%" |
AbilityLifestealPercentNonHero_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
AbilityLifestealPercentNonHero_label | "de robo de vida espiritual contra no héroes" |
AbilityLifestealPercentNonHero_postfix | "%" |
RegenDuration_label | "de duración de la regeneración" |
RegenDuration_postfix | "s" |
SpreadDuration_label | "Spread Duration:" |
SpreadDuration_postfix | "s" |
EndRadius_label | "de radio final" |
EndRadius_postfix | "m" |
BulletPercentAsBurn_label | "Bullet Damage as Burning" |
BulletPercentAsBurn_postfix | "%" |
ItemInitialCharges_label | "carga(s)" |
AuraDuration_label | "de duración del aura" |
AuraDuration_postfix | "s" |
ApproachSpeed_label | "Project Speed" |
GrenadesInVolley_label | "granadas" |
ReloadSpeedDecrease_label | "de tiempo de recarga" |
ReloadSpeedDecrease_postfix | "%" |
AbsorbPercentage_label | "de daño absorbido" |
AbsorbPercentage_postfix | "%" |
HitCap_label | "Hit Cap" |
HitCap_postfix | "hits" |
AbilityDamageReductionPerHit_label | "Ability Dmg Red Per Hit" |
AbilityDamageReductionPerHit_postfix | "%" |
ActiveAbilityDamageReduction_label | "Active Ability Dmg Red" |
ActiveAbilityDamageReduction_postfix | "%" |
BonusAttackRange_postfix | "metros" |
BonusAttackRange_label | "Weapon Range" |
BonusAttackRangePercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusAttackRangePercent_postfix | "%" |
BonusAttackRangePercent_label | "de distancia de caída del arma" |
WeaponRecoilReduction_postfix | "%" |
WeaponRecoilReduction_label | "Recoil Reduction" |
BonusDPSPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusDPSPercent_label | "de daño balístico" |
BonusDPSPercent_postfix | "%" |
DroneHealth_label | "Drone Health" |
DeployHealthRegen_label | "Deployable Health" |
TurretFireRate_label | "de cadencia de tiro de las torretas" |
TurretFireRate_prefix | "+" |
TurretFireRate_postfix | "%" |
TurretDPS_label | "de DPS de las torretas" |
MobileResupplyRegenMultiplier_label | "Mobile Resupply Regen Multiplier" |
MobileResupplyRegenMultiplier_postfix | "×" |
HealRadius_label | "de radio de curación" |
HealRadius_postfix | "m" |
BulletArmorReduction_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BulletArmorReduction_postfix | "%" |
BulletArmorReduction_label | "de resist. a balas" |
LocalBulletArmorReduction_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
LocalBulletArmorReduction_postfix | "%" |
LocalBulletArmorReduction_label | "de resist. a balas" |
LocalTechArmorReduction_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
LocalTechArmorReduction_label | "Magic Resist" |
LocalTechArmorReduction_postfix | "%" |
BulletResistOnActive_label | "de resist. a balas" |
BulletResistOnActive_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BulletResistOnActive_postfix | "%" |
WeaponPowerAmp_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
WeaponPowerAmp_label | "Courage" |
WeaponPowerWhileActivated_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
WeaponPowerWhileActivated_label | "Courage" |
FireRate_postfix | "%" |
WeaponPower_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
WeaponPower_label | "de daño del arma" |
WeaponPower_postfix | "%" |
DamageIncrease_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
DamageIncrease_label | "de daño recibido" |
DamageIncreasePercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
DamageIncreasePercent_label | "de daño recibido" |
DamageIncreasePercent_postfix | "%" |
BonusAbilitySpeed_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusAbilitySpeed_postfix | "" |
BonusAbilitySpeed_label | "Ability Move Speed" |
ReloadSpeedMultipler_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
ReloadSpeedMultipler_label | "de tiempo de recarga" |
ReloadSpeedMultipler_postfix | "%" |
HealthRegenPerTrooper_prefix | "+" |
HealthRegenPerTrooper_postfix | "por soldado cercano" |
HealthRegenPerTrooper_label | "de regeneración de vida" |
TroopersToSummon_label | "Troopers created" |
TrooperLifetime_label | "Trooper lifetime" |
TrooperLifetime_postfix | "s" |
DamagePerChain_label | "de daño eléctrico" |
SpeedMax_label | "de vel. de movimiento" |
