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Revision as of 02:13, 15 September 2024 by Sur (talk | contribs) (and not 0.)
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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:TableGenerator/doc

local p = {}

--<table class="wikitable">
--{{#invoke: TableGenerator | generateHtmlTable | cols=3 | onlyBody=true | cell_values=Item 1, Item 20, Item 3, Item 40, Item 5 }}

-- Creates:
-- Item 1, Item 20, Item 3
-- Item 40, Item 5
function p.generateHtmlTable(frame)
    -- Get the arguments passed to the template
    local args = frame.args
    local cols = tonumber(args['cols']) or 3  -- Default number of columns is 3
    local onlyBody = args['onlyBody'] == 'true'  -- Check if onlyBody is set to true
    local cell_values = args['cell_values'] or ""  -- Get the cell values argument
    local values = {}  -- Table to hold the individual cell values
    -- Split the cell_values string by commas
    for value in cell_values:gmatch("[^,]+") do
        table.insert(values, value:match("^%s*(.-)%s*$"))  -- Trim whitespace
    -- Initialize the HTML table structure
    local result = ''
    if not onlyBody then
        result = result .. '<table class="wikitable">\n'
    local count = 0
    for i, value in ipairs(values) do
        -- If it's the start of a new row
        if count % cols == 0 then
            if count > 0 then
                result = result .. '  </tr>\n'
            result = result .. '  <tr>\n'

        -- If the value contains a " 0 " then it will be colored slightly darker
        local class = ''
        if value:find("0") and not value:find("0.") then
            class = ' class="darker"'

        -- Add the value as a table cell with the appropriate class
        result = result .. '    <td' .. class .. '>' .. value .. '</td>\n'
        count = count + 1
    -- Close the last row if necessary
    if count % cols ~= 0 then
        result = result .. '  </tr>\n'

    if not onlyBody then
        result = result .. '</table>'

    return result

return p