SpeedMax_postfix | "m/s" |
MoveSpeedMax_label | "de vel. de movimiento" |
MoveSpeedMax_postfix | "m/s" |
BulletDamagePercentAsTechDamage_label | "de daño espiritual adicional" |
BulletDamagePercentAsTechDamage_postfix | "% Bullet Damage" |
BonusCritDamagePercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusCritDamagePercent_label | "Bonus Crit Damage" |
BonusCritDamagePercent_postfix | "%" |
DPSDmgPercent_label | "DPS as Damage" |
DPSDmgPercent_postfix | "%" |
DamagePerSecond_label | "de daño por seg." |
TechReduction_label | "Spirit Reduction" |
TechResistReduction_label | "Target Spirit Resist" |
TechResistReduction_prefix | "" |
TechResistReduction_postfix | "%" |
DamagePulseAmount_label | "de daño por pulsación" |
DamagePulseInterval_label | "de intervalo entre pulsaciones" |
DamagePulseInterval_postfix | "s" |
DamagePulseRadius_label | "de radio de las pulsaciones" |
DamagePulseRadius_postfix | "m" |
CloseRangeBonusDamagePercent_prefix | "+" |
CloseRangeBonusDamagePercent_label | "de daño del arma" |
CloseRangeBonusDamagePercent_postfix | "%" |
CloseRangeBonusDamageRange_label | "de corto alcance" |
CloseRangeBonusDamageRange_postfix | "m" |
CloseRangeBonusWeaponPower_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
CloseRangeBonusWeaponPower_label | "de daño del arma" |
CloseRangeBonusWeaponPower_postfix | "%" |
CloseRangeBonusWeaponPower_conditional | "dentro del alcance" |
BonusSpirit_conditional | "tras la activación" |
AboveHealthThreshold_conditional | "sobre el umbral de vida" |
BelowHealthThreshold_conditional | "bajo el umbral de vida" |
DashJump_conditional | "tras un salto con impulso" |
EnemyAboveHealthThreshold_conditional | "Enemy above health threshold" |
Quicksilver_conditional | "tras usar una habilidad" |
SpiritStrike_conditional | "tras un ataque cuerpo a cuerpo certero" |
LongRangeBonusWeaponPowerMinRange_label | "de distancia mínima" |
LongRangeBonusWeaponPowerMinRange_postfix | "m" |
LongRangeBonusWeaponPower_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
LongRangeBonusWeaponPower_label | "de daño del arma" |
LongRangeBonusWeaponPower_postfix | "%" |
LongRangeBonusWeaponPower_conditional | "por encima del alcance" |
TechRangeMultiplier_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
TechRangeMultiplier_label | "de alcance de las habilidades" |
TechRangeMultiplier_postfix | "%" |
ImbuedTechRangeMultiplier_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
ImbuedTechRangeMultiplier_label | "de alcance de las hab. imbuidas" |
ImbuedTechRangeMultiplier_postfix | "%" |
NonImbuedTechRangeMultiplier_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
NonImbuedTechRangeMultiplier_label | "de alcance de las hab. sin imbuir" |
NonImbuedTechRangeMultiplier_postfix | "%" |
ThrowRange_label | "Throw Range" |
ThrowRange_postfix | "m" |
TechRadiusMultiplier_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
TechRadiusMultiplier_label | "de radio" |
TechRadiusMultiplier_postfix | "%" |
ImbuedTechRadiusMultiplier_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
ImbuedTechRadiusMultiplier_label | "Imbued Radius" |
ImbuedTechRadiusMultiplier_postfix | "%" |
NonImbuedTechRadiusMultiplier_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
NonImbuedTechRadiusMultiplier_label | "Non-Imbued Radius" |
NonImbuedTechRadiusMultiplier_postfix | "%" |
TechRangeAdditive_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
TechRangeAdditive_label | "de alcance de las habilidades" |
TechRangeAdditive_postfix | "m" |
WindUpTime_label | "Windup Time" |
WindUpTime_postfix | "s" |
HealthDrainedPerSecond_label | "Health Drain" |
HealthDrainedPerSecond_postfix | "por segundo" |
DebuffDurationReductionPercentage_label | "de reducción de la duración de la desventaja" |
DebuffDurationReductionPercentage_postfix | "%" |
HealthCost_label | "Health Cost" |
ZipLineSpeedPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
ZipLineSpeedPercent_label | "Hyperline Speed" |
ZipLineSpeedPercent_postfix | "%" |
ZiplineJumpBonusDuration_label | "Jump Off Duration" |
ZiplineJumpBonusDuration_postfix | "s" |
ZiplineJumpBonusMoveSpeed_label | "Jump Off Speed Bonus" |
ZiplineJumpBonusMoveSpeed_postfix | "m/s" |
BonusZipLineSpeed_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusZipLineSpeed_label | "Hyperline Speed" |
MaxProjectiles_label | "proyectiles" |
DeathDelay_label | "Delay Death Duration" |
TackleDurationMax_label | "Max Tackle Duration" |
MoveSpeedBonus_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
MoveSpeedBonus_label | "de vel. de movimiento" |
MoveSpeedBonus_postfix | "m/s" |
MoveSpeedFriendlyBuff_prefix | "" |
MoveSpeedFriendlyBuff_label | "Ally Move Speed" |
MoveSpeedFriendlyBuff_postfix | "m/s" |
ProcBuildupPercent_label | "Proc Buildup" |
ProcBuildupPercent_postfix | "%" |
AwakenDamage_label | "Awaken Damage" |
LockOnTime_label | "Lock On Time" |
LockOnTime_postfix | "segundos" |
StalkDuration_label | "Stalk Time" |
StalkDuration_postfix | "segundos" |
MaxStacks_label | "acumulaciones máximas" |
TimeToMaxStacks_label | "Time To Max Stacks" |
TimeToMaxStacks_postfix | "s" |
DamagePerHit_label | "Damage Per Hit" |
FinalBlow_label | "Final Blow Damage" |
DamageThreshold_label | "de umbral de daño" |
DamageReduction_label | "de reducción del daño" |
DamageReduction_postfix | "%" |
MeleeDamage_label | "de daño cuerpo a cuerpo" |
ConvertedHealth_label | "Trooper Health" |
SilenceDuration_label | "de duración del silencio" |
SilenceDuration_postfix | "segundos" |
Range_postfix | "m" |
Range_label | "de alcance" |
MinRange_label | "de alcance mínimo" |
MinRange_postfix | "m" |
ConeRadius_label | "Lightning Distance" |
ConeRadius_postfix | "m" |
ConeAngle_label | "de ángulo del cono" |
ConeAngle_postfix | "grados" |
ShockRadius_label | "de radio" |
ShockRadius_postfix | "m" |
KnockDownRadius_label | "Knockdown Radius" |
KnockDownRadius_postfix | "m" |
BurnDuration_postfix | "s" |
BurnDuration_label | "de duración de la quemadura" |
AbilityCooldown_postfix | "s" |
AbilityCooldown_label | "de tiempo de recarga" |
TechCooldown_postfix | "%" |
TechDuration_postfix | "%" |
TechLifesteal_postfix | "%" |
TechRange_postfix | "%" |
HealingPercent_label | "de porcentaje de curación" |
HealingPercent_postfix | "%" |
AbilityCooldownBetweenCharge_label | "de retraso de la carga" |
AbilityCooldownBetweenCharge_postfix | "s" |
AbilityDuration_postfix | "s" |
AbilityDuration_label | "de duración" |
TetherDuration_postfix | "s" |
TetherDuration_label | "Tether Duration" |
TetherRadius_postfix | "m" |
TetherRadius_label | "Tether Radius" |
AbilityCastRange_postfix | "m" |
AbilityCastRange_label | "de alcance de lanzamiento" |
AbilityCastRangeMinimum_postfix | "m" |
AbilityCastRangeMinimum_label | "Range Minimum" |
AbilityChannelTime_postfix | "s" |
AbilityChannelTime_label | "de duración de la canalización" |
AbilityCastDelay_postfix | "s" |
AbilityCastDelay_label | "de retraso del lanzamiento" |
AbilityCharges_label | "carga(s)" |
BonusAbilityDurationPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusAbilityDurationPercent_label | "de duración de las habilidades" |
BonusAbilityDurationPercent_postfix | "%" |
NonImbuedBonusDuration_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
NonImbuedBonusDuration_label | "de duración de las habilidades sin imbuir" |
NonImbuedBonusDuration_postfix | "%" |
ImbuedBonusDuration_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
ImbuedBonusDuration_label | "de duración de las habilidades imbuidas" |
ImbuedBonusDuration_postfix | "%" |
MissCooldown_postfix | "s" |
MissCooldown_label | "Cooldown on miss" |
ShockDelay_label | "de retraso antes de aturdir" |
ShockDelay_postfix | "s" |
ArmTime_label | "de tiempo para armar" |
ArmTime_postfix | "s" |
ExplodeDelay_label | "de retraso de la explosión" |
ExplodeDelay_postfix | "s" |
BuildUpPercentPerHit_label | "de acum. por impacto" |
BuildUpPercentPerHit_postfix | "%" |
FreezeBuildUpTime_label | "Freeze buildup time" |
FreezeBuildUpTime_postfix | "s" |
CritStackInterval_label | "Crit Charge Delay" |
CritStackInterval_postfix | "s" |
TurretLifetime_label | "de duración" |
TurretLifetime_postfix | "s" |
CritCoatingDamagePercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
CritCoatingDamagePercent_label | "Crit Coating Crit Bonus" |
CritCoatingDamagePercent_postfix | "%" |
ExplosionCoatingRadius_label | "Explosion Coating Radius" |
ExplosionCoatingRadius_postfix | "m" |
SlowCoatingProcChance_label | "Slowing Coating Chance" |
SlowCoatingProcChance_postfix | "%" |
SlowCoatingMoveSpeed_label | "Slowing Coating Slow Amount" |
SlowCoatingMoveSpeed_postfix | "%" |
SlowCoatingDuration_label | "Slowing Coating Slow Duration" |
SlowCoatingDuration_postfix | "" |
MaxLifetime_label | "de duración" |
MaxLifetime_postfix | "s" |
ZipLineArrowLifetime_label | "Arrow Flight Time" |
ZipLineArrowLifetime_postfix | "" |
DamageTakenPercentIncreasePerStack_label | "Damage Increase Per Stack" |
DamageTakenPercentIncreasePerStack_postfix | "%" |
ShotsFired_label | "Shots fired" |
ShotsFired_postfix | "" |
TimeBetweenShots_label | "Time between shots" |
TimeBetweenShots_postfix | "" |
DroneDPS_label | "Drone Damage" |
DroneDPS_postfix | "DPS" |
DistanceBuff_postfix | "%" |
DistanceBuff_label | "Increase at Max Range" |
FullDistance_label | "Max Range:" |
FullDistance_postfix | "m" |
ProcDamage_label | "de daño espiritual" |
BaseDamagePct_label | "Bonus Spirit Amp" |
BaseDamagePct_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BaseDamagePct_postfix | "%" |
TargetsPerTick_label | "objetivo(s) por disparo" |
HealthToDamage_label | "de vida como daño" |
DamageHealPerTarget_label | "de daño/curación por objetivo" |
DeathTaxHeal_label | "Health Per Kill" |
ChainRadius_label | "de radio del salto" |
ChainRadius_postfix | "m" |
LaunchDamage_postfix | "" |
LaunchDamage_label | "Knockback Damage" |
ImpaleDamage_postfix | "" |
ImpaleDamage_label | "Impale Damage" |
ImpaleDuration_label | "Impale Duration" |
ImpaleDuration_postfix | "s" |
ExplosionRadius_label | "de radio de la explosión" |
ExplosionRadius_postfix | "m" |
MinExplosionRadius_label | "de radio mínimo de la explosión" |
MinExplosionRadius_postfix | "m" |
MaxExplosionRadius_label | "de radio máx. de la explosión" |
MaxExplosionRadius_postfix | "m" |
ExplosionDamage_label | "de daño de la explosión" |
MinExplosionDamage_label | "Min Explosion Damage:" |
MinExplosionDamage_postfix | "" |
ExplosionMinPercent_label | "Min Explosion Damage:" |
ExplosionMinPercent_postfix | "%" |
ExplosionMaxPercent_label | "Max Explosion Damage:" |
ExplosionMaxPercent_postfix | "%" |
EMPBuildupPercentPerShot_label | "Silence Charge Per Shot" |
EMPBuildupPercentPerShot_postfix | "%" |
InvisFadeToDuration_label | "de desvanecimiento" |
InvisFadeToDuration_postfix | "s" |
InvisMoveSpeedMod_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
InvisMoveSpeedMod_postfix | "m/s" |
InvisMoveSpeedMod_label | "de vel. de esprint invisible" |
MeleeAttackLength_label | "Melee Range" |
MeleeAttackLength_postfix | "m" |
ArmingDuration_label | "para armarse" |
ArmingDuration_postfix | "s" |
AirJumpVerticalSpeedPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
AirJumpVerticalSpeedPercent_label | "Air Jump Vertical Speed" |
AirJumpVerticalSpeedPercent_postfix | "%" |
InteruptCooldown_label | "Interrupt Cooldown" |
InteruptCooldown_postfix | "" |
ReflectDamage_label | "Bullet Reflect Damage" |
ReflectDamage_postfix | "%" |
ImmobilizeDuration_label | "de inmovilización" |
ImmobilizeDuration_postfix | "s" |
AirControlPercent_label | "de control aéreo" |
AirControlPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
AirControlPercent_postfix | "%" |
HeadStompBonusDamage_label | "Head Stomp Damage Bonus" |
HeadStompBonusDamage_postfix | "" |
HeadStompBonusRadius_label | "Head Stomp Radius Bonus" |
HeadStompBonusRadius_postfix | "" |
BouncePadStompCount_label | "Max Head Stomps" |
NPCProcChance_label | "de probabilidad de activación de soldados" |
NPCProcChance_postfix | "%" |
HeroProcChance_label | "de probabilidad de activación del héroe" |
HeroProcChance_postfix | "%" |
AbilityProjectileSpeedPercent_label | "Speed Increase" |
AbilityProjectileSpeedPercent_postfix | "%" |
TechCleaveDamagePercent_label | "de daño por hendidura" |
TechCleaveDamagePercent_postfix | "%" |
TechCleaveTargetCap_label | "objetivos adicionales" |
TechCleaveTargetCap_postfix | "" |
TechCleaveRadius_label | "de radio de hendidura" |
TechCleaveRadius_postfix | "m" |
InitialRadius_label | "de radio inicial" |
InitialRadius_postfix | "m" |
BlurVisionRange_label | "Blur Vision Range" |
BlurVisionRange_postfix | "m" |
ExplosiveShotRadiusPercent_label | "Explosive Shot Radius Increase" |
ExplosiveShotRadiusPercent_postfix | "%" |
TechPowerPerCharge_label | "Spirit per Charge" |
FireRatePerCharge_label | "Fire Rate per Charge" |
FireRatePerCharge_postfix | "%" |
ChargeDuration_label | "Charge Duration" |
ChargeDuration_postfix | "s" |
MaxCharges_label | "Max Charges" |
ExtraBladeDamage_label | "Extra Damage per Charge" |
WaveStunDuration_label | "Disarm/EMP Duration" |
WaveStunDuration_postfix | "s" |
WaveLifetime_label | "de duración de los proyectiles" |
WaveLifetime_postfix | "s" |
LockedRadius_label | "Chain Length" |
LockedRadius_postfix | "m" |
BoostDuration_label | "Ally Move Speed Duration" |
BoostDuration_postfix | "s" |
ShieldPercentage_label | "Shield Max Health %" |
ShieldPercentage_postfix | "% de vida máxima" |
ShieldDuration_label | "de duración del escudo" |
ShieldDuration_postfix | "s" |
SlowRadius_label | "de radio de ralentización" |
SlowRadius_postfix | "m" |
SmokeDuration_label | "Smoke Duration" |
SmokeDuration_postfix | "s" |
SmokeRadius_label | "Smoke Radius" |
SmokeRadius_postfix | "m" |
ChainDuration_label | "de duración de la atadura" |
ChainDuration_postfix | "s" |
InfectDuration_label | "Infect Duration" |
InfectDuration_postfix | "s" |
CloudDuration_label | "Cloud Lifetime" |
CloudDuration_postfix | "s" |
TimeSlowPercent_label | "de ralentización del tiempo" |
TimeSlowPercent_postfix | "%" |
CombatRegenPercent_label | "Health Regen in Combat" |
CombatRegenPercent_postfix | "%" |
AttackPower_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
AttackPower_postfix | "" |
AttackPower_label | "Attack Power" |
AbilityPower_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
AbilityPower_postfix | "" |
AbilityPower_label | "Ability Power" |
DefensePower_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
DefensePower_postfix | "" |
DefensePower_label | "Defense Power" |
InfectionBonusDPS_prefix | "" |
InfectionBonusDPS_postfix | "" |
InfectionBonusDPS_label | "Infection Bonus DPS" |
DecoyLifetime_prefix | "" |
DecoyLifetime_postfix | "s" |
Health_label | "de vida" |
Grenades_label | "Extra Bombs" |
SearchRadius_label | "Search Radius" |
SearchRadius_postfix | "m" |
GrenadesPerVolley_label | "Bombs Per Volley" |
BulletArmorPenetration_label | "Target Bullet Resist" |
BulletArmorPenetration_postfix | "" |
RampDuration_label | "Ramp Duration" |
RampDuration_postfix | "s" |
EndDuration_label | "Final Duration" |
EndDuration_postfix | "s" |
FinalSlow_label | "Slowest Speed" |
FinalSlow_postfix | "m/s" |
WeaponPowerPerStack_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
WeaponPowerPerStack_label | "de daño del arma por acumulación" |
WeaponPowerPerStack_postfix | "%" |
DamageToStack_label | "de daño recibido para cada acumulación" |
DamageDuration_label | "de duración" |
DamageDuration_postfix | "s" |
RegenWhileInvisible_label | "de regeneración de vida durante la invisibilidad" |
RegenWhileInvisible_prefix | "+" |
DamageRadius_label | "de radio de daño" |
DamageRadius_postfix | "m" |
RestoreDelay_label | "Restore Delay" |
RestoreDelay_postfix | "s" |
RegenerationRate_label | "Restore Time" |
RegenerationRate_postfix | "s" |
BulletShieldMaxHealth_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BulletShieldMaxHealth_label | "de vida del escudo antibalas" |
TechShieldMaxHealth_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
TechShieldMaxHealth_label | "de vida del escudo espiritual" |
ActiveBulletShieldMaxHealth_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
ActiveBulletShieldMaxHealth_label | "de vida del escudo antibalas" |
WeaponPowerPerKill_label | "de daño del arma por víctima" |
WeaponPowerPerKill_prefix | "+" |
WeaponPowerPerKill_postfix | "%" |
WeaponPowerPerAssist_label | "Courage per Assist" |
WeaponPowerPerDeath_label | "Courage per Death" |
BonusZoomPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusZoomPercent_label | "de ampliación de la mira" |
BonusZoomPercent_postfix | "%" |
MaxDPS_label | "de DPS máximo" |
DamageOnHit_label | "Damage on Hit" |
ProcCooldown_label | "de frecuencia máxima" |
ProcCooldown_postfix | "s" |
WeaponPowerPerEnemy_label | "Courage per Enemy" |
WeaponPowerPerEnemy_prefix | "+" |
FireRatePerEnemy_label | "Fire Rate per Enemy" |
FireRatePerEnemy_prefix | "+" |
FireRatePerEnemy_postfix | "%" |
AssaultDuration_label | "Air Attack Duration" |
AssaultDuration_postfix | "s" |
AssaultFireRate_label | "Air Attack Fire Rate" |
AssaultFireRate_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
AssaultFireRate_postfix | "%" |
ActiveHealthRegen_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
ActiveHealthRegen_label | "de regeneración de vida" |
ActiveHealthRegen_postfix | "de vida/s" |
ActiveBonusFireRate_label | "de cadencia de tiro" |
ActiveBonusFireRate_postfix | "%" |
SurgeDelay_label | "de retraso" |
SurgeDelay_postfix | "s" |
upgrade_fervor/modifier_fervor/modifier_fervor_damage_stack | "Fervor Stack" |
upgrade_fervor/modifier_fervor/modifier_fervor_bonuses | "Enrage Bonuses" |
FervorMovespeed_label | "de vel. de movimiento" |
FervorMovespeed_postfix | "m/s" |
FervorFireRate_label | "de cadencia de tiro" |
FervorFireRate_postfix | "%" |
FervorDebuffResistance_label | "Enrage Debuff Resistance" |
FervorDebuffResistance_postfix | "%" |
FervorTechResist_label | "de resist. espiritual" |
PassiveFireRate_label | "de cadencia de tiro" |
PassiveFireRate_postfix | "%" |
TechDamagePercent_Label | "de daño" |
TechDamagePercent_Postfix | "%" |
DelayDuration_Label | "de duración del retraso" |
DelayDuration_Postfix | "s" |
MinimumDamage_Label | "Minimum Damage" |
EMPDuration_label | "de duración de la desventaja" |
EMPDuration_postfix | "s" |
BonusBulletDamageToEMPTargets_label | "Bullet Damage to Silenced targets" |
BonusBulletDamageToEMPTargets_prefix | "+" |
BonusBulletDamageToEMPTargets_postfix | "%" |
modifier_silencer_proc_active | "SILENCIADOR" |
BulletDamageReflectedPct_label | "de daño balístico devuelto" |
BulletDamageReflectedPct_postfix | "%" |
SpiritDamageReflectedPct_label | "de daño espiritual devuelto" |
SpiritDamageReflectedPct_postfix | "%" |
DamageReflectedFrequencyPct_label | "de probabilidad de activación" |
DamageReflectedFrequencyPct_postfix | "%" |
modifier_armor_reactive_armor | "Fuego devuelto" |
RespawnBonusHealth_label | "Respawn Bonus Health" |
RespawnBonusHealthDuration_label | "Respawn Bonus Health Duration" |
RespawnBonusHealthDuration_postfix | "s" |
upgrade_rebirth/respawn_bonus_health_modifier | "Rebirth Bonus Health" |
DeathImmunityDuration_label | "Death Immunity Duration" |
DeathImmunityDuration_postfix | "s" |
DeathImmunityPulseRateMultiplier_label | "Pulse Rate" |
DeathImmunityPulseRateMultiplier_postfix | "×" |
modifier_cheat_death_immunity | "Death Immune" |
StasisRadius_label | "de radio" |
StasisRadius_postfix | "m" |
upgrade_quarantine/modifier_citadel_quarantine | "Quarantined" |
HealPercentAmount_label | "de curación" |
HealPercentAmount_postfix | "%" |
Stamina_label | "de aguante" |
Stamina_prefix | "+" |
StaminaCooldownReduction_prefix | "+" |
StaminaCooldownReduction_label | "de recuperación del aguante" |
StaminaCooldownReduction_postfix | "%" |
ActiveHealthChange_label | "Health Steal" |
ActiveHealthChange_postfix | "de vida" |
ActiveWeaponDamageChange_label | "Weapon Damage Steal" |
ActiveWeaponDamageChange_postfix | "%" |
modifier_upgrade_siphon_buff | "Siphon" |
modifier_upgrade_siphon_debuff | "Vida robada" |
SiphonRadius_label | "Activate Radius" |
SiphonRadius_postfix | "m" |
TechResistDuration_label | "de duración" |
TechResistDuration_postfix | "s" |
BleedTechResist_label | "de resist. espiritual" |
BleedTechResist_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BleedTechResist_postfix | "%" |
StackProcDamage_label | "Burst Damage" |
StackDuration_label | "de duración de la acumulación" |
StackDuration_postfix | "s" |
HeadShotBonusDamage_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
HeadShotBonusDamage_label | "de daño extra por disp. a la cabeza" |
HeadShotDebuffDuration_label | "de duración" |
HeadShotDebuffDuration_postfix | "s" |
HeadShotCooldown_label | "de tiempo de recarga" |
HeadShotCooldown_postfix | "s" |
upgrade_leveler/headshot_cooldown_modifier | "Head Shot Bonus Cooldown" |
ActiveChainDuration_label | "Tether Duration" |
ActiveChainDuration_postfix | "s" |
ActiveBulletArmorReduction_label | "de reducción de la resistencia a balas" |
modifier_galvanic_storm | "Galvanic Storm" |
BuildupPerProc_label | "Buildup on Shock" |
BuildupPerProc_postfix | "%" |
BuildupDamage_label | "Damage on Buildup" |
ShockBuildupDuration_label | "Shock Buildup Lifetime" |
ShockBuildupDuration_postfix | "s" |
GalvanicProcDuration_label | "de duración de la ralentización" |
GalvanicProcDuration_postfix | "s" |
FireRateSlow_label | "menos de cadencia de tiro" |
FireRateSlow_postfix | "%" |
SlowFireRatePercent_label | "Fire Rate Scale" |
SlowFireRatePercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
SlowFireRatePercent_postfix | "%" |
FireRateScale_label | "Fire Rate Scale" |
FireRateScale_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
FireRateScale_postfix | "%" |
ActiveHealAmount_label | "Self Heal" |
ActiveHealAmount_postfix | "HP" |
BonusDamagePerHero_label | "Bonus Damage Per Hero" |
BonusDamagePerHero_postfix | "%" |
DebuffDelay_label | "Debuff Delay" |
DebuffDelay_postfix | "s" |
ArmorLossPerHit_label | "Resist lost per Hit" |
ArmorLossPerHit_postfix | "%" |
StackLossFrequency_label | "Resist Loss Frequency" |
StackLossFrequency_postfix | "s" |
MaxBulletResist_label | "de resistencia máxima a balas" |
MaxBulletResist_postfix | "%" |
upgrade_berserker/modifier_berserker/modifier_berserker_damage_stack | "Berserker" |
berserker_stack | "Berserker" |
WeaponDamageBonus_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
WeaponDamageBonus_label | "de daño del arma" |
TechDamageBonusPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
TechDamageBonusPercent_label | "de daño espiritual" |
TechDamageBonusPercent_postfix | "%" |
SuperiorStaminaBonusSpirit_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
SuperiorStaminaBonusSpirit_label | "Spirit Power After Second Jump/Dash" |
EchoShardBonusSpirit_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
EchoShardBonusSpirit_label | "Spirit Power for Echo Ability" |
BonusSpirit_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusSpirit_label | "de poder espiritual" |
modifier_power_shard_bonus | "Echo Boost" |
BonusDuration_label | "Bonus Duration" |
BonusDuration_postfix | "s" |
superior_stamina_buff | "Bonus Spirit Power" |
HighGroundBonusWeaponPower_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
HighGroundBonusWeaponPower_label | "Weapon Damage When Above Enemies" |
HighGroundBonusWeaponPower_postfix | "%" |
BonusBaseWeaponDamage_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusBaseWeaponDamage_label | "de daño del arma" |
BonusBaseWeaponDamage_postfix | "%" |
BaseAttackDamagePercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BaseAttackDamagePercent_label | "de daño del arma" |
BaseAttackDamagePercent_postfix | "%" |
ImbuedTechPower_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
ImbuedTechPower_label | "de poder espiritual de la habilidad imbuida" |
MovementSpeedBonusDuration_label | "de duración de la velocidad de movimiento" |
MovementSpeedBonusDuration_postfix | "s" |
EnemyLifeThreshold_label | "Threshold" |
EnemyLifeThreshold_postfix | "%" |
CloneDamageTakenIncreasePercent_label | "Clone Damage Taken" |
CloneDamageTakenIncreasePercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
CloneDamageTakenIncreasePercent_postfix | "%" |
ability_abort_cast | "Cancelar" |
ability_cancel_channel | "Finalizar canalización" |
citadel_ability_lightning_dodge | "Lightning Roll" |
citadel_ability_lightning_dodge_passive | "Lightning Roll" |
citadel_ability_basicdamagereflect | "Reflect Basic Damage" |
citadel_ability_bullet_damage_amp_wall | "Bullet Damage Amp Wall" |
modifier_limit_ability_cooldown | "Quick Cooldowns" |
ability_golden_idol | "Drop Soul Urn" |
golden_idol_bonus_01 | "+25 % de almas adicionales" |
golden_idol_bonus_02 | "+1 punto de habilidad" |
ability_capture_zip_line | "Capture Hyperline" |
modifier_citadel_capture_zipline_timer | "Capturing Hyperline" |
modifier_citadel_containment_victim | "Containment" |
modifier_hollow_point_stack | "Bala de punta hueca" |
LifeThreshold_label | "Life Threshold" |
LifeThreshold_postfix | "%" |
Cloaked | "Cloaked" |
zipline_boost | "Vía rápida acelerada" |
ActiveTechPower_label | "de poder espiritual" |
ActiveTechPower_prefix | "+" |
ActiveBulletShieldHealth_label | "Active Shield Health" |
ActiveBulletShieldDuration_label | "Active Shield Duration" |
ActiveBulletShieldDuration_postfix | "s" |
PassiveShieldCooldown_label | "de tiempo de recarga" |
PassiveShieldCooldown_postfix | "s" |
active_bullet_shield | "de escudo antibalas" |
SlamDownRadius_label | "Slam Radius" |
SlamDownRadius_postfix | "m" |
StealDuration_label | "de duración del robo" |
StealDuration_postfix | "s" |
VeilCross_conditional | "Cruzar un velo cósmico" |
modifier_veil_walker_triggered | "Cadencia de tiro del velo" |
modifier_veil_walker_stealth | "Invisibilidad del caminante del velo" |
InvisDuration_label | "de duración de la invisibilidad" |
InvisDuration_postfix | "s" |
SlideScale_label | "de distancia de deslizamiento" |
SlideScale_postfix | "%" |
SlideScale_prefix | "+" |
AirMoveIncreasePercent_label | "de dist. de salto/impulso en el aire" |
AirMoveIncreasePercent_postfix | "%" |
AirMoveIncreasePercent_prefix | "+" |
ActiveReloadPercent_label | "de munición" |
ActiveReloadPercent_postfix | "%" |
ActiveReloadPercent_prefix | "+" |
RespawnHealthPercent_label | "de vida al renacer" |
RespawnHealthPercent_postfix | "%" |
ActiveBonusMoveSpeed_label | "de vel. de movimiento" |
ActiveBonusMoveSpeed_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
ActiveBonusMoveSpeed_postfix | "m/s" |
ActiveItemUse_conditional | "mientras esté activo" |
BuffMoveSpeedBonus_label | "de vel. de movimiento" |
BuffMoveSpeedBonus_postfix | "m/s" |
BuffMoveSpeedBonus_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
ChannelMoveSpeed_label | "Channel Move Speed" |
ChannelMoveSpeed_postfx | "m/s" |
ChannelMoveSpeed_prefix | "" |
BulletShieldOnCast_label | "de escudo antibalas" |
TechShieldOnCast_label | "de escudo espiritual" |
BulletShieldDuration_label | "Bullet Shield Duration" |
BulletShieldDuration_postfix | "s" |
BloodPoolDPS_label | "Blood Pool DPS" |
BloodPoolDuration_label | "Blood Pool Duration" |
BloodPoolDuration_postfix | "s" |
BloodPoolRadius_label | "Blood Pool Radius" |
BloodPoolRadius_postfix | "m" |
LowHealthThreshold_label | "Health Threshold" |
LowHealthThreshold_postfix | "%" |
LowHealthTechResist_label | "de resist. espiritual" |
LowHealthTechResist_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
LowHealthWeaponPowerPercent_label | "Courage" |
LowHealthWeaponPowerPercent_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
LowHealthWeaponPowerPercent_postfix | "%" |
BuildupDuration_label | "de disminución de la acumulación" |
BuildupDuration_postfix | "s" |
BuildupExpire_label | "Buildup Expire" |
BuildupExpire_postfix | "s" |
BuildupDecayDelay_label | "Buildup Decay Delay" |
BuildupDecayDelay_postfix | "s" |
BuildupRate_label | "Buildup Per Shot" |
BuildupRate_postfix | "" |
BuildupPerShot_label | "de acum. por impacto" |
BuildupPerShot_postfix | "%" |
StacksPerShot_label | "Stacks Per Shot" |
DamageOnApply_label | "Damage On Apply" |
citadel_modifier_teleport | "Teletransportándose" |
MaxHealthLossPercent_label | "de vida máxima" |
MaxHealthLossPercent_postfix | "%" |
BonusClipPerKill_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusClipPerKill_label | "de munición adicional por víctima" |
BonusSpiritPerKill_prefix | "{s:sign}" |
BonusSpiritPerKill_label | "Bonus Spirit Power Per Kill" |
MaxClipBonus_label | "Max Clip Bonus" |
SummonDuration_label | "de duración de la invocación" |
SummonDuration_postfix | "s" |